#017. ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʀ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ║field operative harding║
griim · 1 year
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@lt-ghxst cont.
Gemma had been enjoying her early night off, for once she could enjoy some downtime. And quiet time. Turning on her music she closed her eyes, relaxing until she heard the familiar ding.
23:48 [ text: Ghost ]: uts fucking 2348… 23:48 [ text: Ghost ]: its* 23:49 [ text: Ghost ]: and hell if I know what the mess has 23:49 [ text: Ghost ]: esp at this hour. 23:50 [ text: Ghost ]: Yeah… I do. You comin over?
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griim · 1 year
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@hntingdeath asked; “I thought you were dead when I found you. You’re lucky to be alive”
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Sun beat down on the small group of people. However, the heat was not the threat. They all had been through worse in training. It was those who planned to attack that were the threat. ‘Clear on the south side,’ Gemma heard through her earpiece, ‘clear on the northern…’ Looking through the M25 binoculars she had around her neck, the movement had been noticed, “we got movement in the east… It looks like five, maybe six tangos… Bossman, how we looked on th-” However, she was interrupted by the explosion, followed by the curses and intel being yelled over the comms, trying to relay any information.
‘I’ve been hit.’ Caboose yelled out. Was the position gotten compromised? Either way, they needed to hold down the area. It was the only area that gave them the tactical advantage. “Firefly, you’re with Bossman. Blade, with me in the east… Caboose, you try to get us any intel you can. And stay the fuck awake.” Gemma noticed the man was losing blood, “Whatever they are doin’ they are going to move fast. Now that they got our-” Over the earpiece, actual came in telling them they had several hostels in the area. Which, no shit, they did. A little more warning would have been nice. Sighing, Gemma took over and ordered Blade to cover her six. Peaking out, she fired at two that began to run towards them, “Actual, this is Grim… How many we lookin-”
‘Something was not right,’ the woman thought, ‘they knew our position and cut our comms. All of this screamed inside job. It had to be unless someone was sneaky and got lucky. But even from the start, something was rocky about this whole operation.’
The gunfire between the two lasted for what seemed like ever before she heard, ‘I'm out,’ from Bossman and then from the rest of the crew. “Fuck, alright… For now, it seems quiet… Firefly, Caboose, you two head out there and gather what you can. I'm sure they got something for us to use.” They needed to think fast before backup arrived. Gemma’s head began to throb, “If they come back empty… We gotta move. There is no fuckin’ way we are keeping this point if this shit keeps going like it is.” From a short distance, the sounds of a truck approaching, and it was not one of theirs, getting low. They watched as the truck pulled up and parked beside the small building. All she heard was, blow it up and get them out of here alive or dead. “Move… Move!” Gemma ushered her team out, just as she had the explosion go off and the building collapsed around her.
‘Grim, this is Bossman. How copy? They got the comms up, copy?’ Radio silence.
Gemma groaned as she woke up, finding herself in an unfamiliar place. And with no one she knew around. ‘Fuck, have I been captured?’ She hoped the rest of the team made it out alive. That was all that mattered, Gemma would not crack. They could do their worst, and it would be nothing compared to what her father did. Holding her head, Gemma had no idea how she managed to make it out alive, but she was here. Sitting up, she glanced around, “hello?” Maybe she was lucky and found a friendly civilian, though that was doubtful.
“I thought you were dead when I found you. You’re lucky to be alive”
‘You could say that again,’ "I thought I was dead too.." Gemma thought, glancing over to the other, muttering the whole she thought she was dead too. Blinking several times, Gemma was seeing double, though that was probably due to the head injury. “Alright, I am sure you are ready for the bombardment of questions. As I am sure you know, I have no idea where I am. At least now, I don't. So, who are you? Where am I? And how long have I been out?” Getting up, she was a little wobbly, but nothing she could not walk off. Steadying herself, she needed to find a phone, “and do you have a phone?” Eyeing the other, Gemma noticed he might be military, which sent red flags off. It did not seem American, which meant she had to tread carefully. "Military?" The woman pointed at him, "Or do you love dressing up like that."
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griim · 2 years
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@medicbled​ liked for a one liner.
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Waking up she looked around, “where the hell am I? What the hell happened?” Her body ached as she blinked several times, trying to fully wake up.
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griim · 1 year
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@t0nystrk cont.
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“Ohh, eating out would require getting dressed and leaving the house…” Gemma groaned a little, a smirk coming to her lips. She had a better idea. “How about, we order something and stay in.” Stepping close to him, arms wrapping around him in return. “Because that way, neither of us needs to get dressed, AND we still get food.” Humming, she kissed him, looking up into his eyes, “How does that sound?”
