#.NET Maui development services.
inwizardsblog · 2 years
Top Benefits of .NET Maui over Xamarin
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Microsoft has just released.NET MAUI, which relies on and is based on Xamarin Forms. MAUI is more than just Xamarin repackaged. Forms and it means Multi-platform App User Interface.
Moreover, .NET MAUI makes cross-platform development easier for developers. So there are multiple benefits that .NET MAUI offers and which makes it the next-gen framework.
Benefits of .NET MAUI over Xamarin
.NET MAUI allows building applications on various platforms including Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows, and many more with just using a single codebase.
.NET MAUI provides a great layout engine that helps in providing ease in designing pages for your application.
.NET MAUI takes care of the packaging for the target platforms to be able to run it easily.
Microsoft is examining MAUI as a possible Xamarin alternative. The primary.NET 6 and Xamarin.Forms will combine the cross-platform technologies for Apple and Android provided by Xamarin. After the launch of.NET MAUI, forms will gradually be phased out and receive support for one year.
Because of this, we advise all developers interested in Xamarin to adopt MAUI and.NET 6 instead.
Inwizards Software Technology is a leading Software Development Company based in the USA with more than 15 years of experience. Providing the finest IT consulting is our forte and we do it best!
Learn More - https://www.inwizards.com/.net-maui.php
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step2gen · 1 month
In the fast-paced world of software development, staying at the forefront of the latest technologies and frameworks is paramount. The .NET framework has long been a trusted companion for developers worldwide. With the imminent release of .NET 8, developers are in for a treat. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the advanced capabilities of .NET 8, shedding light on the must-know features and enhancements that are poised to revolutionize the way we create applications.
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concettolabs · 29 days
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xamarinuidesign · 4 months
Xamarin and Maui Course Tutorial for Beginners and Intermediate Developers
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Are you ready to dive into the dynamic world of app development with Xamarin and Maui? Whether you're a novice looking to take your first steps or an intermediate developer seeking to enhance your skills, our Xamarin and Maui Tutorial has you covered. From crafting captivating user interfaces to deploying powerful cross-platform applications, this comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in today's competitive market.
Getting Started with Xamarin and Maui
To kick off your journey, we'll provide you with a solid foundation in Xamarin and Maui fundamentals. You'll learn how to set up your development environment and navigate Xamarin. Forms framework, and harness the power of XAML for creating stunning user interfaces. Our step-by-step tutorials will guide you through building your first basic applications, allowing you to gain hands-on experience from the get-go.
Mastering UI Design
User interface design is crucial for delivering an exceptional user experience. In this section, we'll delve deep into the principles of UI design and explore best practices for creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces. From layout techniques to styling and theming, you'll learn how to leverage Xamarin. Forms a robust set of tools to design interfaces that shine across multiple platforms.
Cross-Platform Development with Xamarin
Gone are the days of building separate codebases for each platform. With Xamarin, you can write once and deploy everywhere. Our Xamarin Tutorial for Beginners will walk you through the process of building cross-platform applications that run seamlessly on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. You'll discover how to maximize code sharing while still delivering native-like performance and functionality.
Introducing .NET Maui
As you advance in your journey, you'll explore the exciting new frontier of .NET Maui. This evolution of Xamarin.Forms promise even greater productivity and performance enhancements for cross-platform development. Our tutorials will provide you with a sneak peek into Maui's features and capabilities, preparing you to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving landscape of app development.
Putting It All Together
In the final segment of our course, you'll put your newfound knowledge to the test by tackling real-world projects. From building interactive multimedia applications to integrating cloud services and APIs, you'll have the opportunity to apply your skills in practical scenarios. Along the way, you'll receive expert guidance and troubleshooting tips to help you overcome any challenges you may encounter.
Conclusion Whether you're a beginner embarking on your app development journey or an intermediate developer looking to expand your repertoire, our MAUI Tutorial for Beginners offers a comprehensive roadmap to success. With a blend of theory, hands-on practice, and real-world application, you'll emerge with the confidence and skills needed to thrive in the competitive world of mobile development. So why wait? Enroll now and unlock your potential as a Xamarin and Maui developer!
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shalcool15 · 5 months
Exploring the Synergy of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI
The world of software development is constantly evolving, with new frameworks and technologies emerging to meet the ever-changing needs of developers and businesses. Among the significant advancements in recent times are .NET 7 and .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI). These technologies represent a leap forward in building modern, efficient, and cross-platform applications. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI, exploring their features, benefits, and how they collectively signify a new era in software development.
Introduction to .NET 7
.NET 7, the latest iteration of Microsoft's well-known .NET framework, is a free, open-source developer platform used for building many different types of applications. With .NET, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, and IoT. .NET 7, specifically, builds upon the foundations laid by its predecessors, offering enhanced performance, reduced resource consumption, and improved support for cloud-based applications.
Key Features and Improvements in .NET 7
Performance Enhancements: .NET 7 introduces numerous performance improvements. These enhancements mean that applications built with .NET 7 are faster and more efficient, which is particularly beneficial for high-throughput and real-time applications.
Cross-platform Capabilities: One of the most significant advantages of .NET 7 is its cross-platform nature, allowing developers to build applications that run seamlessly on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Improved Cloud Support: With the increasing shift towards cloud environments, .NET 7 comes with better integration and support for cloud services, making it easier to develop, deploy, and manage cloud applications.
Enhanced Security: Security is a top priority, and .NET 7 introduces new features and enhancements to ensure that applications are more secure against modern threats.
Introduction to .NET MAUI
.NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) is a framework introduced by Microsoft to streamline the development of cross-platform applications. It's a successor to Xamarin.Forms and provides a single-stack solution to build Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows applications from a single codebase.
Core Features of .NET MAUI
Single Codebase for Multiple Platforms: .NET MAUI allows developers to use a single codebase to create applications for various platforms, significantly reducing the time and resources needed for development.
Modern UI Toolkit: It includes a comprehensive and modern UI toolkit that helps in building attractive and performant user interfaces.
