marsdaproship · 1 year
intro post
hi my name is mars! this is my proship tumblr, in this blog you will have two hosts
me Mars
(other alters might post )
lets start with my intro
My name is Mars and I am 18 years old
My pronouns are any but she/her prefered~
im genderfluid and identify as pansexual polyamorous
Mars is only a nickname and not my real name lol
Im an extrovert! im also autistic.
I am the main host
Me and nathan are part of a DID system (the same one)
as for nathan (copy and pasting it)
My names Nathan but call me nate, im 23
my pronouns are he/him idc about she/her
i consider myself cisgender and my sexuality is none of your buisness unless im close to you or we are buddies
im a ambivert
i am your secondary host
in this blog youll know about some of our favourite proships. We will also do positivity and as soon as one of us are on well do small annoucements.
DNF : Antis ,, homophobes,, transphobes,, ableists ,, under 15
ATF : more than 40 (if not an alter) ,, under 17 but higher than 14 (15,16)
OK to follow : proships ,, selfships ,, 17-39 ,, DID systems ,, queers and neurodivergent people (this will be updated )
Others socials:
@mars_proship_palace on aethy
Feel free to send asks
<3 -Mars and Nate
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System end tags
-Mars rambles
-Mars positivity reblog
f/o tags:
-Jerome and Jeremiah
Normal: Nathan.txt
(thats it i think)
normal tag: Jeff.ex.e
Stuff i like n more: jeff coded
TW: jeff gives u a warning
I will almost never post on here, I have my own blog. @jeffrey1994d
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#17; #18/ 14 days of cupid/ Damian Wayne
#17 “Never in a million years would I touch you, Not even with a 2 foot stick.”
#18 “ I never thought you were the romantic type…. I still definitely don’t.”
Jason, like a brother to you, had invited you over to the manor for Valentine’s day. He knew you were dreading the couple powered holiday to no end, being single yourself.
But this invite had a hidden purpose. Everyone and their mothers knew that you and Damian had a thing for eachother, but Damian’s pride and your shyness were getting in the way. So here you were, sitting on the couch, Jason in between you and Damian. 
“Come on Damian, Give y/n a hug for Valentines day!” Jason pleaded. Tim and Dick smirking from the other couch. Damian grumbled,  “Never in a million years would I touch you, Not even with a 2 foot stick.”  He pointed at me, causing me to focus back on the TV.  “ I never thought you were the romantic type…. I still definitely don’t.” You mumble under your breath, hoping that no one heard you. But all eyes were on you. “Excuse me?” Damian sneers. “You both obviously like each other and this is literally painful to witness.” Dick sighs.
“How would you know that Grayson?” Dami asks.
“She literally blushes when you breath near her.” He answered
“Is that so?” Damian asks, looking back towards you, observing the deep blush on your face .
“Would you like to go on a date?” He finally asks after a long silence, shock covering your face. “Y-yes?” You answer, cheers of the boys filling the room. “If you fuck up Damian, I will murder you.” Jason sternly warns, earning a giggle from you and a smirk from Dami.
“I’d like to see you try Todd”
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tellyupdate · 7 years
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O’bros in love with Singhania sister’s episode 14 Episode 14Doc chks Anika…. She sees the L.B on Anika’s hand and on Shivaay’s neck…
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marsdaproship · 8 months
For the ask game: ❤️💚💌
❤️:is your current f/o your “first love”, or does that title belong to another or even an ex f/o?
it does belong to an ex f/o (ryota suzui)
💚:does your romantic f/o ever get jealous of other people interacting with you? If so, who are some of the people / what are the type of people they get jealous of
for jerome he does get jealous of pretty much everyone I interact with and who does with me
for jeremiah he says he isnt jealous but he is of the people he thinks could have me. He was very jealous (and still is) of my ex girlfriend and f*ck friend whom im only friends with now
the doctor is not jealous much at all and if he is he never shows it to me. I dont think I ever saw him jealous
💌:Has your f/o ever sent you a love letter? If so, how did you respond?
Jerome and Jeremiah never have but Jeremiah does give me a lot of maze drawings or talks about ideas to me a lot so I dont know if those count?
the doctor has sent me a love letter, it was filled of him saying he loved me was proud of me and missed me to which I responded with the same thing and many compliments with how much of a good lover he is
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#93/ 14 days of cupid/ Damian Wayne
#93  Person C asks Person A for a valentine’s date in front of Person B to make Person B jealous and get them to admit their feelings for Person A.
Jon knew that Damian had feelings with you. He noticed Damians change in behavior every time you were around with ease. Jon also knew that you were absolutely in love with the guy. Jon was getting annoyed and took matters in his own hands.
Damian and Jon were hanging out in the Gotham park, as they usually did, when suddenly Damian saw you from the corner of his eye. “Why’s y/n here?” He asks his friend, Jon smiled widely. “I invited her.” 
