arcane-ally · 1 year
What period would you travel to if you were given a time machine?
I'm assuming you mean back in time since (in my experience) period is referring to the past? But honestly I'm an overthinker and I see so many flaws with each time period, so to make my answer a little shorter I'm gonna say that certain time periods haven't always been so kind to women. I would probably go back to about 1,000BC because my ancestors came from Scotland/Ireland and I think that would have been a pretty awesome time/place to live (if you survive childhood and any other ailments that might happen through adolescent life). But more realistically - just the 80s. I think at 25 I'd drop myself around '83-'84 so I could be in my 30s for the 90s and so on and so on. But who knows.
What would you guys choose? Let me know if you think I'm crazy for my answer!
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lemuseum · 8 months
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lynnetendo · 2 years
i've said it before and i'll say it again: miss me with your insulting frustrating Comedic Topic Bingos (TM) when they are literally just statements in square table form. if you make statements in square table form, i cant stop you! cant complain! success! sexy of you to have put a bunch of words out there for people to measure how relatable you are, how accurate your future sight is, how good you deconstructed this topic. make that ask meme you wanted. hot af. go get that confirmation. slay. love. be free
and if you say "well not everything can be won. these arent supposed to be won" then why didnt you just Not make a bingo...
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 9 months
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Brooch, used to hold clothing together, 1100BC-1000BC Bronze Age Europe.
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xphaiea · 6 months
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Dog head, Mexico, Earthenware, asphalt and resin paint, 500-1000BC
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;;When was the last time I was productive? 
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nesyanast · 1 year
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End of the year 5783 Jewish reading list I completed this year:
City of Rogues and Schnorrers - Russia's Jews and the Myth of Old Odessa by Jarrod Tanny
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Herschel
The Jews of Silence - A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry by Elie Wiesel
The Story of the Jews 1000BC-1492AD by Simon Schama
Living a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant
Choosing a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant
The Secret Book of Grazia Dei Rossi by Jacqueline Park
Suddenly, Love by Aharon Appelfeld
Conservative Judaism - The New Century by Neil Gillman
A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket
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blog-of-gourd · 8 months
i wonder if "aideen descending down to Earth on a horse and giving life and magic to an island and its horses and also to the people who ride those horses" was at first supposed to be the starship on which the horse aliens arrived to Earth. i mean the horse aliens are what gave horse people (or at least 4 of them) magic in SSL, and they also had Garnok on that starship. like if i was a person in the year 1000BC and saw a giant fucking thing descend down from the heavens and Horse People exit from it i'd probably consider some sort of Horse God as well. I wonder if Garnok being imprisoned so near the island also somehow boosted its soil fertility or made the weather warmer somehow by adjusting sea currents in the area.
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laliloon · 1 year
🗓️Creepypasta Date of Birth Headcanons:
+ their ages in my au - set in late 2000 - early 2001
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Jeff the Killer: 2nd June, 1974 (26 years old)
Homicidal Lou: 23rd November, 1970 (30 years old)
Jane the Killer: 5th April, 1972 (28 years old)
BEN: 9th February 1987 - d. 26th April, 2000 (13 years old)
Eyeless Jack: 13th December, 1969 (31 years old)
Nina the Killer: 30th March, 1979 (21 years old)
Laughing Jack: 25th December, 1862 (no specific age)
Laughing Jill: 25th December 1859 (no specific age)
Isaac Clement: 3rd December, 1854 - d. 3rd December, 1893 (39 years old)
Will Clement: 28th August, 1977 (23 years old)
Frank the Undead: 27th April, 1896 - d. 31st January, 1931 (34 years old)
Jason the Toymaker: 15th November, 1746 - d(?). 21st May, 1779 (32 years old)
Sally Williams: 7th September, 1963 - d. 19th July, 1971 (8 years old)
Toby: 28th April 1975 (25 years old)
Clockwork: 21st October, 1977 (23 years old)
Bloody Painter: 1st October, 1968 (32 years old)
Judge Angels: 29th September, 1964 (36 years old)
The Puppeteer: 18th July, 1973 - d. 29th December, 1992 (19 years old)
Zero: 10th May, 1980 (20 years old)
Nurse Ann: 9th January, 1957 - d. 16th February, 1984 (27 years old)
The Dollmaker: 22nd December 1968 (32 years old)
Kagekao: August 4th, 1979 (21 years old)
Candy Pop: c. Early 1400s (no specific age)
Slenderman: Unknown (no specific age)
Zalgo: 1000BC (no specific age)
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kanjiexplained · 9 months
Kanji of the day: 死
死 - Death, die
Kun: し.ぬ、し.に- On: シ (Pinyin: sǐ | si3 )
Pictographic: A carcass 歹 with a person 人 kneeling next to it
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(死 as it appeared in bronze script during the Early Western Zhou dynasty, ~1000BC)
Strokes: 6 Radical: 歹 death
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We're going to narrow it down until we find the absolutely best hour of all time
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lord-aldhelm · 1 year
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From The Last Kingdom Instagram account
April 9, 2022
"Did you know umbrellas or parasols, as they were known, were invented as far back as 1000BC?! This could be a real photo from history."
