#1 Tribe Collective
themyscirah · 5 months
Obsessing abt the Amazonian embassy and embassy day & tours and the details of all that while at the same time being BONE tired from all my schoolwork.
Like I am lying here with aches all over and the remnants of stress pains and also my energy drink (not to be confused w my coffee from earlier) leaking out of my system and all I can think about is color symbolism and what the flags would look like for the different Amazon tribes
#also this is spiralling into headcanons about the location of themyscira as mapped onto the Mediterranean (but still in fantasy land) and#how that would play into art and fashion and the flag#anyways what im saying here is i think they have access to tyrian purple dye#or at least the snail in some capacity. because hippolyta is almost always wearing purple (for queen symbol reasons ofc) but that implies#continued access to the dye or at least their own synthetic version#which honestly i feel like they could have either way. but the snails would be really cool. especially if they had their own method of#extraction or some other way of doing things#and especially if they were making a flag to fit with conventions of mans world then they could totally use purple because it 1. wouldnt be#widespread like the flag of a real nation it would just be on like 3 buildings irl. or if it needed to be widespread they could just use#synthetics. also themyscirans would def have time to collect hundreds of snails they had time for that like cmon now#aaaaannnyyyways this is my reasoning for why themyscira should be the only country w a significant amt of purple on their flag#in my mind there is also black lines for their bracelets the lasso for truth and a dove for peace and also messages#and thats specifically the themysciran one. bc in my mind there would also be flags for the bana esquecida and amazonia in general although#they would mostly exist just to fly outside a few buildings and not do much but idk#havent thought too much abt the other tribes but ik esquecida would have some green the bana either some blue or red and the amazonia one#would have a depiction of both girdles of gaea on it
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"The Yurok will be the first Tribal nation to co-manage land with the National Park Service under a historic memorandum of understanding signed on Tuesday [March 19, 2024] by the tribe, Redwood national and state parks, and the non-profit Save the Redwoods League, according to news reports.
The Yurok tribe has seen a wave of successes in recent years, successfully campaigning for the removal of a series of dams on the Klamath River, where salmon once ran up to their territory, and with the signing of a new memorandum of understanding, the Yurok are set to reclaim more of what was theirs.
Save the Redwoods League bought a property containing these remarkable trees in 2013, and began working with the tribe to restore it, planting 50,000 native plants in the process. The location was within lands the Yurok once owned but were taken during the Gold Rush period.
Centuries passed, and by the time it was purchased it had been used as a lumber operation for 50 years, and the nearby Prairie Creek where the Yurok once harvested salmon had been buried.
Currently located on the fringe of Redwoods National and State Parks which receive over 1 million visitors every year and is a UNESCO Natural Heritage Site, the property has been renamed ‘O Rew, a Yurok word for the area.
“Today we acknowledge and celebrate the opportunity to return Indigenous guardianship to ‘O Rew and reimagine how millions of visitors from around the world experience the redwoods,” said Sam Hodder, president and CEO of Save the Redwoods League.
Having restored Prarie Creek and filled it with chinook and coho salmon, red-legged frogs, northwestern salamanders, waterfowl, and other species, the tribe has said they will build a traditional village site to showcase their culture, including redwood-plank huts, a sweat house, and a museum to contain many of the tribal artifacts they’ve recovered from museum collections.
Believing the giant trees sacred, they only use fallen trees to build their lodges.
“As the original stewards of this land, we look forward to working together with the Redwood national and state parks to manage it,” said Rosie Clayburn, the tribe’s cultural resources director.
It will add an additional mile of trails to the park system, and connect them with popular redwood groves as well as new interactive exhibits.
“This is a first-of-its-kind arrangement, where Tribal land is co-stewarded with a national park as its gateway to millions of visitors. This action will deepen the relationship between Tribes and the National Park Service,” said Redwoods National Park Superintendent Steve Mietz, adding that it would “heal the land while healing the relationships among all the people who inhabit this magnificent forest.”"
-via Good News Network, March 25, 2024
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redgoldsparks · 11 months
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I wrote a 12 page epilogue to my 2019 comic "Harry Potter and The Problematic Author" because I found, in 2023, that I had more to say. You can also find this comic on my website, and I have PDF copies available on etsy. I may sell print copies at some point in the future.
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
Full transcript below the cut.
Part one: Ruddy Owls!
I was in fourth grade when the first Harry Potter Book was released in the US.
Panel 1: Sometimes our teacher would read it aloud in class. “Mr and Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privat Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much…”
Panel 2: I was 11 years old when Harry Potter finally broke through my dyslexia and turned me into a reader.
Panel 3: Every night in the summer before sixth grade I waited for the owl carrying my Hogwarts Letter. I cried when it didn’t come. “I have to go to Muggle school!”
Part Two: Hats
I dedicated myself to being a fan.
Panel 1: I began collecting Harry Potter News article.
Panel 2: I asked my relatives to mail me ones from their local papers. I filled a thick binder with clippings.
Panel 3: I wrote my own trivia quiz
Panel 4: and participated in the one held annually at the county fair. “Next contestant!”
Panel 5: I usually got into one of. the top five spots. I won boxes of candy, posters, stationary, and once a baseball cap. (Hat reads: I survived the battle of Hogwarts).
Panel 6: In high school I sewed a black velvet cape and knitted many stripped scarves.
Part Three: Double Trouble
Watching the last film in 2011 felt like the final note of my childhood. 
Panel 1: I remember driving home from the midnight showing thinking about the end of 13 years of waiting; wondering what would define the next chapter of my life. 
Panel 2: That same month I heard of something called Pottermore. “Okay, so there’s a sorting quiz… I already know my house! Patronus assignment? Mine’s a barn owl. Duh!" 
Panel 3: You can read the books again but with GIFs? Why? 
Panel 4: I lived in a place with very slow and limited internet at the time. Pottermore sounded inaccessible, but also boring. I never joined. 
Panel 5: "I’ll just read the actual books again, thanks." 
Part Four: Sweets
In 2016, a series of short stories titled "History of Magic in North America” were released on Pottermore to pave the way for the first Fantastic Beasts Film. These stories display an extreme ignorance of American history, culture, and geography, but the worst parts are the casual misuse of indigenous beliefs and stories. Fans and critics immediately spoke up against this appropriation. Some of the most quoted voices included Nambe Pueblo scholar Dr. Debbie Reese who runs the site “American Indians In Children’s Literature”; Navajo writer Brian Young; Johnnie Jae (Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw), founder of A Tribe Called Geek; Dr Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), a Professor at Brown University who runs the blog “Native Appropriations”, and writers N.K. Jemison and Paula Young Lee.
Rowling is famous for responding to fans directly on twitter, yet she did not respond to anyone calling out the damaging aspects of “Magic in North America.” Her representatives refused to comment for March 9 2016 article in the Guardian. She has never apologized. All of this, plus the casting of Johnny Depp and the specific declarations of support by JKR, Warner Brothers, and director David Yates left a sour taste in my mouth.
For further thoughts on the new films read The Crimes of Grindelwald is a Mess by Alanna Bennett for Buzzfeed News, November 16, 2018.
Excerpt from Colonialism in Wizarding American: JK Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Through an Indigenous Lens by Allison Mills, MFA, MAS/MLIS (Cree and Settler French Canadian)
Although Rowling is certainly not the first white author to misstep in her treatment of Indigenous cultures, she has an unprecedented level of visibility and fame, […] One of the most glaring problems with Rowling’s story is her treatment of the many Indigenous nations in North America as one monolithic group. […It] flattens out the diversity of languages, belief systems, and cultures that exist in Indigenous communities, allowing stereotyping to persist. […] It continues a long history of colonial texts which ignore that Indigenous peoples still exist. […] In the Wizarding world, as in the real world, Indigenous histories have been over-written and our cultures erased.
from The Looking Glass: New Perspectives in Children’s Literature Volumn 19, Issue 1
Part 5: Music
Panel 1: Also in 2016 I discovered two podcasts which radically altered my experience of being an HP fan. The first was Witch Please created by two Canadian feminist literary scholars Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman.
Panel 2: “If it’s not in the text it doesn’t count!” “Close reading ONLY!”
Panel 3: They talk about Harry Potter at the level you’d expect in a college class with particular focus on gender, race, class, and the troubling fatphobia, fear of othered and queer coded bodies, violence against women, white feminism, gaslighting and failed pedagogy in the books. They bring up these issues not because they hate the series, but because they LOVE it.
These passionate, joyful conversations went off like fireworks in my mind. I had never taken a feminist class before. I gained a whole new vocabulary to talk about the books- and the world.
Panel 1: The second podcast I started that year was Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, created by two graduates of the Harvard Divinity School, Vanessa Zoltan and Casper Ter Kuile.
Panel 2: They read one chapter per episode through a theme such as love, control, curiosity, shame, responsibility, hospitality, destruction, or mystery. Like Witch Please, they are interested only in the information on the page, not thoughts from the author. The delights and failures of the text are examined in the context of the present day, and new meanings constantly arise.
What does it mean to treat a text as sacred?
Trusting that the more time we give to it, the more blessings it has to give us.
Reading the text repeatedly with concentrated attention. Our effort is part of what makes it sacred. The text is not in and of itself sacred, but is made so by rigorously engaging in the ritual of reading.
Experiencing it in community.
“To me, the goal of treating the text as sacred is that we learn to treat each other as sacred.” -Vanessa Zoltan
Part 6: Tooth and Claw
In October 2017, Rowling liked a tweet linking to an article arguing that trans women should be kept out of women’s bathrooms because of cisgender women’s fears. In March 2018, she liked a tweet about the problem of misogyny in the UK Labour Party which included the line “Men in dresses get brosocialist solidarity I never had.” The author of the tweet had previously posted many blatantly anti-trans statements.
Rowlings publicist claimed she had liked the posted by accident in a “clumsy and middle-aged moment.” Yet, in September 2018 she liked a link posted by Janice Turner to her column in the Times UK titled “Trans Rapists Are A Danger In Women’s Jails.”
Screencaps of these tweets can be found in the article “The Mysterious Case of JK Rowling and her Transphobic Twitter History”, January 10 2019 by Gwendolyn Smith (a trans journalist), LGBTQNation.com
Excerpt from: Is JK Rowling Transphobic? A Trans Woman Investigates by Katelyn Burns
Ultimately, the answer is yes, she is transphobic […] I think it’s fair that she receives criticism from trans people, especially given her advocacy on behalf of queer people in general, but also because she has a huge platform. Many people look up to her for creating a singular piece of popular culture that holds deep meaning for fans from different walks of life, and she has a responsibility to handle that platform wisely. (Published on them.us March 28, 2018)
Part 7: Home
At age 30, I’m still not over Harry Potter.
Panel 1: I’ve recently found a local bar that does HP trivia nights. “Poppy or Pomona?” “Poppy!”
Panel 2: I currently own an annual pass to Universal Studios so I can visit Hogsmeade.
Panel 3: I love talking to kids who are reading the books for the first time. “Who’s your favorite character?” “Ginny!”
Panel 4: And I’m planning a relisten to the audio books to next year to help me get through the election cycle. “Jim Dale, I’m going to need you more than ever…”
Spoiler from 2023: I did not do this. By mid-2020 JKR had posted her transphobic essay; we were in covid; I never visited Universal Studios again.
But I do want to learn from her mistakes. I never want to repeat “Magic in North America.” As I write, I will do my research. I will consult experts and compensate them. If a reader from a different culture/background than me speaks up about my work, I will listen and apologize. I KNOW I WILL MAKE MISTAKES. But I will own up to them and I will do better.
Excerpt from Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power and Publishing by Daniel José Older
We can love a thing and still critique it. In fact, that’s the only way to really love a thing. Let’s be critical lovers and loving critics and open ourselves to the truth about where we are and where we’ve been. Instead of holding tight to the same old, failed patriarchies, let’s walk a new road, speak new languages. Today, let’s imagine a literature, a literary world, that carries this struggle for equity in its very essence, so that tomorrow it can cease to be necessary, and disappear. (Buzzfeed, April 14, 2017) 
Harry Potter is flawed, & JK Rowling is problematic. But the books helped me learn a lot: 
*One of the greatest dangers facing the modern world is the rise of fascism 
*The government cannot be trusted 
*Read and think critically
*Question the news: who paid the journalist? Who owns the paper? 
*Trust and support your friends through good times and bad
*Organize for resistance
*Educate and share resources with peers
*The revolution must be diverse and intersectional
* We are only as strong as we are united
*The weapon we have is love 
MK 2019
In 2021 I removed a Harry Potter patch I sewed to my book bag over a decade ago. I took 15 pieces of Harry Potter fanart off my walls. I got rid of my paperback book set, 2 board games, and 8 t-shirt. [images: a Hogwarts a patch with loose threads, a pair of scissors and a seam ripper]
Panel 1: Maia holding up a shirt with the Deathly Hallows logo on it. Maia thinks: “Damn, this really used to be my entire personality.”
Panel 2: The t-shirt gets thrown into the Goodwill box.
I wrote my zine wrestling with JKR’s legacy in 2019, after her dismissive and racist reaction to indigenous fans and critics of “Magic in North America” and after she had liked a couple transphobic tweets. Since then, she has gotten so much worse.
A Brief Timeline (mostly from this Vox article)
June 2020- JKR posts a 3600 word essay making her anti-trans position clear
August 2020- The Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Org issues a statement about her transphobia, JKR doubles down on her position and returns an award they gave her
December 2020- JKR claims 90% of HP fans secretly agree with her anti-trans views
December 2021- JKR mocks Scottish Police for recognizing transgender identities
March 2022- JKR criticizes gender-inclusive language and legislation
December 2022- JKR retweets trans youtuber Jessie Earl’s critical review of Hogwarts Legacy, starting an onslaught of transphobic harassment towards Earl
December 2022- JKR removes her support from an Edinburgh center for survivors of sexual violence with a trans-inclusive policy and funds her own center which explicitly excludes trans sexual assault survivors
January 2023- JKR tweets “Deeply amused by those telling me I’ve lost their admiration due to disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists.” It got nearly 300K likes
March 2023- One the podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling”, hosted by a former Westboro Baptist Church Member, JKR compares the trans rights movement to Death Eaters.
What are The Witch Trials of JK Rowling?
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “It’s a 7 episode documentary style podcast hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper. Nearly every episode contains interviews with JKR as well as critics, journalists, historians, protestors and fans.
Panel 2: Maia speaking. “In episode 1, JKR speaks more candidly than she has previously about being in an abusive marriage. Her ex-husband hit her, stalked her, broke into her house overlapping with the time she was writing the first three HP books.”
Panel 3: Maia speaking. “What she went through genuinely sounds horrific. I have a lot of sympathy for the kind of life-long traumas those experiences leave.”
It is clear from reading the June 2020 essay on her blog and listening to the podcast, that JKR still to this day feels unsafe. Despite her wealth and privilege she moves through the world with the mindset of a victim. And the group of people she finds most threatening are trans women.
Or rather, she is afraid that allowing trans women in women’s spaces invites the possibility of male predators entering those spaces.
Here’s a direct quote: The problem is male violence. All a predator wants is access and to open the doors of changing rooms, rape centers, domestic violence centers [...] to any male who says “I’m a woman and I have a right to be here” will constitute a risk to women and girls. - from The Witch Trials episode 4 as transcribed by therowlinglibrary.com, March 2023
Image: A stem of Belladonna with flowers and berries.
Let me introduce here the term: TRANSMISOGYNY. The intersection of transphobia and misogyny, this term was coined by Julia Serano in 2007. Scout Tran, on tiktok as Queersneverdie said: “Transmisogyny occurs in people who have been previously hurt by traditional misogyny. Who have been driven to hate men or at the very least to be scared of men. They will sometimes take out that rage on trans women. (March 2023)
JKR claims to care for trans women and understand they are extremely vulnerable to assault and violence. In her 2020 Essay she wrote: “I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe.”
