#140 characters is not enough to contain my side rants
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Tumblr is the peak neurodivergent site purely bc of the tags. Instead of some clout-chasing attempt to hit as many algorithm friendly currently trending terms to be seen by more ppl they‘re used for secondary info/rants, afterthoughts that don‘t fully feel post-worthy but you still need to say and to neatly sort anything you reblog/post into boxes that you can search your blog for.
#the other reason why Tumblr feels peak nd is bc it doesn��t work properly half the time & the search function is shit.#truly an ally to our plight.#bonus points if your tags for certain topics don‘t make sense to anybody else bc of what you named them in a spur of the moment brain fart#bonus bonus points for keeping multiple side blogs to blog abput widely different & specific interests of yours#at least ppl don‘t usually trend-tag (idk if there is a specific trend for that). I‘m pretty sure that those that do are 95% bots#(or just going ham & posting about everything at once)(which is how i find most new to me fandoms nowadays)#btw @staf plz increase the no of letters allowed per tag#140 characters is not enough to contain my side rants#tumblr
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Welp, I guess I'm gonna start posting all the things. It's all old, from when I actually had, you know, free time. I also have no idea how tumblr works in terms of stuff like cuts so if people want to read the nice formatted stuff it's all up at jinsai.livejournal.com.
Any complaints can be forwarded to the otter.
First up, Pet Shop of Horrors drabbles:
Title: Imprisoning the Elements
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Pairings/charecters: DxLeon
Notes: Response to challenge #6 (elements).
You can pick up earth, hold it in your hands. You can shape it, toss it into a box. But the wind will flow through your fingers, laughing at you. Water flows, but it will hold shape in a container. It can be imprisoned, remaining water. But fire…
Only one of two things can happen to fire enclosed in a box. It will die out, smothered for lack of nourishment. Or it will burn down the sides of the box, flickering merrily at your futile attempts to catch it.
There are days when D can’t stand to look at Leon.
Title: Of Lizards and Rats, Mirrors and Hooks
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters involved: Robin Hendrix, Medusa, Despair
Notes: Cross-over with the Sandman, response to challenge 7, bystander pov.
She looks at her mirrors, the rats scrabbling around her feet. Ah, there. Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes. Rich, handsome, talented, and utterly apathetic save for his reptiles. Drowning in the shadow of the prince, Robin Hendrix is one of her favorites.
A new development, that lovely young lizard. She sees Robin creeping out of the frame of the mirror, step by dreamy step. Digging her hook into her cheek, she nearly smiles. The rats scamper in fear.
Nice try little god.
Despair is patient.
When Robin looks into Medusa’s eyes, he almost misses the hook behind the prince. Almost.
Title: The Price
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: the Chief, implied Leon/D
Notes: response to 8 "Beneath the Mask." I wanted to focus on the chief, wondering what his job costs him. Rather understated I think, but please let me now whatyou think.
Wrenching open his door, the chief gestured for the ranting detective to take his leave.
“Out! Leon, it’s Valentine’s Day. All the criminals are off romancing their mistresses. Why don’t you take off a bit early? I’m sure you can think of somewhere to go.”
Leon blustered a bit, a faint red tingeing his cheeks. But he grabbed his coat as he did so, brushing past a winking Jill. The chief humphed.
“Finally, some peace and quiet!”
Left alone in his office, the chief twisted the gold ring on his left hand and stared at a phone that wouldn’t ring.
Title: Einstein's Truth
Rating: G/PG
Word count: 100 (not including quote)
Pairings or characters involved: D/Leon
Notes: This one was a pain to cut down to 100 words but it's done. Response to challenge 10 on the theme of time. Inspired by raison d'etat's wonderful fic "Unwilling Sleep" and the following passage from "Properties of the Light" by Rebecca Goldstein.