Integration with .NET 7: .NET MAUI is built on top of .NET 7, inheriting its performance, security, and cross-platform capabilities, thereby providing a robust foundation for building applications.
Extensibility and Customization: .NET MAUI is designed to be extensible, allowing developers to customize and extend the framework to suit their specific needs.
The Synergy of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI
The combination of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI presents a powerful toolkit for developers. This synergy offers a unified approach to building applications that are efficient, secure, and can run on virtually any platform.
Enhanced Development Experience
The integration of .NET 7 with .NET MAUI simplifies the development process. Developers can leverage .NET 7’s advanced features, such as high-performance JIT compilation, improved garbage collection, and cloud optimization, in their .NET MAUI applications. This integration ensures that applications not only look good but also perform exceptionally well.
Streamlined Workflow
.NET 7’s tools and libraries, combined with .NET MAUI’s cross-platform capabilities, streamline the entire workflow from development to deployment. This unified approach reduces complexities and potential errors, making the process more efficient and manageable.
Future-Proof Applications
With the rapid evolution of technology, it’s crucial to build applications that are not only relevant today but also adaptable to future changes. The combination of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI provides a future-proof foundation, thanks to their emphasis on performance, security, and cross-platform compatibility.
Real-World Applications and Case Studies
Several businesses and developers have already started leveraging the power of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI. From enterprise applications to mobile games, the flexibility and robustness of these frameworks are being tested and proven in various scenarios.
Case Study: Mobile Application Development
Consider a scenario where a company needs to develop a mobile application that works on both Android and iOS. Using .NET MAUI, the development team can create a single application that runs on both platforms, significantly reducing development time and costs. The application benefits from .NET 7’s performance and security features, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience.
Case Study: Desktop Application for Multiple OS
Another case is a desktop application that needs to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Traditionally, this would require separate development efforts for each platform. However, with .NET 7 and .NET MAUI, it's possible to develop a single application that is compatible with all three operating systems, ensuring consistency and reducing maintenance efforts.
The advent of .NET 7 and .NET MAUI marks a significant milestone in the world of software development. These technologies offer a unified, efficient, and powerful platform for building applications that cater to the modern needs of businesses and consumers. By embracing these frameworks, developers can ensure that they are well-equipped to build applications that are not only high-performing and secure but also versatile enough to run on any platform. As technology continues to evolve, .NET 7 and .NET MAUI will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of application development. Are you looking to elevate your business with cutting-edge .NET solutions? Hire expert .NET developers from the top .NET development companies today! Our team of seasoned professionals is well-versed in leveraging the full potential of .NET to deliver robust, scalable, and efficient applications tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're starting a new project or need to enhance existing systems, our .NET development services are designed to bring your vision to life with precision and excellence. Don't wait to transform your ideas into reality – contact us now to explore how our .NET expertise can drive your business forward!
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Navigating the Future: Unveiling the Latest Trends in .NET Development Services
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, staying abreast of the latest trends is crucial for businesses aiming to deliver cutting-edge solutions. When it comes to .NET development services, the framework continues to be a stalwart choice for crafting robust, scalable, and innovative applications. In this blog post, we'll delve into the latest trends shaping the world of .NET development, providing insights into how businesses can leverage these advancements for success.
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Cross-Platform Development with .NET MAUI:
Microsoft's .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) is a game-changer for developers seeking to create applications that run seamlessly across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. With a single codebase, developers can now build native applications, streamlining the development process and reducing time-to-market.
Microservices Architecture:
Embracing microservices architecture is a trend that continues to gain momentum in the .NET development landscape. Breaking down applications into smaller, independent services enhances scalability, agility, and ease of maintenance. This approach aligns perfectly with the demands of modern, cloud-native applications.
Cloud-Native Development with Azure:
As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, .NET development services are leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure. From seamless integration with Azure DevOps for CI/CD to utilizing Azure services like Azure Functions and Azure App Service, developers can create scalable, resilient, and high-performance applications in a cloud-native environment.
AI and Machine Learning Integration:
The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning development into .NET applications is a trend driving innovation. The use of ML.NET, a cross-platform, open-source framework, allows developers to incorporate machine learning models into their applications effortlessly. This opens up possibilities for predictive analytics, recommendation systems, and intelligent decision-making.
Containerization and Kubernetes:
Containerization, facilitated by Docker, and orchestration with Kubernetes, have become integral components of .NET development. Containers provide a consistent environment for applications across different stages of the development lifecycle, while Kubernetes ensures efficient deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Blazor, a framework for building interactive web applications using C# and .NET instead of JavaScript, is gaining traction. With Blazor, developers can create modern, dynamic web applications with the familiar syntax of C#. This approach simplifies the development process and enhances code reusability.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
The rise of Progressive Web Apps is influencing .NET development, allowing developers to create web applications that offer a native app-like experience. .NET development services are increasingly focusing on building PWAs for improved user engagement, faster load times, and offline functionality.
In the dynamic world of software development, embracing the latest trends is key to staying competitive. With .NET development services evolving to meet the demands of cross-platform development, microservices architecture, cloud-native solutions, AI and ML integration, containerization, Blazor, and Progressive Web Apps, businesses can leverage these trends to create robust, future-ready applications. As you navigate the path of .NET development, keep these trends in mind to ensure your projects are at the forefront of innovation.
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diinfotechin · 9 months
What’s New with .NET 6 – Best Features of .NET 6 Core
The all-new .NET 6 platform with enhanced features is unified for all types of applications – IoT, desktop, mobile, web, and cloud – meaning it makes sure that the codes executed on these apps behave exactly the same. This is possible because the underlying platform supports different types of applications making re-using codes across all apps easy. 
One of the best introductions we really enjoyed using is the .NET MAUI (.NET Multi-platform APP UI). .NET MAUI allows writing for an application that provides advanced experience for clients across web, desktop, and mobile simultaneously. 
Profile-Guided Optimization 
Profile-Guided Optimizing (PGO) enables the improved JIT (Just in Time) compiler to create optimized codes based on the most frequently used codes and types. The garbage collector, as well as Guid and String system types, also have received a good upgrade. 
