lgcinsoo · 4 years
flan. [ v-live prompt ]
there’s plenty of instances where insoo could have backed off. he had a lot of time to think about this. it all started with a dare, which soon turned into a challenge that he couldn’t back out from because he had recently taken on the mission to learn to eat better. mostly, it was in part because he realized that after relying so long on his friends for their food had become too shameless of him (says someone with zero awareness) but also because the tours, and the stress had started to get to him.
it did not help that at the end of the day, he couldn’t just about spend money on food if it was cheaper to make it.
so, he did his reasearch, and despite distracting himself like crazy in the middle of it, practice paid off. and for once, he could proudly present something he was decent at, and required zero cooking skills whatsoever. he gave the list of the ingredients to the staff, and when the cameras started rolling, he felt oddly.. relieved rather than nervous.
he would not mess up this time. 
“hey everyone! how’s it been?” insoo started cheerfully as he pushed his sleeves up. “ i know last time we spoke, i said i couldn't cook, let alone bake.” he said sheepishly, trying and failing to not appear embarrassed by his own statement. “but one of my goals for this upcoming year is to get good at it, and be a lot more independent from others in this case. I want to be able to cook and bake for my loved ones.” if anything that was his main goal. he wanted to be the type to be relied on, and not the opposite. plus, he figured this would get him more friends too. 
“but i know it’s not an easy thing to do if you’re not naturally good at it. However, i know practice makes perfect.” raising his arms in a cheering gesture, he clenched his fists. “so, everyone, i’m going to teach how how to make a no bake flan that should take you fifteen minutes to do, and that even if you’re not good at cooking, it’ll be easy.” and thus, insoo began the process of it. first, he started by melting sugar in a small souce pan, stirring along to make sure it melted evenly. “once it melts, “ he explained. “and you see no lumps, kind of like this-” he showed the camera, “you can add water, but be careful because it’s hot and we want no accidents.” he chuckled as he mentioned this, knowing his reputation of lighting up on fire any kitchen if he tried this before (and honestly, he had nearly done so twice in the past, if it wasn’t because he had supervision.)
feeling oddly proud, he proceeded with the next step, pouring it into the bottom of a bundt pan. “then you will put this in a fridge or freezer, let it harden up.” then, insoo began doing the gelatin, and afterwards preparing to heat up the milk until it dissolved. he poured everything inside a blender,  added the following ingredients; condensed milk, table cream, vanilla extract and the gelatine inside for the flan batter. finally, he placed the end product into the fridge. “so, now, you let this chill for 6 hours at least or overnight, and the next day, it’ll look something like this.” he said as he took out a flan he’d previously made himself, ready to be flipped onto a plate (which he demonstrated at the same time. 
nearly too overjoyed that he managed to recreate it before and again on camera, it almost slipped his fingers from the fridge where it had been stored and onto the table. however, he caught it on time. “ah, i guess im more nervous than i thought.” he laughed to the viewers and staff behind, blushing. “anyways- voila!” he grinned from ear to ear. “let me know if you guys try this recipe, and if you enjoyed it on the comments below!”
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btskive · 6 years
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i’m a shining solo
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cst-dibujos · 5 years
Cst:este es uno de mi oc's me lo encontré el otro día en uno de mis cuadernos haci que lo pase a digital su nombre es viden y es un tipo de enfermero o sanador que cura a los que se encuentra heridos o enfermos -u-
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nctinfo · 7 years
(Fan-cam) 170408 NCT 127 Winwin ‘Solo Stage’ @ 5th VChart Awards — © STOP Motion | do not re-upload or modify.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
farm work charity | reflection.
