#13 jun 21
dragonsgirl572 · 7 months
You know what? Fuck it.
Mar 13 -> The amount of notes that this post gets by the end of April is the amount of words I'll write for one of my books.
Update: May 1 -> AND TIME!! Thank you all so much for participating! The amount of words I got, at the time of me looking at this post, are...
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Holy shit that's a lot-
Update: May 2 -> Currently outlining a storyline! I couldn't decide which fandom I wanted to do so I'm just doing a self-indulgent crossover.
Update: May 12 -> Got an idea for an Optimus-centric story. I'm keeping my original storyline but I'm started to plan out this new one.
Update: Jun 1 -> Nevermind. Currently rewriting a story of mine. I think that'll be the chosen one. Though, I have seven planned chapters so I dunno how the hell I'm gonna do it.
Update: Jun 28 -> Nevermind x2 lol. I'm continuing on with the Optimus-centric story. It was inspired by Not A Prime Situation and it's a really good book, I highly recommend it. I asked permission from the author to start writing and I got it so chapter 1 is in the works! (P.S. I'm gonna wait until after all 21 chapters are finished to start posting just in case I lose motivation halfway and stop writing for 2 years again.)
18K notes · View notes
loveinlesbians · 3 months
Jun 2024 Tumblr Top 10
1. 1375 notes - Jun 5 2024
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2. 1255 notes - Jun 14 2024
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3. 1103 notes - Jun 27 2024
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4. 958 notes - Jun 21 2024
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5. 620 notes - Jun 2 2024
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6. 584 notes - Jun 3 2024
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7. 519 notes - Jun 26 2024
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8. 493 notes - Jun 13 2024
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9. 479 notes - Jun 15 2024
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10. 442 notes - Jun 25 2024
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567 notes · View notes
matan4il · 4 months
I wanna share with you a small cut from a 2010 documentary about events that began unfolding in 2008. The film (which was up for an Oscar nomination, but wasn't shortlisted), followed the story of a young kid called Muhammad. He was born with an immunity deficiency that killed two of his sisters. Three other siblings didn't have it, but also weren't a match to donate bone marrow to him. To even consider the donation procedure, Muhammad's family needed 55,000 dollars (over 80,000 dollars today), which they obviously didn't have. An Israeli journalist did a TV piece about Muhammad, asking for the money to be donated. An Israeli man, whose son was a soldier killed by Palestinian terrorists, decided to do exactly that.
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While Muhammad was in the Israeli hospital, his mom Raida was by him, and here's an exchange she had with the Israeli journalist who helped the family get the money they needed to save their kid's life:
I'm not sharing this because I want to demonize Raida. I'm not sharing it because every Palestinian thinks this way. I'm sharing it because some Palestinians, certainly the ones related to Islamist terrorist organizations like Hamas, do believe that if their child dies as a shahid (a martyr), during an attempt to kill Jews, then the kid would be with Allah. And that will be as if their child never died, because what's better, an imperfect and short life on this earth, or an eternal life with every good thing imaginable by Allah's side? So yes, there are parents who want their kids to die in a confrontation with Israel. There are kids who were brought up with these beliefs. And kindness and humanitarian gestures might change it, but many times they just can't compare to the promise made by this way of thinking.
That's not every Palestinian, but it's enough people to have an impact on the forming and continuation of the Israeli-Arab conflict (much like how Amin al-Husseini was one Palestinian leader, but his antisemitism had a crucial influence on the conflict, and translated into the deaths of countless people, mainly Jews). There are currently at least 30 terrorist organizations in Gaza alone (at least 5 of them are big enough to be household names in Israel), and Hamas on its own includes at least 30,000 people who think this way.
No one can understand this conflict as long as they ignore that the widespread existence of this mentality plays a factor in it. No one can bring about peace here, without getting that this is a part of what threatens it. No one can solve a problem while turning a blind eye to some of its parts.
And if you still think Raida is an exception, here are some more vids reflecting the same mentality from over the years... (I'm not gonna get into how heartbreaking it is that entire generations of Palestinian kids never stood a chance, because I think that's obvious for anyone with a heart watching these clips)
Official Palestinian Authority TV interview with the mother of a shahid, Nov 28, 2003:
"Being with Allah is better." Hamas TV on Jul 21, 2014:
Mother of murderer of 3 Israeli teens: "He was honored with Martyrdom because Allah loved him." Oct 6, 2014:
Palestinian mothers explain why they make joyful noises when their kids get killed as shahids. Apr 7, 2015:
"Death is inevitable, so why not die as shahids?" Oct 28, 2019:
Palestinian father explains his choice to expose his son to danger by bringing him to the site of violent riots, by saying his 4.5 years old wants to go to paradise. Jun 20, 2021:
"My son had nothing called a funeral, rather it was a wedding..." Official Palestinian Authority TV, Sep 13, 2021:
Shahid's mother says her son is a role model for Palestinian kids. Dec 31, 2022:
Shahid's mother shares she instructed her son on how to be a proper shaid. Official Palestinian Authority TV, Feb 21, 2023:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dearly-somber · 11 months
It’s An Affectionate Thing | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), pining, unrequited love, eventual romance
-> w/c. 2183
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. this one was an excuse to write biting because 🤭
-> warnings. N/A
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:21
-> fin. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 22:23
-> edited. Jul. 5th, 2022 @ 00:46
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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Jungkook is… weird, to say the least.
He just randomly came up to you in class one day, sat his ass down on the edge of your desk, and started talking to you like it was a normal, everyday routine. Which it was not.
As you got to know him, he only got weirder.
If not for his clinginess (which was admittedly strange considering you’d never met a guy so touchy with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend), you’d say his strange habit of rubbing his head against you was probably one of his weirder characteristics.