Faster Performance 
As we remarked earlier, .NET 6 reduces execution time, latency, and memory use, thanks to async file 1/O performance, which is a result of rewriting the FileStream class.  
Unified Platform Support
.NET 6 makes the life of developers much simpler by providing a uniform platform for developing apps that can operate on any device or OS. This means all .NET 6 apps use the same .NET libraries.
Coding enhancements like source generators and analyzers will allow developers to write better codes faster and safely. 
New Capabilities for C# 010 and F#10 
Introduction of Lambda, record structs and implicit usage capabilities improve C# 10 performance. Similarly, pipeline debugging and task-based async are exclusive improvements to F# 6 
Better Security 
The ChaCha20Poly1305 encryption scheme, OpenSSL, and defense-in-depth run time mitigations improve the security of applications considerably. In addition, the cloud diagnostics have also been upgraded, which is exclusively available with Azure App Service. 
Microsoft plans to support .NET 6 until November 2024. The premium benefits of .NET core 6 will improve development time and offer unified runtime, making this one of the most significant releases of the .NET ecosystem. As it allows us to create a cross-platform framework with ease and efficiency, Dot. Net development companies need not have to maintain multiple codebases to create native applications for three different operating systems. 
.NET 6 is soon going to be the default Microsoft application development platform, and if you are looking for an IT company in Delhi that has .NET experts working with .NET 6 to outsource your business requirements, connect with DI InfoTech – the best asp.net development company in India with certifications in Microsoft Asp.Net platforms.
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life-sport-travel · 1 year
21 Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia - Travel Video
https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=434 21 Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia - Travel Video - https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=434 Your Ultimate Guide to Checking Travel BagsInspecting luggage can frequently come to be a significant problem. Here’s an overview to adhere to that will help you in packaging and also checking luggage at the airport. How It’s Easy to Travel With a BabyTravel with infant is hard as we assume. If you are bothered with taking a trip with a baby, right here are some helpful pointers which would assist you to escape this scenario in an effective way. Why Mobile Apps Are the Need of the Hour for the Travel IndustryThe travel organization is obtaining extra concentrated and specialised everyday, and also developments in mobile applications for recreation as well as tourism are currently heating up like never in the past. In this method, those travel organizations that desire to speak properly to their clients to share online news and updates are currently faced with the need of having their own mobile apps. This is the reason the requirement for the ideal traveling mobile application growth services firms is arising in the marketplace. Trip to Maui: Itinerary and What to PackWhat to do and what to wear in Maui. Deal enjoyable ideas and need to sees. And also, some swimsuit concepts since you’ll be spending a lot of your time at the swimming pool and beach! Spend Some Gala Time With Your Family in AustraliaAustralia has various interesting things to do, to maintain every household participant captivated and also satisfied. For both lengthy as well as short journeys, Australia is simply a best destination. A household scenic tour to Australia can be informative, amusing, rejuvenating as well as fantastic. How To Pick A Vacation Destination That’s AwesomeYou have actually only obtained a week or two for your vacation-maybe less. You’ve worked overtime or do without to ensure that you can spend for it. In the days leading up to your time off, you’ll possibly log some late nights at the workplace, in the initiative to make certain there aren’t any type of problems while you’re gone. In various other words, you compromise a whole lot to take a holiday, so you’ll intend to ensure it deserves every dime it cost to fund it, and every added hour you needed to function to draw it off. Since selecting the ideal trip location is among the largest consider having an amazing holiday, let’s have a look at some tips that will certainly help you choose the excellent area: The 4 Basic Essentials to Carry During an Outdoor TripEvery single time we venture out for an exterior journey, we have a checklist of important to bring in addition to us that frequently concerns help whenever there is an emergency situation or just for survival outdoors. Various people have various devices or essentials that they really feel would certainly concern aid as well as consequently one can rarely popularize as well as lug those details points discussed in the list and not take anything else that may come to utilize for them. Traveling to India Can Fire Your ThoughtsSpoil on your own with the keep in a high-end palace as well as be dealt with like aristocracy. Then tip onto a high-end train rolling with the country and after that to the backwaters in the south for an one-of-a-kind remain on a deluxe houseboat, which will transport you with the beautiful river means. Plan a Spring Break StaycationA spring break vacation is not always in the cards, particularly when work, cash and also health issues obstruct, so think about intending an enjoyable staycation rather! Here are some pointers and ideas to obtain you going. Five Reasons Why You Should Hire a Travel AgentIn the age of the net as well as reserving your very own vacation, a traveling representative can still offer a wide variety of sources to make any journey better. Right here are 5 factors why you must employ a travel representative. Top 5 Route 66 Attractions for KidsThere is so much to see and also do along Route 66. Adults taking a trip with kids will wish to see to it many of the stops include kid-friendly and also entertaining attractions. Mike Izzo https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=434
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baileyanthony638 · 1 year
ASP.NET core 6 provides a lot of features, runtime capabilities, new APIs, entity framework, WPF, .NET libraries, and a lot more that enables mobile, desktop, cloud, browser, IoT, and .NET web application development. .NET MAUI- the multi-platform app UI is the prominent feature that facilitates mobile app and native desktop app development hassle-free. The improved performance, better security, high stability, and APIs for JSON processing and direct memory manipulation make the framework an ideal solution for enterprise-grade app development.  Connected with one of the reliable Microsoft .NET Consulting Partners that will provide the Microsoft consulting services to resolve your queries and recommend the best solution. Connect with our Microsoft Expert. 
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sergey-tihon · 1 year
F# Weekly #4, 2023 – Sutil 2.0 and Fabulous 2.2
Welcome to F# Weekly,A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Cloud Fundamentals: AWS Services for C# Developers | Courses by Nick (nickchapsas.com) ReSharper Tools and Rider 2022.3.2 Bug-fix Updates Have Arrived! | The .NET Tools Blog (jetbrains.com) 5 .NET MAUI Features for Building Great Desktop Apps – .NET Blog (microsoft.com) Using Command Binding in Windows Forms apps to go…
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
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PART ONE — The Eyes of Texas: A Rowaelin Origin Story 🏐 🍺 ❤️
Long before Cash and Nesta, there was Rowan and Aelin.
