#1000000000000/10 stars
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#obsessed with Roddy's holo sticker#hes just acting like a cocky racer#Bees massive eyes#Drifts absurdly large.....pointy things#my boi Star just......trying to not get in trouble#1000000000000/10 stars#will buy everything you make#transformers#transformers stickers#maccadam
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love the insane amts of friendship going on inthis image. i hopei can be just like this image too one day
#aauaaaauaaua sorry im back on my friend loving bullshit it will happen again. a lot actually#guys you should love your friends its really cool#andif youre plural you should love your headmates too#10/10 thumbs up 5 stars liked subscribed followed positive review upvoted would recommend 1000000000000 times over and over again
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1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y 33/36 (23/26) (10/10)
2: 00 01 02 10 11 12 13 16 17 19 23 34 36 41 51 68 85 ab ad ak al an ar at au av be bl bo bs bu by ca ch co cu de di dn do dr ea ec ed ee el en ep er es et ev fe fo ge gi ha he hi ho hu ib ic id ie ig ik il im in io is it iv ju ke kn ld le li ll lo lu ly ma mb me mi nc nd ne no nu oa of ol on or os ot ou ow pe po rd re ri rr rs rt ru ry se sh si so st su ta te th ti to tr ts ul um un ur us ut ve vi we ye yo 136/1296 (119/676) (17/100)
3: 000 001 100 102 119 123 136 234 341 412 abo abs ade ake all and are art ate aus ave bec bel ber ble bou bso bsu but can cau coa cul dic did dig div don dre eat eca eel eli ely enc epe ers ery eve evi fee fou get git hat hav his hou hun ibl icu idi iev igi ike ill ime ion isi its ivi jus kno ldn let lie lik lio lli lou lut mad mak mbe mes mil nch ndr not now num oat olu one orr ost oul oun our ous out pea pos red ren rep rid rry rte run sho sib sol sor sou sta sts sur tar ted tel tha the thi tim tre uld ulo umb und urd use ust ute ven ver vil vis yet you 140/46656 (130/17576) (10/1000)
4: 1234 2341 3412 4123 abou abso absu arte ated ause aven beca beli bers bout bsol bsur caus coat culo dicu digi divi dred eate ecau elie ench epea even ever evil feel four gits have houl hund ible icul idic ieve igit illi imes isib ivis just know liev like lion llio lous lute made make mber mill ndre numb olut orry osts ould ound peat post renc repe ridi rted shou sibl solu sorr soun star surd tart tely that this time tren uldn ulou umbe undr utel very visi 92/1679616 (88/456976) (4/10000)
5: 12341 23412 34123 41234 about absol absur arted becau belie bsolu bsurd cause culou dicul digit divis eated ecaus eliev epeat every haven hould hundr iculo idicu igits illio isibl ivisi lieve llion lutel mbers milli ndred numbe olute ouldn peate posts rench repea ridic shoul sible solut sorry sound start tarte times trenc ulous umber undre utely visib 59/60466176 (55/11881376) (4/100000)
6: 123412 234123 341234 412341 absolu absurd becaus believ bsolut culous diculo digits divisi ecause elieve epeate houldn hundre iculou idicul illion isible ivisib lutely millio number olutel peated repeat ridicu should solute starte tarted trench umbers undred visibl 38/2176782336 (34/308915776) (4/1000000)
7: 1234123 2341234 3412341 4123412 absolut because believe bsolute diculou divisib epeated hundred iculous idiculo ivisibl million numbers olutely repeate ridicul shouldn solutel started visible 24/78364164096 (20/8031810176) (4/10000000)
8: 12341234 23412341 34123412 41234123 absolute bsolutel diculous divisibl idiculou ivisible repeated ridiculo solutely 13/2821109907456 (9/208827064576) (4/100000000)
9: 123412341 234123412 341234123 412341234 absolutel bsolutely divisible idiculous ridiculou 9/101559956668416 (5/5429503678976) (4/1000000000)
10: 1234123412 2341234123 3412341234 4123412341 absolutely ridiculous 6/3656158440062976 (2/141167095653376) (4/10000000000)
11: 12341234123 23412341234 34123412341 41234123412 4/131621703842267136 (0/3670344486987776) (4/100000000000)
12: 123412341234 234123412341 341234123412 412341234123 4/4738381338321616896 (0/95428956661682176) (4/1000000000000)
13: 1234123412341 2341234123412 3412341234123 4123412341234 4/170581728179578208256 (0/2481152873203736576) (4/10000000000000)
14: 12341234123412 23412341234123 34123412341234 3/6140942214464815497216 (0/64509974703297150976) (3/100000000000000)
15: 123412341234123 234123412341234 2/221073919720733357899776 (0/1677259342285725925376) (2/1000000000000000)
16: 1234123412341234 1/7958661109946400884391936 (0/43608742899428874059776) (1/10000000000000000)
all of the numbers that are divisible by 17 sound so absurd. 51? 68? 85? ridiculous. 102? absolutely not. and don't even get me started on 119
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For no reason whatsoever....out of Star Trek characters...who do you think are the best kissers?
Y'know, that's a good question, my friend. I gave this a lot of thought, hence the long response time. This is by no means a definitive list, but I did do a top ten. These are in no particular order.
1.) Dukat - Let’s face it, the man has m u l t i p l e children., seven by his wife alone. He knows what he’s doing. 10000/10 Fantastic kisser!
2.) Shran - It’s...It’s Shran. I mean...how could he not be a fantastic kisser? He’s charming, grumpy, a good fighter. Yes. Just yes. 100000/10 Stupendous kisser!
3.) Chakotay - The man may not be my type, but objectively he’s an attractive man. He would have garnered his share of attention, so I’d imagine he’s quite practiced. 10/10 Probably a good smoocher!
4.) Q - He’s an omnipotent being. Need I say more? 1000/10 Very good!
5.) Vreenak - (Yes, he made my list, shush.) I just think he would be, okay?? He’s ridiculously sexy. The man has to have had his fair share of trysts. 100000/10 Best! Kisser! Ever!
6.) Leonard McCoy - The good doc is quite the charmer. How could he not be a good kisser? Honestly? 100/10 Professional smoocher!
7.) Captain Janeway - Don’t even try to tell me she wouldn’t be amazing at kissing. I know she would be. Janeway puts her heart into everything she does. 10000000/10 Wrote the damn book on makeout sessions!
8.) Letant - Same reasons as Vreenak. 100000/10 Yes! Please!
9.) Soval - Listen...He may be repressed, but surely the man would be skilled. 1000/10 Quick learner and prides himself at being a skilled lover!
10.) Jadzia Dax - She’s had eight lifetimes (ish?) and over 300 years to get good at kissing. Yes. YEs. YES very good! 1000000000000/10 No comparison! Best!
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im doing math.....
..........for this freaking fic......
#Calling of the Stars#did u know that 1000000000000 is a very large number#also yay i don't have to be accurate because i am using very large numbers#also that's 10 to the 11th power if ur curious#which is how many more times a neutron star's gravity is stronger than ours!#and their radius is only like 10k!#that is terrifing#stars are terrifing
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Hi, yes, Anon? I totally recommend anything by this fabulous author that goes by the name Takara Phoenix. I don't know if you've heard of her but she's super amazing!!! 1000000000000/10 recommend. 555555555555/5 stars. She is a queen among peasants. She is a goddess within the fandom. I can not express to you how amazing she is. I fucking love her and her work. You should give her a try
dkgKFjefjekjnfjwea YOU DORK xDDD
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Finally got to see some of go astro boy go in English!
So far I actually really like it! It takes it a little bit to hit its stride (or at least for me to get into kid show mode) but when it does, it's a whole lot of fun. There were jokes and plot points that literally had me cackling like an idiot for several minutes.
Being an educational kids cartoon, it's obviously not gonna be on the level of the mainline series but compared to its predecessor little astro boy, it's a lot more enjoyable.
The show is a nice balance of silly and actually educational, unlike LAB, which kind of tried to be educational sometimes (I think?) but was too hyper and off the rails to really say anything important. I actually learned some neat facts from GABG!
And the environmental messages are good about not completely demonizing human involvement in nature, and just trying to find alternatives that allow both humans and animals to coexist peacefully, which is cool. I'm so used to environmental messages for kids being super ham fisted, but not here.
But of course, being a kids show there's also that emphasis on the silly. It can be a bit hyperactive also, but most of the hyperactivity in GABG is localized purely in astro kitty, who is pretty funny if you like that sort of "shitty little brother" character (which I personally do) lmao.
Overall the writing makes it feel like a show I would have watched on PBS kids growing up, and it would be one I'd totally show to hypothetical children.
Voice acting is very, very hit and miss but if you can stand it the characters are all decently fun
The art style feels very "phone app" but it looks pretty good in motion, and they have some pretty cool looking once-per-episode stock footage. Also the way the characters' abilities line up I could actually see how a potential mobile game would work
Also whoever is on art direction really loves slipping in random star system references in the backgrounds and it makes me so happy to point and be like "Oh! That's [Character]! :O"
My personal favorite reference for soon to be obvious reasons is OT2 whose design is literally just cobalt but an emoji




