#1. his arcanas the sun and leo is the sun sign
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devilskniife · 22 days ago
anyway i know sho doesn't have a canon birthday but would we all be in agreement that he's leo coded
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sailorspica · 7 months ago
its scares me that a good chunk of the characters.(notable ones too) we need to delve deeper into them ie july leos vs august leos. also how yams is a virgo himself but putting like 2 of the arguably worst characters (karina and rod reiss) as virgos. also if yams is the creator of the world, that means aot world's god is a virgo?????
begging for astrology asks
yams put himself in a sandwich between a cop (MP ralph aug 26) and karina (sept 3) like?? virgo is notably the least populated of all the signs in my all character breakdown, like he wanted to avoid himself, but the narrative weight these virgos pull does the opposite imo
on leo: you have fallen into my trap of advanced/esoteric soapboxing: decanates. so! each sign is a 30 degree wedge in the sky. the sun moves about 1-degree per day, hence why each sun sign "season" is a month long. astrologers divide these 30 degrees into 10-degree (in sun terms, 10 days) slivers called decans. there are different ancient systems of assigning planetary rulers to these decans, but the most popular, chaldean, has uses in tarot
1st decan (mostly july), ruled by saturn: willy, niccolo, sasha, dina fritz, zeke, reiner
2nd decan, approx. aug. 2-11, ruled by jupiter: onyankapon, pieck, marcel
3rd decan, approx. aug 12-22, ruled by mars: colt, keith shadis
the decans create basically 36 mini-signs, which neatly corresponds to the minor arcana of tarot without the court cards. for leo, we're in the fire suit of wands that is the most MARtial:
1st decan = ♄ = 5 of wands
2nd decan = ♃ = 6 of wands
3rd decan = ♂ = 7 of wands
the pamela colman smith cards:
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the five of wands shows a kind of pointless fight. night of the end vibes. aggression for aggression's sake, prolonging a conflict because well! we're in it. i like seeing niccolo and reiner here as soldiers who came to paradis and were challenged and changed, much like the joining the cadets did for sasha and her libertarianism. but also, doesn't it look like stage combat like from stupid willy tybur's fuckass play?
the six of wands is so painfully what all the warriors, or soldiers in general, are taught to aspire to: surviving war, returning home, and earning recognition. it's a card for honorary marleyans, but the trio of characters whose birthdays are here is kinda sad: marcel never made it home; ony's home country is presumably rumbled; pieck only cares about her dad, not any wider renown or the myth of eldian atonement
the seven of wands is so... so... colt and shadis. oh my fucking god. i'm kinda ill looking at it ngl. they both could have saved themselves, if colt literally just ran for cover from falco's transformation, if shadis jumped ship like magath told him to, but they go down fighting, to protect other people. kids! shadis still looks at the 104th as his students. jesus christ
further things about leo in AoT:
of my chosen major characters the only paradisians are sasha and shadis
three sets of warrior + parent: dina fritz and zeke, reiner and sperm contributor, and pieck and her dad. we can throw in colt grice and his uncle
zeke, marcel, and colt. two brothers GOAT chapter episode
i've said this elsewhere but i'm quite sure the return to shiganshina arc happens in the fall, zeke, reiner, and pieck all had birthdays back to back on that docked marleyan warship, i assume. do they actually celebrate? doubt it
and not to be dark on your last point: virgo is a maiden, the mutable earth sign. i think it's genesis 7 where a million different translations say the abrahamic god made adam out of dust, clay, soil, etc. if there is a creator god, it's founder ymir.
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servantofthefates · 4 years ago
10 Ways to Read a 5-Card Tarot Spread
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What does one glimpse tell you?
No one looks happy in this spread. The man in the Nine of Wands is worried. The heart in the Three of Swords is hurt. The guy in the Seven of Swords is cautious. The royal in the Four of Pentacles is tense. The boy in the Four of Cups is bored. So whatever the question is, the answer is not good.
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Read the cards from left to right.
You are currently grieving (Five of Cups). But with the help of a feminine figure (Queen of Cups), passion will enter your life once more (Ace of Wands), and you will have something to celebrate (Three of Cups). Your broken heart will not be so broken anymore (Three of Swords reversed).
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Observe which arcana dominates.
Four out of five belong to the Major Arcana. One Major and one Minor combine to create negativity (The Tower + Nine of Swords). But the three other Majors have beautiful energy. Three trumps two. And more importantly, Major trumps Minor. So whatever sadness there is right now will be replaced with “major” joy.
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See which suit is present and which is not.
Wands and Pentacles share prominence with two each. A Cups card is there too. There are no Swords, which represent our thoughts. Thus, this situation has a lot of passion (Wands) and stability (Pentacles), as well as a bit of emotion (Cups). Even better, there is no anxiety and overthinking (Swords) involved.
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Use color psychology.
This spread is dominated by blacks and grays. Even though the Five of Swords says “Keep fighting” and the last two cards are positive (Four of Swords + Three of Pentacles = harmonious relationships), darkness (black) and dullness (gray) are surrounding this situation.
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Use numerology.
You have one zero, two Aces, and two Twos. Zero means a new start. This is reinforced by the Aces, which are equivalent to the number one – a symbol of beginnings. And number two represents partnerships. Therefore, a new partnership with a new person is predicted to come into your life.
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Look at the symbols on the cards.
That is Apollo on his chariot (The Chariot), ruler of the Sun (The Sun), which in turn rules Leo, who is represented by Strength. Leo’s symbol, the lion, even appears in the last two cards – bottom right in the Wheel of Fortune, and on top in the Two of Cups. Obviously, a Leo will play a huge role in your life.
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Use the cards’ astrological associations.
The Emperor and the Queen of Wands both represent Aries. The Tower is Mars, ruler of Aries. The Hierophant and the King of Pentacles both represent Taurus. Therefore, this spread is speaking of a connection between an Aries and a Taurus, or just one person who is on the cusp of these signs.
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See where the cards are facing.
All the other cards are looking towards The Devil. The King of Cups, The World, The Hermit and The Fool are all observing him. So you are being warned about an abusive person or an oppressive situation. Or perhaps you are simply being told that your soulmate is a Capricorn, the sign associated with this card.
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Listen to what your gut is telling you.
If you asked the cards if someone is in love with you, and you know a guy who always wears a red shirt, like the figures in the Eight of Cups, Justice, The Emperor and the Three of Wands, then it is probably him. Especially if his name is Michael, because that is Archangel Michael depicted in Temperance.
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cinnella · 4 years ago
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Name: Syro Beeks (chosen name); Nehal Desai (birth name)
Age: 24 years old
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Leo
Birthday: August 4th
Patron Arcana: Strength (Major); King of Wands (Minor)
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Occupation: Combat specialist/magician
Height: 6'5" (1.95 m)
Weight: 227 lbs (102 kg)
Neith Desai - older sister
Aditi Desai - mother (deceased)
Dipankar Desai - father (deceased)
Banhi Desai - grandma (deceased)
Origin: Born on the biggest Pearl Isle of Prakra, grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Indian
Powers: Red (combat) magic and pyrokinesis
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, he's a solid 6.7
He'd been born on a very rainy day, his mother unexpectedly delivering him 1 month prematurely. His parents hadn't decided a name for him yet, so they let Neith do that instead. And looking outside the window at the pouring rain, she named him Nehal, which means exactly that.
About a year later, his parents who were mountain climbers, decided to go on a trip to the Clouded Mountains. They left their kids with their grandma, Banhi, as she wished them good luck in the mountains.
A week had passed when Banhi received news from someone who'd been on the ship with their parents. Unfortunately, while they were climbing the mountains, a storm came and threw them off balance together with a multitude of other people. Only a few of them survived.
With no one else to take care of them, Banhi made it her goal to raise her grandchildren as her own.
One day, while she went out to the market with them, to buy groceries, little Nehal was sleeping soundly in a basket, until Banhi put it down and woke him up. Both her and Neith had their attention on the vendor, so he crawled out of it and away. By the time they noticed, he was out of sight.
They searched and searched and called out to him, but to no avail. He was in someone else's arms, heading towards a new home.
Not much later, he was brought to an orphanage far away from home, in Vesuvia. There, he grew up alongside many other children and the caretakers, though he didn't really have friends. Most of the kids were mean and oftentimes bullied him for his shortness. But then a new kid came in, and stepped up to defend him from them. At first, he thought of it to be foolish.
She was even shorter than him. Small frail body, porcelain skin and black hair, and what stood out the most was her differently colored eyes. There must've been something scary about her, because the kids stopped their bullying.
That day, they became each other's first friend, and he learned that her name was Saiya, but warned him not to call her that. She hated her name. Soon, they advanced to best friends. Everything they did, they did together. Mostly mischief.
The caretakers soon realized that most of the kids had no names, and even when they named them, there was a lot of confusion and many unhappy children. So they decided to teach them to read and write when they were old enough, and on their 7th birthday, they'd let them choose a name themselves.
When he was only 5, a third kid entered their little circle. She'd declared that her name was Eris. She had sun-kissed skin, silver white hair and ice blue eyes, and as young as Nehal was, he couldn't help but get a little crush on her. The three of them became very close, almost inseparable.