And it wasn’t even in a creepy If-you-don’t-get-away-from-me-immediately-I’m-going-to-call-the-cops kinda way, but more so a confused, what-the-fuck-are-you-doing kinda way. He’d hug you and not so subtly rub his cheek against yours, or he’d hold your hand and make up some dumb excuse to nose your wrist (he kept insisting that you were wearing perfume when he knew you didn’t).
One time—while hugging you—he pressed his face into your neck and just… inhaled. He hasn’t done it again after you unceremoniously shoved his face away with a warning not to do it again unless he wanted to keep both his eyes, but it was beyond weird and (dare I say) creepy (at the time)
He also quite literally growled at one of your classmates when he was being a misogynistic, sexist piece of shit and wouldn’t leave you alone. And sometimes, when he’s being a brat and moaning about how you pull away too quickly after giving him a hug, he whines. Like, back of his throat, puppy-begging-for-food kind of whine.
This in of itself would be somewhat bearable, if not for his friends. They were equally as weird, if not weirder.
There were eleven of them total, seven guys and four girls—all living in the same house near the edge of town. And despite already having such a large group, they were completely unwelcoming of outsiders, too tight-knit to allow others into their ranks. People had suspected that they were in a polyamorous relationship, or that it was some weird sex cult. They hadn’t ever specifically said that they were dating amongst themselves, and being the secretive group they were, they didn’t bother acknowledging nor denying any of the crazy school rumors.
You didn’t wanna bring the rumors up with Jungkook and make him uncomfortable, so instead you chose to ignore them and pretend they weren’t there. Jungkook tried to introduce you once, but you’d seen the way they looked at you—how they glared when you walked into the cafeteria with Jungkook glued to your hip. You’d come to the nifty conclusion that they did not like you, and as much as you wanted to make Jungkook happy by letting him introduce you to his inner circle, you didn’t wanna crush his little heart by being immediately rejected.
Coming up with excuses to avoid them was hard, but if they were anything like their youngest, it was probably for the best if you kept your distance, anyway.
How you wished you’d been able to stay away for longer.
“Jungkook, I really don’t wanna go to your house.”
“But we have to go somewhere, and you already told me that your parents don’t like me.” He whines, his big bambi eyes and pouty lips making you internally groan.
“That’s because they think you’re too clingy.” You state matter of factly, deadpanning your gaze to his arm, tightly wrapped around yours.
Grinning sheepishly, he tugs you in the direction of his housemates. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” They walk a few meters ahead of you, shoving and pushing each other while talking, rowdy laughter echoing behind them. Your heart aches for a moment, watching them enviously. They look close…
“Are we gonna be able to get anything done? There’s like. Twelve of you in one house, thirteen plus myself.” You watch them retreat further and further ahead of you, your and Jungkook’s feet dragging as you fall behind. “They don’t exactly seem like the quiet type…”
Jungkook frowns at the (hopefully) unintentional dig, clearing his throat and hesitantly intertwining your hands. When you don’t pull away, he continues. “Just give them a chance. I know the rumors are weird, but they couldn’t be farther from the truth. I promise you you’ll like them once you get to know them,” he pleads, giving you his best puppy eyes. “Please?”
You sigh, nodding concededly and reluctantly letting him pull you along. “Okay. Can we at least do the assignment somewhere private? I don’t really think your friends—”
The correction throws you off guard, and you stare at him. Your voice betrays you, eyes soft. “Right, your family. I don’t… I don’t think they like me very much.”
He tsks. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. But,” he turns to you and boops your nose playfully. “If it really makes you feel better, we can do the project in my room.”
His room? Why his room? Why not outside, or in the kitchen, or anywhere else but his room?
You squint your eyes at him suspiciously. “What are you planning, Jungkook?”
He grins mischievously, batting his eyelashes in an effort to make himself look more innocent than you know he is. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You scoff. “Pervert.”
Jungkook giggles in response, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and leaning into you while not so subtly sniffing your hair.
Jungkook drags you upstairs to his room before any of his housemates can snatch you away from him, not bothering to listen to their rowdy complaints. He knows that they’ll overwhelm you the second they get their claws on you, and he’d preferably not scare you away just when you’re getting more comfortable around him.
He practically throws you onto his bed, followed directly by his overexcited body knocking the breath out of you. Jungkook huffs weirdly before pressing his forehead against your shoulder, hands laying curled up into your sides. Groaning, your hands shoot out to his shoulders, trying to push him off. “Can’t— can’t breathe—“
“Sorry,” he sheepishly grins, pushing himself up by his hands to look down at you with his hair flopping over his head. You catch your breath, feeling the immense relief at not having his full weight on top of you, too preoccupied to notice the compromising position you’re in—him hovering over you with his knees slotted on either side of your waist. Jungkook looks concerned when he asks, “Can you breathe yet?”
“Yeah… yeah, I can breathe. Can you uh,” your cheeks burn and you avoid meeting his eyes, your hands sliding from his shoulders. “Can you get off, please?”
“Oh, I— sorry, I’m sorry.” He gets off of you faster than you expected him to, sitting cross legged on the opposite side of the bed to give you some space. You copy him, staring at one another awkwardly. It’s your first time being in his house, let alone his room, and your heart stutters when you realize he closed the door behind you on your way in. Just great. You look at him, biting the inside of your lip. Jungkook has proven to be a very sweet boy, but he is still a boy—and you are a girl. Alone. In his bedroom.
You don’t want him getting the wrong idea.
“Listen, Kook…” He perks up, listening to you attentively. Taking an encouraging breath, you continue. “I hope you didn’t choose your room for ulterior motives, because I came here for school. I’m not going to have sex with you—“
Jungkook’s whole face turns red, frantically shaking his hands in front of you. “No no no! No, I’d never—I don’t, I don’t see you that way, I promise!” He rambles, scooting away from you in an effort to convince you that that’s not why he chose this location. Grinning stupidly, you reach over and pat his knee.
