jb-cohen · 21 days
The intimacy of the escalator
Knowing there is depth
and warmth to every
Coat and bag around you.
Most people are good
I think most people may just want connection
in the same way I do.
-may 12, 2024
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scrmngtts · 2 years
Maybe eventhough its painful, this is my ticket to get out. Treat this as a blessing in disguise.. it sucks but it is what it is.
Dont force yourself to him.. let him do the chasing this time, youve done enough. Stop now.
You can only do so much
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dopingconsomme · 1 year
米銀ファーストリパブリックバンク経営破綻 | NHK
,米銀「ファースト・リパブリック・バンク」経営破綻 | NHK アメリカのFDIC=連邦預金保険公社など金融当局は1日、経営への懸念が高まっていた銀行「ファースト・リパブリック・バンク」が経営破綻したと発表しました。そのうえで銀行の預金と資産を大手銀行JPモルガン・チェースが買収するとあわせて発表しました。 「ファースト・リパブリック・バンク」は西部カリフォルニア州...,https://b.hatena.ne.jp/dopingconsomme/20230501#bookmark-4735876239102615525 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20230501/k10014054821000.html
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skrubu · 2 years
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Accumulation #film #cassette #vnf #västranylandsfolkhögskola #karjaa #finland https://instagr.am/p/CktAkCgN5c7/
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dnpbeats · 3 months
Dan and Phil 2024 Upload Stats: Half a Year in Review
hi everyone! as we are officially halfway through 2024, i thought it would be fun to make a little post about some intersting stats from d&p's uploads this year! especially as things will likely start slowing down (or rather stay slowed down) during the latter part of this year due to the tour! as a reminder, spreadsheet can be found here :)
general stats
there have been 42 uploads so far this year. 13 of those are AP and the other 29 are DAPG, meaning they've uploaded over twice as much on the gaming channel
the average time between uploads across all channels is 3.9 days. looking at the channels individually, the average upload time between AP videos is 11.9 days and for DAPG it's 5.4 days
across both channels, dan and phil have helped edit 81% of the videos. they have only edited one out of the 42 videos on their own, which was on DAPG
100% of AP videos have had spons (capita£ester strikes again) and 79.3% of gaming videos have had spons (looking at both channels together, 85.7% have had spons)
their average upload time is 8:26pm
dan has been in (in some capacity) 46.2% of the AP videos this year
24.1% of the gaming videos have been non-gaming content
phil has been the one to tweet about the gaming videos 86.2% of the time
date/time stats
wednesday is their most popular day to upload, with 11 uploads (the majority of which have been DAPG uploads). sunday and friday are tied for second with 10 uploads each
saturday is the only day that they haven't uploaded on this year (this includes irregular uploads too, like ads and livestreams!)
average upload time for each day of the week:
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sponsor stats
nordvpn is their most common sponsor, having sponsored 7 of their videos this year (4 on DAPG, 3 on AP). their second most-common sponsor is dragon city, having sponsored 6 videos (all DAPG)
6 videos have had no sponsors (again, all DAPG)
data for all spons:
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editor stats
our queen superseizer had edited/helped edit 12 videos (11 DAPG vids, 1 AP)
seizer has edited 3 vids on her own (3x as many as d&p 🤩)
runtime stats
stats exclude poppy playtime chp. 3 bc it's so long lol
thursday uploads have the longest average runtime at 24:18. friday uploads have the shortest average runtime of 16:56
afk journey is the sponsor with the longest average runtime (29:56). the second-longest average runtime is videos with no sponsors (28:42). the sponsor with the shortest average runtime is headspace (14:54)
seizer on average edits longer videos! the average length of a video she has edited/helped edit is 25:11. for d&p the average length is 20:01
series stats
the sims series has had the most uploads this year, with 7. DvP has had 3 uploads and golf with friends has had 1 upload
on average there are 22 days between sims uploads and 65 days between DvP uploads
seizer is the only one trusted with editing sims vids 🙏🏻
so yeah! there are even more stats in the spreadsheet but i just wanted to include the more intersting stuff here. there's also a calendar if you want to visually see the distribution of days that videos have been uploaded (including irregular uploads!). also there's still the interactive bit where you can calculte the length between two uploads :3
lmk if you have any questions or want to see any other comparisons/charts i don't have!!
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neos127 · 4 months
1:26pm — yjw; yang jungwon x reader genre. fluff, established relationship
when jungwon texted you to come over, you could tell it was serious. the tone didn’t seem as lighthearted and he added an ‘if you can, if not that’s alright,’ as if he were afraid to bother you. jungwon was almost never like that, used to being very straightforward with you. knowing your boyfriend, it was easy to tell that he really wanted your company at the moment.
of course you raced over to the dorm, wanting to provide jungwon with whatever comfort he needed. he was always there for you, lending a shoulder to cry on and getting you all the treats you wanted. jungwon deserved the world for being such a caring boyfriend to you.
once you arrived at the dorm with a bag full of jungwon’s favorite snacks, he opened the door, looking at you with a blank expression. you opened your mouth to speak, wanting to greet your boyfriend before he cut you off abruptly. jungwon took large strides towards you, causing you to take a few steps back in surprise but he quickly grabbed your waist. jungwon smashed his lips on yours, drawing a surprised gasp from you.
he pulled you closer to him, shutting the door with his foot without letting go of you. when the shock died down, you reached up to run your hands through his hair, feeling jungwon’s grip on your waist tightening as you lightly tugged onto the strands. he sighed into your mouth, lightly pushing you against the kitchen counter before running his tongue over your bottom lip.
when jungwon asked you to come over, you assumed that he was a bit stressed due to all of his recent schedules. usually when he was stressed, he liked to lay in your lap while you played with his hair, or snack on his favorite foods while you both watched a movie.
but it seemed as if he wanted to relieve his stress in a different way and it sure caught you by surprise.
“i’m sorry.” jungwon mumbled as he pulled away only for half a second before placing his lips on yours again. the way he kissed you was so desperate and needy which caused you to giggle into his mouth. jungwon began to giggle as well, making the kiss suddenly turn softer and more innocent. when you pulled away, jungwon placed a few kisses on your neck before finally meeting your eyes. you noticed the small smile on his face and the way his shoulders were more relaxed than when you first walked in.
“better?” you teased, pushing stray hairs away from his eyes. jungwon nodded, pulling you into a tight hug.