Once Saiya's birthday rolled around, she changed her name to Morana, and soon enough, his own birthday came too.
And so, Nehal Desai became Syro Beeks.
Around that week, two new kids joined their troublemaking group. Both were a little under two years younger than him, one with ash blond hair and silver eyes, the other with dark skin and jade green eyes.
Syro couldn't have asked for a better family. Years and years passed by in a blur, every day a new day to do more mischief. And as he approached his teen years and 6'3 in height, heartbreaking news came with them.
The adults made it clear that when they'd turn 17, they'd need to search for a home of their own. Him and the others talked about it, each of them wanted to try and find their homeland, their relatives.
And Eris was the first to leave. They were all saddened to see her go, but they knew she had to find her family.
A year later, Morana was next, but he was not about to let her go on her own. They always did everything together, after all. As heartbreaking as it was to leave the other two, Calyx and Libelle, they had to leave.
Their first stop was the Southern Spines, but much to their disappointment, they discovered nothing of her family. Then, they traveled across the land once more and took a ship towards the biggest Pearl Isle of Prakra, where one of the adults had found him.
Although he didn't know the place in the slightest, it was like his heart was calling to him, leading him. A couple of hours later, Syro came face to face with a woman.
Pink hair, indigo eyes and the same skin complexion he had. The same strong nose, plump lips and powerful jaw. Undeniably, they must have been related. But what clicked to him was her height. It's not everyday you meet someone who is almost as tall as you are.
She burst into tears and whispered his name... Probably his birth name, as she hugged him. As awkward as it was for him, the hug felt right.
The woman asked for them to follow her to her home and explain everything. There, Syro found out her name was Neith and that she was his older sister. He didn't quite believe it, until she pulled out a painted picture Banhi had done of them so many years ago, a 9 years old Neith holding her baby brother, who had jet black hair and magenta eyes just like him.
Many more hours passed, and both Morana and Syro decided to spend a few days with Neith. When they left, he promised to visit her when he had the time.
Once again in Vesuvia, he focused on learning to fight. It was something he'd wanted to do ever since he was little, but never found the time for that. Later on, he learnt to incorporate magic into it, becoming a skilled fighter and magician all the same.
When the Red Plague washed over them, he fleed together with Morana, Calyx and Libelle, but the latter two took to their own path, splitting in pairs. Eris refused to leave, for whatever reason.
They were heartbroken to learn that she'd died, and until then, they hadn't realized she was their anchor, their bridge. He remained with Morana, and the other two stayed with each other.
3 years later, he came back to Vesuvia after Libelle contacted him about Eris possibly living. He of course, didn't believe it in the slightest until he saw her alive and well, walking the streets of Vesuvia. But she didn't recognize him.
He met Asra that day too, who explained to him what happened and warned him about the consequences of trying to bring back her memories.
When she was assigned on late Count Lucio's case to catch his murderer, he volunteered to help her with the on-ground investigation, as it could be very dangerous.
That's how he met Julian.
And soon fell in love with him.
Personality: stubborn, flirty, adventurous, reckless, respectful, polite, self-less, aggressive, competitive, destructive, playful, sarcastic, loyal, sincere, open-minded, pessimistic, a little childish and a tease
Interesting facts:
Although he's very fond of any sun-themed objects, he hates heat. He prefers cold weather.
The scars on his arm are from a bear attack that happened while in the Southern Spines, and he also has one in his left palm.
Unlike the others who are mainly right-handed, he's left-handed. It's why he crosses his arms that way.
Never flinches at bitter or sour tastes, nor at strong alcoholic beverages, he actually likes them.
In total, he has 15 piercings. 5 in each ear, 1 on the right side of his nose, 1 in his right eyebrow, 2 in his lower lip and one in his tongue.
His first kiss was Eris. (And vice versa)
He got the sun-moon tattoo on his cheekbone when he was 15.
He has a second tattoo on his chest, of two entwined snakes.
Loves jewelry with a passion, he cannot go a day without at least wearing a ring.
Appearance: Umber skin tone, shoulder-length wavy jet black-blue hair, magenta eyes, inverted triangle body shape with a strong build
Familiar: Cynthia, a kind and sweet rainbow boa
Voice claim: Chace Crawford
Full sprite:
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I didn't realize just how much more complicated his design would be compared to Eris' until I got down to actually design it.
But boy am I proud!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Edit: I forgot to add his scars.. T-T
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astroaedes · 4 years ago
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This reading was conducted on December 8th, 2020.
Major Arcana - The Fool, Judgement, The World
Minor Arcana - Nine of Swords
Court Cards - Knight of Wands; Queen of Wands; Queen of Cups; King of Swords
Elemental/Zodiac - Taurus, Aquarius
Clarification Cards round 1 - King of Wands; Knight of Coins; Aries
Clarification Cards round 2 - Scorpio; Nine of Cups
(plot twist: the clarification cards did not provide clarification)
Okay this reading is crazy lol and just a heads up this will be a long post. Like I honestly don’t know what to make of it. I definitely do not think it is talking about his love life. Whatever this situation is, it’s taking up a lot of Hyunjin’s mental and emotional energy and not leaving a lot of room for love. Which is a big deal for our dreamy Mr Pisces!
First of all this reading is CROWDED. In tarot the Court Cards often represent the people or types of people involved in the reading and I pulled SIX of them. I don’t think I have ever pulled that many Court Cards in a single reading before. I strongly suspect that this situation involves his group members because I don’t see another reason why this many people would be present. 
Each of these Court Cards has a corresponding zodiac sign which are as follows: Knight of Wands = Sagittarius; Queen of Wands = Aries; Queen of Cups = Cancer; King of Swords = Aquarius; King of Wands = Leo; Knight of Coins = Virgo. It makes sense that a lot of Hyunjin’s group members have these zodiac signs. Aries and Aquarius both appear twice in this reading so the members with those as their Sun sign potentially play an important role in this situation.
I get the sense that this situation is coming to an end or at least it’s trying to as The World represents completion and is the final card in the Major Arcana. But The Fool is card zero, it’s the beginning, it’s back to square one. So I feel like maybe one of the people involved is trying to restart some drama, old drama that should have stayed in the past. Judgement represents the path to a new life but it’s a long, winding and often painful path. Think of a snake shedding its skin and how slowly it has to crawl out of its old self. This situation should have ended long ago but instead it’s being drawn out. Taurus is present so someone is being stubborn. Whoever is reigniting old drama can sense the end and is being so bull-headed and refusing to let it go. With the Aquarius card present it could mean that someone is being singled out, targeted or excluded because they are not acting in alignment with the group. (Aquarius can have a very me vs them mentality)
All of this drama is really taking its toll on the members. The Nine of Swords is the mind eating itself. It’s a sense of being bombarded with negative thoughts and personal demons. It’s a dark swirl of anxiety. As a Pisces Hyunjin is very susceptible to the emotions of those around him so I can see him being particularly affected by this.
The final cards that I drew were Scorpio and the Nine of Cups which gives me hope about all of this. Scorpio represents transformation and rebirth, while the Nine of Cups is a card of emotional satisfaction. Whenever this situation is over and everything has been laid to rest, there will be a great sense of release. The group will feel as if they have the opportunity to start again - almost as if a new life or era is waiting for them. The Nine of Cups is also the card of splendour so I think the ending of this situation will somehow bring them great success and emotional fulfilment. 
Okay this post is getting crazy long so I’ll end it here. Sorry about how vague this reading is, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. If any Stray Kids fans have any insight or information about this reading then please let me know! Also at some point in the future I will come back to Hyunjin and do a proper love life reading!
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gorogorogorochansan · 4 years ago
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CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮 [x]
1. what is their full name? do they have any nicknames? what are they and why did they get them? His full name is Maximilian Noirceuil Roquentin Vandermeer. Vandermeer to others, Max to his family. His mother just loves French literature and culture.
2. how old are they? how long have they been living on their own? 33 as of 2077. He’s been living on his own for 15 years since he joined Arasaka.
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising. He was born on May 2nd 2044, which makes him a sun Taurus, moon Cancer and ascendant Leo.
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them? The Devil.
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way? Not at all. Max is rather materialistic and self-indulgent at times.
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them? Air for intellect and mental intention.
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc) Lawful neutral.
10. which of the myers-briggs personality types are they? ESTJ, the Executive.
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor? He’s not into combat much, he prefers doing his job quietly if he can. Better yet - a silver tongue coupled with unsettling look can achieve a lot more than a weapon. Hands: Smart Link; Ocular system: Kiroshi Optics; Nervous system: Kerenzikov; Cyberdeck: Stephenson Tech Mk.2; Integumentary system: Optical Camo;  Skeleton: Endoskeleton, Bionic Lungs; Legs: Lynx Paws.
12. what is their occupation? He likes to call himself a free artist but technically he’s a solo. Murder, sabotage, thievery, recovery, delivery - you name it and he’ll do it, quick & clean. A man of high standards he prefers to be silent, precise and effective about his work. Even during his Arasaka days he never shied away from hard or morally repulsive (to some) tasks. A job is a job and needs to be done.
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be? The closest would probably be a Stealth Solo.
14. what is their weapon of choice? HJKE-11 Yukimura pistols & Electric Baton.
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice? Black Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech.