So she cares about trans women… just less than cis women, and she’s willing to throw all trans women under the bus because of her unfounded, prejudice fears.
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “JKR claims to have seen data that proves trans women have presented physical threats to other women in intimate spaces, but never cites sources. She also uses “producer of the large gametes” as a definition of “woman”.
What about transmen and nonbinary folks?
Panel 2: Maia leaning on a stack of all seven HP books, the first four Cormorant Strike books and The Casual Vacancy, gesturing to a series of quotes with a tired and disgusted expression.
I’m concerned about the huge explosion of young women wishing to transition and also about the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning. * [...] If I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. -June 10 2020 essay
I don’t believe a 14 year old can truly understand what the loss of their fertility is.
-Witch Trials episode 4
I haven’t yet found a study that hasn’t found that the majority of young people experiencing gender dysphoria grow out of it*. -Witch Trials episode 7
*No sources cited
It’s hard to over emphasize how fixated JKR has become on these topics. As of the date I’m writing this, 14 out of her 20 most recent tweets (70%) are in some way anti-trans. She tweets against Mermaids (a UK based trans youth charity), against trans athletes, against gender neutral bathrooms, and in support of LBG Alliance- a UK org that denies trans rights while upholding gay rights. Here are some gems from her archive:
“People who menstruate.” I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? -June 2020
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman. - December 2021
And in response to someone asking “How do you sleep at night knowing you lost a whole audience?”
I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly. -October 2022
Hashtag Ruthless Productions a queer nerd podcast company created a great guide on ethical engagement with HP. Image: the two hosts of Hashtag Ruthless productions, Jessie (They/she) and Lark (he/him).
Stop buying all official HP Products: books, movies, games, toys, etc, Universal Studios tickets, food, merch.* Boycott any new TV series or movies. Instead: buy the books and DVDs used. If you still want to wear HP merch, buy fan-made. Engage only with fan content: fic, podcasts, fanart, wizard rock, etc. Show transphobia is bad for business. None of this will change JKR’s mind. But the Fantastic Beast series was canceled and after record Pottermore sales in 2020, they fell in 2022 by 40%.
*She gets a portion of ALL tickets. In 2019, this was her largest income source. Read the full guide: hashtagruthless.com/resourceguide
As late as 2019, I was still reading JKR’s murder mystery series. But by the fourth book my experience began to sour.
Panel 1: Maia holding a copy of Lethal White. “The only gay character in this book is a government official who gropes his staff?”
Panel 2: “The only genderqueer character is misgendered and portrayed as a whiny faker?”
Panel 3: “The only Muslim character is disowned by his family over gay rumors?”
Panel 4: “Even the women aren’t portrayed very well…”
Panel 5: “Why is the main female character defined by the rape in her past?”
Panel 6: “Wait, what happens in the rest of this series…?” Maia scrolls on eir phone.
Panel 7: “Is the series heading towards an employee/boss relationship?”
Panel 8: “And has a man wearing women’s clothes to commit assault?”
Panel 9: “Yeah, I’m done. I’m never reading a new JKR book ever again.”
And as for JKR herself?
As tempting as it might be to tweet your frustrations at her, I don’t recommend it. In 2021, she tweeted, “Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me.” Getting hate online feeds her sense of victimhood and she waves it as proof of her moral high ground. Instead I suggest you block her on twitter, then delete twitter, go to the library and try to find a new book that feels magical.
Stack of books: In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Gifts by Ursula K Le Guin, Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane, A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and Gideon the Ninth by Tamsin Muir.
In “Emergent Strategy” adrienne maree brown writes: You do not have the right to traumatize abusive people, to attack them, personally or publicly, or to sabotage anyone else’s health. The behaviors of abuse are also survival-based, learned behaviors rooted in pain. If you can look through the lens of compassion, you will find hurt and trauma there. If you are the abused party, healing that hurt is not your responsibility and exacerbating that pain is not your justified right.
Seeing anyone over age 12 wearing HP merch now makes me uncomfortable. Are they ignorant or actively a TERF? I hate wondering how much money JKR has probably poured into anti-trans legislation… This zine is a culmination of my slow breakup with a story that once brought me joy. Now it just makes me angry, tired and sad.
Image: Candle in a fancy holder burned down to less than an inch.
Maia Kobabe, 2023
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sansaorgana · 1 month
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PAIRING — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Fremen!Reader
SUMMARY — After failing to protect your tribe, its members leave you behind to die according to your customs. When Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen finds you, he immediately knows you are a daughter of the desert that was promised to him in the prophecy. Just like you were promised a man from the stars to come for you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I changed the request a little and I hope it's fine – I just had this idea and I really wanted to write it but the request itself inspired it! 💛 By the way, this request was sent in April... 🙈 I am so ashamed of myself and it's not even the only request like that because I still have one left to write with Feyd... Please, do forgive me... 🙏🏻 I know nothing about Fremen customs and I didn't bother to Google them because I had this idea in my head and I liked it so I didn't want to change it either way. Therefore, keep in mind that I treat The Fremen culture pretty loosely here. Reader is a Princess (I don't think they have royalty at all in canon), she has ritual tattoos on her body (not as many as Lady Jessica but still) and she has blue eyes from the spice (which is not even mentioned I think 🤔) but other than that I did not describe anything about her looks.
WARNINGS — mentions of slavery, mentions of sexual activities including non/dub-con (no actual smut), mentions of suicide, Reader gets beaten up badly in the beginning by The Harkonnen soldiers
WORD COUNT — 4,200
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In other worlds, noble families had all the possible privileges alongside the burden of responsibilities. In other worlds, Princesses were spoiled and insufferable creatures who had all their whims and wishes fulfilled. But it was no other world – it was a cruel and harsh Arrakis. It was a hot desert filled with nothing but sand and spice and your tribe expected that your parents would help them to survive – no matter what price.
Everyone had the same duty to keep the rest alive – your father, your mother and even you, a simple Princess. The Fremen were not rich, therefore you were wearing the same clothes as everyone else. But even if you tried to blend in with the crowd, everyone would recognise you because of the ritual tattoos covering your skin. The noble blood was nothing but poison running through your veins – it was unwanted. Every failure was blamed upon you and you would drink the collected water as the last because your job was to make sure your tribe would live.
You had lost your mother first, even before the new Harkonnen invasion and the oppression of The Atreides. But your father died recently, in the very same ruins where your tribe left you to die in the ashes and heat before they attempted to run away. You were their Princess and your family had failed to protect them – the tough custom was to leave you behind and let the desert take care of you. It would either swallow you whole or you would prove yourself by digging yourself out.
But in this case – it was leaving you behind for The Harkonnens to find you and take care of you. It was worse than death in the desert. Perhaps their ways of murder were quicker and more sophisticated but they were unnatural. You were a Fremen and if you were to die, you wanted to do it by slowly decaying in the sand.
“Mercy… Mercy…” You begged quietly in Chakobsa language when they found out that the body laying amongst the ruins was still alive and breathing.
One of the Harkonnen soldiers pulled you up by your hair and you could see them all through hazy eyes, in their black uniforms covering their unhealthy pale white skin. 
“That bitch is alive,” one of them drawled out. “Are you going to talk?” He leaned in to ask you but you didn’t answer. You had no physical strength to answer him but also no spiritual motivation to keep going.
You were already prepared to die and you felt so indifferent that their punches and kicks did not bring you any pain at all. They dragged you by your hair and bruised your skin, they threatened you and cut you in a few places but with each drop of blood, you also felt your life leaking out of your body and what a sweet relief it was.
You were lying curled up on the ground and completely lost track of time. You could have been there for centuries, long hours or mere minutes only. You had absolutely no idea. You only waited for death to finally release you from this life and from the endless sands of Arrakis.
Your dream was to fly – fly away and see other worlds. See the worlds with greenery and water. To breathe in the fresh air and to be invisible in the crowd, to no longer be a Princess.
Or to simply disappear. That option was not so bad either. Everything was better than this life, certainly.
For now, they left you alone and proceeded to ruin the temple around you. And some part of you grieved this loss of your culture but the other part had no love for it anymore because you couldn’t care less at this point and because this world and these people had brought you nothing but pain and oppression. You loved and hated the Fremen equally.
Perhaps The Harkonnens had left you alone to regenerate before they’d start kicking and beating you again. Perhaps they would let you die in peace – that was doubtful, though. Perhaps they thought you were already dead but you were sure they did not because they were very committed to their art of killing.
When you heard heavy steps approaching you and their muffled voices explaining something to the man who had just arrived, you realised that they had been simply waiting for someone more important. And he was probably the one who would bring death to you. You tried to open your eyelids at least a little to see the face of your killer as you prayed quietly for a painless death even though you knew very well that no gods were listening to you. No gods would listen in a destroyed temple anyway. 
The gods were angry and their anger was always aimed at people like you – the noble Fremen who hadn’t managed to keep their people safe. You were doomed in this life and in the afterlife. There was no escape.
The man who had just walked inside the cave in which you were lying had an intriguing face because he was quite handsome for a Harkonnen. He had to be someone important, too, because his clothes were more elegant. He even had a cape attached to his stillsuit.
“Spy. Left behind,” one of his soldiers informed him and the man finally looked down and spotted you.
You bravely kept looking at him even though you knew already that painless death would be no option from his hands. You even straightened yourself up, slowly and gritting your teeth because you didn’t want to hiss out of pain and give them any satisfaction. Now, you were on your knees.
“No trace of the others,” the soldier explained.
“They’ve gone South to hide in the storms,” the new man commented and his voice made a shiver go down your spine and formed a knot in your stomach. There was something extremely eerie about him in a way that no ordinary Harkonnen could match. He was evil and twisted – even his voice was.
He was given a blade and he examined it as you were examining him, trying to figure him out even though it was pointless since it was the last minute of your life, most likely. Yet, stupid human brain always had to be kept entertained, always needed a distraction – even in a time like this.
“Send this message to The Baron,” the man commanded. “The North is liberated and secure. Harvest spice at will,” he looked back at you as if he was trying to mock you or tease you – so unaware how much you simply did not care anymore.
If it was up to you, you would blow up the whole planet. You would wipe Arrakis out of every galactic map.
“Yes, Na-Baron,” the man behind him bowed his head and then you realised that the demon in front of you was Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen himself.
It was quite ironic – he was of noble blood, too. Perhaps it would be an honour to be killed by him if you were a simple girl but you were not. Maybe it was a small mercy of the gods – a small, ironic smile. Yes, they would bring death now but at least your murderer was your equal and not a common Harkonnen scum.
Feyd-Rautha approached you slowly, clenching his jaw and your own sore muscles tensed, expecting another kick or a blow or things much, much worse. You just kept sitting there and looking up at him, too weak to even beg for mercy anymore.
And you didn’t want to either.
“She won’t talk,” another soldier of his told him and Feyd-Rautha tilted his head.
After a short while of silence, he crouched down in front of you and he tore a part of your stillsuit off of your body, revealing your arm and one side of your chest. You made no attempt to hide away from him or to yell for him to stop because you knew it would not help you in any way and it would only cost you even more of your dignity.
He smirked at the sight of your exposed body and stood up again.
“She is their Princess,” he pointed out loud. “Her marks give her away,” he added. “She is no spy. She was left to die as a punishment of her tribe.”
You were surprised how much he knew about your customs. Feyd-Rautha turned around to look at you again.
“I do not care about the Fremen traditions,” he informed you. “You will go with me,” he ordered.
You were too weak to move, of course. When two of his soldiers forced you to move up as they dragged you by your hair, you fell down on the ground. They kept forcing you up again and again, until you completely lost consciousness.
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A man from the stars. 
You were a young girl again or perhaps you were a visitor in your old memory because you could see yourself sitting there, inside the dark cave deep under the temple with a Reverend Mother and a few other veiled Bene Gesserit women. A young girl with tears still in the corners of her eyes from the painful ritual of marking her body with the black ink. She had just become a Princess and she already knew it was a path of pain and sacrifice. Now, she had been tested with Gom Jabbar – another suffering filling this small body of a little girl. She hadn’t asked for any of this.
“A man from the stars,” the Reverend Mother said to her. A prophecy.
“What about him?” The girl asked, wiping her tears away with the palm of her hand, forgetting that they were sensitive now. The tears burnt her freshly-inked skin and she hissed. Bene Gesserit women smiled contemptuously. It was the Princess’ punishment for shedding tears and wasting water.
“He will come for you,” The Reverend Mother found her eyes through all the chains in her veil. Little girl felt a chill going down her spine at those words and she was not sure whether it was a promise or a threat.
She never told her parents about this prophecy and soon she forgot about it anyway. She grew up to be too big to believe in fairytales.
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When you opened your eyes again, you gasped and sat up rapidly as the water splashed all around you. You looked down, terrified, and realised that you were naked inside a bathtub, surrounded by a few terrified maids who had moved away at the sight of you awakening.
“Wh-what is happening?” You asked them. Some of them were clearly Harkonnen with their white skin, big black eyes and bald heads. Some of them were Fremen slaves but they were not from your tribe because you couldn’t recognise any of them.
“Na-Baron asked us to clean you up and take care of your wounds, my Lady,” the Harkonnen maid informed you. She was not sure how to address you but you couldn’t care less about that. What shocked you the most was…
“Water!” You yelped and tried to get out of the bathtub although you were too weak to do so. “You are wasting water!”
“We have more than enough water here in the palace,” the Fremen slave woman told you and you calmed yourself down although you couldn’t help but feel angry about the injustice.
Of course they had water in the Arrakeen’s palace. The Harkonnens, The Atreides… People like them never suffered – even in a place like this.
You allowed the maids to go back to cleaning you up. When you were as fresh as never before, you couldn’t recognise yourself in the mirror. Even your skin looked a shade paler because it was no longer stained with the sand. Your hair was shining and the skilled hands of one of the maids braided it before your wounds were patched up and your body was covered with a semi-transparent dress. It was very feminine and quite revealing and the colours were all hues of orange.
“Na-Baron wishes to see you now, my Lady,” one of the maids bowed her head at you and two other maids took you by your arms to help you walk down the corridor to join Feyd-Rautha since you were still too weak to walk.
He was sitting by the big table that was filled with so much food you had never seen in your life. The colourful fruit filled with juice and water made your mouth drool.
The maids let go of your arms to bow down in front of him. You did not bow down but he did not comment. He had his legs placed up there on the table’s surface and he smirked at you, beckoning you over with his finger.
“Come, Princess,” he mocked your title and you limped towards him. “Leave us,” he ordered the maids and they left the room with their heads kept low out of fear and respect.
You finally reached the table and you grasped the edge of it for support as you moved even closer to Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. You were not scared of him because you were not scared of death anymore and his title did not intimidate you because you were of noble blood, too – even though in his eyes you had to be a dirty savage anyway.
His face fascinated you because it was so unnaturally beautiful in a way that no Harkonnen should be. But still, you kept staring at his face with nothing but pure hatred.
“You must be starving,” he pointed out at the chair nearby. “Treat yourself.”
“Thank you,” you drawled out through your gritted teeth and took the seat, too hungry to dismiss such an offer.
You were devouring a grapefruit, allowing its sticky juice to run down your chin when Feyd-Rautha put his legs back on the floor and leaned in over the table to take a closer look at you.
“What do they call you, Princess?” He asked in a low, raspy whisper. “Have my men hurt you badly?”
“(Y/N),” you answered and looked deep into his eyes, showing him that you were not scared of him. “I can handle that.”
“That is a pretty name for a strong woman,” he commented. “You will be my slave,” he said casually and leaned back on the chair.
