lakonie-normal · 5 months
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Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen 13357 Berlin
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g-mittelberg · 4 months
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Bastianstraße 13357 Berlin
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g-mittelberg2 · 5 days
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ramyeonpng · 11 months
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pierogipete · 2 years
Nanowrimo day 8
Today: 1064 words
I’m not behind but I have lost all the buffer I’d been building up 😭 I’ll try to make it up tomorrow but we’ll see. Struggling to transition to the scene I actually want to write
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robinette-green · 6 months
Late Night Day Dreams Chapter 11:
The Day After
You’re a Parts and Service Technician who’s been out for a week due to illness. An early morning phone call has you coming in at 6 am on your first day back instead of 10 pm like you had been planning on.
You just want to clock in, get set up and then seen your robot boys in the daycare but things don’t go as planned.
2,941 words
Princess Quest ending
Sun and Moon are 100% your boyfriends and it’s a secret but everyone knows
Punching my code into the keypad, I yawned, covering my mouth and squinting as my eyes watered.
6am was much, MUCH too early to be awake.
A phone call had startled me from sleep about 15 minutes ago. It was one of management’s automated voice messages, pre-recorded and riddled with breaks from a robotic AI voice.
“Hello, Faz Bear employee, NUMBER 13357. We are calling to inform you that you are needed to work MORNING SHIFT PARTS AND SERVICE TECHNICIAN. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. Please arrive on time for your SIX AM shift. Thank you and have a good day.”
I’d been out sick for a week and today was my first day back. It was just starting much, MUCH earlier than I thought it would.
Jeff must have called out. He was the normal morning tech. It was odd though because usually he’d shoot me a text to give me a heads up if he knew he wouldn’t be able to come in.
Well if he was sick he’d probably be sleeping in so I’d text him later to make sure he was alright.
The keypad beeped, light glowing green for a moment before the large metal door that split the parking garage from the lobby started to lift.
Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I took a long sip of coffee while I waited for the door to rise enough to walk under.
Neon lights reflected off the polished floors of the lobby, large LED screens played ads of the band on the pillars and walls, and staff bots mopped the floors and did security rounds. Everything as normal at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex.
Well until I made it to the turn styles and noticed that the gates for the lower gift shop and the customer service counter were both raised.
They should have been lowered last night and the night guard wouldn’t have needed to raise them.
Okay, well, whatever.
Maybe one of the animatronics opened them and forgot to close them again.
Ducking into one of the ticket booths, I booted up one of the computers and clocked in for my shift. The computer played a little fan fair with children cheering in the background as the punch went through and I rolled my eyes. I don’t know who programmed it to do that but I wanted to have a conversation with them. We were just going to talk.
Taking another sip of coffee, I adjusted my bag again and started through the lobby and up the stairs to the elevators.
The plan was to go down to parts and service first and get set up then I’d check on the main four before going to the daycare to see Sun and Moon. I needed to at least pretend to do my job before I could see my favorite boys and once we’d gotten through the hugs and catching up I’m sure they’d enjoy coming with me on my rounds of the -
The elevator doors had opened and I was distracted by the upper half of Monty clawing his way across the atrium floor. Not even sparing me a glance.
“… the fuck???”
It took another long moment before I could pull myself out of my surprise and shock.
“MONTY!” I shouted, trotting to catch up to the torso crawling across the floor.
“Dude! What the fuck?”
He didn’t respond, continuing on his merry way, a growl periodically coming from his voice box.
I dropped to a knee and set my coffee aside so I could rummage through my bag. Luckily, my Faz wrench, a large, orange, two-pronged tool, was near the top.
Faz wrench in hand, I ran to Monty and practically tackled him, placing a knee in his back to press him to the floor. As the bot growled and scrabbled at the floor, ripping up carpet and scooting us jerkily forward, I forced the service hatch on the upper part of his back open and slammed the prongs of the Faz wrench into the slot I’d uncovered. With a twist of the wrench, Monty slumped to the floor as he rebooted.