Rowan Whitethorn—a Navel academy graduate and recently discharged second lieutenant from the United States Navy—takes a break from studying of the police academy exam in Los Angeles to fly back to his native Hawaii and compete in a twos volleyball tournament with his ex, one of the best sand players on the amateur circuit.
Beyond Remy’s devious machinations to win Rowan back, the biggest impediment to victory is the so-called Ashryver twins, a pair of cousins from Miami with a reputation of their own. Rowan can’t help but admire the gorgeous and sharp-tongued Aelin Galathynius, who’s more than ready to give Remy a run for her money—both on the court and in the race for Rowan’s affection.
This takes place in the same AU-verse as my Nessian story In Vino Veritas, about four years before. 
This is a two-part story, you can jump to Part Two here. ♥️ 
The Eyes of Texas, Part ONE
No matter how many times he made the journey, Rowan Whitethorn always found a wonder in returning home. He’d been glued to the window on the plane’s final descent into Maui three days ago, drinking in the sight of the Kahului Bay’s glittering waters and the distant peaks of Haleakalā rising up like silent guardians in the distance. It had only been six months since he’d last been home, but it still made his heart race; he doubted it would ever fail to take his breath away.
It had only gotten better when he’d landed and found not just Cash and Fen waiting for him, but Lorcan as well. The self-proclaimed success story of the friend group, Lor had gotten a full-ride to MIT and graduated with a 4.0 before being recruited to some tech giant in the Silicon Valley. It didn’t matter how times Rowan tried to point out that he himself had needed a recommendation from a US Senator to get into the Naval Academy; Lor would simply start rattling off college rankings and acceptance rates until Rowan conceded defeat just to shut him up. 
Even though they lived down the California coast from one another, Rowan rarely got to see Lor. So far as any of them could tell, Lorcan’s whole life was his job, and despite his obscene salary, he rarely took days off, let alone vacations. So for him to come to see Rowan play in the tournament--Ro didn’t think he needed to tell his friend what it meant to him. Not that it would have mattered if he had; the only thing Lor wasn’t good at was talking about his feelings. A likely culprit for why he didn’t have a girlfriend, considering their friend Essar had once dubbed him “the hottest man on all eight islands”. 
From the airport they’d driven across the island in Cash’s beater pick-up, Rowan in the cab and Lor and Fen riding in back. It had reminded Rowan of old times, of being 18 and carefree. It reminded him of life before his mom had died, before the Academy and his naval service, before Lyria and the cancer and all the heartache that had come after. 
Sitting in the truck, the radio blasting and Cash’ squawking tunelessly along with it, Rowan had felt more himself than he had in months. The stress of studying for the detective’s exam had been wearing on him more than he’d realized, and in that moment it had struck him how badly he’d needed this distraction. A glance at Cash had told him his friend was thinking the same thing.
Cash had been Rowan’s best friend since before he could honestly remember, and despite Lor’s obnoxious declarations to the contrary, Cash was hands-down the smartest person Rowan knew. It had come as a surprise, then, when they’d all started growing up and talking about college and Cash had shown no interest. Neither had Fen, but that Ro had expected. The free spirit of the lot, he seemed perfectly content to stay at home and work odd jobs so long as he could still surf every day. But Cash...he’d always seemed a little lost to Ro. Just a late bloomer, his mother had always insisted. Some of the best people take the longest to develop. Still, Rowan had assumed that now that they were in their mid-twenties, Cash would have figured it out. As far as he knew, though, Cash was still working at the same stuffy restaurant he’d worked at when they were teenagers, though he’d thankfully graduated from a dishwasher to a server and an occasional bartender.
 As if he’d known what Ro had been thinking, Cash turned to grin at him, a secret smile that traditionally had spelled trouble, getting grounded, and occasionally running from the police.
“I have some news,” he’d said, eyes twinkling. “Remind me to tell you later.”
Ro had meant to ask the minute they’d gotten back to the house, but suddenly there was a shot in his hand and everything else had faded away. They’d partied all night and well into the next day, a decision he’d regretted when they’d all piled onto the ferry to Waikiki for the tournament. Thankfully they’d still had half a day to recover at the hotel before the tournament began, though the trip had gotten decidedly less restful when they’d arrived to find Remy waiting for them, already pissed off. 
According to his friends, Remelle St. James was Rowan’s greatest sin. They’d dated on-and-off through high school in what Cash had generously described as a slow-burning dumpster fire, but had lost touch after Ro had left for the Naval Academy and Remy accepted a scholarship to play volleyball at UC Irvine. It was only after Lyria’s diagnosis, and—a devastatingly short six months later—her death that Rowan and Remelle reconnected. For all her other faults, Remy had also lost a sister to cancer young, and she’d been there to counsel Rowan through the worst of his grief.
 Her romantic pursuit of him the following year was admittedly less admirable, and Rowan had been quick to lessen his connection to her when it became clear what she wanted from him.  Still, that had been almost a year ago, and when she’d called to suggest he come to Hawaii and play in this invitational with her, it had been an offer he couldn’t refuse. Remy was one of the best amateur players on the circuit, having just missed the opportunity to play professionally on the AVP tour the previous year. It was why she’d called, she claimed. This tournament was a great way to get exposure, and mixed doubles was a much higher profile division than that of female twos.His friends, on the other hand, had immediately called bullshit.
“As much as I want to see you,” Fen had said when Rowan had first called with her proposal. “She’s playing you, brother. No offense, but there are tons of guys here she could recruit if she wanted. She asked you because, once again, she’s trying to dig her claws in.”
“Hate to agree,” Cash had chimed in. “But he’s totally right. She just wants in your board shorts.”
“Are you saying you don’t think I’m good enough to win?” Rowan had countered.
He could picture Cash rolling his eyes from 2,500 miles away.
“Of all the things we just said, how was that your takeaway?”“I never get to play anymore,” Rowan had admitted. “And I miss it. I think I’m just going to do it.”
“In that case, can’t wait to see you, brother.”