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 “do you want to volunteer for a charity event?” insoo heard his manager ask him. it was optional, he emphasized. he asked him sometime before he signed him up, and though insoo had the simple answer “sure!” right at the tip of his tongue. for once, he paused before he let his mouth run off with the answer. funny enough, anyone that knew him for long enough would have expected his nonchalant attitude. 
what’s hard for for him, you may ask? not much. truth to be told, he was as carefree with his body as he was with his choices. he was aware of his limitations, and knowing that out of the 3 choices, perhaps the most bodily tasking one would be the farm work; he figured it wouldn’t be as difficult as it seemed. the idea of children was tempting, even more so the pet shelter. insoo had a soft spot for both children and little ( or big, really) animals, even if it was challenging, insoo didn’t mind labor and had rather, grown up used to it as he ventured small gigs here and there as a teen. most of the time, he was underpaid and taken advantage of (which he became aware at some point), but he only cared about getting money. surviving was his main worry. 
but most importantly, even bigger than his concern to eat and have a bit left over to share, was his yearn to be loved and love, and to possibly, hopefully not worry those that cared for him. when he was younger, before he got adopted into a proper, permanent family, his worries would be blinded by the potential of warmth. if he acted like he was naive, he’d earn a small pat on his head, a greedy smile and on the more fortunate occasions, better opportunities. admittedly, his self-esteem at the time wasn’t good, and if he felt particularly worthless he’d allow those above hin to trample over him; a hollow of a smiling shell that welcomed it so long he’d get a crumb of attention.
look at me. look at me. please, look at me. 
in the end, he realized, he would always have the advantage of his youth. no matter how bad or good he did, or if he learned something new, he had the next day do make up for it. he had the cold push of his caregivers, which was good enough, and of his close friends (even if he lacked a place to call home or a family.) now, things were much different albeit similarly bitter tasting as in the past, with that of his father passing away and his grandmother being torn between him and those that didn’t accept her new adoptee, despite the fact they barely kept in contact with her unless she reached out. still, with her calloused hands, she had given him a bed, food, and love; he wanted nothing more but to give her everything in return.  she was now old and barely holding on with his son’s debt, but they had each other. 
farm work, helping the elderly... renewed his personal sense of purpose.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
concert_ solo
for once, it wasn’t time to grieve; looking back on it, perhaps he should have. but he felt happy, exhilarated even, a brand new person waiting for something, anything to happen and become his next, greatest experience. he didn’t want to think about what he’d lacked; he hated to remember all of the things he had to go through, to endure and disregard even though at that time and moment in his lifetime it mattered to him more than anything. whether it was a bad dream or a beautiful reality that turned into a nightmare at some point, or if it was the exact opposite of what he expected; insoo didn’t want to be anywhere but living in the moment.
right now, right then, as he clasped the drumsticks underneath his fingers and pushed his hair with the back of his hand at the fraction of a second he had to fix his hair, sweat rolling down his temples and heart pumping out his chest. the sound of the crowd screaming for their name, their band’s name at last, and his name (whenever his self-esteemed allowed him to believe it was possible) the one cacophony of sounds he’d engrave in his soul for this eternity and beyond. he had come so far and so long, and he was doing his best like he always did. 
why should he care about tomorrow or the day after? when right now, he was happy? he poured all of his energy and enthusiasm in each and every performance, flashed his teeth and laughed, and danced, and toyed with the crowd like a drunk man. but at the end of the day, when all the lights were drowned, and all that he could hear was his breath leaving his lungs and his eyes shut it all out... 
all the could think was... it’s only the beginning. 
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lgcinsoo · 5 years
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_/second v:live. [ upload? ]
. . . playing.
