#12 year old Sara fucking knew shit no one else did
abyssalhuntersnerd · 1 year
Remember kids this is a tip from Mama Sara, always keep the dolls you've always loved as a kid if they are in really good shape because who knows, maybe 10 years later you will be able to sell them for 100 bucks. :>
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 months
fave age gap romances?
So for references, I will categorize an age gap romance as a romance with a 10+ year gap. The gap feels more significant, however, when we're 15+ years in. And like, I feel there are books that FEEL like an age gap, and books that adhere to this rule and don't feel like it. I believe Ash is about 10-11 years older than Greer in New Camelot (and Embry is one year younger than Ash, so he's 9-10 years older than Greer) but that series deeply doesn't feel like an age gap series to me. But Mark's 14 year gap with Isolde in the Lyonesse series (he's only like 7 years older than Tristan, who's then around 7 years older than Isolde, I think?) feels like a gap.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. Obvi! This is the one where the heroine accidentally hooks up with her boss (it was dark, he thought she knew it was him, she thought he was someone else) AND realizes they both have a massive daddy kink. It's both super sexy and really pretty emotional? I love the third act breakup in this book. It feels really real in a lot of ways. She's 25, he's 45, I believe.
Mercy by Sara Cate. A lot of Sara Cate books have age gaps, and Praise is good, and I recommend Praise, but I think Mercy is better so I'd like to give it more kudos. This is a smaller gap (12 years) but the heroine is older than the hero, she's friends with his dad (not in a weird way) and she's his domme. I love a good femdom romance, and this one has a bratty hero. We love to see it.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time by Kylie Scott. This is the one where the heroine had a huge crush on her dad's friend and business partner, basically like, jumped him against his will on her eighteenth birthday, the dad walked in, the friendship was almost ruined, and she was more or less banished for years. She's back at 25 (I believe the hero is 15 years older) for her dad's wedding, the hero resents what she did, and... Yeah... It's messy. But I find the drama delicious.
Dark Romance:
Mila Finelli's Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling duet—great books, definitely BIIIIG on the age gap (she's 18 and he's 38, daddy kink is very much their thing) and OTT mafia ridiculousness. The heroine is a mafia princess in Canada, and her dad, who's a lower-ranking guy, agrees to pay off a debt by giving her as a bride to an actual Italian don's son. Said don kidnaps her, she's engaged to the son, she's a BRAT and is like "fuck you", and he's like "... never mind she's gonna be my mistress instead of my son's wife". It's campy, it's hot, it's fun.
BUT EVEN MORE SO I would recommend the third book in the series (a standalone, but best read after the first two) Mafia Madman. The age gap is less focused on in that book, but it's still big lol. She's 20 and he's 38, he's kidnapped her to get revenge against the guy in the first book (who is this heroine's brother in law now; she's the little sister of the first heroine) and he's CRAZY. They're one of my favorite romance couples ever. Every time he tries to get one over on her, she's fucking ready. Every time she does something insane to escape or seduce him into compliance, he's iNTO IT. And then there's a followup scene where she dresses up in her old school uniform so he can punish her. We all win.
(For those historical romance readers not in the loop: Mila Finelli is Joanna Shupe's mafia romance pen name, and I recommend everything she writes.)
The Lyonesse trilogy by Sierra Simone. Again, Mark is 14 years older than Isolde, and they kick off the series in Salt in the Wound with their kinky arranged marriage/fake relationship shit. Isolde is... very young in that novella and she wants to be a nun, so she's quite innocent in some ways. and jaded in others. But because things initially end the way they do for those two, you get a very DON'T CALL ME KID DON'T CALL ME BABY vibe that adds to the age gap vibe when they reunite.
Again, this is an MMF romance, and Tristan is literally right in the middle of their ages lol, but tbh he's very naive in a lot of ways and he and Mark feel like an age gap situation. And then his dynamic with Isolde is just... really hot....
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. Classic, the hero is a jaded duke (39) who wants to ruin an innocent debutante (20) in revenge for her brother cuckolding him lol. But she immediately figures it out and decides to use him to make this guy she likes jealous. JAL books are so funny yet emotional. After Dark with the Duke is also great, wherein a stern war hero (42) ends up having to give a scandalous opera singer he disapproves of (25) Italian lessons to make up for humiliating her. And then they become friends. And then....
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas actually has a fabulous secondary romance in which the hero is a jaded alcoholic businessman and the heroine is this much younger woman who's seen some shit but wants to have an affair with him and then like... believes in him... The primary romance is between childhood friends to enemies to lovers who are only a year apart, but both love stories are SO GOOD.
Grace Callaway has a lot of good "mild gap" romances (10-12 years) for those uncertain about dipping their toes in the water—Olivia and The Masked Duke (dad's friend, daddy vibes, brat vibes), Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl (marriage of convenience, both of them have secret identities), and Glory and The Master of Shadows (mentor/mentee, wuxia vibes) come to mind. I'd also recommend Regarding the Duke and The Duke Who Knew Too Much for this, plus The Gentleman Who Loved Me.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale uggggh dude. This is a 10-12 year gap I believe, but yeah... It's a villain romance, and he's crazy, and he forces her to marry him for political purposes (first encounter is noncon, to be clear) but then it's like... Oh. She's BRILLIANT. And he's a masochist, while she enjoys dominating him. And she's like... the only person who gets him and wants to learn from him... And she has her own agenda... One of my all-time favorites.
In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti. Such a cute romance! The hero is rumored to be a Villain (he's not) the heroine has drawn erotic artwork of him and it left her hands so they end up on the road together... There's some light kink... Really fun.
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette. I recommend this a lot, check triggers, but it's so great and another rare book in which the heroine is the older one. Joss is around 27 and Alicia is 38-39. He's her footman/bodyguard and a secret former gigolo, she's looking for a lover, he realizes she needs to be DOMMED.... It's supposed to be sex and turns into waaaay more. GOD. GOD. This is also the book in which she touches herself while wearing his gloves, so.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. I forget how big the gap is here—I think Hyacinth is around 23 while Sylvester is late 30s or early 40s. Anyway, she's in disguise as a man while playing cards to save her family from destitution, he initially has NOOOO idea she's a girl until his valet tips him off, and they begin this like... buddy relationship that also consists of them absolutely demolishing each other in bed... JUST FOR FUN NO EMOTION... Hyacinth is neurodivergent and open about her kinks and desires, and her mom made her feel like a monster for it so she's convinced she can't love. It's actually both super hot and super beautiful and I recommend it to everyone. Selinan also has an age gap, in this case with an innocent virginal heroine who in a series of crazy circumstances becomes the housekeeper to a former rake who recently lost his sight and is a total dick to everyone. It's great. Aurelia, Phoebe, The Postilion, and His Valet also have age gaps, I believe. All good.
Princess is another recent favorite of mine. I believe the age gap is around... 14 years? The heroine is 20 and the hero is 34, she's a princess, he's the palace bodyguard/assassin/spy you know how it is... He was taken in by her parents and has known her... since birth... I'm gonna ignore it........... BUT YEAH. He's been avoiding her since she's clearly in love with him and he can't deal, and she's determined to fuck him before she has to marry this asshole for political purposes. So when she's sent to this safe house after a kidnapping attempt... Welp! Darius must go with her! To protect her!
The virgin lactation book.
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tigerlilyhasablog · 5 years
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What I’ve Been Watching
Hello everyone! If you read my comeback post, you know that I promised a round-up of  the movies I’ve seen so far in 2020. This post has taken WAYYYY too long for me to get around to writing, but now I’m self-isolating and have plenty of time on my hands, so hopefully I should be writing more! So let’s get into it. Before I talk about films from this year, I’ve got to sneak in my thoughts about my absolute FAVORITE film of 2019…
Knives Out – 5/5
I cannot tell you how much I love this movie. I’ve seen it three times in the theater since it came out! I knew that I wanted to see it the moment that I saw the trailer, and I had heard good things about it, but I was worried that it wouldn’t live up to the hype. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. Everything about this movie is just so. Damn. Good. The characters, the storytelling, the aesthetic setting and costume design… perfection, perfection, perfection. The cast, of course, is incredible. This movie is just so much FUN, and I’m obsessed. If you haven’t seen it already, GO SEE KNIVES OUT GODDAMMIT!!!
Now for 2020…
Richard Jewell – 4/5
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I went back and forth on whether to give this a 3.5 or a 4, because its been a minute since I watched it, and honestly, I had kind of forgotten about it. Upon reflection, I’ve decided that is because of how many really good films I’ve seen so far this year, not because Richard Jewell is a forgettable movie. I really enjoyed it at the time… it has just gotten overshadowed by things I’ve watched since. The performances are great; Paul Walter Hauser was not someone I was super familiar with before this film, but he seriously impressed me as the titular character. It is just a very solid film about an important story that I really should have known more about since it happened in my home state.🤷‍♀️
Just Mercy – 4/5
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Oh boy, bring some tissues for this one. What can I say, this is just a really good movie: its a well-told story of a real-life issue, its hard-hitting and tear-jerking af, the performances are great (Michael B Jordan, man🙌🏻), its just super solid all around. If you don’t cry your eyes out watching this, then sorry, you have no heart.
1917 – 4.5/5
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Whoa. Okay, this is an absolute must-see. Holy shit, this movie is something else. As you have probably heard, this movie is shot and edited in a way that makes it look like it was one long take. Not only is this seriously impressive, but it is also effective as hell. There is never a break from the intensity of the film, and you will be on the edge of your seat every second (I’ve seen it twice, and I was completely on edge the entire time even during the second watch.) That’s not the only thing that makes ‘1917’ super impactful, though. The actors are fantastic… I was really impressed by George MacKay. This movie really doesn’t hold back; it is an honest, horrific, emotional depiction of war, and wow, it really isn’t like any war movie I’ve ever seen before.
Like A Boss – 3/5
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Okay, time for a drastic change of tone from the last few movies! Not gonna lie, I went into this movie with basically no expectations, as I had heard nothing good about it. But you know, I liked it better than I thought I would. It was funnier than I expected, though not all the jokes hit, and it was overall incredibly silly. But it’s also a fairly sweet story about female friendship. I went to see it with one of my own female friends, we had the theater to ourselves, we laughed at all the stupid parts and we had a good time. So yeah, I didn’t hate it.😅
Dolittle – 3/5
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This movie was… weird. Not necessarily a bad weird, but like, really, really bizarre. It’s hard to explain exactly why without giving plot points as examples, but I’ll tell you that there were numerous times throughout the movie where I turned to my sister and said “what the fuck??” I think that there were some drugs involved in the making of this film. On the plus side, I kinda enjoyed it. There were some parts that were genuinely funny, and overall it was something fun to watch with my younger siblings. My 12-year-old brother loved it, and that’s the real test, isn’t it?
The Gentlemen – 4.5/5
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Ok, this movie was fucking GOOD. Not gonna lie, when I first saw the poster and trailer for this film, my first thoughts were, god, do we really need another cool-guy crime comedy with an almost entirely white male cast? The answer is no, no we don’t. But damn, if this isn’t a great movie anyway. It surpassed my expectations in every way… I loved it. The humor is not going to be for everyone; it is very British and often extremely crude, but I fucking cried laughing, it was hilarious. The laughs alone were enough for me to like this movie, but there is more to it than that. The plot is engaging, and although I’ve heard some people complain it was slow or too hard to follow, I liked it and enjoyed the story-telling elements. I also found myself caring way more about the characters than I thought I would. Oh, and there are some gorgeous cinematic elements to it as well. Overall, great movie. I guess I need to go and educate myself on some other Guy Ritchie films.
