msuxhyunki · 4 years
.school spirit
it was the trickiest thing to make it to the toseong dorm without running into anyone. hyunki has to hurry, jacket wrapped tightly around him to ward off the impending chill of the fall weather. 
when he had scrambled for a last minute halloween costume, he came up blank, until he spent the whole first half of a quidditch game staring at the cheerleaders. thankfully the toseong dorm was near empty so he didn’t catch any concerning looks. hyunki wanted to keep a bit of a tight hold on his costume, the only person really knowing about his plan being friday-- when she firmly denied the use of her own uniform, much to hyunki’s dismay. 
the pleated skirt, pom poms, white socks, it’s one his more questionable costumes over the years, the shortest by far. usually, he plays it a little safer and keeps the hemlines closer to the knee, but this year, well, this year he was feeling a little bold. 
“soohwa.” the geumseong boy hisses, banging on the head boy’s door. he was exposed in the hallway, anyone could come out of their room and see thigh brushing skirt or the pom poms clutched in his arms along with a few other bags, soohwa’s costume being one. “you better open this door!” 
a costume for @msusoohwa
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msunathaniel · 4 years
in the hospital wing with @msusoohwa.
for the past year, nate has been working part time at the university’s hospital wing. he’s not the best in his classes, he’ll readily admit that, as theoretical things has never been his strong suit. practical things, however, he’s better at, and he’s gotten his fair share of practical experiences over the past year. even if he never makes it as a healer due to his intellectual shortcomings, at least he thinks he’ll do alright as a nurse. at least that’s what nurse sato has told him. 
in the year he’s been working there, there’s been a few nurse sato considers to be regulars. some are hwaseong students, constantly getting themselves into trouble somehow, while others have rather the opposite problem — they overwork themselves, ending up in the hospital wing due to overextension. nate is surprised at just how many students regularly do way too much work. he really thinks some people just need to learn how to relax, even if it’s only on occasion. 
one student he feels he’s seen more often than others, is one of the school’s head students. park soohwa. the older seems to constantly overwork himself, oftentimes ending up in the hospital wing because of it. nate doesn’t think he’s ever seen soohwa relax, and just enjoy life. not that he knows the head student very well personally, but he does see him around campus, and there always seems to be some sort of tension surrounding him. the toseong student’s vibes just scream stressed. 
nate isn’t surprised when soohwa comes in again that day — not at all. nurse sato immediately assigns the graduate student to him, telling nate that he “knows what to do”. and he does. he grabs a bottle of invigoration draught off the shelf, a potion frequently used to give some energy back to the overworked students who come in requiring assistance. 
“you really have to stop working so hard, you know,” he tells the older as he approaches him. nate immediately starts preparing the potion, pouring a decent amount of it into a paper cup. “there’s nothing wrong with having some fun every once in a while. or do you not know what fun is?” it’s said in jest, eyebrows raised and his tone playful. 
“here, drink this.” nate hands over the paper cup, filled with just a little more that’s actually needed — he definitely thinks soohwa needs it. “then you need to rest. or have some fun. whatever helps you relax.”
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msuqueenbee · 4 years
even though it has been weeks since all the carnival fun, it looks like we still have some juicy rumors coming in. but can you really call them rumors when there were so many eye witnesses to testify? @msueloise was seen being quite handsy with a younger student while on the ferris wheel, making out with no other that miss @msuxelodie from hwaseong herself. well, i suppose they weren’t really trying to be discreet about it, not with those moans anyway. unfortunately, it looks like they were caught by some freshman from the cart above them so they moved their business elsewhere. pity. it would have been funnier if they were caught by librarian kim. but hey, who knew mokseong had some exhibitionists?  🐝
next on our list is @msuxhaeun shooting her shot! and you know what? it was a miss! the poor little hwaseong freshmen really tried her best to dress up for resident heartthrob @msulevi. and what better night to show off than at hwaseong’s quidditch after party? but even with all of her effort to woo him the past couple of weeks, it’s no surprise that she was rejected almost immediately. how embarrassing! just a little piece of advice for next time: never pursue the playboy, love. you were only setting yourself up for that one. but lesson learned, right?  🐝
and speaking of quidditch, did anyone catch the opening matches? or rather, did you happen to catch the end of them? after geumseong’s surprising win over toseong, there was mixed emotions everywhere. some players were crying, some players were celebrating. and other players -- they snog, apparently. we all saw the smooching, @msuxhyunki and @msusoohwa! and it certainly did not look like it was the first time around the pitch. so now, how does it feel for the gossiper himself and his new beau to finally be in the spotlight?  🐝
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iitsfriday · 4 years
november 2020 / @msusoohwa
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thechoiyoojin · 4 years
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msutaejun · 4 years
bonfire bust.
