#10th result 2020
Utah’s getting some of America’s best broadband
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TOMORROW (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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Residents of 21 cities in Utah have access to some of the fastest, most competitively priced broadband in the country, at speeds up to 10gb/s and prices as low as $75/month. It's uncapped, and the connections are symmetrical: perfect for uploading and downloading. And it's all thanks to the government.
This broadband service is, of course, delivered via fiber optic cable. Of course it is. Fiber is vastly superior to all other forms of broadband delivery, including satellites, but also cable and DSL. Fiber caps out at 100tb/s, while cable caps out at 50gb/s – that is, fiber is 1,000 times faster:
Despite the obvious superiority of fiber, America has been very slow to adopt it. Our monopolistic carriers act as though pulling fiber to our homes is an impossible challenge. All those wires that currently go to your house, from power-lines to copper phone-lines, are relics of a mysterious, fallen civilization and its long-lost arts. Apparently we could no more get a new wire to your house than we could build the pyramids using only hand-tools.
In a sense, the people who say we can't pull wires anymore are right: these are relics of a lost civilization. Specifically, electrification and later, universal telephone service was accomplished through massive federal grants under the New Deal – grants that were typically made to either local governments or non-profit co-operatives who got everyone in town connected to these essential modern utilities.
Today – thanks to decades of neoliberalism and its dogmatic insistence that governments can't do anything and shouldn't try, lest they break the fragile equilibrium of the market – we have lost much of the public capacity that our grandparents took for granted. But in the isolated pockets where this capacity lives on, amazing things happen.
Since 2015, residents of Jackson County, KY – one of the poorest counties in America – have enjoyed some of the country's fastest, cheapest, most reliable broadband. The desperately poor Appalachian county is home to a rural telephone co-op, which grew out of its rural electrification co-op, and it used a combination of federal grants and local capacity to bring fiber to every home in the county, traversing dangerous mountain passes with a mule named "Ole Bub" to reach the most remote homes. The result was an immediately economic uplift for the community, and in the longer term, the county had reliable and effective broadband during the covid lockdowns:
Contrast this with places where the private sector has the only say over who gets broadband, at what speed, and at what price. America is full of broadband deserts – deserts that strand our poorest people. Even in the hearts of our largest densest cities, whole neighborhoods can't get any broadband. You won't be surprised to learn that these are the neighborhoods that were historically redlined, and that the people who live in them are Black and brown, and also live with some of the highest levels of pollution and its attendant sicknesses:
These places are not set up for success under the best of circumstances, and during the lockdowns, they suffered terribly. You think your kid found it hard to go to Zoom school? Imagine what life was like for kids who attended remote learning while sitting on the baking tarmac in a Taco Bell parking lot, using its free wifi:
ISPs loathe competition. They divide up the country into exclusive territories like the Pope dividing up the "new world" and do not trouble one another by trying to sell to customers outside of "their" turf. When Frontier – one of the worst of America's terrible ISPs – went bankrupt, we got to see their books, and we learned two important facts:
The company booked one million customers who had no alternative as an asset, because they would pay more for slower broadband, and Frontier could save a fortune by skipping maintenance, and charging these customers for broadband even through multi-day outages; and
Frontier knew that it could make a billion dollars in profit over a decade by investing in fiber build-out, but it chose not to, because stock analysts will downrank any carrier that made capital investments that took more than five years to mature. Because Frontier's execs were paid primarily in stock, they chose to strand their customers with aging copper connections and to leave a billion dollars sitting on the table, so that their personal net worth didn't suffer a temporary downturn:
ISPs maintain the weirdest position: that a) only the private sector can deliver broadband effectively, but b) to do so, they'll need massive, unsupervised, no-strings-attached government handouts. For years, America went along with this improbable scheme, which is why Trump's FCC chairman Ajit Pai gave the carriers $45 billion in public funds to string slow, 19th-century-style copper lines across rural America:
Now, this is obviously untrue, and people keep figuring out that publicly provisioned broadband is the only way for America to get the same standard of broadband connectivity that our cousins in other high-income nations enjoy. In order to thwart the public's will, the cable and telco lobbyists joined ALEC, the far-right, corporatist lobbying shop, and drafted "model legislation" banning cities and counties from providing broadband, even in places the carriers chose not to serve:
Red states across America adopted these rules, and legislators sold this to their base by saying that this was just "keeping the government out of their internet" (even as every carrier relied on an exclusive, government-granted territorial charter, often with massive government subsidies).
ALEC didn't target red states exclusively because they had pliable, bribable conservative lawmakers. Red states trend rural, and rural places are the most likely sites for public fiber. Partly, that's because low-density areas are harder to make a business case for, but also because these are also the places that got electricity and telephone through New Deal co-ops, which are often still in place.
Just about the only places in America where people like their internet service are the 450+ small towns where the local government provides fiber. These places vote solidly Republican, and it was their beloved conservative lawmakers whom ALEC targeted to enact laws banning their equally beloved fiber – keep voting for Christmas, turkeys, and see where it gets you:
But spare a little sympathy for the conservative movement here. The fact that reality has a pronounced leftist bias must be really frustrating for the ideological project of insisting that anything the market can't provide is literally impossible.
Which brings me back to Utah, a red state with a Republican governor and legislature, and a national leader in passing unconstitutional, unhinged, unworkable legislation as part of an elaborate culture war kabuki:
For more than two decades, a coalition of 21 cities in Utah have been building out municipal fiber. The consortium calls itself UTOPIA: "Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency":
UTOPIA pursues a hybrid model: they run "open access" fiber and then let anyone offer service over it. This can deliver the best of both worlds: publicly provisioned, blazing-fast fiber to your home, but with service provided by your choice of competing carriers. That means that if Moms for Liberty captures you local government, you're not captive to their ideas about what sites your ISP should block.
As Karl Bode writes for Techdirt, Utahns in UTOPIA regions have their choice of 18 carriers, and competition has driven down prices and increased speeds. Want uncapped 1gb fiber? That's $75/month. Want 10gb fiber? That's $150:
UTOPIA's path to glory wasn't an easy one. The dismal telco monopolists Qwest and Lumen sued to put them out of business, delaying the rollout by years:
UTOPIA has been profitable and self-sustaining for over 15 years and shows no sign of slowing. But 17 states still ban any attempt at this.
Keeping up such an obviously bad policy requires a steady stream of distractions and lies. The "government broadband doesn't work" lie has worn thin, so we've gotten a string of new lies about wireless service, insisting that fiber is obviated by point-to-point microwave relays, or 5g, or satellite service.
There's plenty of places where these services make sense. You're not going to be able to use fiber in a moving car, so yeah, you're going to want 5g (and those 5g towers are going to need to be connected to each other with fiber). Microwave relay service can fill the gap until fiber can be brought in, and it's great for temporary sites (especially in places where it doesn't rain, because rain, clouds, leaves and other obstructions are deadly for microwave relays). Satellite can make sense for an RV or a boat or remote scientific station.
But wireless services are orders of magnitude slower than fiber. With satellite service, you share your bandwidth with an entire region or even a state. If there's only a couple of users in your satellite's footprint, you might get great service, but when your carrier adds a thousand more customers, your connection is sliced into a thousand pieces.
That's also true for everyone sharing your fiber trunk, but the difference is that your fiber trunk supports speeds that are tens of thousands of times faster than the maximum speeds we can put through freespace electromagnetic spectrum. If we need more fiber capacity, we can just fish a new strand of fiber through the conduit. And while you can increase the capacity of wireless by increasing your power and bandwidth, at a certain point you start pump so much EM into the air that birds start falling out of the sky.
Every wireless device in a region shares the same electromagnetic spectrum, and we are only issued one such spectrum per universe. Each strand of fiber, by contrast, has its own little pocket universe, containing a subset of that spectrum.
Despite all its disadvantages, satellite broadband has one distinct advantage, at least from an investor's perspective: it can be monopolized. Just as we only have one electromagnetic spectrum, we also only have one sky, and the satellite density needed to sustain a colorably fast broadband speed pushes the limit of that shared sky:
Private investors love monopoly telecoms providers, because, like pre-bankruptcy Frontier, they are too big to care. Back in 2021, Altice – the fourth-largest cable operator in America – announced that it was slashing its broadband speeds, to be "in line with other ISPs":
In other words: "We've figured out that our competitors are so much worse than we are that we are deliberately degrading our service because we know you will still pay us the same for less."
This is why corporate shills and pro-monopolists prefer satellite to municipal fiber. Sure, it's orders of magnitude slower than fiber. Sure, it costs subscribers far more. Sure, it's less reliable. But boy oh boy is it profitable.
The thing is, reality has a pronounced leftist bias. No amount of market magic will conjure up new electromagnetic spectra that will allow satellite to attain parity with fiber. Physics hates Starlink.
Yeah, I'm talking about Starlink. Of course I am. Elon Musk basically claims that his business genius can triumph over physics itself.
