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pollsnatural · 1 year ago
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monstermoviedean · 2 years ago
how would john feel? his first order was for dean to protect sam. his last was for dean to kill him. he'd approve of the revenge quest. he wouldn't approve of the demon (or the angel, or the vampire, or the prophet). he definitely wouldn't approve of the visible agony. approval of dean? jury's still out.
if your daddy could see you now
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homehauntsyou · 5 months ago
for the ‘thoughts on’ ask game thing… any thoughts on cas?
"thoughts on ____" ask game
uhhh at the risk of sounding incredibly sam-centric (which i admittedly am) i honestly don't think about him too much. i think in some ways he also falls victim to the dean-phenomenon where the fandom that primarily engages with him has made me less willing to interact with him because i just. don't really enjoy their takes.
though, as i've said before, i do find memory-alteration storylines to be particularly interesting/close to genuine horror, so i do enjoy engaging with meta/fics about cas' experience with that, even if i don't have too many original thoughts about it. i do have particular seasons of cas that are my favorites, probably be s6 & s9-10 at the top of that list, because there is just soo much sam & cas potential and i really do love their duo so much <3 as much as people talk about cas learning about humanity from dean, i think he learned a lot from sam as well (thinking about their convo in 09x11) and i love the evolution of their relationship.
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shamyfanficfeed · 1 year ago
date night
by beautifulbeyondexpression (palmofafreezinghand) Right at ten pm, ‘Darling’ by The Beach Boys began playing on Amy’s phone, signaling the end of date night. Sheldon quickly shut the alarm off, rolling his eyes at the song choice. The nostalgia clause in their agreement had nothing to tamper her sentimentality. Amy had been asleep on his shoulder for nearly an hour." Amy and Sheldon briefly breach the Relationship Agreement and have a co-working date night which ends in an impromptu sleepover. Set somewhere between 09x11 - 10x04. Words: 2234, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English * Fandoms: The Big Bang Theory (TV) * Rating: Not Rated * Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply * Categories: F/M * Characters: Sheldon Cooper, Amy Farrah Fowler * Relationships: Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler, Background Leonard Hofstadter/Penny * Additional Tags: Date Night, Fluff, Co-Working http://dlvr.it/T1g9rg
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addictedtostorytelling · 1 year ago
Hi, aj!
How are you? 🤍
I was wondering, it's been a while since I had my last CSI rewatch, so I don't remember very clearly, but did the writers mention what happened to Hank after Grissom left Vegas to meet Sara/be with her/move to Europe? And then Sara came back, and as far as I remember, they've never mentioned Hank again until CSI Vegas.
I hope you have an amazing week! 🤗
hi, anon!
i'm doing well! how are you?
re: your question:
canon gives no word on hank's whereabouts when grissom travels to costa rica to find sara and/or when grissom and sara subsequently move to france.
the last we see/hear of hank prior to the reboot confirmation of his passing is in episode 09x04 "let it bleed," when we see him lying bed with grissom, the both of them depressed and missing sara.
while in episode 09x11 "the grave shift," catherine reveals that grissom has not yet given up the lease on his and sara's vegas condo, she makes no mention of hank.
it remains unclear who is taking care of him while grissom and sara are in central america. it also remains unclear if grissom and sara ever move him overseas with them once they expatriate to europe or if they keep him in states even while they're abroad perhaps in the care of grissom's mother.
we know that at some point between his last appearance on the show in 2008 and the events of the reboot in 2021, he passes away, but it's unclear as to when that happens or under what circumstances.
so, ultimately, in this case, headcanon rules.
if you're interested in mine, i've got a little one-shot fic about it here.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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farenmaddox · 6 months ago
The epic highs and lows of 09x11 "First Born"
Everything with Dean and Crowley and Cain was amazing. No notes. Fantastic shit.
I'm here to mock and complain about the Sam and Cas scenes (although it's really just one scene chopped into snippets). Because it contains the DUMBEST shit dialogue they have ever written for Cas. I have been mad about it for so long and I am NOT over it, apparently.