Whichever absolute galaxy brain of a human being not only thought of this but also gave me the ability to potentially express all my emotions in little emoji cobalts deserves a massive raise and also my love and adoration
I've only seen 10 episodes so I can't give a proper rating but just for OT2 we're looking at 1000000000000/10
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Star trek!
i’m gonna do tng cuz it’s my fave and the series i know the most about but i can also do tos if someone wants me to
favorite character: q!
second favorite character: this is so hard i hate this. aahhh. okay it’s a tie between picard and ro laren, but i also love basically everyone else so
least favorite character: oh man, i dunno if i have one? i’d say maybe worf, cuz he doesn’t make my heart go doki doki like everyone else, but i still love him a lot and the episode where he’s trying to convince someone (i think it’s riker?) to help him die because he thinks he’s paralyzed is fucking heart wrenching.
the character i’m most like: hmmmm. probably ro laren. we’re both blunt and we don’t take shit.
least favorite pairing: deanna/worf. i hate that it was canon, i don’t know why it happened, and i will continue to pretend that it didn’t. we all know deanna is meant to be with her imzadi riker
favorite moment: oh damn. this is the hardest. can i just say the entirety of the episode tapestry? cuz that’s my real answer
rating out of 10: 1000000000000/10 many things will come and go, but my love for tng is forever. it is undying. i have the starfleet delta tattooed over my heart for a reason
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Hey! I just caught up with critical role and I'm feeling kinda empty inside, is Skyjacks good? feel free 2 tell me to google but in your words whats skyjacks about?
god anon i love you (and also big same sam calm down Please)
okay SO
campaign skyjacks is the second longform game that oneshot pod does. the first one was just called campaign, and its a star wars game that is in essence 3 idiots a gay archeologist and a baby steal the plans to the death star and try and ***help people they meet***. (a phrase which here means fail up) (also yes it came out a long while before rogue one just putting that out there) and its fantastic and funny and full of love for star wars and found family and its just. chef kiss beautiful. (the only good (aside from the kotors) piece of star wars media)
campaign skyjacks tho!!!!!!!!
campaign skyjacks is their new game. it’s set in a completely original universe and the best way to describe it is 3 horrorterrors and a necromancer weekend at burnie’s a sky pirate captain and it gets really out of hand.
okay but actually its about sky pirates, people who sail the skies because the ocean is Extremely Cursed (probably something to do with god being killed by mankind or whatever) and try their hardest to find jobs that will pay them because their captain is legally speaking dead.
we follow 4 main characters, jonnit who can use magic and maybe has a literal third eye sometimes, travis who is a cursed shapeshifter who spends every night as an animal, dref who is a necromancer who’s horrified of gore, and gable a nonbinary beserker with questionable religious affiliations and Yall I Just Love All Four Of Them So Much!!!!!!!!!!!!
also!!! the music on this show???? bangers, each and everyone. the editing???? inspired. (casey toney who edits neoscum also edits this show and the editing jokes are just chefkiss beautiful
anyway tldr listen to skyjacks, there are 9 episodes so far, if you want great music great editing great characters great lore great comedy and a great feeling of adventure 1000000000000/10 would/will rant about this show again thanks
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Rating Fanfic:
I’ve seen a couple of things drifting around of people leaving ratings for peoples fics, which is really rude because this is supposed to be a supportive and fun community and that doesn’t entail unwanted 3/5′s and unsolicited crit
So, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a list of acceptable ratings to give a fic:
You’ve won the house cup
5 stars
Deserves more stars than the galaxy
I would wallpaper this across my house if i could / 10
on a scale of 1 - I would sell my soul for a film of this fic, it’s the latter
here are just a few examples of how to leave a rating on a fic, and ofc, here are a few ones that make you a piece of shit
any number that is not the highest of your scale
“could be better”
rereadable v. un-rereadable
fanfic is not the same as published fiction, writers work with betas to ensure their fic can be the best it can be and they publish it with the hope that readers will respect the fact they’ve created this thing out of love for free in their free time
if the fic you read wasn’t 10/10 then just dont leave a rating, it isnt that hard
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The 10 least consequential athletes of the decade

Some rules before we begin:
This list is arranged in no particular order, because my definition of “inconsequential” is somewhat arbitrary and varies from case to case. It might mean that the athlete’s career was a meaningless blip on the radar, or brilliantly brief and terrible, or impressively invisible. If you take issue with anything you read here, I pledge to rewrite it to your satisfaction and mail you $100.
This list is nearly entirely made up of athletes competing at the top echelon of their sport, as fun as it would be to mock four-year-old T-ball first basemen who stood directly on top of the base, wore their glove on the wrong hand and cried.
This list is entirely made up of men. Women’s sports made enormous strides in the 2010s, and even those who played, say, two career minutes of WNBA basketball still contributed to something meaningful. None of the guys below were doing anything important.
If you’re one of the guys on this list, and you read this, please take some satisfaction in the knowledge that in 2012, I had to seek medical attention after injuring my knee playing Wiffle ball.

