#100% thanks to you and the wig tho
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engagemythrusters · 1 year ago
omg please talk more about Naboo when you have time!! I love reading people’s headcanons and I never thought about how so many of them cover their hair it’s so cool!!
OH okay !! Thank you for asking!! But also hold your horses bc this is about to get LONG. And rambly.
So it is my full belief that Naboo queens cover their hair. Like this initially came about because... I believe it was @star-burned who once made a post about hijabi queens. And then I was like yeah that's a whole vibe I like that. But then when I started making my own queen OC (Roona!) I started looking into it and I was like. 100% sold on the hair-covering idea. It's not a hijab, as ears aren't necessarily covered, so I have diverged from the original idea. BUT. Still along the same lines.
Sooo here's all the costumes worn by Queen Amidala (both on Padme and Sabe).
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Now, here's the meta analysis:
What has ALWAYS been notable to me (even as someone young) is that like. They're wigs. Clearly they are wigs. She does not have enough hair for some of those. Yes, Padme had some decently long hair! But it was damn well not that thick. Not to mention, if you zoom in on some of the hairstyles (maybe not using these photos, bc they're taken a bit far away), they just... don't look like hair.
If you look at the hair of the retaking-Theed outfit (middle right), you can see that the hair on that is absolutely fake. The sheen of the hair is inconsistent between what wraps the headpiece and what sticks out the back. Not to mention... Where the goddamn hell is that hair even coming from. Literally not attached to her head. And if you look at what's coming out of the back is just... it's so... hard. It's all blocked together. Like maybe it's a shitton of hairproduct. That's possible for the actual actress. But it honest to god just looks like an acryllic wig. The shine and how none of it breaks like normal hair... Yeah no. My bet is Not Real. And if it is, sorry dear Ms Knightley. The hairproduct makes it look fake.
As for the top two left outfits and the center outfit... Well, for the first left and the middle, it has that same issue with those. It has no breakage or frizz. Yes, could be a lot of product! But if you look at any style Padme has in later films, she still has baby hairs and frizz and flyaways... because that's how normal hair acts. That's just how hair is. So yeah I'm not sold on the first one being real hair.
Now the mid-top does have some breakage and frizz near the base AND it is a proven possible hairstyle (that is a Mongolian traditional hairstyle! Like... near exact ripoff of it.) BUT what's in the headpiece is not the only hair. There's also a back part that has... a lot of hair. And that just... doesn't seem consistent with what Natalie Portman has for hair. YES it is likely that it has some sort of hair rat in it. But I'm looking at the pattern of the hair that's up top on the headpiece. I don't think that's real? Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't make sense the way it comes out. Who knows tho. Maybe that's the real hair and the other is fake.
The bottom two are real hair. At least what's attached to the head is real. I can tell you that much.
But that's the META. ANd also conjecture on the meta.
What's in-canon is:
The Queen's hairstyles, which were said to take several hours to perfect, were headpieces with wigs that matched Padmé's natural hair color. Her real hair was tightly-braided, pinned down, and gelled; the gel held the headpieces in place and prevented them from itching. While the Queen's hairstyles were being created, her handmaiden Rabé would provide counsel. (source)
So. Yeah. They're all wigs.
THIS does line up with Padme's Tatooine hairstyle!
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While it's not the style that would be under her wigs, it still holds all the braids.
AND So we know it's not just QUEEN AMIDALA that does this:
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Jamillia's in a wig (meta and canon) and Apailana's hair is fully covered.
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THE HANDMAIDENS ARE LIKE 90% OF THE TIME COVERED TOO. That spans across films. There's like one time we see hair--during the takeover of Naboo. That's literally it. The rest of the time, their hair is covered.
And honourable mentions: A lot of Padme's senator hairstyles... Wigs. Literally she popped her fuckin hair off in TCW. That shit was a wig half the time.
TL;DR? The queens are wearing wigs the times "their hair" is shown. Thus. Queens required to hide their hair--either out of social obligation or out of wish to portray themselves with ornate hairstyles to show their social standing. Either way, no "real hair" shown. All hidden.
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ozrockbitway · 1 year ago
Do you have any Vanguard OCs? 👀 (Or possibly any ones you'd want to see in a deck)
no unit??? OCs??? YET....but I want my funny Solrairon/Kheios/Mikani ship to have a kid...who let you have 3 dads??? they could be related to glitter or be one of those duel nation units
anyway SLAPS DOWN MY OC info that I still have thank god I saved this- I really should use toy house............
I've only draw a semi full pic of Michi...everyone else has a picrew cuz Im lazzzyyyy...mamoeni kid does have a headshot tho
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renai fankid. Kagero user. Psyqualia. A really nice kid. A bit lethargic and has his head in the clouds. He’s mostly daydreaming about vanguard and Cray. He keeps an optimistic attitude regardless of how others treat him. He can be a little sneaky and playful, using things to his own advantage (ie. using his cute charms for a headpat) but never had any ill intentions. Thanks to his best friend ‘mothering’ him he is a little spoiled and tends to expect the same from others. When he was younger, he was bullied and kept that to himself, not wanting to make his best friend or anyone else worried. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden to others. Is aware that he is a little ‘weird’ and is labelled as an ‘outcast’ so doesnt want others to fall into that same pit.
Link Joker user. transfer from Hong Kong (chinese/japanese) and knows the Soryuu family. Was supposed to be an Aqua Force user. A very serious cardfighter. Dislikes nicknames. Has a hard time getting along with others who are the ‘fooling around’ type. Isn’t mean but does speak his mind. He is actually a very chill and kind person but loses his chill when around kousuke and michi (mostly Michi). Doesn’t laugh a lot, more on the stoic side. Can knit. Might be nominated for Student Council president??
Momoka (Momo)
Mikuru’s daughter. Pale Moon user. A vanguard nerd who keeps up to date with everything, it helps that she works at card capital. Keeps her job a secret bcuz she’s not supposed to have one but she doesnt work all the time. More like 1-2 days a week, 3 at most. Her mom wanted to be an idol and she does to so she has a stressed life. She’s not that popular, yet. Hardworking and determined but doesn’t really give herself a break. She comes off as tired but its worth seeing people smile, on or off the stage. Her stage name is the Pale Moon Witch? Uses a wig or lets her hair down as an idol, keeps it a secret.
Tatsunagi OC (I never named her cries)
Tatsunagi family (takes over after Nome). Like the others, she is simply an observer watching between Earth and Cray. Knows about the half units on Earth.
Shadow Paladin half unit. One of the Dark Dragon’s Grade 4 kids. Meant to oppose the Ezel half unit. Emotionless and sticks to the mission. Is somewhat curious about Earth and doesn’t know how some things work. Goes to Fukuhara. Clueless about relationships and is just a pawn to the Dark Dragon.
Mamoeni fankid (never named her either RIP)
nonbinary? Angel Feather/Gear Chronicle. Good and quiet child with a heart of gold but stricken with an illness.
Mamoru’s gf. Shadow Paladin user. Has a bad habit of smiling when nervous. Has to live up to older sister’s legacy but can’t handle it so she tries to come off as indifferent/nonchalant. Family thinks she’s heartless. Doesn’t know if she hates her sister or not because thanks! you left me with shit to deal with. Not lazy but hates being compared to her sister. Good but snarky.
Haru (not pictured here waaaaa)
Angel Feather user. sadistic/masochistic type of person. works as a bartender. an ex-delinquent. is still physically strong and can kick your ass outside a cardfight. doesn’t always think plays through, but lady luck is on his side so it turns out in his favor. doesn’t cuss at work but will 100% cuss outside of work.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years ago
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he’s a sweetheart and 100% one of my favorite to be in!!
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years ago
Happy New Years Hotties!!!
hey :) i know your dash is flodded with beautiful new year’s posts and i just wanna pop in and add my own little thank you note. if you read nothing else, at least read this.
after the year we just had, you deserve some big gross romantic declaration of love and then a new year’s kiss. so lemme just say i love you and give you a smooch. you survived all 365 days and that’s some real hot girl shit. thank you for being you. i’m shaking some metaphorical ass for you bc you are that bitch
wishing nothing but inner peace, self love, confidence, happiness, big moneyyy and all the pretty bitch shit you could ever want in life <3
now that that’s over, wanna see me be a cornball beneath the line?
i’ve attempted to write this an embarassing amount of times. so now im forced to write this 2 hours before midnight at a church event....wearing white like im not on the most sinful app in my phone...in front of my mother...keeping a straight face in front of 100 people...and this wig is squeezing tf out my head. this is prolly not gonna be perfect and if i forget anything or anyone, my b dawg. i’ll be back to edit
so let’s get into it. no beta, we die like hot girls 
there’s about 5.4k+ of y’all i’d like to individually thank, but that’s impossible in the time constraint i have. so, for now, pls accept this embarrassing thank you/love letter. im not gonna act like i dont spill my heart out to yall on a daily. but imma do it again. this yr was trash tbh. everyone was being tested like all hell, but we’re here and i’m very grateful for that. my heart is full from all the kind hearts i’ve met throughout my time on here. 