"Sam, when I was human, I died, and that showed me that life is precious, and it must be protected at all costs, even a life as… as pig-headed as a Winchester's." "The only person who has screwed things up more consistently than you…is me. And now I know what that guilt feels like. And I know what it… I know what it means to feel sorry, Sam. I am sorry." "You know, old me -- I would've have just kept going. I would've jammed that needle in deeper until you died because the ends always justified the means. But what I went though -- Well, that PB and J taught me that angels can change, so…who knows?"
Sorry, but just... what? fucking excuse me??? Did they give this script to someone who hadn't seen past season 5??? This is the dialogue given to post-Godstiel, post-Purgatory, post-Naomi Cas? The Cas who has repeatedly begged angels to change like he has, and keeps trying to help them do it. The Cas with absolutely enormous amounts of blood on his hands, who fucking destroyed heaven for the sake of human lives and who has repeatedly demonstrated the fact that he values Winchester lives in particular. Values them so hard he was able to break the celestial programming in his brain to avoid killing one. The Cas who was so sorry and guilty about the lives he's taken that he refused to leave Purgatory and who admitted out loud that he was considering suicide until Sam, who is his conversation partner in this scene btw, changed his mind during that talk with Fred Jones. The Cas who keeps trying so hard to fix his mistakes. That Cas.
.... no, you're right. His reluctance to kill Sam is all because the woman who murdered him fed him a sandwich first. okay.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 09x11 First Born
“Going back in time” “the knife huh?” “Is this the Mark of Cain shit? I was wondering when we were going to get there” “why is dean not holding the blade?” “what’s a buddy comedy?” It’s two dudes doing funny shit
“Isn’t that this show?” “huh” “way to make it obvious” laughter “why?”
“HI Katy” “hunter’s Hogwarts huh?” “Are you having fun Katy?” Katy is one of our cats and she’s playing
“I must speak to the guinea pig” “I’ll interrogate the cat” “a whole warehouse of kraken huh?” “uh huh” “no hearing protection. Closed doors.” “helluva way to ruin a map” “just the whole million square miles or whatever the fuck it is” “Alexa, how many square miles are in Missouri?” “69000. Nice” “couple orders of magnitude less I guess” “bees” “what’s so bad about beekeeping?” “that’s a good line” “she’s fkn dead now” “might want to start running” “He didn’t do a good job of running back” “what a fkn douche” “let’s get our stab on” “why is Crowley still here if he wants to leave so bad?” “I know they’re trying to make it so he’s afraid of something” “if he started convulsing, wouldn’t the needle go all the way through his neck?” “sam’s an idiot” “how would he not know they’re already there?” “what happened to all the corn?” “I see a couple there. There’s plenty of room on the table I guess” “oh he’s got an angel blade” “there’s only the one demon blade right?” “I don’t feel like Cas actually would’ve” “well shit” “it would be all silted over by now; how could you find the blade?” “you don’t need no fkn blade. What the hell. Looks like quite the party” “what the fuck was all that about?” “what the fuck is going on?” Cas wants to call Dean; Sam says no “We need more episodes like this” The guy who wrote the Winchesters wrote this one. He writes good ones
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mothgardens · 1 year ago
Prefacing this by saying: I mean absolutely ZERO hate towards destiel truthers or people who don’t ship sastiel, but this is a shining opportunity for me to yap and yap and yap <3
Ok, so i’m currently on my second watch through of supernatural (currently im on 07x10), and I have noticed plenty of moments that make them ship-worthy, so:
Reasons I ship Sastiel, xoxo
1. Obviously i’m going to compare the Destiel first meeting to the Sastiel first meeting.
When Dean first saw Cas he attempted to stab him and attack him. He argued and threatened him. (I understand they thought he was a threat and all, but Dean’s attitude didn’t change for like half of season four)
Whereas when Sam first saw Cas he was in aw. He reached his hand out in hope, he stumbled on his words, and their handshake OMIGOD- Cas wrapping his hand over Sam’s, sandwiching the man’s hand in an embrace.
Sam was (probably, not definitely) the first nonviolent physical contact Cas got.