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griim · 1 year
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Incoming message from @lt-ghxst; ❛ i know you probably hate me right now, and i get it. ❜
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The sights around them were the same shade of ‘sand’ color they had been for four hours again, and even the same from three days ago. A never-ending sea of sand and heat. The occasional camp or village is a welcome sight to break up the monotony of the landscape. As the sun beat down on the small group of people, it was not the heat that had become the threat. Each of them had been through worse in training. It was those who planned attacks against them that were the threat. Gemma had kept her distance between herself and Ghost. Gemma needed to clear her head. After what was said, she wondered if joining them was the best option for her. Gemma kept her mind on the task at hand, though the thoughts of Jordan and the explosion still echoed silently behind her tired eyes. So far, the terrain around them seemed clear, but she knew that any moment that could change and hell would break loose. Her hands remained tightly gripped on her rifle, preparing for the worse, hoping it didn’t come to that. Boots continued to stomp into the sand, leaving small but deep footprints as she went along. However, her thoughts were interrupted by a voice coming from beside her.
‘I know you probably hate me right now, and I get it.’
“Hate you? Why the fuck would I hate you for doing your damned job?” Yeah, Gemma was mad that she had been back seated partway through the last operation. But he was right. She had been hurt and needed to rest, not that it had ever stopped her before, but this was not her unit. And if she had gone out there hurt like she was, she might have gotten the squad and herself killed. Besides, Gemma was not in charge, and while she wanted to prove herself, getting killed would not prove anything. “I mean. Yeah, I’m mad, but I can’t fault you for calling me out either. But what, are you apologizing to me? Because you and I both know that we don’t need to apologize, that is for actual mistakes. Not a good call.” The woman sighed, swapping her rifle for her canteen, “I think we are about what, four klicks from our target? You think we are going to make it before nightfall?” Gemma did her best to push on. However, she needed to clear the air between the lieutenant and herself. “Look, thanks for looking out for me back there.”
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griim · 1 year
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@lt-ghxst cont.
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‘Do we?’ She scoffed, thinking to herself. Because since joining the Army, Gemma had not had many times where she could choose the outcome of something. The ghosts of those innocent civilians suffered because a higher-up, who didn’t get his hands dirty, decided that they were unsavable. “Yeah? And most of the time those choices either get ignored or end up with us getting into deep shit. Sometimes it's worth it though.” From her spot, Gemma watched a man take cover after Riley's shot, smirking as she counted silently in her head before taking the shot. The man fell to the ground with a thud. Glancing over she sighed, “doesn’t really matter. Orders are orders, right? Unless you feel like goin’ against them.” 
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griim · 1 year
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@spybiote hey sorry Tumblr was messing up the thread I moved it here.
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Knowing that the other potentially was a threat, Gemma kept her cool, it was what she was best at. There was no need for people to get harmed, on either side. However, Gemma had orders to take the other out with force. But this needed to be played, RIGHT, not just hostile threats getting tossed about between the two. The moment the other began to speak, Gemma knew this would not be easy. Her job never was.
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“You are just picking apart what I say, huh? Looking for a reason to fight. Listen, for those kids to sleep at night. Sometimes you gotta fight. Which is why I do what I do.” Gemma shifted her weight, “I'm not a fool in thinking that peace comes with just talking. Yeah, sometimes it does, but sometimes actions need to be taken. And I am sure you can agree, at least to some extent, right?” She was looking for any common ground she could get on because at least it could open a positive dialog. “Oh, I don’t disagree, that things like that happen, ALL the time. The rich and uneducated make the rules for the rest of us.” However, doing what the other was doing would NOT change anything. It might make them double down. Sighing, she glanced over her shoulder. Making sure they still were alone. “-” She opened her mouth to speak but fell silent. Again, the woman had a point. Gemma knew that voting was nothing more than an illusion. Everything was already set in stone before you even had a choice. ‘Gemma, you can't negotiate with her. You CAN'T join her…’ Lowering her weapon, she figured maybe she could gain the others' trust, and then, who knows. Either change her mind OR make a change in this world. “Tell me what you have planned. What change do you plan on bringing about?”
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griim · 2 years
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@kcdiak​ asked; '' i thought we could be honest with each other no matter what. '' 
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Stopping, her hand rests on the belt of her uniform. ‘Right, open and honest.’ Sighing, Gemma turned and nodded, “you are right, Kodiak. And sometimes things need to be kept under lock and key… Especially when it comes to things in the field unless it is for the benefit of the whole unit.” Walking over, she stood before him, looking up at him, “anything else I would share with you in a heartbeat, you know that. Otherwise, I would not have said you were my brother. But this intel needed to be heard by fewer people in case the hostiles got a hold of one of us. It is to save your life. You’ve gotta understand that.” Glancing around, making sure they were alone, it was time she brought something to his attention that she had been noticing, and since they were talking about being honest with one another, this seemed like the perfect time to bring it up.