“much better”
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anemoneuniverse · 3 months
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summary: you and yuta are enemies, but gentle enemies (if that makes sense) you compete against each other in school, but someone spread a false rumor about you; resulting in you moving schools, 6 years later, what’s happens now?
updates: consistent & inconsistent
status: ongoing
tag-list: OPEN
started: June 21, 2024 (5:26pm)
warnings: mental problems, depression, bullying, kys/kms jokes + sex jokes (and not jokes) gaslighting(?), no curses! au, high school/college au + others (ill add warnings for episodes that need it)
❀ : written
❁ : half written
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main characters | (ir)relevant peers
day 1 : lord be with me throughout this journey…
day 2 : transfer student ❀
day 3 : who are you? why hold conversation with you? ❁
day 4 : watchful eye (aka stalking) ❁
day 5 : out of sight , out of mind ❁
day 6 :
days will be added as the diary continues to be updated…
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navigation | masterlist
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ironskyfinder · 8 months
When I first met Jackalynn, she was very confused about her place in the world.
The silly little girl was going by Jaden, had cut all her beautiful hair off, was wearing a binder to hide her beautiful hourglass figure, and was outwardly militant about ‘becoming’ a ‘man’.
She messaged me - seemingly furious that I would run a blog that openly advocated for female disempowerment, misgendering, and ‘transphobia’, but I could tell there was something deeper going on, and before long, she said something that gave away far more than she’d wanted me to know.
jadensjourney [11:24PM] I just can’t believe that you would knowingly post such filth. It boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing. And you defend it without the slightest thought?!
trad-dominant [11:25PM] I post it because it’s filth that people enjoy, and I defend it for that reason and because it’s my artistic right to do so.
trad-dominant [11:25PM] So it’s filth that you enjoy, too?
jadensjourney [11:26PM] Our definitions of the word ‘artist’ are very different
jadensjourney [11:27PM] No, no, NO. I didn’t say that, you psycho
jadensjourney [11:27PM] What is WRONG with you?!
trad-dominant [11:29PM] You said it “boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing,” which certainly implies that you found it arousing.
jadensjourney [11:30PM] No!! 
jadensjourney [11:31PM] Okay, but, that wasn’t what I meant and you know it
jadensjourney [11:32PM] What I ACTUALLY MEANT was that you’re a degenerate for even trying to make such disgusting topics into erotica
trad-dominant [11:34PM] Maybe I am a degenerate, but at least I’m honest with myself about what I like. I could help you with that, if you’d lose the attitude and admit it.
jadensjourney [11:37PM] Fuck you.
It wasn’t the first time I’d had readers reach out to berate me, and it wouldn’t be the last. I thought that was the end of it, and went back to writing. I felt like I was making good progress, so I stayed up later than usual, until another chat notification interrupted me.
jadensjourney [1:17AM] I admit it
jadensjourney [1:19AM] now what?!
trad-dominant [1:21AM] What?
jadensjourney [1:23AM] I thought it was a little erotic. Your story. So what?
trad-dominant [1:25AM] So you’re starting to be honest with yourself, that’s all that means
jadensjourney [1:26AM] Shut up, fuck you
trad-dominant [1:27AM] You don’t need to be aggressive, you’re judging yourself for liking it far more than I am.
trad-dominant [1:29AM] So, which part of the Little Miss Thought-She-Was-A-Boy story turned you on most?
jadensjourney [1:33AM] no I’m not
jadensjourney [1:34AM] judging myself
jadensjourney [1:36AM] stop it
trad-dominant [1:37AM] It took you all that time for just seven words? You must be typing one-handed, were you reading the story again?
jadensjourney [1:41AM] yes 
jadensjourney [1:43AM] the part where he’s cockwarming ryan and they’re doing anatomy
jadensjourney [1:44AM] That’s the best part
trad-dominant [1:47AM] I have to point out that Sam is a girl, I know you and her both struggle with that
trad-dominant [1:48AM] But, I agree, that is a great scene. 
jadensjourney [1:50AM] fine
jadensjourney [1:51AM] the part where SHE’s cockwarming ryan.
jadensjourney [1:53AM] where’d you come up with the paintbrush thing?
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Personal experience. 
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Holding a girl down and slowly tracing through all her erogenous zones with a brush is something that never gets old.
jadensjourney [1:55AM] crazy
jadensjourney [1:56AM] It’s only a tease?
trad-dominant [1:57AM] It is, although you have to be careful brushing around her clit, just in case
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i liked that most
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i mean
trad-dominant [1:59AM] Is that the part you were imagining happening to you?
trad-dominant [2:01AM] Having a stranger who picked you up at a bar overpower you, tease you mercilessly, and correct your gender?
I didn’t hear from her more that night; I assume she’d gotten embarrassed and deleted the chat. Most of the interactions ended like that - a confused girl reached out full of anger, then admitted how hot it was, then vanished. It didn’t bother me, but I was surprised when the next day I found a message waiting when I logged in.
jadensjourney [6:52AM] hey so fuck you but that last messsage you sent made me cum harder than I ever have in my human life and i passed out. sorry
It actually made me laugh aloud, between the reckless honesty and the charming turn of phrase. Few people had enough creativity or enough of a way with words to arouse my attention, but there was still the lingering combativeness from our earlier interaction. I sent the reply and assumed I’d never hear back.
trad-dominant [7:26AM] Fine, I suppose we can let that slide. If you keep cumming to my stories, though, you owe me your deadname real name.
I didn’t hear anything from her that night, or the one after, or the next. I expected to see her icon vanish one day, blog deleted. It was only after I published the next story, this time about a lesbian ruining her gold stars, that another two messages came through.
jadensjourney [9:52PM] three times. I hate you.
jadensjourney [9:54PM] and it’s jackalynn. 
From then on, whenever I posted a new story, Jackalynn and I talked. It started with her telling me how many orgasms she’d had while reading, but then we started talking more with each story. Over the following months, she confided that she was liking my stories more and more, and I told her if she sent a selfie of her all femme’d out that I’d write one with her as a main character. The story of ‘Jessie’s Fall Back to Femininity’ took a few days to finish, but when I posted it I saw that it had vanished.
