msuxhyunki · 4 years
[text] sexyeeker h >> like i told you when you message me he does have a nice ass [text] sexyeeker h >> I KNOW IT'S THERE i don't know what to do with you [text] sexyeeker h >> are you busy? if you need me, i'm here ok?
[ ✉ to hot guy shit ] 
➥ it is nice, isn’t it?  ➥ .... bro that’s not the point right now  ➥ ITS GONE NOW I DELETED IT  ➥ i’m with soohwa right now. we’re.... it’s weird. it’s really weird, but he’s not mad at me so .... 
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tzean · 5 years
an’s feelings  『1/ ∞ 』
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lioravirai · 5 years
“Didn’t die, I see.”
「 nevernight sentence starters 」 | @vestirkano
3954BBY | Undisclosed
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“Not quite yet.” Liora notes the grimace carved into Vestir’s features, but she doesn’t back down, challenging his stare with her own as she moves past him none too gently. There is a laugh that is not a laugh, spiteful hiss of breath.  “Don’t look so relieved.
“You owe me, Kano; remember that. And if you’re not fucking careful, I’ll never let you live it down.”
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aerithlylin · 5 years
“I won’t see you for a long time, will I? I might never see you again.”
「 nevernight sentence starters 」 | @jasharakelen​
39XXBBY | Jedha
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“If it is as the Force wills it, then may our paths cross again one day.” The low song of the uneti tree looming over the Temple courtyard sits like a headache in his skull, as if punishing him for such a strained response, one he hardly believes in. Less and less so with each passing day. But it anchors in the top of his spine all the same, and Aerith offers a slight bow to his once-fellow acolyte. A wordless respect. Well-wishes for the life that awaits beyond the walls of the Kyber Temple, beyond the Holy City, beyond Jedha.
“But until then”—(and it comes just as easy it as it always has)—“may the Force of others be with you.”
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homeglue · 7 years
Mindulrae WIP by .AnRuee
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ftsartblog · 7 years
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mae borowski
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epabel · 7 years
i want the k 👀
15: Kiss in the Rain(tw: Abel’s feelings, neglect of books, unlisenced driving (?) ) 
Abel doesn’t spend a lot of time listening to current American pop music, but there is one song that comes to mind in this moment. It very loosely applies to their current situation. 
Something about it being the summer after highschool and though they aren’t in highschool and it’s merely a break it sort of gives him the same reckless feeling he gets when driving down the highway in the car of his dad’s. 
His car might not be a mustang and he’s not all too familiar with Radiohead, but he does know that sitting with Mckenna in this field was probably going to be the highlight of his life. 
Sure it was a little overcast, but that didn’t matter. It was warm and she was pretty as she let him feed her grapes. 
“See, I’m so much more fun to hang out with.” The way he beams up at her, unlike anything else, is totally different from his usual flash of teeth he likes to scare people off with. “So much better than anyone else, right, princess?” 
Abel is so in love, it’s way too obvious in the way he lets his thumb brush her lip as she takes another grape from his fingers. 
The first drop hits him square in the nose and it makes him jerk a little, his head jostling her lap. 
Mckenna looks up and so does Abel, the sky a gray sheet as the sudden downpour hits. 
There’s a moment where they both panic, jerking up to try and save their books from the drops and the blanket is a lost cause and it only lasts a second before he’s laughing. 
Right, this is like that other song, right? This feels like some kind of dream– like a teenage dream and she looks so pretty standing there with her tight jeans and the rain soaking her through. 
She just looks so pretty all the time, even with that confused look on her face. “I– sorry. It’s just…” 
Just what? Just an I love you on the tip of his tongue? A shake of his head and he’s helping her gather up the things, collecting them in the blanket before dashing through the field, back down the hill to the car parked on the side of the road. 
She splashes right through a puddle, a surprised shriek leaving her lips and he’s laughing all over again. God, this had to be a dream. There’s no way he could be this in love with a person. 
