#10 more years of shiguang please ;;
doublxpresso · 4 months
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『So... This guy's been clingy』
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bookofjin · 4 years
Annals of the Shiguang era
From the Annals of Emperor Taiwu of Wei, 424 - 427. The Emperor campaigns against the Ruanruan, orders reforms to the writing system. The Wei armies attack Helian Chang, capturing Chang’an in 426 and Chang’s capital Tongwan in 427.
The Generational Founder [shizu], the Grand Martial [taiwu] August Emperor, taboo Tao, was Taizong, August Emperor Mingyuan's oldest son, his mother was called Worthy Maid Du. 5th Year of Tianci [408 AD], he was born in the Eastern Palace, his body's appearance was extraordinarily unusual. Taizu marvelled and was pleased with him, saying:
The one to complete my legacy is surely this child.
7th Year of Taichang, 4th Month [7 May – 5 June], he was ennobled King of Taiping. 5th Month [6 June – 4 July], he was overseeing the state. Taizong was ill, and instructed the Emperor to overall administer the hundred measures. He was intelligent, clear, and had great measures, his thoughts open minded in this way.
[Taichang 8, 28 January 423 – 15 February 424]
8th Year, 11th Month, renshen [27 December 423], he was enthroned as August Emperor. A great amnesty Under Heaven.
12th Month [17 January – 15 February], posthumously venerated the August Late Mother as the Circumspect [mi] August Empress. Advanced the Minister over the Masses, Zhangsun Song's feudal title to be King of Beiping, the Minister of Work, Xi Jin, to be King of Yicheng, the Duke of Lantian, Zhangsun Han, to be King of Pingyang. For the remainder he universally increased their feudal rank each proportionally. Hence he removed restrictions and prohibitions, opened the granaries and treasuries, and relieved the poor and destitute. The drifting people from South of the He who led each other to belong to the interior were a considerable multitude.
[Shiguang 1, 16 February 424 – 3 February 425]
1st Year of Shiguang [“First Brilliance”], Spring, 1st Month, bingyin [19 February], the King of Anding, Mi, passed away.
Summer, 4th Month, jiachen [27 May], an eastern tour. Favoured Daning.
Autumn, 7th Month [11 August – 8 September], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
8th Month [9 September – 8 October], the Ruanruan led 60 000 cavalry to enter Yunzhong. They killed and plundered the magistrates and people, and attacked and captured Shengle Palace. The Count of Zheyang, Yu Puwen led the light cavalry to chastise them. The caitiffs therefore withdrew and left. Decreed the King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han, and others to strike the detached leader of the Ruanruan. They routed him, killed several thousand people, and captured more than 10 000 horses. This is told in the Account of the Ruanruan.
9th Month [9 October – 6 November], a great inspection of the multitudinous followers. Arranged the troops at the eastern suburbs. Apportioned and divided the multitude armies, 50 000 cavalry, perhaps for a northern chastisement.
Winter, 12th Month [6 January – 3 February], dispatched the King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han, and others to chastise the Ruanruan. The Chariot Drove to stay at Zuo Mountain. The Ruanruan escaped north, the various armies pursued them, greatly captured and turned back.
This Year, Liu Yifu was deposed and killed by his subjects, Xu Xianzhi and others. They installed Yifu's younger brother Yilong.
[Shiguang 2, 4 February 425 – 23 January 426]
2nd Year, Spring, 1st Month, jimao [26 February], the Chariot Drove to arrive from the northern attack. Used their diverse livestock to distribute and bestow on the generals and soldiers each proportionally.
2nd Month [6 March – 3 April], Murong Kexilin rebelled in Beiping, he attacked and routed the commandery seat. The Grand Warden and the defence generals struck and defeated him.
3rd Month, bingchen [4 April], venerating the foster mother, Ms. Dou, as Foster Empress Dowager.
On dingsi [5 April], used the King of Beiping, Zhangsun Song, as Grand Commandant, the King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han, as Minister over the Masses, the King of Yicheng, Xi Jin, as Minister of Works.