16. how would you describe their style? Neomilitarism. Corpo chic through and through.
17. are they a early riser or a night owl? Normally he’s an early riser but not averse to adapt if work demands it.
18. share three songs you associate with them. Eisbrecher - Verrückt [translation] Dorothy - Wicked Ones Oomph! - Augen auf! [translation]
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them to night city? if yes, what area of the city did they grow up? He is from Charter Hill, Night City. His maternal family is from North Oak but his parents moved to something more affordable before he was born. He worked his ass off to stay in Charter Hill on his own but after his boss Jenkins lost the power struggle in Arasaka, Vandermeer had to survive and look for a cheaper place.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. Watson, Little China, near Sutter Street. He rents a small apartment that satisfies his needs, which turned out to be rather simple - a quiet (as much as possible), clean and efficient space that is suitable for living and working in.
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC? Lele Park in the evening and night. And Dark Matter club.
22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food? He can cook a few things thanks to his mom but generally prefers street food and restaurants. He finds vending machines repulsive.
23. do they prefer the city or the badlands? The city. He loves comfort, hygiene and availability of things only megalopolis can offer. 
24. what gang/faction/corporation do they align with, if any? He prefers to keep balance and mutually beneficial relationships with everyone strictly for business. He always looks for people reasonable enough to bargain with. 
25. which radio station(s) is their favorite? If it’s a car radio then it’s Vexelstrom most of the times. He likes hearing heavy rhythms in the background. When it comes to listening to music at home he has a variety of genres in his playlists from classics and jazz to heavy metal.
26. if they do merc work, do they have one dedicated fixer? if so, who? It’s Rachel Vogelman (another OC created by @bnbc). They used to be corporate rivals during their Arasaka days. To add fuel to the fire their colleagues believed them to be siblings because of certain visual similarities between the two. When Max lost his job Rachel was the only person he could ask for help. It wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t but they focus on the business side of things. Or at least try to.
27. have they ever had run ins with the badges? He doesn’t like to attract unnecessary attention. Nobody likes when you’re the star of TV news.
28. are they quick to help a stranger in need or do they prefer to stay out of other peoples business? He most likely won’t help unless it can benefit him in any way.
29. do they have any favorite celebrities that frequent or live in NC? how would they feel meeting them? He doesn’t give a shit about celebrities. But he knows Michiko Arasaka, and their first meeting face to face left him baffled to say the least.
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner? Something in between. He hates useless small talks and fake politeness but understands their necessity when required. 
31. who are their closest chooms in NC? He doesn’t have any. Never cared enough to rely on people and always expected a knife in the back. His most regular stable contact is probably Rachel Vogelman but  they’re not even close to being chooms.
32. do they have anyone they would consider family? His mom and his sister are the only family he needs.
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? He loves his mother Jessica who raised him to be a well-rounded personality that can always land on his feet. She’s an economist with a good sense of humor and interest in arts. But he doesn’t have much emotional connection with his father Mark, since the guy is always busy with his retail business.
34. do they have siblings? He has a sister named Brit who is 15 years younger.
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family? Max is close with his family, although they’re all often too busy to meet regularly but they keep in touch.
36. who is their biggest enemy? Detective Marc Sanderson? Hard to say for now because there’s no official lore information on him yet.
37. tell a short story about your character with their best choom. His rivalry with Rachel Vogelman was almost comic at times, which only worked against them as their colleagues called them siblings on purpose. But since the two have mutually beneficial relationships now he can admit Rachel is pretty good at what she does. He won’t tell it to her though to avoid giving her the pleasure. They have both grown up after losing their corporate jobs but some habits die hard.
38. do they have a love interest? if so, who? His current LI is Michiko Arasaka. Initially he'd met her as Ichigo (a Japanese name that means strawberry) in a cyber sex VR club while he still worked in Arasaka. It was a series of encounters they both enjoyed until he abruptly put an end to it during his unemployment. He suspects she started digging info on him because she reached out to him some time after he had made a small name for himself as a solo. 
39. are they in a committed relationship or do they date around? Given the social gap between the two and solely sexual nature of their affair it’s implied they’re in open relationship. Besides it’s unknown if Michiko is still married. However, despite loving sex Max can be picky because he’s slightly fixated on hygiene. Michiko also sparked genuine curiosity and creativity in him with her wild and magnetic personality.
40. has your character ever been in love? if so, with who? No, what is love? He won’t recognize it even if falls in it.
41. do they believe in soulmates? No, he believes in shared goals.
42. do they believe in love at first sight? A ridiculous notion.
43. describe their ideal date. Their idea of romantic evening is to hook up in clubs where it’s noisy and crowded enough to ignore them but also to tickle their nerves. Sometimes they have a follow-up in motels (Michiko knows all the right places) if they can afford it. I don’t mean financially of course. Currently such state of affairs suits both of them perfectly.
44. would your character ever get married? Theoretically he can but marriage is a serious commitment, and right now he’s not interested in making one. And when it comes to Michiko it’s a no-no for a variety of obvious reasons. 
45. what was your characters first impression of their partner(s)? Michiko Arasaka was not someone he expected to see when Ichigo asked for a real life meeting. She definitely enjoyed the effect she made while Max was trying to figure out in his mind if this was a setup. She was bold, straightforward and irresistable - not like anyone he has ever met before. The whole situation felt like getting into a sports car without breaks. Once in a lifetime opportunity, a one-way ticket. And he took it. He suspects he’s not the first and not the last such input for her but life is too short for missing out the fun.
46. are they open about their relationship or low key? how would other people feel about them together? Somewhat semi-open. Max’s mom knows and she’s worried for him, although she knows he can take care of himself. And Michiko doesn’t mind him telling about her to his family as he has no friends and isn’t the type to brag, and she doesn’t care if anyone recognizes her in public. Her social circle wouldn’t care about him, and those who might won’t be able to do a thing about it.
47. share a headcanon about your character and their partner(s). Just one? I’ve already got plenty. • Michiko calls him Max and he calls her Ichigo or Ichi (one) because that’s how they’ve met and it's something of their inside joke, a secret; • Michiko keeps him at distance on purpose. She studied his profile long before they’ve met face to face and probably knows what he wants for breakfast before he even wakes up. So she knows Max has opportunistic tendencies like majority of mid-tier corpos. But another reason is that she also doesn’t want things to get serious and complicated between them because it can ruin the fun. She appreciates he doesn’t ask stupid questions or demands more attention than she can give him; • Michiko likes to подъебывать Max. I guess the closest English equivalent would be to tease - cracking suggestive jokes on him, giving him simple presents she finds hilarious, sending him nudes and demanding payment with his in the most inappropriate times. She is amused Max tolerates her shit so stoically - but she’s never malicious, disrespectful or obnoxious. In return Max knows it’s hard to impress someone who comes from the Arasaka bloodline & that it would be safer not to get on their bad side, so he focuses on making her feel good. And strangely it makes him feel good too.  • Max loves to touch her hair. Michiko always looks flawless when they meet and he adores her for it. • When Arasaka Tower was under attack Max called her until she finally picked up as he was genuinely concerned about her safety. He asked if she was alright and offered to take her home but she refused. She doesn’t know he was waiting outside.
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s). Garbage - Bad Boyfriend Eisbrecher - Exzess Express [translation] Eisbrecher - Rot wie die Liebe [translation] Bonus: Dinah Washington - Relax, Max - a song Michiko likes to tease him with.
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons. Mature, confident women who know what they want and don’t waste anyone’s time.
50. name three of your characters biggest kinks. Touching Michiko in public - it’s the kink of kinks.
51. do they like having multiple partners or do they prefer monogamy? He doesn’t like being in relationships. The secret to his successful affair with Michiko is that both are totally free of any commitments and expectations from each other. Normally he prefers flings, BDs and cyber sex. But currently his mind is occupied with one specific woman with blue hair.
52. do they watch porn or braindances? Porn is ancient, BDs are far more superior.
53. would your character ever make an explicit braindance? He doesn’t have the right implant for that. He might though but not with Michiko - he’s not that stupid. 
54. do they have any cybernetic enhancements that serve sexual purposes? He’s no netrunner but he got himself a Stephenson cyberdeck that supposedly prolongs orgasms. Turns out the cyberdeck can be useful for other things as well, even moreso as now he doesn’t have a corpo protection and needs to be more careful.
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications? He doesn’t like cheap implants. Other than that he doesn’t care.
56. name three of your characters biggest turn offs. Poor hygiene, naivete and girls who don’t know when to quit. 
57. what is their ultimate fantasy? or ““secret”“ kink? Michiko is his ultimate fantasy now. There’s something liberating and intoxicating about having her at the tips of your fingers moaning your name. He feels like he can try anything with her and she won’t say no, although he is aware it’s an illusory freedom.
58. would they ever use any substances like aphrodisiacs, alcohol or drugs during sex? Yes because why not? It’s not necessary but it can’t hurt.
59. what is their wildest sexual experience? A corpo group sex party. It was fun but he doesn’t like joytoys, even premium ones. Had to do a medical check-up afterwards.
60. are they more submissive or dominant? Dominant. But one time Michiko cuffed him to bed and he didn’t mind.
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached? Unattached is best at the moment. Though he’s not fully aware he’s currently attached.