Chris Pettit
Pinch runner, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, 2011
In this decade, Chris Pettit came tantalizingly close to playing the least amount of baseball a Major League Baseball player can possibly play.
Pettit appeared in exactly one 2010s game. On April 8, 2011, the Angels trailed the Blue Jays by a run with two out in the bottom of the ninth. After slow-footed catcher Hank Conger singled, Pettit, who had shown impressive speed in the minors, was sent in as his pinch runner. Up next was 24-year-old Peter Bourjos, by no means a power hitter. In this situation, Pettis likely took a fairly conservative lead off first.
Bourjos struck out on four pitches. Pettis walked off the field and was never seen in the major leagues again.
Baseball’s classic cup-of-coffee story is that of Moonlight Graham, the rookie who famously trotted out to right field, never saw anything hit his way, and ended his career without ever getting to bat or field a baseball. In his farewell game, Pettit did even less: he walked fewer steps to take his position, he was only out there for a minute or so, and he never once wore a glove or held a bat.
Hypothetically, we can imagine an appearance less meaningful than this one, but only barely. Changing Bourjos’ result to a line-out on the first pitch is no good, because if that happens, our man Pettit becomes a baserunner with a ball in play, if only for a second or two. His heart rate probably spikes. Can’t have that. No, this needs to be a strikeout. The only tragedy, then, is that Bourjos struck out on four pitches and not three.
If we want to get greedy, we can imagine the Angels as the visiting team. Playing at home, their dugout was on the left side of the field, meaning Pettit had to jog all the way across the diamond to take his place at first. As the visitor, first base would have been just a few steps away from the bench.
Pettit stood there for a minute with bare and empty hands. That was his Major League Baseball decade. It might very well be the most meaningless decade a major league baseball player has ever experienced.

Darius Johnson-Odom
Shooting guard, Los Angeles Lakers and Philadelphia 76ers, 2012-2014
In contrast to Darius Johnson-Odom’s storied career at Marquette and his years in China and Italy, his NBA life lasted 21 minutes. They were a very, very busy 21 minutes. His 11 shot attempts came from everywhere on the floor — a layup, a scattering of mid-range shots, and a couple of heaves from at least 26 feet out. All 11 of them missed. He was once sent to the stripe for a pair of free-throw attempts, and he missed both of those as well.
Across NBA history, 14 players have attempted at least three field goals and ended their career with zero points. Johnson-Odom left them all in the dust.

He did everything else, from rebounding to stealing to assisting to fouling. He was all over the floor. In the end, his career usage rate stood at 28.4 percent, higher than that of Patrick Ewing, Blake Griffin, and Damian Lillard.
This is perhaps the greatest testament to the inconsequential nature of Johnson-Odom’s career: even if we decided to rewrite the record books and rule that every one of his 11 shots went in, it would not change the result of a single game. He never even attempted a shot that mattered.
His full name, Darius Earvin Johnson-Odom, sneaks in the names of two fellow Lakers with considerably more notable careers. The two names appear to have canceled one another out entirely, a phenomenon we also see in a man named ...

JamesOn Curry
Point guard, Los Angeles Clippers, 2010
In the 2010s, the NBA revolved around LeBron James and Stephen Curry. The two megastars spent four consecutive Finals smashing their teams against one another. Before the opening tip of every season, at least one of them was correctly presumed destined for the Finals as though they were sitting presidents running for a second term.
“James on Curry” sounds like the god of the NBA guarding the other god of the NBA. “JamesOn Curry” is the name of a guy whose entire career can fit in a GIF. Welcome to the start of JamesOn Curry’s NBA career.
Welcome to the end of JamesOn Curry’s NBA career. It lasted 3.9 seconds, making it the shortest in the history of the league.
Curry had been through it all just to get here, and now lives a life as a youth basketball instructor that makes him happier than he guesses an NBA career would have. We’re free to laugh at these 3.9 seconds all we want. God knows I am. Curry has better things to do. Besides, as he pointed out, he probably got paid more per second than anyone else in NBA history.

Glenn Winston
Running back, Cleveland Browns, 2014-2015
After assaulting a hockey player while in college, spending six months in jail, and going undrafted, Glenn Winston had found his way into the NFL. A running back by trade, he appeared mostly as a special-teamer for the Browns before finally receiving his first career carry on Dec. 13, 2015.
Some GIFs make a sound. This one says, “bloop!”
The 49ers’ Ian Williams doesn’t just strip the ball, he punches it out like a golfer trying to negotiate a sand trap. It shot eight yards downfield. Fumbling away one’s first career carry is bad enough, but this ensured an extra indignity. Because the ball wasn’t recovered until it was eight yards downfield, this play went in the books as a negative-eight-yard run, a result that usually implies a ball carrier unwilling to cut his losses or a catastrophic jet sweep. Winston didn’t even get the satisfaction of trying something crazy. He bet $10 and lost $100.
Winston never carried the ball again, cementing his career line: one carry, negative-8 yards, one fumble. Among pure running backs, it is the lowest career yardage total in the 100-year history of the NFL.

Also among pure running backs, Winston is one of just four players to fumble away their only career rushing attempt. Another of those four, incredibly, was Winston’s teammate. Fullback Malcolm Johnson had been placed on injured reserve a few days prior, and would go on to drop his only carry the following season.
This was a meaningless late-season game featuring two teams that finished last in their respective divisions.
It was reported Winston suffered a concussion on this play.

