#008.   //   *   「   rina.   」   meme response.
kusatta-moved · 2 years
❤ —                   𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄  [ … ]   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄,
BOLD what applies - italicise sometimes.   repost,  don’t reblog.
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fights honourably   /   fights dirty
prefers close - quarters   /   prefers range
chats during   /   goes silent
low pain tolerance   /   high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts   /   attacks steadily
goes for the kill   /   aims to disarm   /   fights defensively   /   strikes first
is provoked easily   /   provokes their opponent   /   teases
gets visibly frustrated   /   shouts while attacking
uses strategy   /   focuses on the battle   /   experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly   /   tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly   /   fights calmly   /   fights apathetically   /   fights with anger   /   fights with excitement
fights because they have to   /   fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds   /   runs away when wounded   /   hides wounds   /   takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade   /   prefers a gun   /   prefers hand to hand combat   /   prefers a bow   /   prefers a shield   /   prefers a personalised weapon   /   prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical   /   their greatest weakness is mental  /   their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle   /   fights as they appear
relies on strength   /   doubts their strength   /   relies on speed
uses everything they have   /   proceeds with caution   /   hides their full potential
exhausts quickly   /   has high stamina
behaves arrogantly   /   brags after landing a hit   /   belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics   /   uses brute strength
avoids civilians   /   strikes down civilians
damages surroundings   /   avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style   /   makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set   /   learning their skill - set
fancy footwork   /   sloppy footwork
messy fighter   /   elegant fighter
accepts defeat   /   refuses defeat   /   begs for mercy
compliments their opponent   /   insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements   /   moves efficiently   /   barely moves
prefers to dodge   /   prefers to block
defends their blindside   /   has no blindside   /   leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around   /   holds back   /  fights ruthlessly   /   shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready   /   strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd   /   avoids fighting
has lost a fight   /   has won a fight
has killed   /   refuses to kill
wants to die standing   /   would succumb slowly
tagged by:  @primeraser​   ! tagging :  @hieshou​,   @victoryclaimed​   (   deku,   shouto   ?   cas   :)   ),   @purposeclaimed​   (   lance,   ayato   !   ),   &   @falsifiier​.
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kusatta-moved · 3 years
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when silence is comfort   /   when you get closer slowly over time,   unspoken with no words required to express it.   when you call them,   just to be talking in intervals and realize that it's not even really an ongoing conversation,   just hearing their ambient sounds on the other line is enough.   when you invite them over,   just to sit down and watch a movie together.   you know the heavy impact words can have,   and how abrasive they can be.   but you also understand that silence can be deafening,   and that the phrase   "   things are better left unspoken   "   has negative connotations but sometimes,   they are better left unsaid,   even if it's an   "   i love you.   "   because you know they know it and are saying it back,   too.
tagged by: @alabastet tagging:  @victoryclaimed,   @nightgaled,   @heroboy,   @afrdrk,   @knifelizard   !
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when you tend to someone's wounds   /   when the person is in need of a person and you're there.   when your partner in crime is terribly wounded,   you're there,   and you're saying   "   i'm going to take care of you.   "   when you help clean their room when they're too emotionally distraught to do it themselves,   the moment you see them in need and take it upon yourself to see to their needs and help them how you can.   It's been said that the first sign of humanity was a skeleton with a healed femur,   how someone saw someone else hurt and cared for them,   fed them,   looked after them,   for a very long time.   When you see your friend hurt and you want them to feel better but it goes beyond that   :   you want to make them better,   and you want them to know you want to get through this,   together.
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when you climb on the rooftops together   /   when you're climbing the ladder together that leads to the roof access,   the icy wind on your face almost painful.   when they're laughing in the cold of winter and you can't hold back your smile in response,   even when your lips get chapped and hurt.   how you're never really one to be a daredevil,   but you're running through the city together,   and you let yourself be reckless.   you let yourself taste danger,   you want to reach higher,   you want the intensity and passion they offer.   when you see how it all naturally comes to them,   and you want to be part of that.
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when you're taking the bus together   /   when you're coming back home after a long day,   and they sit on the left side of the bus to catch the sunset.   when you're admiring them often,   and you realize maybe there's more to this.   when they share their headphones on the long ride with you,   and you take down notes in your journal and they doodle a little flower on the corner.   when you look at the way the sun glare makes their hair a brand new golden shade,   and you take in how small moments mean so much.
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