“Okay, okay, I believe you. Relax.” He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and sulking. He just wanted to make you feel more comfortable… he didn’t think you’d take it the wrong way. Rolling your eyes at the cute pout on his lips, you ruffle his hair playfully. “Let’s get started, hm?”
You turn your back to him so that you can reach into your bag and grab your things, rifling through the books inside to look for your laptop. What you don’t notice is the weight of Jungkook’s eyes on your back—watching you and admiring the annoyed pout on your lips with a soft smile.
“Found it! So,” you cross your legs and situate the keyboard in your lap. “What do you wanna start with first? I was thinking we could start with, uhm…” Your voice dies in the back of your throat when you catch sight of Jungkook’s dazed, strangely affectionate half-smile. You clear your throat, cheeks heating up because why the fuck is he looking at you like you’ve hung the stars?
“Uhm… Jungkook?”
“Right, sorry,” he shakes his head as if to bring himself back to reality. “Why don’t we start with research first?” He’s hesitant, and you feel bad. He must think you’re going to say no.
“Sounds good. My screen is pretty small, though.” You bite your lip, thinking about how you could share the screen in a way that he wouldn’t hurt his neck.
“Uhm. I—I have… can you scoot a bit closer to the headboard?”
You look at him questioningly but give in to his hopeful puppy eyes. Sighing, you scoot back until he places a gentle hand on your knee to halt your movements. You try and look at his face but he looks down so that it’s hidden by his hair. “Jungkook?” You whisper, hesitant to increase your volume.
Jungkook either doesn’t hear you or he ignores you, clambering toward you distractedly and shifting in behind you. You suck in a breath, the hair on your arms raising. He slots his legs on either side of you, pulling you to his chest by your waist and hesitantly resting his chin on your shoulder. The closeness freezes you to the spot, and you swear you can feel him eyeing the side of your face for a reaction.
You exhale through your teeth and will yourself to relax in his arms despite your racing heart. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook smiles, locking his hands around your waist and inhaling your scent as subtly as possible. You ignore him and clear your throat. “Shall we start with origin?” You whisper, unable to raise your voice due to the suffocating closeness, cheeks red and heart beating ten times too quickly.
Jungkook hums next to your ear. If he notices your racing heartbeat, he doesn’t comment on it.
Y/N yawns tiredly, apologizing in a half-asleep voice.
“Just take a break,” Jungkook pleads, trying to move her arms out of the way and biting back a growl of frustration when she swats his hands away from the screen.
“I’m fine.”
“You can barely keep your eyes open!” He reasons, pulling away to look at the back of her head. Stupid, stubborn girl. “Come on, Y/N. We’ve been working on this for hours. Let’s just take a quick break. Please?”
“We’re so close to finishing…” She sounds dejected, another yawn leaving her lips. Jungkook frowns at her, trying to figure out how to get her to put away her stupid computer and just take a nap, for gods sake. Knowing that this is the only course of action that’ll direct her attention to something other than this stupid class assignment, he determinedly leans forward.
You yelp in surprise, turning to Jungkook with wide eyes. Did he just—
“Did you just fucking bite me?” Your voice is filled with newfound life and energy, jaw hanging as you look down at your shoulder. Looking at him, you find no remorse in those chocolate brown eyes… only a smug, satisfied expression.
“Yes.” He laughs at the horror on your face, shaking his head as if he knows something you don’t. “It’s an affectionate thing, I promise.”
“How is you biting me an ‘affectionate thing’?” You hiss, watching as he shakes his head, hair flopping around his face cutely.
“It just is,” he shrugs. You squint suspiciously, setting the laptop down next to you while silently planning his demise.
Jungkook eyes you warily and yells when you punch his arm, rubbing the spot furiously. “What was that for!”
“Would you rather I bite you back?” You snap threateningly, sitting on your knees to look down at him. Jungkook’s eyes widen at the threat, his cheeks and the top of his ears going beet red. You grin to yourself evilly, crawling towards him. Your eyes squint in a silent threat, prowling like a bloodthirsty animal. “Just wait until I sink my teeth into you… c’mere!”
Jungkook yelps, jumping up from the bed and running away from you while incoherently yelling that no, only he’s allowed to bite you.
“I— I can’t tell you!”
“Guess I’m gonna bite you, then—“
“—Y/N NO!”
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fullbriefsandpanties · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 481 notes - Aug 29 2023
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2. 462 notes - Jun 8 2023
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3. 377 notes - Jun 1 2023
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4. 321 notes - Aug 7 2023
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5. 309 notes - Feb 21 2023
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6. 300 notes - Jul 9 2023
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7. 288 notes - Aug 13 2023
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8. 278 notes - Oct 16 2023
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9. 272 notes - Aug 29 2023
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10. 271 notes - Aug 26 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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therogerclarkfanclub · 7 months
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Black Hills Redemption
June 21st - 23rd, 2024 In Deadwood, South Dakota
02 MAR '24: Rob and Steve are the first guests formally announced on the BHR website.
06 MAR '24: Alex McKenna is on board!
07 MAR '24: Benjamin is ready to party!
10 MAR '24: Red Harlow himself, actor Robert Bogue, will once again join the gang!
11 MAR '24: Peter and Mick are joining the fun once again!
12 MAR '24: Another big update! Jim Santangeli, and for the very first time, Howard Pinhasik will join the rest of the gang at Deadwood.