And that had been that. It had seemed a great idea up until he’d spotted Remy glowering at him in the lobby yesterday, and now, in the midst of the fourth set of the semifinal match, he was wondering if his friends hadn’t been right.
Game Point, he reminded himself. Just one more point and they’d be in the finals. Just one more point and he could take a blessed break from Remy and all her castigations.He stretched a hand behind him as Remy stepped back to serve, flashing two fingers to signal he would be blocking cross. He could hear her huff of disapproval even with his back to her. They’d been having problems with their coverage all game, and though Rowan could have very reasonably argued it was because of Remy’s defense, she’d blamed his position on the block.
“What’s the point of being a giant,” she’d snarled after the last point they’d lost. “If you can’t shut a hitter down at the net?”
“I’m trying to force the spot you keep saying you want,” he’d snapped back. “Maybe after this game you might want to look into a digging clinic.”
He heard the snap as the ball was served, tracking his opponents through the net as they received. It was a less than stellar pass from the guy, and though the set his teammate gave him was decent, Ro could see the swing was going to be exactly where he wanted it.
He lingered to the left until the last moment, feigning a block that would force the hit line. He struck just as the hitter began to make contact, taking a quick step to the right before exploding up. Rowan could feel in the way his muscles uncoiled that it had been a perfect jump, and he turned his face away to avoid a broken nose as his hands made contact with the ball. He could tell from the sound alone how dominating a block it had been, and he wasn’t surprised as he watched the ball fall into the sand on the opposite court, it’s angle so punishing there had been no chance for a defense.
The gathering crowd erupted in cheers, and Rowan turned to Remy in celebration, only to find her lips pursed.
“Nice block. I hope this means you’re going to actually listen to me next match.”
Too annoyed to respond to that, Rowan turned to shake hands with the opposing team before stalking past Remy to where his friends were lounging. Unsurprisingly, she was right on his heels, pushing the water bottle he’d about to take a sip from away and scowling at him.“I told you that you needed to be more aggressive on the block,” she said. “Would it honestly kill you to admit I’m right?” “Every block can’t be a roof, Rem! You need to be quicker at reading the coverage or we are going to lose in the finals.”
Remy crossed her arms. 
“You’re just mad because you don’t have the stamina to keep jumping like that.”
“Don’t start with me about stamina,” Rowan said. “For someone who is hoping to get on the tour, you’re lagging on defense.”
Rowan was unsurprised when she reached back and slapped him in the face, though the blow had admittedly come fast enough that he hadn’t had time to avoid it.
“You’re an ass,” Remy snarled, tears in her eyes.
Once, that might have been enough to get him to soften his tone. After ten years of dealing with her gaslighting, he was now sure that they were manufactured. 
“Do not do that again,” he said in a quiet voice. At this more tears welled, and she reached up to touch his face, her small palms resting on his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Ro,” she said, eyes flicking briefly to his lips. “I’m just--there’s a lot riding on this for me.”
“Our next match is in twenty minutes,” Rowan said, peeling her hands off of him. “Get some water and walk it off.”
She seemed put out at the dismissal, but she must have known she had little recourse to argue after slapping him, so she simply nodded and turned away, giving his friends a hateful look for good measure before stalking off. Fen watched her go with unveiled distaste before turning to Rowan and shaking his head. 
“Dude, I know I’m gay, but I will never understand what you see in that girl. She straight sucks.”
Cash bubbled his lips in agreement.
“There’s nothing to see,” Lor said. “She’s a fucking nightmare.”
“Here, here,” Cash said, and Rowan rolled his eyes.“We’ve been playing together forever,” he protested. “And Remy knows we aren’t...seeing each other anymore.”
“Does she?” Lor drawled. “Just because you’re not banging her right now doesn’t mean she’s done with you, Whitethorn. Remelle St. James is not a girl you can just walk away from.”
“We’re twos partners, not soulmates,” Ro said. “And if playing with Remy means winning this tournament, I don’t really care what you jackasses think of it, or of her.”
“The sets cannot be worth it,” Lorcan drawled, sounding bored.
“She’s the best amateur female player in this tournament,” Rowan snapped back.
“Please,” Fen said. “She’s barely in the top five.”
“And who’s number one, then?”
Fen grinned, dark eyes fiendish.
“You haven’t heard? There’s a chick here from the University of Texas, and apparently she’s—”
“Holy shit,” Cash interrupted, eyes skating over Rowan’s shoulder. “Who is that?”
Rowan turned in time to watch the hottest woman he’d ever seen saunter towards them. She was taller than average—easily exceeding six feet—and corded with a sleek musculature that would have heralded her as a volleyball player even if they weren’t at a tournament. Her gorgeously tanned legs went on for an eternity, and he felt his mouth go dry at seeing the minuscule bikini bottoms she wore, the burnt orange Lycra hugging a toned ass that told him she probably had a damn good vertical. Her long blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail and braided in the popular style, and when she turned to smirk at him in a flash of pearly teeth and dazzling blue eyes, he felt a little weak.
“Goddamn,” Cash said, interrupting Rowan’s reverie. “She is fucking gorgeous.”
“That’s her,” Fen said. “From UT. Aelin Galathynius. Ro, I hope you and Remy can pull it together for this match. Otherwise this girl is gonna fuck you up.”
They all watched as she trotted onto the court, bending over in a stretch Rowan was afraid was going to make his board shorts too tight.
“God lord, she is perfect,” Cash said, tilting his head slightly to better admire her well-formed assets.Rowan felt a prickle of irritation at his friend's appraisal, but before he could address it, or—more realistically—dismiss it, Lor gave an unimpressed snort.
“She’s too tall.”
“I don’t understand how a guy pushing seven feet can have a maximum height restriction for the women he dates,” Fen said.
Lor only shrugged with a smirk, but Rowan was barely listening. He felt another twinge of displeasure zip down his spine as he watched a muscular blonde frat star stride onto the court towards the Galathynius girl, who beamed at seeing him.“That her boyfriend?” He asked, trying not to sound overly put-out by the idea.