You didn’t know what to say to this, really. You knew that protesting was foolish – you didn’t want to lose the opportunity to keep your stomach full and it was obvious from the beginning that he hadn’t brought you to the palace as a guest anyway. Still, it felt wrong to quietly accept such a fate.
“I am no maid,” you only said.
“Not like that,” Feyd-Rautha smirked. “Not a maid. A special slave,” he explained but you kept staring at him in silence, killing him with your gaze only. He found it amusing as he chuckled. “You know, Princess, you are a daughter of the desert,” he pointed his finger at you and you raised your eyebrow at him. “I was told by a Bene Gesserit witch that a daughter of the desert would give me a strong heir who shall inherit the Empire. The Harkonnen and Fremen bloodline could not be further apart and that is why mixed together they will create the most powerful species of men. An ultimate man,” Feyd-Rautha explained.
“You are the man from the stars,” you mumbled out, feeling weird with the fact that your prophecy had been true, after all.
Feyd-Rautha was taken aback by your question and he had no idea what it meant but you did not feel like explaining.
“You want me to be your whore. You want me to push out your heirs but they will not be any powerful, ultimate beings, Na-Baron. They will be pure chaos. That is the only thing that can ever come out of our bloodlines mixed together,” you pointed out harshly. “You poison my world, you oppress my people, you killed my family. And now you’re asking me to be your concubine.”
“I must have missed the part where I am asking,” Feyd-Rautha clenched his jaw. You were getting him angry and it was nearly funny how spoiled he was that he really had thought you would agree to such a proposition after such a past.
“Kill me,” you requested and put the grapefruit down. “Kill me because I will be no use to you. I will never be your whore and I would rather die than give birth to your sickly bastards.”
“Why are you loyal to the people who left you behind to rot in the sand?” He asked, tilting his head. He was no longer angry but simply curious.
“That is the custom,” you only answered.
Your relationship with your tribe and your world was of a difficult kind but Feyd-Rautha did not need to know about it. He was an intruder, an outsider, an oppressor. He didn’t deserve to know your heart.
“You can’t run away from your prophecy, Princess,” Feyd-Rautha reminded you before leaving the table and leaving you alone inside the room.
When he left, you went back to eating – as much as you could and as fast as you managed. You felt like an animal and a savage indeed but there was no one to witness that desperate act anyway and you could not remember the last time you had something in your mouth.
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Feyd-Rautha did not bother you personally but the maids were following you around and even though you were given your own room with a beautiful view of the desert, you were never truly left alone. You had beautiful but pretty humiliating dresses to wear and you were given baths every day which felt like a profanity for a Fremen.
You were well fed but most of the time you were bored. You knew that Na-Baron was awaiting your answer. You just hadn’t been told how much time exactly you had to make a choice.
Choosing death was simple and easy. Choosing to be his slave-concubine meant betraying your people and betraying who you were, even though you had always felt like you did not fit in with the Fremen and you always wanted to leave Arrakis. It had been a distant dream, too foolish and impossible to even be mentioned to anyone. But now, it could be true. As Feyd-Rautha’s new pet that he seemed to already be pretty fond of, you would be able to visit other worlds.
Your prophecy had claimed, after all, that the man from the stars would come for you. His prophecy had claimed that the daughter of the desert would give him a powerful heir. If it was true and you would become a mother of the future Emperor – well, that was quite tempting, indeed. No matter the price.
Staring at the desert behind your window, you were hugging yourself and biting on your lower lip while you were spending your evening overthinking – it had been your only occupation lately.
You had a feeling that this evening Feyd-Rautha would join you because you were left alone by your maids which was unusual. And indeed, a few moments later the doors opened again and he walked inside. His steps were heavy and confident as usual. It would be your first conversation ever since the one after your arrival.
“My Princess,” he greeted you in that harsh voice of his as he stood behind you and put his hands on your arms in quite a gentle but still very possessive manner.
“I have not made my decision yet,” you only said.
“Decision?” Feyd-Rautha was surprised and then he laughed. “You do not get to choose. Do you think I would let you choose death when I know that your womb might give me an heir that has been promised to me in a prophecy?” He lowered his voice and his words sent a chill down your body. His lips were brushing your neck and earlobe and you tried to get away from his grip but he tightened it and you couldn’t do anything about it.
“I should have killed myself,” you drawled out through gritted teeth.
“I suspected you might do so, therefore I ordered the maids to invade your privacy all day and night, my Princess,” he smirked. You could feel his lips curling on your skin.
“I’m going to kill every child you put inside of me,” you threatened.
“You can try,” he kept smirking but his grasp tightened even further.
“I will not be your slave,” you protested and kept shaking your head even though you knew it was pointless.
“Concubine,” Feyd-Rautha tried to convince you as if he really cared for the transaction to go pretty smoothly. And, apparently, he was in a mood to bargain. 
“Wife,” you spat out and a long silence occurred. His grip loosened and he took a step back, eyeing you up and down as he let out a deep laugh. You turned your head around to look at him. “I won’t push out bastards,” you stated.
“I have no desire for a wife,” Na-Baron dismissed you.
“And I have no desire for a husband but that is the only way I see it working,” you explained. “Of course you don’t need my permission to do anything with me. You might use me, imprison me to make sure I won’t get rid of your spawn and then you can kill me. But I am not as weak as you think of me, I am a daughter of the desert. I will change your life into hell and I will make you regret every hour, every day until I eventually die but believe me, I will make this time pass by very slowly,” you threatened.
“And why would I want to marry such a woman?”
“Because I have not described a wife. I have described a slave,” you explained. “Do you wish to know what kind of wife I would be?” You raised your eyebrow and took a step further towards him. He seemed to be intrigued as he tilted his head and you smirked to yourself. It seemed to be working – your plan to tempt him and convince him.
You had to secure your future and your position and since he was your oppressor, you felt no guilt about using manipulation to get there.
“You might think of me as lower than you but I am a Princess just like you are a Na-Baron and only our customs differ. Imagine taking me back to your world, your exotic war prize from Arrakis. You can dress me up in those pretty dresses and show me off, swollen with your special heir. I am a savage to the outsiders but couldn’t you turn the tables and make it an advantage? Your wild, savage wife that nobody knows anything about and who everyone fears?” You whispered, seductively.
“I know what you're doing,” Feyd-Rautha breathed out but even though he was aware of you trying to manipulate him, he was visibly giving in anyway. “You’re going to kill me in my sleep,” he added, looking intensely into your eyes and you chuckled at that.
“Perhaps,” you shrugged your arms. “But isn’t the prophecy worth the risk?” You asked.
After all, you were sacrificing and risking a lot, too. And it would be only fair if the transaction costed you both the equal amount.
“You are the jewel of Arrakis,” Feyd-Rautha chuckled and raised his hand to undo your braids and watch your hair let loose.
“And you are its poison,” you remarked as he smirked, eyeing you up and down.
“Together, we can rule over the worlds,” he whispered.
“Or destroy them,” you added.
Na-Baron shook his head but the smirk remained on his lips. He found it amusing that you had an answer for everything and how gloomy they all were. However, so far, it was entertaining for him. He brushed your collarbone with his fingertips.
“I surely have more experience in destroying them than I have in ruling over them,” he confessed but the hunger in his eyes was a clear message to you that he did not mean only Arrakis but also women overall.
“Some are too wild to be ruled over and too wild to be destroyed,” you informed him and he found your eyes again after staring at your chest and neck. For the first time, you saw that he was genuinely intrigued. Perhaps he finally saw you as a challenge. A riddle. A savage to tame.
Whatever would keep you alive and in a position of power.
Because no matter how much you were trying to convince yourself that you were ready to die, this life stubbornly seemed to keep you alive and there must have been a purpose in it.
Therefore, you were ready to receive everything this new life had to offer for you now. As if you had died in that temple and now you were given a second chance.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 3 months
✨️PICK A PICTURE: ✨️🎀🩷What would make you famous?✨️🎀🩷
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
🎀If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🎀
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🩵Pile 1: The Fool, 7 of Pentacles and Ace of Cups.
Hi pile 1! I feel an emphatic and understanding aura from you right away. You are someone who is humanitarian, who wants to change the world for the better; you believe in fairness and equality. Your emphatic nature is what can make you known; you deserve to be hear by other's, i feel like you may have really unique ideas that can change a lot of other's perspectives for a greater good.
You are good with words and clever, use this communicative charisma to reach other's pile 1! You could achieve a lot by sharing your voice and your ideas, this could be through art, politics, social media, etc.
You have the capacity to built a community that will feel represented by your ideas and thoughts, your own "tribe". So don't be afraid to speak your mind and share a part of yourself with the world 🩵
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🩷Pile 2: The Empress, 4 of Wands and Queen of Wands.
Hi pile 2! You are really charming and charismatic, this could open a lot of doors for you! Something like acting, social media or related to put yourself in public is really prominent for this pile.
I see you working with others and connecting through your talents with many, "collaborations" is what i heard. You could also really like the arts, for some i see fashion, directing, styling, etc. Creating your own brand from scratch; you are most definitely meant to create something my pile 2, "you are not the muse, you are the creator" its also what i heard!
I feel like you already know what this is; this project could have been in your mind for sometime now. Your guides want you to know that you can do it, they have your back and you are beyond talented and capable to do that thing that lights up your heart💕
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🧡Pile 3: The Magician, 4 of Cups and 10 od Cups.
Hi pile 3! You are someone really unique, you have a different perspective that other's, and this is your strenght pile 3.
I sense a lot of artistic energy from you; you could be painters, poets, writes, illustrators, dancer, etc. You unique vision and capacity to put this into the 3D will get you far. Although not everyone may understand your craft and art, be sure that what you do is especial and you will find those who will cherish what you do!
Don't listen to what other's think and make sure to perfect your skills, focus in what you want to achieve and set your own goals; even if other's don't get it, you are the Magician and you have the ability to manifest your dream career pile 3! Be sure to shine for your true colors, you don't need anyone but yourself and you don't have to prove anything to anyone 🫧
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💖Thanks for reading and tell me if it resonated 💖
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heli-writes · 7 months
A dragon's heart, part 3.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Series Masterlist
Katsuki always gets up early. There's something about it that makes him feel calm. The fresh morning air, the silence of the forest. His dragon and y/n are still sound asleep when he gets up and goes to the river to get some water. Upon his return, his dragon yawns loudly and watches him with a lazy eye. Y/n is still knocked out and Katsuki wonders if anything can wake up that woman. He heats some of the water in a pot and throws some herbs in it that he collected along the way. When the water is cooking and y/n still isn't up, Katsuki stomps over to her and harshly kicks her feet.
"Oi! Get up!", he yells and y/n jerks up. Her hair hangs over her face and Katsuki's sure there's some drool on her chin. "If you keep lazying around, I don't know why I am keeping you around!", Katsuki barks at her and y/n ducks her head away a little bit. He swirls around and stomps back to the tea he is brewing. Y/n rubs her eyes and looks at him disorientedly. She turns over to see the dragon who has raised its head at Katsuki's loud voice. She peels Katsuki's cape away from her and shivers at the cool air.
After getting up, she walks over to Katsuki sitting by the fire. She hands back his cape with a quiet 'thank you'. Katsuki gives her a mean side-eye and hands her a cup of tea. It's piping hot and y/n burns her tongue when she tries it. She almost chokes at the sensation and Katsuki snickers.
Y/n sees how he has a grin on his face. Involuntarily she has to laugh too. "You ass!", she giggles and pushes him a bit. Katsuki doesn't move an inch at her shove but he bursts an even bigger grin. Then, he grabs her head and puts her in a chokehold rubbing his fist over her hairline. "Hey, that's mean!", y/n whines and tries to get out of Katsuki's grip. Eventually, Katsuki lets go of her and y/n fixes her hair. There's a slight blush on her cheeks. She's not sure whether it's because she struggled against him or because Katsuki is so close to her right now.
Katsuki has a cheeky grin on his face when he hands y/n her tea back. Y/n eyes him suspiciously and takes another sip. It's more cool now. He must've put some cold water in it to make it more drinkable for her.
When they're done with their tea, Katsuki starts gathering his hunting gear again. "Are you leaving again?", y/n asks him. She walks closer to him. "Do you want me to stay?", she wants to know. Katsuki looks up from what he's been doing. Y/n points at herself. "What about me?", she repeats again and points towards her. Katsuki grunts. "You", he tells her while pointing at her. "Stay here!", he continues pointing to the ground.
Y/n crooks her head. "I guess that means I should stay.", she contemplates and then gives him a short nod. Katsuki nods back at her, content that she understood what he meant. "He stays with you, so you don't go running off again.", he adds pointing towards his dragon. Y/n looks at the dragon, then back at Katsuki. The question mark on her face is very visible.
When Katsuki disappears into the woods, y/n assumes he needs to go pee before flying off with his dragon. However, he doesn't come back. And y/n is left alone with the giant dragon looming over her. Actually, that's not true. The dragon continues to lay lazily at the edge of the clearing watching her with one eye. Y/n feels a bit lost. She's not sure what to do, so she tidies up a bit around the campsite. She checks the vegetables and herbs she collected yesterday. She brews some more tea. When she's done, she takes a bowl of it over to the dragon.
"Uhm, do you want some?", she asks the dragon. The dragon opens both eyes and then opens his gigantic snout. Y/n is taken aback a little bit by its sharp teeth but then pours the content into the dragon's mouth. The dragon lets out a content grumble. Y/n has to giggle. It seems like dragons also enjoy tea. The dragon nudges y/n with its nose and y/n falls back by the force. Y/n has to smile. "Maybe dragons aren't as scary as I thought they were.", she thinks to herself.
Katsuki lets out a frustrated groan and rams his fist into the nearby tree. "This fucking deer is a lot faster than I thought.", he thinks to himself. He thought he could catch up to them by foot but so far he wasn't able to get close to the flock. Eventually, he figures he won't catch up to them. Actually, he could but leaving y/n alone with his dragon for too long doesn't strike him as a good idea. Thus, eventually, he turns around even though it's still quite early.
He's tired when he returns to camp. Also, he's starving. This time, he didn't catch a bunny or anything else on his way back. He found himself worrying over that stupid woman and hurried back without stopping. When he stomps onto the clearing, the smell of something hearty and spicy fills the air.
Y/n is standing in front of the fireplace and stirs in a pot. She looks over her shoulder when she hears the rustling of leaves behind her. When she spots Katsuki, she turns around and gives him a sweet smile. "Welcome back!", she tells him. Katsuki's heart skips a beat and he looks at her with a grim expression for a second. Then, he snaps out of it and angrily points at her.
"What are you doin'? What did I tell you about lighting fires?", he yells. Before being able to continue his ramble, his dragon moves his head over to him and blows some hot steam into Katsuki's face. At that, Katsuki at the dragon dumbly. Did his dragon... just defend her?
Katsuki is ripped out of his thoughts by y/n's laugh. Katsuki can't deny that it's a heartwarming sound. He scoffs. "Whatever", he mumbles to himself. Y/n walks over to him and takes his hand. She tells him something he doesn't understand and pulls him over to the fire.
Before he knows it, he is seated on the trunk and y/n hands him a bowl of stew. Y/n watches intently how Katsuki tries some of her cooking. "And? Do you like it?", she asks. Katsuki just scoffs and puts more stew in his mouth. "I guess he does", y/n thinks while taking a bowl for herself.
Katsuki doesn't eat two but three bowls of y/n's cooking. He would've preferred meat in the stew but he doesn't complain. He's actually content y/n is pulling her weight by doing something for the both of them. It doesn't go unnoticed by Katsuki that she tidied around camp, too.