62. has your character ever participated in group sex? In the past, during his Arasaka days. 
63. do they like to sext or play over the holo? Why not both, depending on situation. 
64. has your character ever ghosted someone after a sexual encounter? Yes because he doesn’t like attachment. The reason he didn’t ghost Ichigo was that she was always creative during their virtual meetings.
65. how would they react if they were ghosted by someone they like after a sexual encounter? If Michiko ghosted him he’d be probably pissed and then upset. But he suspects she’d tell him first because there’s a certain amount of trust between them.
66. do they prefer kink oriented sex or spontaneous passionate sex? Usually the latter but the former is good too.
67. how do they get down on their own? quick and easy or do they have to romance themselves a little? It depends on a moment.
68. in what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress? Naked is the best. He dresses sharp because that’s how he was raised and also because it makes him feel good about himself. He mostly prefers clean black suits.
69. do they like having music on while they have sex? share three songs they’d play while getting down. He usually doesn’t care but Michiko likes to put on something energetic and loud when they’re in motels. This is just to give the idea of the mood: Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama Beastie Boys - Sabotage Mylène Farmer - Des larmes
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illdesigns · 4 years ago
toki? :D
ah yes, my all time favorite mtl character despite the fact that i do not make a peep about him and spend more time and effort on the dude who stabs him. yes yes.
1) Uncommon headcanon about them I am deeply attached to.
the “everything/everyone toki loves dies” thing is just him being an early bloomer for his god powers. the “kitty pryde falling through the floor of her house” moment where he can’t control his powers. 
2) Widely-held headcanon about them that I reject.
bruh the way so many people infantalize toki and act like he is not a GROWN ADULT MAN. i do not trust. he is not any member of dethklok or charles’ “son” he is not someone who needs to be coddled. stop with that.
3) What were they like as a kid? What was their early life like?
well We All Know. but i think also he ended up in the bad side of the black metal scene when he left home and before he came to the states. but this is also just me wanting to curse everyone with all the fucked up and weird knowledge i have about nbm. please someone stop me before i write a huge fic about it.
4) Symbols/motifs that I associate with them–colors, animals, zodiac signs, mythic themes, imagery, objects, etc.
he’s a pisces. it’s to go with skwisgaar being a leo. because pisces and leo are dramatic and wildly emotional but pisces are more inward while leos are outward.
tarot cards are the fool (major arcana) and the page of wands (minor arcana).
i think of royal colors when writing him - rich purples and blues. cats. the “nothing but also salt” smell that play dough has. when you’re really sick and can’t tell if the sun is setting or rising. light and airy but with a weird hint of something else to it.
5) Other characters or types of people I have in mind when I draw and/or write them.
toki is the guy who will turn around while you’re waiting in line and just strike up a conversation. the type of person who refuses to put himself first and will be falling apart at the seams because he can’t take care of himself right now, that would be selfish! the guy who will call you at one in the morning like “wanna go on an adventure” and the adventure is wandering around walmart in your pajamas and getting high in a fast food parking lot.
6) What I project onto them when I draw and/or write them.
oh so many things. the youngest of the friend group usually. brain weird. childish hobbies. babyface. considered immature because of those things. short temper. dead parent. the list goes on-
7) A surprising hobby, interest, or phobia they have.
toki is a hobby/interest sponge! he sees someone he likes get into something and he’s like “i know what i wanna do now” and that goes on for about two weeks and then he drops it. he hobby hops a lot (haha no i don’t know what that’s like at all shhhh) but his main interests are his models, puzzles, sculpting, etc. he’s like skwisgaar in the sense he has to keep busy but instead of hyperfocusing on a single thing he runs off and does 50. jack of all trades, master of none, and he hates when skwisgaar brings that up.
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clearrevelationstarot · 5 years ago
1st Reading 7/4/20 (& Tumblr post!): PART 1:
Clear Revelations Tarot:
RE:  Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (July 4th/5th; July 7th) & Summer Solstice Reading:
INTRO: Hi Everyone! There’s lots of diff. astrological changes happening rt now, at the same time as we move into Summer 2020, …  Because of this, I used various pathways to look at the information re: the things that are happening around us during this timeline, for this reading not just Tarot. I did a very detailed reading (Tarot), & also used a few ‘Wisdom Oracle’ decks AND a rune stone! • There are also many planetary energy shifts going on right now, & this also plays into how it all affects us, & in our world today.. (Re: our planet Earth w Covid; how these energies will be affecting us as a people, & what dynamic we will or won’t be standing for; & what to expect in the months ahead) =
• What was profound was, out of 11 original cards (that are in this Celtic Cross), 7! of them were Higher Life Lesson cards, (=the 22 Major Arcana tarot cards that correlate to different life lessons, we as people can experience at different points in our soul’s lifetime.)  Readings rarely ever happen to have this many Higher Life Lesson (Major Arcana) cards, within 1 reading. = I feel this means as a humanity, we asked for these lessons to occur specifically at this time, in order to spiritually grow as a species.. or as a humankind.. (not man or womankind, but both together as well).   •• NOTE:  Usually when Higher Life lesson cards show up, these life lesson cards have no time periods associated w them; or there’s supposed to be no timeline on them; & they all occur at the same time- From this “slice of life” reading, this is showing why so many people are feeling overwhelmed right now; since these Major Arcana cards, always speak about higher truths, & bring up issues RE: where we all are in life vs. where we feel we need to be OR, where we want to be… a LOT to be thinking about all at once…
• My question was asking for clarity for all humans (the collective) & what we were to expect in the months ahead, re: the pandemic, our lives re: work, our concerns re: survival, our world, & to show us anything we may need to know… (for our near future).   So, let’s get into the reading: ———————————————————————————————— THE READING 7/4 - 7/7/2020: Picture #1:
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• So, I always show an overall card for the reading, & this one wanted to come out for the reading (at the top, the 1 picture of the Tarot card with the stones), & that showed up as “The Sun” card, which is for the time of Summer leading up to & esp. in the time of Leo (July 23- Aug. 22 ).
• So, first of all, imho, many truths that have been hidden which started back w 2 Higher Life Lesson cards showing up in this reading: the original sign for “The Moon” energy, & also Re: The “High Priestess” card below (both ruled by the sign of Pisces, which is Feb. last yr.), but shown in the cards ahead, these secrets will be coming out into the light, definitely much, much more (it feels) by end of August..
These truths feel like info. that was hidden by our Govt. & other countries, & also info about health concerns. (The actual “RX sign” per se, also has shown up  as a specific symbol in the “2 of cups” card & on “The Chariot” card as well- that I’ll explain as we go in chronological order, in more detail..) ——————— Picture #2 (general overall pic) & Picture #3 (showing specifics):
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• The first 2 cards are the “5 of cups”=The ‘Present Energy’ surrounding the people now; & then the “2 of wands” reps the ‘Present Environment’ position. • The 5 of cups is dismay, sadness, working through grief at what’s been lost, in the middle of a change (the “#5”) that has cost us dearly (the 3 cups that can be seen that are spilt in the foreground..), but there are 2 more cups, of the full 5 of cups, that are okay (that are behind the cloaked person on the card.) = It means if we just turn around, some things can still be salvaged. We just need to be in the mindset to see what may be coming, as a new perspective.
• The 2 of wands is the present environment & what’s your focus (& that correlates again w a period of 2=around 2 months ahead- around mid/end August til the beg. of Sept.); saying we all will be searching/weighing the best course to take, w regards to work, or any creative ideas we are wanting to manifest, even dreams..  We are thinking of the best way to start those projects, or it’s a new chance to let people know what other talents you may have - but we’re all putting ourselves out there.. & that includes putting our truths &/or our opinions of how we feel about the changes we are wanting &/or speaking out about, (protesting) as a united people.. • I always find it interesting he’s actually holding a globe in his hand as he looks out.. as we all are thinking of the global impact of what’s happening w our world now…
• The next card has the Higher Life lesson card of “Judgement” (#20) coming across our path..  (placement) • As earlier mentioned, these Life Lesson cards have no time periods associated w them, but in this instance, again it wants us to know it’s happening now, thus numerology-wise, the same period of 2.  As a species, all of humanity, esp. people that have not behaved honestly, will be under a judgement of sorts from above. (G-d; Higher Spirit; etc); - People that were “sleeping” to the problems happening amongst us (factions within our society, (ie) racism, hate, greediness, dishonesty within separate govts., etc.) will be awoken to these issues, (ie.) Here, Archangel Gabriel is blowing his horn to make this happen; He also blows his horn to aid those in need of help, & to others who need a ‘wake-up call’..) & how this will all be played out is starting now, & continuing to culminate, esp. at the 2 month pt. from now.. (til Sept.).. ——————- Picture #4:
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• I clarified the “Judgement” card, (for more details) & another Higher Life lesson, the “Justice” card showed up! (#11, factoring down to a period of.. you ask?..2!) • This card, came out, to tell us, these “judgements” will specifically play out in the courts, deal w ‘good vs evil’ scenarios, & finally the beginning of a spiritual  “Karmic Justice” of sorts.. laws to try & get the dishonesty of Trump (on paper, or proof of his illegal activities) out there further; more specific Laws may even be passed about Covid - in order to try & not have people continue to contribute to the rising number of deaths. (By just running around, without masks, & not social distancing etc.) • Very sorry to say, but specific laws as a Nation, may need to be passed to keep people in line more, but it feels like this will be debated in the courts further. After the 2 month pt., I feel we’ll have to re-stay inside because people that didn’t believe the facts about this virus, will now be forced to see its’ effects..   only necessary jobs out there will be the ones allowed to work.. ——————— Refer back to Picture #2:  (Overall picture, for these next 4 cards, the “3 of Pents”, “The High Priestess”, & “The Fool”, & “The Death” card):
• The next card is the card at the top of the Celtic Cross, the “3 of Pents” card. This position reps the Goals position. • The “3 of Pents” is the best case scenario after everything that is going on right now= it is a card that usually reps working with others, sometimes in groups, and a feeling of coming together. Also, nuts & bolts speaking, it can represent a job or employment of some sort. Workwise, this is hopeful; but I feel it has a deeper meaning of us all as a human race, to work together to overcome this health situation right now. (Covid).