Then - 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] it’s me new blog. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] spent the last three days reading and re-reading jessica’s fall. i can’t think about anything else
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:57PM] so when i tell people i’m officially detransitioning do i blame it all on you, or?
trad-dominant [11:02PM] What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d gotten cold feet, I guess I couldn’t have been more wrong.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:04PM] yeah you brainwashed me back into being a girl or something 
trad-dominant [11:06AM] We both know I only reminded you that your clit exists, it did the rest.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:07PM] uh, i think you did a little more than that!
trad-dominant [11:08PM] Not really, all I had to do was help your clit show you who you really wanted to be.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] thanks for saying that, now i’m soaked again.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] but you’re right, of course
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:12PM] i just can’t believe how hot jessie’s fall was, especially when she got fully corrected at the end
trad-dominant [11:13PM] You’re welcome. I thought you’d like it ending with her cumming from being impregnated.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:14PM] and her repeating ‘this...is…what..i’m…for” is going to stick in my head forever
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:16PM] so are you gonna make me beg, or
trad-dominant [11:17PM] Probably, on principle, but I don’t know what you mean.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] do it all to me
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] treat me like the professor treats jessica. tattoos and all
trad-dominant [11:20PM] For that, you’re definitely going to have to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] fuck
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] please
trad-dominant [11:25PM] You told me that in the last three and a half weeks you’ve edged for hundreds of hours, a lot of it to pretty misogynistic porn. We both know you know how to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] i deserve to have my silly gender fantasies corrected by someone who is going to take every advantage of me, i know i’m just holes and tits. please use me, sir
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] pierce my nipples, tattoo a qr code over my clit because i’m just property, and decide what else you want done to my body. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:30PM] please make me your jessica. take me in, break me down, make it so i lose my mind when you breed me
trad-dominant [11:36PM] That is better. Hmm.
Three weeks later, Jackalynn stepped off the plane; we talked the whole way back, her mind was made up. She wanted nothing less than to be reeducated, corrected, improved.
She’s getting her wish. Sometimes she still gets confused, but she’ll come and talk to me and a few minutes of intense anatomy practice always sorts out her delusions. Edging afterwards is helping her feel a lot better, and this will be her tenth straight day plugged - between that and the daily maintenance spankings, she says she’s never felt more feminine.
Now all that’s left is to breed her, and she’ll be the perfect woman she never dreamed she’d be.
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daceydeath · 6 months
Stray Kids Masterlist
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All works are categorized by what they contain some works are not suitable for minors to interact with these are marked as 🔞. Please heed all warnings at the start of each piece and do not interact with any post you are not comfortable with.
Genres:   Fluff: 🧁   Angst: 🥀  Suggestive: 🍑  Smut:💦  Comedy:  🎪  Romance: ❤️ Supernatural: 🌙 Mafia: 💣 Strictly 18+: 🔞 Fantasy: 🦄
When you are on your period 🧁🎪 Picnic Dates  🧁❤️ Helping you when your sad 🥀🧁❤️ When you go into labor 🧁🎪  When you fall and hurt yourself dancing 🧁🥀❤️ Hyung Line, Maknae Line
Individual Members
Bang Chan Gentle Saviour 🧁 🥀 🍑  6:02am 🔞❤️💦 I Didn't Know you Were Filming 🧁❤️🎪 12:02am - Payback 🔞❤️💦 3:45am - Comfort 🧁 🥀❤️💦🔞 Why 🥀 Try Again? 🥀 🧁 ❤
Lee Know 7:15am 🥀  8:55pm 🧁❤️ 💦🔞    Minho 🔞💦❤️ While you are Sleeping 🔞💦❤️ (Ft Han) 11:26pm - Silk Ties🔞💦❤️ 2:21pm - Shopping Trips 🔞💦❤️
Seo Changbin 4:46pm - Personal Trainer ❤️💦🔞 9:57pm - My Treat 🔞💦❤️ (Ft Hyunjin) 5:35pm - Caught Out 🔞💦❤️ Claims 🔞💦❤️
Hwang Hyunjin 12:54pm 🧁🥀 10:50pm - The Award Show🔞💦❤️ 9:57pm - My Treat 🔞💦❤️ (Ft Changbin) Poor Decisions 🔞💦❤️
Han Jisung 4:45am 🔞💦❤️ While you are Sleeping 🔞 💦 ❤️ (Ft Lee Know) Alcohol and Alleyways 🔞 ❤️ 💦 Lazy Mornings 🧁❤️ Not Like This 🥀 ❤
Lee Felix Cuddle Bug 🧁 11:38pm 🔞❤️💦 One Time Only ❤️🔞💦 (Ft Jeongin) Felix 🔞❤️💦 Coffee & Cookies 🧁❤️ (M reader) Club 143 ❤ 🥀 🍑 🔞 💦 (long read)
Kim Seungmin 3:25pm 🧁🥀 9:02pm 🧁 The Next Step 🧁❤️🔞💦 11:42am ❤️🔞💦 That Fine Line Between 🥀❤️🔞💦 Morning Photographs 🧁❤️🔞💦 Oblivious 🧁 ❤️ 🍑
Yang Jeongin 1:15am🧁 ❤️ What Happens Backstage 🧁❤️🔞💦 One Time Only ❤️🔞💦 (Ft Felix) 7:45pm - Picnics in the Park 🧁 ❤️ 5:35pm [Backstage] ❤️🔞💦
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melschapstick · 3 months
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this is part 1!
prologue, part 0.5, part 2 !!
pairing : nemesis!matt x fem!reader
summary : in which you, your best friends nick and chris, your nemesis matt and two other boys from your class, ethan and finn, are listed for the same 6 week summer camp, as counselors.
(^^this is for every part btw.)
warnings : slight jealousy if you squint, nothing else that I can think of
not proofread
a/n : I hope this is good cause I just finished writing and I don't feel like proofreading right now 😭 I already have a good idea for the story of this whole series though, so I hope y'all stay seated even though this isn't smut, you dirty people (I do read smut)
also, english is not my first language!!
disclaimer : i tend to be descriptive (sometimes more, sometimes less), so if you’re not down with descriptive fics, my page isn’t the right one for you. 
word count : 2.1k
╰──╮-ˋˏ✧༻ ❀ ༺✧ˎˊ-╭──╯
he didn’t want them to know that he did care.  
after looking at those photos for a little, you stand up and pin them to the pin board right above your bed. 
matt looks at what you’re doing for a moment, instantly recognizing the photo. 
 he sighs, but as he realizes that he did sigh a little loud, he quickly turns away so you don’t notice him.
you turn around since you did hear him sigh, and you could have sworn that you saw him looking in your direction, even seeming somewhat sad, but now you’re unsure. 
you let it go, not really caring anyways. 
you let yourself fall back onto your bed, getting out your phone. 
you start to aimlessly scroll through all the apps. 
after a few moments, you realize matt also finished unpacking. 
he sits down on his bed and gets out his phone as well, scrolling through it just like you.
you guys sit there in silence for a bit, around 15 minutes probably. 
you’re still just sitting on your beds, not talking at all when out of the blue, you hear matt say something.
“when does the meeting start again?” he questions, looking at you. 
“3pm sharp.” you mumble, no intention of keeping this conversation going.
it’s 2:26pm right now. 
out of the corner of you eye, you see matt getting up. 
“I’m going on a walk, exploring the campsite a bit.” he states, putting on his shoes that he left at the door of our cabin.
you look at him as he opens the door. he seems hesitant about something. 
right when he is about to close the door your gaze is already back on your phone. 
oddly enough, you see the door creak open a bit again instead of falling into the lock. you don’t mind it though. he probably just forgot to take his cabin key with him.
you realize that you’re wrong when you hear him sigh slightly.
