louisupdates · 10 hours
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Louis Tomlinson in Monza [1.9.2024]
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godsnameisjoy · 18 days
Date: 1 September 2024
Duration: 41 minutes at 10:58 PM
Last night’s meditation gives me the feeling that the heightened meditation is the new normal. I need to look for another word for ‘heightened’. I am using the word to say that my meditations are now about a metamorphosed type of peace.
Since June of 2023, my sense of hearing has interiorised. The flow of spinal energies during meditation has struck those brain cells that are responsible for my hearing. Ever since then, my attention has been turning to a variety of points within my head. Of course, that’s a huge relief away from all mental imagery.
The sound created by life energy is now making my attention turn to a spot away from the centre of my head and someplace on the inner side of the upper end of my nose. My inner peace has begun metamorphosing soon after the change of location of the blessed attention grabbing phenomenon.
I have only just begun witnessing life energies gathering to the maximum in my head. Ages back, I have read only a bit about what lies beyond my present level of inner peace. Gurudev Paramahansa Yogananda says that ‘Peace is the altar of God, the condition in which happiness exists.’
Gurudev Paramahansa Yogananda also says that ‘Man has come on earth solely to learn to know God; he is here for no other reason.’ In everything that has happened to my meditations in the last few weeks, I can sense a real possibility of happiness becoming an unconditional and irreversible part of me.
May I continue seeking meditational happiness till the last ounce of patience.
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phototagebuch · 19 days
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klausklausens · 21 days
klau|s|ens mit einem großen zitat an die und für die AfD-wähl-ossis und -wessis – www.klausens.com – www.klausens.com
klau|s|ens, wahlen. 1.9. in thüringen und in sachsen. AfD über 30 %. scheint denkbar. dazu der wagenknecht-populismus pro russland. eine schlimme soße. was willst du sagen? mit einem deiner GROSSEN zitate? zweitklausens, es sind immer unsere GROSSEN zitate. ausgrenzung macht fast immer probleme. wie lautet es? “Besonders an die östlichen D-Land-Hetzer.” (als mögliche überschrift. schließt…
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kanmom51 · 18 days
Hi Kanmom,
Ok so…looks like JK posted his birthday message on 9.01 at 9.02. That would be
>8 (9-1)
<11 (9+2)
You realize you’ve created a monster, right? Lol I see it eeeeverywhere.
Hey love.
Thing is that I haven't seen them doing minus in their math. It's usually sticking to simple adding of the numbers.
Also, we do have to remember that they don't appear to do the math every single time they post. And this time we have JK in the military with his work schedule and time constrictions (it is the weekend, but he is a cook and people still eat on the weekend, so he might have been on a shift and just got off), and in a base where the service is choppy so wanting to post at a certain specific time might not always be possible.
All that being said, and for the fun of it, you can still arrive at the 8/11 with simple math.
JK posted at 9:02 pm on 1.9.2024
And there you have it:
and the 1/9 for his birthday as well.
Another path to take is this:
JK posted at 21:02 on 1.9.2024
And then you can either go with the 1/9 of his birthday, or...
JK posting on 1/9 with a configuration of numbers that gives you:
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sonicskullsalt · 22 days
So, und bei der nächsten Möglichkeit gehen wir dann jetzt auch alle wählen, okay?
Sachsen und Thüringen Edition 2024
Am 1.9.2024 sind Landtagswahlen in Sachsen und Thüringen
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heresvix · 2 months
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Due to an upcoming increase in VAT, prices will be adjusted from september onward.
(Closes on the 11th!)
Browse and apply through forms: https://forms.gle/Es49sWExcSYZFeeo7
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eeglamourcuatro · 19 days
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annieqattheperipheral · 8 months
main character
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1.9.2024 // sjs @ tml
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louisupdates · 11 hours
The scene:
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The photo:
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Louis Tomlinson with fans in MONZA at the Italian Grand Prix 2024 afterparty [1.9.2024]
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kopernikusful · 15 days
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1.9.2024 / Berlin
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Are you still making yandere request?