“And, while we are on the topic of honesty. Have you been drinking more lately? Because I’ve noticed that you’ve been slipping up. You know that if anyone else catches you. You would be up for being discharged, right? What is going on?”
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griim · 2 years
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@becomelions​ hope this works!
The wheels touched down, a smile on the team's faces, stateside again, finally. The familiar Carolina airport coming into view, the flight was long but well worth it to be h o m e. At least until duty called once more. Knowing this fucking world would not be long from now. Grabbing her overhead duffle, she tossed it over her shoulder and hated the stairs of the people on the plane. So what, Gemma served the country, but she did not need the homecoming parade all the time. Or the hundreds of thank you’s. Sighing, she walked with the team through the airport, “so boys, what is on the agenda tonight?” Gemma held the rather large duffle close to her. After a few ideas tossed around, one sounded the best. Burgers and drinks, “hell yeah, see, at least one of us has a fucking brain.” They laughed and made a plan to meet at the bar a mile up the road from the base of operations, knowing none of them could go too far from headquarters.
Bozman had decided to room with Gemma, the two being close, nearly siblings both in and out of the field. After arriving back at the apartment, she tossed the bag onto her bed, flung off her boots, and plopped onto the small mattress. ‘Far better than a fucking cot.’ Gemma sighs, eyes looking up at the ceiling for a while. It was nice to have air conditioning again. Pulling out her work phone, she placed it on the nightstand before getting up to shower, which she did not know if she would ever want to leave again. Removing her uniform top, she folded it and placed it on the counter, followed by the rest of her clothes, planning to toss them in the wash once she finished in the shower. Untying her hair, Gemma stepped into the shower. Turning it on, she let the water rain down, eyes closed for some time as she let her mind unwind.
“Wheels up in forty-five, Grim,” Bozman called out through the door. It seemed she could not catch a break. But at least this was for a drink and something she had been craving for months, a burger.
Finishing up, Gemma and Bozman headed to the local bar. While feet killed her, it would have been worse to miss out on the best damn burger and beer in the area. Sitting in the booth, she and her crew laughed and enjoyed the first night at home in months. Finally, they did not have to worry about being shot or worse. Eating disgusting MREs. Not that any of them feared any of that. Each member had been through hell and knew they would come out on top. Several rounds of pool and darts had gone by, and the last call had been called upon a bit too long if you ask anyone else. Luckily Bozman volunteered to be responsible and let Gemma drink this time. Heading home, Gemma stumbled a little up the stairs and to her bed. Where in a matter of moments, she was out. And, if you asked any of her team, that first night of sleep was always the best.
That is until you are interrupted by that familiar sound, DUTY CALLING. Groaning, she looked at the electric clock, which read ‘4:30 AM’.
“NOT NO, COME ON MAN,” Gemma grumbled before picking it up, sobering up rather quickly, having gone through this a few times. “Operative Harding, go.” The man on the other line began to speak. They were very awake for this time in the morning, but what was new there? “Mhm.” She nodded while putting on her socks, reaching for her pants nearby. This time it was a rescue mission, something they had not gotten to do with the last two operations. Now, this was something she could get behind. They were sometimes the more challenging ones. However, her face dropped when she heard it was to save brothers in arms. ‘Shit,’ Gemma stood up, pulling her pants up. “How long till wheels are up?” She assumed Bozman had gotten the same wake-up call, “Ninety minutes? Got it, be there in twenty.” Hanging up, she finished dressing, shoving the phone in her pocket. Gemma figured she could do her hair in the car. No big deal.
Grabbing her duffel bag, she slung it back over her shoulder. “Ain't no rest for the wicked right Bossman.” A sleepy grin appeared on her face. Gemma has a love-hate relationship with mornings. “Hopefully, the C.O. is nice enough to have coffee for us.” Hopping into the car, she and Bozman made their way to the base, meeting up with the team; they all gave nods, Gemma finishing her hair, walked in, and stood next to Bozman at the table. “So, what are we lookin’ at?” She asked the meeting began, and soon were shown footage of where they would be dropped into, ‘Oh, enemy lines. What did they get themselves into, Rangers…’ Shaking her head, she made several mental notes, “how long have they been held down?” ‘Seventy-two hours.’ She could not help but wonder why not call sooner? They were near this place no more than twenty-four hours ago. They could have been there sooner. How many lives were put in more danger because they waited? Why the fucking wait? Gemma, Bozman, and the group shared stairs. They must have all been thinking the same thing. “Alright, how are they holding up?” Once again, they got their answers and got dismissed.