13 MAR '24: Ms Grimshaw and Ms. Jackson will be meeting up with the rest of the gang!
15 MAR '24: Arthur's favorite father figure and the Spaghetti villain have joined the fun.
16 MAR '24: THE BOAH is coming to Deadwood!
18 MAR '24: The final two camp ladies will be at Deadwood!
23 MAR '24: Everyone's favorite Bandito is coming to Deadwood!
25 MAR '24: For the first time. Ms Molly herself, Penny O'Brien will be at the 2nd annual RDR Event! Also, photos have been rearranged to place the newest announcements on top.
30 MAR '24: The talent behind Agent Milton will be joining the rest of the gang at Deadwood!
21 APR '24: Sophia Marzocchi, the og Abigail Marston, will maker her first appearance at the 2nd annual Red Dead event!
06 JUN '24: Matt Walton, who played everyone's favorite photographer, Albert Mason, will also make his first ever appearance at the event.
14 JUN '24: Gabriel Sloyer cancelled his appearance at the event
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sabertoothwalrus · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10 using jetblackcode.com like the old days cause Tumblr didn’t do their own thing this year
1. 113,780 notes - Sep 11 2023
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2. 95,557 notes - Dec 5 2023
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3. 72,692 notes - Mar 7 2023
idk what teenager needs to hear this but please stop watching south park
4. 59,225 notes - Apr 30 2023
all you suckers are spending $70 on totk but not me I’m emulating it on tumblr
5. 58,957 notes - Sep 7 2023
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6. 48,866 notes - Mar 7 2023
I LOVE pranks that involve waiting to see how long someone takes to notice something but man do I not have the patience
7. 37,270 notes - Sep 20 2023
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8. 36,342 notes - Jun 13 2023
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9. 35,178 notes - Sep 25 2023
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10. 34,506 notes - Jan 21 2023
what would you LEAST like to lose? trust of a friend you hold dear hindsight to prevent future mistakes endurance to pursue...
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asklepius2 · 8 months
I don't like how the birthdays from stardew valley are set up in the real world. Like most of December is in the fall according to the solstice but Sebastian's birthday is winter 10 and we've decided it's December 10th.
Nah, let's give all the characters accurate birthdays in accordance with the seasons.
I'll set it up 2 ways:
1. Taking the earliest dates of each solstice and equinox that defines the seasons and dividing that by 28 (number of days in a stardew valley season) then multiplied that number by the NPC's bday (I'll explain the math later)
2. Taking the average amount of days in-between each IRL season and dividing that by 28
Earliest dates are as follows:
Spring March 19
Summer June 20
Autumn September 21
Winter December 20
The length of each season in this method is
91 days for spring
93 days for summer
90 days for fall
90 days for winter
The average days in between is 91.5 days.
Dividing by 28 we get
3.25 Spring
3.32142857 Summer
3.2142857 Autumn / Winter
3.267857142857143 Average
These numbers are the difference between our real world dates and stardew valley dates
Our season are about 90 days long, their's are 28 days so
1 day for stardew players is about 3 days for us.
Now that we have these numbers let's find out how each day correlates to each villager.
It will be in order of earliest birthday to latest and will follow this format
NPC-Season-ingame Bday-Bday(method 1)-Bday(method 2)
Kent- Spring 4- Apr 1
Lewis- Spring 7- Apr 10
Vincent- Spring 10- Apr 20
Haley- Spring 14- May 3
Pam- Spring 18- May 16
Shane- Spring 20- May 23
Pierre- Spring 26- Jun 11
Emily- Spring 27- Jun 14- Jun 15
Jas- Summer 4- Jul 3
Gus- Summer 8- Jul 16
Maru- Summer 10- Jul 23- Jul 22
Alex- Summer 13- Aug 2- Aug 1
Sam- Summer 17- Aug 15- Aug 14
Demetrius- Summer 19- Aug 22- Aug 21
Dwarf- Summer 22- Sep 1-Aug 30
Willy- Summer 24- Sep 7- Sep 6
Leo- Summer 26- Sep 14- Sep 12
Penny- Autumn 2- Sep 27
Elliott- Autumn 5- Oct 7
Jodi- Autumn 11- Oct 26
Abigail- Autumn 13- Nov 1- Nov 2
Sandy- Autumn 15- Nov 8- Nov 9
Marnie- Autumn 18- Nov 17- Nov 18
Robin- Autumn 21- Nov 27- Nov 28
George- Autumn 24- Dec 7- Dec 8
Krobus- Winter 1- Dec 23
Linus- Winter 3- Dec 29
Caroline- Winter 7- Jan 11
Sebastian- Winter 10- Jan 21
Harvey- Winter 14- Feb 2- Feb 3
Wizard- Winter 17- Feb 12- Feb 13
Evelyn- Winter 20- Feb 22- Feb 23
Leah- Winter 23- Mar 3- Mar 5
Clint- Winter 26- Mar 13- Mar 14
If there is only one date on the NPC that means both dates are the same
I'd like to thank @cloverbug83 for helping with the math.
TL:DR The dates in stardew valley are incorrect and I updated them according to IRL seasons.
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Come see me on tour!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Bezzle, a high-tech ice-cold revenge thriller starring Marty Hench, a two-fisted forensic accountant, as he takes on the sleaziest scams of the first two decades of the 2000s, from hamburger-themed Ponzis to the unbelievably sleazy and evil prison-tech industry:
I'm taking Marty on the road! I'll be visiting eighteen cities between now and June, and I hope you'll come out and say hello, visit a beloved local bookseller, and maybe get a book (or two)!