to my mutuals, your presence literally blows my mind bc there was certainly a time i talked to me, myself, and i LMAO. i was so nervous to speak to anyone outside of asks bc a bitch was shy, but you’ve all accepted me with open arms and have made my time on here that more bearable. thanks for tolerating me bc ik i’m a lot sometimes hehe. y’all are cool asf and a large reason why i haven’t called it quits. no matter what i want the best for y’all. thank you, i love you 
also i have to write a special shout out to @bnhainthewoo and @melanimed bc you two hoes are stuck w me forever. even tho ion like yall niggas all the time, i love y’all like sisters. you’ve supported me through some real shit and i cant say thank you enough. i’d literally fight anyone for y’all also @liltodo @cellotonin @kingtamakimurder @tamasoft @kelatonin @mrs-atushiro @itsbabyysunnyy @mypimpademia @myhoodacademia @infernaltribute7 @sheerxradiance (i’m forgetting so many people but my mom just asked why i’m typing so much and im PANICKING) you all are people that i was lowkey highkey geeked to get to know and blogs i look up to. when i figured out you followed me, i smiled a lot and every time i interact with y’all i literally tell myself ‘don’t fuck this up cece.’ it’s sick LMAOOO i appreciate you and idk man, i just genuinely like you guys a lot and ion be liking people like dat. hope y’all are well and know that i have real love for you. i’d revoke my hottie card for y’all <3
to my anime anons, bitchhhhhh y’all are a RIOT. thee harem house is a mess!!! the way you keep my on my toes is sickening. you guys deserve a medal. you make my tumblr experience so fun, i can’t thank y’all enough. you make me feel all kinds of emotions and i’m always asking myself, “now how’d we end up here?” KSSKSK. please know that i’m grateful for every note and ask. i hope you all are having a wonderful new year. i love youuuuu
to my followers, if anyone deserves the biggest thank you, it’s y’all. you’re the main reason i write. the comments and interactions i get from you....i dont understand how i got so lucky. you’ve seen some shit on here yet you still stay. like bitch wtf. WHY ARE Y’ALL STILL HERE??? you make me smile and i honest to God wish i could hug you all. thank you for believing in my writing. thank you for believing in me and this blog. and thank you for being some real ass pretty bitches
i had more to say but i’d be here all night. happy new years y’all. be safe and know i care about you. thanks for surviving 2020 with me. y’all are some hot girls fr fr
i’m about to tag everyone and their mama. if i forget you, pls know i dont mean it and I”M COMING BACK. i have to do this in the next 3 min jdknfk;fk i love you. don’t come at me sideways! i beg!!!
@sems-diarie @sunshineszn @pinkceokjin23 @chefakari @black-bhabie-2000 @azura-galaxy @amajikibby @des-the-girl @blkanimegyal  @iiminibattlehero   @lilsparkyswife @stellarxfresh @mintballoons @reebgirl13 @bnha-baddie @vixenpen @oshun-energy @vangooh-works @tediursula @oh-sotired @azura-galaxy @fuckingyaoimann @astrablossom @todorokiaimee @thermaflute @saitamastamaticsoup @velvesagi @blkladyelle @sweetbakugou @shayiswifey @vodrea @bakugoustanaccount @shhhlikeme  @bnhatrashh @niggacaaaaaat @tododeku-or-bust (couldnt forget to add you<3)
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serenedash · 4 years ago
I started rambling about my experience with kh and then it turned into khux and then it just turned into me rambling about Ryou and my art journey????? enjoy I guess,
it’s very long but there’s art in there :)
It’s funny to think about my kh journey as a whole tbh, I grew up watching my mom play video games, which included kh1 and 2. I wasn’t allowed to play the playstation2 we owned BUT I did have a gameboy so the first game I played was CoM (after my mom finished it ofc,) so I guess you could say I’ve always been passionate about kh “””side games””” lmao but I did fall off of kh very quickly bc again, I wasn’t allowed to play our PS2 and also I Am A Terrible Gamer I’ve Never Finished CoM I’m sorry you all had to find out like this, but then 358/2 came out when I was in middle school and!!! I didn’t care and I didn’t play idk why lol
Anyway, fast forward to high school I’m like 15 and my older sister, who HAS been keeping up with kh, has a wallpaper on her phone of roxas and ventus. And bc I haven’t kept up I say “nice roxas wallpaper” and she says “thanks but it’s roxas and ventus” and I proceeded to get so mad that I was determined to prove to her that her wallpaper was just roxas twice and then I fell down the BBS rabbit hole and suddenly I was reading about vanitas and then I’m reading the fan translations of the BBS novel and I’m crying??? I am sobbing???? and that’s how I actually got into kh for real lol we are vanitas stans before we are people,
It’s so funny how I thought I was some kh super fan, knowing all this stuff that I spent so long reading and rewatching cutscene movies, but I never once, SOMEHOW NEVER ever came across khx. It’s so absurd and bizarre I seriously have no idea how I never once encountered khx prior to khux. I suppose that has to do with the fact I wasn’t involved in the fandom? In early high school I had stepped away from fandoms as a whole and I didn’t have any interest in really posting content or interacting with fans anymore bc of how burnt out I was from a previous fandom,
but khux released! and I was so hype and excited for it! on launch day I was a senior in high school, I had ran around to every “nerd” and weeb I could find in school to ask them to join my party and fun fact about me is I have crippling social anxiety I literally refuse to start conversations irl so holy shit I was OUT HERE doing the MOST
My player just originally had my name (Matt) but everyone in my party had fun names so Ryou was born! High school was one big yugioh phase for me and ryou bakura is one of my favorite characters ever so it was just the logical name choice lol I quickly started creating Ryou, the character, as well. I was also leaving my homestuck phase and that + vanitas obsession made This character design (art circa 2016)
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If y’all are familiar with my kh oc’s you might notice that keyblade now belongs to my kid Monty LOL
Anyway that got scrapped quickly for the chip and dale outfit (which is where Ryou’s trademark goggles are from <3) Goggles have been a staple of my character designs for a LONG TIME so like, it had to be done, (that’s a separate ramble about a separate oc tho)
OG Ryou was an interesting guy; he was a young party leader with this overwhelming responsibility on his shoulders bc of his status as a party leader. In his original story, he also struggled heavily with darkness, much like Terra but for Ryou it was more that the darkness was controlling him and not like a source of power like it was for Terra
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A big part of early Ryou I kept, however, was the crushing awareness of loss. One of my party members (the strongest one at the time,) had left without saying a word and I was very confused and hurt. This was around the time the ephemera plot was happening so I decided to incorporate it into Ryou’s story; having him experience losing a friend to darkness since it’s so normal for wielders in Daybreak Town to just disappear, and this would unintentionally become a theme for both me and Ryou as khux friends would just randomly disappear.
I was desperate for khux at this point and I decided to watch the fan translations for khx and GOD, god, was I obsessed. I couldn’t stop thinking about the foretellers. And I’m not going off about that here bc I already did that, but I actually started entering fandom again! I did it slowly, I started on tumblr before this blog was made altho it was me sending anons to the few khux related blogs I could have lol a friend convinced me to get twitter where I got involved with the ffxv fandom, which led me to the kh fandom and eventually the khux fandom there which is what REALLY got me going on khux.
I joined discord servers, most of the servers I’m in are khux related, and from there I joined the khux oc rp (shout out to anyone there who might be reading this lol here’s some art from the beginning of the rp,)
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It’s SO FUNNY how the RP influenced me so heavily. I hadn’t RP’d in YEARS, I used to have a strict no oc rp policy, but here I was? And the funny part is, I had barely developed Ryou. I had scrapped his original story and all I had was POST WAR Ryou so I literally had to reverse write him; I had only ever written him as a depressed, guilt ridden adult, but it was a fucking blast and I have such fond memories of this rp when it was active,
But anyway, this encouraged me to get more serious about art! I started drawing, writing, cosplaying, and roleplaying when I hadn’t done any of that stuff in a very long time. The first time I ever drew a background was for a deviant art khux competition actually LOL
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also! I always think extremely fondly of the drawing I did of Aced in the keyblade war. It was also one of the first backgrounds I ever drew and it felt like my real starting point in the khux fandom. It got a ton of notes on here and someone wrote a tiny fic in a reblog which just made me SO HAPPY like it really felt like people were noticing me :) I was going to draw a matching Ira but!! I just never did!! One day tho, it’s on my art bucket list to redraw this along with Ira,
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Aside from my personal growth, khux was great for my social life ngl, I made SO MANY friends online and got to meet a ton of people irl over the years! It’s crazy to think about all the people I now know and talk to? It honestly makes me really emotional. I’ll never forget taking the train into NYC and meeting up with discord friends. Going to conventions and talking with people about the latest khux update? Absolutely insane and those were some GOOD TIMES, if I thanked every khux friend or even just person who made an impact on me then we’d be here for a LONG TIME,
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Fun fact, for my Lauriam cosplay all I needed to buy was the wig I just owned his outfit LOL also? Probably retiring that cosplay ngl people treated me like absolute garbage when I wore him and it led to a lot of confidence issues for awhile ngl. That’s probably one of the only memorable negative experiences I have with khux; it was great when khux people recognized me but for kh fans that weren’t in khux? They were FUCKING MEAN??? fuck kh fandom at large, I only care about khux fandom,
This leads me to another huge part of my experience in khux fandom: THEORIES!! I used to write SO MANY and oh my god my brain was so full all the time. It was a huge appeal for me in the fandom; I had been previously writing theory posts in the RWBY fandom and it just migrated over to khux for me lol I had done a ton of theorizing around Lauriam tbh, it was really the only reason I liked his character at all bc initially I did not care about the dandelions, anyone who wasn’t Skuld I was like “please leave Now thanks”
A funny part of khux fandom I never intended to be apart of is the MEMES, I really only started doing memes as stress relief bc college had me so busy all I had time/energy for was these quick little shit post drawings.