On gengshen [8 April], laid out the old Old Palace to be the Wangshou [“Ten thousand Long life] Palace, and erected the Yong'an [“Eternal Calm”] and Anle [“Calm Happiness”] Halls. Presided at the Wangguan [“Expectant Observation”] and Jiuhua [“Nine Illustrious”] Halls [?].
Began to make more than a thousand new characters, a decree said:
In ancient times there was Emperor Xuan [the Yellow Emperor], he created regulations and made things. He then instructed Cangjie to follow the tracks of birds and beasts so as to establish the written characters. Since this and later, at times along the way changes were made, for that reason the seal script, the clerical script, the draft script, and the regular script have all come down to the [present] generation.
As such, passing through successive long and distant [ages], the transmitted teachings are much lacking in their genuineness. For that reason the present body of writing are faulty and erroneous, and the aggregate interpretations are not satisfactory. Not the means by which to show the path to coming generations. When Master Kong said, if names are not correct, affairs are not successful, he spoke of this.
Now regulate and settle the written characters, those employed be the [present] generation, promulgate and send them down to distant and near, forever to be model for the regular script.
Summer, 4th Month [4 May – 1 June], decreed the Dragon Prancing General, Bu Dui, and the Supervisor of Iternuncios, Hu Jin to be envoys to Liu Yilong.
5th Month [2 June – 1 July], decreed every ten families Under Heaven to send out one great ox, to transport unhusked grain above the frontier
Autumn, 9th Month [28 September – 27 October], the Yong'an and Anle halls were completed.
On dingmao [12 October], a great banquet so as to inaugurate them.
Winter, 10th Month [28 October – 25 November], arranged the troops in the western suburbs.
On guimao [17 November], the Chariot Drove on a northern attack. The King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han, and others cut across the desert to pursue them. The Ruanruan fled north. The affair is written of in the Account of the Ruanruan.
This Year, Helian Bent Beggar died, his son Chang was usurpingly installed.
[Shiguang 3, 24 January 426 – 11 February 427]
3rd Year, Spring, 1st Month, renshen [14 February], the Chariot Drove to arrive from the northern attack. Distributed the army provisions as bestowals to the generals and soldiers, to those who had travelled and those who had stayed each proportionally.
Qifu Chipan dispatched envoys to court with tribute, requesting to chastise Helian Chang.
2nd Month [24 March – 22 April], erected a Great School to the east of the city. Sacrificed to Master Kong, using Yan Yuan as the assessor.
Summer, 5th Month, xinmao [3 July], the Duke of Zhongshan, Yuan Zuan, was advanced in feudal rank to be King, the Duke of Nan'an, Yuan Su, was restored to his previous feudal rank of King of Changshan.
6th Month [21 July – 18 August], favoured the old palace in Yunzhong and paid respects to the mounds and temples. Went west to arrive in Wuyuan, and hunted at Yin Mountain. Went east to arrive at Hedou Mountain.
Autumn, 7th Month [19 August – 17 September], built a Horse Shooting Terrace at Changchuan. The Emperor personally climbed the terrace to observe the running horses. The Kings, Dukes, and the lords and chiefs of the various states galloped and shot. Those who hit were bestowed gold, brocades, tabby silk, and silk floss, each proportionally.
8th Month [18 September – 16 October], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace. Liu Yilong dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
The Emperor considered that since the Bent Beggar had died, his various sons would attack each other.
9th Month [17 October – 15 November], dispatched the Minister of Works, Xi Jin, to lead the General of Righteous Troops, Feng Li, and the Inspector of Yong province, Yan Pu, to assault Puban; and the General of Song Troops, Zhou Ji, to lead the Inspector of Luo province, Yu Lidi, and assault Shancheng.
Winter, 10th Month, dingsi [26 November], the Chariot Drove on a western attack, favoured Yunzhong, and approached Junzi Ford. It happened that the sky was brutally cold, and there was several days with continuous ice.
11th Month, wuyin [17 December], the Emperor led 20 000 light cavalry to assault Helian Chang.
On renwu [21 December], arrived beneath his walls, moved more than ten thousand of his households, and turned back.  This is told in the Biography of Chang.
Arrived at Zuo Mountain. Distributed the prisoners and captured [animals] as bestowals to the generals and soldiers, each proportionally.
