#1.5 odd daily
kirarafelis · 10 months
Character biographies part 1.5 + art!
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Name: Duncan 
Likes: Wild events. 
Dislikes: His given daily schedule and responsibilities. 
Known for: Being the only one not interested in any sort of justice within his family.
Why TDI?: To get something new and different out of life.
Duncan comes from a long line of cops. His dad is a cop. His mom is a cop. His uncle, aunt, grandma, and cousins are cops. Unlike them, however, Duncan isn't that interested in that end of the spectrum; he'd rather get some enjoyment, and he's the type who probably shouldn't be trusted with any sort of authority anyways. So Duncan's parents decided to just throw random hobbies at him to keep him from doing anything too mischievous, such as but not limited to: fashion, knitting, and sewing. He's already gotten some warnings, which his mom had to talk out. He's also been put into boarding school after several school hops and pretty much well indulged by his dad to keep him from screwing up their family line reputation. Duncan doesn't necessarily care enough to get the full learning experience from boarding school, though, in his words, he'd rather do an "innovative, creative" break in to show his artistic skills than go through another art class. He also has street smarts and isn't afraid to use them. Despite his cocky nature, the therapists who have worked with Duncan will say he has potential and wants to do good for the world; it just isn't shown exactly through his exterior. When Duncan isn't being put through excessive work or lectures, he looks for ways to curb his boredom, like signing up for Total Drama Island. Duncan figured it couldn't be much worse than a day at boarding school. and, who knows, it could be fun to mess around there. It's not like he's doing anything else this summer.
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Name: Gwen
Likes: Hosting mold breaking parties from the norm with her little brother.
Dislikes: Following trends.
Known for: Putting beef bouillon cubes in the Community Pool
Why TDI?: To have a good time and the money would really help her mom.
The daughter of a single mom, Gwen was a latchkey kid who grew up taking care of her brother. That's cool with Gwen, because she likes helping out her mom and has tons of fun with her brother, too.
Like the time they put a bunch of beef bouillon cubes into the community pool. (At least the neighborhood dogs were happy!)
The only other thing that Gwen is REALLY passionate about is organizing parties. She believes they can be a substantial form of self-expression; she's been told plenty of her uniqueness for it, and she herself hopes to make the most norm-breaking party ever gain traction without having to go by a single trend for it. One day after all, the last thing she'd do is follow a trend. Maybe a Trent, but never a trend. (wink wink!) Although she's pretty popular for her parties, she is the loner at school. At the same time, she isn’t seen much with others; she spends most of her time instead watching and generating new ideas. But ask someone, and they will say that for a loner, she is a pretty rad one.
Gwen heard about total drama from her brother, and after looking into it, she decided it's just what she'd be looking for in an island retreat. Activities, fun, and relaxation.
Plus, if she wins the $100,000, it would sure make life easier for her mom. Gwen may seem tough as nails on the outside, but when it comes to her family, she's as soft as... well, a marshmallow.
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Name: Geoff
Likes: Art, camping, and hanging out at the beach.
Dislikes: Parties that get too wild and shallow superficial people.
Known for: Always drawing in his free time at school.
Why TDI?: A experience different from the typical partying, if not that there’s camping.
Geoff grew up in a party town on the west coast. Spring break, long weekends, summertime—people came from all around to party in his town. So it's not a surprise due to the fact that Geoff isn’t exactly the biggest partygoer; he ended up coming across as an odd one out, or just quite literally an outcast. Now Geoff has seen, at a young age, how to really party. REALLY. He's the oldest of five brothers, but being the oldest also leads to the most responsibilities. Usually, when a party is over, he takes on the job of cleaning up the mess. (One time, almost the entire floor was flooded with fruit punch!) Now he doesn't hold any grudge against his brothers or parents for this, though; it is his duty as the eldest, but he isn't exactly happy about it either. And he thinks that at times the parties start to become too repetitive and similar. Even if Geoff says he hates the idea of doing parties entirely, thanks to his bohemian parents (who met, married, and conceived Geoff on a beach), Geoff still has chillaxin' party-hearty DNA in his blood, even if not apparent. He's the star quarterback on his high school football team, and they’ve scored plenty of wins, but the thing that truly highlights Geoff is his passion for art. A fair share of the cool kids are pretty interested in his art and hang out with him for it. He couldn’t care less about if they were “cool” or not, though; he’d hang out with anyone regardless of where they lie. Geoff's goal is to take a bit out of life and chew it until there's nothing left but seeds that he can scatter into the wind to start with a canvas all over again. His eventual plan is to become a professional artist who brings emotion and laughs with his works. He thinks that would be the most awesome career ever. He can't even imagine how great that would be, and he would definitely ace it, too. He wants to be able to make people feel together. Geoff also enjoys spending time at the beach or in the woods on weekends and sketching on his pad. Now, being real about it, Geoff wasn't exactly expecting to be on Total Drama Island this year; his brothers just thought he totally should give the show a try, so eventually he gave in and auditioned. He was surprised to actually be picked though he didn't actually expect to be spending his summer on a reality TV show. He doesn't mind too much, though; it might be fun.
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Name: Bridgette
Likes: Strummin’ on her ukulele
Dislikes: People who aren't kind to Mother Earth
Known For: Her sense of humor and creativity
Why TDI?: To spread the message of cosmic love through music.
Bridgette grew up in a small west coast town, and it shows. She’s always enjoyed the simple things, from the rhythm of a waterfall down to the melody of a bird. She’s an expert at riding bikes too; she first learned to ride one before she could even walk! When she’s just on a stroll, though, she's kind of klutzy. She's done her fair share of lead-outs. (And they were all on foot!) Luckily, she's also got a healing touch. Bridgette's strongest attributes are her sense of humor and her creativity. She's a pretty laid-back, go-with-the-flow girl, and her best friend is her mom. They both love flowers, crystals, and everything else that is part of Mother Nature's beautiful bounty. Bridgette's mom is proud of her not only because she's a giving person, but also because she's also on the honor roll at school. She’s also considered pretty cool for her ukulele-playing skills. People will say she can play it in a unique way you don’t see every day. Bridgette signed up for Total Drama Island because she always tries to open herself up to new opportunities. She's already biked off a hill in Peru, helped build houses in a third-world country, and spent a summer making rugs in a monastery in Nepal. Bridgette's goal is to keep the vibe flowing in a good way. That's why she always uses her ability to make soothing music to raise money for charities. She can be seen on social media or performing on the street, but no matter what, she makes sure she stores the money to be put to good use for good causes. Bridgette hopes that her time on Total Drama Island will spread the message of music to communicate nature and cosmic love to a larger audience.
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Name: Trent
Likes: Collecting seashells as well as everything else the shore has to offer… in pairs of nine.
Dislikes: His dad telling him to become an accountant.
Known For: Being a cool guy.