Birds of Prey – 4/5
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So, I’ve given this a 4, but this is another one that I debated giving a 3.5. I had wanted to see it again before I reviewed, but the coronavirus screwed that plan up. I decided to round up, however, because my overall feeling about this movie is that I enjoyed it. It isn’t perfect… There were some odd plot decisions, and some so-so action, but you know, I liked it. It’s just FUN. The characters are all bad-ass, the music is on point, it’s funny, it’s colorful, it’s just really enjoyable. The cast are all great, and I thought Ewan McGregor made a great villain. Also, in amongst the mediocre action there were some really great scenes (small spoiler: I’m obsessed with Harley breaking people’s legs.) Like I said, I feel like I need to watch it again to really decide how I feel about it, but overall it’s a thumbs up from me.
The Photograph – 3/5
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Huh, this movie was an odd one. I really wanted to like it, and I mean, I didn’t dislike it, but I just wasn’t feeling it, you know? I confess, romance is not really my genre (I like a good rom com, but just straight up romance? Meh), but I just found myself completely uninterested in the main couple. If you haven’t seen this movie, the plot is split between the relationship between Michael and Mae (LaKeith Stanfield and Issa Rae), and flashbacks to the 80s that focus on the relationship between Mae’s mother, Christina (Chante Adams,) and a man named Isaac (Y’lan Noel.) When it came to Michael and Mae, I just did not care at all whether or not they ended up together. I didn’t give a shit about their relationship throughout the entire movie. I liked their characters individually, but together I just wasn’t feeling the chemistry. Now, with the other couple, Sara and Isaac, I actually cared a lot more. I looked forward to the parts that would focus on them, and was annoyed when the film would jump forward to the present day again. I dunno, I mean, I didn’t hate it. It was funny in places and moving (to an extent) in others. The storyline outside of the romance was alright. I just didn’t love it.
Parasite – 4.5/5
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Ok, usually I only do reviews for films I see in the theater, but I had to make an exception for this… I had some friends came over and we watched it from my couch, but only because nowhere nearby was showing it. If you haven’t heard of Parasite, you’ve probably been living under a rock. After it scooped up 4 Oscars, everyone was talking about it, and rightly so. Honestly I’m not gonna give it a proper review, because you just. Need. To. Watch. It. Basically, the first half is genuinely really funny, and then it slowly gets darker and darker, and holy fuck, I did NOT see that ending coming. The story, the acting, the symbolism, the cinematography, the setting… All fucking amazing. Watch Parasite, people. Just do it.
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screensirenfic · 5 years
Black Leather - Chapter 12
Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault
I never actually told Steve what happened that night. I don’t think I had to; the mascara stains on my cheeks and the bruises on my neck spoke volumes.
The fact that Billy was the cause didn’t require any mind games to work out; everyone knew we’d been alone together, even Steve, and it didn’t take much to bridge the gaps.
Still; Steve never asked questions. I was thankful for that; didn’t need to know details, just knew his friend needed him right now and that was enough.
I hardly ever cried. I only think Steve had actually witnessed it once since we met; and that was when dad stopped taking his meds, the first anniversary of when Sara died and everything seemed to be falling apart around us.
He’d held me then; thirteen years old with death a foreign concept reserved for long forgotten grandparents and fish you won at the fair.
He didn’t know what to say to me back then; didn’t even understand why I was so upset.
So he just sat there with me behind the dumpsters in middle school, petting my hair and telling me that everything was gonna be alright; even though he was in no position to be making those sorts of promises.
I guess he did the same now; cradling me close to him like I was fragile like glass, lips braced on my hair to try and kiss away the worry and regret.
I knew Steve assumed the worse.
That what Billy had done to me hadn’t been reciprocated; that somehow his actions had been forced upon me.
The word ‘rape’ swam around both our heads; the word tasting dirty in my mouth, not quite fitting what had happened between me and Billy.
Was he pushy? Yes.
And did I regret what happened? Yes.
But I’d enjoyed it. I’d begged for it at the time, and somehow that felt worse than if I hadn’t wanted it at all.
I felt dirty; like I was lying to my closest friend, luxuriating in his sympathy whilst the evidence of my sin still left my thighs tacky beneath my skirt.
Fifteen minutes later; Steve had dropped me home in near silence, worry still there on his face, but no where as near as prominent as before.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” He asked; taking note of the absence of my dad’s truck.
“I’m sure.” I responded; undoing my seatbelt and picking up my discarded leather jacket from the floor.
“Are you sure? Because you could always come back to mine tonight and drive home tomorrow.” He offered; no implication or undertone in his petition, just a warm desire to see me safe.
“I’ll be fine; Steve.” I insisted with a half hearted smile, staring into those worry filled doe eyes.
“Okay.” He relented with a sigh, running a hand through his thick hair as I began to climb out of the car.
“But if you need to talk or anything; just call me, alright?” Steve continued to press, those deep brown eyes still staring at me as I shrugged my jacket on in a vain attempt to hide the purpling marks on my neck and chest.
“I know; Steve.” I replied, leaning across the passenger seat to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you.” I said, and for once, I was sincere. Steve had been a sweetheart; no bones about it, and I was grateful for that.
I left him in the car then, slamming the door shut behind me before I made my way up the porch steps.
“Hey Lo...” Steve called after me, and I turned, watching him hang out a now open window to talk to me.
“Yeah?” I asked, wondering what was going on beneath all that hair that left him so serious.
“Goodnight...” He said, even though for a moment, I thought he might say something else entirely.
“Goodnight” I smiled back, turning back to my door and pretended to be searching my pockets for my keys.
I waited till the I heard the hum of his engine spark up, then fade as he disappeared back into the woods; and once again, I was glad that Steve’s sense of chivalry only went so far, especially when he knew I’d take it as an insult if he offered to “walk me to the door”.
Knowing that I was once again alone, I lifted my hand to the door and knocked.
Knock knock.... knock knock knock.... knock.
I waited, listening to the sounds of owls hooting and the wind blowing; a true signifier on just how isolated we were out here.
When I’d told Steve that me and dad were packing up and moving into the wilderness, he gave me a look like I’d just told him I was planning on running away and join the circus.
He thought my dad had lost it again; gone into a paranoid survival mode like you saw in movies, trying to lock away his family for ‘the end of the world’.
I had to reassure him that no; dad hadn’t lost his shit again, and no; I didn’t need to come move in with him until my dad was done playing Bigfoot.
I’d even had to break my dad’s favourite rule of secrecy, letting Steve drop me off and pick me up from the cabin, though my dad would never let him inside.
Steve just took it that my dad didn’t trust him with me; something that wasn’t all too surprising considering his chilly attitude towards Steve in the past.
Steve still had no idea of the real reason he couldn’t step inside my house.
“El; it’s Lola.” I called; noting that a couple of minutes had passed and she hadn’t come to answer the door. Probably pissed at my dad and planning to make him suffer for it.
I heard the click of locks opening, then the door swung open. I stepped inside, noting that despite the sound of TV murmuring, El was nowhere to be seen.
My eyes spied the long black cable of the TV set, following it as it trailed across the living room and up to Eleven’s closed door, disappearing beneath.
The kid had balls; I’d give her that; the corners of my mouth almost rising into a smile when I’d realised that the Hopper pettiness was apparently also contagious.
Almost; then I was reminded of the stickiness in my underwear, my stomach tensing as I realised I needed to clean myself up urgently.
It didn’t seem to matter how scolding I made the water; how hard I scrubbed my skin, I just couldn’t get the feeling of Billy’s hands on me to go away.
I was probably gonna end up using up all the hot water at this point. Dad was gonna be pissed, but you know what; fuck him! If he hadn’t been so damn well insistent I went to that party, I might not be...
No; you know what; I wasn’t gonna think about that.
Instead I focused on scrubbing the scent of beer and cigarettes out of my hair.
Only once I’d scrubbed my skin red raw; the strong scent of cherry blossom overtaking the stench of testosterone and cheap cologne, did I get out of the shower, wrapping myself in the least ratty looking towel I could find and heading back into my bedroom; ruined clothes in hand.
I locked my bedroom door, knowing that there was no chance of El leaving her room tonight and having no desire to speak to my dad anytime this week, then settled down to work out if anything was salvageable from my Halloween costume.
The stockings were goners; large rips spanning the length of my thighs down both legs, though that was no surprise. Those sort of things never lasted more than a couple of wears anyway.
My top was beer stained, though I could probably get that out with a little detergent and some elbow grease.
The skirt was passable, though my skin crawled slightly at the reminder on why I’d picked it.
I’d probably not be wearing that one again in a hurry.
My bra was surprisingly fine, despite Billy’s rough handling, as were my heels.
My panties; well that was another story.
Damp was an understatement; despite being left on the floor of the bathroom for the better part of an hour, the crotch was soaked through. I dared a look inside on the lining, and instantly wished I hadn’t.
Stained; an almost milky looking streak running straight down the centre. I feared what a mess I might of found if Tommy hadn’t interrupted Billy; if he’d actually been allowed to continue.
I screwed them up into a ball, dumping them in the trash can alongside my ruined stockings in a bid to forget my shame.
I dumped the rest of my clothes into my laundry pile, planning to deal with them first thing tomorrow after dad left for work.
Then I pulled open my drawers, rifling through the jumble of cotton and denim for an oversized t shirt. I grabbed an old Jefferson Airplane t shirt that my dad gave to me years ago; a relic from him and ma’s freer thinking days back in New York.
I dropped my towel, fully intending to shove on the shirt then climb into bed and go to sleep; hopefully waking up tomorrow with enough of a stinker of a hangover that I’d have plausible deniability of the night’s events.
But then I stopped; I’d just caught sight of myself in the mirror.
Jesus fucking Christ; I looked like a domestic abuse victim!
The blooms of bruises decorated my skin like body paint, mapping the places Billy’s hands had strayed hours previously.
I thank God that it was dark in Steve’s car, otherwise he might’ve seen the messy pattern of hickeys running down the length of my neck, across my shoulders and collarbones, stopping just above the tops of my breast.
I even think I could make out the outlines of teeth marks mixed in amongst the bruises; the fucking animal!
It wasn’t just Billy’s mouth that had marked me up good; his hands had left purpling finger marks above my hips, the slightly raised red trails of scratches running just above in the curve of my back.
Most prominent of all was bruising on my wrist; already dark and angry, the distinct shape of his long fingers easy to make out on my darkening skin.
He was an ass; a complete and total ass.
He couldn’t even of done what he wanted and then left me to forget about it; he had to leave suiveneers, like this was some sort of milestone worth remembering.
I guess it kind of was; a hard learned life lesson to never trust a pretty smile and quick hands, no matter how much I wanted to.
I’d been an idiot; no matter what Steve said otherwise. I could accept that now, but I wouldn’t be one again; that’s for sure.
———————————— ——
I’d stayed strong for twenty more minutes, climbing into bed in my old t shirt and turning out the light, till only tree filtered moonlight lit my room.
I’d been fine for a whole twenty minutes; staring into the inky blackness till my eyes fell shut and sleep began to try and take me.
Then I saw him again; that sick self satisfied smile, those deep penetrating blues as he whispered dirty things into my ear, all to the raucous laughter of Tommy H and all his cronies.
My eyes sprung open; my heart hammering at a million miles an hour in my chest, and I was suddenly aware my face was wet; though with sweat or tears, I couldn’t tell.
I sat up, switching on my bedside lamp in the childish hope that the light might chase away the lingering bad dream. Instead my eyes were dawn to my hand resting on top of the comforter; bright purple bruises creating shadowy shackles around my wrist.
Reality hit me once more and I broke down; tears streaming down my face as I realised this was a nightmare I would never wake up from.
I didn’t get any sleep after that, sobbing silently into my pillow case like some stupid freshman who got stood up by her homecoming date.
I felt so stupid; I’d been through worse than this, for God’s sake, so why was I so damn cut up about it?
Maybe it was because I’d thought just for a moment, that Billy might actually like me.