_new year, new experiences.
insoo fixes his hair as he places the camera he borrowed from the staff to do his v-live. admittedly, he’s not the type to use social media too much despite his necessity to be surrounding himself with people constantly. he had always found the social construct of it the one thing he never quite liked about stardom. so, aware that he hadn’t reached that status yet, he hadn’t bothered much from the beginning to make himself appear one way or another, opting to stay true to what he finds interesting to post or say in the few media related posts he’d done. 
not one to undermine his charms, however, he finds himself falling into a comfortable position in front of it easily. he plays with a few buttons, names the video and soon, he presses live. in a matter of minutes, the views slowly grow. insoo doesn’t pay much mind to it, smiling just at the mere idea of someone taking the time to listen to him at all. 
insoo clears his throat. “a, a.” he tests the sound, chuckles as he fixes his hair and inches closer with a smile. “hello everyone! ah, right now it’s-” he turns to the clock to the wall. “around five p.m. How’s everyone doing?” greets insoo. “i know not many of you may know me, so let me introduce myself before anything.” insoo rearranges his expression carefully, bowing ever so slightly in front of the screen. “Good evening, I’m Han insoo, a junior?” he scratches his head, trying to remember for how long he has been in the company. “trainee of legacy. It’s nice to meet you. My skills are drumming-” and to emphasize his points, he grabs his pair of drumsticks from his side and displays them to his viewers, waving them around. “dancing-” he chuckles as he shimmies his shoulders playfully; “and lastly, bugging this one right here-” the camera then pans to another legacy trainee, @lgcyuan​ to be precise. “shanshan. He’s the nicest, most handsomest hyung ever-” insoo pauses, correcting himself. “-or gege, and he’s accompanying me right now because he’s helping me learn chinese.” 
shakily, insoo grabs the camera and moves about the room to make sure yuan is better seen by his public. yuan, none the wiser, is shown leaning against a couch with a book open on his lap, completely absorbed in the task. insoo is sneaky, and though yuan is aware of his presence, he doesn’t disturb him much as he crowds his space with both his arms and the camera. “isn’t he handsome? woah.” insoo marvels, scanning his friend’s face with it. he shifts the camera back to him, leaning on his friend’s shoulder. “he’s very smart, and kind, i hope you guys look forward to knowing him too!” insoo grins as he leaves his friend’s side to sit behind a table. “anyways, i just wanted to check on you guys. I know it’s been a while since i last made a v-live, i hope everyone is doing well, eating healthy, and is safe.” insoo smiles, nodding.
 “this past year has been a bit tough in terms of improvement for me. I’ve been wanting to work better on my singing, but it’s been a slow thing.” he adds sheepishly, hand on his neck. “so my new year’s resolution is to not only improve on my language skills, but also to become a better, well-rounded artist.” 
“but i’d like you guys to be the judge. so after this, i’m going to play some videos about me and shanshan. Hope you guys look forward to it!” insoo shakes his fist, raising it enthusiastically. he pans the camera back to yuan, zooming in his features anew. “shanshan!” he calls out. “say bye~” and before the other male is able to respond, the video transitions to a series of clips of him practicing his chinese alongside his friend, and many others.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
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date lottery_ end; or not?
“so how are you feeling?”
it’s been a few days since his last on-site date with nana. insoo has been going on about his life as per usual. picking up gigs here and there, focusing on honing his skills; he hasn’t given much thought about what would happen afterwards, and he’d almost forgotten there would be another short segment filmed. it takes him a bit off guard though that his manager forgets to tell him, and simply puts him on a room with the date lottery staff and he puts up the pieces himself after the question.
insoo wants to scream. he fidgets and then bursts into a laugh all of a sudden. it’s awkward, he perceives, everyone is looking at him like he’s crazy. he can’t blame them. “i’m feeling good.” he answers naturally after being possibly labeled like a psycho on-screen. “how’s everyone?” he greets the rest after being in a perpetual confused state for the past few minutes. he gets redirected by the director at once with a few gestures. 
“sorry, i’m nervous.” he apologizes. the staff asks him again.
“what did you think of your date?” 
he sighs, considering this. of course, he felt great about nana. off his first impression, she was very polite behind cameras. she greeted staff warmly in the same manner she greeted him. on screen, she was incredibly charming and charismatic. insoo found himself pulled in immediately, and it helped a lot that their chemistry matched each other just as good. if anything, he felt the lacking one. he was taking it lightly, clearly, because it wasn’t the real deal. but it still produced a similar thrill, and though he wasn’t in love with her by any means, he was nonetheless, captivated.