21 Feb: Weller Bookworks, Salt Lake City, 1830h: https://www.wellerbookworks.com/event/store-cory-doctorow-feb-21-630-pm
22 Feb: Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego, 19h: https://www.mystgalaxy.com/22224Doctorow
24 Feb: Vroman's, Pasadena, 17h, with Adam Conover (!!) https://www.vromansbookstore.com/Cory-Doctorow-discusses-The-Bezzle
26 Feb: Third Place Books, Seattle, 19h, with Neal Stephenson (!!!) https://www.thirdplacebooks.com/event/cory-doctorow
27 Feb: Powell's, Portland, 19h: https://www.powells.com/book/the-bezzle-martin-hench-2-9781250865878/1-2
29 Feb: Changing Hands, Phoenix, 1830h: https://www.changinghands.com/event/february2024/cory-doctorow
9-10 Mar: Tucson Festival of the Book: https://tucsonfestivalofbooks.org/?action=display_author&id=15669
13 Mar: San Francisco Public Library: https://sfpl.org/events/2024/03/13/author-cory-doctrow-bezzle
22 Mar: Toronto: Wendy Michener Memorial Lecture: https://events.yorku.ca/events/wendy-michener-memorial-lecture2024/
24 Mar: NYC: Word Books (with Laura Poitras): https://shop.wordbookstores.com/event/word-presents-cory-doctorow
29-31 Mar: Wondercon Anaheim: https://www.comic-con.org/wc/
11 Apr: Harvard Berkman-Klein Center (with Randall Munroe) https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/enshittification
12 Apr: RISD Debates in AI, Providence, details coming soon!
17 Apr: Anderson's Books, Chicago, 19h: https://www.andersonsbookshop.com/event/cory-doctorow-1
19-21 Apr: Torino Biennale Tecnologia https://www.turismotorino.org/en/experiences/events/biennale-tecnologia
2 May, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Winnipeg https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cory-doctorow-tickets-798820071337
5-11 May: Tartu Prima Vista Literary Festival https://tartu2024.ee/en/kirjandusfestival/
6-9 Jun: Media Ecology Association keynote, Amherst, NY https://media-ecology.org/convention
Calgary and Vancouver – details coming soon!
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday! Hope its great! The Untamed please? Its one of my favorite fandoms you've gotten me into 🥰
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Mo Xuanyu is married to the Second Jade of Lan.
Song Lan had known she’d married into the Lan – it was obvious – but he’d thought it was some not so bright cultivator that had been bewitched by her pretty face, or possibly literally bewitched, which he’d already decided wasn’t any of his damn business. If some stupid Lan wants a terrifying and amoral demonic cultivator for a wife, then good luck to them. Except they obviously don’t know she’s a demonic cultivator, considering their clan’s history with the original. But again, not his business, not his problem. His first priority is Xiao Xingchen and if Mo Xuanyu is going help him, then he really doesn’t care about who she’s terrorizing in her spare time.
Except it appears he’d underestimated her.
Because she’s apparently Jin Xuanyu now, legitimized and married off to the second most eligible bachelor in the cultivation world, superseded only by his brother who’s been unofficially off the market for over a decade.
Hanguang Jun had lived as a widower and Song Lan had been convinced he was going to die as one. Uncharitably, he wonders if maybe Lan Wangji just has a type, then feels bad about it in the next moment.
She orders Sect Leader Lan around and he lets her. She glares Hanguang Jun down.
To say absolutely nothing of the way she’d taken down Xue Yang. And then given him that dubious honor of taking credit for the kill, likely because she didn’t want to try and explain to her family how she’d managed it.
She had been clever and dangerous as a teenager. She’s managed to vault herself from disgraced bastard daughter to wife of the heir to the Lan and the legal mother to the third in line who will likely be the one actually succeeding Lan Xichen.
Jin Xuan – Xuanyu is a friend. She has very firmly shown herself to be a friend, helping him and protecting Xiao Xingchen and showing what certainly looks like genuine kindness to the girl who’d helped them, A-Qing.
Possibly she’s done all this to ensure their silence over what she used to be, what she is, but if so then it’s been successful. Betrayal would be a poor repayment for everything she’s done. The Lan hadn’t helped him or Xiao Xingchen. She had. The Lan can take care of themselves and if they can’t withstand the machinations of one woman, they deserve what they get.
Xiao Xingchen hasn’t said much, and Song Lan owes him so many apologies, but not here in front of everyone. He at least agrees to fly with him without much fuss. It will be difficult for him to fly with all three of them for any significant distance, but A-Qing asks Xuanyu to fly with her and she agrees with a smile.
Lan Sizhui doesn’t seem particularly thrilled, but he apparently is far too respectful of his step mother to disagree with her.
They’re flying back the inn when Xiao Xingchen presses himself back against his chest and tilts his head back to say, “Song Lan.”
It’s been so long since he’s heard Xiao Xingchen say his name. He has to swallow before he says, “Yes?”
“That’s,” he starts, then stops. “Who was that?”
“Who?” he asks. “We’re traveling with the Lans.”
“The woman,” he says.
His lips tug down into a frown but he tries not to panic. He’s been under charms to confuse and dull his senses for months. “That was Mo Xuanyu.”
If he’s already confused, getting into her legitimization probably won’t help anything.
Xiao Xingchen is silent for a few more moment. Then he asks, “Are you sure?”
What on earth. “Who else would she be?”
“She moves like – and sounds – but. It can’t. She’s – different,” he says.
As wonderful as it is to hear him speaking, Song Lan wishes he were saying less worrying things. “It’s been a long time since we saw her last. She’s grown up and married. Of course she’s different.” He squeezes his arms around Xiao Xingchen’s waist, hoping it’s not too presumptuous when they haven’t discussed anything yet. “It’s okay, after everything that’s happened this all must feel very sudden. Xuanyu is the one that found you. We can trust her.”
He thinks they can trust her. They can trust her more than any other sect cultivator, which granted isn’t saying much.
Xiao Xingchen relaxes against him. “Alright. If you say so.”
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branloaf · 18 days
You can use this site if you're not sure and use the daylight hours graph. Aim for 21 Jun for the northern hemisphere or 21 Dec for the southern hemisphere.