• The next card is the card at the bottom of the Celtic Cross, “The High Priestess” (#2). This position represents Difficulties in the Past.   • This card reps the astrological sign of Pisces, so from back in Feb. what we were being told, or not told: I mentioned this a little bit earlier, but in detail, she represents things that are not yet revealed, or things that may have been hidden from us. Because of where this card landed position-wise, it feels like it’s saying this is all the info. We still don’t know the full story on, re: how our President has handled Covid, & other world issues involving politics. I feel these issues will be coming more and more into the light, esp. in these Summer months. (from now through August, & into Sept.)..
• The next card has the Higher Life Lesson of “The Fool” (#0). This position (to the left)  is the Last of the Present. • This card reps the astrological sign of Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18th); this “Fool” card correlates to a person or situation taking a leap of faith into the void of the unknown. This is the timeline of when everything started re: our health situation, and all of the independent searching for the truth re: the pandemic, & all of the human issues this brought up between all of us as a people, & striving for equality for all mankind. The reason I say this, is because Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus & Saturn, & this placement of the planets right now, is supposed to have us looking at what Aquarius himself represents: he’s a human rights advocate: & demands freedom, liberty & equality. But Aquarius also is ruled by the planet Saturn which is in direct opposition to Uranus. Saturn is the planet of orthodoxy & tradition. (ie) He’s cold, selfish, conservative & fearful of change.   So.. because of the alignment of these planets right now, the upheaval & turmoil forecast by their radically worldview has arrived, just as expected.
• The next card has the Higher Life Lesson of the “Death” card. (# 13). This position  (to the right) represents the first of the future. Meant to bring radical change, Death represents a major transformation of sorts! This can represent renewal, but this transformation is supposed to purge the personality and the physical body at this time. The renewal is supposed to be so devastating that the new form (of us as humans) will bear no resemblance to the old form. This was supposed to occur so that it perpetuated growth & stimulated creation. “Old attitudes & and behavioral patterns must be destroyed, & purging them may be painful and uncomfortable.” —————————— Picture #5:
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• I clarified the “Death” card & another Higher Life Lesson, the “Lovers” card (#6) showed up! • This card paired with the Death card, is asking us to bring change to how we treat each other here on Earth. Archangel Raphael is showing up, looking over Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden (where it’s referencing where Life first began), vs. where we are at now.  In the best outlook of this pairing of 2 cards, we can see this as a major transformation will be occurring between all peoples- a new way of looking at each other- a new understanding & openness; in the more serious look at this paring, it’s saying there still will be further loss incurred re: our loved ones, (a loss of life) due to the transformations happening re: the pandemic.  
NOTE: Again, normally I wouldn’t project a time line w a Higher Life Lesson card, but in this instance of the majority of Higher Life Lesson cards, it feels like this will be from now til a period of 4-6 weeks from now. (taking us to a little later than the middle of August). —————————- These next placements are the future lineup cards, going vertically upwards. Here, I laid the initial card, with the clarified cards in the same pictures:
Picture #6:
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• The next card has the “2 of Cups” in the position of the Future Environment. Going in chronological order timeline -wise, this feels like it takes us from now, to a period of 2  from middle of August (beg. of Sept).  The “2 of Cups” card represents all significant pairings or partnerships of people. This refers to close friends, family, partners in business, or creative ventures, etc.  As a Higher Life Lesson, this card shows up to either show us of a close union coming in, or it asks us to make a choice between 2 types of people, that represent 2 archetypes in your mind: positive loving partners, or negative, destructive partners. I feel this is referring to how we will be treating each other as a people. (& asking which way will be acceptable in the future..) •Also, interesting to see, the 2 of cups has the “RX” (health sign for Doctors; health issues symbol, etc.) in between the 2 people in the card- so it’s all about health between all peoples we are having to deal with, & that this pandemic is here for a while longer… 

• I clarified the “2 of Cups” card, & another Higher Life Lesson card, “The Empress” (#3) came out! • I thought this was interesting! It literally was saying, we need (as a people) to take care of, or love the Earth more! (since “The Empress” reps literally Mother Earth. We will be asking the question of how are we going to be doing this in a more substantial way in the near future.. • She also symbolizes us as inspired and enlightened adults, & whose emotions are rich w love & aliveness.  She also is describing a period of time creatively, that there’s a high level  (your own deep resource) of inspiration within, at work, or for a certain project. • The astrological sign that is correlated to “The Empress” card also is Libra, so I feel we’re going in chronological order here. This will be around the timeline of Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 23rd). ———————- Picture #7:
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• The next card was the Higher Life Lesson card of “Strength”(#8) card in the position of Influences from the Outside. • Here, I feel the “Strength” card is asking us to have the strength to get through this next period of things that may be affecting us and how it will affect our outlook coming in (in the near future).  Also, we’ll be asked to use direct force to overcome any weaknesses, & can signify a fight between 2 aspects of yourself: the weaker & lower self, and the stronger, higher one.  “It’s time to let go of this lower instinct & you must overpower your own negativity.” • Because this has to do with the “Influences from the Outside”, I feel we will have to be very careful to watch our attitudes towards others at this time; Also this can be speaking about all of us seeing these aspects, as it applies to our Gov’t right now, & asking which side (the negative or positive side) will win.
• I clarified the “Strength” card, & got these 3 cards, which will be a quick combination /summation of what they mean: (kind of like looking at a string of movie cells together, that tell a story…) : • First, the Knight of Cups clarified “Strength”, & clarified again, & the card “The Devil” (#15) showed up. This feels like there will be an attempt at an offer that will be made to or by the person or thing representing “The Devil”,  here.   • “The Devil” is another Higher Life lesson card which represents a toxic individual or a toxic situation or behavior that’s needing to be pointed out, revealed finally, &/or then overcome.   (ie) possibly any lies that were told re: Gov’t or the pandemic, will be majorly exposed more, & decided upon. • I clarified again, and the “6 of Cups” card showed up; this usually reps something from the past- this feels like this toxic behavior, health scenario etc. was looked at in the past, but will be re-looked at in fuller detail, &possibly with some kicking and screaming, exposed. • Also, because there’s 2 cups signs in this line-up, I feel it will be during a time of a Water sign, & from the 6 cups, it could possibly be 6 wks later, (from the beg. of Libra) which takes us to ~Nov. 4th… or around Scorpio (Oct. 24th - Nov. 21st). —————————— Picture #8:
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• The next card was “The Moon:” card, clarified, then the “Queen of Swords”,  clarified again, to the “Temperance” card.  This position reps the Hopes & Fears. • So, “The Moon” is the fear that we will not find out any enlightening information, as we were the last time from a year ago, since this card reps the astrological sign of Pisces. (Feb. 19-March 20th).   • BUT, the “Queen of Swords” represents cutting through any BS, and making sure that only the truth is told in this situation & the people involved that are responsible for it. She also can rep lawyers &/or judges, or courts. Another sign that these huge changes in our society will all be taken very seriously. • ”The Temperance” card clarified with “Queen of Swords”.  Next, the Higher Life Lesson card of “Temperance” means “allowing the passage of time to be a healer & a balancer.”; This card reps equal shares of a liquid substance going back & forth until moderation is achieved & extreme conduct eradicated. • I feel it means there will be a major balance finally re: all issues we as a human race have been fighting for lately; hopefully laws put in place to offset anything illegal that was done to us as a country &/or lies that were told to get away with whatever was trying to be gotten away with.   • This next thing, is just a feeling I get, but because “Temperance”  reps the astrological sign of Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21st), I feel we are continuing our timeline onwards. —————————— Picture #9:
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• The next & last cards in the reading, representing the Outcome is: (again, as if looking at a story playing out here): ”The Chariot” is the last outcome card. This is a Higher Life Lesson card too, representing “there is nothing you can do to hurry the outcome of a situation.” So, patience is required here. The lesson is no matter what you do, you cannot alter the course of the vehicle within which you ride. “The Chariot” reps being taken as fast as you can toward your destination, but you can’t make it go any faster. Though it tells you ‘everything is taken care of’, you must not be fooled into inactivity. “Use the time well as you wait. Gaining distance from the predicament of your life, reassessing it from the vantage of a solo journey.” • Once again, the only other card in the deck (“The Chariot” here) that also has the same “RX” symbol as the “2 of Cups” did, we are at the last row of cards of the reading, and the health situation is still going to be present in our lives, so this is interesting to note.