taejun is minding his own business as the day draws to its end. the sun is setting and students are starting to gather and find places to sit as the bonfire is lit for everyone to enjoy the end of the carnival together.
as he weaves through the different groups of students now settled by the lake trying to scout out any of his friends, he spots soohwa also navigating his way through the students. seeing this as a sign to get the chance to approach and get to now someone new, taejun immediately changes his course and heads towards the head student, determined to introduce himself.
it may have been known, or not, that taejun held an immense amount of respect and admiration for soohwa. from their years at hogwarts to now, taejun had always wanted to speak and get to know soohwa but just never found a good enough reason to approach the independent toseong student. as much as taejun prided himself with his magic abilities, he knew he paled in comparison to soohwa; top three graduate of the slytherin house, head student, and also auror in training… taejun wasn’t one to shy away from getting to know people but soohwa always seemed to be the exception.
with the carnival set to bring all students and staff members together though, taejun knew this was a chance he would never get again. being able to approach soohwa alone without requiring a valid reason for taking up the busy head student’s time. or having others prying eyes watch him attempt to screw up his first official meeting with soohwa.
“soohwa! hey, soohwa!”
as much luck as taejun wished to consider he was receiving in that moment as soohwa turned to look at him, he was still… himself to the very core.
he felt it first in his feet where he stumbled against a sudden dip in the ground. then his legs began to buckle underneath him as he tried to stabilize and rebalance himself on his way to his target. upon realizing that the top half of his body was no longer coordinating with his bottom half, taejun knew he would either have to: a, run into soohwa and use him to cushion his fall. b, continue stumbling to prevent himself from tripping. or c, crash.
seeing as he didn’t want to crush one of the people he admired most on his first meeting, option a was out of the picture. regarding option b, that would require taejun completely passing soohwa which was against the whole point of calling out his name and catching his attention to wait for taejun. so, no question on option b being ruled out either.
in all honesty, taejun wasn’t surprised that this was how his first meeting with soohwa was starting. bracing himself, he simply welcomed the impact as he fell forwards into the dirt ground. despite his clumsiness though, he had to say he had impeccable aim for landing right in front of soohwa.
with a simple smile, he pulled a tangerine from his pocket before looking up at the head student cheerfully.
“hey, i’m noh taejun. would you like a tangerine?”
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arcanexchaos · 4 years
[  outgoing ⇢ sexy saengnim ] ⇢ hypothetically speaking... you can’t refuse to help me even if I tease u right? ⇢ I may have forgotten exams are coming up... ⇢ but I absolutely did not forget to check buzzard on my daily hunt for gossip ⇢ turns out u’ve got more proficiencies than just teaching :3c ⇢ seriously though- H E L p
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msuxahyoung · 4 years
Night Sky
Night was one of Ahyoung's favourite times of the day. While she was usually a diligent student, so she didn't get to see much of it, she still loved to see the stars and the moon, or even just to stare into a dark night sky. 
As ever so often when she wasn't able to sleep, she hopped into her owl form after opening the window and jumped out of it. It was as freeing a feeling as ever, though a night flight wasn't her goal. 
Instead, she found herself up on the astronomy tower soon after, choosing the best spot to watch the stars from, but it appeared she wasn't alone today. It wasn’t hard to guess who the other person was, after all, they both like to look at and chat about the stars.
“Good evening,” she greeted, hoping she wouldn’t scare him too much. It wasn’t a secret that she was an animagus, but small owls could still easily be overlooked, especially with one’s eyes directed much higher.