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Heading out to the plane, Gemma sighed, “Seventy-two hours. Jesus, what were they waiting for, a fucking Hail Mary?” There was one thing that bothered Gemma more than incompetent soldiers. And that was incompetent leaders. But she could not blame their C.O. they follow orders from higher up. They go when they are called upon, not sooner. Several hours passed, and they got the signal they were approaching. “It’s show time, boys.” She smiled. Even if she was not happy about how this mission started, Gemma enjoyed what she did no matter what. It was what she loved. After landing, the group began to push forward to the group, meeting a lot of resistance along the way. These people were not the best welcoming party.
"We are about four klicks away from the group. Imagine if we would have dropped closer. Our welcoming party would have showered us even more." She teased as she walked through the sand.
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griim · 3 years
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@bravery-sought​ asked; “somebody hit you ? ”
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‘Fuck’ lips mouth as she notices she’s surrounded, Gemma’s odds of walking out of this were slim, but she had worse odds. After knocking out a few, she went for who she assumed was the leader. However, he was ready for her. One punch to the side of the head threw her to the ground, out cold for several minutes, enough time for them to get away. Lucky bastards. Blinking quickly, Gemma snaps up, expecting to see herself either surrounded at gunpoint or in some new place. Though neither of those happened, how? Coughing, Gemma whipped some blood from her nose and lip, “fuck. That hurt..” Hearing the other voice, she snapped her head to them, reaching for her pistol on the ground, “no shit, I was hit by someone.” Rolling her eyes, Gemma checked her weapon out. Luckily it was still working. Getting up slowly from the ground, she dusted herself off, “they are lucky they aren’t here right now. They won’t be so lucky next time…” Walking over to the person, head still throbbing, she mumbles, ‘would have been much better if you were here fifteen minutes ago. None of this would have happened. Or it would have gone differently.’ “Who are you, and why did it take you this long to get here… I’m assuming you are some kind of backup.”
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griim · 3 years
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@only-we​ asked; Another base, another mission, another new squad. Jacob eyed the soldiers he would share his next days and weeks with. They all seemed relatively capable. They had to be. After all you didn’t go around Kabul with a bunch of inexperienced newbies. It wasn’t usual to just puzzle together a new squad either, but here they were, nothing to do about that. They would have to make the best of it. He knew a few comrades from earlier missions, but she definitely was a new face. They would have a bit time to waste waiting in the large tent where they would be given intel on the mission that laid ahead. Reaching out a hand to offer it to the woman sitting across from him on one of the metal folding chairs, Jacob nodded to her. “Seed. Already been around here before, too?”
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How many deployments was this? Nine? Ten? They all were blurring together, sometimes she even felt as if they were never-ending, but it was far better than being back stateside. Quietly Gemma sighed to herself as brown eyes glanced around. Of course, she was unfortunately placed with the newbies, wet behind the ears soldiers ready to prove themselves. ‘Let the pissing contest begin.’ The woman mumbled. Gemma wondered why and how she had gotten chosen for this deployment, especially in Kabul. Again. The last time she had been here, she figured it would be her last, but yet the town called to her again. Hearing the rumors about what had been going on here, the uprising, and the constant gun battles. This place had become hell, and they were being brought right into the center of it.
“Those poor people.” She mutters as she kept her head low, walking towards the tent, eyes squinted, the sun beating down on the base. Gemma entered and took a long look at the team that she was going to be fighting alongside. Hopefully, they could keep up, and she would not be covering their asses all the time.
As the other entered the tent, she gave a firm nod. Sitting across from him, she held out her hand, “Harding. And yeah, been here before, thought it was going to be my last. But boy, did this place go to hell in a handbag. How about you? How many times have you been here, and are you ready to get back in?”
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griim · 3 years
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@danversiism​ asked; ❛  nobody  really  cared ,   so  it  never  really  mattered .  ❜
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Wait, wasn't she the pessimistic one? Something was wrong, and even if Gemma SUCKED at helping people with emotions. She owed it to Carol to help her, even if she should take her advice. “Hey, what’s gotten into you? I am normally a gloom and doom person…” Gemma stepped closer, head cocking to the side a little. “Did one of the guys fuck with you? Do I gotta show them what happens when they fuck with my friend?” Arms cross, if she found out that one of the guys fucked with her, they all were going to regret it.
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