He just– there was something he had to do. 
“Mckenna, wait.” With that reckless grin still on his lips, he catches her wrist before she can bolt into the car. 
“What? Abel, it’s raining!” 
“I know. I know it is, just…” With the door left hanging wide open, soaking the inside of the car, he pulls her close to him, so close that he can cup her cheek and before she has the chance to ask what’s gotten into him, he presses his lips to hers. 
The kiss is so soft, a kiss that is the opposite of Abel as a whole, but he couldn’t imagine being anymore forceful with her. His Mckenna was so delicate.  She tastes like fresh grapes and rain and it’s perfect. It’s so perfect he risks another soft peck before taking a step back, a little flush to his cheeks and an awkward laugh trailing off. 
“Sorry… I just…”
I just love you. 
“You were so… pretty. I couldn’t help myself… you’re so important to me.” 
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msuxhyunki · 4 years
soohwa promised himself that he wouldn’t make this awkward. this is supposed to be fine anyway. he still has classes to attend and then a reunion with the other head student so he technically doesn’t even have time to make this awkward, not when he assumes that hyunki won’t invite him to whatever event he’s doing to celebrate his birthday. it’s fine, they’re not that close yet, he has no reason to and soohwa isn’t upset about it. he’ll just go there, leave the present, say a quick happy birthday and then leave. it’s simple. they're friends and this is what friends do, give each other birthday presents. this is simple protocol that soohwa has followed before. maybe not with hyunki, but with other people, with other friends and this should not be any different. soohwa doesn’t want to make it different — even if he sort of does.
soohwa is careful, especially after the whole kiss on the quidditch pitch to not make this a public thing again, to not have curious eyes and eavesdropping ears spying on them because this is too private, just like that kiss was supposed to be — just like the blowjob that followed that kiss was —, so he takes the small window when they’re as alone as they can be in that campus, when everyone else is too busy being somewhere else. 
you see, soohwa is all about the small meaningful things and that’s why he asks hyunki to meet him at the trophy room because that’s where they met for the first time and actually talked instead of just avoiding each other, that’s where the whole domino of events that got them to where they are now started so it just makes sense in his head to meet there again, like some sort of inside joke and he’s glad that the geumseong student just accepted it without making too much of a fuss about it. 
he has exactly five minutes. five minutes to give the present, say happy birthday and then leave or else he’ll get late for his class and he wouldn’t be surprised if someone connected the dots that he was late because today is hyunki’s birthday and then it’ll just start a whole new wave of rumors about them and soohwa likes not being the center of the campus gossip.
that’s why he doesn’t waste a second when hyunki finds him in the same spot that soohwa found him so months ago. “it’s your birthday.” is the first thing out of his lips. “and friends give presents to each other on their birthdays.” he explains uselessly.
“so.” he takes out a small box from the the pocket of his robes, it’s yellow just like the main color of geumseong with a nice ribbon keeping it shut. inside there is a keychain of a golden snitch, it’s not anything extra fancy but the quality is still good, could easily be mistaken by a real one if not for the lighter weight. there’s also a note on it, written with soohwa’s neat handwriting. 
i saw this and thought of you since the first thing we talked about as friends was quidditch. and also because you should enjoy having this one since you’re not getting the chance to catch the real snitch when we play against each other again.
you don’t need to feel burdened with using it, i understand if it’s not an accessory you like. 
happy birthday,
from park soohwa. 
soohwa puts the box on the other’s hands, is barely thinking when he also leans in and presses his lips against hyunki’s. it’s brief, but sweet, gentle and filled with more affection than it probably should, maybe a little hurried because again soohwa just doesn’t have the time to linger or to even think about what he just did, or to let sink in the feeling that this was much more intimate than soohwa was planning it to be, that this is much more of an act that lovers do than friends. “happy birthday, hyunki.” is tone ends up also coming out a little softer, fonder than soohwa practiced. 