That's not the only vast, impersonal, implacable force that Musk claims he can best with his incredible reality-distortion field. Musk also claims that he can somehow add so many cars to the road that he will end traffic – in other words, he will best geometry too:
Geometry hates Tesla, and physics hates Starlink. Reality has a leftist bias. The future is fiber, and public transit. These are both vastly preferable, more efficient, safer, more reliable and more plausible than satellite and private vehicles. Their only disadvantage is that they fail to give an easily gulled, thin-skinned compulsive liar more power over billions of people. That's a disadvantage I can live with.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: 4028mdk09 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rote_LED_Fiberglasleuchte.JPG
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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antifainternational · 4 months
10 Years Of Antifa International!!!!!!!!!!
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This month, the Antifa International collective celebrates our 10th anniversary! Back in 2014, we saw a need for a crew dedicated to reporting on different anti-fascist actions around the world, who could also come up with ways to support anti-fascists around the globe and promote the tenets of anti-fascism.
We started with two people and a Tumblr blog and have since grown to a collective of ten members in eight different countries, posting on nine social media platforms, where we've put up over 20,000 posts over the last ten years for our 110,000+ followers to have a look at.  
Since 2014, we've also initiated a number of projects we're quite proud of! 
The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund: it was not too long after we started our collective that we saw an increasing number of anti-fascists around the world calling out for support after encountering an emergency situation resulting from their work. Whether it was court costs, legal defence fees, emergency relocations, or medical expenses - anti-fascists were facing dire consequences for standing up to hate and then would have to do whatever they could to get help dealing with those consequences. Our solution was to start a standing fund that would be devoted to providing emergency aid to anti-fascists facing problems related to their anti-fascist work. We would do whatever we could to fundraise for it on an ongoing basis, and then use the funds to help antifa in trouble. All decisions about how the Defence Fund runs and is used would be made by the people who've contributed a minimum of $20USD to it, via consensus wherever possible and majority vote where consensus was not forthcoming.   Nine years later, the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has provided nearly $250,000USD to more than 750 anti-fascists in 28 different countries. More than 1500 anti-fascists from around the world have been invited to participate in the Defence Fund by helping to make the decisions about how it is run and what it is used for. To our knowledge, the Defence Fund remains the only project of its kind, devoted to providing emergency support to anti-fascists around the world, but it has inspired similar defence funds.   THIS IS A PROJECT YOU COULD BE INVOLVED IN!  A minimum donation of $20USD will get you invited to participate!   
International Violent Hate Crimes Research Project: from 2017-2022 we tracked media accounts of violent acts motivated by hate or committed by far-right extremists around the world. Over the course of those six years, we documented over 3000 such attacks, in which more than 1800 people were killed and a further 5254 were injured. The Project allowed us to examine trends in the types of attacks being committed; who was being targeted; and where the attacks were taking place, among other things that we wrote about in our annual reports.  Unfortunately, a lack of resources compelled us to discontinue the project in 2023.   
25 July: The International Day of Solidarity with Anti-Fascist Prisoners: July 25th is a day when all anti-fascists are called upon to demonstrate their solidarity with those of us who are locked up behind bars. Taking the baton from NYC Antifa, who started this project, we've set up a website with information and resources about the day, including translations into several different languages and a list of current anti-fascist prisoners. We also maintain a donation page and sell this t-shirt designed by a former anti-fascist prisoner; every July 25th, we pool what was raised and send it directly to current antia prisoners/their families/their support teams.  WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO SOMETHING TO MARK JULY 25TH! You'll find some ideas and resources here. If you put anything about the Day on social media, please use the hashtag #j25antifa so others kind find your posts!  
Training for Anti-Fascists: Beginning in 2020, we organized a series of online training and skillshare workshops for anti-fascists on a number of topics, including digital security practices, de-escalation tactics, open source intelligence gathering, intelligence sharing, first aid, self-defence, and far-right radicalization warning signs & intervention strategies. Each session was attended by anti-fascists from around the world, who were able to take what they learned and put it to use in their own communities.  
Anti-Fascist Flags, Shirts, & Stickers: Although these were originally intended as fundraising items for the Defence Fund, the anti-fascist flags, shirts, stickers, and other items we produced soon took on a life of their own. To date, we've distributed hundreds of anti-fascist shirts & flags and nearly 90,000 anti-fascist stickers around the world.  Our Antifa International flags have been spotted in Afrin, Boston, Brooklyn, Kiev, London, the Hauge, the Scottish Highlands, Kobane, L.A., Melbourne, Oakland, Philly, Standing Rock, and Toronto, among other places.  
deathtofascism.com: is the site we've set up as a repository of free, downloadable anti-fascist flyers, reports, and 'zines that anyone can read, print out and give away. If you're tabling an event or show, there is probably a few things there that you'll want to hand out!   
Antifa Shirt of the Month: from 2021 to 2024, we produced a new anti-fascist t-shirt each month as a fundraiser for a different antifa crew somewhere in the world, raising nearly $20,000USD for those crews. You'll find most of those shirts still available at our online store.
We're not telling you all of this to brag (well, OK, we might be bragging a little bit!); rather, we're hoping some of what we've done over the past ten years, as volunteers, without any funding or resources to speak of, will inspire you & your friends to think about what you can do where you are! 
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acesandwords · 1 year
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A while back I created two guides on how to use Tumblr, which can be found here [1][2].
This will be a beginner guide to the references and holidays of this hellsite.
References Dashcon(2013) - The Infamous Tumblr convention [1][2][3] Children's Hospital [1] Horse Plinko [1] Crab Rave - used for celebration [1][2] Do you love the color of the sky? [1] Bug Race - Polls got released [1] Vanilla Extract- userbase failed to make a cake [1] Mishapocalyspe (April 1st 2013) [1][2] Goncharov- A fake Mafia movie created by the users [1] Dracula daily [1] Queen Elizabeth [1] Origin of giftable crabs - April fools 2022, we had a crab button [1] I like your shoelaces- a way to find out who's on tumblr [1]
Holidays Cousin Oskar (Daylight Savings) [1] Ides of March (March 15) the stabbing of Caeser🗡️ [1][2][3] Tomorrow is Halloween, no it's March 28th [1] Neil Bangin' Out The Tunes (April 13) [1] It's Gonna Be May (April 30)- NSYNC Day [1][2] Hallowe'en IT'S JUNE (June) [1] 21st Night Of September (September 21) [1] It's October 3rd (October 3rd) [1][2] Halloween (October 31) - That's it, it's just the holiday all month Destiel-Putin-Election Day (November 5th)* It's December 10th! (December 10th)[1] Tomorrow is Halloween, IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE [1] Nobody smiles in February(February) [1]
*Nov. 5th was a wild day in 2020, we were waiting on the US election results, Destiel became canon, and there was a rumor that Putin was going to resign. The state of anxiety and joy was indescribable.
Please add more! There are so many and I know I didn't get them all.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
🇵🇸🇮🇱 I'm so tired of hearing about Hamas' "war crimes" against "Israeli civilians" even as Occupation Forces are on their 10th or 11th day of straight bombing residential neighborhoods in Gaza.
There is absolutely NOTHING civilian about Israeli settlers. They carry weapons publicly (which Palestinians cannot do) and use their positions of being a protected class under Israeli Law over Palestinians to beat, bully, rape, and murder them with impunity, and with the full backing of the Israeli Occupation Forces and the funding, arming, and training of the occupation forces by the United States Military.
Israeli settlers CHOOSE to bring their families to what is essentially a war zone where only one side has any significant weaponry. If you brought your child to Bakhmut and decided to settle into a home there and your home gets bombed by the Russians, are you blaming the Russians or yourself for knowingly bringing your family into danger?
It's so insane to call Hamas war criminals. You have to have no context for the present conflict to believe that.
For example, Hamas and the Palestinian people of Gaza previously tried non-violent protest in 2020 with the Great March of Return.
Palestinians in Gaza, with the full backing of Hamas, peacefully protested Israeli occupation near the fence that blockades Gaza in.
They had NO WEAPONS. They protested peacefully, non-violently; marching, chanting and singing and waving the Palestinian flag as they resisted Israeli occupation and oppression they've suffered under since the end of WWII.
And what happened?
Israeli Occupation Forces used snipers to gun down men, women and children peacefully protesting near the Israeli occupation fence, shooting civilians from Israeli territory into Gaza.
When the medics showed up to try saving the lives of those who were shot, Israeli Occupation Forces sniped the medics as well, killing many of them and resulting in the deaths of those they were trying to evacuate.
When journalists showed up to record the unprovoked violence, Occupation Forces shot them too, famously killing an Al Jazeera News journalists, Shireen Abu Akleh.
So what exactly are Palestinians supposed to do according to US and Israeli Elites?
The answer, of course, is leave or die. That is the proposition being offered by Israeli Occupation Forces and their Imperialist Western allies.
Leave or die.
So go ahead, call Hamas war criminals and terrorists if you like, but at the very least, remember they tried literally EVERYTHING before launching Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and just like generations before, they died for trying.