Not like Steve did with his soft brotherly consolations and his worry filled eyes; and not like Tommy H and the rest of the sleaze patrol who stared up my skirt like it was a peep show.
I’d thought that for once in my life I’d found someone who could go toe to toe in the ring with me and put up a fair fight.
Apparently I had been mistaken; my opponent had no intention on fighting fair and wasn’t above resorting to any number of dirty tricks; even if that meant he’d end our little partnership for good.
In all my turmoil; I hadn’t noticed dad’s truck pulling up outside the house, nor had I noticed him knocking at the front door, but I could hear him now; cursing and kicking like some drunk who got locked out of his pickup.
He called out for Eleven; clearly not expecting me home yet.  She didn’t answer; no surprises there. I didn’t have any doubts that she was prepared to leave him out there all night.
“Come on; kid. Open up. Look, I know I’m late; alright....” He petitioned from the other side of the front door, unaware that his entire speech was being drowned out by a rerun of The Munsters.
“I got candy here, alright... I got all the good stuff.” He continued, but I knew it was falling upon death ears.
Eleven was mad; worse than that, she was hurt. And I already knew well enough how much being hurt by someone who you thought cared about you stung. Dad really had a better chance at picking the lock, than relying on a spurned tween to come to his rescue.
“Please... Will... You... Open... The.... Door!” He demanded, emphasising every word with a loud bang on the door, as if any amount of blustering was gonna convince El to emerge and give him entry.
Not gonna happen; I thought, but still, he was my dad. He hadn’t done anything to hurt me; at least, not intentionally.
It wasn’t fair for me to blame him just because my stupid little plan blew up in my face. He told me to go out and have a good time; not to be a slut about it.
So I dragged myself out of my bed and out of my room before my dad could give himself a hernia with all his yelling.
El still hadn’t left her room; the flickering light of the TV beneath her door the only sign of life coming from her room.
She must’ve really been pissed; and speaking of people who were pissed, dad still hadn’t given up on his ranting in the vain hope of out-stubborning a newly aged up teenager.
Stubborn or not; this teenager wasn’t so keen on being grounded till marriage, so I quickly made my way over to the cabin door, unlatching the ridiculous amount of locks lining the door. Paranoid much?
“I’m gonna freeze to death out here...” Dad petitioned; his tactics changing to guilt tripping, because apparently it was the backup plan to the entire Hopper family, but he never did get the chance to up the anti.
I’d reached the last lock and swung the door open; my face the perfect blend of pissed off and plain moody to dissuade him from asking any questions.
“Lola?!” He blurted out; actually going as far as to look confused that his oldest daughter was home after being forced to go out to some Halloween fuck fest to confront a boy he really knew nothing about.
I strode back into the house; I was really in no mood to have a moral discussion on my night out and wanted to be back behind the closed door of my room as soon as possible.
“I thought you were meant to be at a party?” Dad asked; because quite frankly, my dad was a complete and total idiot when it came to emotions, boys, and pretty much everything to do with raising a teenage girl.
I don’t even know why I trusted him with giving me advice on Billy in the first place. He treated everything like a fucking police interrogation, thinking you could get everything from someone if you just leaned on them a little.
I suppose he was right; but that technique worked two ways, and Billy clearly was better at playing bad cop.
“Lola?” Dad called out; annoyance overtaking confusion in his voice as he realised I was ignoring him.
“What the hell went on?” He asked; his chief hat and his father hat getting mixed up, but it didn’t fucking matter. Not when I could slam an slab of unvarnished wood in his face.
The door slammed; and I could still hear my dad’s blustering from the other side of the door. I knew he was gonna try and pester El on her attitude, but it would achieve him nothing but a sore throat and a sour attitude.
That was fine. We’d all earned the right to be a little pissed off tonight; some more than others. The rest of the night was destined to be spent in respective solitude, faces stained with angry tears as we each refused to talk about our problems.
Monsters were real but they didn’t hide in closets or under beds; they wore easy smiles and familiar faces, just before stabbing you in the back.
Happy fucking Halloween everybody!
15 notes · View notes
suckitsurveys · 7 years
Music shuffle
Song 1: “Rebellion (Lies)” - Arcade Fire
Is this your favorite song by that band/artist? No, but I do like this song.
Is there a certain part of the song that you absolutely love? I like it all equally.
Which lyric is your favorite? " People say that you'll die faster than without water, But we know it's just a lie, scare your son, scare your daughter.”
Is this song more happy or sad? The music is happy, but i guess the story is kinda sad?
How long have you liked this song? For a couple years.
Do you sing along to this song often? Sure. *
Song 2: "Feeling Myself” - Nicki Minaj, Beyonce
How long is this song? 3:57
Does this song relate to your life at all? If you can’t relate to this song at least once in a while you’re doing it wrong.
Did you find this song on your own and did someone else introduce it to you? It’s pretty popular. Everyone was quoting it so I looked it up. 
Is it like most of the other music you listen to or is it completely different? I would say it’s a little different. I don’t listen to much rap.  
Are you embarrassed to like this song? Not at all.
Do you listen to this song when you’re doing certain things or is it a song you can listen to anytime? I can listen to it anytime, but as the title suggests, it’s definitely a good song to put on while you are feeling yourself. Haha. 
Song 3: "Going Away to College” - Blink 182
What album is this song from? Enema of the State.
Is this the only song you like by this band/artist? Nope, but it is one of my favorites. 
What’s your favorite aspect of the song (lyrics, the beat, etc)? At this point, the nostalgia of it. But I have always liked the lyrics.
Do you know what this song is about? About a guy who likes a girl.
Is this song on any movie soundtracks? I actually think it might be. Actually I just looked it up because I thought it was in Can’t Hardly Wait, but “Dammit” by them is the song that’s in that movie BUT ironically this song is influenced by Can’t Hardly Wait. I never knew that til now!
What year did this song come out? 1999.
Song 4: “Swing, Swing” - All American Rejects
Have you seen this band/artist in concert? They actually opened for Blink 182 when I saw them when I was like 12.
Do you know anyone else who likes this song? Maybe? It was pretty popular in my middle school days.
Do you have any other versions of this song? Nope. 
Is the singer male or female? Male.
How does this song make you feel? SOOOO nostalgic, holy shit.
Is this band/artist very popular? Not so much anymore?
Song 5: "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard” - Paul Simon
What’s your favorite song by this band/artist? This one, actually.
Do you have any of their merchandise? I feel like I may have had a Paul Simon shirt as a kid, but not now.
Does this song have good lyrics? Yes. 
Is this song special to you in any way? My parents used to play Paul Simon/Simon and Garfunkel albums on road trips. It’s also in The Royal Tenenbaums, which is one of my favorite movies. 
Can you remember when you first heard this song? Yeah, on a road trip with my parents, I am sure.
Song 6: "Tenderness on the Block” - Warren Zevon
Do your parents know this song? Oh yes. My dad plays it on guitar. 
Is this song longer than 6 minutes? Nope.
Does this song have lyrics or is it instrumental? It has lyrics.
Do think you this is the best song the band/artist has ever done? It’s definitely my favorites. “Let Nothing Come Between You” is a close second.
Do you get sick of this song quickly or can you listen to it over and over again? I can listen to a lot.
What’s your favorite lyric? "I know how much it hurts to see her go, she’s got a mind of her own, you know.” I really love this song because it’s telling parents to back off their daughters because they are their own people with their own thoughts and choices.
Song 7: "What I Got” - Sublime
Is this song by your favorite band? No. It’s a jam but “Waiting for my Ruca” is my favorite. 
Would you ever pay to see the band/artist in concert? The lead singer is dead. The rest of the band plays with a new singer, but I have no interest in seeing them live.
Is this song older than you? Nope. It came out when I was 7.
Can you head bang to this song? It’s more of a head bopper than a banger. 
What genre would you classify this song as? Alternative/Indie Pop with a lil Reggae influence? Like I said, bad at genres. 
Does this song remind you of a certain time in your life? Yes, definitely. My sister listened to Sublime a lot when I was growing up so it reminds of me when I was first discovering music and bands with her influence. 
Song 8: "Green Light” - Lorde
Do you listen to this song often? Yeah I do. I like listening to it at the gym.
Do you own the CD this song is on? Not the physical one, no.
What’s the longest song you have by this band/artist? Oh man, I don’t know. Maybe 400 Lux or Ribs? 
Is this song fast or slow? It’s kinda fast.
Has this song ever been a theme for a TV show? Not that I’m aware of. 
Do most people know about this song? I’d say so, it’s pretty popular right now.
Song 9: "Boyfriend” - Tegan and Sara
What’s this song about? Lesbians.
Are there any cuss words in this song? I don’t think so?
Has this song ever been covered by any bands/artists? If it has been, I’ve never heard it.
Do you know all the words to this song? Yes.
What’s your favorite song by this band/artist? It’s one of them.
How long is this song? 2:47
Song 10: "Long Haul” - Voxtrot
Does this song make you sad? Nah.
Does this song have any odd instruments in it? There’s a couple I don’t recognize, so yes.
Do you think anyone in this band is attractive? I haven’t seen them in a while, but I remember the lead singer being attractive. 
Have you ever heard this song live? I think so. I have seen them live, they may have played this one. They played a lot because it was their last show ever. 
Can you dance to this song? You could, like, bop around to it.
Can you relate to this song at all? Eh.
Song 11: "Baby’s on Fire” - Die Antwoord
Why do you like this song? I love the beat and I love Yo Landi’s voice.
Is this song by one of your favorite bands/artists? Yes, I’d say so. 
How did you find out about this song? I used to go in this TinyChat chatroom a few years ago and mods could play YouTube videos to the whole room and this was one of them.  I used to mute it all the time because I thought it looked dumb but I gave it a shot one day and I fell in love. 
Is this a love song? I guess you could say that it is in a way, haha.
Have you liked this song for a long time? A few years now.
Is this song older or newer? It’s 6 years old.
Song 12: "Underground” - Kimya Dawson
Is this song special to you? Not super special, no. 
Is this band/artist known for anything? Everyone would probably know her from the Juno soundtrack
What’s your favorite lyric in this song? "I’m wearing size 13 basketball shoes, and lavender fishnets, I’m freaked out and fucked up, and I’m standing alone in an alley with you, wanting to show you a cure for your hiccups. But instead I close my eyes, the needles are numbers so I’m writing you letters, and I cannot disguise, the fact that I’m nervous when we are together.”
Do you like this song or the song from #6 more? I like #6 more.
Do you know all the words to this song? Yes.
Where is this band/artist from? I think Seattle, especially since this song mentions the Puget Sound. Lemme check to see if I am right...Nope, false, she is from New York oops.
Song 13: “Your House” - Jimmy Eat World
Does this song have good lyrics? Yeah.
Does anyone in your family like this song also? I don’t think so.
What country is this band/artist from? The US.
Do you have any of their merchandise? I used to have a Jimmy Eat World shirt.
What’s the chorus of this song? “If you still care at all Don't go, tell me now If you love me at all Don't call”
Did you find this song on your own? Kinda? I loved the single from this album ( “The Middle”) and then I found out that it was Mark Hoppus from Blink 182′s favorite band so I bought the whole CD haha.
Song 14: “The Wolf” - Mumford and Sons
How many times have you listened to this song? A bunch.
What album is this song on? Wilder Mind
What does the album cover look like? It has a bench with a city skyline in the background at night.
Have you seen the video for this song, if there is one? I have.
Did you download this song illegally? Nope.
What genre would you say this song is? “Neo Folk/Rock” I guess? According to Google, anyway.
Song 15: "Hannah Hunt” - Vampire Weekend.
Is this one of your favorite songs? Yeah, and not just because it has my name in it.
Does this band/artist happen to be from your state/province? They are not.