but he just doesn’t have the time to think about any of this, to correct or even apologize for it. “i gotta go or i’m going to be late for class, so see you on sunday.” and then he’s leaving just like he did when hyunki kissed him on the trophy room so long ago, but this time soohwa doesn’t leave upset or confused. but happy and maybe blushing a little. 
when soohwa had asked him to meet him in the trophy room, that he had something he needed to talk to him about, he figured that the other just needed to reschedule. that he had something come up on sunday and they would have to meet up another day. 
what he didn’t expect was for him to remind him what day it was because, “i know. it’s... my birthday.” he repeats. and he’s genuinely confused because sure they were friends, have been friends for all of maybe a month, and soohwa wasn’t really all to high on his list of people he expects gifts from. 
so it’s much to his surprise that a box is being placed in his hand and a kiss on his lips-- the last gesture shocking him more because sure, friends give gifts, but friends don’t give out kisses, not such soft and fleeting kisses. 
hyunki is left staring at the other’s back, too bewildered to even thank him before he’s running off with the promise of sunday. 
he’s feeling a little bit of dejavu if he’s being honest. 
but, if soohwa notices the keychain carefully clipped on hyunki’s bag that sunday, well he doesn’t say anything, but he makes sure to let the other know just how grateful he was. 
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msuxelodie · 4 years
does it ever occur to you that it's cowardly to bully a bunch of freshman because you're feeling insecure?
“i’m not insecure. i’m bored.”
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tzean · 5 years
an’s first live performance
finally able to express his feelings; an usually keeps his feelings to himself but when he’s singing or writing lyrics, that’s when you can find out about his state of mind/feelings at the time. this song was the catalyst to be able to move on as well as accept his feelings for his band mate.
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aerithlylin · 5 years
“You owe me answers. I think I’ve earned them by now.”
「 nevernight sentence starters 」 | @nevakhan
3954BBY | Undisclosed
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“Do I? Is that how you think this works?” He shifts back in his seat, arms crossing over his chest. From the corner of his eye, Aerith sends a glare her way. “I don’t owe you a damn thing, Neva.
“Besides— you know— there are a lot of things I think about you, but I don’t think you’re fucking stupid. You already know the answers.”
Surely she can’t be so dense. 
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ccxjimin · 8 years
give me the k
7. Romantic kiss
This is 3k of what even. 
It was an odd change to have someone in the crowd that he actually cared about putting a show on for. It had been a long while—ever since Baekhyun, that Jimin had that.
But other than that slight emotional baggage he’s lugging around with him, the night was a normal shift at the club. He got there early, shimmied into his skin tight shorts and dusted himself up with too much body glitter that would get all over Jeongguk’s clothes later. (Though the younger never seemed to complain because of course, there needs to be one more thing to make him absolutely amazing.) There was a little gossip time, as always (Minjoo has a sugar daddy now? With that body? Bullshit.) And then the bartenders are there and making a ruckus on the floor—which means it’s time to get ready for all the sorry suckers and middle aged, pot-bellies to come ambling in to be too grabby and all around rude.
A usual night.
Jeongguk had told Jimin he would be stopping by and it may or may not be the reason he loitered around the dj booth for so long-- putting in requests for songs and nudging him in the right direction for Jimin’s solo stages tonight.
It wasn’t like he was trying to impress Jeongguk or even prove something to him—the boy just had decent taste in music and Jimin happened to be using some particular songs in his set.
He doesn’t want to do anything for this kid except hop on his dick and show him what this ass can do. (The fact that Jeongguk has taken Jimin out five or six more times after their initial date and he enjoyed each and every time is just a fluke and something he’s going to pointedly ignore and hope will go away. Just like the budding feelings. Like a child almost- ignore it and it’ll go away and wander into the road. Sometimes Jimin kind of wants to wander into the road when he’s looking at Jeongguk look at him the way he does. God dammit.
