#021.  ❛  lately  I’ve  been  thinking.  ❜  —  (  headcanon.  )
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blastzoned · 2 years ago
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pro hero Katsuki is absolutely not considered a family friendly hero. his PR manager is constantly up his ass about not cussing in front of children as well as very annoyed because that is the fourth time this month you have yelled at the paparazzi that they're a bunch of "shit eating vultures who don't fucking contribute to society at all go die in a ditch—" your reputation is getting worse by the DAY, DO YOU UNDERSTAND, BY THE DAY, BAKUGOU
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cataclysmicregret · 3 years ago
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as an adeptus who has been around for two thousand years, Xiao has had much time to pick up the languages of Teyvat. while, obviously, Xiao speaks the main dialect of Liyue, he has been there as the language has evolved. he remains one of the only beings left living in Liyue who can still flawlessly read texts that predate even him, not that he’s had much use for that, of course.
on top of that, he also knows many dialects of other languages, anywhere from Narukami Inazuman to the ever evolving tongue of Mondstadt. he does have a tendency to switch to a person’s native language rather than mess with Teyvat’s common tongue.
oh, and don’t even try to get him to understand slang.
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iceablaze-blog · 5 years ago
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Shouto has never had much luck with friendship, whether making or maintaining friends. this is mostly due to the fact that he was homeschooled until he attended UA, so he missed his most important years of development with other children. his limited contact with his siblings built the basis for how he would come to socialize up until the present.
that’s why, for the most part, Shouto is and will always be a sort of a loner. even after befriending those in his class, he enjoys his solitude and time on his own. he could be described as an introvert, as he cares little for going out and doing things and can only take small bits of socialization before he needs to recharge.
despite his cool demeanor, Shouto is fiercely loyal. those he’s brought close enough to his heart to call his friends already know that he wouldn’t hesitate to do anything for them. whether it’s staying up late to study or facing off against villains for them, Shouto’s friends can rest assured that he is always ready to defend them.
this isn’t a quality that magically disappears once he runs away in his main verse. he loves and cares for his friends, but he’s blinded by insecurity and doubt to how much they care for him. that’s why he can justify leaving, often remarking that they will simply “forget him and move on.”
this is because while they have such a monumental impact on every aspect of Shouto’s life, he does not feel like he impacts their lives at all, and thinks himself easily replaceable.
loyalty doesn’t die due to insecurities, however, and if his friends were in need of help, he would gladly expose himself  (  knowing that the result would be going back to his life before, which terrifies him  )  in order to help them. this is, of course, a heroic trait that isn’t singular to his friends, as he would blow his cover to help anyone in mortal peril. but with his friends, it is done not out of a sense of obligation, but out of love and loyalty. no amount of reassurance would stop him from helping a friend, because they are sometimes all he thinks he has.
they say Todorokis are immensely stubborn, and in some ways that’s a blessing.
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iceablaze · 5 years ago
tag drop: Shouto.
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viatrixisms · 3 years ago
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Lumine tags!!
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blastzoned · 2 years ago
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a headcanon about: name signs
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on top of his normal kinda insulting verbal nicknames for his classmates, Katsuki also assigns name signs ( specialized signs meant to refer to a specific person ) to his friends and people who are often in his life. while normally it would be a descriptive sign for these people based on their appearance or personality ( such as giggly, ponytail, red ), he instead imitates their quirks to refer to a specific person. 
it’s important to know that name signs are not universal nor are they automatically granted by a deaf person. name signs can change depending on friend groups or the person signing, and many deaf people will only assign name signs to close friends and loved ones. because these signs are not universal, most people will not understand the structure of a sentence if a name sign is used that they’re not familiar with. 
this doubly goes for Katsuki, who does not use standard name signs — basically, unless someone is told before or when he uses it, they may have no idea that this gesture refers to a specific person.
who has a name sign assigned by Katsuki depends entirely on where in his timeline he is. for example, at the beginning of U.A., only Izuku would have a name sign. by current happenings of the manga, most if not all of the class would have name signs. by his pro hero verse, all of his former classmates as well as several of his former teachers would have name signs.
some of the name signs assigned are as follows:
Kirishima — he will knock his fists together twice the same way his friend does when he’s posing.
Izuku — his name sign changes depending on timeline. in middle school and early U.A., Katsuki uses a standard sign for “useless” to refer to Izuku, as a way of using the nickname “Deku” for him. after the fight following the Hero License exam, Katsuki begins to use a new sign to refer to Izuku: simply, he will put one hand on top of the other and flick his middle finger as Izuku does when using OFA.