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The first meme I made, file name “invi despair” LOL we need to get her a girlfriend smh anyway, I think in my senior year of college I did a bunch of rapid fire memes all in one month bc the stress of finals was getting so bad afdgfhdgf as far as I know my impact on this fandom will be my memes bc all I do now is enter a kh/khux server and introduce myself and I go “yeah I draw art. here’s a meme” and everyone goes OH YOU, honestly I am nothing if not a clown
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I’ve talked so much idk where I’m going with this. Khux is just a good game even if the gameplay actually kind of really sucks yknow lol but it was the first game I played where I like, REALLY got into the meta and the mechanics. I used to read so much on the mechanics and watch youtube videos on which medals were worth pulling for. I was never a whale or a top player exactly, but I could rank well if I tried lol I’ve made it to the top 100 for solo rankings, my party has made it to top 10, and in pvp I’ve made top 300. I’m not the highest level in my party but FUCK do I know how to manipulate this game LOL
And with all that hard work, the strategies, the theorizing, the content I’ve made-- it’s been my life for 5 years. I’ve logged into khux almost every single day. At the end, I have logged 1820 days in khux out of 1910 days. Kinda crazy. Crazier I’ve never spent money on khux either lol the only “money” gone into it was one time my mom gave me a google play store gift card and I used it on my birthday for a VIP xemnas medal which eventually made it to regular pulls anyway but it was nice and a little treat :)
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I’m not a gacha fan, I don’t care for it, so I don’t think I’ll be touching another gacha again. But for kh? This was pretty fucking awesome, even if it sucked a lot sometimes LOL It was worth it for the people I’ve met most of all I think. I would honestly be a completely different person without khux and that’s REALLY insane to think about.
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rahleeyah · 4 years ago
I know I said that I'd come cry over JAG and SVU but I needed a break from SVU for a bit so JAG it is. (I promise it will be SVU next time). I watched Boomerang I & II and:
1. As an Australian I love the fact that the show about lawyers in the US military decided to celebrate their 100th episode by filming in Australia.
2. The guy who plays Webb got sent all that way for a grand total of five scenes - four of which could have easily been shot in the US.
3. Harm pretending he doesn't know how to drive on the left side of the road only to do the most perfect reverse parallel park just to mess with Mic.
4. Mic not telling Harm that he needs to wear a robe and wig in front of the NSW Supreme Court until the last possible second and Harm's WTF face.
5. Bud: Is that Colonel MacKenzie topless? Harm whipped his head round so fast I though he was gonna give himself whiplash.
6. The ferry scene wrecked me! That entire conversation Mac just goes fuck it and absolutely went for it and I had to take a moment. I lost it at 'you wouldn't go topless in front of me would you? Is that a request?' She was 100% willing and it killed me!
7. That Bud of all people was bold enough to tell Mac to her face (in front of Harm!) that Harm and Mic were fighting over her.
8. The Admiral lamenting that he wouldn't be able to watch the Harm/Mac/Mic fiasco play out in person made me laugh.
9. The Admiral seeing the engagement ring on Mac's (right) hand and going today I will cause trouble just for the fun of it and I love him for it.
On another note when do you think the Admiral first realised the true nature of Harm and Mac's relationship? I mean this is the guy who goes from 'don't get too close you're going to be working together' to 'what are you willing to do to keep her' in 7 years and it just made me wonder when it clicked for him.
Oh my godddddddd I am feeling so many things ok 1) still can't believe they hooked Mac up with a guy named Mic like who okayed that
3) the ferry scene HARMON RABB YOU ARE A WHOLE ENTIRE DUMBASS Mac was fully all in and he's just waffling I can't and like of course she immediately decides well if Harm isn't in I'll take Mic that is such a Mac move tbh
4) idk if I can pinpoint the exact moment bc it's been a minute since I watched early seasons but he is definitely all aboard the Harm/Mac train by that point I think
Thank you for this anon 😘
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years ago
I watched Joker tonight and typed out my thoughts as they occurred to me. Unedited; typos are guaranteed. I did this a few months ago and really enjoyed looking back at my thought process and I wanted to do it again so that I can look back and know that what I feel is real and true in my darkest times.
You're welcome to skip this; it's under a cut for ease of doing so. Warnings for occasional sexual comment lmao. There’s no self shipping in this, I don’t think.
word count: 2, 575.
I’M SOBBING and I’ve only just pressed play.
Heart squeeze Chest much ow
Nooooo baby omg don’t pretend - let yourself hurt if it hurts. Don’t pretend. 
Carnival Carnival Carnivalllllllll 😍😍😍😍😍
I am a Simp for one clown and his name is Carnival
Someone help him, I????
That sign hit Arthur as hard as my love for him did ksksksk
bb nooooo
Oh honey let me kiss those bruises and replace the marks of violence with love, hm? You’re safe with me.
Breathe, my love. Don’t fight the laughter. Let it out, let yourself go. 
Screams into a pillow because????? much sad must kiss
“have you been keeping up with your journal?” LIKE HE HAS TIME
oHHHHH boi’s close to losing his shit
Do it, Artie. Give ‘em hell.
“I think I did” YOU TELL HER!!💖💖💖
I want to be his cigarette. Where’s Satan??? I got a new deal for my blackened soul which he took at half price😂😂😂😂
I’d have my hand between the door and his head so fuckin fast I swear
“I just don’t wanna feel so bad anymore” yep SAME
ohhhh peekaboo🥺🥺🥺
this makes me giggle ksksksk i watch this scene when i feel sad bc it always makes me happy for the time it’s on
he’s so good with kids; he doesn’t have to try and think about what’s funny, he just does it, he’s himself and it works
casually wrinkling my nose against tears lmao
ohhh the way he looks up at those stairs from the bottom
i can feel his exhaustion
me too, my love
step step step step
god i wanna get him the fuck outta gotham
and into my arms and a soft, warm blanket
“eat. you need to eat” LITERALLY WHAT I TELL MYSELF EVERY DAY IN HIS VOICE BC OTHERWISE I JUST WOULDNT EAT???? I’m losing so much weight asdfghjk its not enough tho
Did Arthur come up w that joke or was it actually a Murray joke????
go deepthroat a cactus randall - youre already a bit of a prick so🙃🙃🙃
Can arthur fuck me like he pounds the trash/????🥵🥵👀
those dark curls.... that crooked tooth... must kiss.🥺🥺🥺
pennys casual cruelty makes me so fucking angry
foreshadowingggggg ~  *JAZZ HANDS*
ugh the way he dances with that gun im👀🥵🥵🥵
he enjoys the power of it and his breathing gets deeper asdfghjk
clumsy baby omggggg i just COOED 🥺🥺🥺🥺
okay maybe im stupid but i genuinely dont understand this “senior who needs to graduate” skit i’m??? how is being an intro to western civ student funny im???? someone explain???
but also dont bc fuck that guy lmao arthur’s hilarious
true millenial humour (and brit humour lmao we’re dark asf)
wanna curl up on his lap at night when hes writing and go to sleep with a 
blanket around our bodies🥺🥺🥺🥺
when arthur wears a shirt at home you KNOW it’s a daydream
“doctor of laughter”🥺🥺🥺🥺
doctor i have a case of the Big Sad can you... do an exam? 😉😏
in what world does chucking cold greasy chips in a girls hair being “nice”???
lmao fuck these guys
ohhh honey breathe. dont fight it, my love, just breathe.
my heart’s breaking for you, you sweet thing🥺🥺🥺
i love you so so so so so so so much ugh you’re an actual fucking angel
just breathe darling
i need to get you a cup of tea with honey in it, your throat must be so sore
ohhhh baby im so sorry
i’d take every single punch if i could
i’d die for you
i wish i could protect you
i wish i could look after you
and take all those hits
and kill those guys for you
im so sorry
yeah i have a grey morality... im similar to deadpool in that way tbh
carnival comin’ to kill your insecurities
8 bullets in a 6 chamber???? mm-hm
fuck he’s so hypnotic
the way he runs his hand down his lower stomach asdfghj🥵
must kiss the inner tendons on his wrists and lick the blood off his face 
must kiss
he moves like water
fuck hes so fluid
bathroom scene = the scene in which my heart and vagina clench at the same time
“i still owe you for that, dont i?”