“you wanna come?” he asks, almost seeming a bit shy. 
you look at him blankly for a moment. 
“what?” you mumble, his words not quite registering in your brain. 
why would he ask you to come with him? huh?
“the walk, wanna come with?” he repeats. 
“oh, uh, I don’t know. I’m not feeling too well, I think it’s better if I just stay here.” you mumble, completely out of it. your mind just can’t seem to get a grip on the thought of matt asking you to come on a walk with him. like what? that’s just too random. 
he shrugs, mumbling a silent “alright” as he lets the door fall back into the lock. 
for the next few minutes, you try to let this whole thing go, your minds being a bitch though, replaying this weird conversation over and over again. 
the guy that dumped your friendship for some girl that he neither knew back then, nor is still friends with? 
that gullible boy from then, that didn’t exchange a word with you ever since? 
the one that thinks he’s above it all, like he wasn’t the one to ruin everything? 
the one that’s ego is the biggest fucking thing on earth? 
what the fuck?
after another moment of these thoughts rushing through, your mind seems to calm down a bit. 
for the remaining free time, until the meeting, you stay on your phone, scrolling through tiktok and texting with your parents for a few minutes. 
right as you check the time, which is 2:52pm, you hear the door creaking open. you instantly look up, slightly shook. 
you put a hand on your chest, almost reflexive. “god.” you breathe, your chest heaving as you try to calm down from the sudden adrenaline-shock. 
as you hear a soft chuckle coming from matt’s direction, you look up at him.
he’s smiling? at you? and even if that smile was only slightly, what?? 
was he trying to make you forget everything that’s ever happened or what? does he think you’re that gullible of a person?
he clearly doesn’t know shit a bout you. 
yet, you can’t seem to not slightly smile as you see him chuckle like that.
you don’t say anything though. 
the only thing leaving your mouth is a sigh since you have to get going to be on time for the meeting.
you stand up from your neatly made bed, step onto the floor and walk over to the door, grabbing your shoes. 
as the grip of your hands holds them in place, you walk back towards your bed, sitting down on the edge, putting on your shoes. 
when you’re done, you stand up walking towards the door. matt is waiting outside the cabin.
as you walk out, you quickly grab your cabin key from the hooks attached to the wall, closing the door behind you.
“wait does this lock itself or do I have to lock it?” you question, looking between matt and the door.
“it should’ve locked itself as far as I know.” he says, shrugging. 
you push the door handle down, finding that it did lock itself.
turning around, you and matt start to head for the great hall.
the whole way there is, again, filled with nothing. 
trees, benches, lanterns and pure silence are the only things surrounding you. 
as you follow the path towards the great hall, you can’t help but again adore the nature of this campsite. the trees, the grass, the flowers, everything looks perfect. 
you keep walking, still not stopping to look at every single thing. if you could’ve, you would’ve taken thousands of photos of everything already, but you don’t want to be late to the meeting. 
we you guys arrive by the great hall, you see both other teams already waiting outside. 
as they all notice you guys, nick and chris start walking over to you quickly. nick instantly hugs you. 
“how’s everything going? is it at least okay?” he asks and you just shrug as he lets go of the hug.   
“he’s acting weird, honestly.” you state as chris pulls you in for a hug as well. 
“what about you guys though? how are ethan and finn?” you ask, looking between both of them. 
“ethan is chill as fuck, honetstly. I can’t talk for finn though.” chris says, looking at you at first but then at nick. 
“yeah no, finn is amazing.” nick states, seeming almost excited. 
chris and you exchange suspicious glances.
“amazing, huh?” you mock.
“amazing is probably another word for ‘he could be gay’ or something?” chris giggles as nick punches him in the side slightly. 
“shh, stop! I don’t want him to hear y’all! stupid fucks.” nick whispers, chuckling. 
“eughh, I don’t want him to hear y’all.” chris mocks, childish as always. 
“chris!” nick whisper-shouts.
chris just giggles, looking at you. 
you chuckle as well before you guys head towards the others. 
the six of you stand in front of the great hall in silence, waiting for ellie, or just anyone, to welcome you inside. 
a few moments later, the door of the great hall is opened widely. 
all of you turn to look at the door, being met with ellie smiling at all of you.
“hi! come in!” she welcomes you, gesturing for all of you to enter the hall. 
one by one, all of you enter. there are a few tables pushed together to form one big group table for 2, 4, 6… 11 people. 
each of you sit down somewhere. you end up sitting next to nick, on your left, and ethan, on your right. 
“just like that. find your seat and feel free to chat for a moment. the kitchen team should be here any minute now!” ellie announces, but there seems to be no time left to chat as only a few seconds later two women and two men come in as well.
ellie comes in after them, closing the door of the great hall behind her. 
“okay, that should be all of us! I welcome you guys to this meeting.” ellie says kindly.
“riley, anna, noah and james, meet y/n, matt, nick, chris, ethan and finn, our counsellors for the next six weeks! y/n, matt, nick, chris, ethan and finn, meet riley, anna, noah and james, our kitchen team!” ellie says warmly as weal just smile at each other.
“alright, let’s dive right in. I welcome the ten of you to this year’s first staff meeting, here at summer camp ‘blue horizon’! I hope that we’ll each and all together have a great time.” ellie announces, smiling at each of us. 
“prepare to listen to a long list of information and feel free to take notes.” ellie states, already implying that it’s going to be a lot to memorize. 
“first things first, as, I think, I already mentioned, each team will be taking care of 15 kids in total. if I haven’t mentioned that yet, you know now. each of your cabins is surrounded by 3 other cabins, each for 5 kids. there’s one only girls group, one only boys group and one that’s mixed.” there’s a huge pile of papers in front of ellie, she grabs one of them. “cabin W1, chris and ethan, you’ll be taking care of the only boys group. cabin H1, nick and finn, you’ll be taking care of the only girls group. that leaves cabin L1, y/n and matt, to take care of the mixted group.” ellie informs everyone.
“oh , and during breakfast, lunch and dinner, you’ll also sit in groups of 17, the cabin groups, that is.” she adds before diving into the next topic.
“secondly, you’ll find the program lists for each week every Monday morning outside the great hall. there’s a waterproof pinboard that each daily-program plan will be pinned to for that week.  for tomorrow, I can already tell you, it’ll be exploring the campsite in the morning between breakfast and lunch, and in the afternoon, cabin L1 will be doing lake activities, cabin W1 will be doing fun games and cabin H1 will be doing crafting, alright?” ellie says, looking at every one of the teams, making sure they know their duties for tomorrow. “oh, and also, chris and ethan will be having breakfast duty this week, nick and finn will be having lunch duty and maya and matt will be having dinner duty.” ellie clarifies.