Kaminari — he puts two thumbs up with a gentle flick of his wrist to refer to Kaminari.
Mina — Katsuki will flick his wrist while moving his arm in an arc in front of his chest, as if throwing acid. This is a similar movement to throwing a frisbee, however it is more subtle.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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yes, Bakugou has anxiety, no I don’t take criticism.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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if Katsuki takes his hearing aids out around your muse, it means he’s comfortable. I don’t mean the classic “Izuku’s talking, time to yeet the aids” moments, but when he’s alone with someone. when taking them out and giving himself a break from being overstimulated. wearing hearing aids and / or constantly acting as a Hearing individual can be stressful!  headaches occur, overstimulation occurs, or he may straight up not feel like wearing them.
but to take them out in a more intimate setting, one-on-one, is a lot. communication has to turn over solely to signing / charades for non-signers, or writing notes. contrary to popular belief, lip reading is extremely difficult and not foolproof  (  no, seriously, it’s not. put in some headphones and then try reading someone’s lips, and you’ll realize the idea that lip reading is a perfectly okay method of communication is bs  ).
to put himself in what he views as a purposefully vulnerable position denotes a lot of trust from Katsuki. he’s trusting your muse to see a side of him he doesn’t often like to display. feel special.
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iceablaze-blog · 5 years ago
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if I can present: a look at Shouto’s appearance in his main verse, post-run! one icy hot baby who probably needs some therapy and a hug or two. I was blessed enough to have a friend who could take everything I wanted Shouto to be and turn it into a visual experience, from every blotch of scar all the way down to his tongue piercing. thank you darling!
art by the wonderfully talented stormridership. do not repost.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
Katsuki is a witch with an affinity for fire. fire witches are extremely rare, as fire magic is not easy to contain in a human body. these witches are explained as unhinged, gruff, rough, dangerous and most of all: determined. they are not to be played with, messed with. they will burn your entire world to the ground.
PYRE WITCH is a derogatory term for fire witches; it comes from long forgotten whispers of fire witches burning their enemies at the stake. the flames would raise high until you could only call them a pyre.
despite society rejecting fire witches as a whole, fire is white magic, hence witch. black magic is practiced by sorcerers.
as a fire witch, he is born with a light inside him that only grows stronger with heightened emotions. fire witches contain immense magic, making them the strongest of the affinities. however, because fire is not easily controlled by children, many fire witches die young from uncontrolled magic, making them a dying breed. few full grown fire witches exist in the world.
WITCHES are people born with some innate white magical ability. common affinities are water, earth, fire, air and light. white magic comes naturally to those born with it, and they have a strong sense of family and community.
SORCERERS are people born with some innate black magical ability. common affinities are blood, mind magic, darkness, metal and spirit talking. black magic is hard to control and hard to master. black magic users often find themselves alone or in small groups.
it is RARE but not UNHEARD OF for a child to be born with more than one affinity. these children are blessed, sacred and often treated as higher because of their abilities.
quite possibly the most rare combination is that of both white and black magic. children born with both are unexpected to survive infancy…but it can happen.
Katsuki was born with extremely powerful fire magic; his mother possessed latent fire magic that she couldn’t quite control and his father was known for his light magic. these two types of magic combined within Katsuki to give him superior fire power, so to speak.
Katsuki’s bad attitude stems from the stigma against fire witches combined with his own red hot personality. he started off childhood wanting to grow stronger and prove that fire witches weren’t bad, but that fell apart during his teen years. as a young adult, he has a reputation as being dangerous, hard to work with and volatile.
one of Katsuki’s most pronounced skills is his ability to unravel magic; while every witch is born with the ability to weave magic, the ability to unravel spells, wards and enchantments is extremely difficult, advanced magic that most of the population never has any luck with.
there’s no spells to fix his shitty personality, sorry.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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Katsuki accepting Izuku and starting to not hate him quite as much and seeing him as a sort of equal is immediately signaled by changing his name sign from the sign for ‘dumb’ to the finger flick Izuku does right before he breaks all his fucking bones.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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Katsuki’s relationship with his mom may be strained, but he does care about her. in a way, he kind of understands where she’s coming from with all of her aggression and knows that’s where he got it from.
as a child, he was a bit of a mama’s boy, and liked to follow her around and spend time with her. his mom was strong and took no shit, and he kind of picked up on that. he grew more and more independent as he got older, but he still appreciates how they were before he went and fucked himself up.
