#.stelle 👻
mikichko · 4 months
post four of your fictional crushes
thank you for the tags @kyletogaz and @stellewriites
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left to right: lady danbury from bridgerton, sheriff hassan from midnight mass, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick from cod mw, kento nanami from jjk
no pressure tags: @buttdumplin @xxshadowbabexx @gemmahale @pfhwrittes @dollsuguru and anyone who’s had to put on sunscreen TWICE today
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mitarbeiter · 6 months
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chell-min · 24 days
hi guys - long, long, long overdue update on this blog!
i’ve left it sitting for well over a year now, maybe almost two. i'm very sorry to everyone i left hanging! it was a combination of getting into uni + making genshin and star rail ship content under a different username... i was a bit scared of fandom reception back then so i started posting on that alt, which then accidentally evolved into my main. i deserted my insta and tumblr, and while i don't really have any qualms letting go of my insta, i do still want to come back to my blog! i love the culture here, sometimes the twitter negativity gets insane lol
so i'm thinking i’ll freshen up this place a bit - change my username, maybe update my theme eventually - and start posting again. this account will probably start revolving around don't starve, honkai star rail (stelle ships ^-^), and maybe genshin. i don't draw much danganronpa anymore - i'm sorry to everyone who followed me for that! i might still draw it occasionally, but no promises. we'll see how it goes.
thank you so much for sticking with me, guys! the place l've been posting all this time is @/chell_min_says on twitter, you can say hi to me there if you want! i will probably start posting the art i made there here, too, if you guys don't mind 🥺🥺
love you lots!
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chiara-klara-claire · 2 years
Words with a cute literal meaning
🇮🇸 ástfanginn - love-captured: in love 💘
🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇩🇪 øyeblikket/ögonblick/Augenblick 👁 - eyeblink: moment
🇩🇪🇩🇰 Kindergarten, børnehavet - children garden
🇸🇪 påsklilja - Easter lily: daffodil
🇸🇪 färgglad - color-happy: colorful
🇳🇴 🇩🇰 kjæreste/kæreste - dearest - partner (gender neutral)
🇳🇴 kjærlighet på pinne - love on a stick: lollipop 🍭
🇳🇴 å være glad i noen/noe - to be happy in sb/smthing: to love 
🇮🇹 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 pulcinella di mare, papegaaiduiker, søpapegøj* 🦜🌊 - sea pulcinella (black&white carnival character), diver parrot, sea parrot*: puffin
🇮🇹 🇩🇪 stelle filanti, Luftschlangen 🌟 🐍 - stringy stars, air snakes - streamers 🎊
🇮🇹 solare ☀️- solar: adjective for a happy, positive person
🇮🇹 occhi della madonna** - Virgin Mary eyes: forget-me-nots
🇮🇹 Viola del pensiero - viola of the thought: pansy
🇮🇹 🇪🇸, Catalan - Principe azzurro/ príncipe azul/Príncep blau 🫅🔷: (light) blue Prince: Prince charming
🇮🇹 avere il sangue blu 🩸🔹- to have blue blood: to be of noble birth
🇬🇧 Sunny side up 🍳☀️ - 🇮🇹 occhio di bue - bull’s eye 👁🐮
🇩🇪 Edelweiß - Noble white
🇩🇪 Götterspeise - dish/fare of the gods: a gelatine pudding
🇩🇪 Abendland - Evening land: the West
🇩🇪 Liebesknochen 🦴💕 - love bone: éclair
🇩🇪 Gänsefüßchen 🦆 - tiny goose feet: quotation marks ‘‘’’
🇩🇪 🇫🇮 Das All,  maailmankaikkeus- ”the all”  “the world’s all”: the Universe (kiitos @pclysemia​) 
🇮🇹 🇸🇪 🇳🇱 chiocciola, kanelbulle, apenstaartje 🐌 🐒- snail, cinnamon bun, monkey tail: @ (at)
🇯🇵 花火【はなび】 🔥 🌺- fire flower: firework 🎆
🇫🇷arc-en-ciel - arch-in-the-sky: rainbow 🌈
🇪🇸 🇫🇷 cometa/cerf-volant/воздушный змей (Russian)/ بادبادک  (farsi) 💫 🦌 🐍 - shooting star, flying deer, air snake, wind-little-wind: kite 🪁
🇵🇱 malinka - little raspberry: hickey💋
🇫🇮 🇳🇱 🇿🇦 hattara, suikerspin, spook asem - little cloud, sugar spider, ghost breath ☁️ 🕷️ 👻 : Cotton candy
물고기 - water meat: fish
not really cute: Faroese 🇫🇴 hvalspýggja - whale puke: jellyfish 🐳
will keep this updated when i find/remember new ones! Also next up: aesthetic idioms
*also called Lunde**not sure if it is a regional thing to call them like that
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lostaff · 1 year
Caro popolo di Tumblr,
Non so se avete sentito la notizia quando è uscita, ma ho lasciato la soleggiata isola di Clawland nello specchietto retrovisore qualche mese fa e ho assunto un ruolo qui su Tumblr come Chief Officer of Merchandising and Physical Engineering. Ho condiviso le mie merci nel mio Emporio e, cosa più importante, le avete comprate!