“that’s almost everything I have on my list for today since I didn’t want to overload all of you with information. the last thing is about the goal of this camp in general.” ellie says as she gets out another paper that she hands to all 6 of you, all counsellors. 
“as you can see on the photos, the camp was badly damaged last year. the nature is already pretty much fixed or almost done, you won’t be having to focus on that. what I need all of you to do though is that I need you to improve the program, and I mean all of it. I will need you to fix some things, rebuild them stronger than they were before and overall just perfecting them. you won’t be having to focus on that for the next few days, but it will be your task for these 6 weeks. I will get into detail on this in the next meeting. I’ll let you know soon enough when exactly that is.” ellie explains. 
“I hope I can count on every single one of you.” she says, smiling at you.
“counsellors, you are dismissed for now. meet back here with the kitchen team at 5:15pm, alright?” ellie says as she looks at the six of you.
all of you nod, standing up from your seats.
as you leave the great hall, you can hear ellie say “alright kitchen team, now to what’s important for you.” before the door closes. 
you go over to nick and chris. “I’m allowed to go to you guys’ cabins, no?” you question, not quite sure. 
“yeah, I’m pretty sure.” nick states. 
“alright, I’ll come with then.” you say, grinning at nick, not leaving him a choice.
before y’all can head to nick’s cabin though, you hear someone saying your name. 
“y/n?” someone says.
you turn around, being met with ethan. 
“I was wondering if you have time?” he asks, seeming a bit nervous.
“time for what, exactly?” you question confusedly, chuckling a bit. 
“to go on a walk. with me. alone.” ethan states.
“oh, uh,” you mumble, looking back at nick who’s grinning stupidly. 
“yeah, of course.” you say as you turn back to ethan, smiling at him. 
the two of you start to walk away and as you hear chris yell “oh, come on, where are you going with my cabin partner? y/n? hello?” to annoy you, you notice matt standing slightly behind him with an unreadable expression. 
is he pissed?
╭──╯-ˋˏ✧༻ ❀ ༺✧ˎˊ-╰──╮
a/n : hihi, i hope y'all are still engaged even though there isn't tooo much interaction with matt. also, follows, likes and rebloggs are highly appreciated !! if you want to be on the taglist lmk !!
taglist: @mayaschapstick @ldrloverrrrrr @bel2p0 @mattstrombolii
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pugh-bug · 4 months
No.42 Chapter 4
Art Donaldson x reader slow burn friends to lovers
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list 💕 thank you so much for the love on this series so far I’m really grateful !
Part 3
‘You should see him after a few games, it’s a lot.’
With a mouth full of burrito, you still managed to laugh at the image Liam and Art were conjuring of Patrick’s sunburn turning him beetroot. The three of you were sat at a cute little place you’d somehow never seen before, probably because you didn’t know the area that well. Art’s choice.
‘So how’s living with this one?’ Liam asked, spitting hummus everywhere as he spoke. Neither you or Art had known who his question was for so you both yelped
A little too enthusiastically for Liam.
Art’s hair had dried perfectly in the piercing sun rays and the smell of his mint shampoo kept wafting in your direction whenever the breeze turned. Shit. You were supposed to be listening to Liam. What was he saying?’
‘Fridays good.’ Art nodded at his friend, not looking at you for conformation. Clearly someone had been listening. You waited until Liam was texting his girlfriend to hiss at Art what he’d just agreed to - the answer ? - a party at Liam’s.
‘Are you sure it’s okay … if I come?’ Neither boy missed the slight sadness in your question. Your search for validation and fear of the wrong outcome. As Liam beamed at you, reassuring your brain that you were indeed very much wanted at his party and that ‘it won’t be the same without you’ Art’s eyes were locked on your face. You failed to notice.
‘So don’t worry about it okay? It’s not a tennis people thing, just a Liam friends thing.’ He smiled, very genuinely, and you smiled back. When Liam went to the bathroom he noticed Art was picking aggressively at the table, something he’d never seen him do before.
Without looking up from his task of picking through wood one mm at a time, Art asked coldly. ‘When did Patrick say he’d be back?’ Oh fuck it was Sunday! Better check your phone.
2 missed messages.
12:03pm - Text from Patrick
It’s not going well at all. She keeps starting shit with me for no reason she’s a lot to deal with if I’m being honest. Hope your day is better than mine so far
1:26pm - Text from Patrick
You’ve gotta pick me up Y/N I can’t stay here with these people until 9 I’ll catch arsehole disease
Just as you thought of a reply that was both supportive and concerned your phone lit up. Patrick was calling.
‘Pat hey! I didn’t expect to hear fro-‘
‘Pick me up.’
‘Jesus okay-‘
‘Pretty please Y/N I’ll send you my location right now just get here.’
He had a tendency to overreact to uncomfortable situations but you could hear the genuine panic and defeat in his voice. You had to help him.
‘Okay okay but … what’s wrong with Uber?’
‘I can’t afford it.’
You took a deep breath, gesturing to Art to stop mouthing ‘what’s happening?’ so you could concentrate.
‘Okay let me just tell Art-‘
‘Art’s there? Get him to come, he knows the way.’
Whilst you explained to Liam the rough situation, Art ran to your flat to fetch his car. With how little time it took him to return you wondered why he hadn’t become a runner instead? He must have done track, at-least.
It was an hour drive to Patrick’s girls place. 45 minutes on Sundays. You waited until Art had gotten to the motorway before you asked the million dollar question.
‘So… Patrick said you knew the way. How? This is nowhere near anyone’s house that we know.’
Art chuckled, his delicate hand barely touching the wheel when he casually changed lanes at 70mph. His car smelt like him, you tried not to breathe heavier to encase yourself in his scent more intensely. It was growing difficult.
‘Well, I actually … dated Hannah before he did.’
He adjusted his mirror to watch the arsehole behind drive up his ass, for a moment you noticed him looking at the window. If Art ‘his mother could have knitted him’ Donaldson was about to roll the window down to flip someone off you were in for a treat.
‘How long for? Did Patrick even ask bef-‘
‘Does Patrick ever ask you for permission to do something?’
No. Not once.
‘It doesn’t bother me. We weren’t serious and it was a few years before he asked her out.’
You both envied and pitied this Hannah girl who Art seemed to care so little for.
‘Is it not a bit weird though? I wouldn’t want my exes fucking my friends.’
Art glanced over to you, he was driving at 60 again so you weren’t as inclined to grasp the door handle. He looked a little puzzled at your remarks or maybe it was amusement. ‘You thought we’d have different types?’
‘Yes, one hundred percent.’
