paperboatandink · 9 months
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Hab gerade dieses Video entdeckt für mein Zitat heute und er ist sooo niedlich, was??
(Behind the Scenes: Kostüm & Maske; 12.12.2017)
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
Foto de Taemin publicado en la cuenta de Instagram oficial de la marca 'The Shilla Duty Free'.
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aarondingle · 7 years
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isabellaofparma · 7 years
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nhupdates · 7 years
Niall Horan Delighted to release my new Spotify Singles Session tomorrow .
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È già stato tutto pensato
Viviamo in luoghi senza nomi o indicazioni, tutti pateticamente uguali e nauseabondi.
Uscire di casa è come esserci rimasti dentro, nessun posto ci risparmia dalla voragine che si è abbattuta sull'intero globo. I prodotti sono sempre gli stessi, l'unico dettaglio che potrebbe cambiare è la forma, ed è raro trovare qualcosa di solidale al pianeta. Le personalità sembrano stampate e fotocopiate, conosco ormai pochi errori di stampa ed è una blasfemia doverli ritenere così.
Scrivo su lettere che vengono schiacciate ed in un mondo virtuale, ove la privacy non esiste nemmeno come concetto, che ha ormai sostituito i sogni ad occhi aperti: sono anch'essi prefabbricati e resi pubblici.
I centimetri cubi che racchiudono il cranio si sono fusi con la nera aria circostante: non siamo più niente.
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skyovereuropeldkde · 7 years
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12.12.2017 - 6:15 pm Thank you for visit my Blog 🌬 🌨 ❄️ Skygazercarba 🌬 🌨 ❄️
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nowimyourxdaisy · 7 years
i’m losing motivation 
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Is it just me or
J’écris enfin ce soir, confinée au fond de mon lit dans ce petit appartement partagé avec mon frère dans la ville des Lumières. Paris. Quelle hâte j’avais de te rencontrer. Voilà 3 mois que je partage ma vie avec toi et pourtant le revoila déjà.
Oui le revoila, je l’entend venir depuis quelques jours maintenant. Ce sentiment de nostalgie, cette impression de brume où que j’aille. Comme une ombre longeant mes côtes froidement et qui remonte se loger au creux de ma nuque pour me glisser ces mots glaçants qui m’enferme encore une fois dans cette solitude. Alors une question me traverse. Est-ce-que sur cette jolie planète bleue, beaucoup éprouve comme moi cette mélancolie enveloppante presque comfortable arrivée à pas feutrés qui fini par rendre tout ce qui nous entoure gris ? Comme si petit à petit tout fonctionnait au ralenti, comme si la Terre et chacun de ses habitants tournaient et faisait marcher l’univers, pendant que je reste planter là à expirer la buée des ces soirs d’hiver parisiens.
Est-ce juste moi ? Ou bien est-ce-juste ma petite personne, petite fille trop gâtée, qui se torture pour se trouver des peines et justifier ses caprices ?
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prosy-days · 7 years
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December 12, 2017 - Day 176
A lovely (though cold) evening at ZooLights!
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
Foto publicada en las redes sociciales de SMTown, en la Gala SMTOWN Charity Night en colaboración con Vogue y Unicef.
>Celebrado el 08 de Diciembre 2017
🔗 fuente
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neverlandbooksies1 · 7 years
When you don’t know how to do a front pike 😅😂
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isabellaofparma · 7 years
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for @memorieswarm​
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puckinginsane · 5 years
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Tyler Seguin 
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marievillmer-blog · 4 years
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light and shadow - 12.12.2017
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stellar-imagines · 6 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝first steps.❞
[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Todoroki Shouto ]
toddler (noun.) ― a young child who is just beginning to walk. 「Scenario where Todoroki and his S/O’s child begins to walk.」 ❝Did you see that!? Their legs are moving! They’re moving!❞
“I’m home.” Todoroki announced to the whole house.
“Ah! Look who’s home?” he heard your voice coo at who he presumed to be their daughter.
While he was holding onto the plastic bag filled with food and drinks, he slipped off his sandals before walking down the hallway that led to the living room. Todoroki’s heterochromia hues landed onto the two figures by the couch. You flashed him a smile while keeping an eye on your daughter who was currently playing with her toys, babbling nonsense that you were still unable to catch. Todoroki gave you a smile before putting his things down and the food onto the table.