After their meal, y/n and Katsuki tidy up the dishes in silence. They're working hand in hand as if they've done this already a hundred times. Afterwards, Katsuki packs away most of the stuff around camp and y/n wonders if that means he's leaving the clearing tomorrow.
Then, they sit by the fire. Y/n stares into the flames wondering what will become of her. She kind of doesn't want Katsuki to leave. Would he take her with him? Does she even want that?
Katsuki senses the woman's distress but is unsure what it's about or how he could help. Tomorrow, he would have to move camp if he wanted to catch up to that deer. He considers taking her along with him. Today, she didn't make any attempts to leave again. Maybe he could take her with him. So far, she's proven herself kind of useful and his dragon seems to like her. At least he hadn't tried to eat her while Katsuki was gone. Maybe y/n could find a place among his people. After all, every woman who becomes part of his tribe means one more chance for the next generation.
Katsuki gives her a side glance. The flickering of the fire reflects in y/n's eyes. Katsuki thinks she looks weak. Compared to the women in his tribe, she's small and there's not enough fat on her body. Living in the harsh mountains his tribe calls home, it will be hard for her to survive. Then again, she's not ugly Katsuki thinks. One of his men probably would take her on as his mate despite her obvious physical flaws.
Somehow, that thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and Katsuki shifts a bit. Y/n looks up and meets his gaze. She gives him a small smile. Then, carefully, she slides over and rests her head on his shoulder. Katsuki immediately stiffens but y/n doesn't seem to notice that. They sit in silence for a while and Katsuki doesn't dare to move a muscle. He would never admit it but he doesn't want to scare the woman away.
They stay until suddenly small drops of water hit their skin. "It's raining.", y/n says to herself. Katsuki pulls off his cape and puts it over y/n's head. He gets up and moves the bedroll towards the dragon. The rain is starting to pick up. The dragon lifts up its wing and Katsuki puts the bedroll safely under the wing. He gestures to y/n to move over and y/n rushes to get under the dragon's wing.
They sit on the bedroll together leaning against the dragon's tummy. Y/n listens to the drumming of the water on the dragon's skin. Along with the rain, came the cold. It creeps under the dragon's wing and y/n hurdles closer to the dragon and Katsuki in order to stay warm. Katsuki pulls the cape off of her and puts it over both of them. Y/n leans her head back onto his shoulder. Eventually, Katsuki moves his arm and puts it around her allowing y/n to huddle closer to him.
Y/n should probably be embarrassed to be this close to a man or at least ashamed since she's unmarried. However, these are standards the wandering folks don't submit to. While they get married for life, they are way relaxed when it comes to premarital things. In a way, y/n thinks, that marrying has a bigger meaning to them than to the rest of the kingdom. Her people getting married means they choose each other forever. They don't marry for wealth or politics or because their parents said so. Often, a couple stays unmarried until their first or even second child is born. Being out in the cold all the time, it happened quite often that women fell pregnant before marriage. However, there was little judgment among the group. They take the saying 'it takes a village to raise a child' quite seriously. It doesn't matter where a child comes from.
Thus, y/n feels no shame in huddling closer to Katsuki. She thinks his skin smells nice and that he is warmer than any other person she has cuddled up before. Katsuki however is a little embarrassed. Actually, it's been a while since he has been with a woman this close. For one, there aren't many women around and for second he's got more important stuff to do. His mother has plans to ensure their family's lineage thus Katsuki does not have to think about finding a mate, unlike most men in his tribe.
It's still early and both of them aren't tired enough to go to sleep. So for now, they just sit in silence listening to the rain and the raspy breath of the dragon. They're both lost in their own thoughts. About their people, the future and maybe also a little bit about each other.
Tag list: @graviewaviee @cosmicbreathe @tsukikoxo @nnubee @witchbishsblog @elajede @bsallergy @frxcless @berryvioo @eyesforbkg @shamelesjaroflaffytaffy @pastelbaby1111 @iamlizardgod @plvt0fvtvre @hello-peanutdoodle-blog @guccirosegold @kookiemyfeelsposts @sweetblueworm @54fangirl @sakurarr1122 @rv19 @leeliyah @king-dynamight @confused-smol-fan @xmaudx @waterstarz @pinkwhiskerglitter @adeline96 @zoom1374 @fingui @giuli-in-earth @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @tragedyofabrokensoul @dynakats @rebel-loves-anime @cloudxluv @itsssyagurll @sunshineandwitchery @cloudxluv @hollykanuki @atouchofmidnight
[Please comment if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters]
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nicromancytarot · 2 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I do not charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I get for the readings, but I pull like 15-20 cards each reading and that is just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides about your soul tribe (again) and how you will know that you’ve met them, pick a pile and find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
Your soul tribe will come to you during a time when you feel lost and alone, you may be around superficial friends, I’m hearing “financial” so these previous friends could abuse or exploit you financially. You will be having a really hard time before you meet them, I think this will last for around 2-4 weeks, and you will notice a mental shift in your head. One second you appreciate your current friends and are willing to look past the many issues, and the next you’re in need of comfort and feel sick, possibly physically when you’re around them.
You may meet these people through some type of transaction, you may meet them when you’re at work and possibly serving them, or perhaps you’re at the same shop buying something. Even if not, it could be you have to work with them for a school or work project, something where you all gain from. With how random these meeting will be, you may feel picky and almost against making new friends and meeting new people, you could possibly feel as though the universe is giving you another lesson. These people may keep an eye on you when you meet, they may notice something energetically up with you, and feel the need to protect you or as if they have a duty of care. I heard the word “dirty” so heavy on people playing dirty with you.
I see that they will comfort you, and you will be willing to let go of those that don’t matter to you anymore, you could think that old friends do mean something for a little, but they will help you put it into perspective, and eventually walk away from the people who don’t deserve you.
I’m getting these people as only friends, possibly 2-3 people, no romantic soulmates for this pile, only platonic.
I feel as though you guys will meet your soul tribe at at time of heavy isolation, I’m weirdly getting that some of you could be grounded? Lmao. I think you’re going to be making a commitment during this time, I assume to some type of work or job, there’s something that you’re trying to raise money for. For a lot of you, I assume these people will be online friends, I definitely feel as though there will be a distance between you guys, very much physically rather than mentally.
When meeting these people, you’ll need to have a lot of patience with yourself don’t doubt what you deserve, the universe is very much making way for those people to enter. For you guys, I think it’s going to be important to have a mental glow up, you need to focus on what you need mentally, rather than what you want.
There could be a possibility for relocation, some of you may actually end up moving over to the areas in which your soul people live. If you do not move away to another place, then your soul tribe is going to help you cut ties from ex friends, relationships (I heard “husbands” too.) Their main purpose is to help you move on from those who don’t serve you in the place where you are at.
From this, a few of you may end up in relationship, you could either meet someone through these friends, or you could meet them as one of these friends, continue a friendship for a while and then end up together eventually. I feel like it’s important to say that you will not ruin the friendship between anybody if you decide to date this person, this is a very much long term, if not forever relationship.
You’ll know you’ve met these people when you feel as though your life has been completed and you are surrounded only by people who keep you safe and protected. When you are able to fall asleep next to one of these people, or when you feel as though your brain has quieted down, that’s how you’ll know.
I feel as though you guys will meet your soul tribe during a time of change, at a point where you are letting the light guide you, this light may be spirituality for a lot of you, for the rest of you I think it’s your intuition. You’re surrendering to the feeling of trusting the universe and where it will take you. At this point when you let go of control and stress, that’s when these people enter your life.
For you, it will be a mix of either men and women, or masculines and feminines. The time when these people become important to you will be when you begin a new project, for some of you you may open a business, become higher up in your job, and end up hiring people for your business, or getting to know more people at your job. I see you guys working together a lot, particularly building something new - so I’m really feeling that for the majority of you, this is a business that you are running, and hiring individuals to help you out. Your work family will become more than a work family for sure.
These people may even help you out with your identity, the mixture of masculine and feminine energies, whether fully male, female, or a mix of all - will help you find out who you want to be. There may be a couple of people, particularly feminines that you look up to, and you may even lowkey idolise before you come full circle and become friends with them.
As the same with pile 1, you may feel physically sick, tired, confused, mentally exhausted the few weeks before getting up and beginning to become the person who you want to be. Don’t lose hope when you feel like this, this is just a sign of change and a massive switch, it will suck in the moment, however it will be so good in the long run.
I don’t think you guys will find a romantic partner through this group, I feel as though that may be a separate thing that will come along either soon after, or perhaps soon before.
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
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🌬Mother Earth’s Message for Children of the World ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Astrologically speaking, beginning this year a number of generational planets were moving either into Aquarius or Pisces. You know that Aquarius represents the Divine Masculine in its best form and Pisces represents the Divine Feminine in its best form. Earth’s temperatures are changing especially with Pluto finally dipping its toe in Aquarius. All members of Humanity are being asked to elevate their intelligence—both spiritual and cognitive—and become keen on the patterns of lies and abuse in the world.
We as a collective are entering a new era of true abundance and joy. Sure enough, echoes of the terrible Reality of the past are still heard but they are echoes at best. If you notice everything around you crumbling to the ground, these are withdrawal symptoms; but if you look within yourself, you will find that you’ve grown stronger and surer of your place in this completely Brand-New World. As they put it, you are the Chosen Ones.
What the hell does it mean to be a Chosen One? Are there only 144,000 Chosen Ones within this Matrix? Of course not. We have collectives of 144,000 working towards the same goal. And those collectives really bleed into each other as we share knowledge and assist each other. So in essence, there are millions of us Chosen Ones working together holding the Frequencies of Light, assisting the birthing of a completely new paradigm of real Paradise.
Be excited, o Holy Ones~ Many of you have grown up without ever abandoning your pure inner essence as Holy Children and Stewards of Gaia. Your time to shine is NOW. Revive your memories, recall your power back to you, redefine what it means to be Human, and rediscover your true motivation for being alive on Gaia at this passage of time.
There is a dream, or two, you’ve always felt important since you were a child. You’re entering a brand-new chapter of being fully immersed in your Mission. The next 3 years on Earth are the final years of the CHANGEOVER—if you know what this means, you know who you are ;P The years after 2027 will be the years of your greatest achievements, abundance and blessings, but most importantly, a phase of intense clarity as to your purpose for being here on Earth at this time.
Keep the vision, Sisters and Brothers of the Light. All of us in our own unique ways are reclaiming Gaia as the Paradise Planet of Blue and Green Sheen. Namaste—I honour your Light, fellow Stewards of the Planet~
‘To have the feeling of wanting to care for someone. It’s simple, that’s all. I don’t mean that it’s insignificant. Just…you don’t need a reason.’ — Shiroma in Chocobo’s Dungeon 2 (1998)
BOOK: Totto-chan's Children: A Goodwill Journey to the Children of the World (1999) by Kuroyanagi Tetsuko
MOVIE: Tokyo Godfathers (2003)
SONG: Aishiteru by Nakashima Mika
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Pile 1 – Go Forth Towards All Your Spiritual Rewards!
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Soul-deep motivation – VI The Lovers
You, for sure, came into this world with a BUNCH of Soul Family and Tribes. It’s a given; you’re meant to ‘open up shop’ together and be of such great service to Mankind. Some of you reading this probably already met some of your Soulmates from a young age and you will continue to meet more of them as you go along; but for the majority of you, this is a lifelong journey—a discovery—that could’ve left you feeling quite lonesome when you were much younger.
Well, it’s ironic, right? Now that connectivity is this easy. But for the most part, this ease in technology could feel more like a nuisance and a breach of privacy rather than an actual sense of belonging. If you’ve ever felt deeply lonely and divorced from the rest of Humanity, I’d like to assure you that such feelings naturally arise from your Soul knowing that you’re meant to have a beautiful relationship with like-minded, like-souled people. Because you’re eager to meet them you can feel quite impatient about it, and this causes anxiety and sadness to some degree XD
Truly, you possess a Soul-deep motivation to connect with people of similar values. Life is most beautiful when people of similar values and goals work together to create good things for the community. You ain’t talking about values in terms of how we identify with religions, races or political views though—you’re so much more transcendent than that! You’re so much purer than that~
your Co-Creational prowess – Ace of Wands Rx
You and your Soul Tribes definitely will come up with some crazy-ass creative solutions for many of the world’s problems. I really can’t imagine a person with your type of consciousness being confined to an office cubicle 9-5 hahah But since the workforce is changing rapidly, it doesn’t seem a problem in the near future. Still, I feel most likely you will jump into very unusual types of jobs like a forest ranger or something related to the healing and protection of wildlife XD
Perhaps some of you will want to be involved in politics or journalism or something on the periphery of those segments of society, because you’re seeking justice for those who don’t have the power to seek justice for themselves. Perhaps in a sense, you will create a true crime podcast revealing all the dark and corruption of some industries and stuff like that. Basically, what you and your Team Mates are meant to do is something that could be considered quite ‘scandalous’…to the establishment LOL
What you do may not be the most original thing in the world, but your Soul Mission ain’t about that; what you do and create will have a very refreshing impact on your audience nevertheless. You will become very popular with whatever endeavour or movement you will be championing with your Soul Tribes. I see that you could be involved in more than two projects that could be related to one another. When you’re fully immersed in your Soul Mission, I promise you Life is going to get exciting again and the greatest reward of all is the sense of positive Human connections you’re able to foster along the way.
turning wishes into Reality – 9 of Cups
Since you’re doing so much good on the Planet and the effects are positively felt by a large group of people, you bet the money is there as well. I imagine someone like Sadhguru for some reason? He does a very spiritual thing and his teachings have touched the lives of so many people, although in a sense what he does is ‘business’ so he’s smart enough to know how to expand his exposure, influence, and wealth. This isn’t evil, of course, and I think you know that already XD People are deserving of financial rewards for all the good they do for the world, right?
And if you’re still unsure, try to understand that getting the money for your spiritual work will allow you to continue to do more of that spiritual work, and that is ultimately what’s good for all of Mankind—if you believe in what you do. Right? Right. So, Mother Earth and the elements of nature want to shower you with a great abundance of material wealth that corresponds with the spiritual happiness you gain from making other people’s lives better.
If when you’re reading this you feel that you’re not fully immersed in your Spiritual Mission yet, it’s going to happen this year, babe, so get ready! For the majority of the peeps tuned into this Pile, it’s gonna start happening this summer, end of the year, up to mid 2025, or maximum the next couple of years for some, OMG!!! Are you ready?? Are you ready?!? Why am I more excited than you?!?!? XD
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Opulence
COSMIC ANCESTORS’ SUPPORT – Red Astrologer (William Lilly)
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Pile 2 – Your Duality that Resembles Mother Gaia Herself
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Soul-deep motivation – Queen of Cups Rx
The spirit of service, of nurture, was something that was already embedded in you from a young age. Perhaps it was nature; perhaps it was nurture; either way, you’ve always wanted to be of some kind of help to the world at large. You’re someone who has a charitable Soul. You were the kind of kid who’d nurture a sick stray animal back to health; you were probably the weird kid who’d be so gentle to worms whereas other children would squish them to mush; you were also likely the kind of kid who weren’t afraid of getting dirty to help someone find something valuable that had gotten lost in a gutter or something.
You’re such a gentle Soul, but sometimes you do feel a little misunderstood or even underappreciated. In some manner, you could’ve gotten taken advantage of quite a bit for your generosity. You’ve felt like, when you extend some help, sometimes you notice how people take your help for granted as if they expect you to do whatever it is you’re helping them with naturally—as if, you’re a maid or a henchman or something—and they’re not even that appreciative in the end. Like it’s expected. Like your entire existence is just for serving them. Ugh, yuck.