Why TDI?: It sounded like a good way to spend the summer
Trent is a guy who is very interested in the ocean and he believes it has spiritual secrets if you look deep enough. That’s why since he could barely walk he’s been exploring the shore. In fact He’s proud to call himself the most knowledgeable kid concerning the local beaches. Eventually, Trent's goal is to have his own full fledged rockin’ artifact collection. Trent is also peculiarly good at surfing in edition to that all. Trent has never gone out of his way to "get" people to like him. He'd just rather chill and get a good view of everything going on in the world. He's a straight shooter who tells it like it is. He would never say he's the "cool guy." Trent is the kind of guy who gets girls and has the other guys admiring him. He's just too likable to hate. His surfing and scavenging skills seal his status as one cool compadre. In his junior high graduating class he was voted as "Most Mysterious and Irresistible." (It was later discovered that the Voting Committee was comprised completely of girls, all of whom dated Trent.) Despite his good looks and easy going matter, Trent is smarter than he's given credit for. Though his grades don't reflect it, his IQ is well above anyone's expectations, including his own. His Dad wished he would follow in his footsteps and become an accountant, to which Trent has four words... NOT - IN - THIS - LIFETIME! Trent auditioned for Total Drama Island because it sounded like a cool way to spend the summer...and $100,000 would make a nice funding for that scuba gear and other
Footnote: Wow, this was harder than it should’ve been for me to make… if I had to say out of all of them here, Geoff took the longest to come up with. Even then though I feel like I could do better tried as hard as I could though for right now anyways, anddd I’m hoping to not take as long with future batches. Also I’ll definitely draw very cool shots for Tyler, Courtney, and Lindsay later on the future as well even if I already did their biographies.🤩
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brostateexam · 2 years
This is going to be a post about diets and weight loss
On the one hand, I am really glad to see people starting to recognize that dieting is just... not effective. Because it isn't, sorry. You can lose an arbitrary percentage of your highest body weight via diet and exercise, and the more you lose:
the harder it gets to lose more weight
the easier it gets to gain back weight
These two things, in combination, mean that unless you are looking to lose a relatively paltry amount of weight, dieting is probably not the answer. It can work if you've gone up one size and would like to go back down. It does not work if you want to drop six sizes. The odds against someone doing that via diet and exercise alone and keeping it off are overwhelming.
I've done it, actually! Pre-surgery, I lost over 50 lbs (22kg) four times in my life: once when I was in highschool, once in college, once as a young adult, and once in my early 30s. It got harder to do each time, and required more extreme interventions each time. The first time was with good ol' Weight Watchers and a restrictive eating disorder, the last time was with a limited calorie diet that made me feel like I was going to pass out all the time.
People who can lose weight in this way and keep it off long term (the longest I kept it off was about 1.5 years) are outliers, or people who are willing to devote their entire life to diet and exercise, which is impractical unless you're an athlete or a personal trainer.
So it's encouraging to hear people in the weight loss industrial complex say "diets don't work." Because they don't. They just don't.
On the other hand, we are once again prescribing weight loss drugs that are touted as safe and effective to handle the "disease" of obesity. I have nothing against Ozempic and Wagovy in particular. I don't know enough about them to have positive or negative feelings. I do think it's safe to say:
The history of weight loss drugs is pretty rotten. Fen-phen, redux, (or the ol' speedball special of both fen-phen and redux), as well as amphetamines were all touted as wonder drugs that would help fat people become skinny. Largely, they just gave fat people health problems or killed them.
Weight loss drugs also don't actually drop that much weight from people. Again, maybe Ozempic and Wagovy are different! But the combination of fen-phen and redux was found to help people lose 15 lbs on average for as long as they stayed on the drugs. Then they gained it back. Not exactly a miracle.
To me, weight loss drugs, and dieting, and the weight loss industry in general falls into the category of "things we don't need proof to believe." We as a society want to believe that fat people are lazy, ignorant slobs because that excuses the daily cruelty and discrimination society heaps upon them. If weight loss isn't actually as easy as just dieting, well, there has to be something else that totally works that fat people are just not doing, or else we are being callous and shitty to a large percentage of the population for no actual reason. Therefore, diets don't work, but ozempic and wagovy totally do, and anyone who is fat is just choosing to be that way. Just like before, but now it's with medicine instead of a dietary regimen.
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shatteredsilverwing · 6 months
Differen Stages of Life AU - First Sleepover Pt.2
aaaand here's the rest! Part 1 can be found here! Part 1.5 can be found here! Enjoy!
After putting down Angel’s luggage on the odd wooden rocking chair, Sephiroth guided her out of the guest room and then straight ahead to his own room. The sheer size of his room alone made her dizzy, but when she scanned through the room and saw all the toys he possessed, she almost fainted. So many toys and books were neatly sorted in the shelves and boxes, that she was asking herself how he finds the time to play with all of them! Stuffed animals are residing side by side on his oversized bed, arranged by their sizes. On Sephiroth’s desk she spotted two different chemistry sets. One seemed to look like it was made for children, the other looked more for adult use. She walked over to the desk and studied them with great curiosity, while Sephy smiled bashfully at her reaction and followed her. “What is all that?”, she asked him while she touched the glasses with caution. “Those are my chemistry sets. The small one belongs to me and the big one was a gift from my Mother…” “Can the big one explode?!” That sudden outburst of hers caused Sephiroth to laugh, and it was at this moment where Angel’s heartbeat increased tenfold for a change. As far as she could remember, she never heard him laughing wholeheartedly like this. And it was also at this moment where she fell in love with it. “No, Angel. It cannot explode. … Unless you put liquids together that actually can. But I don’t have any of those.” “Aw… What a pity…”, she spoke with disappointment in her voice, “but what CAN it do?” Sephiroth couldn’t help but giggle one more time, as he started to explain and to show her everything that belonged with the chemistry sets. What all those instruments do, what they’re called and he showed her a self-drawn table which depicted what liquids go together safely. And those who do not. To her own surprise, Angel managed to memorise everything he explained to her while she kept listening to his melodious voice. After listening to him for a while, she noticed the difference between how he spoke to her at the kindergarten all the time, and how he spoke to her at that moment. His voice was more firm and confident, which in return didn’t make him stutter once. Typically, at the kindergarten, he stuttered very often. The noisy surroundings distracted him tremendously, which made him feel on edge most of the time. And, as Angel originally expected him to be, he didn’t act like a smartass like he usually did. He had the patience of a saint and even answered the silliest question of hers with sincerity. If Mother Jenova didn’t enter his room, he would have gone on about it for hours. “My sweet children, the pancakes are ready~”, she chirped joyfully and when she saw her sweet son and Angel together at the desk, she couldn’t help but feel happiness, “are you showing Angel your favourite toys? You’re such a good boy~” Sephiroth turned bright red at her remark and felt the sudden urge to jump into her arms to receive his daily dose of cuddles. But since Angel was present, he was afraid of doing so as he thought that he would only embarrass himself…
“Sephy taught me a lot about chemistry, Ma’am! It was fun!” “Oh, please don’t call me Ma’am. You can call me Jenova! Or Jen, for short.” “Thank you, Jen. Now come on Sephy, I’m hungry. Are you not?” With those words, Angel gently took Sephiroth’s hand and trotted towards Mother Jenova, ready to follow her downstairs. This cuteness was too much for Mother Jenova to bear, as she had to turn away in order not to squeal out loud in front of them. Angel didn’t let go of his Sephiroth’s hand, and neither did he let go of hers until they reached the kitchen and sat down next to each other. Mother Jenova both served them their pancakes first and hers last. “Since I don’t know what kind of toppings you like on your pancakes, sweetheart, I’m going to put all the toppings on the table as well, so you can choose freely!”
Mother Jenova placed all the various kinds of toppings she managed to buy the day before on the table: strawberries, spray cream, chocolate and colourful sprinkles, maple syrup, butter… And Angel's mouth was watering at the sight of all of them.
“Thank you, Jen…”, she replied shyly, becoming aware of how much effort she put into making her feel welcomed.