Le cose sono andate così dannatamente bene che ieri sera ho avuto tutto il tempo per riflettere su quanto lontano sono arrivato. Nessun blocco sulla mia strada, KPI che vanno alle stelle, tutti contenti delle loro nuove tazze, spille e magliette, e io a capo di tutto… tutto sta andando bene Brick, giusto?
Ma una cosa del merchandising è, beh, è divertente e creativa… ma non c'è molto clic. A Brick mancano i clic!
Ho pensato a quanto erano dannatamente popolari i miei piccoli amici scontrosi sulla dash quando ero via. Deponevano uova come matti! Non c'è dubbio: voi ragazzi amate quei granchi. Spendete addirittura soldi per inviarli l'uno all'altro.
Quindi, la domanda è: come combinare quel tipo di caratteristica cliccabile che conosci e ami, con qualcosa di nuovo? Qualcosa di FRESCO?
E poi, bang!
🦀🐛🧀👻🐴🍪!!!!!!!!!!!! Quindi annuncio con la presente che prendo un congedo temporaneo dalla mia posizione all'Emporium per saltare le squadre e diventare Chief Reactions Officer di Tumblr.
A partire da oggi, potrete premere i pulsanti di reazione in fondo a ogni post di Tumblr per esprimere le vostre emozioni. Sul web almeno. Non nelle app mobili. (Sono un mago del budget, ma non così tanto.)
E sentite un po', anche se il preavviso è breve. Non ho dormito tutta la notte, mettendo insieme tutto questo, da quando l'idea mi è venuta mentre osservavo le stelle e riflettevo sulla mia vita e sulle mie scelte. Quindi le effettive reazioni disponibili per l'uso sono limitate per ora. In realtà erano solo gli emoji usati più di recente nel mio telefono.
Ma so solo che li amerete comunque. Perché vengono da me, BRICK!
Vostro clicktasticamente,
Brick Wartley Chief Reactions Officer Chief Officer of Merchandising and Physical Engineering (in congedo)
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sentientcave · 3 months
👻 & ⏰ for the ask game! :D
Hey Stelle!! Thanks for askin'!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Hmm this is tricky because most of my headcanons are just for turning the guys into pathetic wet beasts lmao. Probably one of my favourites is World's Most Divorced Man John Price. He believes in love but he's bad at being married. How many times can one man fuck up before he learns a lesson? (Up to four, depending on which AU or story I'm working on)
⏰️ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
I would love to be someone who can post on a schedule! But I'm really really bad at deadlines and I work on whatever strikes my fancy rather than what makes sense to work on. So I post at random. I should probably work on my discipline but I'm too tired for self-improvement right now
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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revenant-coining · 2 years
requested here \\ I split the list into three post cause of how long the post was getting
[1st person] || 2nd person || 3rd person
themes are in this order: ghost, stars, diamonds, sleepy
1st person: i/me/my/mine/myself
E/ex/exs/exspir or exspine/exs(piravit)self (exspiravit)
U/um/umb/umbra or umine/um(bra)self (umbra)
Ph/pha/phas/phasma or phine/pha(sma)self (phasma)
Gh/gho/ghost/ghine/gho(st)self (ghost)
Ha/hau/haun/haunt or hine/hau(nt)self (haunt)
E/ec/ect/ecto or eine or ectine/ec(to)self (ecto)
Spe/spec/spect/specter or spine/spec(ter)self (specter)
ter/aer/aster/asters/asterself (aster)
Ste/stel/stell/steall or stine/stel(la)self (stella)
Si/sid/sidu/sidus or sine/sid(us)self (sidus)