despite his pride, he also admires his mother for sticking with learning sign language even when it made her frustrated and she just wanted to scream. despite how easy it would’ve been to quit and raise Katsuki as hearing with simply hearing aids, she stuck with it and, along with his father, taught him sign language to further his communication skills.
even now that he’s in high school, his mother understands him. unlike his father, his mother still uses spoken word on occasion when Katsuki’s home for break, like when she’s making dinner, so that Katsuki doesn’t get lost in a world of no talking and experience a shock when he goes back to school. she also corrects his pronunciation if it’s poor or if he has trouble hearing the word clearly enough to repeat it.
all in all, Katsuki does love his mother and she does a lot for him. even when it comes to them not getting along all the time, Katsuki knows that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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Bakugou’s mom gave him his name sign, inadvertently when she was imitating him as a kid, and it simply stuck afterwards. 
his name sign is both fists closed then opening quickly, similar to how you would try and charade the word ‘explosion.’ 
it looks a lot like how Bakugou positions his hands when using his quirk, hence how it evolved from Mitsuki teasingly mimicking him.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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A HEADCANON ABOUT:  his hearing
I’ve seen the Bakugou is deaf trope floating around in the fandom and that is absolutely true to this blog. as someone who is Hard of Hearing, I enjoy the content and representation we get from this trope and I want to incorporate that onto my blog.
Katsuki would’ve started to damage his hearing as a child; being young enough when he starts to damage his hearing allows him to be able to still pick up on JSL before he’s too old for it to be easy. his parents and him would both be fluent in JSL and communicate primarily through it unless someone had their hands full, in which they’d use spoken word. it should be noted that Katsuki does retain some degree of hearing, but does continue to damage what he has left due to his continued hero work, and could possibly become completely deaf by late twenties.
of the people who knows Katsuki is deaf, that’d be...everyone! Katsuki wears hearing aids, and actually gets them updated after his hero suit is designed, resulting in black hearing aids with an orange X on each. he’s the one who insisted they match and the people who developed his support items are also responsible for the upgrade to his hearing aids.
I’m not a big fan of Katsuki hiding his hearing problem. yes, it does sting to have someone use his hearing as an excuse or pity him because of it, but you know what? Katsuki is someone who rises above and beyond expectations. you think he can’t be a hero because of his hearing? fuck you, he’ll be number one someday. he also does not identify as Deaf but rather as Hard of Hearing due to the fact that he has little contact with Deaf culture.
“deaf” — referring to hearing loss of any kind. please note the lowercase d.
“Deaf” — culturally Deaf, as relating to Deaf culture. please note the uppercase D.
“Hard of Hearing” — experiencing hearing loss, but still identifying with the Hearing culture, or when functioning as a Hearing person ( such as when using cochlear implants or hearing aids ).
“Deafened” — a term some Deaf people use for those who are not born deaf or experience hearing loss later in life.
“Hearing Aids” — normally only helping with mild to moderate hearing loss; in this blog’s canon, they can also function similar to Cochlear Implants.
“Cochlear Implants” — a type of aid that is surgically implanted for help with moderate to profound hearing loss; in this blog’s canon, Cochlear Implants are outdated due to advancements in technology for hearing aids.
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blastzoned · 5 years ago
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Bakugou would kill a bitch or five for his friends, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
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iceablaze-blog · 5 years ago
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deception  and  perfection  are  wonderful  traits.
Shouto Todoroki is the fourth child and second in line to the throne of the kingdom that borders the Outlands. born to Enji and Rei Todoroki, Shouto is the first person in the kingdom’s line born with two types of magic, with two cryomancer siblings and one pyromancer sibling. 
The Todoroki lines have been ice users since the beginning of their country, and the current Queen, Rei, was the first to marry a man with a different type of magic than her own. this resulted in children with either ice or fire. The Queen’s Regent, Enji, acts as King due to an unfortunate event that left Rei in shambles and her youngest son scarred.
The previous heir to the throne was Touya, firstborn and a fire user, but due to an incident which is illegal to discuss, he is gone.
First in line is Natsuo, a cryomancer who is training to take the throne from Rei when he’s old enough.
Third born, Fuyumi, is a soft princess who is technically third in line for the throne, though she is older than her youngest brother.
And then there is Shouto, the outcast prince, whose disfigured face and bitter personality make him fairly unapproachable. With no discernible path in life other than not to embarrass his father and family, Shouto’s journey to a new path could begin any day.
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