Pretty Little Liars
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
ooooooh when is the next chapter coming?
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In the halls of Hawkins lab, Brenner made his way down the hall. He was going to where two of his, admittedly many, children were. These specific children were 011, his breakthrough, his little girl, his favorite experiment. And 002, a replacement, though successful he currently had no use, he wasn’t needed. Wanted. At least for now.
Unfortunately, 002 and his little girl had grown close. She was constantly asking to see her ’brother’, and 002 would happily accept. Though the ’siblings’ noticed that over time, Papa kept making their play times shorter and shorter. Today, Brenner had decided that this play time would be their last.
He needed his little girl, his 011 to focus. Her tests were only going to get harder from now and he didn’t need to have 002 be a distraction from that. He never understood how the pair got along so well, especially considering that 002, in his experiments, had almost completely lost his ability to speak.
Brenner opened the door to see his young children playing with small delicate ice sculptures. There were people, animals, cars. 002 had obviously made them, they were based on the books his Papa had read to him when he was smaller. The pair looked up to see their Papa standing in the doorway, quickly 002 had placed his right hand on the toys and melted them until they had completely evaporated.
“Eleven it’s time to go.” Papa stated.
“But-“ 011 had begun but was cut off.
“No buts Eleven. Papa says it’s time to go.” Brenner grunted.
011 shared a sad look with her brother and started walking to Papa, but 002 quickly pulled her into a hug. The small girl could feel the rough scars from her brother's body and face rub against her, but she didn’t mind. Brenner quickly forced the pair apart, not so gently pushing 002 away.
“Papa-“ 011 starting seeing her brother land on the ground, but she was quickly pulled away.
“You know not to touch Eleven, Two. Do you want her to be burnt like you, get hurt by you!?” Brenner shouted at the small boy, as he frantically shook his head, unable to physically say no.
“You know better than to disobey Papa, Two.” Brenner stated, bringing out something. Four guards suddenly appeared from the halls and split into pairs, one half to 011, the other to 002.
Both children knew what was about to happen. The Closet. 011 quickly started pleading for them to stop, the closet scared them both, sometimes they spent hours in there. All alone, stuck in the small room, begging for Papa to let them out. One pair grabbed 002 by his arms and yanked him to his feet and began dragging the poor boy away.
“Papa no! He didn’t hurt! I’m okay! Please!” 011 cried but it wasn’t any use, the pair were dragged down the hall, a few feet away from each other.
011’s cries continued while 002 barely moved a muscle, silently crying. They had made it to 011’s ‘room’ and brought her inside before locking the door. All 002 could hear was his sister begging for him not to be punished. The scarred boy was thrown into the closet, and just before the door shut, he saw his Papa looking down at him with a cold expression.
“This will be the last time you see Eleven. Ever.” Brenner said before slamming the door shut, leaving 002 to crumble in the corner silently crying as he continued to hear the faint sounds of his sister's pleads.
Masterlist | Next Chapter >
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
that’s gonna be hard to do when she has no powers 😶
I’ve been wondering about the ambulance from that BTS video. I’ve been thinking that maybe el ends up on a stretcher after something happens or whatever but instead of going to the hospital, it takes a different route to pennhurst and brenner gets her committed to there since that’s where’s he’s at now and with no parents around (joyce and hopper) then who’s to say he won’t get guardianship of her 🤔
That definitely sums up the specifics of how El would end up recaptured at Pennhurst Asylum. It’s also worth keeping in mind that if the military is stationed throughout Hawkins then their certainly aware of the Upside Down and the experiments on the numbers at this point. And while Brenner was decommissioned from Hawkins Laboratory he still stands with his thorough research conducted in a department that the military is inexperienced in. Seeing how Hawkins is completely swarmed by military personnel, each very much aware of El, I don’t think she would necessarily have to be on a stretcher because she’s receiving professional medical attention but a perhaps it’s a gurney equipped with restraints, functioning almost like a straight jacket in psychiatric in-patient units. Even if Joyce and Hopper were around and Hopper still being her legal guardian, I still don’t think that would entirely prevent Dr. Brenner from taking her again as it’s not only Brenner that wants El back in his grasps but the US military, kidnapping her for the ‘greater good’ in order to weaponize her and combat the Upside Down
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
do you think the colonel is working on behalf of brenner’s orders?