I also made another version for the winter solstice!
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astya96cc · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 7 171 notes - Feb 18 2023
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2. 6 040 notes - Jan 11 2023
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3. 5 742 notes - Aug 21 2023
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4. 5 073 notes - Jun 20 2023
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5. 3 821 notes - Jan 14 2023
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6. 3 129 notes - Jul 6 2023
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7. 3 107 notes - Sep 30 2023
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8. 1 806 notes - Mar 13 2023
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9. 1 703 notes - Oct 22 2023
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10. 1 313 notes - Apr 1 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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fandom · 2 years
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K-Pop Stars
Gotta stan 'em all.
Jungkook | BTS
Jimin | BTS
Suga | BTS
Hyunjin | Stray Kids +3
Jin | BTS -1
Bang Chan | Stray Kids
J-Hope | BTS -2
Felix | Stray Kids +5
Lee Know | Stray Kids +7
Changbin | Stray Kids +13
Yeonjun | Tomorrow X Together -1
Momo | TWICE +17
Han  | Stray Kids +4
Kai | EXO
Seonghwa | ATEEZ -2
Nayeon | TWICE +20
Joy | Red Velvet +9
Seulgi | Red Velvet +10
Hongjoong | ATEEZ +2
Seungmin | Stray Kids +22
San | ATEEZ +1
Haechan | NCT 127 -14
Wooyoung | ATEEZ +1
Key | SHINee
Beomgyu | Tomorrow X Together +7
Soobin | Tomorrow X Together +3
I.N | Stray Kids +16
Jaehyun | NCT 127 -22
Taeyong | NCT 127 -21
Jisoo | BLΛƆKPIИK -12
Heeseung | ENHYPEN
Jeno | NCT Dream -15
Sana | TWICE -3
Yunho | ATEEZ +2
Taemin | SHINee
Ryujin | ITZY +9
Yuta | NCT 127 -18
Mingyu | SEVENTEEN +6
Yeji | ITZY +21
Mark | NCT 127 -30
Johnny | NCT 127 -15
Yeosang | ATEEZ -3
Chaeyoung | TWICE +10
Wonwoo | SEVENTEEN +6
Onew | SHINee -12
Hoshi | SEVENTEEN +8
Mingi | ATEEZ -2
Mina | TWICE -9
Jaemin | NCT Dream -37
Joshua | SEVENTEEN +30
Doyoung | NCT 127 -29
Dino | SEVENTEEN +29
Jeonghan | SEVENTEEN +9
Yeri | Red Velvet -3
Ten | WayV -41
Jongho | ATEEZ +4
Irene | Red Velvet-16
Jihyo | TWICE +5
Vernon | SEVENTEEN +5
Taeyeon | Girls’ Generation
Renjun | NCT Dream -31
Woozi | SEVENTEEN +17
Dahyun | TWICE +10
Yuna | ITZY
Jonghyun | SHINee -17
Baekhyun | EXO
Seungkwan | SEVENTEEN +15
Jungwoo | NCT 127 -22
Kihyun | Monsta X+1
Jungwon | ENHYPEN
Tzuyu | TWICE +6
Minhyuk | Monsta X -4
Yves | LOOΠΔ +3
Suho | EXO +13
Wendy | Red Velvet+8
I.M | Monsta X-42
Chenle | NCT Dream -23
Sehun | EXO -25
Hyungwon | Monsta X -17
Taeil | NCT 127 -16
Heejin | LOOΠΔ -9
Chanyeol | EXO -52
Tiffany | Girls’ Generation
Jooheon | Monsta X -13
Xiaojun | WayV -42
YangYang | WayV -39
Chen | EXO -1
S.Coups | SEVENTEEN -1
Kun | WayV -34
Xiumin | EXO -21
Jinsoul | LOOΠΔ -18
WinWin | WayV -41
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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matan4il · 5 months
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dearly-somber · 11 months
Yours | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!Jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. pining, fluff, unrequited love, f2l (friends-to-lovers)
-> w/c. 1867
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. This couple 💔💔
-> warnings. N/A
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Wed., Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:19
-> fin. Tues., Jul. 27th, 2022 @ 21:37
-> edited. Tues., Jan. 7th, 2023 @ 12:45
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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You watch in awe as Jungkook and his pack interact with one another in their wolf forms, itching to take pictures, but knowing they wouldn’t appreciate it.
It’s the first time you’ve seen Jungkook’s wolf, and you find yourself rather intimidated. He’s twice the size you’d expect him to be, and although he acts like an oversized puppy, his sharp teeth and large paws remind you of god true nature.
Jungkook whines and nips at his hyungs while the girls lounge off to the side, watching you take everything in with curious eyes. The youngest of the shifters gives who you think is Hoseok one last nibble to his ear before excitedly padding in your direction, tail wagging behind him.
Your heartbeat races as he stalks towards you, your mind emptying itself of all coherent thought. You open your mouth to ask something, but get interrupted by a wet, gross wolf-tongue being thrust down your throat.
It takes you a second to realize that Jungkook is in fact licking the inside of your mouth, and the moment you have the braincells to do something about it you yell in protest, roughly pushing him away by his chest. He takes a second to react to your pushing and jumps away the second he realizes he’s doing something wrong, a high-pitched whine leaving his throat. You wipe your mouth with your sleeve with a horrified frown, resisting the urge to gag. Jungkook whines loudly at your side, tail hovering between his legs as the other shifters look curiously in your direction, wondering what all the commotion is about.
Jungkook nuzzles his nose into your the crook of your elbow and then just below your rib cage, stepping onto your thigh in his attempt to get closer to your face so he can apologetically nuzzle your jaw. You push his face away in a panic, mortified that his tongue was in your mouth.