 “Cousin, I think,” Lor said, expression gloriously bored. “Aedion Ashryver. I played him in a tournament in Miami last year. He’s marginally above average.”
“High praise, coming from you,” Fen said, earning only an eye roll in response.They watched as Ashryver took several exploratory swings, Aelin working out her wrists as he did. Rowan admired her flawless form as she gave her cousin a tight set and he crushed the ball into a sand on a punishing downward trajectory.
“Nice hands,” Cash said, eyes alight with appreciation as she shot Aedion a quick set to a similarly successful result.
“I can block him,” Rowan said, trying to read Aedion’s form for flaws. “He’s swinging hard, but he’s hit that same spot every time.”
“That’s not going to be enough on its own,” Lor said dryly. “Your best bet is to force Galynthius to receive first then shut her down on the block. I bet her swing is weak.”
“That opinion is completely baseless,” Cash said. “You have no idea what her swing is like.”
“I know that cocky assholes are never as good as they are obnoxious,” Lorcan retorted, gesturing to the Galythinius girl again.She’d seemed to have taken note of their attention, hands on her hips as surveyed Rowan from head to toe. Something about the way she looked at him—her tongue tucked almost suggestively into her cheek—had pleasant goosebumps breaking out on his arms.
Given her brazen assessment, Rowan felt justified in studying her as well, trying to school his expression into that of a player sizing up an opponent for weaknesses. In reality, he was just admiring her.The sports bra she wore did nothing to minimize her gorgeously firm tits, and her stomach was an alluring tapestry of muscle, the smooth bronze skin unblemished save for the corner of a tattoo which peaked out from the top of her bikini bottoms. From it’s color and shape, Rowan thought it might be a flag, though he couldn’t see enough of it to tell which country. Before he could stop himself, Rowan imagined peeling the offending garment off her and getting a better look. Rowan tried to get his mind right as Aelin Galynthius gave him a smouldering grin and turned away, but he was still so caught up in her that he flinched when he felt Remy’s fingers trailing down his back.
“You ready, babe? Let’s do this.”Rowan definitely debated telling her not to call him that, but not wanting to reignite the tension when they were so close to winning he simply nodded and headed towards the court to warm up as well. 
“Good luck, champ,” Fen said. “Make sure you find out if she’s single for Cash.”
Rowan flipped him off and jogged onto the court, trying to ignore the way Aelin Galynthius’s eyes raked him appreciatively as he passed her.
Still relatively loose from the previous match, Rowan sped through warm-ups, not wanting to give the Ashryvver cousins too much insight into his skill level. When they were done, the tournament organizer came over to congratulate the four of them on their place in the finals before briefly running through the rules.
“There will be a line judge to settle any disputes, but you’re mostly expected to police yourself. We’re all adults here, so I expect everyone to behave like it.”
At this the Ashryvver cousins exchanged a mirthful look that failed to go unnoticed by any of the assembled. Rowan could feel Remy bristling beside him. She only grew more rigid when Aelin let her dazzling blue eyes slide to Rowan and she winked. 
“It’s best of five this match, first to twenty-five, win by two, cap at 30. Switch on hard sevens. Any questions?”
“I have one,” Aedion said, a bronzed grin stretching wide enough to reveal dimples in his cheeks. “When we win, am I going to get lei-ed?”
Rowan rolled his eyes, fighting down a searing stab of annoyance. Ethnically, his family may not have been kānaka maoli, but Rowan had lived in Hawaii his entire life, and the culture was important to him. Why wasn’t he surprised that this haole douchebag had just gone for the most tired pun in existence?
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” he told Ashryvver. “The losers don’t get shit.”
At this, Galathynius laughed, the sound low and musical.“I love a man who knows how to dream big.”
“Shall we?” The coordinator cut in, his gaze flitting between Aelin and Remy, who Rowan presumed was scowling.
They nodded and he flipped a coin, which Rowan called in the air.
“Heads.”The shaggy-haired coordinator extended his arm to show them the gleaming head of Sacagawea on the gold dollar coin.
“We’ll serve,” Rowan said, forcing himself to shake Aedion Ashryvver’s hand as he did.
Enough of this bullshit, he was ready to beat this punk into the dusk. He was also ready to put some distance between himself and Aelin Galathynius before her beauty robbed him of any good sense. Together or no, Remy would have his balls on the grill if he openly flirted with someone else in front of her, and it was a complication he couldn’t afford this close to victory.
It was easier said than done when Aelin slid her hand into his, squeezing in a way that felt oddly suggestive. However, it only lasted a second before she was turning on her heel and strutting to her side of the court.
“Good luck,” she said over her shoulder, brushing the long tail of her braid down her back. “You’re going to need it.”
Remy growled something that sounded suspiciously like “bitch” as she took her place behind the serving line. Rowan gave her what he hoped was an encouraging nod as he made his way towards the net, hand stretched behind him to give Remy the block signal.
Aelin Galathynius grinned at him through the net, blue eyes glittering before she slid on a pair of sunglasses.
“So,” she said as Remy continued to prepare. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”
There was a pleasant cadence to her voice when she spoke, the trace of an accent he couldn’t quite place.
“Trying to get in my head?” he shot back, willing himself not to fall for her tantalizing games.
Aelin gave a sultry laugh.
“More like your pants.”
At this he heard the snap of the ball being served, and he swore as he watched it sail into the net. It wasn’t like Remy to make service errors, but the dirty look she gave him as he retreated to receive Aedion’s serve told him she considered it his fault.
“Are you done flirting,” she hissed as he passed her. “Can we focus on winning now?”
Rowan longed to snap back a retort that he hadn’t been flirting and she was the one who seemed to be lacking focus, but by this time Aedion was behind the line, preparing to serve. Rowan watched the toss and adjusted his position the minute Aedion made contact, easily receiving the ball. He called for a hit outside, but Remy’s set drew him into the interior of the court instead, almost as if she were trying to pull him away from Aelin.