“You’re welcome, sweetie. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask!”
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baejax-the-great · 5 months
any thoughts on the ohio balloon disaster?
I've always thought the releasing of balloons to be an odd practice-- I mean it's just littering, albeit in the sky and then again in some other location later. Deciding to litter 1.5 million balloons at once seems like it would have obvious consequences, but then again Disney had previously done 1.2 balloons and nobody called that day a disaster.
So in 1986 United Way decided to break a record for number of balloons released into the sky. The Guinness Book of World Records has pretty much always just been a publicity stunt organization. Pay them enough money, they'll invent a record for you to break and then people will report on it. That's all it is. It's not like a real panel of experts measuring records or something. It's just dumb. It's publicity. United Way wanted publicity because they are a charity organization trying to drum up support and balloons seem like harmless fun.
So what happened? The balloons were released, and due to storm conditions, the helium balloons were sent back down to the ground before deflating. So rather than having a bunch of plastic falling from the sky, big bouncy balloons were fucking around all over Lake Eerie and the broader Cleveland area being a nuisance.
The "disaster" of the day is kind of overblown (pun intended). There was a traffic collision presumably from balloons distracting drivers, but nobody was hurt. Some horses got upset, but that's a daily problem for horses upon witnessing the world they live in from what I understand the creatures. The coast guard said the balloons made searching for a lost boat more difficult, and the boaters were eventually discovered drowned, but there is no evidence that a lack of balloons would have changed their fates. They had been missing since midnight the night before when a massive storm hit and they were out in their boat. They were almost definitely already dead.
Oh, and a local airport closed for 30 minutes, something that happens like five times a day in my experience of travel.
The United Way apparently considered the event a success, though they did not repeat it after that year.
In conclusion, my opinion on this balloon thing was that it resulted in some very cool pictures, a very weird day for some horses, and then thirty years later fodder for some people to write incendiary pieces for some reason (secret ohio haters? someone who agrees with me that helium balloons are stupid?) Why did anyone dig this up and dub it a disaster? No idea. But it certainly is a thing that happened.
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SCP Cookie Foundation Pt 6
Item #: SCP 939-L (Lilac), SCP 939-C (Centipede), SCP 939-S (Scorpion)
Object Class: Keter.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP 939-L -C and -S are to be kept in the Yogurca-1138 or Shifty Sands-1139 10 m x 10 m x 3 m containment chambers within the bio-containment "Breakout" ironically named sector. The walls and floors of the cells are to be made of 5 ft thick solid concrete encased by another 5 ft thick solid steel shell with gas tight steel doors. Cells are cleaned bi-weekly and all instances are fed savory jellies, grains, and vegetables bi-daily. All are under the care of Doctor Yogurt Cream Cookie who seems to have a special bond with SCP 939-L in particular.
Description: All 3 instances of SCP 939 have differing appearances yet come from the same area showing signs of Yogurcan descent. -L is dark doughed with purple hair and sheer pants with a dark cloak, standing at 1.8 meters. -S is tan doughed with vibrant red hair resembling a scorpion tail that can strike all the same with red and gold clothing, standing at 1.5 meters. -C is more redden doughed with brown and yellow hair, wearing brown dress and gold jewelry, standing at 1.7 meters. One trait they all share is they wear blindfolds, when removed while unconscious it is shown that all three are missing eyes.
These endothermic hunters however are unhindered by their blindness, tracking by heat and sound detection. All three are similar and unique in their own ways. -L gives off a lilac smell that lowers the guards of those who smell it and wielded chakrams before confiscation. -C could command centipedes and wielded a spiked whip before confiscation. -S could whip her hair like a tail and wielded poison needles before confiscation.
An odd ability they have is the ability to mimic the voices of their victims and use it lure more pray towards them. They are bothered and weakened by the cold so the surrounding halls have the temperature lowered to decrease the chance of escape and these pack like predators.
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lovekomal01 · 2 years
how weight loss works
Some people appear to be more easily and quickly able to lose weight than others. But by burning more calories than they consume, everyone loses weight. The main point is that calories matter. You must consume fewer calories or expend more calories through physical exercise if you want to reduce weight.
Odd Ice Hack Burns 62 lbs of Nasty Fat In Weeks
Cold Water Hack Melts 1.5 lbs Daily
Alpine Cold Water Method Electrifies Metabolism By 450%
Ice Water Method is Improving Body Shapes Across The World
6oz Water + THIS After Dinner Chews Up Thick Hip Fat
Cold Water Hack Melts 1.5 lbs Daily
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6oz Water + THIS After Dinner Chews Up Thick Hip Fat
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honeycombhank · 1 year
Today was kind of odd I was super snacks and having a lot of intense cravings along with being mentally and physically exhausted so I didn’t get many things done that I wanted to but I did eat quite a bit of tasty foods and took two naps and am still so tired and ready for a full night’s sleep!
Even though I was super tired I made a point to get in movement and make sure my dog got out for a good walk.
In the morning before it got too hot, Nelly and I went for a 1.5 mile walk with my dad on the wellness trail!
Then I jumped rope for 46 minutes later on!
My Apple Watch even updated my move calorie goal, so I’m at 620 now as my daily move goal!
I am excited to see myself make this happen!
I am posting this a day late on the 13th because it wouldn’t let me post it yesterday with my photos.. idk why. Anyways.
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danielgiraffe · 2 years
day one
day one of nano wrimo was so much fun, and yet so challenging at the same time. 
I forgot how much of a slow writer I am, but this could also be because I didn’t do much of prep work.
I met my daily goal, which I’m so proud of, but I wished I had it in me to write more. But, it’s 11:28pm after a long day of work, dinner, and spending some time with my dad on the phone. I also have 6am spin tomorrow. Let’s see how productive I feel after little sleep for a full day of 8 hours of work, 1.5 hours of fun, 3 hours of chores, and 4 hours of writing.
Despite those odds, I can do this!!!
Today I wrote 1682 words in 3.25 hours. 