He kind of wants to wander into the road just thinking about it, in fact.)
Except maybe he does sort of want to hold his hand sometimes, in the most vulgar way you can hold someone’s hand, of course (interlocked fingers while tugging him into a little hole in the wall, romantic looking restaurant seemed about right…. Right?) And you know, seeing him smile isn’t too bad, especially not when his nose scrunches up a little in the cute way it does and—“Whoa.” Jimin dropped the makeup brush back onto his table, blinking at himself in the mirror.
“You okay, Jimmy?” One of the other boys had asked him, leaning over into his space and meeting his eyes through the mirror with a questioning lift of his brow.
“I—uh… yeah. Just realized how… fuckn’ hot I am… or something.” He mumbled and his coworker rolled his eyes and gone back to his own thing in his own space.
In retrospect, Jimin should have seen the obvious signs of catching those pesky feelings clear as day, then and there, but he didn’t. He didn’t because he’s stupid and loves to put himself through painful denial before actually giving in to what he truly wants, even if it’s something he might be a little bit scared of.
Jeongguk didn’t trail in until the crowd started building. Jimin vaguely remembers him saying something about a job or whatnot, but the point is that he’s here. And it’s not because he just wants to fuck Jimin at the end of the night. No, Jeongguk always made that annoyingly and excruciatingly clear to him. He always reminded him somehow, someway that the sexual attraction was there, but it wasn’t the only thing fueling him. It was because he genuinely liked Jimin and wanted to see him.
It really threw him through a loop sometimes.
In fact, Jeongguk slipped in so seamlessly that Jimin didn’t even notice him. It didn’t help that Jeongguk always stayed back—near the bar and just out of Jimin’s reach, so he just went about his usual night, remaining oblivious to the most important spectator. White fur hanging off his shoulders, looks of borderline pleasure painting his face and hands wandering his own body—his hands and those of strangers, other strippers, everyone, Jimin was drinking it up tonight.  
He only embodies pure sin as he sinks down onto his knees, coat hanging off one shoulder, shorts slung low and mouth open in a groan that’s lost to the overall noise of the club, drowned out by whatever slow song is playing. Someone stuffs a bill in the waist of his shorts and only yanks on them, dragging them further. God, if Jeongguk could see him now.
But he can’t. Jimin is sure of it. He’s sure that the kid is still watching over whatever rich asshole decided to pay him tonight to look tall and intimidating. Which is why he has no problem catching the hand that’s lingering a bit longer than the customers are really supposed to, sliding it down the back of his shorts with a greasy wink and a hopeful little look that maybe the guy will get a lapdance later.
Knees spread, ass up, Jimin knows he looks like the perfect fuck—hopes that’ll get him more than a few customers tonight. With all this teasing he’s doing up here, pushing his shorts down lower and lower, the crowd getting louder and louder, it has to amount to something. It better.
It isn’t until the song rounds to an end, the slow beat thumping out, that the little material there is on him drops to the ground, coat nearly falling off of him at this point and the bills that have been stuffed in his pants flutter to the ground right after the metallic pair.
Head lolling to the side, he flicks his eyes out over the crowd, fingers wrapping loosely around his cock, and tongue peeking out, Jimin ends it. Well—technically, the song ends it. With the last beat his time is up for now and he plucks his shorts from the ground, swipes up his cash and patters backstage.
The dressing room is a welcome retreat and he can take a minute to breathe in a bit of still air. One of the other boys, feet propped up on the table and cigarette between his lips, is lounging around and wasting time as usual. He casts a lazy glance over at Jimin only seconds before he reaches for him.
“You still got this thing?” This thing, he calls the little rose gold bar Jimin has nestled in the head of his cock, pretty and shiny in the fluorescent lights of the dressing room.
“Yes.” He hissed, swatting the other boy’s hand away and plotting down in his chair, bare ass naked and not even bothering to cover up. “I’m not getting rid of it anytime soon—I think it looks pretty.”