What the hell happened last night???
As Monty started to boot back on, I moved to sit next to him on the floor, closing his service hatch as I did.
Monty blinked a few times then groaned, clutching at his head with what was left of his hands. Now that I was really looking at him I could see that the shells of his hands were also gone.
Did someone break him for his upgrade?
Were the others okay??
“Wha?” Monty shifted to look down at himself and then at me.
“What, in the swampy bottom Faz fuck happened to my legs!?” He demanded in his gruff cajun accent.
“Language. If I knew, I’d tell you. I just got here. Walked through the doors and found you crawling your way through the plex. I was hoping you could tell me.”
“ Hypocrite. You spend too much time in that daycare” Monty grumbled.
“Is everyone else alright?”
“Again, just got here,” I repeated, ignoring his jab at my own use of cuss words, before getting to my knees and grabbing the gator under his arms.
“Come here you overgrown backpack. Let’s get moving and find out.”
With Monty’s help and a good bit of struggle, I managed to get Monty into my back and stood. Turns out that he was still extremely heavy when only part of an upper body.
“You’ll grumble but we’re going to the daycare first.”
Monty did grumble a little bit, tightening his grip on my shoulders.
“Na, I get it. Need to check on your boys.”
Lugging the large gator along, I went back to the elevator to go back to the lobby. This route would be faster than going through Kids Cove and I wouldn’t have to walk as far with a heavy passenger on my back.
“Hey kid, put me down. I’ll crawl” Monty could tell I was already flagging.
“No. This is faster and I can have Sun and Moon carry you once we find them.”
The music in the elevator cut out and the announcer told us a Faz fact that was very clearly untrue.
Bears aren't extinct yet and most certainly don't eat pizza in the wild.
Monty and I waited silently for it to finish and now that we weren’t talking I could really feel his weight pulling me down, compressing my body.
“…Though if I change my mind you’ll be the first to know.”
Monty chuckled and the elevator doors opened and we were able to continue on.
We made it to the daycare check-in before I had to set Monty down but we were close enough that it didn’t matter.
I practically fell down, getting Monty to the floor without dropping him and my body felt oddly light and floaty as I stumbled to the 'side into fun' slide that went down into the daycare proper.
“SUN!” I called down the colorful plastic tube.
I’d been out for a week, they should be anxious wrecks to see me again.
The sudden crashing of an animatronic scrambling up the slide startled me and when Sun shot out, his arms wrapping around me I fell over, his weight crushing me.
“OH DEWDROP! I’m so glad, glad, GLAD! You’re back! So many things have gone WRONG! They made us get an upgrade WITHOUT YOU! It was HORRIBLE! And, and now Moon won’t talk to me! And he’s HURT an EMPLOYEE!! And we’ve had complaints! I’m not allowed to turn the light OFF anymore!! and, and, and OH MY GOD WHAT’S HAPPENED TO MONTY!!!” Holding me tight to his chest, Sun scrambled away from the torso of the gator that was crawling towards us.
“Woah! Easy!” I took Sun’s face into my hands, trying to calm him some.
“It’s alright.”
The large sunny animatronic melted into my touch, curling further around me.
Next time I get sick I’m going to let Sun and Moon squirrel me away in their room and let them care for me like they wanted because clearly I couldn’t leave for a moment without things falling apart… literally.
Monty sighed, resting his head on his hands as he looked at us over his sunglasses.
“We don’t know what happened to 'em,” Monty grumbled.
“I woke up like this. Your little human says they found me crawling through the atrium like this and gave me a reboot.”
It took a little longer to calm Sun down and after some coaxing and more hugs, I finally got him to let me go.
We decided that the first thing we would do was get Monty down to parts and service. I didn’t know what condition the others would be in and I might need Sun and Moon to carry them. That would be easier if they weren’t also carrying the gator.
I also wanted to check on Moon. From what Sun had said I had a feeling that something had gone wrong with whatever upgrade they’d gotten and I needed to make sure Moon was okay.