The passage of time is nothing real. It is a chimera spun out of gauzy consciousness, and nothing more, a frightful apparition tossed up by our mixed-up minds. We know this from Einstein's physics, which shows us a time as stilled as spread space. Time is static, the flow unreal: it is Einstein's truth, and it is the truth, falling straight away from the conditions of perfect symmetry imposed on the geometry. The ebb, which seems so terrible and real, which seems to carry off one's every treasure, leaving one like a chest spilled open on the waves: unreal, unreal.
“Einstein’s Truth”
At forty-five, calluses have long since formed on once-smooth palms. This is the choice he made.
The aroma of hothouse flowers manages to cover the hospital smell, signs of the respect the officers at the precinct held for their chief of ten years. Leon’s resting now, the bullet that had tore through his chest no longer paining him. Eyes shut, D rests his head above a stilling heart. Somewhere he knows that he is pouring tea for a loud-mouthed, loving detective. As Leon drifts away, into past and future, D knows that this time, it is his turn to search.
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. (Albert Einstein, shortly before his death)
Title: Sakura
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: D/Leon (implied)
Notes: Reply to challenge 12 (seasons). Post-series, with D in Tokyo ala Nemuki special. Inspired by the latest "Flowers and the Detective" from volume 6.
It is summer in Tokyo and past-time for some rigorous spring-cleaning. D assigns tools and tasks, arming himself with a duster.
The denizens of the pet shop are winning against dust and dirt when D stumbles upon a box stashed in the corner of his room. Within lay the gifts his grandfather sent from his own visit to Japan: the rake, the fan – and the kimono. D reaches for it, his hand unsteady. Suddenly chilled, he wraps himself in the kimono, trying not to remember widened blue eyes and blossoms falling to the ground in rushes of color and scent.
Title: Just Another Part of the Job
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: The Chief (anyone know his name?), Leon
Notes: response to challenge 13, waiting. Just a bit of fun at Leon's expense.
Fingers the color of rich chocolate milk tapped impatiently on the desk. The hollow thuds landed in counter rhythm to the ticking of the clock. The chief scowled at a stack of files, then back at the time piece. Ten more minutes. If those reports weren’t in his hands by then he swore he’d – The phone rang, interrupting his mental threat.
Nine minutes and twenty-one seconds later a panting Leon burst in the door, shoving a large folder at the chief.
Orcot was a damn good detective, but he was the absolute worst when it came to completing his paperwork!
Title: Statistics
Rating: PG
Word count: 140 (sorry!)
Pairings/characters: the Chief, Leon (implied D/Leon)
Notes: Response (albeit too long) to challenge 14, numbers. Takes place right after the first "Flowers and the Detective" story.
Yesterday they had posted the annual report for the 14th precinct: 1,038 cases of robbery, 69 rapes, 700 vehicle thefts, 1,065 aggravated assaults, and 19 homicides. That wasn’t counting the officer who had lost his life in the line of duty.
“Dammit Leon…”
“Chief?” Awakening for the second time, Leon’s bleary vision picked out the chief’s face, focusing on his eyes, red and dry as the Martian surface. As red as the petals from -
“Gattolotto...” Leon winced in pain. “Where’s D?”
“I made him go home; he was here all night.
“We caught the dealers. You’ll probably get a promotion out of this. But don’t think this means you’re not an idiot for getting shot.”
But the chief smiled. Last night they hadn’t known if Leon was going to make it. And he had already attended one funeral too many.
Long I know. But I did research! lapdonline.org and http://www.losangelesalmanac.com/topics/Crime/cr03ea.htm
I'm assuming the 14th to be under Central of Central Bureau as they service Chinatown, among other areas. And anyone else notice that before getting shot Leon is "Officer" and "Detective" after? Maybe just a translation error but it worked. *shrug*
Title: Selling Vinyl Siding
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: Leon, Sofu (implied D/Leon)
Notes: Response to challenge 16, family.
“Selling Vinyl Siding”
Since meeting D, Leon had suffered a lot of weird-ass dreams. Man-eating rabbits, and all that crap. But that last one had really taken the cake.