Yup but my request's closed rn. They open in 1.9.2024
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sarasade · 3 months
NYT on kuulkaa kunnollista!
Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaaleille (31.8.–1.9.2024) on tulossa vieraiksi muun muassa Hamish Steele (Dead End: Paranormal Park), Zoe Thorogood (IT’S LONELY AT THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH) ja Dave McKean (Coraline (kuvittaja))
pikkulinnut myös lauloivat että Dead Endin päähahmon Barneyn suomenkielinen ääninäyttelijä, ihana Miiko Toiviainen(!), haastattelee Hamishin. Miikon kaunis kommentti transpojan ääniroolista: www.instagram.com/p/Ce5lB8UFKly/
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
Writing/Art Update 1.9.2024
Bleh. I was holding off doing this update, hoping I was going to be able to report that I had finished That Stupid Scene that I have been working on since before Christmas. I had so many thoughts in my head while I was cooking dinner and then, when I actually sat down to write, they had departed. Maybe they'll be back tomorrow.
In any case, I did make a huge amount of progress this week. It was hard! I had a lot of writing time, which was nice, except that I spent a lot of it staring out the window or clicking on my other browser tabs, which is always very irritating. However, I did manage to get most of it written, and it hit all the bullet points I needed it to. I basically just have to wrap it up and transition into what happens next. It shouldn't actually be that hard, I'm just tired and I'm not sure I can swing it right now. It's a big scene, too-- I clocked 4,375 words on it this week in addition to the 900 I already had, so it's probably going to be about half the chapter.
I've had a feeling for quite some time that I had not actually budgeted enough space in the outline for the back half of this fanfic. The thing is, though, it is nearly always the case that an extra chapter manages to sneak in somewhere along the way. I decided to just leave the outline as it was, and that way, if an extra chapter appeared, then my pacing problem would sort itself. That...may be happening. I am not entirely sure. I'm in sort of a weird place where I simultaneously feel like I am very close to done and also very, very far away from being done. Hopefully, in the next week or two (that is, when I finish Ch 7), that will sort itself out. Either that, or I'll just keep writing chapters, like Zeno's fanfic. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen. I will die.
Ugh, I want to post. I am wallowing in the pit of it's been so long since I posted, I feel like I have literally stopped existing, and I keep getting dumb urges to "just take a little break and write a short one" (note that I do not actually have any ideas towards "a short one", it's 100% urges only). Anyway, I definitely do not want to do that, because I want to finish this one very, very badly, and it's taking long enough as is. What I should probably do is polish up Chs 5 and 6 and send them to the beta, but that would require coming up with a name for the art museum that I placeholdered a bunch of times in Ch 5. I actually named it in Ch 1 and then decided I didn't like it and needed to rename and I just haven't yet.
Speaking of names, I've also fallen into It-Needs-a-Title Madness, where I start to go Actual Nuts because I can't think of a title for this stupid fanfic. I forgot that in addition to staring out the window, I spent a lot of time looking through the lyrics of songs on my Ductwork playlist and googling for, like, "phrases with injury" in them. I hate this. It's such a waste of time and yet I do this every time. Why can't you pay someone $10 to name your fanfic for you? Can I just call it "Ductwork"? Does it even matter? (it does matter. I regret every terrible title I have ever slapped on a fanfic in a fit of "Fuck It, We Post")
In other news, I drew all seven days last week (the theme was fruits and vegetables). I took yesterday off, but then I drew a can of soup today, which was hard. It's cool. The people in art club are very nice. I am really hoping to draw a Rukia for her birthday. I have never drawn a bankai Rukia, and I'd like to give it a shot. I bet it would be a lot easier if I could resist doing a full body shot, but somehow, I always do a full body shot. We'll see!!
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be-still-my-hart · 8 months
Canucks v Islanders | 1.9.2024
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sometimesanequine · 8 months
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