2. When Anna starts hunting Sam down and Cas says, “Because Sam is my friend” and “If you come near Sam Winchester, I’ll kill you”
3. In 05x13 “The Song Remains The Same”, Sam is far more worried about Cas than Dean is. Dean shows concern when he spots Cas, but after that it really doesn’t seem to bother him.
4. Cas being the first one to believe in Sam when it came to his strength to trap Lucifer into the cage.
5. Castiel CHOSE to raise Sam, it was an ORDER to raise Dean.
6. Cas being concerned over returning Sam’s soul through Death because of the possible effects, “i want Sam alive.” That line along with Cas being pissed at Dean for going through with the soul transfer bc it could have killed Sam.
7. Cas showing up immediately to Sam’s prays once his soul is returned. (I head-canon Cas never showed up for Soulless Sam bc he felt so much guilt at not having enough power to raise all of Sam).
8. Sam saying “I’d die for him” about Cas.
9. Cas saying the same perdition line to SAM in s6.
10. Sam still having hope in Cas (during his Godstiel arc) even when Dean is pissed off and unforgiving.
Sam praying to Cas and saying, “I don’t know if any part of you cares, but I think you’re still one us”
Cas showing up and begging Sam for help.
Now onto the segment of random Sastiel moments that live in my head rent free:
1. Dean letting a random ass angel (which he shouldn’t trust knowing his history with most angels) possess his brother through means of trickery and deceit.
Lest us not forget that possession is an allusion to noncon related content, and Dean gave permission to a stranger to do that to his brother. Said brother who has a history of losing his bodily autonomy, and hating it.
Then, Dean telling Cas that he cannot stay with them because it might reveal that “helpful” angel. Which is Dean sending Castiel off in his most vulnerable state (human) to just fend for himself (something Cas has no idea how to do properly).
Doesn’t sound too romantic to me <3
2. Cas being against Dean letting ANOTHER person (Crowley) possess Sam to get rid of Gadreel.
Cas reluctantly burning of Sam’s anti possession tattoo
3. Then Sam and Cas staying together after Dean has his “nobody needs me” speech and leaves
4. Literally all of 09x11, the quotes and scenes in this episode EAT.
i. the domesticity of the pb&j convo
ii. the intimacy of the healing scene right after that convo
iii. The fact Sam doesn’t get annoyed by Cas the way Dean does, he finds it more amusing and plays off it (like the “can i ask a question” “technically u just did” scene)
iv. “I want Gadreel to pay as much as you do, but nothing is worth losing you.”
v. “You know, being human didn’t just change my view of food, it changed my view of you.”
vi. “The only person who has screwed things up more consistently than you, is me.”
5. Also we should not forget the other Sastiel hugs, like the one (my favorite) when Dean and Sam escape the prison and Sam hugs Cas immediately. No hesitation.
6. Sam making up his and Castiel’s ship name
7. The iconic “go to my room and watch Netflix” line, plus a few others that point to Cas is staying with Sam in his room.
8. Cas and Sam being Jack’s dads (Dean is NOT)
i’m gonna end it here bc I totes can keep going, but I won’t <3
I legitimately don’t get sastiel, like we watched the same show right? Cas only has eyes for Dean.
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floral-cas · 4 years ago
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Sam and Cas + lavender by request ⤷ lavender symbolizes healing and magic
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gibbsabbyncis · 3 years ago
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NCIS 06x11 - 08x10 - 09x11 - 10x10 - 11x11 - 12x10 - 13x11 Leroy Jethro Gibbs & Abby Sciuto - Merry Christmas Everyone
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italwayshadtobeyou · 11 months ago
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Um, what? In 07x03, he punches Sam-- who's not only suffering from Hell hallucinations, but also had recently had a concussion-related seizure-- so hard, right in the face, that Sam falls backward off the porch/balcony.
Outside of season 7: Dean punches Sam, hard, for Meg's actions while possessing him (02x14), despite knowing that Sam had been possessed. Gadreel's possession of Sam, which Dean facilitated, causes memory loss and complete loss of physical control; when they find out that Gadreel left behind traces of grace, Dean calls Sam "teen mom" (09x11). Oh, and don't forget the panic room, where Dean and Bobby don't even bother to roll a helpless Sam onto his side while he suffers from a life-threatening detox seizure (04x21).