‘We usually do. Hannah is probably more Patrick’s type.’
Your pity for Hannah grew once again.
‘But clearly, not more compatible.’
When you looked at Art he was frowning. He might have been looking at the road but you knew he was remembering something, something bitter.
You reread Patrick’s text: ‘She’s a lot to deal with.’ but that could mean anything from she takes too long getting ready to she needs to be kept away from others. Once Art said you were close you felt a little uneasy, like you needed to mentally prepare to deal with this girl. If she’d frightened Patrick she had to have something very wrong with her.
He looked out of it.
‘Is there anything I should know, anything I should maybe avoid saying or doing with this… Hannah? Patrick sounded - I don’t wanna say scared bu-‘
‘Oh he’ll be scared,’ you felt genuine dread for a moment until you saw Art looked solemn not worried. He hid it behind a forced chuckle, as if what he was about to say was a funny anecdote he whipped out at parties to break the ice. ‘She can be a lot.’ There goes that word again. ‘She’s probably the only person I’ve ever met who puts tennis above - well - breathing and she thinks if you’re not playing tennis twelve hours a day everyday you’re letting yourself and her down.’
‘Sounds obsessive.’
‘I did warn him.’
As you pulled up to Hannah’s house you felt a twinge, or an aggressive increase, of guilt for your comment the night before. You should have saved your judgement for Hannah, clearly tennis was her entire life and Art had disagreed with her. Patrick certainly would.
He was sat on her doorstep, like a lost puppy waiting for its owner, but he still gave a quick wave before walking over.
‘Thank you!’ Patrick exclaimed once he was in the car. ‘You two just saved me, I was about to let her coach me just so she’d stop fucking yelling.’ He was sweating and slightly out of breath, poor thing.
‘Art, don’t you wanna go say hi?’
Chapter 5
Taglist: @gatorgirl007 @imblushingrn
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aestrayla · 11 months
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study session ft. gojo satoru
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summary: you take satoru to the library to study for upcoming exams, what antics will he come up with while you’ve fallen asleep? ft. gojo satoru x f!reader
cw: SPOILERS (kind of lol), fluff, my humour, pet names (sweetheart)
word count: 0.4k
a/n: i'm currently DEFINITELY shadowbanned so hopefully this gets out to some if not anyone 😭 anyways, this is me writing about studying because instead of this i should be studying for my exams LOL
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a kick to your foot had you jolted awake from your little nap, headphones halfway through playing [your fav song] and a pen stuffed between your fingers.
putting the pen back to paper, a second kick had you pulling your headphones off, brows starting to furrow.
the third, and final kick, had you shooting up from your seat, peering over the desk wall at the white haired man in front of you. the screech from your chair causing some to look your way.
“can you stop that?” you hissed, loud enough for only him to hear.
“stop what?” he replied, a dopey grin plastered to his face, clearly amused at your looming form above him.
“i was trying to study!”
“yeah right, i could hear you snoring from a mile away,” he snickered.
“fuck you, satoru,” you seethed under your breath.
“sorry sweetheart, but you weren’t responding to my texts,” he waved around his phone, the screen open to your text messages.
you peered back down to your phone and saw a flood of message notifications, all from one person.
2:26pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: yo can u help me w this question??
2:27pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: hello???
2:28pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: oh so its like that??
2:30pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: is that u snoring?? can u stop pls ppl are staring 🙄
2:31pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: attachment: 1 image
2:31pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: LMAOO watch this be my new lockscreen 😂😂
you look back at him, obviously annoyed and he just shrugs, clearly unbothered.
“so you gonna help me, or what?”
making your way around the rows of tables, you finally stop at satoru’s.
“so what’s the problem?” you lean over his desk, scanning through the mess of papers.
“the problem is,” he suddenly grabs you by your wrist and pulls you into his lap. you yelp in surprise, startled by his sudden moves, “i’m kinda hungry, can we go for crepes?”
you push at the desk to swerve around to face him, “crepes? seriously? i thought you said you were going to study seriously for me today!”
he pulls you closer by your waist, “please, we’ve been here for hours already. you know i need my daily sugar fix,” he pouted.
you narrow your eyes at him, eyeing his features. from his bright blue eyes to his criminally glossy lips.
“i promise i’ll study twice as hard tomorrow so, please?”
you sigh, “fine, i give up.”
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a/n: who wants a part two where the problem is actually his throbbing d**k??! LOLL
©2023 aestrayla. do not modify, copy, translate or share.
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citrus-lamb · 5 months
Hola, I'm back for more food. Can I request a poly sbg (again.) with a fem reader who is like Wonyoung from Ive (and she's an undercover singer and they all find out because they searched up her group name because they heard people *cough cough *Barron* talking about her (yummy)
a/n : okay, so i don't know anything about k-pop, but i did some research. so reader is gonna be an undercover idol that doesn't reveal her face. sorry if the characters are a bit ooc, still trying to get used to their personalities! please enjoy.
song : idol (yaosabi)
You like to sing lullabies to the group. As an older sister, you know all of them by heart, and after nightmares people can become a lot like a toddler. The group, including you, lives through nightmares every night, so you found yourself learning more and more calming songs. More and more songs from different genres.
Eventually you wanted to make a cover of your favorite song. So you did, and you posted it to Youtube under a fake name. Over the next few days it came up with hundreds of thousands of views. It made you shocked, to say the least, but your newly-acquired fans demanded more. So you gave more.
After about a month you became one of the most popular “idols”—as your fans called you—in America. Every cover you made got upwards of a million views. It was almost too much to handle.
One day, when you were given some free time in one of your classes, you heard Barron running his mouth again. “Dude, did you see? Vibeon.Ai posted yesterday. Best cover yet!
“You’re into that girl’s bullshit? She doesn’t even sound good.”
Tyler leaned towards you, “Yo, who are they talking about?”
“Ah… Vibeon.Ai? She’s an idol. Millions of subscribers on Youtube, y’know? I don’t listen to her though, haha…” You said hurriedly, trying not to sound nervous. What if the group found out about you being an idol? They would treat you different—ask for some of your fame. You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be used.
“Guess I’ll have to check her out.” He mumbled.
You were scared. You went home and threw yourself on your bed and almost fucking screamed. Tyler? Listening to you cover a song? When he’s definitely heard your voice before? This is a disaster!
Your phone ringed
Tyler Hernandez: ‘This Vibeon.Ai person sounds a lot like you’ 4:23pm
Fuck fuck fuck… oh my god, were you screwed, or what?
Another ring.