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msuatlas · 4 years
 halloween event, costume party                       with @msusoohwa.
      he doesn't think he would have this much fun down in the dungeon one day, the idea of him being drowned and getting lost in a sea of unknown identities thrills the senior to his core. atlas may appear as a man who dislikes parties and crowded places but what do mothers always say about never judge a book by its cover? 
the guy sure does fancy this sort of stimulating experience, especially one that only happens once a year where wizards and witches alike aren't dressing as themselves but rather as something or someone else, preferably unpredictable choices, such as how park soohwa fits in his skirt so well. atlas has to push some people out of his way roughly so he can get to the grad student faster, and he doesn't feel bad about that. he should, to be honest, considering batman although seems like a big bad wolf, is actually a very gentle man and as a superhero, he wouldn't harm the innocents. 
guess what, mokseong? behind that mask has never been the lovable bruce wayne. atlas could care less about such bystanders if they aren't someone he’s familiar with. the toseong senior, with a transparent glass of fake blood in his hand, amusingly creeps up behind the older male's back. “congrats on winning the quidditch match, hyung. nice jacket, by the way.”
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shintaeyeonnie · 4 years
what is the memory that you cherish the most?
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         OOF , those definitely were rare and even if they weren’t , so many good memories she thought about lead to them ending in the worst way possible. taeyeon was never good with thinking or talking about herself ----- but , once she managed to get through all the unwanted thoughts , there were moments that really made her heart smile. “ ------ i guess... i guess when haeun took me off of the streets , i’m pretty sure i would’ve been dead by now if she didn’t so yeah , i wouldn’t ever forget that. ”
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msuxhyunki · 4 years
.bad poem
apology central for @msusoohwa
if there's a prize for terrible judgment, hyunki is pretty sure that he's on his way to winning it. not only was trying to go down on soohwa behind that game booth the dumbest thing he could have ever done but then yelling at him to top it all off? letting himself get that vulnerable and open?
and how the other looked at him. it makes his skin crawl in embarrassment, shame. he didn't even say anything, just made an excuse to leave. he left, just like all the other times. but he's not bitter. he's not going to be bitter about it because he knows, unfortunately, he knows that they are both in the wrong and the only way this is getting fixed-- because he does want to fix it, is if he musters up the courage and pushes down his pride and apologize.
"hey." another thing he should really be ashamed of is how he so easily preys on the underclassmen. not in any concerning way-- or perhaps it is a bit concerning how he so easily slides in next to some poor startled freshman and wraps an arm around the kid's shoulders. "that paper right there... that's for mr. park, isn't it? dada?" he really should feel a little bad at how the kid nervously nods at him, but he doesn't. he's focused, he has something he needs to do.
hyunki plucks the papers out of the kid's hands, ignoring his words of protests with a bit of shushing. "don't worry." he reassures, probably poorly. "i'm going to meet him anyway." a lie. "i'll just hand these to him. no big deal." except it kind of was.
it was kind of a big deal because he wasn't even sure is soohwa was going to open the door for him and he wasn't sure even if he did, that it wouldn't be slammed right in his face, which he does very much deserve. he was rude and he was uncalled for and more importantly, he said things he shouldn't have.
hyunki said things that he's never said to another person and he knows, that if soohwa does open the door and if he doesn't slam it right back in hyunki's face, that he'll have questions. he'll know what to ask and how to ask it because he knows hyunki's past, more intimately than he would like most people to know. he's just not sure he's ready to answer those sort of questions if he'll ever be ready to answer.
but this is something he has to do. he has to or else he was going to sit and dwell on it until who knows when because it isn't like he can just avoid soohwa forever. it didn't work like that, not anymore.
he's been to the toseong dorm a few times before and it isn't hard to get the other's room number out of the freshman, he just thinks he might have walked too fast because he's standing in front of room 115 much too soon. he even lifts a hand to knock but hesitates. it was quiet. it didn't sound like anyone was inside so maybe the head boy wasn't even there. maybe he was out somewhere, with someone.
hyunki would come back another day.
"no." he mumbles to himself, heaving a sigh. "you have to do this." he had to. with a little groan, he leans forward, lightly thumping his head against the door. soohwa wasn't even there. so what did it matter? "stupid. such an idiot, hyunki. you're an idiot."