Thinking about Lt. Colonel Sullivan’s audition tape again.
I gather he’s referring to the numbers and he seems to be conversing with Dr. Owen’s as he mentions that he allowed the Russian invasion “Under his watch” and we see Owens leading the military personnel storming the base. So fourth, it appears that Lt. Colonel Sullivan is referring to those involved with Hawkins Laboratory and has a desire to retrieve the numbers, that of course including El whose with the Byers or even perhaps the Byers themselves too knowing their exhausting correlation with the Lab. He also implies that Dr. Owens could have something to do with their whereabouts. Perhaps Owens managed to pull some strings under the governments radar and relocated the Byers in attempt to secure their safety and keep them far way from the epicenter of all their troubles. Which would provide a more sensible reason for how the Byers decided on California of all places and managed to settle into such a large house despite their previous residency. Maybe there’s more to the secrecy surrounding the Byers move, in that it’s purposeful, just as they would like to keep it hidden from government officials that mean them harm.
I suppose this would also unsurprisingly mean that the Byers face more conflict in their new town. It seems they’d locate the Byers by prying information out of Dr. Owen’s, as Lt. Colonel Sullivan threatens that “We could do this the easy way or the hard way”, I’m curious to see if Owens budges, I’m leaning towards him not giving up such information without a fight considering the lengths he would’ve theoretically gone to protect the Byers. Meanwhile agents are tracking the Byers down. I’d imagine a scene similar to that featuring Jonathan and Nancy at Forest Hills Park occurs, where they have a strong suspicion of being monitored from every angle and then approached by agents who had been disguised as regular people, unfortunately probably only contributing to El’s apprehension when it comes to letting her guard down in places breaching capacity.
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
where did you see or hear that Matthew (Brenner) was filming with Caleb?
A Short Little Theory
So During last December, Stranger things tweeted this randomly. People were assuming that Maybe Steve and Max might bound together in season 4 and then later we get pictures of Sadie and Joe filming meaning we’re going to see a Steve and Max duo. And Apparently The Actor of Brenner was spotted filming with Caleb meaning Brenner is probably looking for El and maybe we’ll see more of El and Brenner’s relationship. Maybe this tweet was foreshadowing this?? It’s a huge coincidence. I don’t know about jim and Jonathan though, there’s been theories that Jim is actually Jonathan’s dad so maybe they’ll talk about that? Because I don’t see any way for them to have interactions if Jonathan is in California and Jim in Russia. And I have no clue about Alexei and Murray maybe we’ll get flashbacks of them
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
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Sharp Objects
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
she ain’t gonna kill him lmao most likely she’ll die
I can’t wait to watch Brenner die a second time and Kali better play a part in killing him otherwise what was the fucking point, duffers?
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
After watching the season 4 teaser. These are my thoughts
Brenner is returning and is the American helping the Russians
He could’ve started over again in Russia
We’re getting flashbacks of El and Brenner
Brenner is attempting to lure El back to help her get her powers back
Brenner will attempt to turn El against Hopper(Hopper took that deal and could use that to turn El against Hopper)
This will be a fight for El’s soul. Brenner’s corruption vs Hopper’s love
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
they’re not going to bring back brenner for a few episodes then kill him off “again” he most likely will be there in season 5 as well. that would just be dumb lmfao
Who do I think is gonna die in s4
I believe this means "Who do you think is going to die in season four?"
Thank you for the ask! I have a list of people and I've been waiting for the perfect chance to say this!