Sun scooped Monty up and carried him with one arm then snagged my hand, squeezing for reassurance.
Giving him a smile, I squeezed back.
I was going to fix this.
It didn’t take long to get down to parts and service. We placed Monty on one of the work tables and let him go into rest mode then I gently talked Sun into the repair tube. He was nervously pulling at a ray, the rest pulled into his face plate with worry.
“A-are you sure this is a good idea? Y-you haven’t seen the state of our room. H-he’s been destroying staff bots! I don’t want you to get hurt! What if something’s really REALLY wrong and he- and he-!”
“It’ll be okay, Sunny bunny,” I murmured, patting Sun’s hand as he sat in the large dentist-looking chair.
“You and I both know that Moon would never do anything to hurt me. We’re going to find out what they did wrong during your upgrade and I’m going to fix it. Promise. It’ll be okay.”
The door closed, sealing us in as I sat on my rolling stool and hooked up my laptop to the port in the back of Sun’s head.
“I’ll do a check on you first, then we’ll turn out the lights,” I said, already distracted by code as I dug through Sun’s files, Sun giving me a nervous affirmative.
They’d given Sun and Moon a battery that could outlast any of the other animatronic’s batteries but when they’d done this they’d turned off Sun and Moon’s ability to enter rest mode.
I grumbled something unsavory to myself as I turned it back on. Not being able to rest for a week was probably part of the reason Sun was so high-strung right now. Not resting on top of everything else going on.
Luckily everything else seemed to be in order…
“We’re going to take a long nap once we get everything sorted. Looks like you both need a snuggle and some rest.”
Sun took one of my hands in his, tilting his head slightly so he could look up at me with his white eyes.
“Please?” He asked, his voice so small.
I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Now it was time to check on Moon.
Giving Sun’s hand a squeeze, I reached over and placed a finger on the light controls.
“Ready?” I asked softly and after a moment of hesitation, Sun nodded.
The lights in the repair tube went out and dimmed in the rest of Parts and Service. Sun’s body convulsed and he made a pained sound that had me lurching forward.
“SUN?!?” I called out but as soon as it had started, it stopped, Moon’s red eyes glowing in the dark.
“Are you alright!? That sounded like it hurt!” I ran my fingers along the edge of Moon’s face plate where Sun’s rays had retracted, looking to see if something was impeding the change there.
A hand grabbed my wrist and squeezed. Hard.
“Ahh,” I hissed, free hand instinctively going to Moon’s fingers to try and relieve some of the pressure as my eyes flew to Moon’s.
“Sssss-starlight?” Moon growled, voice glitching.
Suddenly, Moon jerked forward, gripping his face plate with a hand and crying out, his eyes flickering purple for a moment.
“Moon. Talk to me, buddy. What’s wrong?” I scrambled for my laptop, clicking away with my free hand through Moon’s coding, wincing as I tried to ignore the way my other wrist was being crushed.
“S-sommmmme-thing’ssss. Ii-t’sss in-n-n-n-n my head. Connn-t-trolling-” Moon managed to get out, doing his best to fight whatever was trying to rear its ugly head.
“Hold on honey, I got you,” I murmured, typing as fast as I could with one hand.
There was something in his code, probably the same thing that had been affecting Monty when I’d first found him. Moon needed a reboot, that should clear out the virus like it had with Monty.
Moon growled, the metal of his face plate creaking as his grip tightened down, the grip on my wrist just as tight.
“J-Just a little longer. Hold out for me if you can.” I managed to say through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the way my bones were creaking.
Grabbing my Faz wrench, I was just barely able to get the prongs into the slot on the back of Moon’s face plate. With a grunt, I turned the wrench and Moon suddenly went limp, eyes going dark.
I pulled my arm free from his grasp and cradled it to my chest. By some miracle, it was bruised but not broken.
Leaning closer, I tried to see what Moon’s optics were doing.
“Moon? How are you feeling sweetheart?”
Red eyes flickering back on, I had to sit back as their head did a spin and Sun’s rays joined Moon’s hat.