Jungkook whines louder, his ears pinned to the back of his head. You try not to scrape your tongue off with your nails, looking at Jungkook pace up and down with his worried eyes trained on you. You feel kind of bad, despite feeling like the victim in this situation, so you muster a small, slightly panicked smile. “Sorry, Kookie, it’s just that” —you exhale shakily— “you can’t just lick into my mouth, Koo. That’s just…”
He bows his head shamefully, his tail wrapping around his paws. You want to scream at him for looking so fucking sad, your stupid human brain only seeing an overgrown but cute dog who looks way too depressed for your heart to handle.
“I forgive you, but don’t do it again, okay?” You pat his head and twirl a finger around his soft ear, smiling when the end of his tail starts twitching. Jungkook barks happily at your forgiveness and stumbles to his feet so he can rest his head on your thigh, tail smacking your leg as it wags.
Your hands are on him immediately, petting him all over and carding through his fur. Jungkook can’t help but vibrate with pleasure, trying very hard to get it across to his wolf that crushing you under his weight is going to get the complete opposite reaction he wants. Your gentle touches knock the breath out of him. Make him submissive and pliant—some might even say pathetic.
He cringes at a memory from two weeks ago.
You were lying next to him, reading a book while he boredly played games on his phone. Turning to you, he positioned his head in your lap.
“I’m bored.”
“And I’m reading.”
He scoffed, pinching your leg. You yelped in surprise and Jungkook smirked smugly.
You resisted smacking him with the book. “Go to bed.”
“But it’s almost dinner,” he pouted. You rolled your eyes, muttering something that sounded oddly like ‘dumb puppy’.
“I’ll wake you when it’s ready. Sleep.”
Jungkook grumbled something under his breath but nevertheless turned onto his stomach, getting comfortable with his head in your lap, pouting. How could you—
His eyes widened a fragment as his entire body relaxed the moment your fingers started gently carding through his hair. He felt his wolf slowly coming to the forefront of his mind, practically purring with contentment as he nuzzled into your thigh, huffing out a wolfish breath.
You massaged his scalp and he let out a quiet moan of appreciation, pressing his face into your thigh to hide his heating cheeks. You laughed, your heart thundering against your rib cage. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and pressed his nose into your hipbone while holding himself to you possessively, little noises of pleasure falling from his lips while you played with his hair.
Jungkook shudders internally at the embarrassing recollection, his nose pressed into your hipbone like it was back then. That memory—though cringe-worthy—is a fond one.
He whines appreciatively when you scratch behind his ears, pressing his nose further into your hip. You chuckle lowly in response, your mouth moving with no sound coming out.
You’re in awe at just how thick his fur is. You could ball up a fistful of hair and still find more fur to grasp on to. You suppose it’s necessary to survive the winters, even though they probably spend most of their time indoors anyway… “You’re so cute!” you squeal softly, cupping Jungkook’s face and bringing your face close to his so you can stare into those large, expressive eyes of his.
He looks surprised at the sudden proximity but doesn’t try to pull away even after he goes cross eyed, his tail wagging excitedly behind him. You half forget that this is in fact your best friend, seeing him as just any other dog.
A very large, very intimidating dog.
“You’re just an overgrown puppy who enjoys some good ol’ pets, aren’t you? Just a big baby boy?” You giggle when he whines and aggressively stomped his feet, his eyes sparkling as he looks at you. Your thumbs trace over his eyes affectionately, smiling brightly at his obvious excitement.
You continue cooing at him unintelligibly, his inner pup yowling and whimpering desperately at the note of affection in your voice.
“Someone’s whipped,” Jimin snorts through their mind link, shaking his head.
“I’m not whipped—“ Jungkook tries to defend himself, though his aggressively wagging tail and barely contained whimpers give him away immediately.
“You’re acting like an overgrown puppy,” Rosé deadpans, her head raised so Lisa can groom the underside of her neck.
“No, I’m not,” he tries to defend himself, doing his best not to show his growing annoyance at his pack’s testing while you’re so close to his face, fighting with his wolf to not lick your face, no matter how much they both want to.
Taehyung snorts from where he’s laying half on top of Jimin, the two looking pleased that they’re getting a rise out of him. “Coochie coochie coo! Come here, Jungoo-baby, let your hyungs groom your fur!”
“Stop,” Jungkook warns them, trying to focus on your bright smile.
“Koo’s about to roll over and beg her to—“
You squeal in surprise and fright when Jungkook turns his head to the side to snarl at his pack-mates, your heart picking up speed and eyes widening. Your fight or flight kicks in, but Jungkook is laying half on top of you, and you’re afraid that if you move more he’ll get snappy.
Jungkook turns back to you with a small huff, licking your hand as an apology for scaring you, before ducking his head to nudge your pelvis insistently. You hesitantly pet him again, wary of another outburst. Jungkook huffs angrily, pinning his ears against his head. You don’t hold his face again, much to his chagrin.
This wouldn’t have happened if his idiot hyungs kept their mouths shut. He, albeit dejectedly, settles for nuzzling his nose into your stomach.
He’ll get face pets from you another time.
As the sun sets, Jungkook’s pack-mates head inside one by one, shifting where you can’t see. Jungkook’s tail lays lethargic and limp by his side, your long, rhythmic strokes over his head and down his spine making him drowsy.
“Y/N! Jungkook! Come inside! It’s getting late and we wanna order food,” Namjoon calls from the behind sliding door that leads to the patio.
“Coming!” you call back, gently shoving Jungkook off you despite his protests. You picture him whining that, “he doesn’t wanna go inside” and to, “keep petting him” in that annoyingly adorable aegyo voice he uses sometimes, but you manage to push the thought away and stand, stretching your legs.