Israeli settlers are NOT civilians. They are Colonialist occupiers ethnically cleansing an entire nation since 1948. Just because all you see of Palestine now are a few small enclaves surrounded by occupied territory, does not mean that "Israeli" territory isn't part of Palestine, it's ALL Palestine.
And Palestinians have an inherent RIGHT under International Law to fight that occupation through violent and non-violent means however they see fit.
Israel itself as a Zionist State is a War Crime.
#FreePalestine #FreeGaza
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pompettepink · 1 year
Type of men NOT to date
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Dating in the 2020's is so rough! It feels like so many people are just looking for hookups and too many women are getting forced into "situationships" in the hopes that "more" will come out of it, but "more" never happens. Ladies, save yourselves the heartache and leave these type of low level men ALONE
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A man who asks "what you bring to the table"
He is thinking transactionally. He wants to know beforehand what act of service he can expect from you in the future. Whatever comes out of your mouth will be his checklist in the relationship and he WILL bring it up when you "fail to meet expectations".
A man who disrupts your peace
A man who is prone to fits of rage and refuses to seek help will take you down with him. He will actively work to destroy your self worth and possessions. Any man coming into your life MUST be giving you peace that is BETTER than the peace you find within yourself.
A man with low quality friends
There's a very high chance that if a man is in his mid to late 20s and is still friends with his highschool buddies they are actively holding him back. There needs to be far more substance in a male friendship than bonding over a band one time in a 10th grade science class. Having old time friends is amazing, but everyone in the friend group should be maturing at the same pace and having adult conversations and not just sharing their girlfriends nudes with the homies in the groupchat
A man who listens to Bro Podcasters
Self explanatory. There should be NO reason that a man sees value in anything a violent misogynist has to say. It is NOT NORMAL for a man to take lifestyle advice from broken men who are NOT living the lifestyle they're advocating for (monogamous long term relationship with the intention of marriage and providing for their wife and kids). Unless he is compiling information to loudly denounce those views and see those podcasters as an enemy of men, you have no business dating someone like that
A man who idolizes 50/50 relationships
Expecting your partner to go 50/50 with everything and anything is insecure and immature. In reality you can't ALWAYS split the bills. Sometimes things come up. Like card only payments, cash only payments, misplaced wallet, dead phone, payment deadline, accidents etc etc. If he expects every instance involving money to be split into two equal bills he WILL be resentful towards you if you fail to deliver. He should also be more than happy to spoil you when he can and pay in full
A man who struggles building relationships with women
You aren't going to be any different just because he's fucking you. And this isn't about a struggle that results from trauma (abusive mom). This is about ANY woman in his life. If he can't connect with his sisters and can't "really" explain "why", or if he's never had a female friend, that's a red flag. It's most likely that he can't build relationships with women who he isn't sexually attracted to, making him more likely to misconstrued any interaction with a pretty woman as grounds to cheat
An unkempt man
He doesn't need to be the world's best dresser, but he MUST care about his appearance. You two will be seen together constantly and in social settings others will view you as a single unit. You are doing a disservice to yourself by being with a man who has a hands-off attitude with the way he presents himself and always choices to go out with wrinkled stained clothes, dirty hair, a smelly outfit, and a wardrobe full of holes and filth
A man who moves too fast
Why is this man trying to get you into bed yet he doesn't even know your last name? Casual flings are totally fine and super appropriate for any adult to be a part of. But if you're looking to seriously date you HAVE to be picky. Even if your connection is magnetic off the bat restraint should be shown until the commitment is there. If you tell him you only want to have sex with a committed man and he gets mad, pressures you, or asks you to be official on the spot and then have sex afterwards, he just wants to orgasm, nothing more
A man who's all talk and no action
If a man talks about how close he feels to you, but doesn't try to commit, he's keeping you away from love. If a man romantically messages you everyday, but doesn't take you on a date, he's a pen pal. If he's always talking about going for a big promotion, but doesn't put in the work the position requires, he's just a job holder. Actions speak louder than words and if he wanted to, he would
A man who struggles with handling you
Far too many men couple up with talented, sexy, smart, extrovert women, then try to change them when they become official because they can't keep up with her. If she was a sexy dresser BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If she was always having deeply intellectual conversations BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If she had a large group of friends that she loved hanging out with BEFORE you started dating, you should expect the same WHILE you're dating. If he can't keep up with you then he shouldn't take up space in your circle
A man who is incompetent with chores
Need I say more? Chores aren't rocket science. If he can't cook a meal from start to finish you'll be forced to be his personal chef. If he can't do a load of laundry you'll be forced to be his laundromat. If he doesn't know how to sweep, mop, or vacuum you'll be forced to be his maid. Never choose to be a servant when well rounded men exist in the dating pool
A man who doesn't boast about you
He should be proud to have you as his partner. Everyone in his life should know that you two are dating. He should want to walk behind you and open doors for you so that everyone can see you before they see him. He should always want to hold your hand and feel disgusted when other people hit on him. If he says he "lives a private life" and doesn't want to post you on his social media or be seen kissing you in public it's because he doesn't want his wife and other girlfriend to catch him cheating
Never let anyone convince you that it's impossible to find a man of quality because "your standards are too high". You're the prize and for your sake you should never expect the bare minimum for love
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So I (🔎) decided to dig more into 2016 because I had plenty of evidence for overlap but also didn't lol. Note this was Azzi's first year with Fairfax Stars and Paige played for North Tartan. Long story short, there was overlap but they were in different divisions. Paige played on NT 8th team the summer before her 9th. Azzi was apparently playing on a 10th grade team the summer before her 8th grade. But they were indeed in the same locations.
North Tartan Summer Jam - June 2016 (No Overlap I can tell)
A fun little quoted tweet from North Tartan account in 2016 featuring Fairfax Stars and Azzi Fudd lol "They are legit"
Fairfax Stars 15U displays 3 future BCS players. Malu Tshitenge 6-4 C 2019 Elizabeth Martino 5-10 G 2020 & 2021 Azzi Fudd 5-10 G 2021.
The same guy tweeted on the same day:
North Tartan Starks 2020 team features Trifecta Paige Bueckers 5-10 G Mallory Brake 6-0 F & MacKenzie Kramer 5-7 PG. 3 future talents.
Now looking at the schedule for Summer Jam 2016, Azzi's Fairfax 15U did play North Tartan 10th EYBL but Paige actually wasn't on this team yet and played on the 8th NT team. Hence why they never played.
Tournament Schedule:
Azzi played several levels up while Paige did not participate in this tournament it seems (it only included North Tartan 9th and up). Now if you are wondering why Paige didn't play levels up I refer you to this tweet years later from her coach: https://x.com/22TTStarksMom/status/1151503192166948864
AAU Super Showcase - July 2016 in Atlanta (Overlap)
Then, Azzi had this tweet from July 2 2016: https://x.com/azzi_35/status/749378901768536065
AAU Sup Showcase Sched Wed 7/6 3:00pm vs. North Tartan - ct. 7
They were both at the super showcase but again, same deal - different divisions. https://image.aausports.org/dnn/girlsbasketball/2016/supershowcase/9-11SSTEAMS.pdf
They ended up advancing but losing to North Tartan (not Paige's team).
Paige's team won the super showcase for 9th grade
Battle of the Boro 2016 in Nashville (Overlap)
Paige was part of the Freshman Division and won:
And seemingly, it seems North Tartan on all levels won championships:
Her team was undefeated in July thus far
Azzi was part of the Sophomore Division as part of the all tournament team:
On a different note - you can pull some scouting comments for Azzi's game since she was in middle school: https://nyghoopsreport.com/search?query=Azzi%20Fudd
Also the North Tartan twitter congratulating Azzi's team in 2017 and 2018 which I found endearing.
I particularly enjoy "standing room only" for their match up in 2018: https://x.com/preferredscout/status/1008061107330789376
Last random thing I found - here's an incredibly old interview of Paige, my guess is from 2017 just from the headband
I don't know what to say other than bravo. Phenomenons from a young age ✨.
Bonus: Baby P with her baby voice 👶🏻
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les mis enjoyers i have a question okay
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scotianostra · 3 days
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On September 26th 1934 the Liner Queen Mary launched at John Brown’s shipyard, Clydebank.
The construction of still the unnamed Cunard Queen Mary ship began in December 1930 (the ship’s keel was laid down on 31 January 1931) in the yard of “John Brown & Co” at Clydebank. The launch was scheduled for May 1932, but the work on the ship was suspended in December 1931 due to the world economic depression. A loan of 9.5 million pounds from the Government was granted to the Cunard Line with enough money to complete the Queen Mary ship and to build a second liner – the Queen Elizabeth.
As a direct result of this most advantageous deal, the Cunard Line merged with its main rival White Star on 10th May 1934 into Cunard White Star Ltd. The Queen Mary construction resumed in April 1934, the liner was completed by August and launched on 26th September at a total cost of 3.5 million pounds sterling.