What year was this song released? 2013.
Do you have any posters of this band/artist? Nope.
Is the lead singer of this band attractive? Oh yes.
Is this song more upbeat or mellow? It’s pretty mellow.
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rosewoodlliars · 7 years
(Not in any particular order)
1. How are you able to take a photo for the yearbook for a school that you never attended? 2. How are you prom queen for a school that you never attended? 3. So Wilden was a 12 year old cop when Mrs. D payed him off to rule Marion’s death as a suicide? Because lol CeCe and Wilden are the same age. 4. How was Marion alive in a flashback where Alison and Toby are teenagers but yet she was on the rooftop when Charles was 12? Oh no wait never mind it was interpretive. That flashback never happened like everything else in the past seasons. 5. How did CeCe have a roommate when she lived at Radley? 6. Why did Wren make CeCe a visitors pass if she was already a patient at Radley? She was already sneaking out of her room for “story time” with Mona so what the hell did she need the pass for? 7. How was CeCe able to go on a summer trip with the Dilaurentis family to Cape May when she’s suppose to be in Radley? But I guess since you have mental issues and you’re there for your safety and for the safety of others you’re allowed to take the fuck off out of the state and enjoy yourself🤷🏻‍♀️ 8. How did Charles transitioned into Charlotte in 3 days? You don’t just leave Radley for a couple of days then come back as a girl with hormones and a perfect body. It takes months and even years to go through that so how did that happen? Marlene doesn’t even know when that happened confirmed in via interview. 9. How did Spencer feel a familiarity with Charles in that vault? Regardless of CeCe being her sister, they barely interacted and they did not have this planned for them to be sisters back then…. so how the fuck? 10. Why would CeCe turn herself in? 11. Why would CeCe send a video of her burying Mrs. D when she loved her and Alison? Also Mary never confirmed she sent that video also Marlene confirmed in via interview that CeCe buried Mrs. D but yet Peter said that Mary killed her and buried her? Plot hole. 12. Out of all the girls, why would CeCe give 30,000 dollars to Hanna for college? Why not Alison or Spencer for that matter since she already fucking knew that Spencer was her sister since she met fucking Alex? 13. What does Sara Harvey have against Hanna since she was burning her head on the doll? 14. What was the point of Bethany Young? Why did Jessica tell her to call her “Aunt Jessie”? Why was the fact that she took Bethany fucking horseback riding never explained? Who are her parents? Why was she a big deal on this show? Or why wasn’t the drawings never explained? 15. Since CeCe always wanted to be girl all her life, why would she go back and dress as a dude in a tuxedo at the dollhouse? You can say it was Noel how many times you want to but it was never confirmed that it was him. 16. Why are the 5 girls irrelevant to the storyline? In the finale it was all about Spencer and Alex didn’t mention one thing about Alison. So Alison is basically irrelevant to Alex and Alex doesn’t give a shit about her when the SHOW IS ABOUT ALISON??? The girls are basically irrelevant to every motive every A on this show has ever had. So basically they’re making it seem like these girls became friends with the wrong people. It wasn’t Spencer’s fault that she got a good life. Alex SHOULD’VE TAKEN IT OUT ON HER MOTHER THAT SOLD HER. I will argue that the motives of every A were shit until the death. 17. Why wasn’t the night of Alison’s disappearance ever brought up again? Wasn’t that the main plot of the fucking show? But no it was interpretive it never happened. 18. Since Alex loved Aria so much, why would she try to ruin her wedding day? 19. Why the fuck would Jason see Bethany that night when he doesn’t know what she looks like? Why was CeCe wearing a yellow top that night? 20. When Jessica is about to smash Alison’s fingers in the piano, why would she come and say that Radley called her saying CeCe Drake was there pretending to be Alison when she was already a patient there? JESSICA CONFIRMED THAT SHE CONSIDERED CHARLES AS HER SON TO MARY. So it doesn’t matter if she was Mary’s daughter. Plot hole. 21. Why would CeCe date her own cousin when she can just be friends with him? That’s just disturbing. 22. How was CeCe able to work at a boutique when she’s suppose to be at Radley? Apparently she had get out of Radley free card. So they’re just going to let people in an institution work retail which can be the most stressful job…. but I guess you go for it. 23. How is CeCe running a fashion show when she’s suppose to be at Radley? 24. How was Melissa able to call CeCe and tell her to go visit Mona when she was already a patient there? 25. Wren and CeCe’s roommate both said that Alison got CeCe kicked out of college by pushing that girl down the stairs at the frat party, but yet we were told in 7x08 that Noel pushed the girl down the stairs IN A DREAM SEQUENCE but no it was confirmed by Bryan Holdman that it was true. So who the hell pushed the girl down the stairs? 26. How was CeCe partying it up with the Kahn’s on the weekends if she was suppose to be at Radley? 27. What was the point of the puzzle piece from the game board? 28. What the hell was the point of the Melissa mask? 29. What was the purpose of Ali and Bethany being pen pals? 30. What purpose did Sara Harvey serve and why make her both Red Coat and Black Widow? To torture them when she has never met them before for money? She obviously has some anger towards them so what the hell??? Where did CeCe find her? 31. Why was Mary at the blind school in 7x10? She didn’t know that Alex was AD by that time? 32. What was the significance of that Amish girl? 33. So what was Pastor Ted’s relevance? Just to bring an irrelevant character back to make him CeCe’s father? What? 34. What happened to the Cape May storyline? 35. Why would Alex take Wren’s sperm to impregnate Alison if she loved him so much? Why would you want your boyfriend to have a baby with someone else? 36. Why recruit Mona on your team if she killed CeCe? Wasn’t that your whole purpose for doing this? Finding out who killed CeCe? 37. Where was Rollins taking Alison in 7x03? 38. What was the point of all the Alison masks? 39. What’s the significance of 214? It comes up everywhere. 40. Why didn’t Mrs. D show any emotion to CeCe being arrested? She just glared at her. Again, Mrs. D considered CeCe as her daughter. 41. Who was the blond girl in the window of Alison’s bedroom in 1x01? 42. When and where did CeCe and Sara meet? 43. Why did Sara help CeCe and what were her motives? 44. Marlene confirmed in via interview that Ian killed himself, okay why? 45. What was Alison talking about in 4x24 that she saw Ian walk out of the church after pushing him off? I recall Ian looking colorless on that rope…. 46. Who was the person in 5x03 that was behind the glass with Mona while Hanna is getting her hair done? 47. Who was the person in the black cap talking to Melissa on the security footage in 5x07? 48. Why would CeCe frame her sister for murder if she loved her so much? 49. What was the point of the NAT club? What were on the videos that can bring everybody down? 50. Why would CeCe toss her fucking brother down an elevator shaft? “Oh Charlotte was angry.” Confirmed in via interview. um okay we need better answers than that marlene…. 51. Who was the blond girl at the reptile place in 4x20? With our luck they’re probably going to say it was Sara… 52. Who exactly knew that Alison was alive? Because it seemed like a lot of people knew…. 53. Who dug up Alison’s grave? Who exactly was there that night? You could say it was CeCe but it never came out of her mouth that she did it. 54. How did Maya die? Why didn’t we get any closure? Lyndon was the one who supposedly killed her but yet he had no relevance to the story… and he didn’t even confirm that he killed her. “What do you think?” Isn’t confirmation. 55. Was Melissa really the other queen of hearts? We didn’t see her. And that was never mentioned again. 56. Who gave Ali the bloody lip? “Girls fight much dirtier than boys” well??? 57. Why was Noel helping CeCe in the dollhouse? What did CeCe have on him? 58. What did Alison have on Noel? 59. What is Melissa’s significance to the story? Why did Melissa take that photo of Wilden, Alison, and CeCe on the boat at cape may? Again why was Cape May never mentioned again? 60. Why didn’t Eddie and Wren not like each other that much? “The minute that guy got here it wasn’t for the right reasons.” well what the fuck. The tension between them was never fucking explained. 61. Who did Mona, Jenna, and Sydney meet at the park in 5x05? 62. Who was Wren talking to on the phone in 4x10? 63. Was Bethany really the one who was writing to Alison or was it it CeCe? And AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WITH BETHANY YOUNG? 64. Marlene said black widow was Endgame so is Sara Harvey endgame? You could’ve taken the easy way out and make Alex black widow but no. 65. Why did Melissa want the NAT club videos so bad? Again this was never brought up again. 66. WHAT HAPPENED TO VARJACK? 67. What happened to Cyrus? 68. Why were 3 people wearing yellow tops that night? Again, that night was never brought up again and that’s the reason this whole show started. 69. What did Maya know? That Nate was in town? Because Nate isn’t relevant to the story. And why add Maya’s niece when she had nothing to do with anything? 70. Why did Jason have a stab wound on his side? 71. Who did Aria stab with the screwdriver? 72. Marlene confirmed in via interview that Wilden was acting alone but yet we heard two voices talking? 73. Who did Spencer hear scream in 1x01? 74. Who was the person in the black hoodie that Mona gave the pills to in 3x13? 75. Who hit Toby over the head that night and planted that lighter? 76. Jenna said that Wilden saw Alison that night, how come Alison never mentioned this when she came back? Was Jenna lying? Again wee heard nothing else of the night Ali disappeared. 77. Why were Melissa and Ian in such a rush to get married? What did they need the alibi for? 78. What blond girl was Dr. Palmer talking about? Why was this never mentioned again? 79. Why are there two different versions of the kissing rock video? What was the point of showing that in 7x19? How did Alex even get that? 80. Who the fuck is Dr. Sullivan’s son? Mona was apparently threatening him in 2x25. 81. Why was Andrew being adopted brought up in the first place if it’s just going to be dropped? 82. Why were Jenna and Shana afraid of Melissa? Why was this never mentioned again? 83. What did Jenna give Shana at the park in 2x24? “You know what you have to do.” What did she have to do? 84. Who did Jason give the 50,000 dollars to? And what kind of information did they give him in order for him to give them the money? 85. Why did Mona tell Wren “that’s before I knew where your loyalties lie.”? 86. Who attacked Alison on Halloween? We were led to believe that it was Lucas but it was never confirmed. 87. Who opened the door to that creepy house in 2x13? And why was there a radley car outside of the house? 88. What was the significance of the ghost girl and how come only Ashley saw her? 89. Who was the person in the redcoat Wren was coloring in? 90. What led Ezra to believe that Mrs. D was A? 91. What happened at Ali’s house when Alison came over to Spencer’s house crying? 92. Who was that little boy at the doll shop referring to when he said “a man and woman with dark hair.”? 93. Why did Mike have 18,000 dollars in his bank account? 94. So Shana’s death was just forgotten about? Will anybody ever find out about it? 95. Where was Jason when he was suppose to be at rehab? 96. Did Cyrus really cut Alison’s leg? And if not where did it come from? 97. Why would Alison take pictures of Aria while sleeping? 98. Why did Melissa and Alison have masks made of themselves? 99. Who did Alison get in the car with outside of hectors? 100. Why did Alison need money from hector so bad? 101. What did the lawyer in 5x22 tell Ezra? He basically said that “If you don’t tell me then you can tell the police.” but yet he came out and said he wouldn’t tell him anything? What? 102. Who set up the A extravaganza bullshit at the park in 5x01? 103. Who was the guy that knew Emily’s name? 104. What was up with the bloody bandages in Jason’s trash? 105. Why was Holbrook kissing Alison at the ice ball? 106. Why was CeCe on Ezra’s payroll? 107. Why was CeCe eavesdropping on Aria and Ezra in 4x11? Yeah she’s A but for what purpose was she eavesdropping on them for? 108. What the fuck happened to Pepe and Tippy? 109. Why was Alison blackmailing people for money if she wasn’t planning on running away? 110. Who was Ali’s friends boyfriend that pulled the gun on her? 111. How is CeCe hanging out at a pub where Ezra and Ali met if she was suppose to be at radley? 112. What was Grunwald talking about when she said “Each one hated the other because each one feared the other because each one knew something about the other.”? 113. Who was hiding upstairs in the dilaurentis house? 114. Who was living under the crawlspace at the dilaurentis house? Was it Sara or CeCe? 115. Who was Bethany talking about on the tapes? 116. Why are there quotation marks around the word “Dr.” Kingston on the police board? 117. How did Alison’s ‘Jenna Thing’ bracelet get on Bethany’s body if she left it with Mona at the Lost Woods Resort? 118. What is the ‘plan’ Bethany is talking about on the tape? 119. Was the story Mona told Spencer about her seeing Alison as Vivian in Brookhaven in 2x25 true? Or did she just make it up? If it was true, who was Alison watching? 120. What was on page 5 of Alison’s autopsy report? 121. Who took the photo of Alison and the Liars in 4x13 that was given to Holbrook? 122. Who took the photograph of Alison with Spencer’s shadow in the background the night she disappeared? 123. Is Alison’s ghost story about the twins real? If so, who are the twins? 