“Let’s get some food, hm?” You roll your finger around his ear as he follows you on your heel, huffing and puffing annoyedly. It feels a bit like having those guard dogs you’ve seen on TV.
Jungkook shifts back in the comfort of his bedroom, running downstairs to join you in the living room where everyone’s busy watching a crime documentary and eating pizza. Strangely enough, you’re no where to be seen, the single seater that might as well have your name on it left unoccupied. “Where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in the kitchen grabbing something to drink,” Jennie supplies distractedly, stuffing her face with a large cheese pizza. Jungkook nods, stepping over everyone sitting on the floor to make himself comfortable in your chair.
When you come back, you see your spot has been taken and slump your shoulders. He grins at you cheekily, and you roll your eyes. You make a move to pass him so you can sit next to Lisa, but Jungkook intervenes quickly by shooting his legs out, causing you to screen to a halt to stop you from tripping over his stupidly long legs.
You glare at him pointedly, aggressively smacking his upper leg to get him to drop it to the floor. He pouts and makes grabby hands at you to come and sit with him in the single chair instead of with his pack mates, tilting his head cutely.
You sigh and shake your head, leaning over the coffee table to grab a slice of pepperoni pizza before turning to one very delighted Jeon Jungkook. He giggles softly as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap, his legs spread so that your ass is cushioned in his thighs. He rests his chin on your shoulder and holds you close, watching the TV with rapt attention. You smile at the doe-eyed look of concentration he has, chewing on the bite you just took while holding the slice over your shoulder for him to take.
He hums appreciatively when he digs his teeth into it, thanking you through a mouthful of pizza. “Don’t speak to me with your mouth full,” you scold with a playful flick to his cheek, shaking your head when he grins stupidly at you in response.
Jungkook trains his eyes on the side of your face as you lean into him, your eyes twinkling with pictures from the screen.
He has only one thought as he tightens his grip around your waist:
Though you might not be his just yet…
…he’s most definitely yours.
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raelyn-dreams · 5 months
Enstars Updated Ages
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(Plain Text and Info under the cut)
31-33: Jin Sagami.
29-31: Akiomi Kunugi.
21-22: Rinne Amagi, Nice Arneb Thunder (Sanda Yoshihide).
20-21: Rei Sakuma.
19-20: Eichi Tenshouin, Wataru Hibiki, Chiaki Morisawa, Kanata Shinkai, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Nagisa Ran, Hiyori Tomoe, Shu Itsuki, Niki Shiina, Kaoru Hakaze, Nazuna Nito, Keito Hasumi, Kuro Kiryu, Leo Tsukinaga, Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Tsumugi Aoba, Madara Mikejima.
18-19: Yuzuru Fushimi, Hokuto Hidaka, Subaru Akehoshi, Makoto Yuuki, Mao Isara, Mayoi Ayase, Ibara Saegusa, Jun Sazanami, Mika Kagehira, Koga Ogami, Adonis Otogari, Souma Kanzaki, Arashi Narukami, Natsume Sakasaki, Anzu, Kaname Tojo.
17-18: Tori Himemiya, Tetora Nagumo, Midori Takamine, Shinobu Sengoku, Hiiro Amagi, Hinata Aoi, Yuta Aoi, Tomoya Mashiro, Mitsuru Tenma, Hajime Shino, Tsukasa Suou, Sora Harukawa, Hitsugi Kurone/NEGI.
16-17: Aira Shiratori, Kohaku Oukawa, Esu Sagiri.
15-16: Ibuki Taki.
14-15: Fuyume Hanamura, Raika Hojo.
12-13: Kanna Natsu.
Unknown: HiMERU, Seiya Hidaka, Gatekeeper.
Info / Explanations for the Curious
All ages are one year up from their currently listed age. The newly released ages for 4Piece are confirmed to be before their current year birthdays, meaning they will age up during the year.
While Jin and Akiomi's ages are currently listed in !!/ES1 Era as 31-32 and 29-30 on their profiles, respectively, these ages are not widely agreed upon, due to them not lining up with the Main Story's stated ages (which would be one year younger for each). Therefore, I used a wider range encompassing both of these possible ages.
Rinne and Niki never attended high school, and Niki therefore did not graduate with any of the ! Era third years, while Rinne would have been a third year during the War, had he attended.
Rei was held back due to his time abroad in his second year, making him one year older than the other ! Era Yumenosaki third-years, which he graduated with.
Tatsumi and Ritsu were both held back in their second years, due to Tatsumi's hospitalization and Ritsu's chronic absences due to his condition and lack of motivation, making them one year older than the other !!/ES1 Era third-years. Therefore, Ritsu recently graduated from Yumenosaki at the end of !!/ES1 Era March, while Tatsumi graduated from Reimei Academy around the same time.
Kaname was a first year alongside Jun during the Reimei Revolution (while Tatsumi was a second-year). Therefore, had he not been rendered comatose, he would have graduated Reimei Academy with Jun at the end of the !!/ES1 Era, making him the same age as the other !!/ES1 Era third years.
Hitsugi was admitted to the producer course during !!/ES1 Era as a second year, much like Anzu the year before, placing his age as the same as the other current !!!/ES2 third years. (While Hitsugi is 17-18 NEGI identifies as his older sister, likely putting her conscious around the age Hitsugi's original older sister died).
Current HiMERU's age is unknown, though he's older than Kaname and ran away young after his mother died, having never known about Kaname's existence until many years later. Therefore, his age range is typically placed in the early 20s, the most common estimate putting him around Rinne's age.
Seiya and Gatekeeper's ages are unknown, though they are typically estimated to be slightly older than Jin and Akiomi (mid-late 30s), with Gatekeeper seen as older, due to Gatekeeper's long history with Godfather (while Seiya is still an active idol with a late-teenage son).
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