Xi Jin had not yet arrived at Puban, when Chang's defence general Helian Yisheng abandoned he city and ran west. Chang's younger brother Zhuxing defended Chang'an. Yisheng again together with Zhuxing ran from Chang'an to Anding. Xi Jin thereupon entered Puban.
12th Month [13 January – 11 February], decreed Jin to go west and occupy Chang'an. The Di and Qiang of Qin and Yong all rebelled against Chang and went to Jin to surrender. The King of the Wudu Di, Yang Xuan, and Juqu Mengxun and others all dispatched envoys to adhere to the interior.
[Shiguang 4, 12 February 427 – 1 February 428]
4th Year, Spring, 1st Month, yiyou [22 February], the Chariot Drove arrived from the western attack. Bestowed on civil and military officials who had stayed at the tribunal live mouths, tabby silk and silk, horses and cow, each proportionally. Of the accompanying people many had died on the road, those who had been able to arrived to the capital were just six or seven out of ten.
On jihai [8 March], travelled to favour You province. Helian Chang dispatched his younger brother, the Duke of Pingyuan, Ding, to lead 20 000 multitudes towards Chang'an. Emperor heard about it, therefore dispatched to go to Yin Mountain and cut wood, and greatly constructed attack equipment.
2nd Month [14 March – 11 April], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
3rd Month, bingzi [14 April], dispatched the King of Gaoliang, Li, to garrison Chang'an. Decreed the Bearer of the Golden Mace, Huan Dai, to construct a bridge at Junzi Ford.
On dingchou [15 April], the King of Guangping, Lian, passed away.
Summer, 4th Month, dingwei [15 May], decreed Outer Staff Cavalier Regular Attendant, Bu Dui, Supervisor of Iternuncios, Hu Jin, and others as envoys to Liu Yilong.
This Month [12 May – 9 June], arranged the troops held military exercises. Allotted the various armies. The Minister over the Masses, Zhangsun Han, the Commandant of Justice, Zhangsun Daosheng, the Lineage Corrector E Qing, with 30 000 cavalry to be the vanguard. The King of Changshan, Su, the Grand Coachman Qiu Dui, and General Yuan Taipi with 30 000 foot soldiers to  be rear support. The King of Nanyang, Fuzhen, the Bearer of the Golden Mace, Huan Dai, and General Yao Huangmei with 30 000 foot soldiers as the section to attack the city with receptacles and instruments. General He Duoluo with 3 000 elite cavalry to be the van scouts.
5th Month [10 June – 9 July], the Chariot Drove west to chastise Helian Chang.
On xinsi [18 June], crossed at Junzi Ford. The chieftain of the Sancheng Hu, Que and his sons [?] led each other to adhere to the interior. The Emperor stayed at Balin Mountain, built a walled enclosure, resided in the supply wagons, and used 30 000 light cavalry to travel in front.
On wuxu [5 July], arrived at Hei River. The Emperor personally prayed to Heaven and reported to the spirits of the founders and ancestors, and then took an oath with the multitudes.
6th Month, jiachen [11 July], Chang guided the multitudes to set out from the city. Greatly routed him. The affair is in the Biography of Chang.
Chang with his general and subordinates beneath his banner, several hundred cavalry, fled south-west, and ran to Shanggui. The various armies exploited the victory to pursue until the arrived north of the city. The dead were more than 10 000 people. Among the columns they killed Chang's younger brother, the Duke of Henan, Man, and his older brother's son Mengxun.
At sunset, Chang's Supervisor of the Masters of Writing heard they had arrived to take the city, and at night wanted Chang's mother to set out and flee.
On yisi [12 July], the Chariot Drove to enter the city. He took prisoners Chang's lords and younger brothers, and their various mothers, elder and younger sisters, wives and concubines, and palace people, numbering tent thousand. The offices and armouries' precious treasure, chariots, banners, receptacles and things were not possible to fully count. Seized Chang's Masters of Writing, Wang Mai, Xue Chao, and others, and Sima Dezong's general Mao Xiuzhi, several thousand soldiers of Qin and Ying. Captured more than 300 000 horses, and several tens of millions cattle and sheep. Used Chang's palace people and living mouths, gold and silver, precious playthings, cloth and silks to distribute and offer to the generals and soldiers, each proportionally.
