#12 days of squidmas
its-sango-time · 9 months
2nd Day of Squidmas!
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Two turtle doves
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Anyways imagine how emotional it’ll be when Callie introduces Nori to Squidmas
Callie introducing her to hot cocoa?? Nori being invited to family dinners crying emoji??? Matching sweaters,,,,, cuddling in front of the fireplace on snow days,,,, MISTLETOE? Nori making gifts for Callie and everyone,,,
Nori learning about snowball fights and her and Callie compete against Pearlina in the sickest snowball fight ever 45 missing 12 injured 3 dead
Also off topic but easier in class I was doodling a bunch of little Noris telling me to focus in class and somehow the power of the lesbian worked ✌️
seriously remind me about this in november im not doing christmas rn LMAO they will be so cute tho
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ikatako38 · 2 years
Update on the Squidmas art!
I wanted to do a full-fledged artwork, but as time is quickly running out and I’m trying to spend some time with my family, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. My plan is to sketch out my rendition of Three’s Squidmas present to Eight with a pencil and paper. Even that might be a little late, though!
Also a reminder that Chapter 18.5 is originally slotted for Wednesday, 12/28, not Monday. This may also be a bit late, though.
However, I am fully committed to drawing a big piece for TPWCH’s first Anniversary of Being Published on February 2! The second Anniversary of Existing is also coming up very soon, but I won’t be making art for it. Sadly, I don’t even know the actual day TPWCH came into existence, but I do know it was just before the new year 2021!
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vmeemo · 2 years
Squidmas Delivery, Chapter 1
It was a quiet night in Inkopolis. Nearly everyone was tucked asleep in their beds, waiting for the morning rush of Squidmas Day. For now though there was none of that.
Instead we have an inkling and her two lovers cuddling on the couch under a blanket, who are about to experience the most interesting Squidmas of their lives. It all started when a thump was heard on the roof of the inklings home.
"What do you think that was?" Rylee asked.
Hex lets out a sigh, "Probably some snow falling off the roof or something."
Rylee however wasn't too sure about this. "I don’t know... I think one of us should check it out. It didn't sound like just snow to me...”
River lets out a bit of air before lifting the blanket off themself, “I’ll go check it out. If only to make you feel better.” They lean down with a smile before giving the inkling a peck on the cheek and looking to the octoling beside her, “Keep her warm for me will you? I wanna be nice and toasty when I get back inside.”
As the inkling blushes at the sudden peck, the blue increases a little bit more when Hex shuffles even closer to the inkling, wrapping her arms around Rylee, “Will do River. Try and be quick about it.”
Letting out a hum at this, River leaves the two alone in the living room as they head towards the door to reassure their girlfriend that there was nothing outside and that it was just a big clump of snow falling from the roof. Looking out the window they see that it is in fact snowing heavily outside still. Grumbling at this the inkling puts their boots and winter coat on, River opens the door to the dark and snowy outside. Shivering at the sudden cold the inkling steps outside to investigate the possible nonissue happening outside before warming back up with Rylee and Hex.
‘Jeez... What could even be out here in this weather anyway?’ River thinks to themself as the inkling looks around in the dark. When they don't see anything they consider going back inside when River notices a silhouette in the snow. They couldn't tell what going on there so they slowly step closer towards it. As the inkling approaches River notices that it is a person laying in the snow. A rather big one at that. Walking closer to this figure they see that they are wearing a red fuzzy outfit, along with some boots. And topped on this figures head was a Squidmas hat. Narrowing their eyes at this, River kneels down to see what else they can figure out. Upon doing this the inkling hears breathing. Heavy breathing but still. Concerned about this River does their best to lift this person up. However-
"Jeez, what does this guy eat? This ones heavier than Rylee when she's giant!" The struggle of attempting to lift this person is in vain, causing them to settle with dragging them through the snow instead. River was lucky that this wasn't too far from the house but still.
When River makes it to the front door the inkling opens it a crack, "Rylee! I need your help! There's someone here with me and I need them in a stable place asap! And I'm gonna need you bigger as well!"
There was rustling from inside the house before River sees Rylee through the crack approaching towards the door, increasing her size as she does so. Watching her shiver from the brief contact with the cold, Rylee opens the door and sees what River was talking about. Kneeling down and putting her arms underneath the large figure, the inkling sees that whoever this is, it’s giving a sizeshifted Rylee trouble. Even though she does manage to get them inside eventually, it was still noticeable. Following behind her, they watch as the 12 foot tall inkling carefully places the figure on their couch, while Hex looks at the person in thought.
“What is it Hex?” River asks, walking up to the octo, “Think you know what’s going on?”
The octoling doesn’t respond right away, though when she does, it’s not the answer River was expecting.
“Told you they were real.”
Hex looks at the inkling with an air of smugness to her, “I told you that manatees exist! But whenever I tried to tell you, you say that ‘they’re not real Hex, just like how mothman isn’t real.’ But see!” The octoling gestures towards the red suited creature, “Told you that they’re real.”
River rolls their eyes at this before looking back at the manatee. “You can tell me that you told me so later. Right now I need to do what I can to help them.”
As the inkling walks up to the person, there was a rumbling from the person, making River step back. Before either the inklings or octoling could say anything, the figure grunts as the red robed figure sits themselves up on the couch. “Oooh... My head...”
The three watch as they rub their head, prompting Rylee to step forward towards them, “Hey, sorry I need you to stay still for a bit. My friend brought you inside our home. What was the last thing you remember?”