That’s crazy and massively annoying because deep down you’re a super self-respecting person who can be a bit of a bitch when you let loose, but you make an effort to present your best face forward and be helpful always, so it’s only natural that you expect to be treated with appreciation and grace. That’s just basic. At the core of your being, you believe in a world where people show deep and genuine appreciation for what’s truly good in this world. Genuinely good and helpful people are rare in this world, you’d be a little happier if the world would show more respect and gratitude for rare qualities like these.
your Co-Creational prowess – Knight of Pentacles
Due to your charitable and generous nature, it is possible that this feeling of being treated like some kind of an underappreciated maid is a theme surrounding your childhood or young adult years. But as you grow up and grow into your power, sooner than later people will notice what a grandiose character you are. You’re just naturally gentle and sweet and helpful, but when you stand still you exude a strong charisma just from your regal quietude. Well, depending on many things in your birth chart, this charisma and quiet power could attract admirers or enemies. At the end of the day, you just need to know how to play your cards right XD
So you can see, you have a natural charm about you that can gather many enemies, all for your learning of how the Devil ticks. If this is the case, best believe when you’re older you’re going to swash so many narcs, bullies and unveil the tricks of the truly negative people in society. If your natural charm attracted many admirers since you were young, very likely when you’re grown up you’re going to continue to serve as a humanitarian or philanthropist or whatever it is that you do to help the less fortunate.
Your path is one that’s filled with learning, careful planning, baking ideas and experimenting with new ways of doing things. Perhaps that is why you’ve had to deal with difficult or annoying—even frustrating—human interactions from a young age. It seems like that whole ordeal was necessary for you to understand the variety of human psychology. This will serve you greatly when you’re on your Mission, gathering different types of people in a team, battling different types of losers and psychopaths on the way.
turning wishes into Reality – 4 of Cups
Hahah, before jumping into your main real Soul Mission, you could’ve felt that Life is so boring. No matter how glamorous it could look to outsiders, no matter the money you have, no matter how grateful you are that your everyday is fulfilled and you can eat whatever you want, you could still feel like nothing that you do is truly deeply importantly meaningful. In the years leading up to your spiritual breakthrough, you will be itching for something more. You may not necessarily understand what ‘more’ means but it’s just a nudging feeling that there should be…more to your whole existence.
At some point in your spiritual awakening phase, you will be tempted by the Universe to choose from amongst a few options or paths to take seriously for the continuation of your existence. Weirdly wildly enough, even if you can’t really explain why, you will choose one thing and one thing only: your Highest Intended Destiny. You may not necessarily know exactly what it means or how to get there, but you’ll choose wisely. This isn’t something you could mess up, trust that. If the Universe is tempting you, it is more for you to see for yourself just how badly you want this. And if you want it, you will have it~
By the time you’re reading this PAC, I think it’s obvious you’re mere months away from fully embracing your truest highest intended Soul Mission. Months…could mean up to 2 years or so hahaha But babe, Mother Gaia is saying, your Life is going to get even more abundant than now (if you’re already quite abundant) but more importantly, that extra abundance is going to come from endeavours that are truly exciting. Your Soul will sing again when it happens~! Since this is a general reading, I can’t pinpoint exactly what’s coming into your Life soon, but your intuition already knows this, right? Keep the vision! Expect the best! Because it’s really coming to hit you like a silly UFO!
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Beauty
COSMIC ANCESTORS’ SUPPORT – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
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Pile 3 – You Have Everything in Your Power to Create Your Very Own Peace and Calm
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Soul-deep motivation – 3 of Cups Rx
You’re somebody who has a tough outer appearance. It’s probably your optimism and confidence, but for some, it could also be your resting bitch face and aloofness. At any rate, most people would never guess how sensitive and fragile your heart really is. That at the core of your being you’re such a lovely person who would be extra gentle and friendly towards animals and children. It's probably some kind of a paradoxical existence that you can understand through the lens of astrology :D
You’re definitely an Old Soul who has experienced many past incarnations on Earth before, and thus you possess this level of complexity to both your psychology and worldview that most people can’t even grasp. I know that Human beings tire you for the most part if you’re honest about it. Though I sense, many of you tapping into this Pile are still such sweethearts that you still make an effort to be accommodating and understanding! What can you do? Humans are infants in the grander scheme of cosmic events XP
You came into this world carrying Soul-deep motivations to smoothen out friction in society, mitigate cultural conflicts, dissolve hatred born out of differences, etc etc… Isn’t it crazy that people can hate and even destroy each other due to ‘differences’ when at the core of everything, we’re all really just Humans riding on the same ship—Planet Earth?
You, are essentially an ambassador of Peace. If you’ve chosen this Pile as your main pile, know that you have a very important role to play on the world stage. This is defo my ‘celebrity pile’ hahah
your Co-Creational prowess – Knight of Cups Rx
The majority of you tuning into this reading probably have significant Pisces/12th House placements—followed to varying extents by Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius. In simple terms, I’d say you don’t immediately look like a ‘spiritual’ person and depending on what kind of industry you’re in, your true sense of OG spirituality could well be hidden, or that you could’ve needed to struggle quite a bit to let your more spiritual side shine. Due to this paradoxical background, when you speak on the world stage, you’re going to offer the world some of the most fascinating perspectives on what it means to be a spiritual being having a Human experience at this passage of time.
No, baby, you don’t understand; you’re going to be super fascinating! The elders who are currently doing their thing on the Internet can’t even keep up XD And of course, we’re not talking about being in a competition with our wise elders who are already doing their Lightwork. This is just acknowledging your brand-new highly elevated perspectives that could change the world for sure. And to be sure, we acknowledge that we’ve learnt a great deal from the elders, too, right?
In that sense, you could also be the type of person/persona that bring back knowledge or speeches from old—even ancient—esoteric texts. Whoa, those are some highly intelligent writing/speeches—kids of today can’t keep up what with their brains rotting every day from TikTok LMAO You have this power to glue together aspects of society, history, or Life itself, that don’t usually work on paper, but you can make it happen because you’re FUTURISTIC as fuck!
turning wishes into Reality – 4 of Wands Rx
It’s very clear to you that there’s no going back when it comes to the trajectory of what Humanity is becoming. The problem is, most Humans aren’t even aware of what they’re being herded towards becoming. And you want to be that force that halts this train to hell and inform the passengers of all the details of their journey as a collective. What you can do for yourself and Humanity is to enlighten with your words/speech—to wake the people up from their mass delusions.
Humanity has been living under a bad spell for far too long. I think you’re the type of person who understands that the first step in removing black magick is to first be aware of its existence. The power of black magick lies in deception and sneaky movements. As long as the mass can be aware of it, its effects weaken naturally; that’s the thing with black spells, you know that? And this is why your perspectives matter. When you speak the quiet part out loud and help the mass realise some kind of a blind spot.
Your words are very much needed by this world. You’re going to be some kind of a prototype that gets emulated by others in the decades to come. You’re going to be blessed by so much ease and abundance as you continue courageously to walk this path of a trailblazer. Your good karma, essentially, really comes from your walking this lonesome and challenging path of a spiritual rebel—a spiritual gangster, even LMAO
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Innocence
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anxiety-pickle · 4 months
Jade + Aventurine analysis bc you guys can't read
A somewhat pretentious analysis of Jade and Aventurine by your friendly local neuroscience major (with receipts) (I am putting my academic knowledge to good uses obviously)
Let’s recap what we know about Aventurine
He is, insofar as he’s aware, the last surviving member of the Avgin people of Sigonia
Is he actually the last member? It’s unclear, but the IPC seems to think so (which will become relevant later)
The genocide of his people occured on the day of the Kakava festival, his birthday, by the Katicans, an opposing clan of the Avgins. Both the Katicans and the Avgins were exiled to the desert because of the fighting. The assorted clans of Sigonia were not willing to protect the Avgin people, and they knew that if they were to be let inside the city, the Katicans would follow
The origin of their fighting is uncertain. It is implied that none of the clans got along well. (Aventurine’s second character stor)
Why did the genocide happen? Because of the Katicans and the IPC
But wait!! I hear you yell, didn’t you just say the Katicans are the ones who killed the Avgins?
And to that I say, yes! I did! But the IPC is still the reason they died. During the 2.1 story, All the Sad Tales, during the cutscene with Kakavasha and his sister right before the massacre. 
“Little do the katicans know, this time we will fight back! The men in black that descend from the skies are on our side. The Katicans stand no chance against them…” (Kakavasha’s Sister)
This means that the Avgin people only decided to fight back because the IPC told them that they’d protect them, which they clearly did not do
The IPC also had a financial motive for getting rid of the Avgin people (and the Katicans, though that’s not relevant to the discussion)
We can see in Aventurine’s character story I, “And let’s not forget the letters from the councilors of the Sigonian Sovereignty. They denounce his tribe for once breaking arrangements and sowing discord… resulting in repeated delays in the signing of agreements between Sigonia and IPC.”
The IPC therefore had a very clear motive for deceiving the Avgin people and allowing them to enter a fight unprepared
To make matters worse, the IPC, the hub for technological advancement, medical discoveries, etc, could not save a single person? Not a single man, woman, or child could be saved? Forgive me if I find that unbelievable
“The clan launched a massive attack on the Avgin… who were under the protection of the IPC, resulting in 6,728 deaths and 3,452 missing.”
So… around 4,000 people were missing…? This brings me to my second concern:
The Katicans do not particularly strike me as the type of people who take prisoners - their goal is clearly to exterminate the Avgins
4,000 missing individuals implies that either
1) The IPC did not give a single fuck and simply decided not to search for them (didn’t bother collecting their bodies, tracking down the Katicans who took them, giving them proper burials, etc), or,
2) The IPC DOES know where they are, and decided to mark them as missing persons
As far as real-world tragedies go, I am not inclined in the slightest to give the IPC any benefits of the doubt. These are the same guys who nuked Boothill’s planet. And are currently extorting Belobog. And canonically forced Topaz’s planet into indentured servitude (and were likely going to try the same with Belobog). We don’t even know the full extent of the damage they’ve caused, honestly, and I don’t think we ever will.
After the genocide, there is an unspecified period of time between Kakavasha’s escape and his enslavement. The ‘indifferent man’ in his quest calls him a “scrawny brat”, so he was probably a teenager/young adult at that time. It’s unclear what his history was prior to that point, however we do know:
Indifferent male: “The guys in black didn’t say much…”
…the guys in black? As in, the IPC? Those are the EXACT WORDS that Kakavasha calls the IPC workers multiple times throughout the quest
It also means that he bought him from the IPC
So, at the VERY LEAST one department of the IPC was involved in human trafficking
It would make sense if the IPC had somehow captured him at some point, as he would’ve been like. An unsupervised 7yo in the desert. And of course, upon realizing someone survived the massacre, decides to ‘maximize profit’, for lack of a better word
It’s unclear to me currently why the case of Kakavasha tricking the IPC and the Intelligentsia guild is called the “Eghazyo Aventurine case” because this would have happened before Kakavasha became Aventurine, unless this is a mistake or mistranslation. The voiceover seemed to imply that the name of the case was aired during the time that Kakavasha was testifying, so I doubt that it’s called the Aventurine case because Kakavasha became Aventurine
Another option I’ve seen is that ‘indifferent male’ is the previous Aventurine, which I can’t confirm or deny, though it seems likely
Only thing that doesn’t make sense to me is that if he was the previous Aventurine, why would he call his fellow IPC workers “men in black?” Does anyone know if there are other instances of IPC workers calling each other this?
Aventurine is forced, by ‘indifferent male’ to kill 34 other slaves. He essentially Hunger Games’d 35 people. It’s also implied that it was broadcasted, because other people were betting on it and were making comments about he “looked good”.
At some point, Aventurine manages to trick the IPC and Intelligentsia guild into believing that the remains of Tazzyronth (or the Sand King) are buried in the unclaimed Sigonian desert, costing the IPC billions of dollars and eventually killing the man who bought him (rightfully so)
After that point, he’s taken to trial before Jade, where he strikes a deal: he gets off death row if he proves to be a good investment
Now, let me make myself clear: Jade did not save Aventurine from shit. Aventurine got himself out of a horrible situation by any means he had available to him, and those means happened to involve leveraging his situation and putting his life on the line to prove to Jade he was a worthy investment. I’ve seen people try to argue that ‘joining the IPC is what Aventurine wanted’ but I think this is a shallow and disingenuous argument because it removes the context of his decision entirely. He did that because he felt cornered, and then, presumably, because he hoped he could use the power within the IPC to protect other Avgin people (which is why he asks after them in his character story). I also saw people saying that Aventurine deserved to be on trial…. Which is certainly an interesting opinion. Mind you, the man who Aventurine killed was responsible for the deaths of 34+ people and was actively buying human beings on the black market, so as far as I’m concerned killing him was an act of public good.
A few more things to clear up about this situation:
In the IPC broadcast about the Eghazyo Aventurine case, it conveniently leaves out that Aventurine was enslaved, probably because that could influence public opinion; additionally, I think the erasure of the whole ‘slave’ thing was just to cover their own ass because they knew that shit wouldn’t fly
Aventurine was not ‘in control’ of this situation; too many of you don’t understand what coercion is and that scares the hell out of me. He killed that man because that was the only way he could be free, and after that the IPC sentenced him to death. It isn’t a choice when your only other option is death. It baffles me that people think this.
Jade does not give a single fuck about Aventurine beyond what he provides to the IPC because she cannot conceptualize relationships or the value of human life outside of a transactional purpose, which tracks with her being a debt collector…
Jade literally says, and I quote, “A servant should obey his master”. For the people in the back, A SERVANT SHOULD OBEY HIS MASTER. Who the fuck says that. Even if she isn’t personally involved with whatever human trafficking the IPC has going on (which I seriously doubt she isn’t at least aware of, given her rank), she sympathizes with a literal slave owner over his victim which is genuinely insane.
Something also incredibly important: Aventurine had no legal defense
Like… none at all? I’m not overly familiar with the US legal system, but even in this case I feel like there would be some kind of self-defense justification. Like. He bought people. On the black market. And then made them kill each other. I don’t think killing him warrants a death sentence for Kakavasha (especially one that holds over once he’s a Stoneheart)
This extreme overreaction on behalf of the IPC probably also has something to do with him not having an ‘interastral refugee travel permit’ (mentioned in the first broadcast message during All the Sad Tales) which also begs the question what in the godamn fuck is an interastral refugee travel permit. I can only assume that the IPC is handing out these ‘travel permits’.... Which also means that they are directly responsible (for the sole survivor of a genocide THEY caused) not having one
The fact that the legal system is structured like this does not surprise me at all. It was stacked against him from the beginning and we need to stop pretending this was a power play on Aventurine’s part rather than a desperate last ditch attempt at some form of freedom
Additionally, Aventurine’s banner is literally called “gilded imprisonment” and his light cone is called “inherently unjust destiny” like they literally could not make it more obvious. He just exchanged his old shackles for shinier ones :/
Something else I’d like to point out: Penacony has a grand overarching theme of “a cage is still a cage”; in fact, Himeko says that verbatim in 2.2! I think that’s also important to consider when looking at this situation. 
Also, Aventurine also feels so little autonomy that he was literally willing to kill himself to escape. Like full stop kill himself. His future self tells him that “death” is the only real freedom he will ever experience, and I think that alone demonstrates that the IPC has done nothing more but lengthened his leash. I don’t think it’s fair at all to claim that any of this is what he “wanted” or that he’s like. Enjoying himself. Because 2.1 makes it so abundantly clear that he’s fucking miserable. Like you’re aware that this is still coercion right. What do you think happens if he stops performing well? What do you think the IPC will do to him if he is no longer producing money for them? Quickly. Look me in my eyes
Now onto the elephant in the room: Jade herself
Personally I find her character design gross fetish-bait, but to each their own I guess. It’s not really my business if you like her character for whatever reason. I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy her character, but I do think people should be examining their reasons for liking her a little more closely. Or at the very least not making jokes about slavery. That is very strange. 