Baxter Price
Guard, Mississippi State, 2010-2013
The fans in Starkville wanted so, so badly for Baxter Price to take a shot. He would not.
“I think it goes without saying, when I get out there on the court, I’m not there to score.”
In basketball, the box score practically begs a player to somehow register, to prove you did indeed exist at some point and weren’t a mere bookkeeping error. Some can’t or won’t. “Club Trillion,” popularized by Ohio State’s Mark Titus, is a fraternity of players who have finished a game with 1 in the minutes column and 0 in every other, forming a box score that reads 1000000000000, or one trillion. Many can claim membership in this club, but Baxter Price is an especially valued shopper. In the 2010s, he finished with:
17 one-trillion games,
four two-trillion games (in other words, two minutes played and no other stats),
a three-trillion game,
a five-trillion game,
a six-trillion game, and
an eight-trillion game.
That eight-trillion game fell on Feb. 13, 2013, during a 78-36 clobbering at the hands of Missouri. Price, a walk-on on his home court with a cult following, had every reason to attempt a shot; the Bulldogs were down 34-10 at halftime and none of his teammates could hit a bucket to save their lives. If a guy named Craig Sword is permitted to go 0-for-8, surely Price is allowed that indulgence. Instead, he spent eight garbage minutes — 480 seconds — on the floor without notching a shot attempt, assist, rebound, steal, block, foul, or turnover. Did he at least touch the ball at some point? Probably, but we have no evidence of it.
Price did score one bucket in 2009, but in this decade, he was almost entirely invisible. He spent 118 minutes on the floor and totaled 30 basketball things (six shot attempts, six rebounds, two assists, one block, nine turnovers, six fouls, and zero points).
That’s one basketball act every four minutes or so. It’s the faint signal of a distant star we will never visit. Price played basketball billions of years ago and billions of light-years away, but we are nearly certain that at one point, he was there.

Joel Rechlicz
Right winger, New York Islanders and Washington Capitals, 2010-2012
Thank heavens for arbitrary cutoff dates. Take stock of Joel Rechlicz’s career as a whole, and you find an enforcer who played a scattering of games. But if we focus specifically on his 2010s, we find something really special.
It was his job to start fights, and he did it with flair. His first fight, in April 2010, resembles a video game with poor collision detection.
Rechlicz earned five minutes in the penalty box for this one; later that night, he would receive another 15 minutes for a much more boring fight against Eric Godard.
It would be nearly two years until Rechlicz appeared in another NHL game. In 2012, he was quiet during a couple of brief appearances for the Capitals on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. On Feb. 13, he hit the ice for 90 seconds, drew a 10-minute misconduct penalty, and left the NHL for good.
In the 2010s, he totaled 30 minutes in the penalty box and just nine and a half minutes on the ice playing actual hockey. That is absolutely as bizarre as it sounds.
This decade, NHL players spent a combined 12 years and change on the ice playing regular-season hockey, and they spent a combined 151 days in the penalty box, yielding a ratio of 3.2 percent. Behold the penalty minutes ratio of Rechlicz:

This man spent the vast majority of his 2010s NHL career sitting in a little room by himself. They shouldn’t have bothered to issue him a hockey stick. He was not a hockey player. He was a brave wanderer. He did not play the sport he played, and I celebrate him for that.

Joseph Sandoval
Bantamweight fighter, UFC, 2011-2012
Sandoval went 6-2 as a fighter, with both losses handed to him in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Forty-five seconds into his UFC career, Joseph Sandoval got kicked in his penis and balls. It was an accidental low blow from Walel Watson, and things like this just happen from time to time, but the broadcast heaped on an extra indignity. You might wonder why in the world this is captured in slow motion:
Well, during the stoppage, they pulled up a slo-mo replay just so announcers Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg could laugh at him.
ROGAN: A replay, because America loves these. There you go, folks.
GOLDBERG: [laughing] We show it ‘cause we can.
ROGAN. Yes. Sit at home on your couch and be happy that’s not you.
GOLDBERG: [laughing]
Seconds later, Sandoval took a dozen hammers to the face and was knocked out just over a minute into the fight. He returned to the octagon in 2012 for a prelim bout against Nick Denis, who threw some devastating elbows at his head and knocked him out in just 22 seconds. That was it for his UFC career.
Typically, entry-level UFC prelim fighters get $10,000 to show up and fight and an additional $10,000 if they win, which is an absurdly low level of compensation. Accounting for the gym fees, training, licensing, nutrition, and everything else a fighter like Sandoval has to pony up for, he quite possibly actually lost money on this venture, essentially paying for the privilege of taking a thrashing in the octagon, getting kicked in the wiener, and being made fun of by the Fear Factor man.

Mike Trout
Outfielder, Los Angeles Angels, 2011-2019
Don’t get mad at me. This is exactly what he wants.
I recently set up a poll of my Twitter followers to ask them whether they know who Mike Trout is. These people, of course, are far more likely to be sports fans than the average person. Even then, of the approximately 7,000 responses, a full third — 33.8 percent — responded that they’re either only vaguely aware of him, or they have no idea of who he is.
The same people who are unfamiliar with Trout are certainly also unfamiliar with Wins Above Replacement, or WAR. This baseball metric is an effort to estimate how many more wins a team won with a given player than they would have with a replacement-level player in his place. Remember that this is a counting statistic, like home runs or RBI:

Trout is only 28 years old. Even if he retired today, his WAR of 72.5 would eclipse 68 percent of all players in the Hall of Fame. Earlier this year he surpassed Derek Jeter, who played until age 40. If his next season is anything like his last eight seasons, he’ll sail past Frank Thomas, Reggie Jackson, Joe DiMaggio, and Pete Rose before his 30th birthday. The season after that, he’s very likely to pass Nolan Ryan, Ken Griffey, Jr., and Chipper Jones.
Forecasting WAR is a pretty stupid game to play, so let’s at least stay conservative. If Trout immediately regresses to playing 5.0 WAR seasons, rather than his usual 9.0, and retires 10 years from now, he’ll move just barely above Lou Gehrig. Babe Ruth is probably the only guy out of reach. Apart from him, there’s no telling where he’ll end up, but we’re headed for a future in which Mike Trout is considered one of the very greatest baseball players who ever lived.
He is not as well-known as Tim Tebow, who hit .163 in triple-A last season, has never appeared in the major leagues, and is probably the most well-known active baseball player in America.
This is a triumph for Trout, who is getting exactly what he wants. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred recently took the unusual step of criticizing Trout for not putting in the effort to market himself, but Trout responded with one of my favorite character traits: genial, kind, and yet absolutely, immovably stubborn. All good, man! Cool! I like to play baseball and spend time with my family. Good luck with your business ventures.
He’s accomplished the impossible. He’s the greatest player of his generation, he’s played in Los Angeles for nearly a decade, and he’s less famous than every member of the Kars 4 Kids band.
Trout’s career is also a case study in how little individual greatness can matter in baseball. In terms of ability, he stands above his peers like Lamar Jackson and LeBron James do. Jackson has transformed his team into the best in the NFL. The NBA orbits around James. Nine years into the Trout era, the Angels have never won a playoff game, and have finished with a losing record in each of the last four seasons.
Many great athletes have been thought of as godlike, but being great is only half the idea. To be a god, you must also be invisible.