The work was completed in March 1936. The Queen Mary ship sailed out for preliminary trials and after being painted in Southampton, the liner was handed over to Cunard White Star Line on 11th May 1936. RMS Queen Mary ship first sailing was on 14th May with its Transatlantic itinerary being Southampton-Cherbourg-New York. By May 1937 the liner had carried a total of almost 57,000 passengers.
The main speed-rival of the QM ship was SS Normandie – a liner built in France and operated by the French Compagnie Generale Transatlantique line. The Queen Mary took the Blue Riband (the prestigious award given to a ship with the speed record for a transatlantic crossing) from the French liner SS Normandie in August 1938, with record speeds for both west- and eastbound crossings of the Atlantic Ocean – the average speeds was, respectively, 30,63 kn (35m25 mph, 56,7 km/h) and 30,14 kn (34,68 mph, 55,82 km/h).
In 1937, the Normandie liner was refitted with new propellers, enabling her to take the Blue Riband, but in 1938 the Queen Mary ship reclaim the honour for best speeds in both directions – westbound 30,99 kn (35,66 mph, 57.39 km/h) and eastbound 31,69 kn (36,47 mph, 58.69 km/h). This record was beaten by the SS United Sates liner in 1952.
The last commercial sailing of the ship Queen Mary was on 30 August 1939 departing from Southampton and then berthed at New York until the end of 1939. With the outbreak of the Second World War, she was converted into a troopship and ferried Allied soldiers for the duration of the war.
Following the war, Queen Mary was refitted for passenger service and along with Queen Elizabeth commenced the two-ship transatlantic passenger service for which the two ships were initially built. The two ships dominated the transatlantic passenger transportation market until the dawn of the jet age in the late 1950s. By the mid-1960s, Queen Mary was ageing and, though still among the most popular transatlantic liners, was operating at a loss.
After several years of decreased profits for Cunard Line, Queen Mary was officially retired from service in 1967. She left Southampton for the last time on 31 October 1967 and sailed to the port of Long Beach, California, United States, where she remains permanently moored. Much of the machinery, including one of the two engine rooms, three of the four propellers, and all of the boilers, were removed. The ship serves as a tourist attraction featuring restaurants, a museum and a hotel. The ship is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has accepted the Queen Mary as part of the Historic Hotels of America.
RMS Queen Mary remains in Long Beach but recently it has been reported it is in need of significant repairs according to assessments and photos in 2019 and 2020. An estimated $289 million in repairs are needed after years of decline and the most recent operator going bankrupt.But even to “retire and recycle” the liner could cost up to $190m. One of the suggestions are to dismantle and sink the liner, although no long term plans have been finalised as yet.
The Queen Mary is due to open again to visitors next month, let’s hope someone can come up with a rescue plan to save her.
It has been mooted that it could return to the Clyde but the eyewatering amount of money it would take surely rules this out.
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spacey-xannabelle · 5 months
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Fateful Encounter...
Last month, at around April 10th, I decided to revisit an old project I started months prior which was to polish up a test sketch of a comic page about Lucy encountering Lumi in the dreamspace. And after slowly making progress on this, I'm finally finished with this!
I'm gonna leave some artist notes under the read more, but overall I'm super proud of how this turned out!! This is pretty much my first serious attempt at making comics in general so this has been a very interesting learning experience!
Artist notes: So this is what the original sketch for this whole thing was. It was just me scribbling out a scene I had in my head for Startrails that I wanted to put on paper:
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This I'd say was made around 2020-2021 ish. At the time, I didn't really do much with it. Until several months ago, I thought of trying to redraw this page and expand upon it.
But my first attempt at doing this didn't quite lead anywhere. I barely got through the thumbnailing process and just gave up bc I lost motivation (and life/work stuff was Happening so yea I had to put this aside as I figured stuff out). Here's the first draft of the thumbnails:
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It was just two pages at the time and was pretty simple. I left this project sitting in my files for a while until I one day just, started binging videos from Thestarfishface on YouTube, primarily her webcomic guide videos. And I decided I'd give this project another go.
It was here where I began making a second draft of the thumbnails and this was what I had to work with:
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I wanted to experiment with the panels and get funky with the compositions this time around. The 2 page draft expanded to a 3 page thing. But I thought it would've been better if I added one more page at the end with Lucy waking up as a conclusion to wrap this whole thing together.
And in the middle of working on page 3, my friend had suggested to do a an impact frame page, which I hadn't considered during the thumbnailing, so 4 pages became 5. And this was the result!
I posted the pages as I finished them onto my deviantart so that's where a lot of my thoughts were journaled as I went along dfjsdh. To summarize my ramblings there, this project was a very fun (and a bit frustrating) learning experience! I'm hoping to keep practicing and improving my workflow, and hopefully one day make Startrails a full fledged webcomic :')
Additional ramblings:
The structure that Lucy finds Lumi in is inspired by an orrery.
For page 5, I initially didn't plan for much dialogue but as I drew it, it felt just a liiiitle bit empty, so I kinda just threw in some dialogue for Mira. But bc I was already in the inking process (and I just wanted to have this project completed), I didn't redo the page to even include Mira in it. So Mira's just out of frame sdfjskdh. If I had more time and energy to keep this up, I'd have made a revision of the page so I could include her.
This experience has taught me that I could seriously work on my rendering process a bit more, and that my layer management is just atrocious sdkfjksdfh
This has also taught me that while Medibang has the tools needed for me to draw these pages just fine, it also lacks some stuff that I personally need if I were to do a longer project like this. So I'll be experimenting with CSP next!
The dialogue throughout this whole thing wasn't all that planned out- I really just stuck close to what the initial doodle had which probably wasn't the best idea bc I just have like, 2 pages of Lucy's awkward sounding dialogue aaaa. I might do something a bit more dialogue heavy to help improve this skill next time.
Anyway, thank you for reading through my 1 am ramblings on this little project of mine shdkjhks
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maristelina · 1 year
MILGRAM 1st Anniversary Stream Translation Part 1
Translated by @/JuriTea_ and @/CatDraft0307 29 Pages, 7200 words.
🎴 Host 🔸Takuya Yamanaka (Scenario writer)
🎴 Guest Voice Actors 🔸Amami Yurina (Es) 🔸Horie Shun (Haruka) 🔸Aimi (Kotoko)
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🎴 Translation begins 10 minutes in the Stream.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Ever since this has been published, there hasn’t been much on Kotoko.
🔸Horie (Haruka): That’s true, Kotoko is one of the last.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s tough being the 10th.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Exactly!
🔸Horie (Haruka): Even I personally don’t really know much about what kind of person Kotoko is, and not really clear on what she had done, so I’m excited to find out.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s a long spanning game. I’m sure there are people who are increasingly shocked as the Milgram stories are released charater by character. We can only wonder about Kotoko, who is the last.
🔸Everyone: Please look forward to it!
🔸Yamanaka: We’ve received a lot of comments, we have around 2000 viewers already.
🔸Amami (Es): Hello~ I mean, Good evening~
🔸Yamanaka: We’ll be addressing the comments as well
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): There are a lot of fans from overseas
🔸Yamanaka: There are! We have a lot of comments from our overseas fans
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): There are shout outs for Kotoko
🔸Yamanaka: Kotoko, what are the two of you holding?
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🎴Jackalope Bunny Plush Talk
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🔸Yamanaka (Around 11.59): Let’s go over a recap of what’s been happening on Milgram so far. Please see the first slide.
🔸Yamanaka: The project Milgram started one year ago, on 04/27/2020. Viewer participatory/interactive music project. All songs are produced by DECO*27, world building and scenario by Yamanaka Takuya, and music video by OTOIRO.
🔸Yamanaka: The viewers become prison warden Es, and speculate the sins of the 10 “murderers” to pass judgment whether to forgive/not forgive. The story progresses based on the results of the judgment.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): I’m sure all of you (viewers) were excited when this was announced, but we were also super excited when we received offers to join this project.
🔸Es/Horie (Haruka): We were!
🔸Yamanaka: You probably couldn’t make sense of any of it just from the documents right?
🔸Horie (Haruka): Still, it tickled my otaku-heart, like to forgive or not to forgive, or the fact that everyone has committed some sort of sin.
🔸Amami (Es): The world building is phenomenal
🔸Yamanaka: We listed out everything the characters did in the documents when we sent them to you, so it must be not be easy to voice act while hiding that knowledge.
🔸Everyone: True, you have a point.
🔸Yamanaka: And now we’re faced with the super difficult challenge of being asked all sorts of questions on live, and not allowed to disclose any spoilers.
🔸Amami (Es): We’re pretty limited on what we’re allowed to disclose.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Especially Kotoko-san.
🔸Yamanaka: Kotoko-san is still a complete enigma.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): You guys know nothing about her yet, right?
🔸Yamanaka: Only that she’s cool.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): I know everything though.
🔸Horie (Haruka): What’s wrong with you?
🔸Yamanaka: It’s fun to look at all the speculations when you know everything already.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Yup. Speculations are fun to read
🔸Everyone: Yup.