“If you leave my grandson alone, I’ll give you anything you want.”
Leon had recognized the man, nearly a mirror-image of D, save his eyes matched and lacked the glimmer that always hovered in his D’s.
He had said this out-loud and D’s creepy grandfather glared.
“What is it you want? Riches, power, immortality? Never see him again and I’ll give you an immortal life!”
Leon had never laughed so hard in his life.
Title: Father's Day
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: D/Leon
Notes: Response 2 to challenge 16, family.
“Father’s Day”
Leon only spoke of his father once and he held very still while he did so. His lips moved, but the shadowy blue eyes blinked slowly, the rise and fall of his chest barely discernable. D gently pried the tea cup from his fingers and refilled it, his hand lingering over the Detective’s as he returned it.
D never spoke of his father. But sometime at night, when the darkness seeped from the corners of his room to surround, he’d tremble slightly. That’s when Leon would hold him, clutching D tightly and mumbling soothing words that had no real meaning.
Title: Odile's Spring
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: Jeanne La Croix (from vol. 5, Dance)
Notes: Response to challenge 17, cold. I would have to say that of all Count D's one-shot customers, Jeanne and her story "Dance" are my favorite. :)
"Odile's Spring"
March in St. Petersburg is cold in a way that L.A. could never understand. Jeanne clutches the freshly-made bread close to her chest, the warmth soaking through her gloves to chilled fingers. Her parka is thick enough but still she envies the thick fur of the husky that runs past, chased after by laughing children. Jeanne smiles, loving the sound of the language, the thick accent that warms her ears. Her leg muscles loosen and her feet begin sweeping gracefully over the frozen ground. In Russia, Jeanne La Croix dances amid a flurry of snow, falling softer than swan’s down.
Title: "A Token of my Esteem"
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: Leon/OC, implied D/Leon
Notes: With D gone, someone had to try and pick up the pieces. Post-series. (#31, token)
It was raining the night she met Leon. Drunk as he was, he held the umbrella steady as they walked to her apartment. Sometimes, when she was too caught up in a client’s portfolio, he’d bring coffee and donuts. They were the only sweets he could stomach. He never talked after sex. They never made love. When she told him the company offered her a prestigious job in Tokyo, he shrugged. She left him the apartment.
She recognized him the second she entered the pet store. She strode out, fighting back tears, a red palm print marring D’s perfect complexion.
Title: "And a Pocketful of Raindrops"
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: D, Leon, Chris (implied D/Leon)
Notes: Reply to challenge 33, dance.
“And a Pocketful of Raindrops”
Walking out of the restaurant, Count D, Leon, and Chris strode directly into the downpour. Puddles dotted the sidewalks and a heavy, slow rain was falling. Chris seized the moment to puddle-jump, soaking the Count and his brother in the process.
“Christopher!” D glared at him, brandishing an armful of wet silk.
“Aw Count, live a little!” Leon joined Chris, swinging him around in an odd little jig.
“Detective! If you must dance, at least show him how to do it properly.”
Brushing droplets out of his hair, Chris gaped at a bewildered Leon, roped into waltzing in the rain.
Title: Trick or Treat?
Rating: R
Word count: 165
Pairings/characters: T-chan/surprise
Notes: #35 -Trick-or-treat. A new pairing for me. Let's see how it goes.
"Trick or Treat?"
Tetsu thrust hard into the pliant body beneath him. Finally the Count had seen the light. Sure, it was a bit sudden and completely out of the blue, but the toutetsu wasn’t about to protest. Not with the writhing body beneath him, the long nails digging into his back. He growled at the scent of his own blood, moving faster and deeper. As the Count arched up his back Tetsu leaned down and licked the sweat droplets off of one blushed nipple. The Count tasted of fresh peaches and cinnamon spice. At climax two cries echoed in the room – a loud howl and a shrill scream.
The toutetsu allowed his lower body to rest against that of his lover. Slowing his breath, he meet the Count’s mismatched eyes, only to stare in shock as black hair grew and shaded into red. A pair of sly golden eyes glittered up at him – a fox’s eyes.