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swiftwritings · 10 days
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Hello, if anyone still exists on here or even is reading this. A place i haven't been back to for awhile. After college life got quite busy. I originally started this tumblr account to admire taylor's lyrics and explain some lyrics of hers that have impacted my life. This one in particular are lyrics that I really hold close to my heart, maybe in an odd way.. To start off this long story, I lost someone very near and dear to me the past 1.5 years. Someone who was in my life since the day I was born, someone who watched me over the summers, supported me growing up in any way she could. Someone who I was so much like, someone who showed me some paths of the world, someone who I could just go visit and sit in silence but it also felt like home. That someone was my grandma. People say you never know what you have until it's gone and damn is that true once you live through it. She always meant so much to me but I never knew how much until I lost her. Losing her was such a heart wrenching thing I have gone through. I was barely a human for that first year we lost her. I honestly don't know how people stand around me because I was miserable. Dragging my feet everyday just to make it through the day and hope the next day the heartache weighed a little less and less. Truth is, it never did. I endlessly listened to so much music, especially Taylor's. I tried the therapy. Next was a vacation that my friends and family hoped with all their might that it would help me. Taking a break from the daily grieving, the daily responsibilities, work, stress, all of it. The original trip was to go to Florida and I somehow convinced my dear parents to take a detour to Nashville to see Taylor's newest Eras display. (I think they were doing everything they could to help drag me out of the waters I was drowning so badly in). But God, I was still so miserable. Went to the specific area in Florida we went to visit my college roommate who I hadn't seen for years. Saw her once for dinner and saw how much her life had changed and she showed me how little I meant to her now. I remember being in tears at the beach condo we rented and feeling so damn helpless. Feeling of how the fuck did I lose another good friend in my life. What have I done wrong. When is my heartache going to end. Nonetheless, this song had been recently dropped and I remember specifically sitting on my chair on the beach listening to this song, like really listening to the music and lyrics. When I heard "Now the sun burns my heart, and the sand hurts my feelings" I was like FUCK YEAH. at the happiest place on earth where I love to be and I was so insanely miserable. where those lyrics felt so real at the time. everything felt so confusing, so useless, everything just hurt. such brilliant lyrics for such a grieving heartache. I know Taylor didn't necessarily right it for that scenario but damn did those lyrics stick to my heart. I can't tell you how many times I blasted this song so loud SCREAMING the lyrics just to feel heard, to feel like I wasn't alone with how much heartache I had. I know I wasn't going through the heartache of a gut wrenching breakup but damn did those lyrics in that song just help me feel the gut wrenching heartache I had. "My sadness is contagious" was another lyric in this song I would yell so loud. During my grieving and after my grieving, I could see how much my sadness was affecting so many people I love. How heartbreaking it was for them with the hard time I was having trying to pull through it all. How it affected their daily lives too. Sometimes music isn't about relating to the entire song, sometimes listening to just a few lyrics that stick to you heart in how you're feeling, give you that boost up that you know what, I can pull through this. Helped me realize that sometimes I needed to blast my music and yell the lyrics out with how I was feeling. Damn, I can't even tell you how many times I listened to Marjorie on blast crying as I sang those lyrics over and over again. And I believe so deeply that helped me pull through the heartache of grieving.
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stillsuchathing · 2 months
The Will Lewis Project
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I'm compiling a timeline focused the activities of Will Lewis, former Rupert Murdoch consigliere and current Washington Post publisher.
Because Lewis' role during a police investigation into phone hacking at various News UK news orgs is being reviewed during a lawsuit against News UK and I wanted a way to track the various phone hacking perpetrators and survivors.
2002 ‘News of the World, Murdoch’s now-defunct tabloid, had in 2002 hacked the voicemail of Millie Dowler, a murdered teenager, deleting messages and misleading the police and her parents. The news turned the slow-burning hacking story into a national outrage. When Murdoch visited the family to apologize, he took Lewis.’ (1)
Will Lewis made editor of editor of the Daily Telegraph.
‘Most editors would have luxuriated in such a scoop. Yet by the time the expenses story absorbed Britain through the summer of 2009, Lewis had already moved on. He was on a two-month sabbatical, studying for a “mini MBA” at Harvard paid for by the Barclays. Restless, he returned to the paper after the brothers agreed to fund a new “R&D” company run by him as chief executive. He remained editor-in-chief of Telegraph Media.
The plan was to reinvent the Telegraph for the digital age. The unspoken upshot was that Lewis’s success—and future pay—would be attributable to his project’s P&L. He briefed that the future of paper lay in Euston, where he had taken satellite offices across town away from the newsroom. The future approached rapidly when Lewis left three months after the company was incorporated. The Telegraph’s actual chief executive had soured on his plan. He may have facilitated it in the first place to kick Lewis upstairs, then out. Company accounts show Lewis’s dalliance cost the Barclays £3m in 2010.’ (1)
September 2010
Will Lewis joins Rupert Murdoch’s News International
‘In December 2010, an unpublished recording of the cabinet minister, Vince Cable, was stolen from the Telegraph’s servers and leaked to the BBC. Cable could be heard describing himself as “at war with the Murdochs,” revealing quite how antagonistic he was. The revelation forced him to recuse himself from the bid. A more pliable minister took over, increasing Murdoch’s odds of approval.
Seven months later private investigators hired by the Telegraph reported that, based on telephone records, they had a “strong suspicion” Lewis was “involved in orchestrating the leak,” or theft, from the Telegraph’s servers. The recording had been leaked to the BBC’s Robert Peston, an ally of Lewis at the FT and friend to this day. Lewis later refused to address the allegation, claiming protection of sources.’ (1)
It is alleged that Lewis took part in the destruction of 30m company emails on three occasions over six months, deliberately wiping out evidence that could have incriminated senior executives. This was allegedly done despite News International having been told to preserve evidence, first by lawyers acting for victims of hacking and later by the police. (1)
Eight filing cabinets full of documents, taken from the offices of the News of the World, are also alleged to have disappeared after being entrusted to Lewis’s care. (1)
The police had no knowledge of such payments to police before News International alerted them. Murdoch laterdisowned Lewis’s actions when he met with Sun journalists in 2013. But Lewis’s approach had an inevitable upside for Murdoch. It dragged attention away from hacking (which Murdoch has since spent $1.5 billion settling in legal fees, damages, and estimated losses). Lewis’s friends say that he was simply draining the swamp. “I know that Will felt at the time 100 per cent morally justified in playing the part that he did,” says one of them.
For two years Lewis served Murdoch at every turn, even at the cost of his own relationships or reputation. In that time he went from being Britain’s most feted journalist to an executive who couldn’t step foot in a tabloid newsroom. (1)
Will Lewis was named chief creative officer of News Corp, a “totally made-up job,” as an executive puts it. (1)
Finally, in 2014, he was rewarded with six years in power, as CEO of Dow Jones and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, one of the most prized media jobs in Murdoch’s news empire. Crucially the job was not in London. He was empowered in a city where his checkered two-year tenure at News International didn’t matter. (1)
These claims of a corporate cover up, and any part Lewis played in it, were not known at the time. They have surfaced slowly, as Prince Harry’s case against Murdoch has wound its way through the London courts. Lewis was named only in 2020. (1)
Communications and consultancy firm, WJL Partners launched (6)
Lewis with co-founders launched The News Movement, an English-language news outlet with a strong focus on social media (2)
June 2023
Former Daily Telegraph editor William Lewis has received a knighthood in Boris Johnson‘s controversial resignation honours list. (3)
Various v NGN Amendment Final Judgment with Schedule
Attacking a reporter who has the goods also has a way of attracting additional reporters to the story, something Lewis must know.
Another day, another terrible story involving Washington Post publisher and CEO Will Lewis.
For ordinary people, tabloid journalism is often just a source of tawdry diversion. But for political and business elites, control over gossip can be a source of real power. 
David Folkenflik, NPR: "The publisher of the Washington Post is currently under criminal investigation."
1 - Billionaires, Secrets, Zegnas: Will Lewis’ Thirst for Power
2 - The News Movement: creating a social-first outlet with a firm focus on young audiences | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (ox.ac.uk)
3  - MPs’ expenses scandal editor William Lewis knighted by Boris Johnson
4 - Various v NGN Amendment Final Judgment with Schedule
5 - https://steveschmidt.substack.com/p/the-american-media-crisis
6 - Washington Post publisher Will Lewis retains links to PR firm that bears his initials
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mymaster67897 · 2 months
Your Ultimate Guide: Fantasy Cricket App List for Unbeatable Gameplay!
Fantasy cricket has taken the sports world by storm, offering fans a thrilling way to engage with their favorite sport. With numerous apps available, each providing unique features and gameplay experiences, it's crucial to find the right one for you. This guide will introduce you to some of the top fantasy cricket apps, including tips on how to become a dream11 master and explore new fantasy apps.