Why would CeCe let the Liars think Ali was A? She said she was mad at the liars for being glad that Ali was dead, but she actively let them hate her. 124. Why did Bethany have Melissa’s riding helmet? 125. Why did Melissa say she saw Toby in London when she didn’t? 126. Why did Wren misspell the word “diagnosis”? 127. How did Wren know what Melissa and Spencer were talking about in 1x01 if he was in the barn and wasn’t present? Eavesdropping? 128. How did the moms get out of the basement? 129. Why was Alison threatening Spencer to tell Melissa the truth about Ian? She worded it as almost if someone else was going to plan on telling Melissa.. and why does it matter to Alison? 130. “Once she finds out the truth about you she’ll hate you.” What’s the truth about Toby? 131. Why was Toby in the girls locker room when Emily and Ben were in there? 132. Since the girls were blocking all unknown numbers, why was Wren’s number blocked when Wren tried calling Spencer? Wouldn’t Wren’s contact information be on Spencer’s phone since she tried to get in contact with him to tell Melissa the truth? 133. Why was Wren pretending to be drunk when he broke into Spencer’s house? 134. Who recorded Wren and Spencer and what happened to it? 135. How did Toby become a cop in 3 days? 136. Who was the fortune teller talking about when she said “There’s darkness in him maybe even violence or vengeance.”? She could’ve been talking about anyone…. 137. Why wasn’t Ian shocked to see Alison when she pushed him off the bell tower? He’s like “What are you doing here?” Did Ian know she was alive? 138. Mona sent a text saying “Thanks for getting Toby out of my way.” What the fuck was Toby in her way for? 139. Why weren’t Ali’s parents at the memorial service? 140. When Ian and Melissa went on their honeymoon they send a picture and Spencer says “isn’t that outside of dads office?” And Veronica says “Oh it doesn’t where they are when they’re in love.” so where did they go on their fucking honeymoon? 141. When exactly did Melissa loose her baby? Was Ian really the father? 142. Why did Mrs. D hire a PI if she didn’t want anyone to find out who hit Alison and that she buried her? 143. How did Toby’s sweater get back in his house? 144. Ian said “I’m doing this because I love your sister.” when trying to push Spencer off the bell tower but yet Melissa has been protecting Spencer all this time? So it doesn’t make any sense? 145. How come Mona didn’t know who pushed Ian off of the bell tower? A is suppose to know everything.. 146. Who cleared out Mona’s lair the day after she got revealed? CeCe couldn’t have done it. 147. Why didn’t nobody notice that Mona left for awhile to go hit Hanna with the car? Further more, all Hanna saw was Ezra and Aria making out and Noel writing on the back of the window so how did Hanna know “everything” like it was said in that text? She didn’t know shit…. 148. Who was Melissa talking to when Byron saw her on the phone where she says “do I have to call 911 to get your attention.”? 149. Charles liked vintage things and this was said by Jessica, but yet why did CeCe have a red convertible car in 3x09 that looked NOTHING like a vintage car? Again why weren’t the plot holes on CeCe cleared up before Marlene did anything else? 150. A has OCD and likes everything neat especially their black hoodies so why did CeCe have her books all over the place in her room at radley? They didn’t seem organized to me…. 151. Who was the lady in the red dress at the ball in 2x25? The camera kept focusing on her. 152. Who was the person that was wearing the black veil costume in the A mobile lair? Sara Harvey did not have a mask on when she came out of the church and got in the car with CeCe.. 153. Who got Wilden’s car out of the lake? Because I recall CeCe being at the lost woods and so was Sara.. 154. What did Spencer put in Alison’s casket? We learned about what everyone else put in there except for her. 155. What’s with all the apple references? 156. Who was the person in the greenhouse that attacked Emily? If it was Mona, then how would she have thrown Emily across the greenhouse if Emily is bigger than her? 157. Who set the fire at Jason’s when Hanna pulled out Jenna? Never confirmed if it was Mona. 158. Why was (supposedly) CeCe stroking herself on the computer screen in the Halloween store? (Was in Pretty Dirty Secrets) 159. Marlene confirmed on twitter that the bag Ian gave Jenna in season one had her flute in it….. why was Ian giving Jenna her flute? Why did he have it? 160. Who was Jason talking to on the phone in Pretty Dirty Secrets? 161. What the fuck happened to Meredith? We never heard from her again. 162. Who was the beach hottie? (Never confirmed but Marlene said she “thought” it was Wilden in an interview but I’m not taking that as confirmation when she doesn’t remember shit) 163. Who was the person in the redcoat at the Halloween store in Pretty Dirty Secrets? 164. Why was Jason staring at Lucas when they were on the Halloween train? Was it like a group thing to push Aria off? Like what the fuck. 165. Who was taking pictures for Ezra’s research? 166. Who smashed Connor’s car? 167. Were Alison’s visits to Spencer and Aria real? 168. What was the “prior engagement” Alison had to go to after leaving Emily’s house the day she disappeared? 169. How did Ali get Jason cut from their grandma’s will? 170. Why did Garret want to keep Spencer safe? 171. What else was in Ezra’s “research” boxes? 172. Why did Jenna wanna become friends with CeCe if she tried to drown her? 173. Why did Eddie Lamb recognize Aria? 174. Is Ezra really board shorts? That was never confirmed. 175. Who gave Emily the massage? Because according to Lucas, he didn’t start working for Mona until the ball in 2x25. 176. What was purpose of “Walking After Midnight”? 177. How did Mona end up in possession of Toby’s sweater, considering Alison did not have the sweater when Mona took Alison to the Lost Woods Resort that night? 178. Whose blood was on Toby’s sweater? 179. When Spencer was a person of interest in Alison’s murder, Veronica appears to trust that Spencer had nothing to do with Alison’s murder. However, in season four, Veronica tells Spencer to forget about that summer because she thought Spencer could have done something to Alison’s disappearance, based on how erratic Spencer was acting that summer. So why wasn’t Veronica more suspicious of Spencer when there was actually incriminating evidence against Spencer? 180. Considering Mona was the only “A” at the time, that would mean she was the one who got the picture of Alison leaving the hospital visiting Hanna. So does this mean that Mona knew Alison was sometimes roaming around Rosewood all the way back in season 1? 181. Who sent Alison the note saying “Your friends will see you soon” while she was in jail? 182. How long had A been planning/building the dollhouse? 183. Why didn’t Mona look shocked seeing Alison walking down the road when she got hit considering Mona thought she killed her? All of a sudden she realized in 6x10 that she killed Bethany? What? 184. Why did Leslie hate Bethany? 185. How does the hockey stick come in to play if Spencer was seen with a shovel and Ali was hit with a rock? 186. Why was Holden at the Kahn parties? What was Holden’s relevance? 187. Did Alison really lure Bethany to her house for Labor Day weekend or was someone contacting Bethany by pretending to be Alison? 188. Why aren’t the girls asking Alison questions or asking Ezra any questions since he’s got a bunch of important shit in his research? 189. Who did Nigel Wright call in New York City? 190. Since Sara Harvey is black veil, why was she delivering flowers to Bethany’s parents? 191. Since Sara Harvey is black veil, why was she delivering flowers to Bethany’s parents? 192. Who was the blond girl Ezra yelled at? 193. What was the original plan between Mona & Red Coat the night of the fire? (“you’re getting what you’ve always wanted”) 194. What was Garrett & Jason’s convo about on Jason’s porch? (Garret: “want to make sure we’re still cool Jason.” - Jason: “What does it matter now, it’s over.”) 195. Who’s blood is on Alison’s Ankle Bracelet? 196. Since it was “confirmed” in VIA INTERVIEW by Marlene that Shana was on the rooftop, why did it look like a fucking guy? 197. Who actually drugged Emily the night that the grave was dug up? Was it really Lucas? 198. Why were Lucas and Melissa told to distract Jenna at the Masquerade ball? 199. If Maya was already supposed to be dead how did she give Jason Ali’s belongings? 200. WHY ISN’T IAN’S SUICIDE BEING INVESTIGATED? 201. Beyond the Maya knew message is there more significants to Mona saying “miss Aria your a killer not Ezra’s wife”? 202. Why was Jenna at the Halloween store in a queen of hearts costume? 203. Why was Noel at the Halloween store fighting with Garret? 204. Other than Ali’s flashback, is there more to the importance of the isle of the dead painting? 205. Why was Toby driving the same car when he was trying to run down Lucas that Cyrus has? 206. What 2 things did Mona not do in season 1? 207. Why was Shana in ravenswood? 208. Why was Ezra’s lair in ravenswood? 209. Which friends cabin was it that ezra and Aria were staying at? 210. What ever happened to Ali’s grandmother and her will? 211. Did Garrett know Ali was alive because he said “people lie medical records don’t”? Or what was he talking about? 212. Where was Alison during those years when we thought she was dead? 213. What was the connection between Maya, Jenna, and Noel? 214. Why was Spencer attacked on the train and by who? 215. Who else was on the Halloween train? 216. Why were Jenna and Sydney dressed like twins? 217. Why did Noel kill Sara?
218. What was the point of the comic book that Charles and Lucas made? What was the significance of that? Just to make Lucas look shady? What??
PLEASE REBLOG THIS IF THERE’S MORE QUESTIONS THAT WEREN’T ANSWERED. NOTHING was answered or explained in the finale except for the stuff about Uber A even though they’re a new character👏🏻
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hellyeahomeland · 8 years
Dreams I’ve had about Homeland that I’ve shared on social media
From most to least recent. Consider it an inner line to my psyche.
I woke up at 5am from a homeland dream last night. This is what I documented then (time stamp is me editing it for clarity because 5am) pic.twitter.com/Xs4bE5UgMT
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
February 12, 2017
I had a dream last night that we were all sitting in a room with Gansa and the writers. And there were 2 white boards in front of us.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
December 20, 2016
And on those white boards they had drawn these diagrams for us to write in pros/cons and priorities of past seasons.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
December 20, 2016
It was my turn to write something. I grabbed a marker and on the “Priorities” side of S5 wrote, “Jonas & Carrie were doomed from the start.”
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
December 20, 2016
I had a very weird CQ dream last night. C + Q were fully grown adults on some kind of study abroad trip with a bunch of college students!
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
October 8, 2016
At the end I was unable to find my own car in a multi-level parking garage.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
October 8, 2016
my crazy TCA homeland dream last night produced these nightmares: 1) Carrie dreamt all of S5 2) Carrie is the one who died (cont)
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
August 6, 2016
3) the S6 time jump is 6-8 years 4) Carrie is committed to a psych ward after going crazy (attempting to kill ppl???)