A(d)/ada/adam/adama(s) or adamine/ada(mas)self (adamas)
So/som/somnu/somnum or somine/som(um)self (somnum)
So/sop/sopo/sopor or sine or sopine/sop(or)self (sopor)
S/sl/sle/sleep or sline/sl(eep)self (sleep)
Dr/dro/drow/drowse or drine/dro(wse)self (drowse)
Slu/slum/slumb/slumber or sline or slumine/slum(ber)self (slumber)
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" C'è un tuo messaggio nuovo intorno alle tre
Dice che vorresti toccare le stelle
Quando ti va puoi sempre toccare me
Ho cicatrici disegnate sul corpo
Puoi decifrarle se non voglio parlarti " 👻
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Ah, die aufregende Welt der If-Sätze! Sie sind wie die Zauberformeln der Grammatik, und wenn du sie richtig anwendest, öffnen sich Türen zu neuen Universen voller Möglichkeiten, Fantasien und retrospektivem Drama! 🎩🌌
Stell dir vor, If-Sätze sind wie eine Achterbahnfahrt durch die Zeit und Realität. Typ I ist der familienfreundliche Teil des Parks – sicher, verlässlich und meistens sonnig. Hier sprechen wir über das, was wirklich passieren könnte, in der echten, unverschönten Welt. 🎢☀️
Spring in den Wagen für Typ II und du fährst in eine Welt aus Zuckerwatte-Wolken und Einhörnern. Alles ist hypothetisch, und du kannst über die Gegenwart fantasieren, wie du willst! 🦄🌈
Und dann kommt Typ III, der Dark Ride der If-Sätze! Er nimmt dich mit in die vernebelte Welt der vergangenen Möglichkeiten und nicht erfüllten Bedingungen. Es ist ein bisschen wie ein Spukhaus – ein bisschen gruselig, aber auch aufregend! 👻🌚
Egal welchen Typ du wählst, eines ist sicher: If-Sätze sind die Tickets zu einer Achterbahnfahrt durch Sprache und Bedeutung. Also schnall dich an und genieße die Fahrt! 🎟️🎢🚀
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simonefugger · 1 year
Schau dir "89 LEKTION 89 Ein Kurs in Wundern Lesung 2023 (online-audio-converter.com)" auf YouTube an
Ein Kurs in Wundern
Greuthof Verlag
1.(77) Ich habe ein Anrecht auf Wunder.
Hinter diesem liegt ein Wunder, auf das ich ein Anrecht habe.
Lass mich keinen Groll gegen dich, [Name], hegen, sondern dir das Wunder schenken, das stattdessen dein ist.
In Wahrheit bietet mir dies ein Wunder an.
2.(78) Lass Wunder allen Groll ersetzen.
Ich möchte diesen Groll nicht von meiner Erlösung fernhalten.
Wir wollen unseren Groll durch Wunder ersetzen lassen, [Name].
Hinter diesem liegt das Wunder, das an die Stelle meines ganzen Grolls tritt.
Gegeben von Simone Fugger
Täglich 8 Uhr GOTTESdienst zur Tageslektion.
Von Fr.31.3.- Mo.3.4. findet kein Online GOTTESdienst statt!
Do.30.3.- Mo.3.4. Netzwerktreffen Ein Kurs in Wundern in Hartenrod/ Bad Endbach. Infos siehe Telegramgruppe Netzwerktreffen EKiW.
Komm einfach vorbei, wenn Du in der Nähe bist. Auch Tagesgäste sind willkommen! Denn
Du bist genau in diesem Augenblick so liebevoll gerufen!
Licht- und Liebesgruß💓👻🌟 Simone
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mikichko · 21 days
hii kiko!! 💕 can i ask about ur wip ‘invisible red line’ if you’ve not answered it yet?
HI PRETTY STELLIE 💕 I was just hopping to answer your first ask but I stalled so long you sent this one (IM SORRY D:)
invisible red line is actually a gift that i wrote for @buttdumplin ! its my first attempt at writing a transmasc!reader and i was so excited to tackle it with price, since he seems like the most affirming. the focus is a meet cute between price and our reader, who in this case is based off xavi 😊💕
here's a sneak peek!