UGH I FUCKING HATE being told to smile if i don’t fucking want to so BIG mood
but also dont lmao bc i’ll think you’re mad at me and i’ll hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day lmao i’m sensitive✨✨✨
i wanna sit on his lap and still his bouncing knees
“thats not funny”
fuck off penny yes it is
“but i do” god the  P O W E R
ugh that fucking sexist piece of shit comedian can choke “women look at sex like buying a car” 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮
chauvinistic pigs can die thanks
his lil trip upstage im cry🥺🥺🥺
ohhh baby. just breathe, darling. it’s okay to be scared. dont fight it. just breathe. 
he and i both cover our mouths when we laugh/smile in the exact same way and it makes me feel closer to him
how can they think hes laughing at himself when hes literally gagging????
people only see what they wanna
the Penny imitation is👌👌👌
s m i l e
i remember when i came home from seeing this for the first time, i got home and dropped to my knees to cry in the bathroom. it was such an emotional release and so much love and i played smile to try to make myself smile but i only made myself cry harder lmaooooo ~ 
smile and thats life are my go-to songs if i gotta cheer tf up
danger sign = neither works
he looks so soft after his “date”🥺🥺🥺
“thats life” yeah but murray you dont even leave the studio so how do you know????
ngl arthur’s anger scares me.
anyone so much as raise their voice at me and i’ll cry really bad and i will shut myself away for the rest of the day and quiet anger terrifies me so his banging abt in the kitchen would freak me tf out😲
angry bb😭
he controls his anger so fast though omgggg ~ 
that soft please sends me
idk where it sends me lmao
down below probably
okay but the implication that arthur always carries a clown nose on him is🥺🥺🥺
hes such a good clown im?????
lmao im enjoying the show more than bruce is skskskk
arthur’s lil chuckle makes me🥺
his HUMMING im??? soft?????
his brows are so strong and dark omggg ~ he’s so beautiful
OKAY i’ll be honest i’ve seen this alfred/bruce scene and the thomas bathroom scene later on and the penny flashback scene a 100 times and i still dont fucking understand what did or didnt happen regarding arthur’s parentage im????
 ive seen interpretations to say he is thomas’ son and some to say he isnt and i still cant decide so? im stupid i guess 🙃
“a clown thing?” the  s a s s
“it’s exit only” yeah so’s my ass🙃
if i was there in the hospital room i woulda turned that tv off as soon as i realised what clip was gonna play
murray’s cruelty is d i s g u s t i n g
lmao hes an asshole
arthurs lil clap from joyyyyy ~ 🥺🥺🥺
did i say murray???
i meant  m u r r a t
sneaky baby
wayne hall either has super bad security or arthurs v quick on his feet
he looks so good in red omggg ~ 
f o r e s h a d o w i n g
arthurs smile when hes watching chaplin is how he smiles when we all gush to each other abt him and ourselves!!!
hes so cuuuuuute🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
“told me what” 
ohhhh honey🥺🥺 im so sorry. “crazy” is a trigger word for arthur; it made him start laughing in the bathroom with thomas
“touch my son again ill fucking kill you” yeah?? touch my arthur again and i’ll fucking kill you🙃🙃🙃🙃
^^^ that ones a joke do not come at me
the clerk in arkham was nice to arthur - he, gary and sophie are the good gothamites.
none of it was enough to stop his descent into joker, though, and i’d even say it was too late right at the beginning of the film, too... 
his sock puppet thingy “they cut all those” is such a Joker thing to doooo ~ 
the way arthur’s laughing in the hall at arkham turns into sobbing is gut-wrenching omg the poor thing😭
i wanna hug him and protect him and help him to process this in a healthy way
sweetheart, if i could take all of your pain and put it onto me... i so would. i’d do it in a heartbeat.
i wanna get you into a hot shower, make you some food and sit and listen to you. we can either sit in silence or you can talk to me, my love, and you will be heard and understood and loved.
“i had a bad day”
i just wanna hold you and protect you and help you and love you
I’m so fucking sorry, darling. i wish i could take it all away from you
“i havent been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”
boi dont test me ill fucking go feral or - no, tell you what, i’ll point the gun at me and see how you like it
im looking respectfully at the green speckled undies scene....👀👀👀
“coming” 😏😏😏
“my mum died im celebrating” and “i stopped taking my medication” and you STILL stayed in the apartment with Arthur????? dudes those are 🚨🚨🚨 signs
woe betide anyone who underestimates arthur fleck lmaoooo
randalls death scene makes me laugh every time omg i feel so vindictive
i wanna lick the blood off his face. i really want to
ngl i think i have a blood kink... 
“dont look just go” ME WITH MY ACNE WHEN I SEE IT IN THE MIRROR 😂😂😂😂
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MY BABY MY MAN OMG THERE HE IS IM CRY???????😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
my mind is literally blank rn im just staring and crying and smiling so hard my face hurts????? im love him so so so so much
sweet thing’s so used to pain he gets HIT BY A CAR AND KEEPS GOING????
*incoherent keyboardsmash to portray utter love*
ohhh baby no dont cry. oh honey😭 i wanna sit on your lap and kiss your tears away
“i love dr sally”
you have a WIFE at home
he’s so CUTE
omgggg ~ 
my hearts gonna give out its SQUEEZING SO HARD IT HURTS
“i wanna get it right” hes so passionate
my comments have deceased in number bc im just too starstruck and in love to even think clearly lmao
jokers all i know rn and this is the most peaceful ive felt in WEEKS
im sobbing
ugh fuck this hurts so BAD
youre speaking the truth, darling. im so so proud of you and i love you so much
literally sobbing right now ugh what the fuck youre in so much pain and in the middle of a breakdown and no one saw you
ugh baby im so sorry, you deserve so much better
you tried so hard and you were gonna fall no matter what
“hi” baby they cant hear you but im COOING 🥺🥺🥺🥺
you’re so fucking cute
say the word and ill burn gotham to the fucking ground for you
i wanna sit atop that car and cradle your head in my lap and wipe the blood off your face and help you stand up and be there for you and and and😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love you so so so much. 
i’d be so much worse off without you in my life. you brought a splash of colour which has never dimmed or faded. it never will. 
b l o o d    s m i l e
im wearing my inside on the outside now and it still hurts
i see you and your pain. i love you.
i see you, angel. 
his genuine laughter is🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that cute lil “ksksks” he does im🥺🥺🥺
i always laugh with him omg the two of us are laughing together ugh its the closest i will ever get to sharing in his joy
 t h a t ‘s    l i f e
i love the hallway daaaaaaaaaaaaaance ~ 
them hips dont lie😉😉😉
i love you i love you i love you i love you omg the sun’s like a halo ugh i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you im singing along to thats life while i type out how much i love you at 220am lmaooooo ~ 
i   l o v e    y o u
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dykeceit · 5 years ago
janus' playlist not-really-analysis just me screaming
so first of all this whole playlist absolutely SLAPS, its the first side playlist that's just my taste and it doesnt surprise me that it's janus' bc of course it is i am absolutely 100% more attracted to him now somehow,
im absolutely not okay and this isn't gonna be articulate in any way but i. have to.
1. black hole sun
???hes sad?? apparently its about depression with some sexy snake metaphors....maybe hes just sad in general or he misses virgil. also postmodern jukebox hell yeah
2. it seemed the better way
this feels like it could be about patton or like thinking one thing and then realizing its not true ig could be that w society in general or people...him developing his trust issues possibly "i better hold my tongue, i better take my place" or like oh the other sides hate me ig ill be a villain then...
3. anywhere
janus sanders says fuck capitalism!
4. talking at the same time
eat the rich,,,virgil left me:(
5. all the good girls go to hell
he's needed and the others are starting to realize it. hes quite smug abt it "my turn to ignore ya, don't say i didn't warn ya" damn right boy
6. denial
he blasted this song after svs while crying "please don't turn the light out, i don't think the conversation's over" he had to wait almost a year but he finally got to continue that conversation,, "i know where you'd wanna go, oh i do, but do you?"
7. trust in me
i mean yeah sexxy snake moment right here
8. razzle dazzle
so obviously its just his aesthetic tm but the lyrics...are the jabs at roman or himself, perhaps both? i never took him to be very insecure but that's a possibility
9. when the chips are down
basically his speech about society in svs and how he doesn't want thomas to be disadvantaged in it
10. mandy goes to med school
uhhh yeah who knows there's a bit of a i know what im doing jk vibe going on and Doing Harm but the thing itself is necessary to Have yknow right to abortions its just theyre not legal so hes doing them illegally and apparently two ppl died from them so not great,,"my partner brian" at the end made me think of remus tbh "hes a nice man, thoroughly reliable, he's in a rock band" kinda gives off the vibe of eh yeah hes totally reliable lmao dw tho, so basically what im taking from this is dukeceit is canon thanks for coming to my ted talk
11. i put a spell on you
i mean its definetely his Vibes but idk if its @ anyone specifically...could be virgil, could be roman, maybe thomas himself...its a vengeful kinda song, hes like fuck you you're listening to me now im done you treating me like shit
12. evil night together
so aside from this being an extremely hot song its def dukeceit vibes as in they'd both like it but the hero part as others have pointed out is giving out major roceit vibes and thomas and co know this those bastards
13. cabaret: don't tell mama
im assuming this is more of a..this is what he likes to listen to plus its about secrecy which is his thing but i guess "mama" could be someone in particular as well, and/or he could be singing it to someone in particular...