Chang's younger brother, the Duke of Pingyuan, Ding, resisted the Minister of Works, Xi Jin, at Chang'an City. E Qing led 5 000 cavalry to chastise him. He fled west to Shanggui.
On xinyou [28 July], distributed the host. Kept the King of Changshan, Su, and the Bearer of the Golden Mace, Huan Dai, to garrison Tongwan.
Autumn, 7th Month, jimao [15 August], built an altar at Zuo Peak an enjoyed horse galloping and shooting. Bestowed on those who hit gold, brocades, tabby silk, and silk floss, each proportionally.
The Ruanruan robbed Yunzhong. They heard about routing Helian Chang, and in fear then turned back and fled.
8th Month, renzi [17 September], the Chariot Drove to arrive from the western attack. Drank to the arrival and recorded the achievements. Reported to the ancestral temple. Distributed the army provisions so as to bestow to the hundred companions who had stayed at the tribunal, each proportionally.
9th Month, dingyou [1 November], the population of Anding took over the city to revert in surrender.
11th Month [5 December – 2 January], used the King of the Di, Yang Xuan, as Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Jing, Liang#, Yi, and Ning provinces, Provisional Great General who Conquers the South, Inspector of Liang# province, and King of Nanqin.
12th Month [3 January – 1 February], travelled to favour Zhongshan. The wardens and stewards who were dismissed for greed and corruption numbered tens of people.
On guimao [6 January], the Chariot Drove to return the palace. Restored to the places passed through half of the land taxes.
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bookofjin · 5 years
History of the Rouran, Part 2
[From WS103. When I posted the previous part, I had missed that WS103 is one of scrolls that has been reconstructed from the Beishi and other sources. As received the accounts in WS103 and BS98 are near identical escept for some different naming convention and editing differences. I suppose though that much of the BS text must have come from the original WS version.]
When Buluzhen was established, he entrusted government affairs to Shuli. Earlier, Chiluohou of the Gaoche had rebelled against his chief leader, and guided Shelun to rout the various section groups. Shelun favoured him, and used him as a noble. Buluzhen and Shelun's son Sheba together came to Chiluohou's house, and debauched his lesser wife.
The wife told about Buluzhen. Chiluohou wished to raise up Datan as the ruler, and presented Datan with a golden horse bit as a pledge. Buluzhen heard about it. He returned home sent 8 000 cavalry to go and surround Chilouhou. Chilouhou burnt his precious treasures, cut his own throat and died. Buluzhen thereupon hid from [?] Datan. Datan sent out the army to seize Buluzhen and Sheba. He strangled and killed them, and then established himself.
Datan was the son of Shelun's uncle, the third of the brothers, Puhun. He had previously controlled a separate section, headquartered at the western border. He was able to obtain the multitudes' hearts, the people of state pushed him forward and supported him. His title was Mouhanheshenggai Kehan. The Wei say Arranging Victory.
When Helü, father and son, had arrived at Long, Feng Ba enfeoffed him as Marquis of Shanggu. Buluzhen heard about it. He returned home sent 8 000 cavalry to go and surround Chilouhou. He burnt his precious treasures, cut his own throat and died. Buluzhen thereupon hid from [?] Datan. Datan sent out the army to seize Buluzhen and Sheba. He strangled and killed them, and then established himself.
Datan was the son of Shelun's uncle, the third of the brothers, Puhun. He had previously controlled a separate section, headquartered at the western border. He was able to obtain the multitudes' hearts, the people of state pushed him forward and supported him. His title was Mouhanheshenggai Kehan. The Wei say Arranging Victory. When Helü, father and son, had arrived at Long, Feng Ba enfeoffed him as Marquis of Shanggu.
Datan led the multitudes moved south to violate the the frontier. Taizong personally chastised him. Datan was afraid, and then escaped and ran. Dispatched the Marquis of Shanyang, Xi Jin, and others to pursue him. There happened to be cold and snow. The officers and multitudes who froze to death or lost fingers were two or three out of ten.