A snort from the chair beside him and a cloud of smoke blown in his face is the first answer he gets. God he fucking hates this kid. Then, “I mean, yeah. It looks fuckin’ hot, kinda trashy, but hot. I just figure you’d take it out to please that straight laced thing you’d been totin’ around with you.” Jeongguk. Jeongguk was the straight laced thing he’s been going on about for the past few weeks and Jimin even feels his cheeks color. God dammit. Now the kid’s got him blushing.
“No. He likes it—I think. I-it doesn’t matter what he thinks anyways.” Or does it? Now that it’s brought up, he’s never exactly asked the other about what he thought. It’s always been sort of out of mind during things. But… if Jeongguk really didn’t like it, would Jimin actually take it out? It was his favorite piercing.
(He’s a little too scared of the implications to admit that yes, yes he would take it out.)
“Mm… ‘M sure it doesn’t.” The chair scrapes the tiles obnoxiously as the other boy scoots back, rubbing out his cigarette on the underside of the table and dropping it to the ground. Disgusting.
It doesn’t, Jimin reminds himself. “Just keep telling yourself that.”
“Whatever. Fuck you, Minseok.”
He’s sure that the boy didn’t hear him because by the time Jimin spit back at him, he’s already out the door and onto the floor. Whatever.
“Whatever.” It was all exactly that.
Sitting back in his chair, there’s a pout fixed on his lips and Jimin looks back at himself in the mirror, thighs spread and still hard. Tilting his head to the side a bit he took a moment to rake a critical gaze over himself, fingers retuning once again to wrap loosely around his cock, just sitting there. He tried to imagine what he would look without the bright diamonds from his naval piercing and the shiny gold of his the bar, he tries to remember, but it feels like it’s been so long.
And it wasn’t like Jeongguk didn’t know about them. He’s seen Jimin naked countless times just at the club. But, he was a crowd favorite thanks to these (his flirty, easy nature probably played a big part too, but that was beside the point.) Worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, there really was only one way to find out exactly what he thought about it all.
Ask him.
Not because he actually needed to know—just because he was curious. Of course.
That backdoor was looking all the more appealing by the second. The roads are pretty busy around this time of night, right?
The crowd on the floor was just as handsy as ever. Men pulling at him the question of a lapdance, the promise of cash and a good time, all appealing things he would have jumped at immediately had it been he wasn’t on a mission. A very risky, life or death (that’s overreacting a little, but hey. You never know.) mission. He brushes them off of with a coy little smile and the promise of a good time another night.
Sure enough, his target is seated right there, at the end of the bar with a beer in his hand. Just like always. How long had he been there?
At least Jeongguk is reliable.
“Hey, baby.” His smile is too sweet as he falls into Jeongguk’s already waiting arms and he looks just as nervous as he always does when he sees him in these skintight, barely there costumes. It’s cute and a little heart fluttering—you know, if Jimin actually felt real feelings for Jeongguk…. “Can I take you to a private room?”
And he knows Jeongguk is about to protest—spew something about respecting him or wanting to get to know him or some equally as wholesome shit that doesn’t belong in a sinful place like this, so he beats him to the punch. “I just want to talk. I wanna ask you something.” It must be the look on his face- a soft little pout that looks a little out of place on his face, or maybe the fact that Jeongguk is just so gone for the boy already, but he gives in just like that, nodding and letting Jimin tug him off the barstool. “C’mon. You can take your beer.”
The private rooms are always a tossup. They’re quieter, off to the side and just what the neon sign entails. Private. Sure, there’s a way to make sure that the boys are safe, but it’s not always the best and Jimin has firsthand knowledge of what happens when a bouncer doesn’t see you buzzing. But this is Jeongguk and Jimin knows he’ll never have to worry about Jeongguk. It makes him a little uneasy that he doesn’t have to worry about Jeongguk… in that way at least. His heart is telling him different.