🔸Yamanaka: There’s a lot of clues scattered throughout the MVs, and I get startled sometimes when I read all the speculations.
🔸Horie (Haruka): There are a lot of them that are on the right track.
🔸Amami (Es): I think to myself “that’s so close!” as I read all the theories in the comments. There’s also a lot of comments in English from overseas fans, but unfortunately I’m bad at English so I don’t understand. I do feel immense passion though, I truly thank everyone for the comments!
🔸Yamanaka: When we designed the characters and their sins, we tried to design them in a way that is open for interpretation depending on how each viewer feels, and encourage differences in opinions. For example, some sins may be legally wrong, or something that you can’t forgive emotionally, and some may be interpreted differently due to cultural differences and different upbringings. So we encourage people from all walks of life to participate, to increase the diversity and depth in the results.
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🔸Yamanaka: Next I want to ask… Do you have a prisoner that you’re interested in other than your own character?
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Ohh…
🔸Horie (Haruka): What a difficult question.
🔸Amami (Es): I’d like to know from you two.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Umm.. you know…?
🔸Amami (Es): Yes, I know everything. laughs
🔸Horie (Haruka)/Aimi (Kotoko): contemplates
🔸Amami (Es): It’s alright, Milgram has everything
🔸Yamanaka: That’s right… from emotion to law to ethics to your tastes/preferences/kink (TN: 性癖 Not sexual. A lot more innocent in Japanese).
🔸Amami (Es): An abundance.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Ummm I felt the pressure from Yamanaka-san earlier to like Amane-chan, but I’m kind of scared of Amane-chan… I mean, it’s not limited to Amane-chan, but there are a lot of characters that look like they have a line that I shouldn’t cross. I feel like if I stepped over that line, there’s no going back… and everyone has that line. Honestly it’s hard to find a bias.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Bias, huh. When it comes to finding a bias, I mean, everyone is kind of… weird.
🔸Amami (Es): So who do you like?
🔸Horie (Haruka): Well if we are talking looks, I like Amane-chan.
🔸Amami (Es): Thank you.
🔸Horie (Haruka): But it’s a difficult question.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): I’m actually interested in Haruka a lot. Horie-san’s songs are so good. I get into a lot of things through songs, so when I first heard them, I thought “Wow, what a voice” and it left a strong impression on me.
🔸Amami (Es): It’s very delicate.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Weren’t we so nervous?
🔸Amami (Es): Yes!
🔸Horie (Haruka): You were the first and I was the second - now I’m first - being the first person to create such music content made me so nervous. Plus, Undercover was so well done, so I was extra nervous going after you.
🔸Yamanaka: We gathered voice actors who can sing well from all times and places.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): All times and places laughs
🔸Everyone: Thank you.
🔸Es/Kotoko/Haruka? (TN: everyone is talking at the same time and it’s all jumbled T_T): I want to taste the betrayal/betrayal is part of the fun
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Even if you like their looks, maybe you’ll be like “oh no, I can’t support that anymore!” later on, or the opposite might be true too.
🔸Yamanaka: It happens in real life too, right? Some people turn out completely different from their first impressions.
🔸Horie (Haruka): It happens.
🔸Yamanaka: Just like Horie kun said, first impressions may change, and they might betray you, but if you gather the courage and make them your bias regardless, you can enjoy the impact from the change in character.
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🔸Yamanaka: Next slide please. The first song is from the warden who oversees the prisoners, Es, “Undercover”. How did you feel when you received the documents for Undercover and was asked to sing?
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🔸Amami (Es): I love Deco27-san’s songs, and the song was packed with Deco27-san’s worldview, so I was really really happy when I was asked to sing this song. I was looking forward to the recording every single day
🔸Yamanaka: As you know I write the scenarios and Deco-san uploads the music. When I hear the music from Deco-san, I am astounded every time. Especially when I heard the intro for Undercover, I was like, “Ah, this is amazing, this is the beginning”
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Have you sang as a boy before this?
🔸Amami (Es): No, I haven’t. I didn’t have much experience with music contents. To me, Es is my magnum opus. But I’ve always wanted to sing in this kind of voice, so this allowed me to achieve a lot of my dreams, as we speak.
🔸Horie (Haruka): I like Undercover so much, that I just spam the link to actors who aren’t even involved in Milgram.
🔸Amami (Es): Thank you lol
🔸Yamanaka: I’ve had the opportunity to listen to Amami-san’s voice before, so Deco-san and I knew what to expect
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): It’s amazing that you’re able to pick such a perfect fit
🔸Amami (Es): Thank you.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s fun to do a role you’ve never done before right?
🔸Amami (Es): Yes, thank you for the opportunity.
🔸Yamanaka: So Undercover was released on 5/15, then followed by the prisoners’ songs. Next slide please… oh sorry I made a mistake. Here we have an intriguing scene, we have Es, warden, and scattered boxes… this scene feeds everyone’s imagination.
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🔸Haruka/Others: The number of the boxes also trigger intrigue.
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s take a look at the next slide… It’s the chorus. In the choruses, we can see the fearful faces of the prisoners come together gradually. Next slide please.
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🔸Horie (Haruka): This looks kind of scary when you take a closer look.
🔸Amami (Es): There’s a lot of comments asking about what’s going on in this scene.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): True, it’s hard to tell what’s going on here
🔸Yamanaka: What do you think? It seems like there’s a lot being done to Es.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Everyone speculates about the prisoners and whether to forgive or not, but the speculation already starts here.
🔸Yamanaka: I started this project wanting to enjoy the speculation with the viewers, but the depth and speed that everyone forms their speculations far exceeds my expectation… I’m a little startled. So that’s how Milgram began, and the first song from a prisoner is this. Next slide please.
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🎴 Weakness by Haruka
🔸Aimi (Kotoko)/Amami (Es): Ah, here it goes
🔸Yamanaka: What do you think? It’s about you..
🔸Horie (Haruka): Um… What should I do?! Is what I thought. I thought it was very difficult from the documents I received. I’ve had the opportunity to sing a lot of character songs that are catchy and melodious, but it was my first time working on a more serious and full-fledged song made by Deco*27. There’s a lot of falsettos and the key was pretty high.
🔸Amami (Es): It’s very high isn’t it?
🔸Horie (Haruka): I haven’t had much opportunity to sing these kind of songs so I was nervous and excited as I recorded it.
🔸Yamanaka: Haruka was very fun.
🔸Amami (Es): Is that so?
🔸Yamanaka: Even the voice recordings were super fun.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Regardless whether it was voice recordings or the song, Yamanaka-san told me to make it nauseating.
🔸Yamanaka: I don’t care if no one likes Haruka, just make it as nauseating as possible
🔸Horie (Haruka): That’s what he told me! There was a part of me that wanted to make Haruka a popular and likable character, but I was told to expel all impure thoughts and intentions
🔸Yamanaka: It didn’t matter if Haruka couldn’t get a single view – that’s how much I emphasized on just building the character.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Even with that, I saw a lot of comments saying they’ll support Haruka for life.
🔸Yamanaka: There’s the reality in a character that has been finessed.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): The chorus is very memorable… I always end up singing it at home.
🔸Horie (Haruka): People who start by liking him are probably those who like to make life difficult for themselves.
🔸Yamanaka: Are you sure you want to say that? There’s one right beside you.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Oh right lol!
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Umm… I guess you’re right. Oh, and you got to do a cover for Two Breaths Walking, I’m very envious.
🔸Horie (Haruka): I think it was my generation. When I was a student, it’s a song that was played over the speakers at school during lunch. It’s that kind of song. (TN: in Japan, the school would play various music/songs during lunch hour through the school PA system)
🔸Yamanaka: You’re in that generation?
🔸Amami (Es): That was our youth.
🔸Yamanaka: I feel a generation gap. I’m the same age as Deco-san, so those type of songs wouldn’t play during lunch for us. Let’s take a look at the MV. Here we have Haruka, we used a collage-multimedia style MV.
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🔸Amami (Es): It looks unsettling.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s a change from the anime-style Undercover.
🔸Amami (Es): Can I ask a question? I’ve been reading the comments and there’s a lot of questions around whether if the Haruka seen here is actually Haruka, or his sibling.
🔸Yamanaka: I can’t answer that. Next please.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Oh no it moved on.
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🔸Amami (Es): I really want to know!
🔸Yamanaka: Yes, I understand many of you want to know, but I can’t tell you anything at the current stage, so we’ll just have to speculate.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Only suspicion.
🔸Yamanaka: Next slide please. The last scene.
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🔸Aimi (Kotoko?): ah, it’s precious
🔸Horie (Haruka): Which emotion?
🔸Yamanaka: Which emotion does this represent?
🔸Amami (Es): I wonder which?
🔸Yamanaka: I hope everyone can enjoy speculating which is it.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): It’s so heartbreaking.