• I clarified with many cards, & the last lineup of cards in the reading formed this story: • “Knight of Pents” clarified “The Chariot” & because pents represent Earth signs (astrologically), & the next Earth sign after Sagittarius is Capricorn, I feel this will take us to the end of the year. (time of Capricorn=Dec. 22-Jan 19th). This card also reps a standstill during this time, since the “Knight of Pents” is a slow or no moving Knight.
• Next, 9 cups (9) means not sitting on our past laurels, but trying to head towards our wish fulfillment or what’s best for all (all people); this then will lead towards another Higher Life Lesson “The Hermit” (#9) card, standing for A Huge Spiritual Life lesson (usually these are asked for, by our soul); this is how our soul evolves.; Anyway, this is clarified by another (9), the “9 of Pents”, which usually stands for breaking out and being independent, on our own, working on being self-sufficient, & wiser.
• NOTE:  At this point, because of the paused Knight, & then 3 Nine cards in a row: (9), (#9- Hermit) (9), I definitely feel there will still be the temporary halting or ending to our goals moving forward; we will be at a pause still…
• Clarified this again, & got the Higher Life Lesson card of “The Tower”, where life seems like at this point that there still will be disruptive changes occurring, as if the rug is still being pulled out from underneath us- still more unexpected changes coming… not just in America, but on a world level.
• I clarified again, & the “Queen of Wands” was the last card. This energetic Queen, to me gives us hope that we will still be putting ourselves out there, since she’s known as a fiery, and passionate Queen, who works hard, & doesn’t give up easily. So this is hopeful. ——————
• Lastly, when there isn’t an ending timeline to a story, I always look to the overall energy of the reading on the bottom of the deck, and continue to look at the story there, to get more info: Picture #10:
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• So, as a quick lineup, this overall energy started with the Higher Life Lesson of “The   Magician” (#1) who is known to be the “Manifestor” of the Universe.  He continues to explore all ways that he can do that in order to eventually succeed.
• This leads to the “4 of Pents” - a card that shows us holding onto what we have, & trying to continue to build foundations.  (possibly 4 months into the year…=April)
• The “King of Wands” continues the energies of seeking out more stability in our work lives. (This may be starting up again around the time of Aries (March 21st- April 19th & correlates with the “4 of Pents” here). I know this seems far away, but it definitely will be after it shifts into 2021. This timeline may be where it continues to be more & more positive news…leading to more hope.
• The next card clarified is the “6 of Swords”. I feel we’ll get news of further help finally, and be lead to a safer environment, perhaps towards more healing. This feels like during the time of Gemini= the next time of air (May 21st- June 21st)
• Then, the “Page of Cups” , I feel we’ll hear good news, like a vaccine for the pandemic; this could perhaps take place during a time of a water sign (the next one chronologically at this point is Cancer= June 22- July 22nd).
• Then, the Higher Life Lesson “The Wheel of Fortune” (correlated to the freedom-expanding planet Jupiter), shows us that Destiny & Karma are turning in your favor. Expect some information of good luck to come your way, and for the forces of nature to finally turn in your favor. “This is not an action card, but rather, the message of this card is that to ‘just wait for it’ because your karmic reward is on its way.”  This wheel reps the 4 fixed astrological signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio & then Leo, so if we continue chronologically, perhaps this is referring to the time of Leo again. (By next Summer, we as a society may be back to a new normal type of life, still being careful, but slowly with more and more people getting the vaccine..?) I am hoping this is a distinct possibility of our future. Let’s hope it’s even sooner!!
• Because… the very last card is the “3 of Cups”, and this is a celebratory card, where friends gather together to joyously & be with one another. So this feels like we will have a lot to be celebrating by this point! ——————-
• OK, this definitely was detailed, but was more of a teaching way of looking at tarot, for anyone that wanted to read this in this way.  This was just to share the details of this profound time that’s happening in the world, and thought it was important enough to “get down to the nitty gritty” with anyone that was interested.
•• Thanks for checking this out! My next blogs will be more succinct, and probably not about the Earth & what we’re facing right now… since we are still in the midst of working all of this out on the 3D plane!  :-)!!  ••
•• The rest of the Oracle cards, & Rune stone (& cool pics)  I also got referring to this same question to add onto this reading, (abt the same question) will be added into my next Blog for you all!!  So, thanks for checking back tomorrow, & also for your patience as I learn more about being on Tumblr!! :-)!!
••Plse. come to PART 2 of this initial reading- Now posted on 7/12/20! Thank you!  :-)!
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eclecticdivination · 7 years ago
Hey AD, just to piggy back off Issy - once you find your tarot deck how do you find your personal cards? Also, how do you know when you're in the right meditative state to ask the cards a question? Do you just relax until your mind is quiet and you're not thinking of anything else? Last one, promise - I heard when you get a new tarot deck that you're suppose to sleep with it under your pillow for a few nights - is that true? PS love the blog - H
Hi H!
once you find your tarot deck how do you find your personal cards?
There are many different ways to find your significator. 
1. You can pick up each court card and meditate. Look at the card, does it feel right? Do you feel like you’re looking at yourself? Is the energy flowing with yours? This doesn’t always work for everyone, but some do have a bit of luck. 
2. You can choose one based on age and zodiac/element. 
Wands - Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)Cups - Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)Swords - Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)Pentacles - Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
3. You can choose based on their personality and yours. For example, the Queen of Wands is a fiery woman who is creative, passionate, warm, friendly, and ambitious. The Queen/King of Pentacles is stable, mature, grounded, stubborn, hard-working, and down to earth. 
4. You can also choose based on age. Pages are almost always children, but can also represent immature people. Knights are usually 18-30, Queens are 18+, and Kings are 30+. Some people also say that Queens are 30+, but the great thing about tarot is that if you feel that the Queen can be someone who is 20, that’s what it is for you. Or if you think Queens can only be someone who is over 30, that’s also fine. 
5. A combination of some or all of these. 
Last year I wrote a post about the Queens, it’s worth a read if you’re looking to get to know them a bit more. I haven’t done one for the Pages, Knights or Kings, but you can get a feel for what they’re like based on the queens description. 
As for other personal cards… You can choose a major arcana as a personal card based on some of the examples above. Meditate on it, look up the personalities of the cards, choose by numerology or zodiac. Or it could just be a card that you connect with but can’t explain. 
I am The High Priestess in the major arcana, but there are other ways to find cards that connect to you. For example, I am the Lovers in Numerology because I am a 33-6. Through the zodiac, I am The Sun and Strength because I am a Leo. I don’t always go by most of those cards, but I know if they pop up in a reading, this is something that affects me and I need to pay attention. But the High Priestess, Sun, and Queen of Wands is what I connect with. 
If you enjoy being alone and you are a deep thinker, The Hermit might be the card for you in the major arcana. If you’re a self-starter, resourceful, and you get things done, the Magician is a good card to choose. 
how do you know when you’re in the right meditative state to ask the cards a question? Do you just relax until your mind is quiet and you’re not thinking of anything else?
For a lot of people, meditation is the way to go. I don’t meditate anymore before a reading because I don’t really need to. For some reason I’m always in sync with my tarot cards. But when I need to meditate, I do it. I do turn the television off, relax and listen to music that’s soft, Celtic, or classical. Burning incense or candles is a good idea too. 
Do whatever makes you feel connected. Some people take baths before reading cards, others go for a run to get energized. Whatever works for you. I don’t know about anyone else, but I like to have a bottle or glass of cold water near me. Some readings can get intense and it’s best to prepare yourself ahead of time so you don’t have to get up for a drink and break your focus. You can pick right back up and continue the reading at the energy level you were at before, but this doesn’t always happen. It’s kind of like when you suddenly wake up from a really good dream and you don’t move, so then you fall asleep again and pick up where you left off. Sometimes when you move after you wake up, you can’t go back into the same dream. So I like to prepare myself ahead of time. 
I heard when you get a new tarot deck that you’re suppose to sleep with it under your pillow for a few nights - is that true?
One of the things I love about tarot is that we all have our own way of doing things. If you believe the only way to connect to the cards after you get a new deck is to put them under your pillow, then put them under your pillow. If it works for you, then great! I don’t do that with my new decks. 
My connection to them starts physically. After I get a new deck, I will go through each card and look at the details, then I give them a good shuffle and do a reading. I also meditate with the cards when they’re new (before I use them for the first time) and put some amethyst and clear quartz clusters on them. You can also connect to your new deck by being exclusive with it. If you have other decks, stop using them for a bit and just use your new one. Get to know it. 
Some people will:
Sleep on them or next to them
Interview the deck 
Moon charge
Crystal charge
Wear special jewelry
Do a big ritual
Do nothing at all
I hope this helps! 
Great questions! Thank you for sending these in.