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
August 6, 2016
it was an honest 2 god mess and people ask why i don’t need TCAs in my life…
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
August 6, 2016
Had another Homeland dream last night
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
This one was better than the one I had the other night but probably stranger.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
It was like the premiere of S6 I think. They kept showing this scene of C+Q having sex (and, like, hot sex).
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
I forget what it was meant to show but I think it was a Clue.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
Also there was some story about how the Letter Quinn wrote was actually not for Carrie but for someone named Rebecca.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
No one else believed me but I insisted because they flashbacked to Rupert with long hair and Carrie never knew him like that so: Rebecca.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 4, 2016
Let me tell you about my AWFUL Homeland dream last night.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
So, first of all, Carrie is like… in the hospital? Is she injured? Hurt? I can’t remember. She’s there.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
The episode then goes into dual flash FORWARDS: one in which she grows old with Brody, the other with Quinn.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
And let me tell you an aged Damian Lewis is not that great.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
In present day I think the flash forward was supposed to get her to choose between them (lol). “In which life will I be less miserable?”
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
Anyway I think she used it as justification to pick Quinn and I (in the dream) was embarrassed to be watching (dream!HL).
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
July 2, 2016
Had a dream they announced next season of HL to start next year but on March 2. Dreams are funny.... 🔮
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
April 27, 2016
I had a dream last night that in the last scene of the finale, after the light comes through, Quinn OPENS HIS EYES and NONE OF US NOTICED
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 7, 2016
Like I was just casually rewatching the ep and was like “IS THAT HIM WITH HIS EYES OPEN” and I’m not sure if I had the guts to say anything
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 7, 2016
Just woke from a freaky Carrie/Quinn dream.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
September 29, 2015
@Devbos it was so bizarre. i only remember certain details... there was like a car explosion... idk
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
September 29, 2015
Last night I had a true Homeland nightmare. I was watching tomorrow's episode with a group of people who wouldn't stop talking. Horrific.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
October 17, 2015
@hyhomeland i just remembered paris geller was in my dream bc apparently she's in hl too??
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
October 18, 2015
I had a dream that they released like 5 clips from the first episode. Just unconvincing enough to seem real.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
September 18, 2015
I had a dream last night that someone posted a video on IG of the C/Q scene and Quinn pulls a GUN on Jonas and Carrie it was great/awful
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
June 29, 2015
i had a dream they put up the la times envelope series videos… it seemed so lifelike
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
April 20, 2015
last night i had a dream that i saw the first 4 episodes of homeland and carrie was addicted to heroin and in a relationship with a woman
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
April 12, 2015
glad i woke up from that dream i mean nightmare
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
April 12, 2015
OH SHIT y'all I had a homeland dream last night it was very meta and so true to life. Lemme try to remember (I know you care...).
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
The thing was that 4.12 was NOT actually the finale. There was another episode after it. It was like a crossover with The Good Wife.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
So the first half was like a courtroom storyline on TGW (a show I don't watch btw). Everyone was talking about how the finale would break me
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
And dream me was like "fucking great. just what I need now..."
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
I think the general plotline was that some older guy (who's not on Homeland... I feel like it was Jeffrey Tambor?) was berating Carrie about
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
her relationship with her father and she was like fighting with him and it was all about that. Then at the end she makes it seem like she's
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
totally fine with what the guy has said, it doesn't phase her, but she storms off in that Carrie way up the stairs. And IN MY DREAM the
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
camera pans up to her at the top of the stairs having a full-on breakdown. She goes into her bedroom and cries herself to sleep w/ Franny.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
It was very depressing.
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
January 19, 2015
I had a dream Alex Gansa said "Sara" in an interview and we were all like "WAIT!? Is he taking about *that* Sara or a different Sara??"
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
December 30, 2014
my homeland dream last night had hugh dancy in it why did i wake up
— Hell Yeah Homeland (@hyhomeland)
November 7, 2014
And last but not least, this beautiful gem.
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jollyviscreal666 · 5 years
New York City, underground subway, 1989.
The underground subway was lit up with dead green lights which gave the whole scenery a gloomy dull, eerie appearance. This used to be a frequently used subway terminal. Until everything changed.
The subway, stretching a good 2 miles started out as a busy structure. Once in the train, you could get off anywhere between Manhattan and the Bronx. It was the largest subway ever constructed in New York. The train trams were well connected and the tracks were reinforced with powerful steel. Such an expensive addition to the community by the government to such an infamously corrupted city. God knows what was on the Federal governed public systems mind. New York has a history of murders, mugs, mobs, and mayhem. It didn’t seem like a good idea to construct such an establishment during the year. Crime rates were high, they just caught Rosetti, the pimp\mob gangster. They were looking for him for years. And as any boneheaded fool would know, so many criminals and thugs would use such an establishment to their benefits. The sky’s the limit.
But the establishment didn’t last long. Aside from countless criminally induced acts and, you name it, apparently something stranger and more sinister seemed to be going on. Sure there were gang fights that broke out every now and then. A murder or a mugging here and there, but when authorities started taking note that more disappearances were taking place than usual, they knew something was out of sorts. They were used to finding dead bodies every now and then. Until they came upon one that shocked and puzzled them. It was a 35 year old man by the name of Bill Price. Forensics confirmed it. The body was missing its flesh almost entirely and the organs of the corpse were pulled out of the body and have been mildly shredded. When they examined the corpse, they could see whatever removed his skin and pulled his organs out did it slowly. Like some small critter ate into him. One investigator suggested rats. Quite frequent in the subways for the year. Especially the new one. More space o my means more rats. No one knows where the hell they came from. They’re just a bunch of pesty vermin waiting to get pulverized by some gangs AK-47s. According to census records; the most rats seen in one place was seen by Sara Mosley. 12 scattering about. A record for New York subway systems. But god knows if they have a taste for human flesh. Maybe Bill Price was murdered in cold blood and the pesty vermin devoured him cause they couldn’t find anything else to eat. However, according to the forensic investigators, the way his body was desiccated meant someone or something brutally savaged him from the start. Plus they have chemically measured time estimations from the corpses time frame of death and what not.
The subway is pretty deep underground. Another inconvenient factor. It makes it so when fucked up shit goes down, no essentially relevant authority individuals can conjure up more personnel for safety. So if something goes down, everybody’s fucked.
It’s October 13th on a Wednesday. Two days ago another body was found. The condition of the skinless corpse was similar to Bill Price. A body was also found on the 8th. Needless to say, it was found the same. Not only were the 3 corpses similarly mutilated, but they were all found near a specific location. Near gateway 4, terminal 40. It’s no coincidence that terminal has been known for sink holes, disturbingly foul oders, and plumbing leakage. The worst part was that beneath the train tracks were deep crevasses in the earth drilled deep by the Government transportation system construction department. They extended throughout the whole damn length of the train. But at terminal 40, there’s a crevasse so deep, there have been rumors of it reaching the underworld and what not. All this paranormal superstition bullshit. All of these reasons were probably why construction around the mysterious crevasse, or whatever the fuck it was(some deep ass hold in the earth), was permanently ceased.
It was Friday, October 15th. The subway was unusually occupied. The economy was booming; reaching a new level of achievement. A suspiciously coated figure walked forward. He wore a classically stereotypical detective investigator type uniform. Or the black leather coat with the collar straight up. He wore an al Capone styled hat and carried a briefcase. Everything black. As he walked forward people wondered how he could see where he was going with the hat in the way of his peripheral vision. He had skills.
Gate 3, Terminal 30. The man was one whole stop away from the next section. If he took the train, he’d reach it in 20 minutes. He waited for the next stop. Once it arrived, he stepped in. All eyes landed on him. He reached in one of his smaller pockets on his leather coat near his thorax and retrieved a notepad. The other he pulled out a pen. He flipped through his notes.
The tram he was in consisted of about 20 individuals. But the most of which were drawn to him by appearance were a short business man, a fat black woman with curly black hair, a Hispanic street thug, a white mother with her young 12 year old daughter, and a pesty looking white male with no sleeves on a white t-shirt.
The white guy with no sleeves trying to show his cleavage came over. He had gum in his mouth.
“Sup”, he blurted. The outstandingly fitted man with the detective figure and notepad looked up.
“Hi”, he replied mildly and without much emotion. The man just stood there. He hung on a rail up top with one arm. He held his other one out to the mysterious man.
“I’m Mitchel, but you can call me Mitch the hitch”. The business man grinned.
“I haven’t seen you around. Must be new. Deep filing organizer in the mayors palace by the looks of ya!”, white tee said obnoxiously. There was some mild smirking. The train rocked. He was still standing in the same spot. The mysterious man was trying his best to ignore him. White tee began to peek over to the other mans notepad.
“Do you mind!”, exclaimed the mysterious man, annoyed. White tee through his hands up in gesture. Still not moving, he flipped out a knife from his pocket. A flip knife blade. It flipped open as he pulled it out.
“You ever seen one of these?”, White tee asked obnoxiously. The mysterious man gazed at him with an abhorrent facade. The man flipped the knife in the air mildly and caught it by the handle every time. Still chewing his gum.
“Pretty neat huh?”, he implied.
“Yeah, hold on I think I got something”, began the mysterious man. He reached toward his back and slid his hand into the secret compartment on the back of the coat. He pulled out a cigar. Before anyone could react, the coated man pulled the dissolvable fake material off the cigar in a flash and launched a knife at the man. But it knocked the knife out of the white tees hand. He stumbled back, heart pounding. He mumbled a curse word. The mysterious man gestured his eyebrows to him. Suddenly an angry look overtook white tees facade. Everyone who was drawn by the mysterious mans appearance was looking at one another in awe. Next time the train shook, white tee took out a lighter and purposefully knocked the notepad out of his hand and set it on fire. He forced a grin he knew he was going to regret.
“Oops”, he muttered. The darkly coated man zoomed to him and slammed the mans face onto the tram window without much effort. White tees nose broke immediately. Blood gushed out. He continued to slam his head and face into the hard glass until a little crack was visible. By the 8th slam, he glanced at the passengers. Their eyes lit up in fear. Soon it will be panic. He finally stopped slamming the corpses head onto the tram window and let his body drop with its dripping disfigured face. He knew someone was going to make a move. 3 out of the 4 who we’re paying attention to him were crying and freaking out. Even the Hispanic thug felt uneasy.
The mysterious man undid the Velcro in the middle of his black leather coat and suddenly he got a whole lot skinnier. He pulled out two mini 8mm Colt revolvers. 4 people tried to escape from the tram. He shot them all down.
“I’ve got a whole case of slugs and more pieces, we could do this all day, so shut the fuck up and do what I say!!!!”, he demanded forcefully. The white 12 year old girl with her mom screamed. Before he could point his gun at her, a 12 inch rat zoomed by and pierced its teeth into his black denim shoe and into his toe. It only went into his toe about 14 centimeters. It then scurried away before he could kick it. Unfortunately, the tram stopped right at the exit or entrance to the 4th gate. Which means he’s going to have to wrap this up quickly.
He then heard people in the front tram, screaming. They were blood curdling screams. He got out to see who caused that commotion.
“What the hell ?”, he muttered. What looks to be packs of rats are schooling up together moving towards his tram. A body stumbled back all chewed up and bloody. Holes in their clothing. She fell back dead. The rats seemed to have got the message and picked up speed towards his tram. He zoomed to the tram door to try to shut it. He knew this was going to be a hell show no matter what. Especially with this Trippy fuck shit.
Then they all started piling in. First by the ones then by three or four at a time. About 10 of them were already in the tram by the time the black dresses man retrieved his briefcase and fended off the rats that hissed at him and attempted to pounce on him. 5 or 6 went automatically to the corpse of the disfiguring face of the sleeveless man. They nibbled on his skin and did their best to dig into him. They created mini craters and spread them throughout his body. They created them pretty quickly. The more time that passed the deeper they got. The blonde white mother was fending off every razor sharped claws and teeth rodent that came their way while protecting her daughter by covering her with her body.