Maurice Simpkins
Special teams, Green Bay Packers, 2010
Maurice Simpkins was a computer programmer who made some extra cash playing linebacker for the Green Bay Blizzard, an Indoor Football League team. A block up the street, the Packers were plagued by injuries. Desperate to shore up their special teams unit, they signed Simpkins. “He was added to camp as just a body, basically,” explained Joe Buck, just after Simpkins registered one of the unlikeliest kick returns ever.
It’s unclear exactly how many plays Simpkins was on the field for. He was certainly never meant to touch the ball. Near halftime on Oct. 10, 2010, Washington kicker Graham Gano squared up and kicked the ball right at A.J. Hawk’s helmet.
Whether he did so intentionally, I can’t say, but it’s what allowed Simpkins to go into the books as a kick returner.
He did the smart thing, which was to fall on the ball and lie there until tagged. Simpkins never touched the ball again. He now runs a tech consulting firm, and I hope to God that when those 2010 Packers went on to win the Super Bowl, they gave him a ring.

Rico Richardson
Wide receiver, Tennessee Titans, 2014-2015
In football, a “target” refers to an instance of a player being thrown the ball, whether or not he catches it. It’s been tracked as an NFL statistic since 1992. In the decades since, only 11 players have ever received five or more targets without ever actually catching the ball once in their entire career.
For most of these men, this wasn’t such a big deal. Micah Ross, Isaiah Burse, Mitchell Galloway, and Terrence Warren were listed as receivers, but really spent most of their time as kick and/or punt returners. Dominique Davis, Kion Wilson, Khreem Smith, Jeff Smith and Tim Johnson played other positions entirely, and were largely targeted in gimmick plays. The only true receivers ever to suffer this fate are the Patriots’ Anthony Ladd, who played briefly in 1998, and the hero of our story, Rico Richardson.
Richardson was a former high school track and field champion who ran an impressive 4.38 40-yard dash at an NFL Combine. After going undrafted in 2013, he became a practice-squad regular who bounced from team to team. In 2014, he landed on the Titans’ roster, and on Nov. 1, 2015, he was thrown his first-ever NFL football.
Fourth-and-4. The Titans are down by two scores with just under five minutes left in the game. Their quarterback, Zach Mettenberger, puts it on the money, but when the Texans’ Johnathan Joseph swoops in to knock it out of the way, there isn’t much Richardson can do about it.

Minutes later, with the game all but conceded, Mettenberger leads Richardson straight into double-coverage. He has zero chance of hauling this in, and is clobbered.

Two weeks later, the Titans are once again wrapping up a loss in the final minutes, this time with Marcus Mariota behind center. Wideout Justin Hunter is injured, pressing Richardson into action. Mariota tries to find him deep, but sails an uncatchable ball way over his head.

It’s now Nov. 19. Titans at Jaguars. It’s the last NFL game Richardson will ever play. Near halftime, Mariota drops back into his own end zone on third-and-14. Richardson has shaken his man and set the table for a wide-open first down.

Mariota puts it even further over his head, and the Titans punt.
We’re late in the fourth quarter now. The Titans trail by six. With 1:10 remaining, Mariota is forced to scramble out of the pocket. Since Richardson is within 20 miles of the throw, he goes in the books as the targeted receiver, but he can do nothing but watch as a nameless staffer catches the ball several steps out of bounds.

Five seconds remaining, Titans still down by six. Richardson is about to get an opportunity no one like him ever, ever gets. Titans head coach Mike Mularkey calls a play that specifically calls for the ball to be thrown to the wideout on the right side.
That’s Richardson.
A timeout is called before the play, giving Mularkey every opportunity to switch him out for any one of his other receivers. He doesn’t! On the play that will decide the game, Mularkey is sticking with a guy who has never caught an NFL pass.