14. you're a cad
bruh. first of i loved this song already secondly iM SORRY THOMAS WHAT ARE YOY IMPLYING HERE like first i was like this isn't abt Him right that wouldn't make sense so is it about...virgil...well ofc it is bruh what the fuck bro....im loving this bc its casting virgil in an unsympathetic light and i love that shit but also its revealing janus still Feels quite a lot for him and idk how to feel abt this i. the part of me that still loves anxceit is screaming and the part of me that hates virgil is also screaming they haven't stopped for a minute-
15. as far as i can see
so dukeceit vibes possibly virgil reference since he "went down the staircase" to his spot,,so basically he and remus maybe virgil and orange too like pushing ppl down the stairs bc they feel unheard
16. criminal
this is where the angst train rly starts choo choo....so. who is he singing about here. my god i want it to be roman so bad but it Could be virgil...which would imply he thinks he's wronged him somehow which would mean virgil has a more valid reason to dislike him and I Don't Like That. but whoever hes singing about is clearly important to him... "he's all i knew of love" bro....that's just screaming virgil right i dont like it op...basically he feels guilty for smth and to be "redeemed". he clearly doesn't need redemption from his canon actions so far, and he hasn't acted like he regrets any of them, which is making me think its abt smth in his past buut maybe he does feel bad for manipulating roman now bc he realized how hurt roman was and thats what i wanna believe it's about ok roceit rights except roman youre a bitch apologise
17. change
this made me fucking lose it bro im still losing it ive lost it. he's not okay and neither am i....bro i didnt think he'd be so....insecure but....i mean all of them seem to be so...but yeah this song is very,,,i have trust issues and im learning to love again vibes and i am crying while my wig is being ripped cruelly from my head....i choose to interpret this as less like ive been bad uwu i can change and be good now and more as ive been too afraid to care bc im so aware of the harm it can do to me but i realized its worth it so im trying now....and i think that's beautiful
18. devil in the details
hes telling thomas to Just Do It. he "made amends in the general sense" but "the devil's in the details" and he "knows the cause" and "wants to stop" but he "just can't do it". this seems kinda like more virgil angsty times for me or maybe the cause is just him being...him and just being well i cant stop being my function so...but he sees it as The Reason theres still animosity even if hes "made amends".
19. come little children
first i was like bruh its a bop but y is it here. but the lyrics are basically repeating how horrible the world is, "murdering beauty and passion", and the singer doesnt have to be killing or kidnapping the kids maybe its just a friendly fae helping some abused kids yknow you never know...basically fae!janus confirmed i know you have connections with them thomas i know you do
20. into the unknown
i like that this is short it kinda feels like hes coming to say okay im done bye after this whole musical that is his playlist. i am ashamed to say im not familiar w the plot of over the garden wall but someone said smth abt killing kids. well yknow how it is sometimes...but yeah very sexy, very fae, i will stan forever etc.
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britishchick09 · 4 years ago
sherlock s2 ep 3 livewatch
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it’s time for the sherlock s2 finale! i’ve been keeping lockie alive for as long as possible, but I can’t stall any longer. let’s fall into the reichenbach!
here it is:
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the last masterpiece ep! :D
it begins with rain! *beatles ‘rain’ plays*
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john’s back with the therapist from study in pink! :o
does this take place after the fall and the rest of the ep is a flashback?
it’s been 18 months!
john called tv ‘telly’:)
he called sherlock ‘my best friend’ IN THE SADDEST VOICE IN THE WORLD :’(
john: “sherlock holmes... is dead.” or is he? ;)
guy: “falls of the reichenbach...” you dodged a credit roll with that one! ;)
sherlock: “diamond cufflinks. all my cufflinks have buttons.” john: “he means ‘thank you’. ...just say it.” awww what a parent :)
sherlock isn’t one for thanks and publicity!
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the iconic hat! :D
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he reluctantly put the hat on:)
the transitions from a scene to a newspaper is so cool! :D
john’s tabloid nickname is BACHELOR OMGGGGGG
john: “what do they mean by that?” oh you know what that means buddy ;)
john: “we need to be more careful-“ johnlockers: “NO!!!!!”
sherlock is criticizing the hat lol :D
john called it the ‘sherlock holmes hat’ eyyyyy!!!!! ;D
john’s voice has a hint of deep love it ;)
there’s so many people touring at the castle! :o
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this sneaky guy has this on his phone and i’m guessing that’s what all apps in the uk look like lol
is it moiarty?
lestrade said ‘bloody ‘ell!’ and it was so british of him :D
he’s dancing to the background music YEP IT’S MOI ALRIGHT
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also is this an abominable bride reference? :o
john’s text notif sound sounds apple WHY
he has a windows laptop and an apple phone how chaotic
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the smiley face!!!! :o
ooh cool american song playing in the background! :o
john: “ready?” sherlock: “yes” *PRESS CHATTER* how would anyone be ready for that?
sherlock wants to be himself but john’s like ‘no smartass’ LET HIM BE A SMARTHOLE JOHN
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it’s the bbc! :D
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i bet johnlockers have actually done this because they were craaazyyyy back then...
sherlock knows she’s not a fan lol :D
wait is someone peeing in the background wtf
fan: “you and john watson, platonic, have you there as well!” mofftiss totally based this girl off of real johnlockers!!!!
can they please leave the bathroom I SWEAR SOMEONE IS PEEING BACK THERE IT’S SO AWKWARD
sherlock: “you... repel... me.” YAS!!! :D
HOLD UP what if this is mofftiss’ way of saying they don’t like johnlockers :o
now lockie’s in court bor-ing!
moiarty is a spider great metaphor sherlock! :D
judge: “how long-“ sherlock “not a good question.” lol :D
sherlock and moiarty knew each other for 5 minutes lol
who ate the wafer
aaand he kicked them out
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john: “you’re doing The Look again.” omg so married ♥
he finds The Face annoying lol MARRIEEEED
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epic wallpaper! :D
and he looked at john... ;)
moiarty’s out and sherlock beeps john away,,,
omg there’s a shadow...
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sherlock lets him sit down wowza kind to a criminal! :o
moiarty: “every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain ;)” omg HE KNOWS HE’S A STORY CHARACTER AHHHH :o
moiarty to sherlock: “you need me.” no he needs john THANK YOU VERY MUCH
moiarty thinks sherlock’s boring SHUT UP FUNNY MEAN MAN >:(
moiarty: “that’s the problem... the final problem.” eyyyy roll s4 credits! :D
moiarty: “i didn’t tell you... but did you listeeeennnn?” lol sing-songy moiarty is funny :D
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he’s doing the hand thing ♥
moiarty: “i own secrecy” who do you think you are bish brother
sherlock: “i never liked riddles.” *maddie hatter rages in the distance*
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he’s having a row with the machine again ;)
also that’s literally my dad with his card lol :D
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ooh antiques roadshow! :D
john’s meeting mycroft why
it’s just mycroft’s way of saying hello?
what happened in 1972
mycroft’s giving john an unrelated case... s1 finale flashback!
john’s loooong groan lol :D
sherlock is moiarty’s ‘only rival’... >:)
awww john fed some crumbs to birds :)
another unrelated case and lestrade is at the flat! :o
lestrade called lockie ‘a celebrity’ awww :)
oh he wanted her to ‘speak quickly’ ok
not ok but thaaat’s lockie!
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it be moi...
sherlock SNIFF
sherlock: “brilliant, anderson?” anderson: “really?” sherlock: “brilliant impression of an idiot.” OHHHHH!!!!!!! :D
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sherlock 2 NOW
john: “don’t do the smiling thing. kidnapped children..?” oh he always does the smiling thing! ;)
molly was going on a lunch date but sherlock said she’ll go with him and her little ‘what?’ is so cute! :D
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sherlock’s like ‘look at all the fricks i give’ :D
aaand he left her!
sherlock: “the chemical footprints will lead us to moiarty!” all roads lead to rome, and all the footprints there lead to moiarty ;)
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b r i c k   d u s t
molly: “you’re like my dad. he’s dead- no, sorry-” lol :D
oh no molly’s telling a sad dad story :(
i can kind of see why people ship sherlock and molly they’re nice together :)
although molly’s super awkward she’s so cute! :D
lestrade: “brick dust!” b r i c k  d u s t
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he’s the google in 360 website! :D
they burst through the kidnapper’s door and it was like ‘someBODY once told me’! :D
omg mercury chocolate wrappers! :o
sherlock: “the more they ate, the faster they died... neat!” ...neat? :o
they found the kidnapped kids! :D
lestrade doesn’t want lockie to be himself awww :(
lestrade to sherlock: “i feel like screaming when you walk in!” ooh noice ;)
the jerk lady said sherlock was ‘unbelievable’ coolio she’s a bit nice! :D
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also there are tvs in taxis OMG :o
lestrade called sherlock and john ‘csi baker street’ lol :D
moiarty’s connecting sherlock to sir bostalot hmm... ;)
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sherlock: “what was that on the tv?” cabbie: “no charge...” *drives away* OHHHH
john to the rescue!!! :D
the guy was shot not lockie coolio
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sherlock uses a mac WHYYY :(
sherlock: “dust is eloquent” mrs. hudson in a whisper: “what’s he on about???” lol :D
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lockie vlogs! :D
sherlock: “this is a game, lestrade, one i’m not willing to play.” so the game is not on, then?