When Taizon expired, and Shizu was enthroned [in 423 AD], Datan heard and was greatly joyful. In the 1st Year of Shiguang [424 AD], he therefore robbed Yunzhong. Shizu personally chastised him, after three days and two nights he arrived in Yunzhong. Datan's cavalry surrounded Shizu more than fifty-fold [?]. The cavalry pressured and the horse heads were next to each other like a wall. The officers and men were greatly scared. The colour of Shizu's face was similar to himself, the multitudes' feeling were therefore calmed.
Before this, Datan's younger brother Dana had disputed the state with Shelun. He was defeated and came in flight. Datan used Dana's son Yuzhijin as a section leader. The army soldiers shot Yuzhijin and killed him. Datan was afraid, and therefore turned back.
2nd Year [425 AD], Shizu greatly raised up to conquer him, and from east to west advanced side by side on five roads. The King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han, and others was going towards the Black Desert, the Duke of Ruyin, Zhangsun Daosheng towards between the White and Black Deserts, the Chariot Drove towards the central road, the Duke of Dongping, E Qing, was next to the west, towards Li Park, the King of Xuancheng, Xi Jin, General An Yuan and others the western road towards Erhan Mountain.
The various armies arrived south of the desert, and rested the supply wagons. The light cavalry took fifteen days' provisions, and traversed the desert to chastise them. Datan's section groups were terrified and surprised, and ran north.
1st Year of Shenjia, 8th Month [26 August – 24 September 428 AD], Datan dispatched his son to command more than 10 000 cavalry to enter the frontier. They killed and plundered the border people, and then left. The adherent state of the Gaoche pursued, struck and routed them. [He?] turned back from Guangning to pursue them but did not catch up.
2nd Year, 4th Month [19 May – 17 June 429 AD], Shizu drilled troops in the southern suburbs, and was about to assault Datan. The nobles, ministers and great subjects all did not wish to travel. The soil technicians Zhang Yuan and Xu Bian used astronomy to censure and halt Shizu. Shizu followed Cui Hao's plan and moved. It happened that messengers from south of the Jiang returned, and claimed Liu Yilong wished to violate Henan. They spoke to the moving people, saying:
You urgently report to the ruler of Wei. Return our land of Henan, and [we] will immediately stop [our] troops. If not so, [you will] reach the end of our generals and soldiers' strength.
Shizu heard and greatly laughed. He told the nobles and ministers, saying:
The softshell turtle, young and immature, is aiding himself with no leisure. How is he able to do so? He has almost made [himself] able to come [?] Suppose we do not first wipe out the Ruanruan, [but] readily furthermore sit and wait for the bandits to arrive, belly and back will receive the enemy, this not the best plan. I will act and decide.
Hence the Chariot Drove to set out on the eastern road towards Hei Mountain. The King of Pingyang, Zhangsun Han followed the western road towards Da'e Mountain. They met together at the thieves' courtyard.
5th Month [18 June – 16 July], they stayed south of the Sandy Desert. They rested the supply wagons, went light to assault them, and arrived at Li River. Datan's multitudes ran west. His younger brother Pili had previously directed the eastern groups, he wanted to go to Datan, but came across Han's army. Han let loose the cavalry to strike him, and killed several hundred of his great men.
His younger brother Pili had previously directed the eastern groups, he wanted to go to Datan, but came across Han's army. Han let loose the cavalry to strike him, and killed several hundred of his great men. Datan heard about it and shook in terror, he commanded his relatives and partisans to burn down the huts and houses, and leave no trace of their flight west, so that there was no knowledge of where they had gone.
Hence the state's groups scattered in four directions, and ran away to hide in the mountains and valleys. The livestock and property were spread out in the wilderness, no person gathered or looked after. Shizu moved west along the Li River, and went beyond the Han general Dou Xian's old ramparts.
6th Month [17 July – 15 August], the Chariot Drove to stay at the Mianyuan River, 3 700 li distant from Pingcheng. Divided the army to seek out and chastise. To the east they reached the wide ocean, to the west they continued to Zhangye, to the north they crossed Yanran Mountain, from east to west more than 5 000 li, from south to nor 3 000 li. The various sections of the Gaoche killed Datan's kindred. From beginning to end [those who] returned in surrender were more than 300 000. They took prisoner and captured more than 1 000 000 captives and arms and horses [?].