Richardson’s odds aren’t great. The Jaguars have pulled seven guys all the way back, essentially making this a short Hail Mary. What’s important is that he has a chance. There would be no better way to establish his place on an NFL roster than to haul in the game-winning touchdown.
This time figures to be different. Every other ball he’s ever been thrown has been impossible to catch, whether out of bounds, 1- feet over his head, or directly into double-coverage. We can say this much about the Hail Mary: it’s almost certainly going to be inbounds, with a high, slow arc that will give Richardson enough time to make a play on it. No matter what happens, no matter how much traffic there is in the end zone, he will finally have a chance. That is all we, his biggest fans, are asking for. A chance.
Mariota takes the snap. Richardson races upfield, hits the goal line, breaks left, and turns to see that the Jaguars’ four-man rush has somehow eaten the Titans’ line alive. Mariota is looking, looking, looking, and chased down from behind.
He didn’t even make a throw.
At the end, the coaches’ camera catches Richardson in the corner. He’s standing bolt upright, arms at his sides and feet right next to each other like a toy soldier, watching his career arrive at its end.
The Jaguars, a bad team that will finish 5-11, have beaten the Titans, another bad team that will finish 3-13, in a game immediately forgotten.
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I was tagged by @lunaluvegoods and I am super honored 🙌🏻❤ Thank you sweet friend Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. 1. nicknames: pumpkin 🎃 2. gender: female 3. star sign: scorpio 4. Height: 5'8 5. time: 10:58 pm 6. birthday: october 31st 7. favorite bands: the head and the heart, twenty one pilots 8. favorite solo artists: gregory alan isakov 9. song stuck in my head: the "hey ya" cover by avriel and the sequoias 10. last movie I watched: baby driver 11. last show I watched: friends 12. when did I create my blog: august 1st, 2017 13. what do I post: harry potter 14. last thing I googled: healthiest smoothie recipes (it's just a phase mom) 15. do you have any other blogs: personal blog @teachmepoetry 16. do you get asks: only from people I know irl 17. why did you choose your url: boywholived is self explanatory but the 4 is for privet drive 18. following: idk probably 1000000000000 19. followers: 5 21. average hours of sleep: 6-8 22. lucky number: 4 23. Instruments: guitar, double bass 24. what am I wearing: pajamas 26. dream job: a youth pastor 27. dream trip: hawaii 28. favorite food: grilled cheese 29. nationality: american 30. favorite song right now: home from home ((or)) indigo home by roo panes I tag @nerbua @starsinoursky @king-ludwig-ii @kitkatkrayola @mermaidofthelost 💛🖤
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tagged by yingfan @fensi!!! thank u <3
1. Drink: water probably
2. Phone call: i accidentally called sydnee i meant to text her
3. Text message: to sydnee.......telling her about my roomate
4. Song you listened to: djfbjddmcjc drive by jay park but rite now yamazaki we love bang yongguk
5. Time you cried: yesterday i cry all the time
6. Dated someone twice: never been in a relationship
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on: how is someone gonna cheat on me if ive never been w anyone
9. Lost someone special: uhhhhhhhhhh ya but now hes a stoner and not going to college so idk if i’d call it a loss at this point
10. Been depressed: bi......yes my whole life
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14: light pink, light blue, maroon
15. Made new friends: ya! (
16. Fallen out of love: i dont think so??? thts very hard for me i get #attacthed
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: YA!
19. Met someone who changed you: yes 1000000000000% absolutely
20. Found out who your friends are: mmm yea i guess kinda
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I Have Never Kissed Anyone
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like....all of them except 3
23. Do you have any pets: ye 2 dogs 2 birds and a cat i used to have a beta fish rip bubbles
24. Do you want to change your name: no zofia is the prettiest name ever
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: listen i have no life i was in school
26. What time did you wake up: like 10
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing pokemon dkjfkddkj
28. Name something you can’t wait for: in a few weeks im going to the adirondacks!!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life:
31. What are you listening right now: yamazaki ended so body lotion i think im on a yongguk playlist
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my manager
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my sister keeps taking my water bottles out of the fridge put ur own in if u want them cold
34. Most visited Website: ib diploma website this is a #mood
35. Elementary: finished
36. High School: just graduated
37. College: starting su in august!!!
38. Haircolor: dark brown
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i fall in love w everyone i meet shut up
41. What do you like about yourself: i pick up languages really quickly and theyre my thing!!!! ur looking at ib candidate 0001519-0016 aka the top performing spanish sl student this year
42. Piercings: 13 ear piercings
43. Bloodtype: idk
44. Nickname: dont even get me started....but mostly jen or jenjen
45. Relationship status: single
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: i looooove descendants of the sun but english ones...jane the virgin
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left: right
51. Surgery: i dont think ive ever had one
52. Piercing: 13 ear piercings
53. Sport: absolutely not
55. Vacation: ive never gone on a real vacation my family is 2 poor 4 that
56. Pair of trainers: i wear mostly vans
57. Eating: nothing right now i ate a pear n some saltwater taffy last
58. Drinking: nothing
59. I’m about to: get back to writing
61. Waiting for: college, uhhhh not much
62. Want: this is a heavy question
63. Get married: yes i love love i really want to be married
64. Career: ideally i wanna b a translator or language coach or teacher
65. Hugs or kisses: both
66. Lips or eyes: both???
67. Shorter or taller: taller but thats hard bcus im like 5′8
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk
71. Sensitive or loud: doesnt matter y not both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship im so sensitive and get so attached i could never just hook up w someone
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idk
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: what counts as hard liquor
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: all the damn TIMW
77. Turned someone down: only this uglie boy at work
78. Sex in the first date: never been on a date so
79. Broken someones heart: i dnt think so
80. Had your heart broken: hfjkdfdkjfbvhkdjc
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))
84. Yourself: im TRYING
85. Miracles: mmmmmm possibly
86. Love at first sight: no i dont think thats how love works
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss in the first date: sure
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friends name: ummmm irl kiara destiny amy and hopefully soon irl......sydnee
91. Eyecolor: hazel
92. Favorite movie: star wars all of them.....interstellar .....those are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head
tagging uhhhhhh @1nokko @kisslaters @seunghoons @1ziont @shiane @1yeolie @siyoungs @kangmin @softchae uhhh whoever wants to
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Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/questions-no-one-knows-the-answers-to-full-version-3/
Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)
On a usual day at school, never-ending hours are spent learning the answers to questions, however proper now, we will do the reverse. We’re going to focal point on questions the place you cannot learn the answers due to the fact that they’re unknown. I used to puzzle about quite a few things as a boy, for example: What would it not believe wish to be a canine? Do fish suppose suffering? How about bugs? Was the big Bang simply an accident? And is there a God? And if this is the case, how are we so certain that it can be a He and no longer a She? Why accomplish that many harmless persons and animals undergo terrible things? Is there particularly a plan for my existence? Is the longer term but to be written, or is it already written and we simply are not able to see it? But then, do i’ve free will? I mean, who am I anyway? Am I only a organic computer? However then, why am I aware? What is consciousness? Will robots turn out to be mindful at some point? I mean, I variety of assumed that some day i might be advised the answers to all these questions.Anybody have to comprehend, proper? Bet what? No one knows. Most of these questions puzzle me more now than ever. However diving into them is unique considering it takes you to the edge of skills, and you under no circumstances be aware of what you’ll be able to to find there. So, two questions that no person on earth is aware of the answer to. (track) oftentimes once I’m on a protracted airplane flight, I gaze out in any respect those mountains and deserts and check out to get my head around how immense our Earth is. And then I remember that there may be an object we see day-to-day that might actually fit 1,000,000 Earths inside it: the solar. It seems impossibly colossal. However in the quality scheme of matters, it can be a pinprick, considered one of about 400 billion stars within the Milky approach galaxy, which you will see that on a clear night as a pale white mist stretched throughout the sky.And it gets worse. There are might be one hundred billion galaxies detectable by way of our telescopes. So if each big name was the dimensions of a single grain of sand, simply the Milky approach has sufficient stars to fill a 30-foot by using 30-foot stretch of seashore three toes deep with sand. And the complete Earth doesn’t have adequate seashores to represent the stars in the total universe. One of these beach would continue for literally countless numbers of hundreds of