“Happy Birthday!” Eclipse gushed and I sighed, smiling down at the grinning robot.
If Eclipse was fronting then everything must be working smoothly. This part of the daycare attendant could only surface when Sun and Moon were working in harmony.
“Not my birthday, Eclipse. Did the reboot wipe the virus from your system?”
“Sure did! We’re in tip-top shape! And we’re able to communicate again just fine as you can see!” Eclipse gushed as he sat up, reaching out to pull me into a hug.
“Thank you, Star Shine!” He whispered into my hair. Then in a much smaller voice, he asked
“Is it… time for that cuddle?” He sounded so anxious and sad, I wanted to immediately agree but we still had work to do.
But then I would cuddle my poor boys for days and we’d have a week-long sleepover. They deserved it after what they’d been through.
After checking on Monty one more time, Sun, Moon, and I set out to find Roxy, Chica, and Freddy and check on DJ Music Man.
We found Roxy in her salon, sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to hide her face. Her eyes had been ripped from her head, wires hanging loose from the empty sockets. Her hair had been thoroughly messed up and it looked like her snout had been bent giving her a permanent snarl.
The shock from losing her eyes had forced an auto reboot, purging the virus but it had left Roxy a wreck, sobbing and raging about the boy that had taken her eyes from her.
Sun and I promised over and over that she was still the most beautiful and that I would easily be able to fix her. I even told her that we could add whatever she wanted to her shell. New hairstyle, new colors, different earrings, whatever she wanted. We’d make a spa day of it.
This seemed to calm her down some and Sun and I were able to get her to parts and service, letting her sit in a chair near Monty’s table as she whimpered softly.
So this Gregory had taken Monty’s hands and Roxy’s eyes. I had a feeling I knew what would be missing when we found Chica.
And I was right but it was worse than I’d thought.
She’d been smashed by the trash compactor but was somehow still mindlessly wandering around and shoving food into what was left of her mouth. Someone had pulled her voice box out and taken her beak with it leaving Chica with a large hole in her face. Her shell was cracked in serval places and she reeked of trash.
I ended up having to have Moon hold Chica down so I could open the service panel in her back and force a reboot with my Faz wrench.
Even once she was rebooted, Chica seemed dazed and confused. Moon was able to converse with her via sign language but, just like Monty, she had no memory of what had happened.
DJ Music Man seemed alright, all things considered. He seemed to have the robot equivalent of a headache, holding his head, lying sprawled out on his stage. DJ had a vague memory of a boy running about the arcade but couldn’t tell us more.
No matter how hard we looked, we couldn’t find any sign of Freddy. He appeared to have vanished along with the boy that had caused all this destruction.
If this is what happens when I leave for a week then I guess I can’t leave ever again.
Not that Sun or Moon would let me.
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compneuropapers · 8 months
Interesting Papers for Week 8, 2024
Sensory prediction error drives subconscious motor learning outside of the laboratory. Albert, S. T., Blaum, E. C., & Blustein, D. H. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 427–435.
Working memory load impairs transfer learning in human adults. Balter, L. J. T., & Raymond, J. E. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2138–2145.
Objects sharpen visual scene representations: evidence from MEG decoding. Brandman, T., & Peelen, M. V. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9524–9531.
Specific patterns of neural activity in the hippocampus after massed or distributed spatial training. Centofante, E., Fralleoni, L., Lupascu, C. A., Migliore, M., Rinaldi, A., & Mele, A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13357.
Hormonal coordination of motor output and internal prediction of sensory consequences in an electric fish. Fukutomi, M., & Carlson, B. A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3350-3359.e4.
Subcortico-amygdala pathway processes innate and learned threats. Khalil, V., Faress, I., Mermet-Joret, N., Kerwin, P., Yonehara, K., & Nabavi, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e85459.
Neural mechanisms underlying uninstructed orofacial movements during reward-based learning behaviors. Li, W.-R., Nakano, T., Mizutani, K., Matsubara, T., Kawatani, M., Mukai, Y., … Yamashita, T. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3436-3451.e7.