Settling into the younger’s lap he doesn’t say anything right away, just shrugs off the stupid fur coat and gets comfortable. Small fingers run through soft hair and this—this is nice. Even if they are still in the club and Jimin is kinda of sweaty and the couch definitely has cum stains on it, it’s nice. Jeongguk is nice.
“Did you see me on stage?”
“Mm… you looked amazing, like always. Just beautiful.”
A hint of a smile cracks through. Leave it to the younger to call Jimin stripping down to nothing beautiful. He can feel a weird fluttering in his chest and he tries to drown it out by leaning forward, no warning, and pressing his lips to Jeongguk’s in a soft kiss so unlike Jimin.
Maybe it was dumbass Minseok getting to him (he’s always had a problem with that guy) or maybe he was just having an off night (a lie. He’s having a fucking great night.) Who knows. The only thing that’s important right now is how Jimin tilts his head a little to the side, lips parting and he’s drinking in all he can of the other.
God, maybe he’s the whipped one. Fuck.
“You really think that?”
“Of course, I do. You’re absolutely gorgeous.” Ouch? Chest pains over something as simple as that—something he hears all the time? This should be about the time he aborts the fucking mission, but no. Just like the idiot he is, Jimin keeps going. Unsure fingers press into his thighs and for a second he glances down, trying to take up the courage to actually as.
(It’s because he doesn’t want to take them out, he tells himself, and not that he actually cares what Jeongguk thinks. But then again—if he didn’t, would he be so willing to remove them just like that?)
“You even like my piercings?”
And just like that Jeongguk froze underneath him. He saw the younger take a risky glance down and even though Jimin wasn’t quite as aroused as earlier, the shorts left nothing to the imagination. This was it. He was going to say he didn’t like them—he hated them, that they made him look cheap and no good and trashy—
“If they make you happy then I like them.”
“Oh.” Of course. It was an answer he should have expected from the too sweet boy. Why wouldn’t he like them if they made Jimin happy. “Really?” He sounded a little more unsure than he was comfortable with and the worst part was the he wasn’t even sure why.
Jimin only gave an answer in the form of lurching forward, nearly missing Jeongguk’s mouth in his rush to kiss him. The kiss is a little messy and rushed, but it’s still good. Kissing Jeongguk is always good and there hasn’t been anyone else who kisses him like he does. (A small part of him hopes he’ll never find someone who kisses just as sweet, that he’ll always be that special to him, but then he gets his head out of his fucking ass and tell himself that he’s a big boy and you can’t always have nice kisses.) But then Jeongguk hums softly and cups Jimin’s cheek all soft and caring and only kisses him harder.
Fuck. Maybe he was in a little deeper than he thought.
That night when he left out the backdoor, Jeongguk in tow with fingers linked, he should have been surprised by how unruffled he was at Minseok’s jeering and the other boy’s cooing, but he wasn’t. He couldn’t care, not with how he was so focused on how the younger was looking at him.
All in all, there were a lot of things that should have raised red flags throughout the night. Like when Jeongguk didn’t even protest Jimin begging for a fuck right there in the dingy private room or how his heart absolutely soared whenever he would mumble about just how beautiful he was into the older’s hair. He should have called things off when Jimin held on a little too tight or when Jeongguk let him lace small fingers through longer ones.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t do any of that and tomorrow—sure, tomorrow he’s make a hasty leave out of Jeongguk’s apartment with the excuse of taking his cat to the doctor or having to go grocery shopping even if they both knew he was lying through his teeth.
It was something to worry about tomorrow, however. Right now, the only thing Jimin wanted to focus on it the silly thing Jeongguk just whispered in his ear and how he doesn’t think he’s actually ever laughed this loud—like really laughed.
When he curls up next to Jeongguk later at home, feeling uncharacteristically content and docile enough to let the younger pull him close and snuggle right up into his space, he still doesn’t think about how much this will throw him tomorrow. But that’s a thought for just that—tomorrow. Right now, this is tonight and he’s pressing soft kisses to Jeongguk’s jaw, leg thrown over his waist and fingers brushing at the hair at the nape of his neck.