Aiden Clark: ‘uou made covrrs and didnt tell us?? they sound so gopd!11!1” 4:24pm
Ashlyn Banner: ‘You really do. You should make more covers.’ 4:24pm
Taylor Hernandez: “how did you understand aiden just then??’ 4:25pm
Ashlyn Banner: ‘Magic.’ 4:25pm
Ben Clark: ‘You get used to it’ 4:26pm
Logan Fields: 'Translation??? Please????' 4:26pm
They aren’t asking for fame? Nothing? Not even money? This is different.
“You guys promise not to tell anyone, right?” You asked, practically begging. You didn’t want anyone—especially not Barron—to know.
“Of course we won’t!” Taylor said, giving you a reassuring smile, “We wouldn’t betray your trust like that.”
“Right.” Logan said, “…So when’s your next cover?”
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eternalmx · 2 years
Happy Birthday | Im Changkyun
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🥀 a/ n : it’s been a while!!! if you guys are still around and follow me, thank you, I miss you all and I hope life has been treating you well. And if you’re new here! Hi! Welcome! I hope you enjoy this piece, ngl guys, this was originally supposed to be a fluff but my mind took a wrong turn down the rabbit hole. If you’d like to check out some other pieces, my masterlist is here! Nonetheless! As always, thank you for existing within this space with me, thank you for giving my writing a chance and I hope you enjoy! (Disclaimer : English is not my first language so please bare with me and i apologize for any grammar errors you may come across while you read.) In case you haven’t heard it today, you are so loved, you matter, and if you ever need a safe place and someone to talk to, my dms are always open to you.
P.S ! This is a two part piece! Part 2 should be up by tomorrow night! Stay tuned!
🥀wc | 730
🥀 warnings : smut / dirty talk.
[1:26pm] “So….what do you want for your birthday?” She asked Changkyun, and she ran her hands through the wet strands of his hair, as the water from the shower was hitting his back, shielding her from most of it.
“You’re asking me this now? My birthday’s tomorrow baby” he asked with an eyebrow raised towards her. She playfully hit his shoulder in response as a small laugh escaped her lips.
“You’re asking me this now? My birthday’s tomorrow baby” he asked with an eyebrow raised towards her. She playfully hit his shoulder in response as a small laugh escaped her lips.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“Yes I know that! You’re insane to believe I’ve forgotten the day my best friend was born. I’m asking you now because I want you to have a good day tomorrow.” she spoke softly, as he turned her by her shoulders so her back was to him. He squeezed some shampoo into his large hand and began lathering it up.
“I’ve got everything I want and she’s about to have soap in her eyes if she doesn’t close them” Changkyun said. His large hands began rubbing shampoo into her scalp, his hands moving in a circular motion, a small moan escaped her.
“Can you be serious for a moment? Please?” she said to him, as he began helping rinse off the shampoo.
“Okay. For my birthday I want….” He trailed off, pretends to think about what he was planning to say. “You. I want you for my birthday..” he said, her breath caught as his hands slowly wrapped around her, his fingers lightly grazing back and forth against the soft skin of her stomach.
“You already have me” she said, breathlessly as his hand dipped lower.
“I do, don’t I?” Changkyun whispered, his hot breath, setting off goosebumps all over her. “But I’m thinking, I want you…” his hand trails lover, slipping between her wet folds, “here. I want to feel how wet you get for me, when I keep you on edge all day and then when I get home and finally have my way with you, I want to feel how tightly you wrap around me.” Changkyun began rubbing slow circles on her clit. Her head falling back onto his shoulder and his arms wrapped around her, keeping her balanced.
“Kyun” she moaned softly, hips bucking into his hand.
“And I want to here all the precious sounds you make when I make you come. Want to here you moan my name, maybe yell it a little yeah? So everyone who hears knows you belong to me and how good I’m making you feel, while my cock is buried deep between these thighs” he whispered harshly. Nipping at her neck, as his free hand slowly descended and gripped the front of her thigh roughly.
“Please” she said in a whisper, as she felt her stomach tighten, her small hand wrapping around is wrist so she can rock her hips against his hand for more friction.
“Please what? Use your words baby” he said, nipping at her ear as her breathing got heavier.
“Please let me come” she moaned out, as her legs began to shake, she felt Changkyun’s cock, poking her backside, a groan escaped him as she grinned up against him.
“And after a few rounds, when your exhausted, my cum leaking down your leg, and sore from taking me, you’re going to give me one more, and I’m going to take you from behind, and bury my cock so deep inside you, you’re going to feel me inside you for a week.” His dirty words lite a fire inside her stomach, her high washing over, as he rubbed her clit through it. His hand slowed, rubbing light circles on her clit, milking out her climax as she moaned his name repeatedly, almost like a chant.
Changkyun finished washing both of them up. Taking his sweet time on her sensitive places, making sure to be gentle with her. Her eyes still closed as the warm water cascaded down her body, as Changkyun made his way back up, her kissed her along her torso. Teasingly nipping at her breast, taking his time to leave a mark on one, as she moaned out his name, grabbing him by his hair. His lips crashed onto hers, his hand wrapping gently a rougher, to cup the back of her head, his other hand holding hip tightly so she was flushed again standing his naked body.
“So what do you say babe? Tomorrow? “ he asked, giving her his signature cocky grin.
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inhibitionfreewriting · 10 months
Right Person, Wrong Time (pt2)
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for what it's worth, i'm sorry for any heartbreak
part 1 / part 3
Surely there was a reason for this. To be damned to show up with your bar-crawling friends to a place where your ex fiancé is flirting with some woman. Your friends haven't noticed him and it doesn't seem like he's noticed you, too busy trying to get the woman to laugh at his jokes.
It takes less than 2 minutes from your friends to find a table near the bar itself but far enough away from him that you don't really mind, sticking to the innermost corner of the group. They barely even paid attention when you were more focused on getting a good shot of him than ordering a drink.
you 7:19pm: [picture of your ex fiancé]
you 7:19pm: stupid motherfucker couldn't pick a better bar to go hard ass women at
you 7:20pm: harass*
You weren't even entirely sure of who you sent the message to, perhaps a little too inebriated yourself to be completely in control. Maybe that was what you really wanted though. That's what you were used to, wasn't it? Having other people make decisions for you? One of the people you were with slid their drink over to you.
"Drink honey, drink and I'll get me another one. You need it you just look... you look sooo so sad." Fruity. You could barely taste the alcohol.
"You can't be sad!" Another one says, smacking their hand down on the table before pointing at you. "You can't be sad because your life is going to get so much better. I can feel it. It's in the stars. I was reading your uh... your... fucking what is it called, shit."
"YES! Your whore scope."
"Shh shh shh. That's what I said. It said that your life is going to change in a big big way soon. I believe it's gonna be good." You shook your head and continued drinking, not paying attention to the way that the conversation drifted away from you once again. The way you liked it.
... bzzzt ...