“You didn’t take long at all! It wasn’t crowded?” you inquired.
“I have to make sure you’re not messing up with what I had left you to.” the male teased you. You gasped and gave him a pout.
“How dare you! I’m more capable of parenting that you think! Who do you think I am!?” you glared at him playfully as he sat next to you, running his hand through your [Hair Color] tresses.
“The person who once thought that babies were made when two people kiss, where their DNAs magically cross over with each other and multiply through meiosis. Not to mention―”
“Enough, Shouto! Don’t berate me even further in front of [Daughter’s Name]!” you exclaimed, cheeks turning red from embarrassment. Though [Daughter’s Name] seemed to be too occupied with her toys to listen to what you both were talking about.
“You’re the same person I fell in love with.”
“Oh shut up you. That’s not going to make me forgive you.” you huffed, turning your attention towards your daughter who had placed down all her toys, now looking at you.
“Your father has berated me, how cruel is that, [Daughter’s Name]? He has fallen out of love with me.” you told the young girl who just nodded to whatever you had just told her.
“You can’t lie to her. Because I love you.” Todoroki confessed as you looked over your shoulder, giving him the look of ‘Are you pulling that method to make me forgive you?’. Your gaze narrowed at him, not trusting what he had just said.
“Oh really?” you raised your eyebrows. Todoroki held you by the shoulder and leaned in for a kiss. You grinned widely when you felt him kiss your neck lovingly. Closing his eyes, he kissed your forehead sweetly.
“Of course. I don’t lie about my feelings after all. Please don’t make this into a huge ordeal.” the male stated with a slight frown.
“You know I love you, Shouto!” you grinned, tackling him into the hug, pushing him down onto the ground as you both wrestled as usual, wanting to find out who would emerge victorious. After a few moments of tossing and throwing light punches at each other, you emerged victorious, sitting atop of Todoroki’s chest with a smirk. You turned to the side when you heard laughter from your daughter. She seemed like she wanted to join in the fun.
“Come on, [Daughter’s Name]! Join in the battle! I defeated your father fair and square!” you reached out your hands to the young girl who was now on all fours, getting into a crawling position.
However, this time it was different, you could see her hands tense up slightly. When you saw her pushing herself up, you gasped and immediately got up Todoroki, rushing to your baby girl’s aid.
“Oh my god! She’s trying to walk!” you gushed, holding onto the young girl’s back. Todoroki quickly got up and aided the girl, encouraging her.
“C’mon, [Daughter’s Name]. I’m right here.” Todoroki sat not to far, so that the young toddler didn’t have to walk that far.
“Oh look! She’s d-doing it! She’s doing it, Shouto!” When you let go of her, she began waddling towards Shouto without any troubles. The bicolored haired male picked her up and cradled her.
“Oh my god! She did it! I have to boast to Katsuki that my child learned how to walk faster than his! He owes me 5,000 yen! We’re buying ice cream this instant!” you exclaimed, hugging Shouto who was still holding onto your daughter.
“Vanilla!” your daughter exclaimed excitedly at the mention of ice cream.
“You hear the girl! Can we get vanilla ice cream?” you pondered. Todoroki put down [Daughter’s Name] who continued to play with her toys.
“Oh but I want [Favorite Flavor]! How about you Shouto? What do you want? We can head to the convenience store to get some ice cream right? We haven’t had lunch yet, we can go buy some now with [Daughter’s Name].” you said excitedly, unable to decide.
“Calm down, [First Name]. We’ll take [Daughter’s Name] with us and she can pick her ice cream. You’re so excited over this…..” he sighed.
“Then, let’s go now, Shouto!” you said before picking up your daughter to change her into proper clothes. He watched as you ran off, with the child on your hands. Within minutes, you were both dressed and ready. As you put your daughter on the stroller, Todoroki neared you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“…..So if I buy you ice cream, will you forgive me?” he whispered.
“Oh, maybe?”
“At any rate! Should we let [Daughter’s Name] walk on her own or we use the stroller?” you questioned, looking at your daughter who was gazing at the two of your expectantly.
“The stroller. Can’t afford to have her injured, right? Besides, she just started walking and we can’t her do it without practice.” Todoroki said to you, putting on his shoes.
“Let’s go then!” you hooked one of your arms around Todoroki’s, pulling him out of the apartment excitedly.
Total: 1007 words Published: 12.12.2017 Repost: 11.01.2019
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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