#11th cup: 53.31$
sullina · 2 months
now that i managed to get meds for my adhd a couple months ago, i actually find it quite funny how so many people who "aren't addicted to anything" will look down on drug addicts who are addicted to "illegal" drugs like idk heroin or meth or what have you
and then turn around and go "i can't function without my morning coffee, but I'm not addicted, it just gets rid of my common caffeine withdrawal symptoms like headaches, dizzyness, tiredness (fatigue), general irritability, mental fogginess, nausea and my general bad mood in the morning, but seriously, I'm not addicted at all, I can just overall function way better with coffee in the morning and also throughout the rest of the day!"
yeah i bet you can function a lot better in your day to day life when you're not actively going through withdrawal and can get your fix several times a day at work or for less than 10 bucks at every corner in every city with even some fancy stuff on top that makes it taste even better.
yeah, you're SO much better and SO above the people who DO have a drug problem and have to spend half their paycheck or even more on their daily fix because their drug isn't so normalized that it's even considered a necessity of daily life and therefore can be gotten for cheap and the price of which is even regulated by the government is some countries.
and when i said "funny" i actually meant " incredibly infuriating and two-faced"
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