“she’s beautiful.” responded insoo with a small smile, lacing his fingers. “i hope to see her again, if she doesn’t mind.” 
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
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playing.. ▶ mistake_ drug restaurant.
it begins with a guitar riff, decorative and repetitive, and purposely lowered so it highlights his performance. insoo steps into the platform and makes a show of stretching his limbs and cracking his neck, he’s wearing simple clothing despite the fact he’s supposed to flash and be seen, but he has finally dyed his hair a bright color and oh well, should do the trick. 
he descends into his seat beyond the drum set. at the center of the platform, he gathers himself for a second. adjusting the microphone near him, he easily falls into the rhythm of the beat. he twirls his drumsticks in his hands, energy sizzling his body. a signature move he has learned and implemented into every single performance; he doesn’t forget to toss them up above his head, catch and bring them forward with a flick of his wrist. it’s a boast of his coordination, and if it makes him look like a circus clown, insoo’s mouth curves ear to ear into a twisted smile. 
lo and behold, let’s make everyone laugh.
“Oh 갇혀버린 우리 Oh 작은 공간 안에서“
his voice is soft, and while he doesn’t possess the low quality of the original singer, the tone of his own paints the song a different shade. he whispers silk and honey, if it's a song nobody knows, he will make it his own. insoo closes his eyes, the strum of his movements pulsating to his heart. it’s a memory of sorts, a wash of longing and bitterness that tinges the verse.
“inside a lie, that we can’t even escape from. don’t know, where all these.. crazy people came from.”
 he picks up the pitch, hands and feet moving a tad faster. insoo focuses his gaze away, remembering; it’s stupid that out of all songs, he’d always chose one he heard that last day. a life line connected to a single cord on a wall and a source of oxygen, all for an addiction and a thrill; for crumbs and a rope tossed his way, never to an end. his father was his greatest regret while simultaneously, his most annoying pain.
“감당할 수 없는 일들 쉽게 열지 못했던 좌절 속에서.”
insoo takes a breath, focusing on the song. it’s funny that no matter the neglect, he never found it in himself to stop. he fought him until his last breath, and despite a vein pushing past the skin of his forehead; the raising ire of his yelling, and the reckless jive he made for nothing but the sake of angering him. he can’t help but to wonder if he’s everything he cursed him to be; another vain and vapid artist, swimming on his trivial sorrows as the world crashes and burns. not a human, but a pig head on the wolfs den by his own accord.
guess it’s time to be skinned, cooked and eaten alive, he thinks as he sings along.
“in this despair that can’t be easily opened,  지독한 어둠 속에서 혼자서 갇혀진 채. Why don’t you cuff me up 미쳐버릴 것 같던 겁 없던 Liar That was a mistake Who doesn’t make mistakes. Oh 닫혀 있던 Life Time Uh 닫혀 있던 눈빛..
it’s not long before the curtain closes, and insoo shuts the last train of emotion that coerces him to let his scar open. it’s with a dazzling jump that he finishes and dashes off the scene, but the stars fall off his eyes, and the light dampens with every step he takes outside. it’s a few minutes later when a trainee approaches with congratulatory words that insoo comes out of it. but he can’t sleep that night, and not for a long week after.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
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_video 001.mp4 [ ✓ ]
( text →  ✧/ᐠ-ꞈ-ᐟ\  ). 