Obviously, I'm pretty sure Kali is going to die. I believe she is going to be coming back, and the bloody eight ball in the teaser trailer definitely meant something. I believe she will sacrifice herself to kill Brenner or something.
Along with Kali, I believe all of the other test subjects (except El, of course) will die as well. Whether they die in a flashback (El stressing out, and accidentally killing them) or they kill Brenner along with Kali.
And, I'm pretty sure Dr. Brenner is going to die this season as well. I believe he will have a large role this season, and he's a bit of an easy character to kill off so I think that they will go that route. I believe El or the other test subjects will kill him. I think they were going somewhere when Kali and the gang said that they were killing everybody that hurt her when she was a child, so I think Brenner would be the person they kill last.
I think Murray is going to die. Not sure if anyone saw this coming, but I believe Murray will die trying to save Hopper or Joyce. He's had his time, and he'd also be an easy character to kill off.
Maybe Argyle too? I know he's a new character and there's not much about him, but I feel like he would sacrifice himself for Jonathan or the kids (Mike, El, or Will) There had been rumors all five of them are going to be a plotline for the season, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't think any of the main cast is going to die just yet. And I don't think any of the Byers will die either.
I think in season five Steve will definitely most die, and Dustin will go along with him ("If you die, I die") and I am most certain Eleven is going to die in the end as well.
There's a chance Will might die in later seasons as well, but I think the Duffers are smart enough not to kill him off.
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
so you think brenner really thinks that about El?
Stranger Things has recurring themes of mental illness, ableism (especially people being discredited by the stigma of mental illness), and political abuse of psychiatry. Joyce at the start of S1, Will at the start of S2, and of course Terry Ives come to mind as immediate examples. I have a couple of thoughts related to these themes.
Dottie, from Kali’s gang, apparently came from an insane asylum and I suspect “Dottie” is a nickname or alias referencing the word “dotty”. The dialogue referencing her institutionalization strikes me as somewhat ambiguous (it’s probably intended to be the literal truth, but I’m not certain it wasn’t a joke or exaggeration), but I think it’s clear that Dottie was at the very least stigmatized as being mentally ill. I am struck by the narrative context of El and the audience meeting Dottie so shortly after learning how Terry was tortured and brain damaged under the guise of psychiatric treatment. Not to mention Funshine describes Kali as having saved the members of her gang. There’s other ways to read the text, but personally I can’t see this as anything other than an implication that Kali is sincerely trying to help Dottie escape from psychiatric abuse, even if being in Kali’s gang isn’t the best environment for Dottie.
Another thing: the way Dr. Brenner treats El in flashbacks and the way he approaches her at the end of S1 makes the most sense to me if he assumes that she’s extremely intellectually disabled and can’t make informed decisions. He acts like he thinks she lacks the capacity to make conscious choices about where she wants to be, and therefore the idea of “El is a prisoner who escaped” can’t be applied to her situation, and actually she was scared and confused and accidentally ran away from where she lives. I think it’s likely that many other lab personnel followed the same chain of disgusting “logic” to justify their actions to themselves: El is obviously not neurotypical (true) > El must be intellectually disabled (does not necessarily follow, given the many other possible explanations and contributing factors, including El being incredibly traumatized and raised in horrific deprivation) > intellectually disabled people don’t have human rights and aren’t capable of agency (evil bullshit) > it’s okay to imprison and torment this terrified and miserable child for scientific gain (evil bullshit).
Obviously this recalls a lot of kinds of real-world ableism, and issues of institutionalization, pathologizing healthy kinds of neurodiversity, etc. I think it’s relevant that the lab dressed El in a hospital gown, as opposed to e.g. scrubs or a uniform.
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
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I like that you and Max are friends now. It’s just.. I was jealous.
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
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DECKERSTAR + 5B kisses
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
people are like that because we didn’t get no POV from him.
I wish I could be more hype for the possibility of Brenner returning but it's just more of the same theories revolving around death wishes on the character instead of learning about something deeper about him and why he did what he did.