When 8 more came in, most of them joined the feast on the now faceless corpses body. Or the desecrated body of the long dead sleeveless male. They massacred the hell out of his dead disfigured face. Soon all you could see was layers torn open simply and the last layer before the bone of the skull with blue veins aligned. The rats going after the mom and her child finally figured out how to penetrate their defenses. A rat made it on top of the daughters head. It massacred her head and face with its claws. She screamed as mildly deep marks appeared all over her head and face. The mom zoomed to the knives on the floor from earlier. It was nearly next to white tees corpse whose head was now a skull and his entire body was covered in a frenzy of rats. The rats apparently took it as an offensive threat for her to invade their territorial space like that. A huge line of them formed and massacred her foot. They were so fast. So vicious. So angry. She felt bad for her daughter but she knew they were both going to die. Soon the back cartilage of her foot was cleanly torn open. She fell back on a seat, hopeless as they devoured her foot. Her daughter now had a deep piece of flesh missing from the back of her head. More than one were on her now trying to get to her eyes. The more they bled, the harder the rats tried to take them apart to feast on them. Most of the rats attacking the mom were devouring her feet up to her legs. About two minutes later, all layers of her flesh were gone. The lesser rats that scurried over her body were biting her lips off and digging into her nose cavity. The daughter was just crying as more craters of missing skin appeared all over her body. The deeper they got the more quicker she bled out. It took awhile for the rats to remove everything from the mother’s body. The child was covered up in rats a lot quicker. The fat black lady was surprisingly still alive with only a lot of craters around her body getting deeper by the minute. She screamed. She knew if she attempted any escape it would only get worse.
The business man successfully encased his head into his suit case and held onto his brief case for dear life, covering the front of his body. It was a leather briefcase. A hole was in it with blood.
The fat black lady soon caught sight of the deaf 12 year old girl. Her hair was still intact. But a rat waddled our of an unsuspected hole in the middle of her dead. The black lady, still being nibbled on , puked loads. This caused the rats to brutally massacre her face. They absolutely hated it. Soon she had a facade of a frenzy of rats on her face. More than there needed to be. It took 18 seconds before they parted, revealing her skull with tiny strings of meat hanging off.
The Hispanic thugs heart was brought out. His face was slowly devoured. What killed him was the deep Engraving of his abdomen by the rats.
The only one lucky enough to get away was the mysterious man. He ran to the best exit he believed would suit him. Unfortunately, the authorities were on their way down it. So he was blocked out after checking the other exit with the same conditions. He knew a sewer route system leading to the city. But was it safe? Those vermin could be waiting for him. He risked it. So far so good. He reached an intersection which he wasn’t sure about. He decided. He stepped in a room with thousands of rats. He shuttered in fear. A school of rats from the other side of the way in, blocked the exit. A menacing growl filled the air. Fear grew in him like none other. “Here comes Karma”, he thought. The rats drew a little closer to him.
A 4ft long mutant like rat zoomed down from the ceiling upside down to the wall. Then to the floor. It pounced at him. It sunk its teeth into his forearm near his hand. It chewed it slowly. It made the skin loose before it pulled it off slowly like a glove. The rest of the rats massacred him. They did the same. The mutant rat has the upper body, the others, the bottom. He screamed until he couldn’t hear himself scream anymore.
0 notes
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Me, before the cast reveal: I'm going to win, know that
Me now, seeing Sam is here: She's going to kill me again
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This One World twist is fairly interesting at the start. I know Nehe, and Coffey was in my first Tumblr game, so there are people I am familiar with here. Those small bonds can help a lot in this game.
But holy hell is this snake annoying. I have a decently high reaction time. The game does not react fast enough for what I want to do with it. I only ever hit the wall despite knowing I pressed up way before it hit the wall. That's my luck though, isn't it? You also only get +1 when the wheel stops which is just a pain in everyone's asses.
I'm making a mental note to make a lot of confessionals, going for that 5 visibility baby!
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Walking out onto this beach I am ready to experience a game i expect to be amazing. The last time I played a org I think I was a little too open. I shared more than I needed and I made people feel like it was my way or the high way. This time around it's new people. I have to play the social game but laying low at the same time. This first challenge points out the comp beasts from those who will most likely lack in challenges. When it comes to flash games I suck but I don't need a bad first impression off the bat. Tonight I'll talk to everyone before tribes are established and just try to be a good sport and make people like Nehemiah and want to work with him.
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First confessional of the season!
So, we're placed in a One World chat. Now i've never played a One World survivor org before so I'm not sure if we're going to stay in here the whole game or until we officially get split into tribes. I hope it's not One World the whole game, I have enough trouble keeping up with one tribe let alone the whole game.
After reading through all the bios of the other contestants it dawned on me that I'm the oldest player in the game. Yes, at 22 years of age I am the oldest person in the game (maybe, three of us are 22 but still). Only four people in the whole game are above 20 years of age. Oldies alliance maybe? We shall see. There's even someone who's only 13 years old! Yikes, almost 10 years younger than me! (Also STEVEN, you took my Mari avatar, darn you.)
DAISY and DARIAN are so far the only two people I've had actual conversations with. They're both pretty nice.
And then we get to NEHE. I know NEHE from a previous ORG and while we did work together there, I don't know if I want to work with him here. He has a penchant for making things unpredictable and crazy and I just don't know if I want to deal with that again. Ideally, he would be placed on the other tribe. And ideally he would be voted out before the merge or a swap. It would just be easier on me that way.
Going into this game, I want to play a flashier more strategic heavy game than I did in my first org, Myanmar. I want to make big moves and if I can, play the role of the villain. To quote the infamous Abi-Maria Gomes "Villains have more fun"
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HIYA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Its josh and here i am for my first confessional im gonna try to do a lot better with confessionals then i did my first game LOL anyways i haven't talked a whole lot this season cause im lowkey waiting til we get on tribes but thats tht also i like cats KK BYE XXXXXXXXXX
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Hello! I don't remember if I have made a confessional for this game yet. I am happy about this game because I know quite a few members of the cast! I just hope that I can make it to the same tribe as some of them lol. Also I am not a fan of snake...
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1 Word to describe this tribe: Ugly
Number of people you actually like on this tribe: 1
Number of people who still haven't added you back: 2
Number of people you like on the other tribe: literally all of them
On a scale of 1-10, how much would you rather be on the other tribe? 12
I hate this tribe and now I hate this game and we better just win a bunch of immunities so I don't have to actually socialize.
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Last night I did what I could with bonding (or more so having communications with people). Coming into the game I knew Keegan, Steven and Alex already prior. Those 3 were the obvious instant connections I needed to reach out to. Others I talked to happen to be Josh, Sara, Logan, Darrian and John. Oh how I love John and Logan. I get vibes and good ones from them that I want to build off of. Possibly an alliance who knows. One thing I learned from my first Org is to not play so hard. I got into huge trouble with my tribe mates that I wasn't aware of because I was egotistical and controlling. This game I want to be used and useful. I am now Nicobar tribe and I want to show them that I'm useful. I'm still gonna talk to my entire tribe and make them like me. If we loose a challenge I don't want them feeling like we got to get rid of Nehe. I want to be useful. Not gonna help so much in this upcoming reward challenge just for the fact that trying to control what our flag looks like will put a bad target on me. I gave my ideas and we'll see what happens.
My Tribe Opinions:
Alex: I played a Skype game with Alex before and tbqh I don't remember shit from it. Just that I went farther than him. I think it was the Challenge. I like him but I can feel he's a player and I want to get on the good side of that player before lines become drawn.
Daisy: I didn't get the chance to speak with Ms. Daisy on night one but day 2 we hit it off. Maybe not the most beneficial conversation but I gotta find something to commute with her on. I like her and she doesn't give me the gamer vibe but the social vibe. So socializing with her may be good for me.
John- UGH I love John. Like literally anyone else to be an ally with can go through a test of some sort cause I want John and I want John now. Something about him just screams yes to me. So I'm gonna work for an alliance with that guy.
Josh- The convo with Josh didn't pick up much last night but we can chat and further that up. I don't know how I feel about Josh. Maybe alliance maybe not. I can myself voting out Josh.
Logan- Love Logan too. Logan seems to be a player but one I can align with. I just have to watch how I act to people like that. Thats where I get myself in trouble. Im a player at heart and when I meet another player I like let my ideas spew out and they hold it against me. Cue my blindside in my first org.
Sara- Our convo as of now is Hi, Hi......Yeah not seeing myself building anything with her. But not gonna stop. Why give someone a reason to vote me off.
Stevie- Just started like JUST started talking to Stevie and I am in love. We have the same interests and like our conversations is heating up with how much we are alike. I think this conversations speaks for itself in which we will align.
Steven- I knew Steven from many Skype games. Like many Skype games. We have this joke where when we see each other we scream each others names. I don't want o necessarily work with him cause I know he's a player but like it;s nice to know I have someone who i could possibly manipulate.
All in All I like my tribe and we'll see how we fit in challenges. Till then I will talk to my baes. Josh, Logan and Stevie.
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I did the challenge late last night and sent in a random time. I didn't know that these people would have been that bad at snake for me to come in second place after only playing it maybe ten times. Wowzers.
But I got this cute little statue that's being referred to as Sentinelese Blood Oath, or I'll just call it my ticket back into this game, which is what it does. I know the other person from the opposing tribe has this too, so this is just a bit of information that is pretty fun to have. I can rejoin the game if I beat someone in a challenge and judging by how snake went I'm feeling pretty confident. My hope is to not have to use it. While it's great to get back in the game, my game gets severely tarnished by having to return after being voted out. So my hope is not have to use it, but it's nice to have this sort of back up, where if things go wrong I can go right back into the game and try to screw someone over.
This challenge is a ton of fun too. I love graphic designing, and I've made a pretty bomb ass flag for my team. I've gotten on their good side, which is fantastic. If we win it's even better. In my life I either want to be a music teacher, an ESL, or a graphic designer. (YouTube is on the backburner until I can get some video editing program). That being said, it's nice to know that things I do for fun can help out in this game.
For alliances, I'm becoming fond of Nehe and Coffey. Josh is a fun addition too. Those three are probably the ones I'm most comfortable with, but it's too early to start things in my opinion. It'll form eventually, just not right away.
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We're officially split into tribes! No more One World! I'm so happy for that, I can finally keep up with who's all around me. As far as first impressions go, I haven't really talked a whole lot with everyone but:
SAM: She's pretty awesome. We're similar in age, she's a graduate student and I just finished undergrad. Plus she seems pretty into the game which is a good thing. I'd definitely consider an alliance with her
DARIAN: He's okay. We've talked a bit but it hasn't gone anywhere. I don't dislike him. He's also been pretty helpful with the first challenge.
BRANDON: No thanks. Awkward "conversations" and I feel like we have nothing in common.
CARSON: tbh i don't see myself ever working with him. Unless it's a necessity.
ELENA: She hasn't even accepted my friend request so...
NED: Seems pretty cool, I'll have to talk to him more to get a better impression
ELIJAH: He likes togepi.
MATT: I gotta get talking to him more, I think we'll get along really well.
I think that's everyone. Not a whole lot to say actually. I guess it's only been a day since the game began and a few hours since we were divided into tribes. I'm interested to see how these people play when it comes down to tribal time.
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I'm iconic so stfu
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Ashley told me not to put my last name. So I won't.
I really like this tribe. I've got some people I LOVE and some that I can build new connections with! And our tribe flag is awesome!!! I hope this goes well!
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Alright let me set something straight. I do graphic designing as a hobby. It's my favorite freaking thing to do in this world next to playing survivor ORGs like it's my life.