He catches it before it makes contact with the ground, hand hovering a few centimeters above the ground before he straightens himself.  “Careful with glass sweetheart. Can’t have pretty things like you damaged.”  Your widened eyes blink before your face transforms in front of him. Your beautifully surprised expression morphs into a scowl, hand adjusting the grip on the basket.  “I’m not a girl.” John can only raise an eyebrow at you, eyes running over you without permission. He’s well aware.  “Didn’t take you for one lad.”  He lets it sit out in the open for a moment to gauge your response. You merely blink, the scowl easing a bit, the creases between your eyebrows dropping from three to one. Not what you were expecting. Well, you weren’t either, soft face hiding a rather fiery attitude from the looks of it. Someone had definitely put you here for him. He offers you the bottle, “Trying to tell me that lads can’t be sweet too? Can’t be pretty?”
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qchefsdental · 3 years
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🎃👻Halloween Gewinnspiel 👻🎃 Ich habe mir was schönes zu Halloween für euch einfallen lassen und hoffe ihr habt Spass und Freude daran...Ein paar sehr liebe Kooperationspartner unterstützen mich dabei mit vielen tollen Gewinnen….Schaut ruhig mal auf ihren Seiten vorbei, es lohnt sich und vielleicht findet ihr ja noch die ein oder andere schöne Sache für euch , oder eure Fellnase... Was gibt es zu gewinnen!? 1. von mir persönlich gibt es ein 50,-€ Gutschein auf ein Shooting Paket eurer Wahl 2. von EMMY & PEPE gibt es eine Retriever Leine 3. von Qchefs - Natural Dental Chew gibt es die Zahnputzflocken und Glücklichmacher 4. von purrmania gibt es ein dreiteiliges Spiel Set 5. von Dexley Art by Jessica Kralisch gibt es ein 40,- € Gutschein zur Verrechnung für einen Auftrag 6. von Sina Hein Art gibt es ein Gutschein im Wert von 40,-€ zur Verrechnung für einen Auftrag An dieser Stelle auch noch mal ein ganz liebes Dankeschön an meine Kooperationspartner…Eure Produkte und ihr seid einfach Spitze! Was müsst ihr dafür tun!? o Gebt den Beitrag ein Like… o kommentiert mit Hund oder Katze, damit wir wissen in welchen Lostopf ihr landen möchtet… o verlinke Freunde für die dieses Gewinnspiel auch interessant sein könnte... o gefallen euch unsere Seiten, dann freuen wir uns über ein Like... o löst die Rätsel, um so die Buchstaben fürs Lösungswort zusammen zubekommen…Die Rätsel findet ihr ab morgen in den Storys…Jeden Tag wird einer der Kooperationspartner eine Rätselfrage posten…Welchen Buchstaben ihr jeweils vom Lösungswort braucht, steht in Klammern…Notiert euch jeden Tag die Buchstaben und bildet zum Ende ein Wort daraus...Das Lösungswort sendet ihr dann bitte per PN ausschließlich an mich... Es gibtMöglichkeiten mehrmals im Lostopf zu landen. Wie ihr das macht ist einfach. o Bei Facebook und Instagram mitmachen o Beitrag in eure Story packen Das Gewinnspiel läuft bis einschließlich 31.10.2021 und die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner erfolgt in den nächsten Tagen darauf...Alle Gewinner werden dann hier bekannt gegeben... Das Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Weise mit Facebook/Instagram in Verbindung und wird auch nicht von ihnen unterstützt, oder organisiert....Mit der Teilnahme geben Sie ihr Einverständnis namentlich auf meiner Seite genannt zu werden...Teilnahme berechtigt sind Personen ab 18 Jahren und die ihren Wohnsitz in Deutschland haben.... Ich drücke allen Teilnehmern die Daumen und würde mich über rege Beteiligung sehr freuen... Und nun toi, toi, toi...
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mikichko · 4 months
wip wednesday
yes i know it's sunday... oh well
thank you for the tags @kyletogaz, @stellewriites, @xxshadowbabexx
vows - soap x reader (x ghost) havent touched this one in a few weeks but
they catch him on an afternoon when he’s off work early. let him park the car, grab a snack, and settle down all while they wait upstairs. in the empty room that once used to be yours. johnny looks around trying to find any trace of you here but it’s been scraped away so diligently. just like the connection you had to this house. johnny’ll finish the job for you, scrub away the last tether to an ugly memory that should not have any hold on your pretty mind. it doesn’t take long to trap him. a few well timed bangs, occasional footstep here and there, and then they hear him coming up the stairs. the room’s pitch black when he opens the door so he's got no time to react when johnny presses the chloroform rag onto his face, using his other hand to pull him into it. johnny feels him struggle, body thrashing trying to fight it. simon’s there, trapping his hands behind him, using his body to hold him in place. he tries holding out, not breathing so he can save himself. he can’t though. it’s already started.
