#03 OCTOBER panchang in hindi
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theastrosaga · 3 years ago
AAJ KA RASHIFAL 03 OCTOBER 2021 | आज का राशिफल  | DAILY HOROSCOPE | TODAY HOROSCOPE in HINDI  ============================================================ Ask our specialist for Personalized Horoscope Reading. 📞 Call us: 7439725044
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newsyatra · 4 years ago
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Weekly Horoscope: Kalashanti Astrology Weekly Horoscope from 28 September to 04 October | साप्ताहिक राशिफल: कलाशांति ज्योतिष साप्ताहिक राशिफल 28 सितम्बर से 04 अक्टूबर तक मेष लग्नराशि : इस सप्ताह मेष राशि के जातक/जातिकाओं को धन से जुड़े मामलों मैं अच्छे लाभ मिलने के संकेत हैं। इस हफ्ते आपका पारिवारिक जीवन अच्छा बना रहेगा। इस हफ्ते मित्रों और रिश्तेदारों के साथ समय व्यतीत हो सकता है। मध्य भाग में यात्रा का योग बन सकता है और धन का व्यय भी संभव है। कामकाज को लेकर हफ्ता सामान्य रहेगा। प्रेम-प्रसंग के मामले में सफल हो सकते हैं।
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astrocenter · 4 years ago
October  Panchang/Muhurats for the month of October,2020
Panchang is an ancient Indian calendar system based on astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage,greh pravesh, starting a festival puja etc.
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                          I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the October 2020. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities. 
Mal Maas:- is running from 18th September,2020 till 16th October,2020 called Purushottam Maas
Adhik Maas in 2020.
Ekadashi October 2020:- Indira Ekadashi on 13th October ,2020 and Panpkusha  Ekadashi on 27th October ,2020
Kartik  Sakranti :- 17th October2020 Sun will enter in Libra at 7.05  AM
Amavasya :- 16th October ,2020 Kartik Amavasya
Ganesh Chaurthi:- 5th October  2020 ( Krishan Paksha)- kartik  month and 20th October ,2020 (Shukal Paksha) Aswin month
Triyodshi/Pardosh fast on :-28th October ,2020  Shukal Paksha ( Aswin  month) and 14th  October,2020 Krishan Paksha- Kartik month  
Pradosh Vrat is auspicious devoted to Lord Shiva.
Purnima:- 1st October,2020 Aswin month
Shubh Muhurats in October 2020 :-       
Due to Corona Virus it is requested to maintain distance.
The Muhurats during Corona time to be followed as per Central and State Govt guidelines.
Any function in family to be celebrated with the permission and guidelines of local administration.
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Engagement in the month of October 2020:- 18th, 19th, 21st,22nd,25th,28th and 29th October,2020
Marriage dates in month of October 2020:-18th,19th,20th,21st,24th,25th,28th,29th,30th and 31st October,2020
Vehicles Purchase dates in October 2020: -19th, 21st,22nd,25th,28th,29th and 31st October,2020
These dates are most auspicious
The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatbisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid Moon falls on 4th, 6th and 8th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharni, Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th,9th,15t and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak,Sharavana,Phalguni and Aswin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Old house:-No Mahurut
New House:- 19th,28th,29th and 31st October,2020
Inauspicious Nakshatra in October, 2020:-Gand Moola Nakshatra:- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati
Gand Mool  Nakshatra:-
Revati Nakshatra 2nd October,2020  from  05.57 AM  till 04th October, 2020 Ashwini Nakshatra up to 11.52 AM
Aslesha Nakshatra 11th October ,2020 from 25.19 AM till 13th October,2020 Magha akshatra  up to 22.54 PM
Jyestha Nakshatra 20th October,2020 from 03.53 AM to 21st October ,2020 Moola till 25.13 AM
Revati Nakshatra from 29th October,2020 till 12.00 PM till 31st October,2020 till Ashwini 17.58 PM
 Panchak- 28th September,2020 from 09.41 AM till 3rd October,2020 till 08.51 AM
25th October,2020 from 15.26 PM till 30th October,2020 till 14.57 PM
Stars position in October,2020
Sun will enter on 17th October, 2020 in Libra at 07.05 AM
Mars running in Pisces retrograde from 05/10/2020
Mercury will be running in Libra from 22/09/2020
Mercury to retrograde from 14/10/2020
Jupiter in Sagittarius till 20th November,2020
Venus running in Leo on 28th September,2020
Venus to enter in Virgo on 23/10/2020
Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020 from 9.56 AM
Rahu running in Taurus from 23rd September,2020
Mercury is combust on 16th October,2020
Mercury running retrograde from 14/10/2020
Mercury will move forward on 03/11/2020
Saturn will move forwards from 29th September,2020
Mars is retrograde from 10/09/2020 and will move forward from 14/11/2020
Jupiter is running forward from 13th September,2020
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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astrocenter · 5 years ago
September Panchang/Muhurats for the month of September,2020
Panchang is an ancient Indian calendar system based on astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage,greh pravesh, starting a festival puja etc.