Ten-chan leaned up and nipped the frozen man-eater’s nose. “Trick-or-treat T-chan.”
Title: Kindred
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings/characters: the Chief, Leon, Jill, other
Notes: Challenge #36, instinct
Leon depends on his instincts while Jill prefers research. He’s hotheaded, she’s too trusting. Ted’s a joker, Marianne’s a cynic, Phil’s always late. But they’re all good cops. All the men and women who serve under him are. The chief won’t tolerate a dirty cop, or a lousy one. If that keeps him from the coveted promotion to commissioner, so be it.
As long as officers like Orcot and the others are on the force, he knows he’s not the only one kept up late at night by the dead’s silence, names slipping from his lips in a broken mantra.
To be continued...
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Can Our Politics Ruin Our Witness
Ok, short answer is, YES! For those of you who prefer 140 characters or less, you can go about your scrolling. For a more in-depth analysis, feel free to read on... This election cycle has been a crazy one. I myself have refrained from making any social media comments on it until now for sake of not adding to the noise. But something deeply concerned me about the way I saw- and am still seeing fellow Christ followers, react to the frenzy and chaos that is our political system these days. There are several ways in which I believe our reactions to these events have hurt our witness. 1. Identity. If our identity is in Christ, that means we are citizens of His kingdom before we are American citizens. Getting worked up into a frenzy over what politicians, candidates, or pundits do reflects a lack of faith in our great God. After all, Romans 13:1 reminds us, “...there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” When our reactions to events reflect fear, worry, and anger, we do not reflect the One who casts out fear, tells us not to worry what tomorrow brings, and who reminds us that human anger does not produce righteousness. At the end of the day, God is still in control; and our reactions ought to reflect that truth. 2. Tone. I’m afraid we have let our political leanings become an excuse to remove our filter of decency and let accusations and criticisms fly with a tone that is unbecoming of a Christian. As reflections of Christ, our words should always reflect love and grace. The statements I see about- and sometimes even directly to other people are so divisive and harsh, it is hardly anything I could hear our Savior saying. It’s easy to forget that other social media users are actually people too. 3. Political Climate. If there’s one word that describes our current political climate, it’s "polarization". No matter which side you’re on, we’re constantly encouraged by the pundits to assume the other side is evil. The other side has no morals. They’re the hypocrites. They're scheming for power, money, etc. But what if maybe, just maybe, people identifying as democrats, republicans, moderates, independents- what if most of them are well-meaning, good natured, and genuinely care about their community and their country? Can we disagree on the methods by which we make this country better, without tearing each other down? The truth is, the media and culture feed this polarizing spin to us each and every second because we ask for it. As Christians, this type of demonization of the other side makes it very difficult to reach people far from God if they happen to be of a different political persuasion than us. Sure there’s corruption, and it’s on both sides. We ought to be honest about it and weed it out through the voting process; not just rant about the other side’s corruption in order to gain a political edge.
4. Lack of Discernment. Mainstream news spin isn't enough for us anymore. Our desire for even more sinister plots and conspiracies has created the "fake news" so prominent in headlines today. Misleading headlines and articles full of hearsay and half-truths should be of no use to a follower of Christ. There's nothing good or noble about misleading masses into fear. If we share this propaganda without verifying the facts and the context of what's contained in them, we are damaging our own reputation; as well as our Father's, who we claim to represent.
I'd encourage any Christian, even if you're not a history buff, to do a little digging into our past and see that things are not so different now than they were at other key points in our nation's history. Do some reading on FDR & Lincoln. They bore the exact same criticisms to their policies as we still hear today. This is nothing new. Personally, this perspective helps my faith. This nation can survive progressive agendas, and it can survive conservative ones- and it has. However, what will fundamentally change this nation for the worse, is if people of God compromise their witness for a political agenda, or cease displaying good character and demanding the same from those who represent them.
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