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🎴 Umbilical by Yuno
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s move on to the next song. Yuno’s Umbilical was release on July 17th. The change in musical style after Haruka’s Survival of the Fittest (TN: the Japanese title of Haruka’s song Weakness) must have been a surprise.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko?): It’s very different.
🔸Horie (Haruka): I thought the style would be consistent with Weakness.
🔸Amami (Es): Me too.
🔸Yamanaka: People wonder what would come after Undercover and Weakness, and then we’re hit with this.
🔸Horie (Haruka): It took me by surprise.
🔸Yamanaka: we’re receiving a lot of comments that Yuno is cute.
🔸Amami (Es): Yuno-chan is so popular. When I search Milgram on Twitter, I see how immense Yuno-chan’s popularity is. I want to rest on her lap for 1000 yen too.
🔸Yamanaka: 1000 is cheap.
🔸Amami (Es): For real. Please, I beg you!
🔸Horie (Haruka): Who are you begging?
🔸Yamanaka: She’s begging Yuno-chan.
🔸Yamanaka: Yuno chan is pretty prickly in the dramas… She’s not an easy person to deal with and it’s demonstrated well through the great acting.
🔸Horie (Haruka): That’s true, Aisaka-kun’s way of acting and singing captures Yuno’s essence exquisitely… I can’t get into more details, but really shows Yuno’s vibe.
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s take a look at the MV
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🔸Everyone: so cute! I love the colors.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Um this scene… you’ve heard it from Yamanaka-san already right? This scene really traumatized me.
🔸Aimi(?): Trauma?
🔸Horie (Haruka): Yes… traumatic.
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🔸Yamanaka: Next please! Here we have デイのシーン? (TN: I couldn’t really catch what scene he’s referring to. He says Day Scene, but idk what a day scene is?)
🔸Amami (Es): this is nice, the karaoke screen at the back is a cover song.
🔸Yamanaka: Yes, there are easter eggs.
🔸Amami (Es): I want her to come Karaoke with me~
🔸Yamanaka: After the project took off, eventually the MVs will come out. But when I first wrote the story and Deco san composed, then I’m like, ah, so this is how (the story) is portrayed. I’ve had a lot of moments like that. I think it will build up to an exciting result one prose at a time. Next slide please. Yuno-chan falling.
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🔸Horie (Haruka): She’s falling.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): She’s wearing an undershirt. No peeking at her tummy.
🔸Yamanaka: I like that. Usually people would wear it.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): True, usually people wear an undershirt but in 2D world usually you get to peek at their tummy.
🔸Yamanaka: I’m the type who want to make them wear undershirts.
🔸Horie (Haruka): you prefer realistic portrayals. Old man’s peculiar taste.
🔸Yamanaka: that’s a bit, um…
🔸Amami (Es): Please stop that lol.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Please stop that? LOL.
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🎴 Bring it On / Jihen Jotou by Futa
🔸Yamanaka: What we have next is very different once again.
🔸Everyone: AHHHHH Fuuta… wahh….
🔸Amami (Es): Amazing!
🔸Horie (Haruka): Lounsbery-san is a genius, for real.
🔸Yamanaka: He’s really given his all for us.
🔸Amami (Es): His growling is top notch
🔸Horie (Haruka): Like where is that voice coming from?
🔸Yamanaka: We really had him give his all.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): It sounds like it would strain his throat.
🔸Horie (Haruka): What was this throat like after it was done?
🔸Yamanaka: He’s really tough. We told him, “we’re good with this take” but he’ll ask us if he can do another take.
🔸Horie (Haruka): He’s so cool.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko)/Amami (Es): So dependable
🔸Yamanaka: I was amazed by the musical range of Milgram.
🔸Amami (Es): Why is Futa wearing a mask?
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s move on to the next slide!
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🔸Horie (Haruka): Even that’s classified?
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): It’s an arcade.
🔸Yamanaka: My only choice is to deny all questions. It’s so sad.
🔸Yamanaka: In this scene we get a peek into Futa’s daily life.
🔸Horie (Haruka): He seems so left out.
🔸Everyone: LOL not fitting in.
🔸Horie (Haruka): They’re together, but…
🔸Yamanaka: Next slide please
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🔸Amami (Es): This is so awesome!
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Very awesome!
🔸Amami (Es): It’s so unique to portray an MV like a game.
🔸Yamanaka: This MV is like a peek into his mind/how he sees the world in his mind, it lets us see how he sees his own sin. It really demonstrates Otoiro-san’s techniques and creativity.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Could there be a meaning to the number 1014?
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s move on to the next slide.
🔸Horie (Haruka): I want to know what the 1014 means.
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🔸Yamanaka: This scene shows us that Futa has this side to him as well.
🔸Amami (Es): He’s been coming off strong/confident up until now, but this scene suddenly shows uncertainty/anxiety and makes people wonder.
🔸Yamanaka: Futa is usually full of himself, but he has a weaker side, and this shows that people are multifaceted.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): There’s a gap in personality.
🔸Amami (Es): True, everyone is head over heels for this gap.
🔸Yamanaka: True, Futa-kun is loved.
🔸Amami (Es): Cocky characters receive all the love.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Ultimately, they’re adorable.
🔸Horie (Haruka): And yet, he wasn’t forgiven.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s really a test of whether you can still think they’re cute or cool once you find out the truth about them.
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🎴 Afterpain by Mu
🔸Yamanaka: We have a problematic person coming up as well… next slide please. Mu-chan.
🔸Everyone: Ahhh…. She’s here.
🔸Amami (Es)/Aimi (Kotoko?): A pretty girl.
��Horie (Haruka): So ephemeral. Her voice is really clear.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko?): Her voice is the best.
🔸Amami (Es): She really sounds ephemeral.
🔸Yamanaka: I agree. The clarity of her voice and (the clarity/ephemeralness) of her character really matches well. I can say this for everyone, but Kouri-san’s singing is so good.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): She’s really good! She can sing any kind of songs.
🔸Yamanaka: That’s true. She’s really good at getting the pitches right.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): She’s a genius at giving the right nuances.
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s take a look at the next slide.
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🔸Amami (Es): Thumbnail!
🔸Yamanaka: Mu-chan had a lot of specific scenes.
🔸Amami (Es): True, she had scenes that were expressed in direct/literal ways.
🔸Yamanaka: Her character is also pretty different between her MV and her drama, and how you interpret her character really changes depending on how far you pursue this character.
🔸Amami (Es): That’s true… the comments from the people who heard her drama part are mostly confused, like “What should I do with this (information)?”
🔸Yamanaka: Even in the real world, for example a news story about a murder, you’d have very different opinions depending on if you just read the headline, vs when you watch the whole thing, vs when you do more research on the person.
🔸Amami (Es): yes, the information keeps getting updated.
🔸Yamanaka: The interpretation completely changes depending on people’s interest levels
🔸Yamanaka: Next slide please.
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🔸Yamanaka: Who is this?
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Who?
🔸Yamanaka: I wonder who?
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): It’s an obviously different face, drawn in a such a clear shot.
🔸Yamanaka: Yes… for the other characters, everyone other than themselves are drawn rather abstractly.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Yeah, even for Haruka, the other characters were rather scribbly.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Yeah we couldn’t see their faces.
🔸Yamanaka: I wonder we’ll find out who she is eventually…?
🔸Amami (Es): Aww, eventually…!
🔸Yamanaka: I like this part.. Next slide please.
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🔸Amami (Es): Ahh, it’s here, the scene in question.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Judging by the results we know this scene, but it’s hard to tell which one is which (TN: I’m assuming she means which one is initiating the killing). Only these two know.
🔸Yamanaka: Mu-chan said it herself; it’s true that she committed murder, but you wouldn’t understand unless if you’ve been in her shoes.
🔸Amami (Es): It’s drawn pretty directly here, but she was forgiven. “Not forgive” was the majority until near the end of the vote, but ultimately “forgive” won at the end. I wonder if the wardens have had a change of heart.
🔸Horie (Haruka): “I forgave her, even though I didn’t want to” I’ve been seen these in the comments.
🔸Yamanaka: It feels like real society, where you have people who know the complete story currently available through both the drama and song, trying to convince people who only listened to the song to listen to the entire story before forgiving her.
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🎴 Throw Down by Shidou
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s move onto the next song. Shidou-san.
🔸Aimi (or Amami): The one in charge of sexiness.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): He’s so stylish.
🔸Yamanaka: Throw Down, in terms of musical range, is rather unexpected for Shidou.
🔸Amami (Es): It’s so good.
🔸Yamanaka: He’s so cool.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): The way he sings is also sexy.
🔸Yamanaka: This song makes me feel mellow.
🔸Amami (Es): Yes.. but initially, he was singing one octave lower right?
🔸Yamanaka: yes… We practically had him retake it until it fit Shidou’s image. We spent as much time as we could on the vocals.
🔸Horie (Haruka): whose proposal was it to raise an octave?
🔸Yamanaka: Originally we were doing it in this key, because we were focused on Shidou’s image and to make sure it suits Shidou’s appearance, so we were like let's do it in this octave. But ultimately, we said, let’s raise an octave. There were a lot of trial and error.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Shugo-san is amazing for being able to keep up with all of that.