Monkeys exhibit human-like gaze biases in economic decisions. Lupkin, S. M., & McGinty, V. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e78205.
Widespread coding of navigational variables in prefrontal cortex. Maisson, D. J.-N., Cervera, R. L., Voloh, B., Conover, I., Zambre, M., Zimmermann, J., & Hayden, B. Y. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3478-3488.e3.
Synaptic variance and action potential firing of cerebellar output neurons during motor learning in larval zebrafish. Najac, M., McLean, D. L., & Raman, I. M. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3299-3311.e3.
Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. Nussenbaum, K., Martin, R. E., Maulhardt, S., Yang, Y. (Jen), Bizzell-Hatcher, G., Bhatt, N. S., … Hartley, C. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84260.
Ants combine object affordance with latent learning to make efficient foraging decisions. Poissonnier, L.-A., Hartmann, Y., & Czaczkes, T. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(35), e2302654120.
VIP interneurons in sensory cortex encode sensory and action signals but not direct reward signals. Ramamurthy, D. L., Chen, A., Zhou, J., Park, C., Huang, P. C., Bharghavan, P., … Feldman, D. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3398-3408.e7.
A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics. Rodrigues, Y. E., Tigaret, C. M., Marie, H., O’Donnell, C., & Veltz, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e80152.
Sequence anticipation and spike-timing-dependent plasticity emerge from a predictive learning rule. Saponati, M., & Vinck, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4985.
Statistical inference on representational geometries. Schütt, H. H., Kipnis, A. D., Diedrichsen, J., & Kriegeskorte, N. (2023). eLife, 12, e82566.
High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells. Spirou, G. A., Kersting, M., Carr, S., Razzaq, B., Yamamoto Alves Pinto, C., Dawson, M., … Manis, P. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e83393.
Using occipital ⍺-bursts to modulate behavior in real-time. Vigué-Guix, I., & Soto-Faraco, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9465–9477.
Octave illusion: stimulation frequencies can modulate perception. Whittom, A., Couture, F., Chauvette, L., & Sharp, A. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2183–2191.
Completeness out of incompleteness: Inferences from regularities in imperfect information ensembles. Zhu, J., Xu, H., Shi, B., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Shen, M., & Zhou, J. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(9), 1203–1220.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Curtiss P-40C. 41-13357
@ron_eisele via X
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jvkings · 2 days
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How to upgrade to Ubuntu 21.04
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stealingyourstoats · 1 month
I am very grateful for your support and assistance,🥺❤️
but I hope you can donate even something that will really save my life and my family's from genocide.🙏🏻
Just 5 or 10$ please❤️
Hello, I'd love to donate but I don't have any money of my own. I'll keep sharing in hope of someone donating, since in my current state it's all I can do. I'm really, really sorry.
Vetted here
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open-society-news · 4 months
Путин назначил свою родственницу на пост замминистра обороны – DW – 17.06.2024
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lakonie-normal · 6 months
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Bellermannstraße 13357 Berlin
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g-mittelberg · 4 months
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Bastianstraße 13357 Berlin
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g-mittelberg2 · 6 days
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Tamron 70-350mm F/4.5 Model 05A + Tamron SP 2X Tele-Converter Model 01F...
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gift2hearttbr · 4 months
Sweetday Card
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Sweetday Card - https://gift2heart.com/product/sweetday-card/?feed_id=13357&_unique_id=666696f3a86b0 Ali - Gift 2 Heart Sweetness or Happiness, in the context of mental or emotional states, is positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.[1] Other forms include life satisfaction, well-being, subjective well-being, flourishing and eudaimonia.[2]
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modeonlineshoppen · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.modeonlineshoppen.de/filialen/tk-maxx-berlin-gesundbrunnen-center-badstr-4-13357/
TK Maxx Berlin Gesundbrunnen-Center - Badstr. 4, 13357
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