thousands of miles. Holy Stephen Hawking, that is a variety of stars.But he and different physicists now consider in a fact that is unimaginably larger nonetheless. I mean, initially, the a hundred billion galaxies within range of our telescopes are frequently a minuscule fraction of the whole. House itself is expanding at an accelerating percent. The tremendous majority of the galaxies are separating from us so rapid that mild from them could under no circumstances reach us. Still, our physical reality right here on the planet is intimately linked to those far away, invisible galaxies. We will believe of them as part of our universe. They make up a single, significant edifice obeying the equal physical laws and all comprised of the equal forms of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos, that make up you and me. However, recent theories in physics, together with one called string conception, are actually telling us there would be countless different universes built on special forms of particles, with distinctive homes, obeying exclusive legal guidelines. These kind of universes would on no account support lifestyles, and might flash in and out of existence in a nanosecond. But on the other hand, combined, they make up a tremendous multiverse of viable universes in as much as 11 dimensions, offering wonders beyond our wildest creativeness. The main variant of string idea predicts a multiverse made of 10 to the five hundred universes.That is a one followed by using 500 zeros, a quantity so giant that if every atom in our observable universe had its possess universe, and the entire atoms in all those universes each and every had their possess universe, and also you repeated that for two extra cycles, you would nonetheless be at a tiny fraction of the total, namely, 1000000000000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillionth. (Laughter) however even that number is minuscule in comparison with a further number: infinity.Some physicists think the distance-time continuum is literally endless and that it contains an unlimited quantity of so-known as pocket universes with varying residences. How’s your mind doing? Quantum conception adds a entire new wrinkle. I imply, the idea’s been verified genuine beyond all doubt, however deciphering it’s baffling, and a few physicists suppose which you could most effective un-baffle it should you assume that gigantic numbers of parallel universes are being spawned each second, and plenty of of these universes would without a doubt be very like the world we’re in, would comprise multiple copies of you. In one such universe, you’d graduate with honors and marry the man or woman of your dreams, and in an additional, now not so much. Good, there are nonetheless some scientists who would say, hogwash. The one meaningful answer to the query of how many universes there are is one. Just one universe. And a few philosophers and mystics might argue that even our own universe is an illusion. So, as you can see, correct now there’s no agreement on this question, not even close.All we all know is the answer is someplace between zero and infinity. Well, i guess we know one thing more. This can be a lovely cool time to be finding out physics. We simply possibly present process the largest paradigm shift in skills that humanity has ever obvious. (song) someplace in the market in that mammoth universe there ought to definitely be countless other planets teeming with life. However why don’t we see any proof of it? Well, that is the noted query asked by using Enrico Fermi in 1950: where is everybody? Conspiracy theorists claim that UFOs are travelling at all times and the stories are simply being blanketed up, but honestly, they are not very convincing. But that leaves an actual riddle. Previously year, the Kepler house observatory has located hundreds of thousands of planets just round regional stars.And for those who extrapolate that knowledge, it looks like there could be half of 1000000000000 planets just in our own galaxy. If any person in 10,000 has conditions that could aid a form of lifestyles, that is nonetheless 50 million viable life-harboring planets proper right here in the Milky manner. So this is the riddle: our Earth didn’t form until about nine billion years after the significant Bang. Numerous different planets in our galaxy should have fashioned earlier, and given existence a risk to get underway billions, or certainly many hundreds of thousands of years earlier than occurred in the world. If just a few of them had spawned smart existence and started developing technologies, these applied sciences would have had millions of years to develop in complexity and vigor. On the earth, we’ve got seen how dramatically science can speed up in simply a hundred years. In thousands of years, an clever alien civilization would effectively have unfold out across the galaxy, possibly creating large power-harvesting artifacts or fleets of colonizing spaceships or glorious artworks that fill the night sky. On the very least, you’ll think they’d be revealing their presence, intentionally or or else, by way of electromagnetic alerts of 1 form or yet another.And but we see no convincing evidence of any of it. Why? Well, there are countless feasible solutions, a few of them really dark. Probably a single, superintelligent civilization has certainly taken over the galaxy and has imposed strict radio silence due to the fact it’s paranoid of any abilities opponents. It can be just sitting there able to obliterate anything that turns into a chance. Or might be they may be no longer that intelligent, or possibly the evolution of an intelligence competent of making refined technological know-how is a long way rarer than we have assumed. In the end, it’s most effective happened once on this planet in four billion years. Might be even that was once extremely fortunate. Maybe we are the primary such civilization in our galaxy.Or, maybe civilization includes with it the seeds of its possess destruction through the lack of ability to control the applied sciences it creates. But there are numerous more hopeful solutions. For a begin, we’re now not looking that rough, and we’re spending a pitiful amount of cash on it. Best a tiny fraction of the celebrities in our galaxy have really been looked at carefully for indicators of fascinating indicators. And perhaps we’re now not looking the right method. Perhaps as civilizations strengthen, they rapidly become aware of communique applied sciences some distance more refined and valuable than electromagnetic waves. Maybe the entire motion takes location within the mysterious not too long ago learned darkish topic, or darkish vigour, that appear to account for most of the universe’s mass. Or, possibly we’re watching at the unsuitable scale. Might be intelligent civilizations come to realize that existence is finally just difficult patterns of know-how interacting with every different in a lovely manner, and that that can occur extra effectively at a small scale.So, just as on the planet, clunky stereo systems have gotten smaller to lovely, tiny iPods, might be wise lifestyles itself, with a purpose to curb its footprint on the environment, has became itself microscopic. So the solar method maybe teeming with aliens, and we’re just now not noticing them. Maybe the very ideas in our heads are a type of alien lifestyles. Good, k, that’s a loopy proposal. The aliens made me say it.However it’s cool that ideas do appear to have a lifestyles all of their possess and that they outlive their creators. Possibly biological life is just a passing section. Good, within the next 15 years, we would begin seeing actual spectroscopic know-how from promising nearby planets that will expose simply how existence-friendly they possibly. And meanwhile, SETI, the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is now releasing its knowledge to the public in order that thousands of citizen scientists, maybe together with you, can carry the vigour of the group to become a member of the search. And right here on earth, strong experiments are being finished to take a look at to create existence from scratch, lifestyles that maybe very exclusive from the DNA forms we all know. All of this may increasingly aid us fully grasp whether the universe is teeming with existence or whether or not, certainly, it is simply us.Either answer, in its possess approach, is awe-inspiring, seeing that despite the fact that we’re alone, the truth that we feel and dream and ask these questions would but end up probably the most most important tips about the universe. And i’ve one other piece of excellent information for you. The search for advantage and figuring out never will get stupid. It would not. It’s simply the reverse. The extra you know, the more strong the sector seems. And it is the crazy prospects, the unanswered questions, that pull us ahead. So stay curious. .
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Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/questions-no-one-knows-the-answers-to-full-version-3/
Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)