Willard Neffard 7:30pm: I thought he didn't even drink?
Thank god you had texted Will and nobody else.
you 7:32pm: 8 months ago he didn't
you 7:35pm: but maybe that was a lie??
you 7:38pm: IDK i kind of wish i could leave but i cannot drive right now
Willard Neffard 7:50pm: I got you 👍🏻
you 7:51pm: a literal night in shining armor
you 7:51pm: knight
"Guys, I'm gonna have a friend come get me." Your friends frowned and the one next to you wrapped their arm around you and dropped their head to your shoulder. "I don't feel that great and I think I'm out of battery for the night."
"We get it babes, you gonna stay with us till your ride gets here?" You nodded and leaned your head against the one on your shoulder.
"Probably for the best. Just means I can keep knocking them back until then. Excuse me, miss!" You called your waitress over and ordered another round. The Uber driver would get it surely, if you explained to them that you saw your ex fiancé who technically left you at the altar showed up at a bar that you were at to relax so you drank a little more while waiting for them to get there? Yeah, definitely, of course they would. Who wouldn't?
Willard Neffard 8:26pm: Outside
At this point you were near stumbling and your mind was in a perpetual spin cycle. Were you too hung up on your life getting destroyed, or were you hung up enough? Your friends told you it was grief. You were grieving the burning of bridges, the deaths of friendship, and that grief was hard to get over. You grow around grief, grief doesn't get smaller.
The air outside the bar had a bite to it, the cool breeze immediately lighting your cheeks up, what a difference. No Uber to be seen though... and no Will either. Did you send him the wrong address? You pulled out your phone and checked, no you sent the right one. You ran your hand through your hair. There was a slim chance that he was playing a joke on you but after everything you didn't put much weight into that theory.
"I heard you needed a ride."
No, absolutely not. You shook your head with your eyes shut, hoping that you wouldn't fall over.
"Will was busy and there wasn't a way you'd get an Uber out without it being completely overpriced." Hasan stood a few feet away, like he was nervous to be any closer, in a tan sweater and dark slacks. "All I want to do is get you home safe."
In another life you would have ran and wrapped your arms around him, telling him he looked good and thanking him for being willing to pick you up. In another life he would have been at the bar with you and your friends, celebrating something. All you could muster was a quiet 'okay' before opening your eyes and walking past him to his car, getting into the passenger seat without saying anything else.
With your head against the headrest, you closed your eyes again and tried to pretend you were anywhere else with anyone else. The car ride was quiet sans the random radio station all the way down to where you could barely make out the beat to the music with your hand against the speaker.
Eventually, Hasan sighed heavily and smacked the steering wheel before leaning back. You jumped in your seat, eyes snapping open before looking over to him and then the cars ahead of you. Lines and lines of red taillights, backed up far past the edge of your vision. This was not going to be a quick 30 minute drive home.
"Oh. Of fucking course," the liquor in your system making you louder than intended. "The first time I go out drinking in months, months, I have to see both assholes who have ruined my life. I'm going to kill Will. I should have told them I couldn't go out. Should have stayed home." Hasan turned enough to look at you, but said nothing.
"I wouldn't be in this fucking mess if it weren't for you," your body turned to face him and you jabbed a hand in his direction but didn't make contact. "Seriously, every time my life goes to shit, it is you at the wheel of the ship. Why is that Piker? Do you hate me? Is it active sabotage, or is it just the balance of the universe? I'm the one who has to suffer for you to be happy?" The car moved a few feet before stopping again. "Well? Nothing? You have nothing to say to me?"
You observed him the best that you could in the lack of light. One hand sat on the steering wheel still, the other on his lap in a fist and he gnawed on the inside of his lips in thought. You had seen that look many times before, the gears in his head were turning, but still he stayed silent. Impatient, Words started to tumble out of your mouth again, each heavier with angry tears than the last.
"I can start it for you since you're too stupid to think of it first. How about I'm sorry? You don't even have to be specific. Just 'I'm sorry'!" Your fingers were cold on your face when they wiped at your cheeks. His hand left his lap and gingerly reached for one side of your face and for a moment you even contemplated letting him. But only a moment. Seething with pent up rage, you smacked his hand away from your face and moved towards the window with the little room you had left. He had pulled his hand back into his lap but cut you off before you could take a deep enough breath to speak again.
"I am sorry." For a moment Hasan let his words hang in the silence, waiting to see if you'd cut him off this time and continue ripping into him. "I should have said it to you way earlier than this. It shouldn't take Austin and Will doing an event to get me in front of you to apologize for... everything."
"No you can't just cop out with everything, you need to apologize for ruining my life!"
"Yes," he sounded exasperated and it fueled the rage in your stomach but you let him continue, actually biting your lip to keep your words in. "I am sorry for fucking up your life. Do you-" he ran a hand through his hair, "do you think I've stopped thinking about you once in the last 3 and a half years? When I saw you with that... motherfucker the first time, I wasn't even upset at you for moving on, I was fucking happy for you dude.
"And then you fucking tell me and Will the same shit you've always said, marriage is a scam, that this marriage will be no different than any other marriage. You expect me to think you're in love with him? I'm not that fucking stupid and neither are you. And he walked out immediately because he thought you were cheating on him!"
"Yes because my ex boyfriend decided to object at the wedding!" Your voice was much more a shriek than anything else, "why couldn't you have just pulled me aside beforehand instead of... ruining my life!"
"I didn't-" mean to ruin your life. The words stuck in his throat like tar, singing his breath. He leaned his head in his hand as he inched the car forward. How do you really apologize to someone for causing someone so much heartache because you were still heartsick? Hasan felt like he could throw up. He'd never be able to apologize enough, he knew that from how you were barely holding yourself back. "I'm sorry, button."
If there was anything he could say that would have broken you entirely, it was calling you button. The first sob wracked your body the hardest, remembering the last time he called you that. His lips on yours and on your cheeks, telling you he loved you, that he would never find another one for him like you. It seemed so silly now, having it bloom a sickening warmth in your stomach when it should have been disgust.
It was still in there. A small piece of him, sitting in your heart like iron, rusting the gates that you had tried so hard to reinforce.
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detectivetooattached · 2 months
Caseworker, 1:55pm: Transport will be picking K up from school at 2pm
Me, 1:59pm: School has not started. He is at my home. Is there a plan for getting him? The roads are impassable.
Caseworker, 2:17pm: Transport is arriving now.
Me, 2:22pm: No one is here.
Caseworker, 3:26pm: Transport will be arriving within the next 15 minutes.
Caseworker, 3:28pm: Transport is at your home.
Me, 3:33pm: There is still no one here.
Caseworker, 4:02pm: The roads are impassable. The visit is canceled.
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