Becoming a Dream11 Master
Dream11 is one of the most popular fantasy cricket platforms in India. To dominate the game and become a dream11 master, follow these steps:
Create a Strong Team: The foundation of your success in Dream11 lies in building a balanced team. Research player statistics, current form, and match conditions to select the best players. Remember to choose a mix of top-order batsmen, all-rounders, and bowlers.
Stay Updated with News: Follow the latest cricket news to stay informed about player injuries, team line-ups, and pitch conditions. This information will help you make informed decisions and adjust your team accordingly.
Participate in Contests: Dream11 offers a variety of contests, from free leagues to high-stakes competitions. Start with smaller contests to hone your skills and gradually move to bigger ones as you gain confidence.
Utilize Captain and Vice-Captain Picks: Your captain and vice-captain selections are crucial as they earn double and 1.5 times the points, respectively. Choose consistent performers who are likely to score big.
Analyze Performance: After each match, analyze your team’s performance to identify areas for improvement. Learning from your mistakes and successes will help you refine your strategies.
Exploring New Fantasy Apps
While Dream11 is a leading name in fantasy cricket, exploring new fantasy apps can offer fresh features and unique gameplay experiences. Here are some new fantasy apps that are making waves in the fantasy sports community:
Features: MyTeam11 offers a user-friendly interface, multiple sports options, and various contest formats.
Highlights: The app provides detailed player statistics, live score updates, and easy withdrawal options.
Features: FanFight allows users to play fantasy cricket, football, and other sports. It offers a seamless gaming experience with exciting rewards.
Highlights: The app has a robust referral system, allowing users to earn extra points by inviting friends.
Features: HalaPlay focuses on daily fantasy sports, offering quick contests and instant cashouts.
Highlights: The app provides comprehensive player analytics and real-time updates.
Features: BalleBaazi specializes in cricket but also includes other sports. It offers unique game formats like batting and bowling fantasy.
Highlights: The app features an engaging user interface and offers cash bonuses for new users.
Features: 11Wickets provides an extensive selection of fantasy cricket contests with varying entry fees and prize pools.
Highlights: The app includes features like Power Player and Second Innings, adding a strategic dimension to the game.
Tips for Maximizing Your Fantasy Cricket Experience
To make the most of your time on fantasy cricket apps, consider the following tips:
Research and Analysis: Before creating your team, spend time researching player performances, match conditions, and opposition strengths and weaknesses. This research will give you an edge over other players.
Diversify Your Contests: Participate in a mix of small and large contests. Small contests often have better odds, while larger contests offer bigger rewards.
Monitor Player Form: Keep track of player form and fitness. A player in good form is more likely to perform well and earn you points.
Adapt to Changes: Fantasy cricket is dynamic, with player performances and match conditions constantly changing. Be prepared to make last-minute adjustments to your team.
Utilize Bonus Offers: Many fantasy cricket apps offer bonuses and promotions for new users. Take advantage of these offers to boost your initial bankroll.
Joining the Elite League of Champions
Becoming a successful fantasy cricket player requires dedication, strategy, and continuous learning. By leveraging the features of various fantasy cricket apps and staying updated with the latest cricket news, you can enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of winning.
As you explore these apps, you’ll discover unique features and opportunities to showcase your skills. Whether you aim to become a dream11 master or experiment with a new fantasy app, the key to success lies in staying informed, making strategic decisions, and continually improving your game.
Fantasy cricket apps offer an exciting and engaging way to enjoy your favorite sport while competing for rewards. By following the tips and exploring the apps mentioned in this guide, you can enhance your fantasy cricket experience and increase your chances of winning.
Download the my master 11 app or mymaster11 apk today and join the league of winners. Create your dream team, strategize, and compete for glory. With MyMaster11, every game is an opportunity to showcase your skills and turn your passion for sports into success.
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robert-sims · 6 months
Effortless Chic: SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Trousers
SweatyRocks is a trendy brand offering athletic-inspired clothing, including activewear and casual wear. Known for bold prints and vibrant colors, they cater to those who lead an active lifestyle or enjoy athleisure fashion.
Hot Product
SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Button Down Straight Long Trousers Pants
Material:95% Polyester, 5% Elastane,soft,comfy,breathable to skin
Unique design: Zip up,high waisted, buttons detail, bootcut, wide leg,loose fit,casual style, workout pants
Occasions: Suitable for cocktaill, party, club, daily home wear or going out,club, bar or casual etc.Perfect for pairing with trendy cropped tops or Tees to show your curves and flatters your body
Hand wash or machine wash, do not bleach
Please refer to the size measurement in image before ordering
A Review Of SweatyRocks
I ordered these first in white size small. I LOVE them. They fit perfectly, length is exactly what I needed, and some genius person had the good sense to NOT put pockets in them. If you’ve tried a thousand pair of white slacks, you know… the pockets always show through and look weird, so this was an excellent design decision. Also, they flow really nicely over the hips because there’s nothing to bulk up the sides or create an odd fabric pooch where they open. They come super wrinkled, but I steamed them and the result is pants that look like I paid $200. I had a very snooty acquaintance ask if they were Alexander McQueen because she legit thought they looked like Kate Middleton’s suit pants. High praise. So 10/10 on those. Since the white ones were so amazing, I ordered a black pair (in the same size) because these were a holy grail kind of find for me. NOT THE SAME PANTS. The black ones were much larger, I compared the waistbands and it’s a full 2″ larger than the white ones. OK, fine, Amazon returns are great so I’ll just order an x-small. But they just are not the same. First, the black ones DO have pockets. I didn’t want them, so that’s not great. Second, the sizing is definitely inconsistent. The small white and x-small black have the exact same size waist, but the x-small are about 1.5-2″ shorter (that part makes sense). Result is if I want the ones that fit in the waist, I can’t wear them with anything other than flats. I’m 5’4″, so not exactly tall… Third difference is the fabric. The white ones are a tighter weave and come across as a higher end fabric. The black ones are rougher, have a bit of weird stretch, and don’t look as expensive. I steamed them to get the wrinkles out so I could make a fair comparison, and they are just not as nice. Conclusion: these are either 10/10 amazing most gorgeous affordable pants ever made, or they’re 6.5-7/10 okayish because they didn’t break the bank and they cover my bits… but it’s all depending on the color.
Customer Q&As
Q: Would this be long enough for 6’2 height?
A: I am 5’5” and they were the perfectly length for me. I think they would be extremely short on a 6’2” person.
Q: I’m 5”2 are these going to be too long on me if I get a size small?
A: Yes. Way too long.
Q: I need 20 inches around knee area for a wrap. Would these work?
A: Yes I think these would work.. they are very wide legged.
Easy Care: Simplify your wardrobe maintenance with the easy-care fabric of the SweatyRocks Trousers. Machine washable for convenient cleaning, these pants retain their shape and color wash after wash, ensuring long-lasting wear and enjoyment.
Effortless Chic: Elevate your everyday style with the SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Trousers. With their flattering high waist, sophisticated wide-leg silhouette, and versatile button-down detailing, these pants offer effortless chic that takes you from day to night with ease.
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lingchung · 10 months
Happy Birthday, Me!
Here's my annual birthday self-reflection using Mindvalley's Lifebook framework.