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                         I am sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of September 2020. Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities. 
Sharad:- 1st September ,2020 till 17th September,2020 ( No auspicious task during sharad period)
Mal Maas:-18th September,2020 till 16th October,2020 called Purushottam Maas
Adhik Maas in 2020.( No auspicious task during this month).
Ekadashi September 2020:- Indira Ekadashi on 13th September,2020 and Panpkusha  Ekadashi on 27th September,2020
Aswin  Sakranti :- 16th September 2020 Sun will enter in Virgo at 10.47 AM
Amavasya :- 17th September,2020 Aswin Amavasya
Ganesh Chaurthi:- 5th September 2020 ( Krishan Paksha)- Aswin  month and 20th September ,2020 (Shukal Paksha) Aswin month
Triyodshi/Pardosh fast on :-29th September,2020  Shukal Paksha ( Aswin  month) and 15th September ,2020 Krishan Paksha- Aswin month  
Pradosh Vrat is auspicious devoted to Lord Shiva.
Purnima:- 2nd September ,2020 Bhadarpad month
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Shubh Muhurats in September 2020 :-       
Due to Corona Virus it is requested to avoid gathering-remain in homes.
The Muhurats till Corona time to be avoided. Central and State Govt guidelines to be strictly implemented. Any function in family to be celebrated with the permission and guidelines of local administration.
  Engagement in the month of September 2020:- No Muhurat this month due to Sharad and Mal mass
Marriage dates in month of September 2020:-1st September from 6.00 AM to 9.39 AM only
Vehicles Purchase dates in September 2020: - No Muhurat this month due to Sharad and Mal Mass
These dates are most auspicious
The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatbisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid Moon falls on 4th, 6th and 8th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh Parvesh:- Vishakha, Bharni, Alshesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th,9th,15t and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh Parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh parvesh.
The best Months for Greh Parvesh are Vaishak,Sharavana,Phalguni and Aswin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Old house:- No Muhurat
New House:- No Muhurat
Inauspicious Nakshatra in September ,2020:-Gand Moola Nakshatra:- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati
Gand Mool  Nakshatra:-
Revati Nakshatra 4th September,2020  from 23.28 PM   till 07th September, 2020  Ashwini Nakshatra up to 05.24 AM
Aslesha Nakshatra 14th September ,2020 from 15.52  PM till 16th September ,2020 Magha akshatra  up to 12.21 PM
Jyestha Nakshatra 22nd September,2020 from 03.48 AM to 24th  September ,2020 Moola till 18.10 PM
 Panchak- 1st September,2020 from 12.31 PM till 06th September ,2020 till 02.21  AM
Stars position in September,2020
Sun will enter on 16th September ,2020 in Virgo at 19.07 PM
Mars running Aries from 16th August,2020 at 18.28 PM
Mercury will enter in Virgo on 2nd September,2020 at 12.02 PM
Jupiter in Sagittarius till 20th November,2020
Venus will enter in Cancer on 1st September,2020 at 02.04 AM and in Leo on 28th September,2020 at 01.02 AM
Saturn running in Capricorn from 24/01/2020 from 9.56 AM
Rahu running in Gemini from 07/03/2019
Mercury is rising on 2nd September, 2020  
Jupiter will be running forward from 13th September,2020
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Parmod Kumar-Ex AGM Punjab National Bank
PK Astrocenter-Rajpura
A Banker turned Astrologer (Seven years of  practical experience ). 
 I research and practice astrology, numerology, palmistry and face readings (Psychic)-Parmod Kumar Known as PK Astrocenter.
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Pk Astrocenter
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