“Hi Jon, Hey Damian,” You smile brightly, at the men. “So y/n, I wanted to ask you,” Jon started, scratching the back of his neck, as if he’s nervous. All a part of the plan. 
“Would you want to go out with me for Valentines day?” Jon asks, his smile never faltering. “WHAT??!?” Damian asked in outrage, causing both of your attention to go to him. He coughed awkwardly, “I wanted to ask you out myself but it seems as if I’m to late,” He states in embarrassment.  
You look at Jon, who gives you a wink and gestures toward Dami with his head. You gasp, “You planned this!” You flail your hands at Jon.
“Of course Id go out with you Damian.” You asure, before giving Jon a dirty look. Damian had the most brilliant bright smile on his face, secretly grateful for his friend. 
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#94/ 14 days of cupid/ Jason Todd
#94  Person A gets arrested after egging/breaking Person C car’s (They cheated, lied ect.) to Person A so Person B questions Person A on motives and they simply say. “That asshole broke my heart so I broke his car.” Person B chuckles shaking their head. “Well we can’t have that” Before taking them on a date clearing the charges.
Person C- Dick
You were fuming, what was he expecting, of course you were going to take revenge for betrayal. You had caught your ‘loving boyfriend’ Dick Grayson cheating on you with some random Bitch, so of course you took the first logical step. You egged not only his car but also his house the night you had found out, and he had the audacity to call the cops on you.
So that’s how you got into this crummy jail cell, awaiting your saviour Jason to come bail you out, it was taking him a damn long time but soon enough you heard footsteps coming your way, and Jason appears with a large grin on his face.
While the officer went to make sure that the paperwork was filed before releasing you, you were left alone with Jay. “So what did you do this time?”He chuckles. 
“I egged Grayson’s house,”You mumble, pouting, causing Jay to burst out laughing.
“Why in the name of all that’s mighty would you do that?!” He asks
“Well he cheated on me with some bimbo...right before Valentines day too..this sucks...”You look down in shame.
Jason immediately sees your sadness, “Well, when the officer comes back and gets you out of there, you can go on a date with me?” He scratches the back of his neck.
“I don’t need your pity date.” You mumble.
“It’s nothing like that, I do actually like you,” He explaines, a deep blush on his face.
“We’ll if you say it like that, then I’ll accept your offer,” You smile, the officer now back and unlocking your cell.
“By the way, next time you wanna fuck Dick over, call me...I’d love to wreak some havoc.” He smiles as you leave the station, to go on your first date together.
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#38;#39/14 days of cupid/Jason Todd
#38 “It’s Valentine’s day bitch.”
#39 “I would fuck you right now if we weren’t in public.”
You were about to meet up with the man you were lucky enough to call yours. It was your first Valentine’s day together as boyfriends and currently you were in the park waiting for his arrival. 
You were off in your thoughts when you felt a hand rest on your shoulder, causing you to quickly look at the owner. Jason was clad in black jeans and shirt with a leather jacket thrown over, he was smiling brightly before laying a loving kiss on your lips.
“Here.” He says handing you a small bag. “What’s this?” You ask, you weren’t expecting him to get anything for you so you were slightly shocked.  “It’s Valentine’s day bitch.” He chuckles.
You stand up, gripping him in a tight hug, “You know you didn’t have to,” You say, before slamming your lips into his, forgetting completely where you were. When you both finally pull away to get some air, Jason softly whispered in your ear, “ I would fuck you right now if we weren’t in public.”
It caused shivers to run up your spine and your face to go an unearthly shade of red. Jason only chuckles, loving the sight of making you flustered.
“Maybe we can continue this at mine,” Jason winks, nearly making you melt.
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#24; #25/ 14 days of cupid/Damian Wayne
#24“Is that lipstick ?”
#25“Who gave you that hickey ?”
When Damian came into the kitchen the morning after you had stayed over, everyone had their eyes trained on him.
Smudges of red lipstick that will definitely stain behind his ear. “Is that lipstick?” Dick asks poking Damian behind the ear. Dami quickly turns around grabbing his arm and bending it in a painful position. “And what if it is?”  He angrily asks.
“Who gave you that hickey?” Jason chuckles, taking another bite of breakfast. Damian gave him a glare, but he was unaffected by the pipsqueek.
“I think we all already know who gave him that hickey.” You softly speak from the doorway of the kitchen, walking in you lightly squeeze Dami’s arm, prompting him to let go of Dick. You place a loving kiss on his cheek before getting some food and going back to the room.
Damian was left dumbfounded, but a smug smile was on his face, as if to show his brother’s that he’s better then all of them.
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#18/14 days of cupid/Damian Wayne
#18 “ I never thought you were the romantic type…. I still definitely don’t.”