Health & Fitness
Score: 6.5
It's a year of mixed results. I've gained strength, but I've not made any traction aesthetically. I stopped running 100km /month in the middle of 2023. Instead, I've shifted my training to weight training. I am stronger - I'm even able to do a couple of assisted pull-ups using a light band - that was a pipe dream for me just a year ago. In place of running, I've been walking. I averaged 22k steps a day so far. My appetite shrunk but I am still 10lbs above my set weight. As of September, I was at 22.5% body fat. Not my ideal as I like to land between 18% to 20%.
2024 Goals: Unassisted pull-ups. Build muscles, lean out, shred.
Score: 7
My curiosity was rather fluid this year. Although I didn't read much, I ripped through a ton of podcasts. Given how much I walk daily, I consume information in audio format during my long walks, many of which feed my curiosity. I am more attuned with world affairs. I also have a rotation of smart friends whom I spar with intellectually.
2024 Goal: Return to words, lose myself in books. I miss reading.
Score: 9
My then-boyfriend-now-ex and I called it off in the middle of 2023. Even though we didn't come to a happy ending, he gifted me emotional stability that presided even after our breakup. My relationship before him was so tumultuous it wrecked my emotional state. My ex reversed the damage with his love, his steadfastness and his emotional stability. Even after our breakup, I continue to benefit from the gift of our relationship. Even though the relationship is a 'was', I am so grateful for the mental state that 'is'. Thank you my forever man, thank you for loving me. You left an indelible mark in my life.
2024 Goal: Maintain 
Score: 8
For a stretch of time this year, I deliberated over a major decision, held back by fear. My buddy James saw it so clearly, and pointed it out oh-so-bluntly. It pricked when he called it like it was, but it snapped me out of my indecision. He made me see, I was acting out of fear. I made the difficult decision, and I've not look back since. Indecision, is in itself a decision.
2024 Goal: Maintain my personal Board of Directors, people like James help me catch my blindspots.
Score: 7
My focus in 2023 was not on spirituality, so I'm giving myself a pass on the score. What I am going to write about is not strictly on spirituality, but it's a distant cousin - giving back. I feel disconnected from frontline nonprofit work, from charitable giving and from altruism in general. My nonprofit work has shifted into advocacy, advisory and governance work via FoodShare Board work. I no longer have a foot in the field like I used to. Something feels off. I feel disconnected from the cause. I have so much, I want to do more.
2024 Goal: Pay it forward, give back more.
Love relationship
Score: 8
Although my 1.5 year relationship ended, I feel at ease with the decision. I am even more sure of my uncompromisable's. I met a guy recently. I laugh a ton around him. I like what he brings out in me. So far, I am happy. It's too early to say anything definitive about my budding romance. But, I'd like to stay unguarded as we navigate the future.
2024 Goal: Date with an open-heart. Date just like how I used to date before all the burns and scars.
Score: 7.5
Leaving my previous relationship was hard not only because I had to grieve the end of the relationship, but because I also had to come to grips with not having kids. We were on the waitlist for IVF treatment - to use my frozen eggs - leaving the relationship meant, forfeiting my chance to have kids. Yes, my eggs are still frozen, so the option is still there. However, what's the odds of finding a new man who wants to be a 50-year-old-first-time-dad to a toddler? Not high. This is why the breakup deliberation was so hard. However, once I've accepted the fact that I may never have kids, my fear of dying alone lessened. I'm increasingly realizing, a large pool of people from my generation will not have kids. This means there would be a community of 'us'. I won't be the only childless grey-hair senior. I don't deny, I still fear being alone at my deathbed. But the fear is not as crisp as it was a year ago.
2024 Goal: Be less scared.
Score: 8
Per Jason, my friend circuit is almost like a third hobby of mine. Indeed. I love my friends and the community we belong to. I nurtured my existing friendships this year. But I made one new friend: Jason! We even went to Turkey together. Let's dedicate this section to Jason :)
2024 Goal: Maintain
Score: 8
I paid off my mortgage. Paying off the mortgage in 2023 was very much in plan and not a stretched goal, so I am not going to give myself a great score for this alone. The stock market was bearish, but I did alright. I continued to dollar-cost average my investments. I made no major financial move in 2023 but I educated myself ferociously to get ready for my next big move in real estate.
2024 Goal: Buy a triplex closer to downtown.
Score: 7.5
I've spent 18 months at Uber. I became my boss' right-hand woman. I've built decent credibility among the leadership team. I've had an okay onboarding. I've laid the foundation. But it's time to accelerate.
2024 Goal: Land my next role that will lead me to a General Manager role in two years. I want to lead a business unit.
Quality of life
Score: 8.5
Other than the fact that I don't live in a walkable neighbourhood, I am very content with life. I don't worry about money. I have work that I enjoy. I have good relationships with my immediate and extended family. I live in a beautiful home. I have enough free time to explore my curiosity. Even though life is not perfect, I feel very blessed. Life is good.
2024 Goal: Maintain.
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runfast-runfar · 1 year
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Residential Treatment Update
Hey all! I thought I would give just a quick little update as I realize I mentioned in a post a few months ago about it being suggested to do residential treatment and then never followed up on it. 
Obviously, by this post, I did end up following through with it. I was admitted on April 26th and have been here since. It has been an entirely different experience than I thought it would be, in both positive and negative ways. I LOVE the staff (all but two of them.. which are pretty good odds). It is located in an ocean town in NorCal (pretty close to where I live, so it’s familiar), but despite that I have done activities I have never done in my life and that’s been so exciting. We have equine therapy every week which is my absolute favorite, and I want to find a way to continue that after treatment so badly. 
The treatment house has a multitude of animals including (but not limited to); goats, horses, chicken (above is Clover, my favorite!!) cats, and then wild animals such as Heron, foxes, coyotes... all of which we see daily. 
It has had high moments and indescribably low moments. I miss my friends and my brother so so much. I miss my cat, fuuuuck.. I miss my cat Thea so damn much. I miss being able to exercise. I miss being able to choose my own food options (I mean that in a healthy way... like I miss certain foods I genuinely love). I miss work. I miss walks to 1 oz with my best friend. I miss my old body. I miss both things I should and should not miss tbh. I have spent multiple days on the phone to my friend crying about how badly I want to leave and how hard it is. And I have also had days talking to her laughing and telling her amazing stories. To say it has been emotionally a rollercoaster would be an understatement. 
But overall this experience has been a really positive one. I think this is the best treatment place I could have chosen for myself. 
I am not positive how much time left I have being here; my treatment teams goal is for me to step down to PHP in ~2 weeks time which will have been 6 weeks here which is wild! So we will see if that timeline happens.. I am hoping it is 1.5-2 weeks bc as much as I love equine, I am feeling socially SO drained from being around 10+ people every second of every day... and I want to get closer to being able to go back to my life. 
Anyways, I hope you are all good and I send you all so much love ❤️
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Evaluation of Glycemic Control Obtained from NPH Insulin in Patients Experiencing Corticosteroid-Induced Hyperglycemia
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Authored by Megan N Hodges
Objective:To compare the safety and efficacy of neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin to other antidiabetic regimens in the treatment of corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia in non-critically ill; hospitalized patients.
Methods:This retrospective cohort included patients treated with methylprednisolone or prednisone concomitantly with NPH or other antidiabetic medications for at least two days. Patients were screened for inclusion in reverse chronological order and matched based on gender; age; body mass index; steroid dose; and history of diabetes. The primary objective was mean daily blood glucose (BG). Secondary outcomes included percentage of readings between 70mg/dL-180mg/dL; median daily BG; number of hypoglycemic events; daily steroid to NPH ratios; and mean weight-based dose of NPH for each 10mg increment of prednisone when BG readings were within goal.