_upload failed.
he was getting ready backstage, a myriad of people surrounded every trainee. making the final arrangements for their hair style and make up on one end; while at the other, there were those ready to hit the scene any minute now. behind a screen, a host and unquestionably, a crowd of spectators awaited to scrutinize their every move.
it wasn’t his first, would hopefully not be his last. 
but every year appeared slightly different than the previous. it was still an odd feeling to settle into, and the night before the event, insoo could barely sleep a wink. evidently, the makeup artist was flustered, and insoo watched as she put on her magic, concealer, eyeliner and glitter, and whatever else that made him glow in a manner he couldn’t describe, and fussed about the rest in line. 
despite the fact that he looked like himself, insoo could not push under his nerves. it was then that he remembered @lgcjr​ ’s (his roomate) words echo inside his head. as if struck by this, insoo rushed to the bathroom and locked himself up, starting a video recording on a whim; to distract from the situation and his emotions, insoo chose a cute filter on top of his face.
he took a deep breath, a short exhale that came out in gasps, and shut his eyes. if he cried in there, it would ruin the staff’s effort. he would disappoint him, and everyone else that cared to cheer for him that day.  
he made a second attempt to regain his senses, calming himself anew (only this time with success.) one breath in, and then out.“...you may see this until later. i know we talked the night before.” a pause. he sounded better, he realized with a sigh. he didn’t intend to worry him either, it wasn’t a big deal. it was stupid, really. “i’m sorry i made you stay awake with me.” he immediately apologized, unable to video-call his friend in real time. he had promised that if he felt like running, he’d lean on someone. 
coward, he murmured himself with a laugh, can’t do something as simple as that. “i’m scared.” he confessed to no one but himself, or well, perhaps to jingren of the future. “but i’ll do my best. i always do it, right? you said it. i just need to be me, and i’ll be okay.” insoo smiled weakly to the camera, lowering his head. “but will it be enough?” he added what he couldn’t mention that day, his words stuck down his throat as jingren shook his shoulders, bringing him down to earth, soon swallowed like bile that ate him inside out. 
abruptly, a knock on the door interrupted him. insoo stopped the recording, shoving down his phone to his back pocket. “yeah, coming!” replied insoo with a cheery voice. he unlocked the door, all teeth and crinkled eyes as he smiled to the staff member. “i’m ready.”
a few minutes later, he would learn, he would be okay. for now.
_try again?
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lgcinsoo · 5 years
give love: solo.
considering the situation he’d placed himself in. it was still relatively mind-blowing to him every time though to be fair, he could understand why they had gathered so many fans. his group for this event consisted of a good mix of senior and younger members from the company. obviously, most of the bulk of the fans were there because of the senior members as they had acquired more popularity through the time they spent there.
so, quite frankly, insoo did not expect much in terms of his own. really, he was there because he thought it would be fun and he treated most idol-like assignments as such. although initially his intention hadn’t been to go through the idol path, as he had gotten into the agency with the purpose of becoming an actor as his father had wanted.
however, as the event ended and the members were picking up their things; tired of the performance that had been a little too sweet, and yet endearing enough to charm the fans that they gathered at the time. insoo had decided to stay behind just a bit longer for sentimental purposes. he took out his cellphone, capturing the moment with his camera; having taken the before and after, and feeling a bit out of sorts. 
the small voice of a male approaching his side closed the window of fresh wistfulness that had left a trail behind the lens. both bewildered and intrigued, the male turned to the stranger with a curious smile. "yes?" asked insoo, scanning the person from head to toe, assimilating his looks in hopes it would be a familiar face. "are you han insoo?" the boy asked. hesitantly but surely, insoo nodded. at the response, the boy grinned up to the male, giving him thumbs up. "you were really cool, hyung." said the fan with bright eyes.
insoo couldn’t help but tear up.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
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mbti; the campaigner (ENFP)
he’s always full of energy and with a bit of a spark of... weirdo. he embodies free spirit and prefers to be spontaneous without much of a thought where things will lead him. if given the opportunity to step out of his comfort zone, he will do it head on, no thoughts just “cuz. why not?” insoo craves freedom and adventure, he prefers to make his own path and is the exact opposite of methodic. the type to stop and smell flowers or pick flowers in a field, enjoy the view and possibly take a nap as forgetting his worries is the least difficult for him.