john: “i know you for real.” sherlock: “100%” awww :)
john: “no one could fake being suck an annoying dick all the time.” OHHHH!!!!! :D
guy: “yer a bloody idiot, lestrade!” and yer a bloody brit aren’t ya?
mrs. hudson said ‘ooh hoo’ just like oaken! :D
OMG fairytale!!!!
lestrade and the lady knocked on the door and mrs. hudson’s like ‘don’t barge in like that!’ :D
awww sherlock and john were arrested together so romantic just girly things ♥
they’re running omg!!!!!
sherlock: “take my hand!” FRICK YES
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john: “people will definitely talk!” FRICK YAAAAS!!!!!!!
just two bfs running around in handcuffs ♥
they need to coordinate while getting up the stairs... easy enough for them! ;)
i thought the van thing was part of the drunk ep in s3 but it’s cool that-
they let go! :o
moiarty: “they didn’t have any ground coffee so i just got-” *SUSPENSE CHORD* out of context that’s hilarious :D
moiarty’s richard!!! :o
wait he’s a hired actor the frick???
just because it’s in print doesn’t mean it’s real...
ok technically moiarty’s an actor BUT THAT BE KNOCKING DOWN THE 4TH WALL
an actor playing a person playing an actor... wild actorception! :o
moiarty: “i’m the storyteller! it’s on dvd...” but is it on blu-ray? ;)
sherlock: “stop it STOP IT NOW!!!!” yoda seagulls...
fan: “i can read you and you... repel... me...” DON’T USE HIS LINE BOI
sherlock: “there’s only one way to complete his game...” is it on? ;)
OMG he’s admitting his feelings to molly AND HE NEEDS HER awwww!!!! :D
the sherlolly fans loved that i bet! :D
john to mycroft: “you and him go out for coffee? you and jim?” sarah z be like ‘YAS!’ :D
mycroft tells john to tell moiarty ‘i’m sorry’ and john just gives this ‘please’ wheeze lol :D
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julie albright bouncing her basketball against her bedroom wall in ‘meet julie’ (colorized)
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lockie’s fidgeting with the ball awwww :)
john: “she’s DYING.... you MACHINE!!!!!!” YEAH LOCKIE YOU BISH
john: “friends protect people!” true that!
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this is the music video lol :D
omg are moiarty and lockie gonna have a dance battle like in despicable me 3 lol :D
moiarty: “our final problem... stayin’ aliiiive!!!!!” HE SO PLANNED THAT
there’s about 28 minutes left will the battle take that long?
oh he turned the song off :/
aw man moiarty has to play with the ordinary people :/
ooh sherlock’s doing binary code with his fingers! :D
moiarty: “first one to sherlock is a sissy” oh SHUT UP
moiarty: “there is no key DOOFUS!!!!” WOAH MAN CALM THE FRICK DOWN
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moiarty: “nice you chose a tall building! great way to do it!” sherlock: “do- do- do what?” oh you know what lockie :(
moiarty: “i read it in the paper so it must be true!” no!!!!
john’s here for mrs. hudson!!!! :D
she seems fine tho?
moiarty: “for me? pleeeeeaaaseee?????” OMG THAT ‘PLEASE’ WAS SO HIGH LOLOLOL!!!!!!!
toss him sherlock TOSS HIM!!!!!
moiarty’s little ‘woah woah woah!’ tho :D
aww sherlock has only 3 friends :(
moiarty about sherlock kermiting: “you gotta admit that’s sexier” WUT
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sherlock’s breath is so shaky :(
he said ‘privacy’ like ‘pri-va-cee’ why
he’s gonna call john!!!!!
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awww smile!!!! :D
he knows that this is fake right?
moiarty’s like ‘WHAT?? WHAT DID I MISS????” BOI CALM DOWWwwwwnnnn
sherlock to moiarty: “i am you. prepared to do anything.” save that line for john plz
sherlock is ‘on the side of the angels’ awww :)
moiarty said sherlock’s not ordinary RIGHT HE’S A SPECIAL SUNSHINE ANGEL
moiarty: “you’re meee!!!!!” NOT WHAT I MEANT
they’re holding hands and standing close NOOOOO
he’s not really dead right or is that just a theory
sherlock’s like ‘oh god what have i done’ SAME WHAT DID YOU DO
it sounds like the thx theme!
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oh no
i know it’s not a legitimate kermiting sewerside but DON’T FREAKING DO IT
sherlock: “look up, i’m on the rooftop.” ♫ up on the rooftop, click click click, HERE COMES SAD OL’ KERMIT CLAUS ♫
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sherlock: “i can’t come down so we’ll have to do it like this.” it was only a kiss :(
an apology????
is this just for moiarty’s game?
sherlock sounds like he’s gonna cry NOOOOO :(((((
john: “shut up, shut up, shut up.” SAME WTF ARE YOU SAYING LOCKIE???
sherlock: “no one could be that clever. you could.” OMGGGGG
sherlock sniffled omg :’(
he researched john to impress him OH MY HEART!!!!!
it’s not a trick sherlock is legit amazing!!!!!!!!
sherlock wants john to ‘keep his eyes fixed’ NOOOOOOOO
if sherlock knows this is fake he’s doing a pretty good job at it BUT WHY JUST TO PLEASE MOIARTY OR ESCAPE THE SPOTLIGHT OR WHAT
sherlock: “goodbye john.” NO
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if sherlock’s alive THEM HOW WAS THERE A CRACK
john: “i’m a doctor, he’s my friend!” yes you are AND YES YOU FREAKING ARE
it’s fake he’s not really dead OH HOW I WISH I COULD TELL YOU THAT JOHNNY :(
OMG NO :’(
everything is slow NOOOOO
i can’t believe mofftiss made the fans wait 2 YEARS TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT i know there was ‘many happy returns’ in 2013 BUT HOW DID THE FANS SURVIVE THAT LONG WITH THAT ENDING????
it’s raining now perfect
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therapist: “he didn’t say it. say it now.” john: “sorry, i can’t.” he said ‘i love you’ :(
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awww john and mrs. hudson! :’(
omg she’s crying no!!!! :(
john to sherlock’s grave: “you were the best man and the most human i’ve ever known.” awww :’)
john: “one more miracle for me, sherlock. don’t. be. dead.” miricale granted my friend ;)
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that’s the end of s2! that was a much better finale than s1 and it’s definitely the best ep of the series so far. there’s a lot of exciting turns AND WHAT EVEN IS THE ENDING??? you knocked it out of the park mofftiss! i can’t wait to see what s3 has in store besides mary, drunk times and the wedding!
and to quote the blog... ‘#sherlocklives #johnwatsonlives’ ♥
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wincore · 4 years ago
AHHHHHHH THE WAY I JUST SCREAMED!!!! U ARE HAVING ATSUMU BRAINROT????? THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST NEWS EVER WHAT THE HELL 😭😭😭 it’s the oikawa to atsumu pipeline i’m telling u... AND YES osamu is objectively the better man but atsumu lives in my brain rent free somehow.. ALSO SAME i remember watching them as a lil teenager thinking they were so much older than me but now their teenage selves r much younger than me But their timeskip selves are older than me still so?!??!? BUT IM EVEN MORE EXCITED NOW THAT UR NEW WRITING MIGHT BE ANIME CENTERED PLSSS THIS IS THE BEST NEWS OF MY LIFE????? my worlds colliding rn!! i already know ur gonna KILL the characterization for these hq boys omg
I WILL HYPE U UP FOREVER AND EVER SERIOUSLY!!! i wish more readers would leave feedback bc i KNOW how disheartening it can feel for the writers if it seems like ppl aren’t reading!! so i always want to make it known that i’m there & i’m appreciating the work heh ❤️❤️❤️ i hope u never lose ur love for writing!!
AGGHHHHH ROMCOM EVENTS.. out of all ur works i will miss ur sicheng writing the most. the way u nail his personality will never fail 2 amaze me. HE WILL B MISSED!
btw what fic won the poll!!! or is it a surprise 😳😳 i got there too late to vote BUT i dont regret it at all because i would 100% struggle so hard to choose anyways. every description sounded so good why r u so creative 😭
i ♡ u!!
- tata 💖
HDJDJDJSJD NOT U LAUGHING AT MY ATSUMU DISEASE THAT BOY ISN'T GOOD NEWS AT ALL 😡 but also maybe yes he is cute af but also annoying and i am in a perpetual dilemma whenever i look at him the oikawa to atsumu pipeline....i was hoping to prove that false bc at first i was like eh @ atsumu. He's ok. Too annoying and maybe a bit selfish ?? 🙄 also his kansai ben PLS it threw me off 😭😭😭 but then watching him play and his relationship with his brother was so entertaining (I think every hq character is entertaining tho 😭 even the wig principal) + especially when he started tearing up after kita left food and a note for him after he got sick PLSSS it made me so soft, also the fact that he keeps pushing himself to be better (YEAH I know everyone does that but somehow his brattiness made it stand out more dbskdkfd does that make sense) ok that's my atsumu rant i do not know why he gave me so many Feelings bc to me, he's just a super fun character!!!! oikawa is the one that gives me Pain. why is he built for angst despite being just as upbeat and annoying (still in love with him tho <3)
And IKR???? I was 14/15 or whatever and was like wow it must be cool to be 17 (it was not fun) but when i watch hq i forget I'm older now??? I too mentally regress by 5 years like atsumu 😀 they ARE older officially so let's keep it at that.