🔸Yamanaka: Yes… it’s a unique case, but we recorded the voice (lines), then the song, and we did retakes of the voice stocks to match results of the song.
🔸Amami (Es): Ehh, really?!
🔸Yamanaka: Yeah.. Shidou’s a complex person so there were a lot of trial and error.
🔸Yamanaka: Let's take a look at a shot from the MV.
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🔸Aimi (Kotoko): Ah, so good! His gaze.
🔸Horie (Haruka): He’s beautiful.
🔸Amami (Es): His skin is so clear.
🔸Horie (Haruka): He has such fair skin.
🔸Amami (Es): there are no bad people among people who part their hair at the middle.
🔸Yamanaka: I don’t think that’s true.
🔸Horie (Haruka): Really? I think there are plenty lol.
🔸Yamanaka: The two beauty marks under his eyes are sexy.
🔸Amami (Es): It’s too sexy that they are a pair.
🔸Yamanaka: Let’s take a look at the next slide
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🔸Yamanaka: We get to learn about what kind of person Shidou is in real life for the most part.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): His profession is clear.
🔸Amami (Es): Like a doctor, most likely.
🔸Yamanaka: It’s a difficult job, so there’s probably a lot going on.
🔸Amami (Es): it’s a job that affects human lives.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): there’s a comment saying they want to listen to the lower octave song.
🔸Amami (Es): I want to listen too.
🔸Yamanaka: sorry… for being the only ones who had heard it.
🔸Yamanaka: Shidou-san’s drama and interrogation also causes confusion on what kind of person he is. He’s that type of person, so I hope you’ll watch over him from now too. Next slide please.
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🔸Amami (Es): This place collapses right?
🔸Yamanaka: yes. He’s making human shapes from flower arrangements in the MV, and ultimately it collapses at the end.
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): He was in a white coat just now, but now he’s in a black shirt. The color scheme changed completely.
🔸Yamanaka: Yes.. when I saw the MV from Otoiro-san, I felt that expressions were portrayed in very intricate ways. I hope they are viewed many times.
🔸Amami (Es): it’s very detailed.
🔸Yamanaka: I’m being told that the way I brush past questions with a chuckle is scary.. I’m sorry for that. That’s my only option.
🔸Amami (Es): Ah true, there’s a lot that you can’t disclose.
🔸Yamanaka: I don’t mind telling it all though, just spoil everything.
🔸Amami (Es): Still, we’ll just keep asking you questions regardless.
🔸Yamanaka: Okay. I’ll say “I can’t answer any of that.”
🔸Aimi (Kotoko): We know what to expect now.
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mekanikaltrifle · 2 years
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In (the World of) Darkness
(Inspired by @cruddyart’s character lineup)
I’ll post some summaries here for you all, just so we’re up to date on everyone (and as a handy quick reference guide if you are ever unsure who these bastards are :D)
(edited to add some links to songs for the little guys. Most have a ‘theme’ and a ‘current vibe’ for where they’re feeling in their relative narrative spot. Most are not super cheerful!)
Top Row (2021 characters):
- Domino Giovanni (formerly Dom Winters), 10th Gen. clan Giovanni neonate. Independent/Clan aligned. Sired in 2006 at age 26. (Game: Alien Hunger/Harbour of Resentment 2006-2009, currently active).
American (origin: Denver, Colorado)
Personal Theme/ current vibe
Result/victim of strange Kindred scientific experiment into curing vampirism, the results of which were lost. Betrayed by their teammates, nearly decapitated before they were enlisted into the Family and Clan Giovanni. Budding necromancer, former Counter-Strike champion.
- Andrew Serafim, 13th Gen. clan Toreador antitribu fledgling. Sabbat aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 27. (Game: Cauldron Crusade/Atlanta Chronicle, 2020), currently active
English (origin: South London)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Part of the winning team in a Sabbat Bat Race, hours after Embrace. Has a ghoul in his long time friend Madelaine Webb. Immensely athletic and dexterous, previously a national-level aesthetic gymnast in life. Insanely tall.
- Glass Man, 13th Gen. clan Nosferatu neonate. Camarilla aligned. Sired in 2003 sometime in his mid-late 20s. (Game: Boston Nosferatu Chronicle, 2007, currently inactive)
American (origin: Syracuse, New York)
Personal theme
Has access to out-of-clan Fortitude, is a trainee assassin and poisoner. Previously was a junior doctor in life. Enthusiastic free-runner, covers his whole body at all times.
Bottom Row (2022 characters):
- Ms Lina Meijer, 10th Gen. clan Malkavian fledgling. Anarch aligned. Sired in 2012 at age 30. (Game: Den Haag Chronicle, 2012, currently active)
Dutch (origin: somewhere in South Holland, the Netherlands)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Embraced in a mass-Embrace of three, became embroiled in a bloody civil war in Den Haag and Rotterdam. Currently hiding out in Malaga in Spain, hoping things will quiet down. Very able combatant. Has a firearm illegally.
- Dr Dani Reyes, 12th Gen. Tremere fledgling. Independent aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 32. (Game: Atlanta Chronicle Part 2/ A.Rubra, 2020, currently active)
Mexican (origin: Guadalajara, Jalisco)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Was originally a ghoul, and then Embraced in a violent manner by Silas via their domitor Atlas. Known to have committed diablerie in the interest of saving an ally’s life and destroying a genocidal maniac. Honestly just wants a nap.
- Mai Le Pham, mortal. Aware of the supernatural, first encounter in 1997. Aged 30. (Game: Cognitohazard, 1997, currently active)
American (origin: somewhere in the desert, South California)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Investigated eerie happenings in her apartment block with a couple others, only to find the place full of Slashers. Befriended a Deviant by virtue of being unfazed by/oblivious to their odd vibes. Was shot in the abdomen, and healed using demonic blood, and then made a sacrifice of her own blood to the ‘angel Gabriel’ to get free of a strange alter-dimension. Currently on a road trip to Phoenix.
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Ik you like talking about this and I’m actually like rly interested so what’s the aids quilt and triangle shirtwaist factory fire?
(It’s in your bio and as you probably know I hate looking stuff up and prefer talking to people-you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to)
*jumps up like the human equivalent of !!! and sprints to the computer to answer this properly with sources and shit* !!!!!!!!!!!
(you have unlocked the Special Interests and now i won't shut up ever. :DDDDDDDDDD)
....well. I wasn't going to put a cut and then it got really, really long, so there's a cut about halfway through for the sake of peoples dashboards.
first up:
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
(tw/cw: intentional endangerment of workers, death, suicide (unplanned/unintentional), graphic depiction of death)
short version: the triangle shirtwaist factory fire was one of the deadliest industrial disasters in US History and, I believe, the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of New York City. It was a key point in labor rights & union movements, and 146 people died, almost all recently immigrated women and girls between the ages of 14-23.
long version: at ~4:40 pm on march 25th, 1911, a fire broke out in a scrap bin under a cutting table in the triangle shirtwaist factory, which occupied the 8th, 9th, and 10th floors of the Asch building in new york city (manhatten, greenwich village specifically).
the factory produced shirtwaists, a popular kind of women's blouse. (it was a sweatshop, which is relevant for future reasons). It was owned by Max Blanck and Issac Harris, who had previously had four (? possibly 3) fires at other factories, and been investigated for them (it was suspected that one or more of those said fires were the result of arson by the owners). the workers were, for the vast majority, recently immigrated jewish & italian women and girls, from age 14 and up, but most were between 14 and 25. The oldest victim was 43. (of the victims whose ages are known). They earned $7-12 a week (approx. $190-326USD in 2020 dollars), or approx. $3.65-6.29 per hour in today's money. at the time of the fire, there were approx. 600 workers in the building.
the asch building was 10 floors in total, and the top 3 were occupied by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. The doors leading to the staircases were locked, to prevent workers leaving early or taking breaks. There were supposed to be 3 staircases, but there was only two; the city had allowed the owners to build a single fire escape in lieu of the third staircase. this fire escape may have been broken before the fire, and it was certainly broken afterwards. one of the staircases managed to be unlocked, but it became impassible either up or down within 3 minutes of the fire's start.
when the fire flared up, the first alarm was sounded by a passerby outside, who saw smoke coming out the windows at 4:45 pm.
the fire department arrived shortly after, but their ladders could only reach the 7th floor (the fire start on the 8th). some workers excaped via the roof (several years ago I heard a story about a guy who was teaching in the building next door and him and his students saw the people on the roof and were able to help them get over to the building the professor was in and not ontop of the burning one, but I can't find it again to validate it so take that with a grain of salt), and some got into the elevators while they were still working. the elevator operators were able to make 3 trips before the elevators stopped working from the excessive heat (the steel beams holding them bent and made it impossible to attempt).
inside the building, people on the 8th floor were able to warn people on the 10th floor by means of a telephone, but with the staircases locked there was no way to warn those on the 9th floor, and a survivor said (paraphrasing): ''the first warning of the fire arrived at the 9th floor at the same time the fire did''.