Adjusting his position, Rowan swung. It was Aelin who received the dig and Rowan quickly retreated along the net, ready to stuff her on the block. He was in the perfect position to cut off the diagonal hitting lane, leaving her to either tap it over—an easy receive for him—or shoot line. Rowan thought of what Lorcan had said about her weak swing as she approached, and part of him hoped she would attempt a cross so he could show her how it was done.
He crouched, muscles burning in anticipation to spring up and stuff the ball right back in Aelin Galathynius’s smug face.
Except, he didn’t.
Aelin exploded into the air as the ball reached her, her vertical impreeven given her height. In a flick of her wrist, she’d tattooed the ball right down the undefended right line. Remy made a dive for it, but Rowan could tell from the minute Aelin had hit it that it was a point.
It was—she was—
Rowan shook his head, slightly dazed. Whatever skill Rowan had expected from her, she’d just blown right past it. She was phenomenal.And what was more, she knew it. When Rowan had finally gathered his wits enough to glance at her, it was to find her grinning back.
“Welcome to the majors, Big Boy,” she purred, and Rowan couldn’t decide if he wanted to kiss her or throttle her as he retreated back to his receive position.
Ashryvvers: 1 Remy & Ro: 0.
Rowan’s warring aggravation and admiration raged on all through the first set, which he and Remy lost...badly.He tried to ignore his friends’ jeers as he retreated to hydrate before the second set began, trying to analyze Aelin’s game for flaws.The problem was, there were none, at least that he could see.
“So what’s she like?” Fen asked as Rowan took another sip of gatorade. “Seems like you two were really hitting it off out there.”
“Annoying,” Ro replied. “She’s got Remy all riled up.”
Remy had refused to speak to Rowan after the set, and she was currently standing alone in the middle of the court, glaring daggers at the Ashyrvver cousins.
“Like I said,” Lor said in a dry voice. “That she-demon has plans for you. She doesn’t like that Galathynius is moving in on what she sees as her turf.”
“What are you even talking about ‘turf’?”
“I think he means your dick, man,” Cash added, grinning when Rowan turned to glower.
“I do,” Lor said. 
“I’m not sleeping with either of them,” Rowan said, trying to reassure himself. 
“Sure you aren’t,” Fen said, shooting Lorcan and Cash a conspiratorial wink. “Do you mind if I quote you on that in my best man’s speech? Aelin seems like a girl who appreciates irony.”
“You aren’t going to be his best man,” Cash said. “Obviously it’s going to be me.”
“Ro can’t choose a best man who's already slobbered over his bride,” Lor pointed out. “So it has to be me.”
“It will be none of you,” Rowan said. “Because I would never marry a girl like that.”
Cash gave a bemused laugh.“Like what, gorgeous?”
“Athletic?” Fen added.
Rowan growled.
“Remind me why I bother with any of you,” he said, tossing his empty bottle to Cash before jogging on the court.
One good thing about his friends’ teasing: it had fired him up. Even with Remy obviously still mad at him, he dominated in the second set, and the third. Between both Ashryvvers’ ability to jump and play defense, he never managed a clean kill—the kind he normally wracked up by the dozens against other, lesser opponents. Still, it was enough.
Unfortunately, Aelin continued to make comments and give him sly looks even as the score turned against her, and Rowan could feel it wearing on Remy. By the fourth set, Remy was visibly flustered, the sizable lead Rowan had given them late in the game shrinking as Remy continued to make useless mistakes.Rowan fought not the swear on game point as Remy went against Aelin on the block and was smoked.
“Lucky shot,” Remy said as she was forced to shake Aelin’s hand to signal the end of the set.  Aelin flashed Remy a taunting smirk that Rowan could tell meant trouble, and he debated the merits of interfering just as Aelin said, “There was nothing lucky about that, and we both know it. Please don’t embarrass yourself.”
“You think you’re better than me?” Remy demanded.
Aelin only laughed.
“No,” she said.
 Rowan may have relaxed at hearing that, but before he could Aelin added, “I know I’m better than you.”
Remy turned, lip curling up.
“Not what the scoresheet says.”
Aelin pushed the sport sunglasses she was wearing on top of her head, presumably so Remy could see her roll those sparkling azure eyes, ringed at the iris with pure gold.
“I think we all know why the score looks like it does,” Aelin shot back, pausing to give Rowan a bone-melting smile. 
Honestly, there was so much sexual charisma in it that he had to actively fight his body’s natural reaction. His brain might not have been a fan of Aelin Galathynius, but his cock sure was.
Remy jammed her hands onto her hips, the rage in her eyes cold enough to burn as she stared Aelin down. Rowan, she ignored.
“I don’t need him,” she snapped. 
Aelin smirk went slightly wicked. 
“Good, then you won’t mind when I take him home later and give him the ride of his life. After my cousin and I bury you in this match and win the tournament, that is.”
Aelin flashed her pearly teeth in a razored smile, letting it rake over Remy before falling on Rowan. He should have been insulted by her objectification, but in reality it just turned up the tension that had been simmering between them since the match had begun.
Remy’s answering laugh was cold, and Rowan braced for impact. Despite her bravura, he doubted the Galathynius girl understood what she was starting. Remy could be downright cruel when provoked, and the gleam in her eye told him she was preparing to go from the jugular.
“As if he’d be interested in a flat-chest, loud-mouthed cunt like you.”
At this Aedion growled, the first serious emotion Rowan had seen him display all day.
“Hey,” he snapped. “Watch your mouth.”
“That’s enough, Rem,” Rowan cut in. “We didn’t come here to talk trash.”
Remy turned, sneering.
“She started it.”
“That can’t honestly be the retort you’re going with,” Aelin said, crossing her arms with a smirk. “I expected better from you, short stack.”
At 5’9, Remy was above-average height for a woman, but compared to Aelin’s towering frame she looked positively impish, a fact Rowan knew probably filled her with rage. She wasn’t used to being looked down on the court, either physically or metaphorically.
Rowan caught her around the waist a second before she lunged, causing Aelin to laugh.
“You’re a bitch,” Remy snapped.
“I’ve been called worse by better,” Aelin said, tossing the ball to Remy with no small amount of force. “Better luck next time.”