SNDBDNDND I'M SO EXCITED BC UR EXCITED FJJFJFKG I've been writing drabbles in my free time bc I've had all these ideas for the hq boys but also I'd love to write chaptered fics on ao3 so there's that too??? Am I taking too much on my plate?? Probably. At least it's fun 🤪 Also my middle school interest in art is back and I keep doodling hq boys it's literally 2014 again </3
PLS THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! I know writers WISH for readers like u YOU ARE LITERALLY A BLESSING I keep wondering which god I pleased to get u 🤧 thank you SO SOS SO MUCH!!!!!
sicheng romcom king i wish he'd get an acting role </3 like pls I will learn mandarin and write u a script for a drama PLS let him act 😫 lover boy (fake dating jaemin) won the poll!!!! But I am incompetent and I was like. Dead sure corduroy would win so I have half of that written 😭😭😭 I might be posting that instead. It's hard to write for nct these days bc im not inspire at all 🥲 BUT I've wanted to write a bff2l yangyang so I'll do that before i go 💓💓 you are so nice to me tata love u byee bee, have a great day 💘
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 5 years ago
i know we’ve moved past this, but i’m not sure why people were fighting you and those anons on that being the cynthia/esther wig?? it’s 100% a different color, and i’m pretty sure it’s a little bit longer too. i think it might be the same wig as her bob’s burgers halloween costume tho!
Okay thank you so much this makes me feel so much better 😂 You’re probably right!
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vixenofthemist · 5 years ago
It is almost the spooky month and I was wondering if you have any ideas of costumes the GD would pick for some type of spirit festival like Halloween?
Ok so... I started trying to think of costumes, and had the thought that Claude would absolutely, a 100%, dress up as Lorenz as a joke, and that led to all of the Golden Deer (+Flayn and Byleth) dressing up and impersonating each other for the festival.
It all started because Claude picked up the rose that fell off Lorenz's uniform after he left the classroom, and did an impression of him. Hilda jokingly said that that should as his costume, and Claude replied (equeally joking) "only if you dress like Teach" and it all escalated from there till everyone was in on it ajsns so here's who would go as who with their impersonation rated 1-10 LOL
Claude: Like stated above, he goes full Lorenz. Head to toe as best he can (minus the hair bc they couldn't get a wig in time but you bet in like a month Lorenz is gonna walk into class and have a heart attack bc everyone is wearing a wig with his hair ((including Byleth)) but his impeccable impression makes up for the lack of purple hair. 10/10
Flayn: As soon as Flayn heard what was going on, she was exhuberant to potentially go as Byleth, so much so that everyone else relented and let her go as her aksjs she felt a little awkward since Byleth dresses more revealing then what she's used to, but secretely the outfit made her feel quite powerful lmao. Her impersonation was a 7/10, it kept going a little more Seteth then Byleth at times but overall, she did a good job! Was especially dedicated to running around like Byleth does and furiously petting cats.
Hilda: She WAS supposed to go as Byleth, but let Flayn go instead and ended up going as Ignatz lol. Her impersonation is a 4/10, she didn't really put any effort in and tbh she just wanted to wear the glasses and vest, though she did walk around with a sketchbook and pencil, idly doodling here and there so there was more effort then expected.
Leonie: She ALSO wanted to go as Byleth, but same as Hilda she let Flayn take it instead. Leonie then dressed in Lysithea's clothes, wondering what the normal girl uniform was like. She had a pretty solid impression of Lysithea, but she didn't fully commit to being scared of ghosts on the spookiest night of the year so only an 8/10
Lysithea: Lysithea goes as Claude. At first, she insisted that it was quite a childish thing to do, dressing as each other, and refused to participate, but Hilda got her a smaller version of Claude's uniform and said this was an opportunity for her to get back and make fun of him for all the times he's teased her. Lysithea "reluctantly" agreed, on the condition that she could make fun of him for whatever she wants, which involved her walking around the festival and yelling "Thats the Golden Deer for ya!" Everytime she won a prize, winking way to much, and saying everythings a ghost, and so much more. Honestly? it was the best impression. 10/10. She gave it her all and Claude found it hysterical. (here's just a tidbit of Lysithea's impression of Claude (please read in Lysithea's voice if you can for the best mental image) : "My name is Claude von Riegan... or is it?? WHO KNOWS! You don't, because I don't tell anyone anything. Good luck finding out anything about me besides my disturbing knowledge of poison because I certainly won't tell you. Where's teach? I have to wink at her. Wink wink wink all I do is wink. You can't notice I didn't answer your question if I wink at you, it's my special ability: Riegan Wink, temporarily disarms opponents to forget they literally just asked a very answerable question five seconds ago. Super affective against people who are trying to dig into my past. Oh boy it sure is fun being Claude von Riegan, house leader of the Golden Deer and a real thorn in everyones side.")
Raphael: Flayn. He goes as Flayn. He really rocks those hair clips to, and he and Flayn had a lot of fun making the dress for him. He tries his best to impersonate her and has a lot of fun, 6/10
Lorenz: He is the most annoyed out of everyone that this is happening, and refuses to impersonate Raphael, the one he ended up dressing as. That mostly happened bc Raph said he could dress like him, and even tho he does wear the clothes Lorenz complains a LOT about how wrinkly and untidy Raph clothes are akdhsn 2/10 bc he did try a small impression for like a minute
Marianne: like Lysithea, Marianne also wasn't sure about participating, but again, Hilda swooped in and gave her her uniform to wear so Marianne didn't have much of a choice lol She goes as Hilda, its v cute she even did her hair in ponytails! She's shy, but her impersonation is rather good! 7/10
Ignatz: He wears Leonie's uniform since all the boys ones where taken, and he's v embarrassed by it (his second choice would have been Lysithea's bc it at least has leggings) but he goes along with it because everyones just having fun. He's not as strong willed as Leonie and it embarrasses him to try and act like that, but he tried aksh 4/10
Byleth: She wears Marianne's uniform, and finds it very comfortable! She was also, surprisingly onboard with all this lol, and helped the students run around and gather outfits in their sizes. She doesn't really try and impersonate Marianne, but they're both quiet and look tired so, 7/10
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edwardashley · 4 years ago
Wine Aunts Watch The Great Episode 2
Read our play-by-play reactions behind the cut.
A: It can’t be comfortable fucking against sheer marble. Unless that’s your thing.
T: The wig makes him look like a baby
N: oh he’s Beast in Xmen? Beast is always attractive. I’m not a furry tho.
N: Oh do NOT be emotionally vulnerable with Peter.
A: EVERY PEACH WILL BE BRUISED N: every peach will have a thumbshaped bruise in it!
N: Doctor Who master should be short A: the inherent sexiness of the Master............
A: Orlo is compact. Travel-sized.
T: orlo voice GRIGOR YOU CUCK
A: Mariel is a BIT too into this N: Mariel is bloodthirsty A: 3 against 1.... N: and she almost won! A: Mariel is Feral and Valid
N: eccentric bisexual aunt, nice A: she did have a servant (sub? serf? whatever it was problematic) kiss her feet in a previous scene so YEAH T: sexy.......
T: YOUR VIBES SIR. RANCID. N: 100% A: I love how she just dropped that. Peter like “Everyone loves me at court!” Aunt Elizabeth like “Hey remember that time your mom called you rancid, that was her, not me”
A: drunk and full of oysters N: shared reading of a voltaire pamphlet T: PLEASE. ORLO FUCK ZONE. oh no he’s a home of sexual. da;fjda;lkfj god this is so awkward. A: “oh the queen wants to seduce me, uh, let’s start with Enlightenment philosophy” T: this is the real reason this ep is called Fake Beard A: layerrrrrrrs N: she can be Orlo’s Fake Beard! T: “i would have had sex.... yes...... sex.... I’ve heard of it” GOD WHY DOES HIS FLOUNDERING TURN ME ON I HATE THIS T: ‘oh thank god she was just trying to lure me into starting a coup with her”
N: oh what crawled up his ass he’s acting like a weird Good Twin N: oh his aunt crawled up his ass i see. A: she seems to be very good at negging him T: maybe if Peter got pegged he’d lighten up A: by Grigor...... poor Grigor always left out
T: diginity? in MY russia? free PC check
T: “friends in literature do not BUTT-FUCK archbishop!”
T: orlo’s lil blue bow...... kawaii
N: I thought this was a dungeon but its just servants quarters
T: i love the idea of the writer of this show coming home to his wife and saying “OK SWEETHEART I GOT THE PERFECT ROLE FOR YOU” N: and she reads it and is like YES!!!! A: “sounds great but can i get a scene where I regurgitate butterfly pupae?”