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hadit93 · 7 years ago
Qabalah and the Tarot
Most Tarot decks on the market today stem from the layout and compilation which was adopted and reconfigured by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the late 1800s. The tarot has been used for centuries, and has often been associated with the occult world. Eliphas Levi believed the tarot to hold the occult secrets which had been guarded by the initiates of various secret societies in the Western world. Eliphas Levi's attributions were full of blinds, as he was completely devoted to the oaths which he took and quite often states things clearly but still veiled under symbolism so only those who have prior knowledge can interpret what is between the lines. The most popular deck out there is known as "The Rider-Waite" which was created by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Coleman Smith. Waite was an initiate of the Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn and also devout to his oaths, this deck is filled with blinds too. The most accurate deck which stays true to the Golden Dawn theme is probably that which has been published by the Ciceros. Crowley's is of course a second, but Thelemic symbolism is added to it, along with symbolism pertinent to tantra and the sexual alchemy of the OTO. The Golden Dawn tradition teaches that the tarot, whilst used for divinatory purposes, is much more than that. It is a magical tool, an entity in its own right. The tarot is based upon and built from qabalistic concepts. The Qabalah of the Western mystery tradition seeks to unify the universe and organise everything in existence into a scheme which is workable. The qabalah of a magician is the language they teach to their subconscious, higher self, and Holy Guardian Angel/ personal deity. The tarot trumps contain arcane secrets which actually depict magical, alchemical, and spiritual processes which can take place in the seeker or candidate for initiation (Initiation used in a general sense of the word, and not necessarily relating to any particular tradition). Not only this, but since it is a symbolic, or pictorial, representation of the qabalah, the tarot quite literally represents the entire universe; every force which can affect us. It is therefore a suitable device to use in invocation and evocation as well as general meditation and ritual work. In short, the tarot is far more than a tool for divination. The Structure of the Tarot. The tarot consists of 78 cards; 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. Now the 22 trumps correspond to the 22 Hebrew letters and therefore the 22 paths of the tree of life. Aces to 10s represent the ten sephiroth of the tree of life in the four qabalistic world of existence. The 16 court cards represent the divine name YHVH in the four worlds of existence. The Hebrew alphabet is divided into 3 mother letters, 7 double letters, and 12 simple letters. I am going to deal with these in order. The Three Mother Letters. The three mother letters correspond to the three elements, which excludes Earth. Earth is not always perceived as an element in its own right, but a mixture of the three in a balanced harmony (one would hope!). The three mother letters are Aleph, Mem, and Shin. Aleph means 'Ox' and is represented by the element air, in the tarot the pictorial representation of Aleph is the fool card. Mem means water, and is also representative of water. The tarot trump associated with mem is The hanged man. The letter Shin means 'Tooth' and is represented by the element of fire, in this case anyway, however, shin can also represent spirit. The tarot trump associated with card is judgement, or if you use Crowley's associations 'Aeon'. The Seven Double Letters. The seven double letters correspond to the seven planets of the ancients and consist of: Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Resh, Peh, and Tau. Beth means house and corresponds to mercury and the magician tarot card. Gimel means camel and represents the moon, it corresponds to The High Priestess tarot card. Daleth means door and corresponds to Venus, the pictorial representation of this letter is The Empress. Kaph means the palm of the hand, and corresponds to Jupiter. The card associated with this letter is The Wheel, or Fortune. Resh means 'head' and is corresponded to the sun, the card associated with it is the sun. Peh means 'mouth' and corresponds to Mars, this letter is represented by the Tower card. Finally Tau means 'Mark/cross/ seal- as in a finishing of something, sealing a letter etc.' and corresponds to Saturn. The card associated with this is the world/ universe card. The Twelve Simple Letters. The twelve simple letters correspond to the twelve zodiac signs and consist of: Heh, Vau, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzaddi, and Qoph. Heh means 'window' and corresponds to the sign of Aries if you follow Golden Dawn, or Aquarius if you listen to Crowley. It corresponds to the Tarot card of The Emperor, or if you follow Crowley, the Star. Vau means 'nail' and corresponds to Taurus and is represented by the Hierophant Card. Zayin means 'Sword' and corresponds to Gemini and the lovers card. Cheth means 'fence' and corresponds to cancer and the chariot card. Teth means serpent and corresponds Leo and the Strength/Lust card. Yod means 'hand' and corresponds to Virgo and the Hermit card. Lamed means 'ox goad' and corresponds to Libra and Justice/adjustment. Nun means 'fish' and corresponds to Scorpio and the death card. Samekh means 'prop' and corresponds to Sagittarius and the temperance/art card. Ayin means 'eye' and corresponds to Capricorn and the devil card. Tzaddi means 'fish hook' and corresponds to Aquarius if you are with the Golden Dawn or Aries if you are with Crowley and therefore the Star originally, the emperor if Thelemite. Qoph means 'Back of the head' corresponds to Pisces and the moon card. The Small Cards. There are forty small cards, excluding the court cards, which are numbered from 1 to 10 and may be from four suits: Wands, Swords, Cups, and Disks. There are ten sephiroth on the tree of life, and the tree of life exists on four planes of existence. The formula/god name "YHVH" symbolises these four worlds, four parts of the soul, and the elements among a myriad of other things. For our purposes, we need only concern ourselves with the elements and four worlds. Yod corresponds to fire, wands and the qabalistic world of Atziluth. (First) Heh corresponds to water, cups, and the qabalistic world of Briah. Vav corresponds to air, swords, and the qabalistic world of Yetzirah. Finally Heh (final) corresponds to Earth, disks, and the qabalistic world of Assiah. The elements also correspond to different aspects of existence. Wands to aspects of spirituality, the Will, Divine inspiration. Cups to emotions, relationships, love. Swords to matters of intelligence, knowledge. And disks to matters of business, health, money concerns. These examples are extremely basic and only serve as a general guideline. Now the court cards also correspond to the tetragrammaton, and in traditional Golden Dawn decks, i.e. without the blinds, the court cards consist of: Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses. In Crowley's deck kings are replaced with the figure of a knight for various reasons I am not going to touch upon here. Kings correspond to Yod, Queens to Heh (first), Princes to Vau, and princesses to Heh (final). Now there is a secret in this attribution and is perhaps very pertinent to the Western mystery tradition. The princess becomes the mother, the prince becomes the king. Perhaps more on that at a later date. The 16 small cards are usually used as significators or are often used to represent people, each court card has a particular type of personality. Some people prefer to simply use the element of the solar sign for the person, take into account their gender and their age. For example, I am a Gemini (An air sign), and I am a young man, so some people would use the prince of swords, if I was older I would be the King of swords. If an old woman who was a Pisces was being read for, the queen of Cups could be used. Of course the cards also have portions of dates associated with them as well, and if the situation is pertinent to another card entirely it is better to use that. If you know the person you are reading for, or are a good judge of character and know the personality attributions of the court cards you would use personality as the best predictor of the significator.