I’ve seen a lot of people say that we should reserve judgment for what her character is like until after she’s out; I disagree. I think we have everything we need. (This is coming from someone who could see Aventurine’s backstory from a mile away and predicted it in 2.0. So far my track record is unblemished but if you don’t want to take my word for it I have evidence).
Let’s take a look at her eidolons:
E1: Altruism? Nevertheless Tradable
E2: Morality? Herein Authenticated
E3: Honesty? Soon Mortgaged
E4: Sincerity? Put Option Only
E5: Hope? Hitherto Forfeited
E6: Equity? Pending Sponsorship
That’s a mouthful, right?
Eidolons are supposed to be the truest reflection of one’s soul and provide us information on the character themself. All of her eidolons reference a kind of transactional relationship - in which she evaluates concepts like altruism, morality, and honesty on a scale of how much worth she can drag out of them. This is consistent with what we’ve seen from her character so far. I find the specific statements ‘Hope? Hitherto Forfeited’ and ‘Equity? Pending Sponsorship’ to be… so sinister lmao. Like she is straight up saying the quiet part out loud. Now let’s compare her eidolons to Aventurine’s:
Aventurine’s E1: Prisoner’s Dilemma.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma game theory wherein two people, separated, must cooperate for mutual benefit, or betray their partner for an individual reward. This perfectly reflects Aventurine and Ratio’s plan in 2.1, and goes to emphasize the importance of trust that Aventurine has. 
Aventurine’s E4: The Unexpected Hanging Paradox
At first inspection, the ‘unexpected hanging paradox’ appears to be a regular thought experiment, but actually has to do heavily with probability. The Unexpected Hanging Paradox entails a situation where a criminal is sent to death, however the Judge does not tell the prisoner which day he will be executed on, only that the executioner should ‘surprise him’ over the course of the next week. The prisoner therefore concludes that he will not be executed because it will be impossible to surprise him based on a game of probability. This directly references Aventurine’s experience in court both as Kakavasha, on trial for murder, and when he confronts Sunday.
We can see here that eidolons are absolutely reflective of character goals, intentions, and thoughts. Jade’s eidolons are based entirely on a manipulative, exploitative worldview. Whether or not her worldviews include herself are up for interpretation at this point, but it’s obvious to me that she sees Aventurine as an investment and not a person. The first thing she comments when she sees Aventurine is how pretty his eyes are - immediately assigning material value to his body, which is especially gross considering she is well aware that he was enslaved. 
Then, at the end of 2.2, she makes another cameo - and Aventurine does not seem to receive her well. Understandably so. He mentions wanting to “escape her” during his phone call, providing us with insight into his framework and how he perceives her. He literally uses the word ‘escape’. He does NOT like her. Jade proceeds to call him “child”, which I interpret as at least partially demeaning. She also didn’t seem to care at all when she thought he died in 2.1, so I’m not really sure where anyone got the idea that they were close. 
As another note on Jade’s character design before I wrap up, I personally find it extremely uncomfortable that she has a whip. Again, I’m not going to tell anyone that you can’t enjoy her character, but there are definitely some extremely strange undertones that hyv is leaning into that I really don’t appreciate. I also think the greater reception of Jade’s character deserves its own post because I don’t even know where to start with that. 
So, giving Jade EVERY benefit of the doubt, we can conclude that she: she ONLY knows about the enslavement - but has no personal ties - and does not care, does not appear to care that her colleagues were participating in human trafficking (specifically seemed more put-off about the lack of revenue than the various human rights violations, which makes sense because she doesn’t seem to care about any of the other human rights violations, such as nuking planets, either), would have had no problem sentencing him to death had he not been a company asset, implied that slavery is good, claimed that she didn’t know why Aventurine would kill the person who owned him because it ‘didn’t benefit him’, is participating in the repossession of Penacony by the IPC, is a debt collector (derogatory), did not gaf that her colleague was going on a suicide mission, and did not gaf when her colleague presumably died. 
Footnote: Before you start, no disliking Jade but liking Aventurine is not misogynistic (and that accusation is, in itself, misogynistic), yes, it is disingenuous to claim that Aventurine was not coerced, it is also disingenuous to claim that the IPC had no knowledge of the human trafficking, yes you can still like her. Idgaf. And stop making jokes about racism and slavery, it’s weird and I think your brain should be studied in a lab so that doctors can determine what is wrong with you
In conclusion:
Media literacy is dead and the hsr fandom killed it. 
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The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin, also known as the Benin Bronzes, are a collection of intricate bronze and brass sculptures created by the Edo people of Nigeria. These sculptures typically depict the reigning Oba (king) of the Benin Empire and were produced over several centuries, with some dating back to the 13th century.
They are renowned for their artistic and historical significance, representing the cultural heritage and power of the Benin Kingdom. These sculptures often portray the Oba wearing coral beaded regalia, symbolizing his divine status and authority.
Many of these artifacts were taken from Benin during the late 19th century by British colonial forces, and they are now scattered in museums and private collections worldwide. There have been ongoing discussions and negotiations regarding their repatriation to Nigeria to restore their cultural heritage.
The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin remain a testament to the rich artistic and historical legacy of the Edo people and the Benin Kingdom.
1. British Punitive Expedition: In 1897, a British expedition, led by British officials and soldiers, was sent to the Benin Kingdom (in what is now Nigeria) with the stated objective of punishing the Oba of Benin, Oba Ovonramwen, for resisting British influence and trade in the region.
2. Sacking of the Royal Palace: During the expedition, the British forces entered the royal palace in Benin City, where many of these intricate bronze and brass sculptures were housed. The palace was looted, and numerous artifacts, including the Benin Bronzes, were taken.
3. Confiscation and Dispersal: The looted artifacts were then confiscated by the British authorities and later distributed to various individuals, museums, and institutions. Many of these artworks ended up in European museums and private collections.
The theft of the Benin Bronzes remains a contentious issue, as these artworks are considered cultural treasures of the Edo people and Nigeria as a whole. There have been ongoing discussions and demands for the repatriation of these artifacts to Nigeria, which has gained momentum in recent years as part of broader efforts to address historical injustices related to colonial-era looting.
The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin, like many traditional African artworks, hold deep symbolic significance within the context of the Benin Kingdom and its culture. Here are some of the key symbols and meanings associated with these sculptures:
1. Royal Authority: The Oba's head sculptures symbolize the authority and divine status of the reigning monarch, who was regarded as a sacred figure in Benin society. The elaborate regalia, such as coral beads and headdresses, worn by the Oba in these sculptures signifies his royal and spiritual power.
2. Ancestral Connections: The sculptures often depict the Oba with distinctive facial scarification patterns and detailed facial features. These features can represent specific ancestors or dynastic connections, emphasizing the Oba's lineage and connection to past rulers.
3. Historical Record: The sculptures also serve as historical records, documenting the appearance and regalia of the Oba during their reigns. This provides valuable insights into the history and evolution of the Benin Kingdom over the centuries.
4. Spiritual Protection: Some sculptures may incorporate elements like beads and cowrie shells, which were believed to have protective and spiritual qualities. These elements were worn by the Oba not only for their aesthetic value but also for their symbolic protection.
5. Cultural Identity: Beyond their specific symbolic meanings, the head sculptures are integral to the cultural identity of the Edo people and the Benin Kingdom. They represent the rich artistic traditions and heritage of the kingdom and its rulers.
It's important to note that the symbolism of these sculptures is deeply rooted in the cultural and historical context of the Benin Kingdom, and their interpretation can vary among different individuals and communities.
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: What Would Happen If You Had a Friend Like You?
Hello beautiful people! I thank you guys so much for the support I’ve received over the past couple of months and even this past weekend. I will continue to make content that resonates with my collective. I am delivering my new PAC as promised, even though it was supposed to come out last night (oopsie lol). Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy this one. It is inspired by tears and frustration of those who feel taken for granted in their friendships (including myself). Please don’t hesitate to book a reading with me if you would like to receive a personal reading. Without further ado, please select your pile.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: If you had a friend like you, PIle One, I think that you would meet them while working/interning for a company. I think that this person would be the fresh air to the heavy atmosphere surrounding y’all. I see that you are both sophisticated professionals who know how to handle conflict calmly for the most part. It’s hard for you both to “pop off” and this may be a problem within you guys’ friendship. You both must learn how to be okay with not letting things go off the hook. You must be intentional with the way you navigate or you will be screwed over every time. I feel that if you had a friend like you, you would be very suspicious of this person because you can’t put a finger on why you feel this way. This person will be equally suspicious. But once you actually talk to each other, you will share stories and experiences regarding business ideas, your dream career environments, many of you will bond over being the only women at work and even sharing secrets about your family dynamics. I could see that you will run a business with this person and it will be successful. It may take a while to hit this bump but it’s definitely possible. Lastly, beware of oversharing too soon or jumping to conclusions. Take it slow, babe. There will be slip ups between the both of you but it’s best that you become strict with yourself on what it means to have a healthy friendship.
Cards Used: Queen of Cups, The Chariot, The Emperor, The Tower (RX), 9 of Wands, 6 of Swords 
extras: nipsey hussle. “motivate” saweetie. moldavite. overbite. 
Pile Two: It’s very interesting how your story will play out, Pile Two. It’ll be a story to tell your grandchildren. So what I am getting from your pile is that you will meet your other half during a breakup. But the thing is, this person will partially be the reason for your breakup. I see the scenario of women getting played by a guy. The movie ‘John Tucker Must Die’ comes to mind. Also, the storyline between Teddy, Spencer and Skylar from Good Luck Charlie comes to mind. You guys will find comfort in each other during this painful period. Many people would stay away from “the other woman”, but you won’t because your situation is unique. I feel like if you are dealing with someone right now, they have two sides to them. They could have air sign placements. I feel like when you come face-to-face with this person, you will not feel any sort of anger or resentment towards them. You will cry in this person’s arms and immediately feel at home. But you should know that once you feel that you want to move on from this, the bond that once existed will change and this change will more than likely not be taken lightly. So enjoy your time with this person for the moment being, Pile Two. Have conversations with this person about how the dynamic will change overtime to prepare for it.
Cards Used:The World, 3 of Swords, Two of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, King of Cups (RX)
extras: igbo tribe. medulla. voguing practice. thelma and louise. grief counseling. hideous bangs.
Pile Three: I feel like this group is into music. You may want to move to one of the music capitals like Atlanta, Nashville, New York or Miami to pursue a music career. In my third eye, I am seeing snippets of the pilot episode of ‘Star’. The premise of the show is the formation, trials and tribulations of a girl group. There are two sisters and a best friend that are in this girl group. During the pilot, the blonde sister has to physically fight her sister’s abuser to bring her to Atlanta so that they can move to Atlanta with their aunt. After this, they are proactive in jumpstarting their career even with drama, drugs and whatnot clouding their future. Now, I feel like your friend will obviously be a newcomer in the music industry as well. It is best if y’all work together. I see that if this person has a kid, you will be the child’s godparent. I also see some notoriety, fame and recognition coming with this person once you all decide to work together. This will only happen because y’all collaborated; if y’all went solo, the same result would not happen. But you need to be aware of doing things in vain. You and them both need to think about each other because the spotlight can blind people’s true intentions. Think clearly. But I feel like y’all would actually be friends for a long time despite any differences that may occur because of vanity. There’s chemistry that y’all have with each other that you will not have with anyone else so cherish each other while you all are still here.
Cards Used: 10 of Cups, Four of Discs (RX), The Star, The Empress, 8 of Cups, 6 of Wands, King of Wands 
extras: girl groups. ‘musically inclined.’ music industry. tlc. money grab. “cut the check.” “ain’t shit sweet.”
Pile Four: And last but not least, Pile Four. Your situation will involve meeting someone who is also addicted to something. You have their vices so do they. I am channeling the energy of Edward Norton and Maria Singer. They are liars. They show up at AA meetings for fun and catch each other in a lie. I feel like this friendship will be about holding each other accountable. I am also channeling Rue and her sponsor, Ali. They have an uncle-niece relationship. I believe that you all will have a significant difference in maturity. And this will be the reason why you bump heads. Someone believes that they know more than the other person because they’ve been doing it longer or they don’t believe that their vice is worthy of being taken seriously. Now, this vice could be drugs, sex, over/undereating, online shopping, gambling, playing video games, etc. Now, when you meet this person, you will be put off because you won’t know any better. But this person will leave a strong impact on your life. It is best that you keep them around because you won’t know what you got till it’s gone. Taking this person for granted will be the worst thing that you can do because there is no one else that will hold you accountable like them, Pile Four. 
Cards Used: 9 of Discs, Princess of Cups, Temperance, 6 of Wands, The High Priestess, The Hermit, 9 of Wands 
extras: low fade haircut. burning hair. electric slide. goal chaser. fear of death. close call. chewing ice.
162 notes · View notes
lunajay33 · 1 month
The Only One🩵 Part.2
Summary: Y/n is from the forest but when she was a teenager she felt too much pressure and left her tribe and found shelter with the Metkayina where she meets Tonowari, the future chief! What will happen between them?
Pairing: Young Tonowari x Omitacaya f! Reader
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After I got my new clothes Tonowari brought me to a more secluded part of the beach so it was just me and him
He grabbed my hand and brought me into the water
"Are you ready?"
"Yes let's do this" I said excited to see what I was like under the water
We both went under and it was beautiful, there was lots of sea animals, little fishes, the sea floor was littered with pretty shells, Tonowari must have noticed me looking at them
He swam down and picked up a bunch abs put them in a little pouch he had attached to his loincloth
My heart felt warm when I was around him and the little gestures he did
He waved for me to follow him as he continued to swim, he swam fast and it was hard to catch up and I had held my breathe for as long as I could
I resurfaced gasping for air, I looked back under and he was waving for me to come back down but I couldn't yet so I had him come back up
"What's wrong?"