tremor - ghost x reader (memory loss trope)
he does his best to make the transition from the hospital to your home as smooth as possible. stocks the house with your favorite drinks, snacks, and ingredients for your favorite dishes. makes sure the aroma dispensers are full of the scent you once told him reminded you of home. even readies the guest bedroom, a contingency plan if you decide you won't be sleeping with him. he has to take some time to collect himself after that. taking deep breaths until he’s breathing steady again, the tremor in his hands dying down.  simon is combat-hardened. he's experienced more misfortunes in the first twenty years of his life than most have in the entirety of theirs. he’s used to tragedy. or he should be. but he can’t stop the cold feeling that washes over him when the voice in his head wonders, what if it was a fluke?
patrona - soap x latine!reader
But it’s not the shadows that greet you when you turn the corner. There’s a foreigner in your living room. Absolutely soaked in rainwater, injured if the red rivers off his right arm are anything to go by, and he’s pointing a weapon directly at you. But it’s not the gun that makes you inhale sharply, this is a normality for you, it’s the figure behind him. Behind the dripping-wet man, is a slender figure shrouded in an all-white cloak. The cloak moves, ripples, and waves as if it were flowing in the wind but, the air in the room is still. The only hint of color the figure possesses seems to be the wisps of black contained within the hood of her all-white cloak and the detail on the porcelain mask she wears. Her mask mimics the features of a human with gold detailing along the forehead, temples, bridge, cheeks, and chin. You know her well, have been speaking to her for as long as you can remember. La Patrona, the matron saint of Las Almas. Protector of the innocents and defenseless in Las Almas.
tagging: this is honestly so late so if you've taken your vitamins please jump in!
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mikichko · 4 months
that adoptive parents!ghoap au update,, im crying for zach hes so sweet and little and he deserves so much good!!! johnnys anger overhearing the first bit turning to relief was So Good 🥲🥲
STELLE!!!!! thank you so much!!! i'm so glad that you enjoy it!
zach is literally a sweet angel boy and he deserves the entire world. he's so glad that his dads picked him but he doesn't even realize how lucky his dads feel to have him!!!
im also glad that you liked the transition from anger to relief!! i feel like I struggle a little in conveying other character's emotional fluctuation so I'm glad that that was something you enjoyed!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it :') !!!
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mikichko · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @kyletogaz and @stellewriites
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
12 because I literally keep forgetting to upload them over there 💀
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
20.3k (damn wtf)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
actively cod! jjk and hq are dormant but I have ideas...
4. top five fics by kudos
warmth, visitor, orbit, chance, top
i'm not linking these cause i have shame...
5. do you respond to comments?
dude YES!! to the point, i feel like I'm scaring my commenters away. I'm so sorry I just love talking with y'all ;-;
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
currently, it's piel and for that i'm sorry
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably orbit! but if i write it well it'll be the ghoap x teacher!reader fic...
8. do you get hate on fics?
no and thank god for that i'd probably cry. you guys are all so kind and wonderful!
9. do you write smut?
not yet! i want to but i'm nervous I wont write it well?
10. craziest crossover?
haven't done anything yet but i was thinking of a kaiju no.8 x cod crossover maybe? I'm not too sure
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge... please don't do that
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no but i am going to be translating them myself + writing a soap x latine!reader fic in spanish so :D
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, that sounds fun though!
14. all time favorite ship?
merthur... down horrendous for them. reader based it's probably soap x reader atm I'm sorry I'm down so bad for him
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my death's greeting series! about the deaths of the jjk characters and what met them on the other side. sadly gege and this current arc are killing my motivation 😭
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i do a good job of capturing emotion? my friends also said that my work is really poetic so maybe that?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
capturing accents in dialogue, dialogue, descriptors of the scene without giving too much, overuse of comma, etc etc ;-;
oh i also despise writing my own work but I'm forcing myself to do it so I can make better polished work
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
love love love (if its done right, if you're just chucking google translated stuff I nod and move along)
19. first fandom you wrote in?
haikyuu! think it was headcanons for my big three which was osamu, aone, and ushijima at the time
20. favorite fic you've written?
to date it's actually piel angsty ending and all
tagging: anyone who sees this and has had a yellow colored food today :)
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mikichko · 4 months
thanks for the tags ❤ @kyletogaz ❤ @stellewriites ❤
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party.
no pressure tags: @buttdumplin @xxshadowbabexx @mortuarywriting @dragonnarrative-writes ❤
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