How long they spend like that is unknown and Jimin probably doesn’t want to know—doesn’t care as he just goes right along, sharing sweet, sweet kisses with the other. Some open mouthed and a little on the dangerous side, all tongue and hot breath, but always followed by just sweet little pecks. It’s much too nice and a little too warm for him (but the thought that it’s something he could easily get used to crosses his mind. He stamps that sucker out in seconds.)
“Thanks, Jeonggukie.” Jimin hums, sleep in his voice and hanging over the pair.
“For what?”
Jimin is a little drunk on sleep and the other’s lips and he nuzzles closer, the warm body a welcome one for the first time in what seems like forever. “’Mm… you’re good…. I like you.” He murmurs into collarbones.
“You…. You do?”
He never does get his answer—Jimin too quick to sleep (or because he doesn’t want to answer, who knows.)
(The next morning sure enough Jimin haphazardly yanks on his clothes—well, his jeans and Jeongguk’s t-shirt, before spitting out some excuse about a repair man coming that afternoon before he bolts out the door.)
The next day he’s seated right across from Jeongguk at a restaurant he can’t afford and—fuck. Jimin catches himself laughing at a stupid joke and dammit. He’s caught up in the trap known as Jeon Jeongguk again, just like he always manages to do.
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sinycs-blog · 8 years
❝ A broken heart is a broken heart; to take a measure is cruelty. ❞
▹ starter, chosen from this selection.
Yan simply nods in agreement, listening quietly with a hand coiled to the handle of her teacup. “I agree. I don’t think I really know how it feels to be heartbroken, but revenge is a little bit… much? At least that’s how I feel about it. Regardless of her mistakes though I still appreciate Maleficent and I do believe she learned from them. No more of those spiteful spells.” She finishes her sentence with swift wag of her finger and a growing smile that slowly creeps at the corners of her lips, excitement now perking her expression as she lifts herself from against the back of her chair, eyes finding her wristwatch in order to check the time. “When did you say you had to leave again? Because I’m down to watch another movie. I haven’t been on a Disney movie binge like this in ages,” 
Truly, she didn’t do much but read and people watch in her spare time, and when she wasn’t doing that she was somewhere on the dully shaded, lonely planes of Interra. Movies were sort of a guilty pleasure, and Disney and other animated movies were her favorite. “You know I’ve actually never seen the second Little Mermaid, what even is the lesson in The Little Mermaid anyways? I can’t remember.”
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ftsartblog · 8 years
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fbxmarcello · 8 years
[text] Is “head down ass up” an appropriate way to say good morning? [text] send me a picture and i’ll be home quicker ;)
tfln: accepting!!
[txt; Rufi baby] Depends who you’re asking?[txt; Rufi baby] if its me, then of course. 
[txt; Rufi baby] img; attch[txt; Rufi baby] Hurry hurry [txt; Rufi baby] If you take too long I’ll have to start without you 
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msuxhyunki · 4 years
Alec knew it was Hyunki’s birthday (after all, he made it clear people wouldn’t forget that), so he decided to get him a special gift, so the other boy would never pout and complain he forgot his birthday. He wasn’t very creative when picking gifts, his father always said jewelry was the best gift, so he ordered a thin rose gold bracelet he thought it would suit him, along with a note. He made sure both items were delivered to him, whenever he showed up on MSU’s halls.
it wasn’t unlike his parents to send him a few packages for his birthday, so he wasn’t surprised when he picked up his mail and there was a box or two for him. what did surprise him, a name he didn’t expect to see on a tag. 
of course, he’s grateful. makes a note to wear his precious little gift as much as possible, and also makes another small note to show the other just how thankful he was at a later time. 
plus, he laughs so loud at the note he startles his cat. 
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