Results:A total of 72 patients were included in each arm. The primary efficacy endpoint of mean daily BG ranged from 111-217mg/dL in the control group and 163-228mg/dL in the NPH arm; however; there were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). Overall rates of hypoglycemia were slightly lower in the NPH group but with no statistically significant differences (0.61% vs. 1.12%; p = 0.51).
Conclusions:NPH; compared to other regimens; may not have an impact on achieving glycemic controlin corticosteroid-induced hyperglycemia.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus; Corticosteroid; Hyperglycemia; Neutral protamine hagedorn
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Systemic corticosteroids are commonly used for a wide variety of medical conditions on both an inpatient and outpatient basis for the treatment of inflammation and immune suppression. Acute asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations, rheumatoid arthritis, and organ transplant comprise just a few of the many indications. Although corticosteroids are highly efficacious, its use is limited by many serious adverse effects during acute and chronic treatment [1-6]. During short-course therapy, patients commonly develop hyperglycemia. Several studies have reported odds ratios from 1.5 to 2.5 for the development of new-onset diabetes relating specifically to steroid utilization [2-5]. Corticosteroids also have the potential to significantly worsen hyperglycemia in patients with a history of diabetes mellitus [1,7] . This represents a substantial health risk to patients since studies have found a correlation between hyperglycemia and decreased wound healing, increased length of stay (LOS) and mortality in hospitalized patients [8].
Several studies have been undertaken to better understand the exact mechanism of steroid-induced hyperglycemia. In patients receiving short-term therapy, skeletal muscle and hepatic cells develop reduced insulin sensitivity leading to decreased glucose uptake. During the post-prandial phase in particular, blood glucose (BG) levels are further elevated by impaired suppression of glucose production secondary to hepatic insulin resistance [6].
Insulin acts on liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle to regulate metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. A cross- sectional review of 66 patients suggested that patients receiving ≥10mg per day of prednisolone compared to those not receiving corticosteroids experience afternoon and evening hyperglycemia despite receiving basal-bolus insulin regimens [9]. Neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) is a crystalline suspension of human insulin with protamine and zinc, which makes it intermediate acting insulin. Neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin produces a peak effect four to eight hours after administration with a total duration of sixteen to eighteen hours. These kinetic properties closely mirror the action of prednisone. Methylprednisolone also has a similar duration of action with a shorter onset of one to two hours [10-12]. In theory, the pharmacokinetic principles of subcutaneous NPH make it a prime candidate for the treatment of glucocorticoid induced hyperglycemia. The objective of this study is to compare NPH to other antidiabetic agents in the treatment of steroid-induced hyperglycemia.
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Materials and Methods
Study design
This single-center retrospective cohort study evaluated patients at a 450-bed community hospital. The trial was approved by the hospital Institutional Review Board before data collection began. Due to the retrospective nature of the study, informed consent was not necessary. All data was obtained through electronic medical records.
Eligibility requirements included age ≥18 years, concurrent treatment with methylprednisolone or prednisone with NPH insulin or other antidiabetic medications for at least two days, and steroid doses ≥10mg prednisone equivalent on day one. Patients receiving NPH for the treatment of steroid-induced hyperglycemia were included in the treatment arm and patients being treated with any other combination of antidiabetic medications were evaluated in the control arm. Patients in the NPH arm with glargine insulin as a home medication were included in the study if the glargine titration was limited to± 20% during the hospitalization since a 20% reduction is recommended at admission to decrease risk of hypoglycemia and to limit confounding adjustments to the glargine during steroid titration [13]. Patients were not eligible for inclusion in the NPH treatment arm if they received any other antidiabetic medications in addition to NPH, rapid acting insulin, or glargine as described above. Oral antidiabetic agents were allowed in the control arm; however, per institutional protocols and American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations these agents are routinely discontinued upon admission to the hospital [14]. Patients admitted with a BG>400mg/dL, those in the intensive care unit, patients on insulin pumps, and pregnant patients were excluded. Patients were also excluded if they had less than two BG readings per day or no recorded weight.
Patient characteristics were identified through queries of the hospital electronic medical record. Starting October 2014 through October 2012, all patients receiving ≥10mg of prednisone equivalent of methylprednisolone or prednisone for at least one day were consecutively screened for inclusion in reverse chronological order. After patients were identified for analysis in the NPH arm, controls were then matched by manual chart review to the NPH patients based on age, gender, body mass index (BMI) classification, steroid dose on day one, and history of diabetes.
Study outcomes and definitions
The primary outcome was the mean daily BG. Secondary outcomes included the percent of BG readings within a preset goal of 70mg/dL to 180mg/dL. All BG readings were incorporated in the analysis regardless of the patients’ fasting state, thus a higher goal of <80mg/dL was established based on the ADA random BG recommendations for non-critically ill, hospitalized patients. The low end of this range was based on the ADA definition of hypoglycemia, which is BG<70mg/dL [14]. Other secondary objectives included median daily BG, number of hypoglycemic and severe hypoglycemic events with and without intervention. Intervention was defined as intake of juice, oral glucose tablets or administration of glucagon or dextrose 50% water. As defined by the ADA, BG<40mg/dL is considered severe hypoglycemia. [14] Daily steroid to NPH ratios and steroid to NPH ratios on the index day were also collected. The index day was defined as the last day of steroid therapy or the day of discharge if the patient continued steroids as an outpatient. Mean weight-based dose of NPH for each 10mg increment of prednisone equivalent (8mg methylprednisolone) was collected for days on which all BG readings were within the goal range with the intention of formulating a standardized NPH protocol. Two subgroup analyses were performed on mean blood glucose to compare NPH to sliding scale insulin alone and to compare NPH to other antidiabetic regimens in patients admitted with a documented history of diabetes.
Statistical analysis
The outcomes data was analyzed to determine the glycemic control achieved with each regimen by looking at all available BG readings throughout the patients’ hospitalizations excluding repeat readings within 10 minutes. Baseline characteristics and outcomes were reported using means, medians, and standard deviations for interval level data and percentages for nominal and ordinal level data. Baseline demographics and study outcomes were compared between groups using Student’s t-test for continuous data and Fisher’s exact or chi-square test for categorical data. A p value of <0.05 indicated statistical significance. All analyses were performed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows.
To the authors’ knowledge, the only other published trials addressing this treatment regimen included a maximum of 66 patients in each arm and did not find a statistically significant difference; therefore, power was not calculated [15-17]. Based on available information, 72 patients were included in each arm.
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A total of 241 patients were identified through the pharmacy informatics system for potential inclusion in the NPH arm. Of these patients, 72 were eligible based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were well matched in regards to baseline demographics (Table 1). The only significant difference between groups was total LOS, which was significantly higher in the NPH group (6.98days vs. 4.88days, p =0.003). However, no differences existed among indication for steroid utilization. Baseline glycemic control was similar between groups: mean BG of 186mg/dL in the NPH group and 177mg/dL in the control group at admission (p=0.492).