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 6 months
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Bracelet from the tomb of Henettawy, 1000BC-945BC, Egypt.
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izzymrdb · 8 months
So I’m reading a chapter for school about “the discovery of childhood” which is basically tracing the European art history to record the view of children in Europe and the eventual increase in value of the period of childhood.
But that’s not the important part
It also talked about literature some, and how especially in Greek myths, even when the characters are children they are portrayed with the skills and emotions of adults.
And that got me thinking about the Hermes birth story, and how immediately following his birth he proceeded to commit crimes and invent.
Do you think this is due more so to the nature of literature of that time or the fact that he is a god? Or is there a different reason that I don’t know?
Well, there are likely several reasons behind it. Hermes’ birth story is established in the Archaic Greek era with Hesiod and Homer’s writings, which mean that his story is older than 800BC, however the problem with that is that our ability to trace stories prior to that is basically non-existent if you don’t find a very similar story in a nearby culture that did have written language we can translate because 1100-800BC greece was a dark age and 2000-1100BC greece had a writing system that we can’t translate reliably or at all. It’s safe to say that his story is at least from 1000BC and prior, which already starts to shape how we would see this story. Why? Because we do have a Hermes recorded in 3000-2000BC as Péhusōn, and he is a purely pastoral diety, and we also have a Hermes in 2000-1200BC as Hermāhās as a god of travelling and cattle.
The shape of literature at this point is basically non-existent other than for a few outliers, however, those outliers do match Hermes’ story. A young child of divine origin immediately causing trouble and showing off great feats beyond their young age? Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Hephaestus all fit this formula, and in non-Greek origins yet similar geographical area, Gilgamesh, Horus, and many other Indo-Iranian-European myths show a youth doing great feats. So, yes, a newborn doing great feats is in the shape of the literature of the time, and yes, his divine origin also plays a part into it. Gods are always depicted as great from birth, exceptional to all and clearly not capable of being mistaken for a mortal, mainly because myths do have a purpose, and here, it’s the idea that a mortal can become a god is impossible because gods are great from birth. Hercules, for all he was born a mortal, strangles snakes in his crib. A human baby could never, and that is why myths decide to depict babies/toddlers/young children rather than youths/teens. Now, for the whole actual question as to “why does Hermes steal the cows and create the lyre?” is my actual field of expertise! Hermahas and Pehuson are both pastoral gods, where did the stealing part come from? Well, Pehuson appears to come from Northern Greece and travelled south, but had a solid mythological structure. Travelling West, Apollo and Helios, both of a Indo-European origin, though Apollo is far more Hittite and Northern and Helios is pure Indo-European with likely Phoenecian and Egyptian influences from the South. Here is where everything clashed together: Sun gods have cattle. Re has his Heavenly Cow (Hathor), Helios has his ‘Stolen by Odysseus’ Cows (that we likely Just Stolen), and Apollo also has cows even though by the time the greeks got to him he wasn’t a sun god anymore and mostly just a light god. 
So, what happens is likely a huge mess of three different directions of religion trying to feasibly mash together. Apollo got given Helios’ stolen cows, Hermes got to steal some cows like Odysseus, and Helios’ stolen cows got given a new hero to be stolen from (Odysseus). Where did Odysseus come in? We have no fucking clue, mate, he just popped up in 1200BC and may have been a real person who led the Sea Peoples, like how Paris was a real Hittite king of Troy. This may be why Odysseus and Hermes are linked in myths. Why a crime? Well, Pehuson’s name means protection and the Indo-Europeans were never shy to put the ‘cowardly tricks’ as a virtue as to how great you are at protecting your family and things (see Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus, Hercules, etc).
 Where did the Lyre come from? Apollo appeared to be a god of civilisation with the Hittites and Greece marks ‘civil’ behaviour by the ability to use logic and produce art, and hermahas does have a Shamatic association with conciliation and Pehuson has a connection with music via a possible pan-pipe story, so that may have been a real wild ‘they conciliate with music like a harp’ mash-up. So this is 100% a literature choice, a mythological moral choice, and the effect of several religions trying to make their separate puzzle pieces fit together into a brand new giant puzzle picture
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artstfuff · 1 year
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Alabaster eye 1500-1000BC
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jonphaedrus · 3 months
hi! i like your pfp, could you tell me where it's from?
it's a matching set with @kratosaurioned of our favorite tales of symphonia characters (mithos and kratos) and the art was commissioned from a good friend of mine! in approximately the year 1000bc. i dont even think they take comms any longer. sorry :(
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