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dreamer-21 · 8 years ago
Major Arcana 0 The Fool – New beginnings, optimism, trust in life; Reversed: Delays 1 The Magician – Action, the power to manifest; Reversed: Misunderstandings. 2 The High Priestess – Inaction, going within, the subconscious; Reversed: Manipulations. 3 The Empress – Abundance, nurturing, fertility, life in bloom; Reversed: Neglect 4 The Emperor – Structure, stability, rules and power; Reversed: Chaos 5 The Hierophant – Institutions, tradition, society and its rules; Reversed: Hypocrisy 6 The Lovers – Sexuality, passion, choice, uniting; Reversed: Separation 7 The Chariot – Movement, progress, integration; Reversed: Defeat 8 Strength – Courage, subtle power, integration of animal self; Reversed: Fear 9 The Hermit – Meditation, solitude, consciousness; Reversed: Isolation 10 Wheel of Fortune – Cycles, change, ups and downs; Reversed: Stagnation 11 Justice – Fairness, equality, balance; Reversed: Lies 12 The Hanged Man – Surrender, new perspective, enlightenment; Reversed: Stubbornness. 13 Death – The end of something, change, the impermeability of all things; Reversed: Limbo 14 Temperance – Balance, moderation, being sensible; Reversed: Impatience 15 The Devil – Destructive patterns, addiction, giving away your power; Reversed: Freedom 16 The Tower – Collapse of stable structures, release, sudden insight; Reversed: Control 17 The Star – Hope, calm, a good omen; Reversed: Darkness 18 The Moon – Mystery, the subconscious, dreams; Reversed: Paranoia 19 The Sun – Success, happiness, all will be well; Reversed: Failure 20 Judgment – Rebirth, a new phase, inner calling; Reversed: Regrets 21 The World – Completion, wholeness, attainment, celebration of life; Reversed: Incomplete Suit of Swords • Other Names: Staves, arrows, spades • Element: Air Attributes: Active, male Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius • Direction: West Season: Pagan – Spring / Esoteric – Autumn • Self: Mind, thoughts, intellect Jungian Function: Thinking Body Part: Head Qabbalistic World: Yetzirah – the Formative World Air is seen as the intellect, logic and reasoning. An active element, Air circulates and so cleanses; it carries your thoughts and dreams; is also expansive when hot and is said to be expressive. Your mind or thoughts can be seen as clear or clouded; speech requires breath, which requires air. Swords represent logic, the mind and your thoughts. They deal with problems and troubles, planning, communication, ideas, your intellect and how you use it. They represent your daily and life struggles, problems in general. The very nature of a sword is aggressive and warlike. Combined with the swiftness of air, the combination can see situations arise quickly. The ability to see clearly means resolution is quick also. Swords people are great thinkers. You will find them in study, research, academia, the sciences, law courts and libraries. They love to learn and live to do it in any capacity. Keywords: decisions, worries, problems, issues, tension, communication, intelligence, disagreements; arguments, logic, reason, cognition, ideas, inspirations, balance, equilibrium, the mind, mentalism, thinking, facts and figures, definition. Reversed: vicious, ruthless, manipulative, cold, unemotional, spite and malice, accidents, inertia, indecision, confusion, mental blockages, biased, illogical, mental health issues, negative life changes. • King – Serious, controlling, rational and mind/intellect-focused; Reversed: Foolish • Queen – Intelligent, writer, communicative yet cold; Reversed: Ineffective • Knight – Fierce, determined, aggressively pursues goals; Reversed: Boredom • Page – mentally unstable or intellectually immature, acts without thinking; Reversed: Stupidity • Ace of Swords – A fresh start, a sudden opportunity or idea, clarity; Reversed: Improbable • 2 – Indecision; Reversed: Conflicts • 3– Heartbreak, betrayal; Reversed: Torment • 4 – Meditation, rest, retreat; Reversed: Disturbance • 5 – Mind games, hostility; Reversed: Treachery • 6 – Leaving, accepting help, going somewhere better; Reversed: Trouble • 7 – Secret plans, abandoning ship; Reversed: Clumsiness • 8 – feeling powerless and stuck; Reversed: Escaping • 9 – Overactive mind, anxiety; Reversed: Martyrdom • 10 – Feeling defeated, self-sabotage; Reversed: Sabotage Suit of Cups • Other Names: Chalices, Grails, Cauldrons, Hearts, Vessels • Element: Water Attributes: Passive, female; cold, wet Astrological Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio • Direction: East Season: Pagan – Autumn- / Esoteric – Summer • Self: Emotions, love, receptivity Jungian Function: Feeling Body Part: Heart Qabbalistic World: Briah – the Creative World Water is seen as the emotions, your feelings, and your intuition. Considered passive, water can be deep or shallow; you like the ocean, are responsive to the moon; your tears can rise and fall; out of control, your emotions flood; Cups represent your emotions, feelings, your subconscious, intuition and psychism. They deal with love affairs, all relationships, inner expression, your reactions or responses and the pursuit of happiness. Generally passive and not outwardly extrovert, creativity through expression are some of the traits of this suit. Careers are usually in the arts or creative pursuits, they are, poets, painters, florists and designers, nurses, social workers and care-givers. Cups people are happy in the background doing their own thing, though they are often actors distinguishing the limelight from private time like no others. Keywords: creative, intuitive, clairsentient, psychic, passive, affectionate, receptive, imaginative, caring, relationships, love, dreams, sensitivity, romantic, artistic, spiritual, compassionate, tactile, nurturing, the unconscious mind, domesticity, culture, expression, flexibility, fluidity, calm motion, serenity, empathetic, aesthetics and beauty. Reversed: needy, co-dependent, intense, neglectful, fantasists, uncaring, cold, unfeeling, moody, unresponsive, illogical, lost, negative, pessimistic, emotional, overly sentimental, tearful, selfish. • King – Repression of deep feelings, possible alcoholism; Reversed: Selfishness • Queen – Emotionally nurturing, intuitive, sensitive; Reversed: Ignorance • Knight – Romantic, adventurous, following one’s heart; Reversed: Pessimism • Page – Creative, inspired, learning artistic skill; Reversed: Gloomy • Ace of Cups – emotional fulfillment, joy; Reversed: Indifferent • 2 – Partnership, mutual attraction, compatibility; Reversed: Abandonment • 3 – Celebration, fun with friends, laughter; Reversed: Jealousy • 4 – Boredom, dissatisfaction with what is being offered; Reversed: Avoidance • 5 – Dwelling on the negative, self-pity; Reversed: Alienation • 6 – Sentimentality, kindness, help; Reversed: Discouraging • 7 – So many choices, indecision, getting lost in fantasy, wishing and dreaming; Reversed: Lethargic • 8 – Abandoning something in search of something better, vision; Reversed: Sacrifice • 9 – Indulgence, self-satisfaction; Reversed: Disintegration • 10 – Emotional bliss, happiness, attainment; Reversed: Disruption Suit of Wands • Other Names: Batons, Staves, Rods, Clubs, Staffs, Scepters • Element: Fire Attributes: Active, masculine; hot, dry Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius • Direction: South Season: Pagan – Summer / Esoteric – Spring • Self: Will, actions, desire Jungian Function: Intuition Body Part: Genitals Qabbalistic World: Atziluth – the Archetypal World Fire is energy and action, passion, drive and ambition. An active element, it can cause permanent change; is expansive; can be aggressive; is pro-active and undeterred. Wands represent creativity, energy, passion and action. They cover your spiritual pursuits, your career and creative projects. Leadership, self-growth and general optimism are some traits of this suit. Careers are usually in business, they are leaders, entrepreneurial & sales focused. Wands people like to get ahead and are generally pro-active in all their activities. With an unrivaled healthy vitality, they are often accomplished sports people. Keywords: intuition; creativity; vitality; sexuality; spirituality; vision; energetic; outgoing; impulsive; motivational; pro-active; spirit and spirited; optimistic; enterprise; commerce; business; careers; opportunities; the thrill of the chase; competitive; growth; personal development; inspirational; enthusiastic; sexual; passionate; action; movement; initiation. Reversed: rash; impetuous; ruthless; greedy; narrow-minded; hyperactive; brash; manipulative; conniving; mean-spirited; overly optimistic; risk takers; heartless; aggressive; selfish; misleading; sadistic; distrusting of others. • King – Career focused, mature, passionate; Reversed: Impostor • Queen – Confidant, focused, has zest for life; Reversed: Fatigue • Knight – An adventurous risk taker who follows his passions; Reversed: Apathy • Page – newly inspired, excited about life and work; Reversed: Passive • Ace of Wands – New beginnings, creative spark, fertile ideas; Reversed: Unpromising • 2 – Contemplation, assessing one’s life direction; Reversed: Dispute • 3 – Reaping the rewards of your efforts; Reversed: Idleness • 4 – Celebration, safety, the home; Reversed: Discord • 5 – Competition, minor struggles or disagreements; Reversed: Timidness • 6 – Success, accolades and achievement; Reversed: Disapproval • 7 – Feeling defensive and on guard; Reversed: Yielding • 8 – Speed, things manifesting quickly; Reversed: Stagnation • 9 – Pessimism, gearing up for the worst; Reversed: Weakness • 10 – Feeling oppressed, exhaustion, too many responsibilities; Reversed: Impractical Suit of Pentacles • Other Names: Disks, Coins, Deniers, Stones, Diamonds • Element: Earth Attributes: Passive, female Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn • Direction: North Season: Pagan – Winter / Esoteric – Winter • Self: Body, Jungian Function: Sensation Body Part: Feet Qabbalistic World: Assiah Earth is seen as the material, the physical & the sensual. A Passive element, Earth allows growth & production; promotes prosperity; is the foundation on which anything is built. Pentacles, represent all things material and physical, what you experience using your senses. They deal with your money, business deals, material possessions, your job, arts, crafts, your home & garden. Working hard & getting the job done are attributes of this suit. Pentacle people don’t mind getting their hands dirty whether that’s working with the land or in a factory. Strong & dependable, often found in the trades, removals, farming, landscaping & homemaking. Keywords: sensual, sexual; strong; lithe; dependable; reliable; stoic; practical; skilled & skillful; artistic; common sense; traditional; regular; straightforward; grounded; sensible; lush; fertile; growth; luxury; wealth; prosperity; apprenticeships; scholarships; dull; dutiful; realistic; down-to-earth; materialistic; money motivated; domesticity; health & fitness; exercise. Reversed: miserly; slave drivers; workaholics; pleasure seekers; neglectful; shoddy work; dullards; negative; pessimistic; superstitious; thoughtless; penny pinchers; lazy; unforgiving; selfish; greedy; covetous; moronic. • King – Enjoys the good life (food, drink and leisure), financially secure; Reversed: Hoarder • Queen – Healthy in body and finances, grounded and calm; Reversed: Unreasonable • Knight – Cautious, sensible and slow to progress; Reversed: Inexperienced • Page – Student, commitment to learning; Reversed: Rookie • Ace of Pentacles – Financial reward, clarity of life purpose, goals; Reversed: Debt • 2 – Balance, multitasking; Reversed: Impractical • 3 – Meaningful work, enjoying one’s work, suitable career; Reversed: Mediocrity • 4 – Hoarding, feeling poor, holding self-back out of fear; Reversed: Greed • 5 – Minor money troubles, health problems, feeling like an outsider; Reversed: Helplessness • 6 – Charity, accepting and giving help; Reversed: Cruelty • 7 – Patience, waiting for your plans to bear fruit; Reversed: Unemployment • 8 – Hard work, focused efforts, laying the groundwork; Reversed: Skill-shortage • 9 – Luxury, rest, financial and material comforts; Reversed: Dependency • 10 – Financial success, strong business relationships; Reversed: Restrictions
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