I'm tired of expecting way too much out of Stranger Things and getting the minimum back in return. I'm tired. 😩
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
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I’ve never had a safe place to land, but now I feel like I do. So i want you to stay safe.  All I want you to know, is that you’re never alone. Not even for a second
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
Why Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin (spin-off) Is A Bad Idea
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Wanted to make a post on this for awhile and more people need to talk about how bad of an idea this is. First of all, we all know this just a cash grab by milking the PLL name. It hasn’t even been 2 years since PLL’s last spin-off The Perfectionists aired. Hopefully we can all agree that leaving the franchise alone for a few years would be best, don’t you think so?
Riverdale creator Roberto Aguirre Sacasa will be the one to lead this circus into a possible downfall. Now say whatever you want about this not being disrespectful to Marlene etc but it IS. It’s disrespectful to the PLL legacy as well. And quite frankly, it’s disrespectful to Sara Shepard too because this new show won’t be following the books whatsoever. I don’t think nobody who didn’t have a part in creating this universe should have a part in a spin-off just because they have an obsession with the show. I don’t have any faith in this being good after what Roberto has done with his shows. Specifically Riverdale. Every thing that he has written turned corny. And he’s quite petty as well:
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I’ve noticed that the they’re trying to connect with the original PLL fan base as well and they’re failing as they do that. Just by using teenagers again, “It’s not what you think bitches -A”, Millwood sounding like Rosewood etc. It’s just a cheap effort. The Perfectionists fans weren’t even able to GRIEVE since it hasn’t been long since it was cancelled. They basically received a slap in the face. This also kind of ruins any chance of us getting a revival with the OG cast because let’s face it, they’re not going to want to do one with original sin on air run by a different showrunner plus all of the cast unfollowing the official PLL page after that announcement basically tells you they’re not for it lol.
I think it’s disgusting how they literally went behind Marlene’s back with doing this considering she had no knowledge of the situation and was pretty upset just by her tweets. Every one is right about how she didn’t “create” this PLL world and that it was Sara Shepard, but Sara had no part in creating the PLL universe as a series. Which is what Roberto (without any knowledge) is taking over. She was not being unprofessional either. Now I know she can’t legally take part in it considering her contract with 20th Century Fox, but it’s nasty how they can go and do that and not give her a heads up and just letting her hope for a season 2 for the perfectionists when Warner Bros knew that it was never happening while this was probably in the works.
Which is also probably the reason why Freeform cancelled The Perfectionists. Clearly this show has been in the works probably for awhile maybe a year while The Perfectionists was airing. There would be no other reason as to why it was cancelled. Low ratings don’t count considering every Freeform show had about the same. But even with The Perfectionists, the fans didn’t care for the newbies minus Alison and Mona being in it. But even that wasn’t enough. So why do these people think a whole new cast is going to reel back in the fans? Every one wants the original cast back and that’s just a fact. Clearly not for another few years though.
From the plot they gave, it sounds like a Riverdale plot to me and honestly is not appealing. Teen girls getting harassed because of the sins their parents committed? Come on now.
WHY is Pretty Little Liars even in the name???? It should be a separate show considering it’s a new cast and story. how do they plan on making it apart of the universe??? Mentioning what happened in Rosewood? How far into the future will this take place in? It’s just so fucking random and has nothing to do with PLL.
This franchise unfortunately already has two unsuccessful spin-offs. It needs to be put to rest for now. There’s a 50/50 chance with how this new spin-off will go because it is on a streaming service ran by HBO. So I guess you can expect quality and it has a higher chance of it having more views than how it would be on cable. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the writing will be good. I mean I guess we’re going to have to wait and see how this turns out because they didn’t give much to judge off on.
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rosewoodlliars · 4 years ago
NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS. remove the name PLL from it and it’s aspects then we can talk.
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rosewoodlliars · 5 years ago
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SOMEBODY find me this interview
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