They grumble as they rub their face, which they can see long hairs growing on it. “Let’s see... I was riding in my sleigh delivering presents. There was a snow storm as I made way into Inkadia, blocking my vision. My friend was about to switch on the lights but-” That’s when the manatee’s eyes widen, “My friend! I need to know if they’re ok!”
River runs up to the manatee as they see them getting up from the couch, “Hey hey, don’t get up! You took a tumble and you might still be suffering the effects of the fall. I’m sure your friend will be fine, trust me.”
Their words were ignored as the manatee tried moving, despite River’s request. When they hear knocking on the door, River groans at this, “As if we don’t have enough problems right now. Rylee, go answer the door. Hex, help me out here.”
Rylee wastes no time speeding her way to the door on their partners’ order. Once she reaches the door the inkling remembers that she is still 12 feet tall and shrinks herself down before opening the door, “Hello?”
At first she doesn’t see anyone at the door before looking down. There she sees a small person wearing green. Despite the height difference, Rylee can see that this person is a pink candy crab. Rylee was about to greet the crab when suddenly they scurry past Rylee, “Whoa- Hey! Come back!”
Going after them Rylee sees the candy crab enter the living room, baffling River and Hex as the crab pushes them aside, “Boss!”
As River is about to chastise this person for not only entering their home, but also disturbing them when this person is not ready for anyone else, the manatee speaks.
“Ho ho ho, my friend! You are safe!” The manatee said joyfully, “I’m glad for that. Is the sleigh intact?”
“Yes sir, the sleigh is still intact. Lights are on and ready on your word. We have to leave and keep doing our jobs sir.”
Hearing this makes River annoyed, stepping in between the two, “No ones going anywhere. In case you couldn’t tell, your ‘boss’ took a fall and potentially damaged something. They need rest before they can do anything else.”
The candy crab looks up with a frustrated expression at what the inkling said, “The big man can handle it. Our job is vital and if we don’t do it then no ones gonna be happy!”
It devolves into extensive arguing between River and this green wearing candy crab about what this person needs. Eventually Rylee has had enough, stomping her foot as she shots up an extra foot or two in anger, “Enough! You two are acting like children! You-” She points a finger at the crab, “Explain carefully and calmly why you need your boss right away. Then we can decide where to go from there ok?”
The candy crab stutters before taking a few deep breaths, “Right... Sorry. Just whenever something happened to the boss, I get overly concerned to the point of, well you know.” Rylee nods in understanding, gesturing the crab to continue, “How do I put this... This man you’re keeping on your couch-”
The pink and green candy crab walks up to the massive manatee, “Is none other than Father Squidmas himself. And since I know no one will believe me, I can offer proof.”
Rylee holds up a hand to stop the crab, “You don’t need to do that.” This surprises them and is about to say something when River cuts the crab off.
“Wha- Rylee!” River says, “You can’t seriously believe that this is the man himself? We all know that he’s meant for children.” They look over to Hex, “You’re on my side here right?”
The octoling in question hums for a moment. Then once she is done, she looks over at Rylee. “I’m gonna be straight with you, I don’t believe in Squidmas. So I don’t have any real judgement to put in because of that. However.” Hex points over at the manatee, “I do know that there is a cryptid on our couch right now, so I will give these two the benefit of the doubt.”
“Thank you Hex.” Looking over at the candy crab, Rylee walks over to them, kneeling down. “I know you want to help him out. But the tumble he took was likely bad. So he does need rest.”
The crab frowns at her, crossing their multiple limbs, “I know that. I know that he fell a good ways down, I was there beside him. I just don’t know what to do. Kids are waiting for the guy and he’s stuck in bed because of this storm...”
Rylee doesn’t know what to do to reassure the crab. As she tries to think of something, she hears someone clearing their throat. “Sorry, may I interject for a moment?” Everyone looks at the manatee, the one who is claimed to be Father Squidmas, sit up on the couch. “I know that the storm is rough. But I do wish to propose an idea, one that can make everyone happy.”
River flips their hair to the side as they let out some air, “What, are you going to suggest that we take over your role for the night while you get some bed rest?”
Father Squidmas gives them a great big smile at this, “Why yes River, I was going to suggest that. And I can provide a very good reason why.”
Everyone looks at the manatee with varied ranges of emotion. Rylee with her eyes wide, River and the crab with insinuating looks, and Hex with one of curiosity. The four remain quiet nonetheless, interested to hear the reason why the three of them are capable of handling the role of Father Squidmas himself.
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‪Doing a 12 Days of Squidmas Art Set. Here's day 1, a sparrow on a potted tree.‬
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its-sango-time · 9 months
12 Days of Squidmas!
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A C.Q. Cumber in a pear tree
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its-sango-time · 9 months
9th Day of Squidmas!
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Nine ladies dancing
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its-sango-time · 9 months
10th Day of Squidmas
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Ten marine drummers
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its-sango-time · 9 months
7th Day of Squidmas!
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Seven swans a swimming
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its-sango-time · 9 months
5th Day of Squidmas!
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Five golden rings
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its-sango-time · 9 months
6th Day of Squidmas!
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Six fry a laying
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its-sango-time · 9 months
4th Day of Squidmmas!
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Four calling squids
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its-sango-time · 9 months
3rd Day of Squidmas!
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Three french chums
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its-sango-time · 9 months
11th Day of Squidmas!
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Eleven pipers piping
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its-sango-time · 9 months
12th Day of Squidmas!
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Twelve squids-a-leaping
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its-sango-time · 9 months
8th Day of Squidmas!
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Eight drinking tickets
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