146 people died. 123 women and girls, the vast majority between the ages of 14-23, and 23 men and boys (I cannot find a clear age for them). 61 people died from jumping to their death or falling to their death out of the windows of the building. the fire department had nets meant to catch people, but velocity is velocity and the nets did nothing. people jumped out the windows hoping that the nets would catch them or they might survive, or that at least that had a better chance of survival than remaining inside the fire. 20 of these were on the fire escape & attempting to use it when it collapsed, dropping them 100ft to the sidewalk and killing them.
36 people died in the elevator shaft, after it started to break. (they attempted to jump/slide down the cables, and it did not work).
49 people burned to death or suffocated in the smoke.
the entire fire took 18 minutes.
The bodies of the victims were taken to Charities Pier (aka Misery Lane) to be identified. All but 6 were, and those 6 were buried together in the Cementer of the Evergreens in brooklyn (they were later identified by a historian named michael hirsch in 2011, after 4 years of research). they are now all buried together there, underneath a monument to the tragedy.
it caused a surge in the efforts of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, and eventually resulted in the passing of ~38 new york state labor laws.
The AIDs Quilt
(tw/cw: regan (referenced), death (nowhere near as bad as above))
The AIDs quilt is a memorial quilt commemorating those who have died of AIDs (at any point, not just during the AIDs crisis (fuck you ronald regan)), with panels sewn by family members and friends. It was begun in 1987 in San Fransisco by Cleve Jones. It is considered the largest community folk arts project in the world, and consists of nearly 50,000 panels honoring approx. 110,000 people.
Each panel is 6' by 3' (about the size of a standard grave), and four of them are sewn together to make large blocks that are then sewn/tied together. sometimes it goes on display, the most recent time in june 2022.
there is an interactive online version of the quilt, which you can find here.
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here it is zoomed out as far as I could get
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here are some of the larger blocks of the quilt
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and here are some individual panels.
that's mostly all I have to say about it, but its incredible, and my favorite art project of all time.
(i don't have the spoons to add image descriptions to the photos, I am sorry, I will try to do it later when I remember)
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yaoisex · 6 months
The results for chil-chil’s BL Award 2024 are out!
I didn't vote for all the categories, so I'm only gonna talk about the ones I did vote for. Let's see:
Comics: I voted for His Little Amber. It got 2nd! I'm still waiting for the cast reveal for the BLCD! It's been 2 months since they announced a BLCD, but the cast has not been revealed yet. I'm anxious to know!!
Series: I voted for Fake Fact Lips Break because I adore them. It got 10th. The 1st place was Given, which I'm not mad about <3
Emotional: I voted for Kono te wo Hanasanaide 2 and it got 1st!! I'm happy. I love them!
Fetish: I voted for Minami-kun Wants to be Teased by that Voice, because obviously I have a voice fetish! I believe every seiyuu fan can relate to that. This BLCD was SO erotic *__*. It got 7th. The 1st place was Sex Drop 2 which I actually haven't listened to yet ^^;; I need to.
Next Generation: I voted for Kitayama kun & Minamiya kun because they're cute. Waiting to listen to the BLCD. It got 4th.
BLCD: I voted for Futari Asobi because Chiaki was so so SO freaking cute there. SO CUTE. Sadly it's not in the Top 10. The 1st place was Takara no Biidoro, which I'm also happy about. Ryouta and Yukke were really great there.
Seiyuu: I obviously voted for my beloved Chiaki. I also voted for Ryouta as my 2nd option. Chiaki got 6th which is pretty impressive. Ryouta wasn't in the Top 10. The 1st place was Soma.
And honestly (and I have to be honest here) I'm kinda over him getting 1st place almost every year. he's won a couple of years in a row: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 (2nd) and 2020. It reached the point where I can no longer listen to his BLCDs. I really think he's too overrated. Sorry Soma. I used to enjoy his roles, but lately I feel that he sounds the same in every role. I'm over it. :/
Impressive that Makonyan got 9th when he's only done 2 new BLCDs this year (the rest were sequels). He's powerful alright! Well deserved. Hopefully he'll do many new ones in the future. I also love that Yukke got 7th, so the two Kobayashi are very close to each other ^^
Some honorable mentions:
I wrote comments about most of my votes, and surprisingly my comment about Chiaki was published!! ^___^ They never published my comments before so I was happy. (I'm really glad this specific comment was chosen because the Seiyuu category is the most important one for me. The second is BLCD.)
This comment about Egu made me laugh (he got 8th):
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Loved the references there XD
Loved that Ryouta retweeted that his BLCD got 1st place!
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Shogo also retweeted that Pittosporum got 9th place in the Series category (he's done the BLCD with ChibaSho)
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I love when seiyuu interact with the BL wins. I wish more would do that.
I'm excited to think that on next year's BL Award we would probably get to vote for the His Little Amber and Pink heart Jam BLCDs! (which we only got announcements for but no cast reveal yet)
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sleeppaw · 2 years
I have no words for this
Friday, 10th February 2023: Hogwarts Legacy is released, during the UK’s LGBT+ History Month
Saturday, 11th February 2023: A Transgender girl, Brianna Ghey, is murdered in a park in Warrington.
I was old enough to remember Sarah Lancaster, a young woman, who was murdered in 2007 just for being a goth, and the resulting outrage of Sarah’s death. Most TERFs are also acephobic (I’m Asexual), and if Trans people are being murdered how long will it be before Asexual people are targeted as well. The LGB Alliance is supported by JK Rowling, who also have said that “Autistic people doesn’t have the mental capabilities to decide on their own bodies”. As someone who is autistic, I have been spending months trying to tell people what JK Rowling said about Trans people and autistic people, and it has been exhausting. I admit, I was a bigot when I was younger, but since 2020 I have been educating myself on various viewpoints. I’m not perfect by any means, but I have been thinking more progressively in the three years since. The “A” in LGBTQIA stands for “Asexual”, and Asexuals are part of LGBT+.
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f1-primers · 10 months
A Brief History of Aston Martin in Formula 1
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While most F1 fans will know Aston Martin as the latest iteration of ‘Team Silverstone’, the car manufacturer had a very brief spell as a constructor in 1959 and 1960, in which they build their own engine as well as the car chassis. Like many British based teams their cars were painted in British racing green, which continues to be the team’s main livery colour today.
While Aston Martin didn’t score any points across their five entries, the team did net 4 top 10 finishes, with the team’s best result being Roy Salvadori’s 6th place finished at the British and Portuguese Grand Prix in 1959, and 2nd at the non-championship BRDC International Trophy in the same year.
However the team’s poor run of form led Aston Martin to drop out of F1 after the 1960 British Grand Prix.
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The Aston Martin DBR4, originally driven by Roy Salvadori and Carrol Shelby in 1959
Aston Martin first returned to F1 as a sponsor of the Red Bull team in 2016, including a spell as title sponsor from 2018-2020. In January 2020 Racing Point team owner Lawrence Stroll took a 16.7% stake in the British car brand, which led to the decision to re-brand the team to Aston Martin for the 2021 season.
The 'Team Silverstone’ moniker comes from the various re-bands of the team that was originally founded by Eddie Jordan, who opted to locate the Jordan team factory directly opposite the Silverstone circuit in Northamptonshire.
While the various Team Silverstone team names could have their own post, the timeline goes as follows:
Jordan (1991-2005)Midland F1 (2006) Spyker (2007) Force India (2008-2018) Racing Point Force India (2018) Racing Point (2019-2020) Aston Martin (2021-)
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The AMR22, driven by Sebastian Vettel during the 2022 Austrian Grand Prix
Since 2021 Aston Martin have used Mercedes engines, which Team Silverstone have used in their various guises since 2009. 
Aston Martin’s first driver line-up in 61 years featured German 4-Time World Champion Sebastian Vettel, and Canadian driver Lance Stroll - who scored Aston Martin’s first ever world championship points finish when he finished in 10th place at the season opening Bahrain Grand Prix in 2021.
In the same season, Sebastian Vettel achieved Aston Martin’s maiden podium finish at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, where he finished second. He also finished second at the Hungarian Grand Prix, but was disqualified after the race due to a fuel infringement.
2023 saw Aston Martin’s best ever season to-date, with Fernando Alonso achieving 8 podiums - including three in the first three races - which led the team to secure 5th in the Constructor’s Championship.
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The AMR23, driven by Fernando Alonso during the 2023 Sao Paulo Grand Prix
Their driver live-up for the 2024 season will see Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll be teammates for a second consecutive season. Their line-up also includes reserve drivers Felipe Drugovich and Stoffel Vandoorne, alongside driver ambassador Jessica Hawkins, who became the first female racing driver to drive a Formula 1 car, the AMR21, at an in-season test in 2023.
Outside of the team, Aston Martin are also joint providers of the Safety and Medical cars, which they share with Mercedes.
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