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msuqueenbee · 4 years
oh, my! it seems like our @msuxhyunki has been busy during the carnival — our source has let us know that she was forcefully yanked out of a ferris wheel speed date so he could score himself a ride with @msuhaejin, but what followed there was anything but romantic. now boys, why would you fight in such a public place, hmm? what would @msucal think, knowing you aired his dirty laundry in public like that? surely prefects don't behave this way, i think points should be docked for verbal abuse! and here i was, thinking hyunki is such a romantic. surely that’s what @msusoohwa would say, as he engaged in a passionate kiss with hyunki at the bonfire… unfortunately, this too seemed to end up with them in a heated argument. am i sensing a pattern? 🐝
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thechoiyoojin · 4 years
.peek a boo
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trick or treat! @msusoohwa​ 
Yoojin was truly amazed by the Halloween decoration that year. The efforts paid especially on what was in front of him, the Haunted House, just made his smile wider, almost manic. He truly loved that holiday and since he enrolled Mokseong, he would anticipate that particular day in October; the thought of becoming someone else and having fun without fearing consequences, of not having people judging you even if it was for a whole day was just...great.
So it was with great joy he chose his prince outfit for that year, the red velvet coat, along with his crown made him look like an expensive person and he smirked to himself as he knew exactly where he wanted to go first - the place was just in front of him.
Lots of students were coming and going that night and the ones who would leave the place looked quite scared while others just seemed to be having too much fun and the thought of playing along with everything magical he was about to find inside made Yoojin almost run to the main door, only stopping when he saw the figure wearing a cheerleader outfit.
At first he frowned, truly thinking it was a girl he hadn’t seen before - because let’s be honest… LEGS - but then he realized it was Toseong`s head boy just there looking quite uncertain. Yoojin took a few steps closer, looking at the older male, offering him a smile.
“Hyung, all the fun is inside, do you want some company?"
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msujaewon · 4 years
vitamin d
* jaewon is hermit-proof
     kim jaewon is a person who does not care much for rules (or following them) but cares a lot about his friends. so when he realizes that he hasn’t seen @msusoohwa in years (it’s really only been probably a day or so, but it really wouldn’t be jaewon without the dramatics) he decides that it is absolutely his own duty to go and find his friend and drag him outside. 
     in his defence, the weather is really nice today. and in his defence part 2, it’s going to get cold soon and then it’s going to be winter and it won’t be as nice outside anymore. so he wants everyone to be able to enjoy the last of the summer sunlight and obviously you need to be outside to do that. 
     so, he literally marches over to soohwa’s dorm room and raps his knuckles on the door. and then rings the doorbell a bunch of time, because as patient as he is (read: not at all in this situation) he still kinda wants to rile his friend up, if possible.  as tempted as he is to just alohomora his way inside, jaewon has manners thank you very much and he also doesn’t really want to see the other unless he’s decent. or at least wearing pants. they’re known each other since their hogwarts days, so really? soohwa shouldn’t expect anything else from him.
     “yah hyung!” he calls out when the older fails to open the door after the last five rings of he doorbell. he rings another five times, wondering if he was annoying the other enough to get him to hurry to the door. “i have an emergency situation here!”
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msutaejun · 4 years
what is the personal accomplishment that you're the most proud of?
it’s silent for a moment.
not because taejun doesn’t know... but because he knows the his answer probably won’t be expected. 
“the one accomplishment i’m most proud of... is planting a tangerine tree.”
he chuckles because he knows it sounds extremely random. most shocking of all, it’s not a magical accomplishment; something taejun takes most pride in.
“the farm my grandparents run was well made before i was born. but at one point, as a child, i wanted to plant a tree and feel like i took part in building the farm into what it was. granted, i could’ve planted the tree in a better spot considering i put it next to my bedroom.”
he laughs at the memory of arguing against his grandmother as he eagerly dug a pit right outside his window.
“of course, my grandmother made me move it out further. i was upset with her for a few days but eventually got over it. she was completely right to make me do that though considering how big the tree’s grown. it took a lot more care nurturing it than regular ones since it was all alone, but the result was worth it. it’s one of the biggest trees now with the sweetest fruits.”
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msucallie · 4 years
if you could make one wish right now, what would it be?
honesty hour!
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“no heads up? nothing? shoot, uh... just give me a second-- okay, got it! i suppose my biggest wish right now is for suseong to win the quidditch cup this year! i think that’s a brilliant wish actually. good job, callie.”
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