#1. trying to use better vocab and slang but sounding like a kid being like ‘I photosynthesize with that’ you know
frmulcahy · 1 year
Some fun things from the 1840s Vampire The Masquerade campaign I’m in
“I did so much research. These are ✨historically accurate✨ floor tiles” -DM
A good 5 minute detour about ball gowns and fan front bodices
“You kids don’t know. In my day we had to weave textiles by hand”
Trying to figure out where things would be on maps
“I have a fun fact about bourbon to contribute”
“I forgot I have an opium addiction”
“Do Mormons exist yet?” (They did)
The eldest vampire’s clothes are incredibly old and mended and re-mended. She still wears stays rather than a corset etc.
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