It was Valentine’s day morning, you were awoken by the emptiness of the side of the bed where Damian usually lays. You stretch and yawn, rubbing your eyes before getting out of bed and going to search for your loving husband Damian.
He was sitting on the couch, eating cereal and watching some boring documentary. “Hey honey, I didn’t hear you wake up.” You say sitting down next to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I didn’t wish to wake you, beloved.” He smiled, “Well aren’t you cute,” You chuckle leaning back comfortably, looking at him focus on his show.
“So any plans today?” I ask hopefully. “Should there be?” He asks shutting off the TV and looking back at you. “ I never thought you were the romantic type…. I still definitely don’t. “ You sigh. “What is that supposed to mean?” He asks getting up and taking his dirty dishes to the kitchen.
“It’s Valentine,s Day Dami,” you let him know. “Oh, so that’s why I got you these,” You look back over the back of the couch to see Damian smiling and holding a bouquet of beautiful red roses and a large gift bag. “You seriously thought I would forget, me of all people?” He asks, bringing the gifts to you.
“I’ll take my statement back…for now.” 
Inside the bag was a bunch of things you’ve told him you wanted, along with chocolates and candy. Then he gives you a second bag, which contains a beautiful black and emerald green dress. 
“Wear this for our date tonight” He smiles brightly
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#74 /14 Days of Cupid/ Jason Todd
74)  Person A is fighting a villain only for the villain to flirt and ask Person A to be their Valentine. Person B gets jealous and shoots the villain throwing them off the cliff while at it.
“So what do you say sugar? Be my Valentine?” He says while dodging your hits with ease. You were fighting on a snowy cliff, while Jason was posted in a sniping position on a higher area. 
He could hear everything through the com and it made his blood boil, even though you weren’t together, he had an undeniable crush on you and was planning on asking you to be his valentine after this mission, but it seems like the events have been slightly sped up.
Jason lines up his shot,“DUCK!” he yells, causing you to flinch and duck down. The shot was loud but perfect, through the skull like butter. The body hits the ground with a thud, Jason picks up his gun and starts making his way down to it. 
“What was that for?!” You question, this wasn’t part of the plan.
Without saying another word, he picks up the body, throwing it off the cliff and turns to you, “Will you be my valentine?”
“Oh my god Jason, was that really necessary?” You ask
“Is that a yes?” He quirks his eyebrow.
“Yes, it is.” you chuckle. 
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
#11/14 Days of Cupid/ Jason Todd
#11  “so….a date?”
Dick, like his name implies, was totally being one! Jason had a crush on you since forever, one of his best guarded secrets may I add. He usually shared everything with you, but this was one thing he couldn’t tell you. He feared rejection, but more he feared that he’ll lose you. Because even though he wanted to be more than friends, he was content with the friendship status.
But let's come back to Dick, he of course had to invite you over when Jason was contemplating whether or not to ask you out for this Valentine's day. He was in his room in the manor, his door slightly cracked open, he was coming up with things he could say to you, if he were to ask you out, in front of the mirror.
Dick had let you in and told you to be quiet, when he led you to Jason’s door. “Dear y/n....wtf are you Jason a poet?....no.... Would you want to be my valentine....That could work, but it won’t.”
You were trying to hold back your chuckles, but Dick gave you both away, when Jason’s door slams wide open, his eyes widen as he sees you.
“Here’s your chance jaybird!” Dick laughs, walking away, unfazed by Jason’s glare.
He finally looks back at you, a dark blush covering his face and neck, he swallows the lump in his throat, “ so y/n...wait, let me start over. Dea.... no wait... y/n, would you....will you... wait...” Was beyond embarrassed and ready to hide his head in the sand for the rest of eternity. You giggle, which turns in to a laugh, making him stare at the floor to avoid your eyes.
As your laughter dies down you clear your throat, “So...a date?” 
Jason quickly and enthusiastically nods, causing another wave of laughter to hit you, but this time you can’t help but pull him into a kiss. 
“You should have asked sooner!” You shake your head, a wide smile plastered on it. 
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
Heyyyy dude :3 can I request 25. With Dick, Bruce, and Damian (like they see a hickey Older Damian didn't cover and they're like BUT YOU'RE OUR BABY *even though he's like 18*)
For sure! I added it to the list, love ya !
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
line 25,promot 76 with Damian?
Thank you for the request!  I believe @kryptolipsx will be taking it, so be ready when february comes! 
[Prompt list]
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
Prompt #74 with Jason please!!
Thank you for the request! I will be writing it!
Look out for it when february starts! 
[Prompt list]
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
Can I request prompt 93 with person C as Jon Kent and Person B as Damian please???
Has been added, thank you very much :)
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maybe-its-5sos · 8 years
Prompt 56 with Damian as the one that wrote the letter pleaseee😊
Thank you, I added it to the list :)
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