Anyone have anything fun planned for this weekend?
Maybe you're going out to a favourite location to shoot some film, or you and some friends are going to go on a hike? We want to get to know our customers/followers. Tell us about yourself!
Personally, I'm preparing to do an informal photo shoot with one of my best friends on Saturday. I'm slowly but surely getting back into shooting more and more film; revisiting an old love that has been re-kindled by this job. I'll be sure to post some of the results as soon as I get them! =)
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believeinfilm · 13 years
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A shot from my upcoming review of 120processing.com 
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Hello there followers!
Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything! With school work pilling up and things in the lab getting a bit hectic, I haven't been able to set aside time to post anything. But fear not! I'm back!
How have you all been? Anyone shot anything great lately? We wanna know!
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