"You swim too fast and I can't hold my breathe like you can" I said as he pushed my wet hair out of my eyes
"I didn't know, let's go back to shore and I'll teach you breathing exercises" he said as we swam back
I got there a while after him, he swam incredibly fast
As I finally made it to shore I got out of the water and readjusted my loincloth
I looked up to see him looking at me with heavy eyes
"Are you okay Tonowari?" I said as I sat in front of him
"Oh umm...ughm I'm fine, let's get started" he said making me laugh
"Okay so we teach this to the babies when they are learning to swim" he said as he moved closer in front of me and placed his hands on my stomach and my back
His touch made my heart flutter
"Your heart is fast" he smirked as he looked at me
"As you breathe in through your nose feel it fill your lungs and hold it, then breathe out through your mouth, feel it hear" he pushed on my stomach
I tried a few times feeling my lungs expand then he started doing the same and I couldn't help but gaze at his lips
I leaned forward not even realizing I was doing it until I was just inches away from his lips, I could feel his breathe ghost my lips
"Are you going to stay there or are you going to kiss me already" he whispered making chills run up my spine
I smashed my lips against his, he wrapped his arms around my waist and easily pulled me into his lap
I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him even closer
It was a rough kiss but I felt so much emotion behind it, minutes passed and we eventually pulled apart a string of spit connecting between our lips
He took his thumb and wiped my bottom lip, gazing at my swollen lips and smirking
I was still trying to catch my breathe but he was fine, making me think how long he could really hold his breathe for and what he could do with that
"Didn't know you had it in you"
"You don't know the half of it" I said not knowing where this confidence was coming from
"Can't wait to see it beautiful"
He went into his pouch shaking me out of my haze and pulling out the seashells he had collected
"Here you can pick some and I'll make a necklace with them for you" he said quickly going back to his cute demeanour
"You don't have to"
"A pretty girl deserves a pretty necklace" he said as he spread out the shells on the beach
I looked through them and picked a few, a green one, one that shined rainbow, and a little pink one
"I like these ones" I said handing them back to him
"I'll make it for you tonight and get it to you tomorrow as long as you keep doing breathing practices"
"Okay I promise" I couldn't get rid of this happy feeling, it's been such a long time
I loved how he could be incredibly sweet but he could also wind me up and feel hot inside, this man was going to be the death of me
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For the rest of the day I stayed in my pod practicing my breathing like Tonowari wanted
I could feel it working but after awhile I got bored and wanted to explore the village so I did
The sun was setting soon so I thought it would be the perfect time to explore, not as many people would be out
I walked around the pods seeing everyone and their families get ready for the night, it made me feel a little empty inside, they all looked so happy, I always wished for something like that
Having Tonowari around made me forget that I was lonely, sure I had him there sometimes but he had his own family and had friends and a whole separate life and when he was gone I was alone again
I made my way to the cave that Tonowari had showed me so I could relax a bit
I got there and sat by the little pool of water and put my legs in, the cold water helping me a bit but it couldn't stop the tears from falling
I just wanted love was that so hard to ask for, I cried for what felt like hours just thinking of everything that happened back in the forest
I was so focused on my thoughts and crying I didn't noticed someone come in and sit next to me
"Hey angel"
I jumped and looked beside me shocked, I hated being seen crying so I looked away from him quickly wiping my face
But he grabbed my chin and made me look at him
"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked and I could see the concern on his face
"It's.....its nothing"
"You can tell me, so what's wrong" he gently picked me up so I was sat in his lap again
"I'm so lonely, I see everyone here with their families and friends, having the life I always wanted what I always craved for, to feel safe and happy with a family" my lip started to quiver
"Oh my y/n, you will never be alone as long as I'm here, it hurts me to know that you never got the love you deserved or a place to feel secure, how about tomorrow I can introduce you to some of my friends and some people our age"
"I'd like that, thank you Tonowari, why do you treat me so good" I asked placing my arms around his neck
"Because you are like a little light that's come into my life, everytime I see you or even think of you I never want to be away, you make my heart beat uncontrollably, you make me think things about a woman that I've never thought about before, everything about you I want, but most importantly I want you to feel loved"
This man in front of me was everything I dreamed of at night when I prayed to Eywa to bring me my soulmate, someone who would love me infinitely and she answered my prayers
"You are the only one in my heart Tonowari, you'll always have my heart"
He smiled as he leaned his head against mine, it was a beautiful moment, as the nature around us started to come to life and glow and the night air blew through the cave, everything right now was perfect
I woke up in the cave, we must have fallen asleep and spent the night
I stretched feeling the warmth next to me, I rolled over and laid on top of him, laying my hands on his big chest
I heard him groan as he wrapped his arms around my hips
"Tonowari time to wake up!" I whispered
“Just a little bit more”
"No we need to get up now, before the others start to get suspicious of where you've went"
"Ugh I guess" he sat up so I was now straddling his lap
"I wish we could stay like this, stay here away from the stress, away from everything" he said as he squeezed my hips
"Me too"
He kissed me gently before we made our way back to the beach, he held my hand the whole way there, then we heard a group of people call out for Tonowari
"Come I'll introduce you to my friends" as we walked over I noticed one of the girls glaring at me
"Hey everyone I wanted to introduce you all to y/n, I thought it would help her fit in here if she got to know everyone!" After that he introduced me to all the guys and they were very polite
"And this is Ronal" he stated and it was the girl that had glared at me
"Hi" I said wary
"You do know that I am arranged to be mated to Tonowari right" she blunted blurted out and I felt Tonowari tense up
I quickly released my hand from Tonowari's grip and walked away, I could stand the embarrassment, how could he make feel all these amazing wonderful feelings only to be arranged to another, I should have know it was too good to be true this quickly too
I made my way back to my pod, I was so sad but I felt so angry too, he made me feel safe here what was I suppose to do now
"Y/N! y/n are you in here?" I heard him say as he got closer to my pod but I didn't answer
I just curled up and covered myself with my leaf blanket but I heard him getting close
"Angel please just listen to me" he said as he pulled back my blanket
"Why should I listen to you Tonowari?" I said as I wiped my tears
"I know you probably feel like I've betrayed you but I promise I wouldn't do that to you" he said as he placed his hand on my cheek
"Tonowari how can I believe that, you made me feel like I was the only one for you only for you to be arranged to someone else, how is this going to work, your parents would never let you be with me if you're already arranged to her" I cried out
"I've never had feelings for her, never, I've only ever wanted you, I promise you're the only one I've ever felt like this towards, we can make this work"
"I don't know Tonowari, if you're parents are already hard on you there's no way they'll let me be with you. I'm just a forest girl I can't live up to their standards, maybe.....maybe I should go back home, this was a bad idea" I got up and started frantically packing up all my stuff
"No no please stay, I was going to tell you but when I'm with you I never think of her, I never think of her in general, just please stop and listen to me" he said as he grabbed my shoulders, turning me around to look at him and I could see the tears brim his eyes
"You are the only one for me, I know it, I could feel it the moment I laid eyes on you, Eywa brought you to me, I.....I see you" when he said that it felt like my heart stopped
"I see you too Tonowari, but how are we going to make this work?" I said as he pulled me against his chest
"I'll talk to my parents, I don't care what I have to do but I will be with you I promise"
That night Tonowari stayed next to me, holding me close and reassuring me that I was all he wanted
"Morning my angel" he whispered into my braids as my head laid on his chest
"Good morning handsome" I said sitting up and straddling his hips, placing my hands along his chest
"What are we going to do today?" I asked
"I think we should talk to my parents, better to do it now then wait" he said rubbing my thighs
"Okay but what if they say no"
"I'll convince them, either way we will be together, don't worry"
"Okay let's get this over with"
We stood up, he took my hand and placed a gentle kiss to it all while making eye contact
"It'll be okay"
He held my hand as we walked over to his family pod and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest
"Mother.....Father can we talk for a moment?" He asked as we sat in front of them
"What is it son?" His father asked as they sat down as well
"I want your blessing, y/n is meant to be with me I know of it, I feel it in my spirit that Eywa brought her to me, I do not wish to be mated to Ronal"
There was a moment of silence where I could swear everyone could hear my heart it was that silent, I could see Tonowari tense next to me and by the looks on his mothers face, we should be nervous
"Tonowari how dare you go against our wishes, Ronal is perfectly suited to be your mate, she is strong and is a good fighter she is fit to help you rule, this forest dweller is not, she will be of no help to you, you will not be with her and you are no longer allowed to see her and that's final" his mother stated harsh fully
I could feel my heart crush, I knew this would happen, I knew I wouldn't be able to live up to the Metkayina's standards
"But mother...."
"No you will listen to me Tonowari"
"Is it so bad for him to want to be with her, just give them a chance" his dad said giving me some hope 
"Do you really want this clan to be led by someone who knows nothing and can't contribute?"
"I suppose but Tonowari is teaching her"
They kept arguing amongst each other and I didn't know how much longer I could keep myself composed
I glanced over at Tonowari and his expression showed the same as mine, sad, heartbroken, I didn't want to cause a problem for his family but I also couldn't let him go
My mind raced with what to do and my heart just wanted to me happy for once
"Tonowari, take her and leave while I talk to your mother" Tonowari took my hand and rushed me out of the pod
We walked in silence until we reached our cave, he paced back and forth after he dropped my hand, he ran his hands through his hair and I could see how stressed he was
"Tonowari just breathe, calm down" I said placing my hand on his shoulder
He looked up at me and I could see the tears clouding his eye line
"Oh baby it'll be okay" I said pulling him down into a hug
Just in one day it goes from him consoling me to now me consoling him, I just wanted us to be happy together
I held him close as he cried into my shoulder
"I'm sorry Tonowari, I never wanted this to happen, I just want you to be happy" I said feeling my own tears well
"You make me happy y/n, I just hope she comes around, maybe father can convince her" he said through his cries
I brought him down to the ground as I noticed he starting shaking, I laid him down so his head was rested in my lap
He curled up and looked up at me, it broke me, I wiped his tears away gently and placed a sweet kiss to his lips, seeing such a big strong man break down like this hurt me, but the fact he was comfortable to show this side of him to me warmed my heart
"Just breathe Tonowari" I said as I placed one hand on his chest and brushed my other through his hair
He calmed down a bit and finally stopped crying, he reached up and placed his hand on my cheek
"I love you my sweet y/n" he smiled
I was shocked I knew there was obviously a strong connection between us and he saw me but to hear he loved me made my heart skip a bit and my brain was fuzzy with happiness
"I love you too Tonowari"
"I want to be with you, I want to be one with you" he said sitting up in front of me
"Are you sure, we can wait I don't want to do this if you're just trying to convince your mother"
"No this has nothing to do with her, I just want to fully give myself to you, my heart, my soul, my body, everything" he said placing a soft kiss to my lips
"Okay, but I didn't really imagine this moment to be in a cave" I laughed nervously
"Come with me" he said standing up and placing his hand out in front of me
He took me even deeper into the jungle where there was no one to be seen, just me and him, it was a long walk and by the time we got to where he was leading me the sun was setting
"What do you think?" He asked
I looked up and they had Utral Aymokriyä (tree of voices) just like back in the forest
"This is beautiful, I rarely got to go to our trees when I was back in the forest" I said as I connected with one of the vines of the tree
I could hear my ancestors, I could feel the love through them while they were with Eywa
I looked back at Tonowari and he was smiling at me
He stepped closer and brushed my hair back
"You're just so beautiful!" He said looking at me with so much love, I never thought I'd ever experience this
I placed my hand on his chest smiling up at him with so much admiration
He started to sit down and I quickly followed sitting in his lap
We didn't need to say anything, everything was complete perfect and blissful
He reached behind me gently grabbing my braid and bringing it over my shoulder, his touch sent shivers down my spine but I did the same to him
He looked at me to make sure I really wanted to do this and I simply nodded I'm excitement
Once our queues wrapped around each other it was complete bliss, I could feel his love, his strong heart I could feel everything he felt and in this moment all it was, was an overwhelming amount of love
I opened my eyes, gasping, everything felt so sensitive and we haven't even done anything yet
For the rest of the night we were wrapped around each other I couldn't feel where he started and I ended, we were fully intermingled and one, our souls, our bodies and our love
After our intimate moment we laid next to each other, my head laid on his chest as I had my arm draped over his torso, his arm wrapped around my back, gently tracing circles on my waist with his fingers
"We are now mated for life my love" he whispered
"I wouldn't want it any other way"
I woke up in Tonowari's arms still tightly wrapped around me, the sun was rising and the wind was blowing through the trees
The sound making everything feel perfect, I looked up at Tonowari and he as still asleep, I traced my fingers over his cheeks, he was so handsome and now he was all mine
"Wake up Tonowari!" I said as I placed myself on his lap
He groaned and sat up, placing his arms around my back, our clothes were still discarded from yesterday and I hadn't noticed till he looked at my chest making me blush and cover up
"Don't hide my love you're beautiful plus these are mine now anyways" he said laughing making me wanna die of embarrassment
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close so he could see me chest
"You don't think.....you don't think my chest is too big?"
I was always felt self conscious about my larger chest because Navi woman usually had smaller chests and some of them went out of their way to point it out on me and not in a nice way, some didn't take kindly to different
"Well my love, i quite like that they are bigger" he said as he brought his hands up covering my chest with his large hands
"Really!" I looked in his eyes looking for any sign of a lie
"Of course you're perfect for me in every single way and don't let anyone make you think otherwise" he said quickly kissing me making me burst on the inside with excitement
"You really know how to make my heart flutter" I said playing with his hair
"And I hope to make you feel like that till the day we stop breathing and when we are reunited with Eywa, I will never not want you"
His words made me tear up, I never thought this kind of love was real but he showed me just how much love he held
"Awe Tonowari, I wish we could stay like this forever, just me and you" I said leaning my forehead against his
Being around him never felt like I could get closer even when I'm touching him and as physically close as I can be, I want more
"I wish to Eywa that we could to but sadly we have fly face reality" he stated and a frown grew on both our faces
"What are we going to do know? How do we tell the others we are mated?"
"Why don't we wait, just keep these joyous feelings of being mated between us just for as long as we can"
"Do you not want to tell other I'm your mate?"
"Oh Eywa no, if anything I wanna tell every single being in the universe I landed to most beautiful mate of them all but I want to enjoy this moment we had together and not instantly ruin it by other reactions, I wanna wait till we can't deny it anymore" he said squeezing my waist
"Okay my love, we can wait, whatever make you feel comfortable"
We both got up, he pulled up his loincloth and then collected my clothing and slide it back on me, readjusting my breasts so they'd fight in, smirking while doing it making me smack him on the arm
He held my hand as we walked back to the village, emerging from the tree line and hitting the warm sand
"HEY!!" We heard from down the beach
We looked and it was a group of Tonowari's friends he had introduced me to, they were waving us over
Tonowari squeezed my hand and then proceeded to drag me over
"Hey where have you been man?"
"We've been out in the jungle I was just.....teach her somethings" he smiled
"Sure man, anyways wanna go fishing with us?"
He looked at me, wondering if he should stay or go with his friends but I didn't wanna take him away from his friends just because we were mated
"You can go fishing while i practice my breathing in my pod for the day!" I smiled
"Okay my love I'll see you later tonight" he said whispering to me
His friends gave us weird looks but they didn't question anything so I didn't care, in the next second they were diving under and they were gone
I walked back up to my Marui pod and got to practicing, but the memories of last night kept plaguing my thoughts, everytime I closed my eyes all I could see was his handsome face, I wasn't complaining, I was beyond happy, it just made things hard to focus
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solradguy · 8 months
The indescribable emotional gut punch of the fact that Sol's Master Ghost, aka the literal manifestation of his soul and selfhood given tangible form, is a human figure being held down and restrained by literal gears and put on display. Hiii whoever designed the ghosts where are you I just wanna talk (like I know Sol's self-loathing has been a regular undercurrent for the whole series but man just putting it front and center like that c'mon...)
Sol's Masterghost is so fucked up why did they do that to him. There's creator commentary in the GG2O Material Collection book from Daisuke and Junya C. Motomura on this thing. I'll translate them.
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Daisuke Ishiwatari:
Essentially, a Master Ghost reflects the personality and background of its Master in some way. In Sol's case, the challenge was to create a strong design that would reflect his signature fire motif and the heavy burden of the fate he carries with him. As is a common concept throughout Sol's Tribe, we avoided incorporating animals and people in order to express his cold and blunt personality. This was also done to avoid making Sol's commands to his units seem heartless or callous.
Junya C. Motomura:
This is the first Master Ghost that I was tasked with designing. To be honest, I had a hard time grasping what a "Master Ghost" should look like, and I got lost. I drew many concept sketches and did rough modeling in 3D, tweaking the balance and composition, and placed familiar parts from Sol's designs here and there to tie it back to him, with a focus on the "gear" metaphor, which was the main keyword of the entire design. The black figure in the center of the human barbecue is not Sol, but Frederick; Sol before he became a Gear. The idea is that he is someone who got tangled in a gear and is now trapped. I laughed a lot when people called it "grilled grovelling"^1 on the internet right after the game released.
1: 焼き土下座 (yaki-dogeza) - "Dogeza" is that deep bowing where one's face is all but pressed against the ground. 焼き (yaki) (grilled/roasted/baked), as in "yakisoba," "dorayaki," "yaki-imo," etc.