enneagram; type seven; the enthusiast:
he approaches life much like a kid in a candy store who looks at the world in wide-eyed, rapt anticipation. he’s honest about what he desires and pursues relentlessly anything that catches his interest. he’s not necessarily intellectual or studious by standard definition, but he easily adapts and learns quickly (for the most part), not one to overtaken by negative feelings or thoughts unless it’s something he’s particularly nervous about (and if so, he’s not afraid of taking failure as a stepping stone.) he’ll entertain challenges as ways to better himself.
slytherin primary; 
he cares about individuals but really, he cares more about himself. not particularly altruistic, but he is kind to his friends. his priority is to his loved ones after all, being someone who loves deeper and harder than most people; he feels like he owes desperately to those that give to him an ounce of trust or love, but not so much to strangers in general. he’s fiercely loyal to those he loves, would not hesitate to give a kidney if they’re cherished deeply. he would let the world burn for a friend, take on the path of revenge without looking back in the same manner.
daemon: north bear
he is good at making quick decisions even if these won’t have the best means, usually, he’s confident in his skills and that he will be able to turn the situation around if he’s caught in a jiffy. he feels as he has no limit to what he can achieve, prefers to go with the flow and sort of takes opportunities as they present themselves and/or even better yet ignores them, not too worried about whether these will affect him or not in the future.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
babysitting | commentary.
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his manager expected him to reflect on the before and after over the babysitting experience. he emphasized it was important for him to prepare an answer he'd give to the viewers, and to not procrastinate on the task until the last minute.
but clearly, his manager had gotten a bit too overwhelmed with everyone’s schedule because he had forgotten to remind him about it. insoo was ridiculously scatter brained for the most part, and if it wasn’t something he saw of high importance, he’d push it just exactly in the manner his manager feared he would. 
so, when the time came where he sat and said those things out loud, it was with a smack on his face that the entire crew could see him close his eyes and count to ten, the words of his trainee echoing inside his head:
“i was scared, i mean, they’re so tiny. what if i accidentally forgot they were there and i killed them?” insoo said with the seriousness of a five year old talking about the importance of sleeping before the boogey man came out to get you. still, he added with a playful, sort of foolish air, “at one point, i realized, well-- if anything happens, i have the other to rely on. it does help that can speak out too, the children.” he flashed his teeth, laughing lightly as if implying, i’m just kidding. “but in all seriousness, i wanted to do my best for them. I never had a sibling, grew up as an only child.” insoo began with more sobriety than he sported in most shows, interlacing his fingers against his folded knee. 
“i always wanted a brother or a sister. so i figured i should take advantage.” he nodded, and insoo glanced at his periphery as his manager lost the stiffness of his shoulders, gesturing to continue. “that’s why while cooking i took my phone out. I can do pancakes fine but-” and as if knowing where he was headed, he felt a glare roll down his temple. insoo’s smile only grew. “-i’m not perfect.  Overall, I really enjoyed it. i hope the kids grow healthy and if they remember me, i’d like that. But if not, i’m happy so long they grow strong.” he nodded, raising his fist. “Fighting! Brother insoo will miss you.”
and that was that.
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
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trainee mission | weakness. solo.
insoo sighed. he agreed to meet sammy at the practice room because there was a piano there, and he knew it would be easier to recognize the notes if he utilized the instrument like during his vocalization classes. it went without saying, but insoo’s weakness was singing. rapping had never been an interest of his, so it seemed futile to try it when he knew that already, so he had decided not to attempt it. he would do it for fun anytime, sure. karaoke was a fun past-time and he always enjoyed it with his friends. he liked the hip hop genre both in dancing and to apply them in choreographies, and he was rather skilled at that due to his b-boy experience from a few years already.
but singing? well, that had developed a little more slowly than he realized.