Benjamin, I'm surprised you and your horrid opinions got 5th place in this series. Who are you to give the flag I made a four in Effort, where you give the other tribe a seven? What the actual fuck? I put a texture. I put different handwriting. I overlaid those fucking candles AND added a border around them so they'd be layered and look pretty as FUCK.
Those Elephants were the cutest thing in existence. I made that cute design of the lines by myself. Let's be real, aside from picking the fonts I made the entire flag. And for you to give it an effort of four, a creativity of five, and a six for visual appeal is absurd. You my friend are now on my shit list for the remainder of this game.
Also, "Sorry guys but it’s a little sad." Who the fuck are you? "However, it looks just like the buff with little to no change" shall I direct you to:
http://wwwimage.cbsstatic.com/base/files/styles/596xh/public/101917_d01507.jpg and http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/4/4b/Gota_Buff.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/150?cb=20130201071144
OR http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/6/6d/Luzon-flag.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140227215029 and http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/9/97/Luzongreenbrain.png/revision/latest?cb=20140123212853
The tribe flags are SUPPOSED to match the buffs in a way ya twat. The Indian elements from the design are BECAUSE the location is in freaking India! What else am I supposed to do? I know that what I made was the cutest shit since the Power Puff Girls. Your opinions are bad, and you should feel bad.
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well well well! im here!
and i have this cute lil vote canceller with me!
im sitting pretty, but i gotta get to talking bc im not going home first
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Ok. Well. That just happened. The hosts posted in the chat about searching in the woods for advantages and what not. So i was like, ok... I'm down. I have the luck of a dead animal but maybe ill get close lol. Well, I got close, and than i got closer, and closer. AND THAN I FOUND THE IDOL. FIRST TRY BITCHES. hahahah This is sooooooo awesome. Just what i needed to keep my footing in this game for a while. I can't wait to share all this good news with elena! She's going to freak the fuck out. Like!!!! She has her advantage and now I have mine <3<3
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:::Quick Catch Up:::
So as of now this is Day 4 on the island and I think everything is going alright. On Day 3 I kinda didn't speak to anyone as I was not in a good space mental wise. Day 4 was the day I needed to build up on the conversations I had from days 1-2. Basically every conversation I have with someone is a conversation that shows I'm a least trying to get to know you and form a bond with you. That't the impression I want to leave on people. "Nehe seems cool and interesting to work with". Today Alex approached me about possible forming an alliance and obviously the gamer of me is like "fuck yes I'm golden". But i can't think that. My first org I was so confident that I was playing a good game and I got cocky. I told Alex I would love to align with him and he asked me who gravitated to me social wise. I told him John and Logan and he told me John and Josh before mentioning that having at least 5 people so if we loose immunity. So that 5 is possibly gonna be the alliance though I actually favor Stevie more over Josh. Today is the immunity challenge in which I fucking hate flash games. One thing about me is that I suck horribly at flash games so the fact this is the first immunity challenge sorta pisses me off. I tolerated Snake game but now i gotta do 1/3 of these comps which I settle for the stackers cause it's the easiest.
:::If We Loose:::
This goes safe to say that the first person gone from the Nicobar tribe is gonna be Steven. Or at least that legit is gonna be my vote. Steven makes no effort to talk to anyone or seem like he gives a shit about this game. So easy vote. All anyone has to do really is say his name and I don't see anyone campaigning to keep him. Because I was adventurous I decided to explore the forest and I got a punishment for doing so. I received an auto self-vote against myself at my first tribal which I hope happens soon tbh so I don't gotta worry about it getting used against me. I was instructed that I can tell someone or keep it to myself and one thing Nehe learned from his first org is if it's not important keep it to yourself. So this is gonna be a little secret :). I spent a hour and 30 minutes on call with Mr. John Coffey confirming an alliance with him. We agreed kinda to duo it out but not let anyone pick up on it. He voiced his concern about Stevie and Logan playing the game before together as well as not knowing where he stood with Alex who he had played with before. I don't wanna be cocky but for now I think I'm in a good spot with Logan, Stevie, Alex, and John and I will be soon making a proposition to align with both Logan and Stevie in the upcoming days.
:::Reward Results:::
I kinda am disappointed that the judges had no taste what so ever. One said we didn't have effort yet I know they bitch asses saw that texture and complexity of the flag. See the other tribe decided to do an art work while we decided to do what was tasked and build a fucking FLAG. I don't necessarily we lost what the prize for the reward was but I'm pretty sure there was an idol in that feast even tho they said there was no Tyler Perry idol. I don't know what that means by the way lol. I just personally feel our flag was an amazing and deserved better judging. But you can't win them all.
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I talked to John for roughly twenty minutes about a game plan. It was going swimmingly. Right after we finish Daisy messages me saying "hey, want an alliance with me and Logan?" I'm not going to deny an alliance so of course I say yes. But she wants to bring with Josh or Sara. Neither of those people were anyone I planned on working with. Nehe and John are the ones I'm rooting for but it's also crazy as hell. I'm telling John as soon as he calls me on Skype, but the fact of the matter is that I am now caught in the middle. Since they're forming it really quick. Daisy even said she didn't know Sara that well but wanted her in. So it's looking to be a fairly destructive alliance that I'm not a fan of.
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I'm so glad we won immunity whew!! I like this tribe so far and I'm getting really good vibes from john Coffey and Logan and those r probably the two people I want to work with most tbh
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I feel like a held my part in challenge quite well being that I scored 4000 points more than Nicobars TOTAL score, I just don't even know who half these people are on my tribe so anyone of them can go tbqh except for Ned and Darian bc they're kings but I would have no problem backstabbing anyone honestly bc I love being messy.Why am I like this?
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This is my first confessional!!
Forst impressions: the game has barely started and I have very few thoughts on what's happened so far. I'm mostly trying to socialize as much as I can.
I spoke with Logan, and they were interested in creating an alliance. I asked who else we should include, I had been thinking Alex. Logan agreed and suggested Josh, but I don't think he's even responded to being asked to be in the alliance. He should want to be in it though, we da best.
When we were on one world I spoke with Keegan and made a little connection there. Hopefully they survive to a swap or merge. We talked about how we both used to play Tumblr/Forum RPGs, it was a beautiful bonding moment.
On a more negative note, I really really hate being mean, but I feel like John is probably going to be voted out early, or at least should be. He did like really bad in the first challenge that determined which tribes we got put on, and he mentioned being the first voted out in another season so I'm worried he might not be a strong player?? idk John please don't hate me when you see this <3
Also the challenges have been fun so far!!
***(four minutes later)***
I was just told that John Coffey is very famous in tumblr survivor. I'm sorry please don't hate me
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We lost immunity! That fucking sucks! Carson and Matt could not figure out level 27 of super stacker and that makes me so mad. I finished the whole game in like 2 hours maybe and I had to go back and redo multiple levels to show them and was watching a movie fhslafksf if they had asked for more help or something or tried harder maybe we could have won so like that fucking sucks!
I REALLY like Keegan! He's my favorite on this tribe and then there's Ned who I feel like I haven't talked to at all but I also think we haven't talked because we're just automatically like 'yup we're working together.' I'm just hoping we can get the numbers because I haven't actually talked to too many people so hopefully I won't be first boot.
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this frog tied me up and im SO HAPPY
like i was so scared about tribal bc ive talked to literally ZERO people, and now im SAFE!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh this is so lit im so happy.
with my vote canceller, im like.... im just AHH
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What an eventful time we've had! First, we win the reward challenge and got some food. Presumably there was an idol clue or something hidden in one of the food items but alas it wasn't in my Kit Kat wrapper.
SAM and I have been talking a fair bit and we've decided to work together. Which is fantastic. I trust her enough and we both seem to be on the same page about where the tribe needs to go. We want active, invested players in the game.
Which leads into the immunity challenge, which we lost by only a small margin. It's a little frustrating, especially since it was so close. I've never won a first immunity challenge, RIP me.
SAM and I discussed the vote a little bit, deciding we needed to talk to NED, ELIJAH and BRANDON. They're all decently active and we both get good vibes from all three.
I hadn't told anyone but my vote was leaning towards CARSON. He hasn't really been around much and hasn't done great in the challenges. He also hasn't spoken a single word to me so I'd have no issue writing his name down, except...
CARSON got lost in the forest and is going to be absent from tribal. DUN DUN DUN. He's safe but also won't be present for any strategy around camp. That's good and bad for him. Good because he might have been the first voted off. Bad because he's losing valuable time to make bonds with people.
Speaking of the forest, I found a VOTE DOUBLER in the forest! I get two votes instead of one at any point up to the final 5! Hallelujah! Hopefully I can save it until after the merge but we'll see how things go up until then. My only hope is I can play it properly.
Going forward, I'm going to try to rally SAM, NED, BRANDON and ELIJAH into voting together. It doesn't matter which of the other three we target, as long as the five of us work together we're golden. If I can bring MATT into the fold that gives us six votes against either ELENA or DARIAN.
Here's to hoping this planning pans out and I'm not the surprise first boot.
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So, we lost this immunity challenge. At this point, my main ally is Sam, primarily because I know her from Bangladesh. I would love to work with her and be a duo, and I hope she's on the same page. I have NO idea what the tribe is thinking as to whom they'll vote out, but people are telling me that nobody's talking. Either they're being honest, or I'm being left out of something big. In a perfect world, I'd like to see Matt or Elena go home, just because we haven't talked, but who knows what'll happen. This could be the first time I'm first boot.
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If everything goes as planned:
SAM, NED, DARIAN and myself are a close group of four. 4 for $4. We've talked with ELIJAH and BRANDON and the six of us are voting MATT. As far as I know, MATT hasn't really talked with anyone about the vote so hopefully he's gone and i'm safe.
ELENA is a bit of a mystery to me. She hasn't responded to my messages so I don't know what's going on with her. Unless her and MATT are working together and voting me. The worst that can happen in that situation is a tie.
I'm hoping this vote goes smoothly and MATT is voted off in a 6-2 or maybe even a 7-1 vote.
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Hey! I'm excited to be in another game and I'm gonna try my best not to get medevaced or sleep through any challenges this season. No promises though cus unexpected naps have been my thing lately.
I'm glad that I don't know very many people in this game.
I've met Sam and Stevie and played multiple games with them. Idk how Stevie feels about playing with me but I love Sam and would be down to work with her. It's always a pleasure.
Darian and I had a messy experience in fans vs first boots together. He made about 3 different alliances within the first 30 minutes of our tribe swap. It ended in me voting him out after Danny Gluck went off on him in the tribe chat and declaring immediate tribal. Darian disliked me for a long time but we have been talking a bit and he seems cool with me so we'll see what happens
I played with Alex in Malaysia and immediately we have seemed to pair up this season. He says he's my final 2 and he's mine as well. I just hope playing with him doesn't turn out as messy as it did the first time.
As it's been one world I've been talking with Elijah, and though he wasn't on my tribe I really like him.
So onto our tribe so far. We just won the first challenge! I spent so long playing that dumb shape game and I never want to see a fucking smiling polygon in my life.
I have been talking a lot with Nehe. We had a call and basically decided that the two of us and Alex would be a pretty good trio and we could just ride it out. 5 will make majority when we eventually do vote.
Daisy and I have talked a bit and bonded over queen Marina and the Diamonds
I like Logan
Steven has not answered my two attempts at talking to him I fear being rejected a third time
Stevie and I hvent talked much game yet but I think I'm open to working with him
Josh and I haven't talked all that much but I like him
I really like talking to Sara, she's probably one of my favorites other than Alex and Nehe
I went on call with Alex and we talked about solidifying our alliance with Nehe, and apparently right after that call, Daisy added Alex to an alliance with Logan and Josh. Thanks for the invite girl! Idk what's going on with that but stay tuned folks
So yea that's all for now :p bai
0 notes