N: grossssssssssss. bet she’s imagining those are Peter’s eyes.
N: Grigor/Peter endgame when A: yeah if he’d followed his heart maybe he wouldn’t have had to die of Murderous Girlbossery
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ssttitdramon · 5 years ago
No Spiders There
Ramón Morales x Reader
Request: Can you do a fluffy lil Ramón x reader 👀
Word Count: 1,341 (definitely not lil, sorry!)
Note: You know the drill, our boys are back and Ramón did not leave :) Also, if you’d like send in a request, take a look at the rules.
Warning: Mentions of underage drinking (it’s none of these kids tho)
“Wait. Ramón stop, I’m serious.” you giggle, trying to get him to hold still as he dodges his head away from your fingers.
You were currently kneeling on the sofa over the grinning boy, his left leg between your knees. Ramón finally sat still, grabbing your hip when he noticed your leg wobble from his swift movements. You finally pulled at the last piece of white thread tangled on his hair, remnant of the “spooky spider prank” Chuck pulled when he answered his door to the two of you. You proudly show Ramón the strand as you tousle his hair, “Gotta also make sure there’s no more fake spiders in th-”
“Ahem. Can the two of you please stop making out in my living room? C'mon, before my mom sees you and starts waving the Bible around.” Chuck interrupted as he walked in, tugging at the sleeves of his peculiar Halloween costume. 
You however, finally notice just how close you were to Ramón, not to mention his hand on your hip and his thumb on the waistband of your skirt, dangerously close to touching your skin. You quickly get up, ignoring the small smirk forming on his lips or the amused look on his eyes, which have definitely noticed the blush blossoming on your cheeks by now.
Turning his attention away from you- Ramón zeroed in on Chuck’s costume, “That’s a weird Superman costume.“ 
"Yeah, it doesn’t have the S. What’s up with that?” you hear Ruth ask from the restroom, fixing her shiny Glinda the Good Witch crown over her hair.
“I’ve been telling you guys I’m Doctor Strange this year!” Chuck whined, waving his orange gloves around and pointing to the round gold plastic clip that held his red cape around his shoulders.
You adjust your black headband cat ears, “Alright then Doctor Strange, do you think Auggie’s really going to be a vampire again this year?” you ask.
Right on time you hear knocking on the door, Stella’s blonde wig flashing by the front window. Chuck opens the door to Count Dracula and Melanie Daniels. 
“Well, how do we look?” Auggie bares his pair of plastic pointy teeth. Stella brushes past the tall boy and poses in her green suit with two pinned mock birds secured on her jacket, you give her two thumbs up.
“That’s a vampire alright.” Ramón answers you from behind.
“I am Dracula, big significant difference. And why aren’t you dressed?” Auggie huffs, everyone turning to look at Ramón.
Ramón shrugs, “Guess I ran out of time to come up with something. But okay, if we find a cowboy hat and a red bandanna at this party… then I’m your cowboy.” he suggests, sending you a wink as you shake your head. Already wearing his leather jacket and a white shirt, everyone accepted his excuse- mumbling something about getting him an actual costume next year.
The party Ramón mentioned is the one big Halloween party being thrown at some cheerleader’s house this year, just about every teen in Mill Valley was invited and Ruth insisted on leading the five of you into it. The Good Witch glides out of the restroom, “Very well then children, off we go.” she announces, pointing her small wand to the door. 
Everyone decided to walk to the party (with the exception of Ramón giving you a piggyback ride halfway there) since it was only three blocks away from the Steinberg household. Once you got to the two-story house guarded by jack-o-lanterns and several skeletons, you could hear the chatter and music from outside. 
“This place is a freaking mansion. Should we knock?” Chuck held his hand over the front double doors. Before anyone could reply, the right door swung open and a tall, lanky Mickey Mouse pushed his way out. Behind him, a giggling Minnie Mouse hot on his trail. 
“Well I’m gonna go find Chelsea, okay? I don’t want to see any of you drinking anything that’s been handed to you, especially you Chuck.” Ruth warned, making her point clear as she stood in front of the doorway with her hands on her hips. 
Inside, you immediately recognized half of Mill Valley High seniors dancing in the spacious living room. Before you could take another step you felt an arm wrap around your waist, stopping you from running into the supporting pillar of the extensive staircase. Realizing the arm belonged to Ramón, you turned around, already losing yourself in his eyes and thanked him. 
Before either of you could say anything else, you hear Chuck snicker to Auggie, “Guess he should be her boyfriend for Halloween, huh?” Auggie rolls his eyes and groans, didn’t seem like the first time Chuck made that joke so far. Auggie and Stella push Chuck into the crowd before he opened his mouth again. Ramón’s eyes move from Chuck to you as if he was checking for your reaction. After you give him a blank look -hoping to seem like you didn’t hear it, he suggests going to the kitchen.
In there, several band kids were cheering on Frankenstein to drink what remained of a Vodka bottle sneaked from the upstairs study. Others simply danced around the kitchen, while two girls were impressively dancing on the counter without knocking any drinks or snacks. The two of you push your way to the bowls of candy, you grab a cup and fill it to the brim with peanut M&Ms. 
You turn to Ramón, getting close to his ear “Let’s go dance.” you say over the music and the kitchen crowd hoots, which were now on a mummy and a wolf competing on who could finish their drink first.
Ramón pulls you closer, “Sorry, but I can’t dance.” he shrugs. You scoff, noticing a tiny abandoned cowboy hat sitting on the counter, you place it on his head.
“I don’t believe you, cowboy.” happy with his smile from his new nickname, you grab his hand and lead him to the living room. Unable to spot your friends, you start dancing on the spot. Your only audience being Ramón, who took his place leaning against the wall to admire you. 
After two songs you send Ramón a pout, “You can’t just stand there the whole night.” waving him closer.
“I can if it’s you, kitty.” he laughs, stepping closer to you, “C'mon, let’s go outside. It’s getting pretty stuffy in here." 
Putting his hand on the small of your back, Ramón leads you through a hall and over to a small porch on the side of the house. He quickly turned off the porch light to avoid the interest of others joining the two of you there. 
The sudden lack of light made you jump, taking your eyes time to adjust to the moonlight as the two of you sit on the porch swing. Ramón chuckles, apologizing for scaring you before unexpectedly pulling you closer to kiss your forehead. 
You freeze, heart beating a 100 miles per hour. Did he just… kiss your forehead? You gaze into his dark eyes, "You’re absolutely adorable and gorgeous, you know that?” he asks before you could say anything else.
You roll your eyes, “Of course I am, cowboy. You’re lucky I spend my precious time with you almost all day, everyday.” you tease, drawing a sweet smile from him.
“I sure am.” he confides softly, still holding you close. You bite your bottom lip, trying your best from spilling your heart out on that porch. You were sure he could probably hear it hammering against your chest by now.
Ramón’s eyes dart from your eyes to your lips. Caressing your face, he presses two small kisses on your cheek before stopping at your lips, waiting for you to close the distance. You meet his soft lips, wrapping an arm around his neck. He lets out a low hum while you softly run your fingers through his hair, knocking off the small hat. 
You smile into the kiss, briefly breaking away just a bit, “No spiders there.”
~Feedback is always appreciated!
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smile4imagines · 6 years ago
ok so basically: wig
yea tho we hit 102 followers today boys!!!!!! i just wanted to say a quick thank u,,,, i can’t say enough that i love nyall so much sjsbksbsjsh
i promise i’ll get to finishing those requests in the inbox super duper soon, since it’s the weekend i’m hoping to get at least half of them done, maybe more uwu
a few extra things:
1. before u ask, no i am not accepting mods!! as fun as it would be i think i’d like to keep this blog to myself 4 now. thank u for all the offers tho!! 💋
2. once i get those requests done, there’s a little thing i wanna try out with what i write. i’ll tell nyall what it is soon, but here’s a hint! they’ll be personal, and possibly from the characters themselves? 👀😳 (if u can guess it i’ll give u a smooch or something lmao)
3. this is mostly for me, but just so nyall know i like. thrive on ur comments. when i see the replogs on a post nd see stuff like “omg this was so cute/op these are so good!” stuff like that in the tags, i reach a seperate plane of existence like i deadass get so excited so like,, if you have something to say please say it!!! especially if it’s constructive criticism jsjsjsbs i could probably use some of that!!! yea just if u have something to say even if it’s just “this was so in character/cute” i’ll love u forever so just keep that in mind uwu
that’s about it for now!!!! again thank u guys SO SO SO SO SOOOO MUCH for all the likes and follows!!!! i was so excited to make this account and bring imagines into this fandom so the fact that it’s doing good is just,,, snsbksbsjsvsksb i can’t even describe. i can never say i love you enough bc like. my love for this game and this fandom and all my followers is just endless. anyways i’ll stop bothering nyall now, bye bye!!! have a good day!!!! 💋💕💖💓💗💚💟💕❤️😘💘💛💞🥰😻💜😍💝💘💘❣️💛🥰💞💖❤️😳💋💓😩💗💚💟😤😘👩‍🦲💘❣️😻💜💝🥰😍💞❤️😘💋💖😩💕💓💗💚💟💘❣️💛💝
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