FYI Sam did kill Dean once in Supernatural.
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homehauntsyou · 2 months ago
if you could create another Goal Of The Nuclear/Normalcy storyline/arc for sam, would it have a romantic relationship? if yes, who would the person be (existing character or a new one)? if not, what would the circumstances be and would it surround a narratively Third person at all? and which point in the series do you think it would work the best? (as an aside, are there any existing characters like cas or gadreel or crowley or rowena that you would want to involve in this arc?)
oh my god. oh my goddd okay okay.
even though i never really find myself focusing on romantic relationships in spn, i think it would have to include a romantic relationship eventually. they tend to be critical to the winchesters' idea of Normalcy and the goal of the Complete Nuclear, and sam would only feel as though he's completely achieved that if he had a romantic relationship of some kind. however, i do think it would start without a romantic relationship though, with that as the eventual goal. i think sam would have to leave before he would be able to find someone, so he wouldn't necessarily start with that as his explicit, main goal, but he would find himself gradually ending up with a romantic partner.
i think the hard part about creating a storyline where sam strives for normalcy again is that they really only do work when dean and sam are separated (because of death or of their own volition) because of the nature of their dependency on each other and how all-consuming it is. there are a couple that work if you mess more with canon (s9/10 post-dean's death comes to mind, i've read a couple great fics where he ends up staying dead and sam & cas have to deal with that) but i think the timeframe that works the most with canon would be post-09x10. i would really enjoy a situation where sam’s anger and his struggle with his loss of autonomy is expressed by returning back into his initial, pre-series/s1 goal of achieving normalcy and safety. i would probably write it as a situation where sam increasingly begins to struggle with reality again, isn't really able to hunt effectively, and decides to take a step back. that could be a weird time frame in some ways because his choice to continue hunting in s9B could be interpreted as sam trying to prove that he still deserves to be alive / has a purpose that can be used for good, but I think if it was framed in a way through an injury or through a storyline where it’s unsafe for him to be hunting, then it could work. he would probably be eventually pulled back in by demon!/moc!dean but that’s to be expected of course <3 there is just so much s9 sam potential that the broader fandom tends to brush over, mostly because of avoiding dean’s actions / disliking that sam’s anger is towards dean, but i LOVE this time-period & i wish we’d gotten more about sam’s personal struggles after gadreel, including ones that don’t involve dean.
in terms of characters i would include — cas would probably have to be one, especially given his relationship with sam in s9/s10. i’ve always been really interested in his opinion before 09x10 (“you were stupid for the right reasons”) and whether it changed during/after 09x11 when he saw the effect it had on sam, which could be interesting to explore. and maybe also jody? only because i’m thinking about the deleted scene where sam tells her that he thinks smth is off before gadreel takes over again and i think she’s a less dean-biased character, which would be needed if sam wanted to step away. oh and gadreel ofc. their relationship that also isn’t a relationship at all is SO fascinating to me and i think he should just Lurk <3 figuratively and literally <3
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abbyabssciuto · 3 years ago
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areyoulonelygibbs · 3 years ago
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thank-god-and-you · 2 years ago
Interlude VIII
09x01, 09x02, 09x03, 09x04, 09x05, 09x06, 09x07, 09x08, 09x09, 09x10, 09x11, 09x12, 09x13, 09x14; also on FFN.
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Rating: T
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont; Dany/Jorah, minor Dany/Drogo, minor Dany/Daario, minor Dany/Jon.
Fic Summary: [Showverse] Jorah Mormont had been there at the start of Daenerys Targaryen’s new journey. He’d be by her side until its end.
Warnings: None.
Notes: Set in the Amor Vincit Omnia series. One ficlet of 350 words or less for each episode from S01E01. Canon until S08E03, AU from there.
Posted here on AO3 and here on FFN.
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briandietzenfanworld · 3 years ago
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NCIS 09x11 --> Newborn King
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