8th Month [14 September – 13 October], Shizu heard the eastern section of the Gaoche had garrisoned Yini Slope, the people and livestock were a considerable multitude, more than 1 000 li distant from the official army. Thereupon he dispatched the Supervisor of the Left, An Yuan, and others to go and chastise them. When he reached Yini Slope, the various sections of the Gaoche who looked at the army and surrendered were several hundred thousand.
Datan's section groups weakened and declined, because of that he took ill and died. His son Wuti was established. His title was Chilian Kehan. The Wei say Godly and Sagely.
4th Year [431 AD], he dispatched envoys to court with presents. Before this, the northern borderland scouting cavalry had captured Wuti's southern division patrols, more than 20 people. Shizu bestowed on them clothes and dress, and dispatched them home. Wuti, high and low, felt the virtue, that was the reason for the court tribute from him. Shizu was very hospitable to his envoys and then dispatched them.
3rd Year of Yanhe, 2nd Month [24 February – 25 March 434 AD], used Wuti to wed the Princess of Xihai. Also dispatched envoys to accept Wuti's younger sister as a Lady. Again advanced [her] to be Radiant Decorous of the Left. Wuti dispatched his older brother Tulugui and several hundred of his left and right to come to court, and present 2 000 horses. Shizu was greatly pleased, and distributed bestowal to great extent.
Arriving at the 2nd Year of Taiyan [436 AD], he then broke the peace and violated the frontier.
4th Year [438 AD], the Chariot Drove to favour Wuyuan, and thereupon campaigned against him. The King of Leping, Pi, and the Duke of Hedong, He Duoluo, supervised 15 generals to set out on the eastern road. The King of Yongchang, Jian, and the King of Yidu, Mu Shou, supervised 15 generals to set out on the western road. The Chariot Drove to set out on the central road.
Arriving at Junji Mountain, split the central road to then become two roads. The King of Chenliu, Chong followed the Great Marsh towards Zhuoye Mountain. The Chariot Drove following north of Junji towards Tian Mountain. To the west they climbed the White Mound, and carved a rock to record the acts. They did not see the Ruanruan and turned back. At the time there was great drought north of the desert, there was no water or grass, and many of the army horses died.
5th Year [439 AD], the Chariot Drove west to attack Juqu Mujian. The King of Yidu, Mu Shou, assisted Jingmu to stay and defend. The King of Changle, Xi Jing, and King Yao [?] of Jianning, Chong, with 20 000 people headquartered south of the desert, to thereby prepare against the Ruanruan. Wuti in the end violated the frontier. Shou habitually did not make preparations. The thieves reaches Qijie Mountain. The Capital District was greatly scared, and strove to flee inside the city.
The Minister of Works, Zhangsun Daosheng resisted them at Tutui Mountain. Of Wuti's robbers, he kept his elder brother Qiliegui with the various armies of the Northern Headquarters to defend each other [?]. Jing, Chong, and others routed Qiliegui to the north of Yin mountain, and captured him. Qiliegui sighed and said:
Juqu destroyed us.
They captured his senior uncle Tawuwuluhu and 500 of his generals and leaders, the cut off heads tallied more than 100 000. Wuti heard and escaped and ran. Daosheng pursued him, he arrived south of the desert and turned back.
4th Year of Zhenjun [443 AD], the Chariot Drove to favour south of the desert. They divided along four roads: The King of Changle, Fan, and the King of Jianning, Chong, each commanded 15 generals and set out on the eastern road. The King of Leping commanded 15 generals and set out on the western road. The Chariot Drove to set out on the central road. The King of Zhongshan, Chen, led 15 generals as the rear support of the central road. The Chariot Drove to arrive in the Luhun Valley, and was about to meet with the thieves. Wuti escaped and ran. They pursued to reach the Egen He, struck and routed him. The Chariot Drove to arrive at the Stone River and turned back.
5th Year [444 AD], again favoured south of the desert, wishing to assault Wuti. Wuti escaped far away, therefore turned back.
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