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theotterpenguin · 6 months
there’s a post floating around here claiming that sokka is the only person keeping the atla kids alive and it very much reminded me of how the labor that women perform is often undervalued and overlooked. (and this post is not meant to be targeted towards op at all, but rather is speaking towards a general trend that i’ve noticed in the atla fandom)
i recently rewatched atla and it’s surprised me that the fandom interpretation is that only sokka is worried about the group’s lack of food/money, particularly in book 1, because katara worries over the exact same things and is usually the one backing up sokka. in “the warriors of kyoshi,” sokka reminds aang that they need to make it to the northern water tribe soon and stop making pitstops, and katara agrees with him. when they stop at kyoshi island, katara reminds aang multiple times that it’s risky to stay in one place for too long. in “the waterbending scroll,” sokka worries over how little money they have left after aang wastes money on a bison whistle, so katara takes charge of keeping track of the money instead, and she also reminds aang that they need to practice waterbending, not focus on having fun. in “the storm,” katara realizes they’re out of food and says they need to go to the market, then sokka gets a job so they’ll have more money for food. in “the king of omashu” and “the deserter,” sokka worries that aang will be discovered, and katara agrees so she suggests that they wear disguises. in “the cave of two lovers,” sokka says they need to focus on getting to omashu without getting sidetracked, and katara agrees. in “avatar day,” sokka and katara buy food/supplies together while aang waits for them. 
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despite sokka being seen as the pragmatic sibling, both katara and sokka are pretty united in their practicality and trying to keep their mission on track. katara only makes exceptions on a couple occasions when she values standing up against injustice even more than sticking to the plan, such as freeing the imprisoned earthbenders or helping the fire nation village as the painted lady. and the way that i've seen people use katara’s passion for social justice as a way to argue that she’s “irresponsible” seems a bit disingenuous considering that she sees it as a moral duty to help people in need (and let alone everything else she does on the day-to-day to help the group).
(“the library” is in fact the only episode in the entire show that i can remember where katara disagrees with sokka and says there’s no harm in having some fun in their downtime. and as soon as sokka finds out about the existence of the library he’s also fine with taking a break from their mission lol. despite what the fandom thinks, it’s not the norm).
and while there’s a lot of focus on sokka’s mapping/planning skills, there’s also so much that katara does so much behind the scenes that isn’t as explicitly acknowledged. “the chase” tells us that katara, aang, and sokka all contribute pretty equally to setting up their camp while traveling. in “jet” they all help pack up camp, in “the great divide” sokka sets up their tent, katara collects firewood, and aang gathers food. and yet even though they all seem to contribute pretty equally to setting up camp, we are shown so many scenes of katara doing extra chores while the others are preoccupied with something else. in “the southern air temple,” katara packs up their supplies while sokka is sleeping, then again packs up everything while sokka’s eating the food momo gave him. “the warriors of kyoshi” episode implies katara is the only one mending everyone’s clothes, and while sokka is getting his ass kicked training with the kyoshi warriors and aang is entertaining his fan girls, katara is shopping for food and supplies.
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in “the painted lady,” the group all goes shopping for food together, but it’s katara who cooks dinner for everyone (shown twice in this episode). in “the runaway,” katara’s at camp cooking for everyone while they’re off tricking a gambler to make more money. sokka, aang, and toph buy food/supplies, then leave them with katara to sort out while they go have fun in the village (and sokka gets to buy his messenger hawk). and katara’s the one seen as a “buzzkill” for worrying about their safety. this pattern continues in “the western air temple” and “the firebending masters” where we see katara cooking and serving food to the group, but there aren’t scenes of them doing other chores.
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and of course, “the desert” is an entire episode dedicated to katara keeping the group alive. and that’s not even to mention the countless amount of emotional support that she gives to her friends, often putting other people’s needs above her own. sure, katara might not be the person with the map or the master plan, but that doesn’t mean her contributions are any less important.
sokka’s character arc involves growing into a strong leader and strategist, so it makes sense that the fandom often likes to focus on the moments that go into building this arc, the moments where he does take the lead and is responsible. but for katara? it’s just something required of her and of most female characters. taking on extra responsibilities is something to be admired in men, but just expected of women. 
and to be clear, i’m not saying that sokka is not responsible, he definitely is. i just find it interesting that some parts of this fandom have a skewed perception of katara’s role in the group, often claiming her to be the “irresponsible” or “immature” sibling while poor, exhausted Dad!Sokka™ is the only one keeping these silly kids alive. sokka and katara both had to grow up too fast, they’re both kids who are very mature for their age and took on adult responsibilities far too young (though in different ways). acknowledging the sacrifices katara made and the labor she took on to take care of others isn’t diminishing sokka’s character arc, it’s something he even admits in the show himself. and i love their relationship because even with such a complicated family dynamic, it’s so clear how much they love and support each other.
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Katara is More Patient Then We Give Her Credit for
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Katara has been getting a lot of flak for supposedly being hot headed and getting angry at very minor things. Even those who love Katara seem to accept this as the truth. But it's not. In reality, Katara is simply a female character who owns her rage. And I feel like there are two main components that debunk this notion.
Warning: Long, long post.
1. In the instances where Katara is angry it's either justified or makes sense in context.
The Waterbending Scroll
Katara stole, wouldn't you know it, a waterbending scroll. She practices before giving it to Aang, and fails hard. Then Aang who she's supposed to be teaching, gets it right and explains how to do it. Katara has an outburst.
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Katara: Will you please shut your air-hole! Believe it or not your infunite wisdom gets a little old sometimes. Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted!
Why is Katara that mad here? Why did she have an outburst? Because she was carrying the burden of being the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe her whole life. Because her waterbending is the reason Kya died. Because she have been independently studying waterbending her whole life. And now her student is having it all easy and is trying to teach her.
And wouldn't you know it, she realized what she did immediatly. Literally, a second later.
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Katara: Oh my gosh Aang. I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. But you know what, it won't happen again. Here [the scroll] is yours. I don't wanna have anything to do with it anymore.
She even apologized to Momo. Katara had an isecurity rooted in trauma and pressure. When Aang try to teach her she hit a breaking point and lashed out. And not one second later she's already apologizing.
The Waterbending Master
Katara and Aang are going to see Pakku, the waterbending master. But when Pakku sees she's a girl, he says he won't teach her. This is why Katara gets angry. She flew across seas just to get rejected due Pakku is being a sexist freak. I think we can all agree that being denied something because of sexism is a good reason to get angry. And when Katara realized Pakku won't teach Aang if she'll keep insisting, she drops it abd tells Aang to drop it too.
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However, that doesn't mean she won't study in secret. She deserved to learn waterbending and she knew it. She took the consequences into consideration and decided to not make a fuss.
But of course, they both get caught. Pakku says he will no longer teach Aang, the Avatar who absolutly needs to study and still refuses to teach Katara because he's still sexist. Only then Katara challenges him to a duel. Only when they have nothing to lose. She challenged a sexist prick to a duel, one who shamelessly denied her oppretunity because of her gender.
The Chase
At the start of the episode Katara gently hints Toph to help unpack a camp for the night. This is when she's not tired yet, and shows patience.
Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
Toph: Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
Katara (still calmly): Well, actually, what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent. *smiles* Even Momo does his fair share.
Toph (slightly irritated): Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire. I've already collected my own food. And look. *earth bends a tent* My tent's all set up.
Katara: Well, that's great for you but we still need to finish-
Toph (loudly): I don't understand. What's the problem here??
Katara: Never mind.
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Katara then goes to apologize. While also attempting to make sure her and Toph are on good terms by having her acknoledge that she wasn't 100 absolutly in the right.
Katara: Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.
Toph: Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.
Katara (slightly irrutated): I meant all of us.
Toph: Well, good night.
Katara: Good night.
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By all means, Toph is in the wrong for the sheer refusal for communication. At first Katara calmly explained to her what was needed without even spelling it out. Toph was being passive, so she dropped it. And then she apologizes after doing nothing wrong just so they could be on good terms. Toph was the one being passive agressive. And Katara pretty much let it slide.
This is Katara. The patience she showed right here is her natural, normal self. The rest of the episode is under the context of sleep deprivation and how it's making them all hostile to each other. Including the pacifist Aang. Who's outburst leads Toph to leave. After she does, both Aang and Katara express remorse.
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(Side note: I heard people take issue with the line "The stars sure are beautiful tonight, too bad you can't see them, Toph". It's been interpreted as Katara making fun of Toph for being blind, but it's just another instance in the recurring joke of the Gaang forgetting Toph is blind, and listed as such in the official A:TLA Youtube channel).
The Runaway
Update: This section, especially, is majorly outdated.
The episode has a silly opening where Aang is trained by Toph and Katara. Toph misses and accidently hits Katara with a big rock. After Toph doesn't apologize, it leads into a fight which is absolutly not to be taken seriously, that ends with Aang pointing out that it was supposed to be training.
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It doesn't work as an exapmle for supposed hot-headedness because the reason this whole thing started because Toph hit Katara with a rock and refused to apologize.
But moving on to the real conflict of these episode, Toph scammed someone and Katara makes it clear that they shouldn't do it again, it'll draw attention to them. Aang promises her it won't happen again but.. um.. you know what happened.
Katara, being responsible, told them to quit because they'd potentially get exposed. Toph didn't reach well, telling her to lighten up. Katara rightfully gets angry, because they really might get exposed and Toph is dismissing her like her concerns are nothing. They have a short argument and Toph storms out.
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This is why Katara was angry this episode. Her reasoning for being upset is the Gaang potentially exposing themselves for easy money. That's the conflict.
The Painted Lady
In this episode Katara sees a starving Fire Nation village but Sokka won't allow them to stay due to time limits. So she faked a disease for Appa so they could. Sokka confronts her. At first, she gives up and packs to leave. But since she destroyed the factory that's been polluting the villages water and taking their medicine, the people in charge assumed it was the civilians, and were coming to attack. Sokka and Katara get into a small but intense argument. Important to note, that she doesn't react intensively until Sokka does.
Katara: Well, what was I supposed to do?
Sokka: Leave! Do nothing.
Katara: No! I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me.
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Her anger here doesn't highlight hot-headedness, it highlights compassion. Compassion is one of Katara's core traits. She's angry because she's being angrily demanded to see people suffer and stand by. And she will not tolerate it. She will never, ever turn her back on people who need her.
2. In reality, Katara is defined by her patience and compassion.
What I did here was listing off times where Katara did get angry. But Katara is generally a caring, kind person. Rather if it's cheering up Sokka, going shopping with him after he admitted to feeling useless; if it's pulling Aang out of the Avatar state, putting herself at risk when he's out of control; if it's helping deliver a baby of a stranger; or if it's freeing prisoners of the Fire Nation. She demonstrates impressive patience throughout the show.
The Deserter
In this episode Aang was asked to just control fire. Aang gets irrutated himself at this, but Katara assured him that it's probably for a good reaso. But when his master left, he firebent. He was being extremely careless with his new found Fire Bending and burned Katara's hands.
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Did she...
A. splashed some water at him.
B. Yelled at him.
C. Ran away crying.
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Yeah, she didn't express anger at all. Sokka was who's angry at Aang.
The Desert
The sand benders stole Appa and the Gaang is suck in a desert. Katara demonstrates her patience a lot this episode.
Toph and Aang are arguing about Toph not stopping them.
Aang: You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone.
Katara: Aang, stop it. You know Toph did all she could. She saved our lives.
Sokka: Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make itout of here.
Aang: That's all any of you guys care about, yourselves. You don't care whether Appa is okay or not.
Katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now.
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Aang accused the Gaang of something horrible. Katara told him to stop, but still understood his anger and calmly explained to him that it's important not to fight in a life threatening situation.
Aang then storms out to look for Appa. Katara's response?
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Katara: We'd better start walking. We're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se.
She didn't get angry, she was rational and thought about the greater good.
After Aang comes back, Katara suggest they should try sleeping, gives the Gaang all of her bending water without drinking herself. And then finds a way to get to Ba Sing Se using the locations of star systems.
The Gaang spots a cloud and mistakes it for Appa. But Katara realizes the potential in a cloud. She tells Aang to fly and bend the water from the cloud so they could drink.
Katara (disappoibted): Wow, there's hardly any in here.
Aang (intensively): I'm sorry, okay? It's a desert cloud, I did all I could. What's anyone else doing? *Points at Katara* What are you doing?
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After dealing with everyone's tireness, Sokka's high nonsense and Aang's attitude, carrying everyone, thinking of possible solutions to ensure they'd all survive, how did she react to Aang accusing her of not doing enough?
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Katara: Trying to keep everyone together. Let's just get moving. We need to head this direction.
And after everything she did for everyone, she pulls Aang out of the Avatar state when he's raging, out of control.
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Katara is not so hot headed.
She's sweet, nurturing and caring. She demonstrated incredible patience and perhaps even saved the Gang's life in The Desert with her resilience. Katara's compassion is her defining trait.
But that doesn't mean she's not a human being – she's allowed to be flawed, and in the moments where she does, she's very remorseful. And in the moments where she doesn't, people will still hold her accoutable for simply feeling a justified emotion.
Does it make you oh-so-hot headed to stand up to a sexist denying her opportunity? To make sure your friends don't destroy your chances to win a war? To not tolerate being told to see people in need and do nothing in a middle if an argument she didn't start? Of course it doesn't.
And other characters are allowed to express anger, to be flawed, in ways that are way worse than Katara without being labelled annoying hot headed by the fandom.
Katara is widly known to be irrational, letting her anger get the better of her, but it's simply not true.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 5 months
★Pick a Picture:✨️How are you glowing up?✨️
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
☆ If you like my work you can support me on Ko-fi☆
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🌟Pile 1: Queen of Wands, 6 of wands, 6 of cups.
Hi pile 1! You are emboding such a grounding energy, i feel that you are finally letting go of control and trusting your progress. I feel that you had a lot on your plate lately, you were so foucused on your progress that i feel that you forget to enjoy sometimes.
Pile 1 you are getting the recognition and rest you deserve, if you were thinking of getting a vacation or to treat yourself, go for it, you deserve it! Also i feel like many people will have their eyes on you around this time, they are seeing you succeed and glowing. I also sense that you will be invite to many places, your guides are encouraging you to go! you may meet new friends or even a romantic interest. Its time to enjoy yourself and have fun pile 1!
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🌟Pile 2: 10 of Wands, 8 of pentacles, 6 of Pentacles.
Hi pile 2! I feel like you are stepping into your more outgoing energy, i feel that you are starting to shine for who you are pile 2. Maybe in the past you have felt like the "black sheep" or the misunderstood one; now you are fully embracing this aspect of yourself and this is making you glow completely! Your guides are so proud of you and you should be too.
I see that you may have been improving your style, and people notice; a lot of eyes in you this season pile 2. You are also finding your "tribe", people that understand and vibe with you, new connections are coming your way. Also a lot of creative flow and ideas are in the way, so if you are an artist, feel free to create and try new things during this time.
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🌟Pile 3: 9 of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles.
Hi pile 3! You are stepping in your lider role, i feel a lot of indepent energy coming from you, so maybe you are finally getting the liberty that you have been wanting for a while. I also see wealth coming your way, the seed that you planted are finally growing pile 3! I see you more connected to yourself, improving not only physically but also mentaly.
I keep getting a lot of elegant vibes so if you have been trying this style lately, it suits you a lot; many people like it too. You are finally cutting off all the people that just waste your time, i see you being surronded by peers, others who are on your same frequency. Balance is also coming your way, i feel like you are embodying both, your femenine and your masculine energy. You are trully improving your life in all aspects pile 3, you are becoming the boss that you were always meant to be!
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✨️Thanks for reading and
tell me if it resonated!✨️
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