it was a slow build, to train his voice the way he wanted it. sometimes it simply didn’t come out too well, and others he simply stuck to the notes he was certain of, going through a safe route. his pitch was great if he went high, but if he pushed it too hard, it collapsed. so, it was time to address it. after all, his last performance wasn’t the greatest, and while he did not care much about the fame, he did not want to disappoint anyone that believed in him as an artist.
he was determined, and so he called his best friend, @lgcsammy​ to help him. he wasn’t one to be insecure about his flaws, but insoo still felt oddly self-conscious when he mentioned to his friend his plight. he pawed at his friend’s sleeve, whined like a child with wide-eyes for a day that could be spent solely dedicated to this. Jaemin, of course, did not need much convincing. the angel that he was (insoo thought); he accepted immediately and they even had snack breaks in between. it was a long day that turned into night, but it paid off, and insoo’s voice no longer cracked. 
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
of all things, this was the least of them that he had looked forward to. there was nothing bad about it, really. he just got nervous in front of authorities sometimes. he put up a strong front and bravado, and the hat of a fool only to make it seem like he wasn’t. but there was something so unnerving by their top honcho of the band, mihi, that insoo always had a hard time to shake off. when she sat across from him to discuss their future plans, and then awaited for his own perspective of this, he paused a little too long for her liking (or so, he thought- he didn’t actually know, insoo was not a mind reader but clearly it did love to fill in the gaps.) 
“uh, well-” think quick, han insoo. what do you want to do in the future, aside from band stuff? he could lie about it, clearly. honestly speaking, he had never thought he’d make it this far. the whole idea had been slow from the begenning, and though he was getting old, it’s not like he was that old to not be able to manage other jobs - something different than being a band trainee. he had considered before, around the time he joined, to be an idol. but the idea, no matter how tempting it was (with all the additional attention he would get and boost to his own confidence), would not figure a hundred percent inside him. it wouldn’t be convincing enough. he was good at making music, or so he thought (A bit) but he still needed a long way to go. so what should he do? 
when it came down to it, insoo merely said. “for now, there’s nothing else i’d like to do.” it wasn’t a definite answer, but it was the closest to it that he would get. 
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lgcinsoo · 4 years
lgc halloween party | ver. 2 > _solo.
it’s been... interesting. halloween was one of the few holidays insoo looked forward to and that’s because, obviously, it was one of the few that you didn’t necessarily have to celebrate with family. granted, he considered his friends as such, it was still somewhat reassuring to find their friends gravitating towards him during this time of the year without a second thought. considering his relationship with his close and extended “family” was somewhat... estranged, to say the least; he could barely contain his excitement when the day came.
once the excitement died down though, it was as if all the pent up energy he’d been saving had abandoned him without much of a goodbye. like a switch, the lights went out, he was being carried by someone after getting utterly high on sugar (because yes that was perfectly possible in the world of insoo, who practically sizzled lightning bolts whether he consumed any shape of carbohydrates or not), and he fought the stranger’s arms, attempting to escape the clutches of his captor in order to dive and get lost into the night, and whatever stupidity occurred to him to do in such glucose-induced state. 
alas- whoever this person could have been, which he could not recall by the next time his body decided to shut down for longer than he ever slept (to be fair, over 24 hours passed before his brain gave in) - over 18 hours to be precise (possibly to make up for the fact he’d spent even longer awake); was stronger than him, though he presumes he put up a fair fight (indeed, he would.) it was easy to assume, whom it was, or rather which inhumane of a dude - a blasted gorilla for all he managed to dig from his deskest and yet most vividly, pancreas-shattering coma - had pulled up the stunt of subduing him. 
it was after missing in action the few days after, feeling like a truck ran over him that insoo turned on his phone again and found out. 
lo and behold, insoo pondered with crusty eyes. the hero in disguise of a... carrot, he mumbled to himself as he squinted towards the pop up on his screen with a smile.
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