On a usual day at school, never-ending hours are spent learning the answers to questions, however proper now, we will do the reverse. We’re going to focal point on questions the place you cannot learn the answers due to the fact that they’re unknown. I used to puzzle about quite a few things as a boy, for example: What would it not believe wish to be a canine? Do fish suppose suffering? How about bugs? Was the big Bang simply an accident? And is there a God? And if this is the case, how are we so certain that it can be a He and no longer a She? Why accomplish that many harmless persons and animals undergo terrible things? Is there particularly a plan for my existence? Is the longer term but to be written, or is it already written and we simply are not able to see it? But then, do i’ve free will? I mean, who am I anyway? Am I only a organic computer? However then, why am I aware? What is consciousness? Will robots turn out to be mindful at some point? I mean, I variety of assumed that some day i might be advised the answers to all these questions.Anybody have to comprehend, proper? Bet what? No one knows. Most of these questions puzzle me more now than ever. However diving into them is unique considering it takes you to the edge of skills, and you under no circumstances be aware of what you’ll be able to to find there. So, two questions that no person on earth is aware of the answer to. (track) oftentimes once I’m on a protracted airplane flight, I gaze out in any respect those mountains and deserts and check out to get my head around how immense our Earth is. And then I remember that there may be an object we see day-to-day that might actually fit 1,000,000 Earths inside it: the solar. It seems impossibly colossal. However in the quality scheme of matters, it can be a pinprick, considered one of about 400 billion stars within the Milky approach galaxy, which you will see that on a clear night as a pale white mist stretched throughout the sky.And it gets worse. There are might be one hundred billion galaxies detectable by way of our telescopes. So if each big name was the dimensions of a single grain of sand, simply the Milky approach has sufficient stars to fill a 30-foot by using 30-foot stretch of seashore three toes deep with sand. And the complete Earth doesn’t have adequate seashores to represent the stars in the total universe. One of these beach would continue for literally countless numbers of hundreds of thousands of miles. Holy Stephen Hawking, that is a variety of stars.But he and different physicists now consider in a fact that is unimaginably larger nonetheless. I mean, initially, the a hundred billion galaxies within range of our telescopes are frequently a minuscule fraction of the whole. House itself is expanding at an accelerating percent. The tremendous majority of the galaxies are separating from us so rapid that mild from them could under no circumstances reach us. Still, our physical reality right here on the planet is intimately linked to those far away, invisible galaxies. We will believe of them as part of our universe. They make up a single, significant edifice obeying the equal physical laws and all comprised of the equal forms of atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, neutrinos, that make up you and me. However, recent theories in physics, together with one called string conception, are actually telling us there would be countless different universes built on special forms of particles, with distinctive homes, obeying exclusive legal guidelines. These kind of universes would on no account support lifestyles, and might flash in and out of existence in a nanosecond. But on the other hand, combined, they make up a tremendous multiverse of viable universes in as much as 11 dimensions, offering wonders beyond our wildest creativeness. The main variant of string idea predicts a multiverse made of 10 to the five hundred universes.That is a one followed by using 500 zeros, a quantity so giant that if every atom in our observable universe had its possess universe, and the entire atoms in all those universes each and every had their possess universe, and also you repeated that for two extra cycles, you would nonetheless be at a tiny fraction of the total, namely, 1000000000000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillionth. (Laughter) however even that number is minuscule in comparison with a further number: infinity.Some physicists think the distance-time continuum is literally endless and that it contains an unlimited quantity of so-known as pocket universes with varying residences. How’s your mind doing? Quantum conception adds a entire new wrinkle. I imply, the idea’s been verified genuine beyond all doubt, however deciphering it’s baffling, and a few physicists suppose which you could most effective un-baffle it should you assume that gigantic numbers of parallel universes are being spawned each second, and plenty of of these universes would without a doubt be very like the world we’re in, would comprise multiple copies of you. In one such universe, you’d graduate with honors and marry the man or woman of your dreams, and in an additional, now not so much. Good, there are nonetheless some scientists who would say, hogwash. The one meaningful answer to the query of how many universes there are is one. Just one universe. And a few philosophers and mystics might argue that even our own universe is an illusion. So, as you can see, correct now there’s no agreement on this question, not even close.All we all know is the answer is someplace between zero and infinity. Well, i guess we know one thing more. This can be a lovely cool time to be finding out physics. We simply possibly present process the largest paradigm shift in skills that humanity has ever obvious. (song) someplace in the market in that mammoth universe there ought to definitely be countless other planets teeming with life. However why don’t we see any proof of it? Well, that is the noted query asked by using Enrico Fermi in 1950: where is everybody? Conspiracy theorists claim that UFOs are travelling at all times and the stories are simply being blanketed up, but honestly, they are not very convincing. But that leaves an actual riddle. Previously year, the Kepler house observatory has located hundreds of thousands of planets just round regional stars.And for those who extrapolate that knowledge, it looks like there could be half of 1000000000000 planets just in our own galaxy. If any person in 10,000 has conditions that could aid a form of lifestyles, that is nonetheless 50 million viable life-harboring planets proper right here in the Milky manner. So this is the riddle: our Earth didn’t form until about nine billion years after the significant Bang. Numerous different planets in our galaxy should have fashioned earlier, and given existence a risk to get underway billions, or certainly many hundreds of thousands of years earlier than occurred in the world. If just a few of them had spawned smart existence and started developing technologies, these applied sciences would have had millions of years to develop in complexity and vigor. On the earth, we’ve got seen how dramatically science can speed up in simply a hundred years. In thousands of years, an clever alien civilization would effectively have unfold out across the galaxy, possibly creating large power-harvesting artifacts or fleets of colonizing spaceships or glorious artworks that fill the night sky. On the very least, you’ll think they’d be revealing their presence, intentionally or or else, by way of electromagnetic alerts of 1 form or yet another.And but we see no convincing evidence of any of it. Why? Well, there are countless feasible solutions, a few of them really dark. Probably a single, superintelligent civilization has certainly taken over the galaxy and has imposed strict radio silence due to the fact it’s paranoid of any abilities opponents. It can be just sitting there able to obliterate anything that turns into a chance. Or might be they may be no longer that intelligent, or possibly the evolution of an intelligence competent of making refined technological know-how is a long way rarer than we have assumed. In the end, it’s most effective happened once on this planet in four billion years. Might be even that was once extremely fortunate. Maybe we are the primary such civilization in our galaxy.Or, maybe civilization includes with it the seeds of its possess destruction through the lack of ability to control the applied sciences it creates. But there are numerous more hopeful solutions. For a begin, we’re now not looking that rough, and we’re spending a pitiful amount of cash on it. Best a tiny fraction of the celebrities in our galaxy have really been looked at carefully for indicators of fascinating indicators. And perhaps we’re now not looking the right method. Perhaps as civilizations strengthen, they rapidly become aware of communique applied sciences some distance more refined and valuable than electromagnetic waves. Maybe the entire motion takes location within the mysterious not too long ago learned darkish topic, or darkish vigour, that appear to account for most of the universe’s mass. Or, possibly we’re watching at the unsuitable scale. Might be intelligent civilizations come to realize that existence is finally just difficult patterns of know-how interacting with every different in a lovely manner, and that that can occur extra effectively at a small scale.So, just as on the planet, clunky stereo systems have gotten smaller to lovely, tiny iPods, might be wise lifestyles itself, with a purpose to curb its footprint on the environment, has became itself microscopic. So the solar method maybe teeming with aliens, and we’re just now not noticing them. Maybe the very ideas in our heads are a type of alien lifestyles. Good, k, that’s a loopy proposal. The aliens made me say it.However it’s cool that ideas do appear to have a lifestyles all of their possess and that they outlive their creators. Possibly biological life is just a passing section. Good, within the next 15 years, we would begin seeing actual spectroscopic know-how from promising nearby planets that will expose simply how existence-friendly they possibly. And meanwhile, SETI, the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is now releasing its knowledge to the public in order that thousands of citizen scientists, maybe together with you, can carry the vigour of the group to become a member of the search. And right here on earth, strong experiments are being finished to take a look at to create existence from scratch, lifestyles that maybe very exclusive from the DNA forms we all know. All of this may increasingly aid us fully grasp whether the universe is teeming with existence or whether or not, certainly, it is simply us.Either answer, in its possess approach, is awe-inspiring, seeing that despite the fact that we’re alone, the truth that we feel and dream and ask these questions would but end up probably the most most important tips about the universe. And i’ve one other piece of excellent information for you. The search for advantage and figuring out never will get stupid. It would not. It’s simply the reverse. The extra you know, the more strong the sector seems. And it is the crazy prospects, the unanswered questions, that pull us ahead. So stay curious. .
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