*There were no significant differences between the two groups except for LOS (p=0.003)
The primary efficacy endpoint of mean daily BG ranged from 111-217mg/dL in the control group and 164-228mg/dL in the NPH arm; however, no statistically significant differences were detected for any day (Figure 1) & (Table 2). The results on the index day (Table 3) showed numerically though not statistically improved glycemic control for the control group compared with the NPH arm with a mean BG of 195mg/dL for the NPH group and 179mg/dL for the control group (p =0.135).
In regards to efficacy, the only statistically significant difference found was in the percent of BG readings between 70- 180mg/dL for day 1 in favor of the control arm (41.9%vs.28.1%, p=0.01) (Table 4). No trends were observed for the steroid: NPH ratios or weight-based NPH doses. Consistent glycemic control was achieved faster in the control arm; mean daily BG readings were <180mg/dL starting on day 5 compared to day 10 in the NPH arm (Figure 1). In contrast to a previous study, the NPH arm received a significantly higher total daily insulin dose on the index day compared to the control arm (0.37unit/kg vs. 0.21unit/kg, p=0.002). However, these differing results are likely accounted for by the inclusion of glargine insulin in the NPH arm [15].
aData presented as mean ± standard deviation.
Glycemic control was similar in both subgroup analyses (patients with a history of diabetes and those receiving only slide scale insulin compared to NPH) (data not shown). In patients with a documented history of diabetes, the mean BG on the index day was 197mg/dL in the NPH arm compared to 185mg/dL in the control arm (p=0.313). When comparing NPH and sliding scale insulin versus sliding scale insulin alone, BG on the index day was 187mg/dL in the NPH group and 174mg/dL in the sliding scale insulin group (p=0.246).
Overall, the incidence of hypoglycemia was low in both arms, with more events occurring in the control arm (Figure 2). A total of 9(0.61%) hypoglycemic episodes occurred in the NPH arm and 15(1.12%) in the control arm (p=0.51). Only one episode of severe hypoglycemia was noted in the control arm.
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When interpreting these results, it is important to note that the number of patients evaluated dropped considerably each consecutive day. By day eleven, only two patients remained in the NPH arm compared to one patient in the control arm. Although daily trends are important to consider, the results on the index day may provide the most insight on glycemic control.
Several limitations exist within this study. Due to the retrospective design, there is also potential for data extraction errors and chart documentation errors. Another limitation is the lack of standardized NPH dosing at this institution. The doses prescribed varied greatly between patients, and the majority of weight-based NPH doses were much lower than other institution protocol recommendations [1,8-15]. Overall glycemic control was also relatively poor in both groups compared to previous studies. This could be partly due to higher daily steroid doses and lack of Diabetes Management Services [15]. Lastly, patients in the NPH group had a significantly longer LOS compared to the control group, which could have resulted in worse overall BG control with increased time of steroid exposure. However, there were no measurements to determine severity of illness to help explain the extended LOS. Although this study was conducted at a single community hospital with a limited sample size, it is the largest study to evaluate this topic.
Despite a lack of evidence, several institutions have implemented protocols for the use of weight-based NPH dosing for hyperglycemic patients treated with steroids. The doses usually range from 0.1units/kg to 0.5units/kg depending on steroid doses [1,8-15]. One retrospective cohort of 120 patients found no difference between NPH versus glargine to control steroid-induced hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes [15]. A randomized control trial of 50 patients evaluated whether an NPH-based insulin regimen is safer and more effective than a glargine-based regimen in hospitalized adults with prednisolone-induced hyperglycemia. The initial daily insulin dose was 0.5units/kg or 130% of the current daily insulin dose. No differences in either outcome was observed [16]. Another randomized control trial of 53 patients examining glargine versus NPH in type II diabetics with respiratory disease and glucocorticoid induced hyperglycemia yielded similar results [17]. This current trial included patients regardless of their diabetes history or steroid indication. Despite the similarity in pharmacokinetic profiles between corticosteroids and NPH, this approach may not offer better glycemic coverage in steroidinduced hyperglycemia over other regimens as shown in this trial and in the studies by Dhital et al. [15], Ruiz de Adana et al. [17], & Radhakutty et al. [16]. Additional large, randomized-controlled trials are warranted to further help direct future evidence-based treatment strategies for steroid-induced hyperglycemia.
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Based on the results of this study, no conclusions can be determined about the efficacy of NPH insulin for corticosteroidinduced hyperglycemia. Patients receiving standard care (control group) appeared to have better glycemic control over patients in the NPH arm; however, the resulting differences were not statistically significant and hampered by small sample size.
To Know More About Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal  Please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/crdoj/index.php
To Know More About Open Access Journals Please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/index.php
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mad4india1 · 1 year
This Amazing Couple Left The Glamour World Of USA To Set Up The Jeevantika Farm In Barnagar, Madhya Pradesh
We all are running towards city life that we have forgotten the beauty of a simple lifestyle and simple living. Being close to nature is a blessing, but we foolish humans, are walking on the path of self-destruction by cutting down trees and making those skyscrapers and tall buildings.
The air is getting polluted day by day, and the food that we consume is full of pesticides and chemicals which are harmful to our health. The more we are progressing, the more we are destroying nature – which is harmful to us in the long run. We are not understanding that running towards the glamour world of city life is actually degrading the environment in a big way.
Meet Sakshi & Arpit – an IIT couple who left the glitz and glamour world of the USA. Well, you think,why? Because they fell in love with the natural farm life so they decided to say goodbye to their high-paying job. Read on to know more about their story.
What Compelled This Power Couple To Leave the Glamour World And Create Their Own Little Paradise?
From The Glamour World Of USA To Start Jeevantika Farm- Journey To A Sustainable Living
Connect with the Jeevantika Farm
What Compelled This Power Couple To Leave the Glamour World And Create Their Own Little Paradise?
This beautiful verse from the famous poem ‘The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost’ fits very well here. Leaving a well-settled life which is built with years and years of hard work and patience- is not something everyone can do. What society will say? We are so afraid about that and live the life that we don’t want and feel pressured to live the life that has been decided for us by our parents. The ones who have the courage to travel the path not dictated by others- are the ones who made all the difference.
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Sakshi and Arpit worked in some of the best tech and finance companies in India and the USA for so many years after graduating from IIT Bombay and Delhi respectively. After toiling for so many years in the corporate world, one tends to feel burn out.
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They volunteered at the Chilean Public School. They interacted with the local people, explored the culture and expanded their comfort zone during the whole process. It was a period of mental awakening for this power couple- and they realized what they were missing in their own life
From The Glamour World Of USA To Start Jeevantika Farm- Journey To A Sustainable Living
When you have that passion and zeal to do something, you do it even if the odds are against you. Sakshi and Arpit were so keen on making their farm-based life a reality that they went to Auroville, Tamil Nadu- just to learn about natural farming.
Then, they set up a mud house in Barnagar, Madhya Pradesh and started their farming journey from there.
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They grow everything in their 1.5-acre farm – veggies, fruits and pulses – free from chemicals and pesticides: all naturally produced.
Their sustainable approach to living will definitely inspire us to do the needful and adopt the more sustainable approach in our lives.
Connect with the Jeevantika Farm
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If you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your daily hectic life and the glitz of the glamour world is tough to handle sometimes, then you definitely are in a dire need of a detox break from your modern lifestyle.
Don’t worry we’ve got you covered, where? It’s Jeevantika Farm ,of course! – you can visit there and spend it in the beautiful vicinity of the farm life , soak in the lush natural beauty and learn about natural farming as well.
To know more about their wonderful farm life or want to volunteer with them. Visit Jeevantika.
You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
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