Remy let out a small grunt as the ball knocked some of the wind out of her, but she seemed determined not to give Aelin any more than that. Tossing the ball to the ground, she made a show of storming off. 
At this Aelin turned to her cousin, cocking her head back in Remy’s direction.
“Voy a destruirla.”
Aedion laughed and gave a longer response in the same language, and Rowan found his eyes trailing down to Aelin’s tattoo again. At this close distance he could clearly see the white star set into a red triangle, inverted by the position of the tattoo.
The Cuban flag.
Good god, and he thought she’d been distracting before. Knowing that she spoke Spanish…
When he glanced up it was to find Aelin grinning.
“Don’t look so surprised,” she said, running the column of her braid through her fist in a way that had him inevitably imagining her wrapping her hands around something else. “They don’t make gringas this gorgeous.”
“Is this your strategy?” Rowan shot back, desperate to find his footing with her. “Work my partner into a frenzy so we’ll lose?”
Aelin laughed, though her gaze had chilled somewhat.
“I don’t need tricks to beat you, handsome. I think I’ve already proven that.”
“At yet that match is still all tied up, two sets a piece.”Aelin and Aedion exchanged a dangerous smile.
“Maybe I just wanted to prolong the match so I could spend more time with you,” she said. “Clearly I shouldn’t have bothered. Try not to be too embarrassed by what comes next, mi amor. It’s going to get ugly.”
“I can handle it,” Rowan shot back before adding, “And you.”
Far from seeming unnerved, Aelin preened a bit at that, clearly pleased by the challenge.
“Prove it, big boy,” she said, hands on her hips as she squared up to him.
He took a step in her direction, standing toe-to-toe with her now even with the net still between them. She may have been tall for a female, but at 6’6 he still had to tilt his chin down slightly to meet her eye.
 “I intend to,” he said. “Repeatedly.”
She bit her lip at this, the first blush he’d seen burnishing her beautiful bronze skin.
“Basta, Aelin,” Aedion called, cocking his head. “Dale.”
“Good luck, Hulk Smash,” Aelin told Rowan, turning on her heel towards her cousin. 
Rowan couldn't’ find the good sense to move his feet as she sauntered off to join her cousin, the two of them bantering back and forth in rapid Spanish. Cash was going to die when he found out Aelin was Cuban.
 Half-Brazilian himself Cash worshipped Latin women, and for the most part, they—like most women—worshipped him right back.
Ro tried not to let the idea of Cash and Aelin hitting it off bother him as he continued to watch the Ashryvver cousins. Perhaps Aelin would be immune to Cash’s easy charm, though Rowan had to admit it was unlikely. Unlike Rowan, who often came off dour despite his best efforts, Cash was engaging and almost impossible to dislike. More likely than not, Aelin Galathynius would take one look at that million-watt smile and enviable head of dark hair and forget she’d even met Rowan.
The thought was surprisingly irritating, and Ro forced himself to put it aside as the line judge called for the final match to begin. He glanced around in time to see Remy striding back onto the court, her expression more neutral than when she’d stormed off.
“Ready?” he asked simply.Her eyes blazed with a determination she’d lacked since the Ashryvver cousins had gotten in her head.
“Absolutely,” she said. “Let’s end this.”
Something in her bearing had changed, and Ro felt adrenaline surging through him.
This was the player who’d dominated in the matches leading up to this one; this was the teammate who was going to help him shut the Ashryvver’s down once and for all.
They lost the initial coin flip and the Ashryvvers elected to serve, Aelin blowing him a kiss as she stepped behind the line. Rowan ignored her.He had bigger fish to fry.
She had a punishing jump serve that stung Ro’s arms as he received, but he still managed a decent pass, and the set Remy gave him was damn near perfect. Aedion and Aelin shifted as the former dropped back for coverage and the latter  prepared for the block. She’d yet to stuff Rowan, but he couldn’t deny she had hops enough to cause him real problems if he wasn’t careful.Still, the set had drawn Aelin farther into the court than he could tell she liked, leaving the line undefended. Rowan intentionally approached at an angle as if he meant to swing cross before changing his body position last minute and aiming line.
Aelin jumped, but her effort was futile. Her left hand just missed the ball, which sailed down the line and struck deep.Rowan’s first kill of the entire match.He couldn’t help a glance down at Aelin as he smiled.
“Welcome to the big leagues, Galathynius.”
Aelin only rolled her eyes, but she offered no retort as she retreated to Aedion, switching to Spanish presumably to discuss strategy.
With Remy more in the game, she and Ro got out to an early lead, a fact that he could tell filled Aelin with fiery displeasure. As hard as he was swinging, Rowan had finally figured out Aedion’s swing, and though Aelin tried to move him around the court with her sets to avoid Rowan’s block, they were finding only middling success.
Rowan didn’t permit himself to think too much about it as they steadily racked up points, but when he looked up to find the score was 24 - 18, his pulse sped up. 
It was match point. 
One more point, he told himself. One more point and he and Remy would have won the whole damn thing. It was so close he could almost taste it.Still, as he watched Aelin take note of the same thing, her blue eyes flashing, he knew it wouldn’t be as easy as all that. Aedion finally managed a kill the next point, and when Aelin stepped back to serve, everything in her posture signaled danger ahead.
Rowan watched the ball spin as she tossed it in the air, timing her jump to perfection. Remy adjusted to defend the line, but the ball unexpectedly hit the top of the net instead, the force of the blow pushing the ball over onto their court. Remy dove for it but it was no use; it was in the sand even before he hit the ground.
24 - 20.
Aelin gave a self-satisfied smirk as Remy tossed the ball back to her.
“Dare you to do that again,” she snapped, and Aelin’s smile only widened.
Tossing the ball, she did just that. The ball hit the tape and fell in the same spot, proving it wasn’t a lucky shot. She’d clearly practiced utilizing the net, and now it had cost them back-to-back aces.
24 - 21.
Remy gave a small scream of frustration as she went down hard for a second time, brushing sand out of her hair and off her face as she glared at a preening Aelin. She readjusted closer to the net lest Aelin try the tricks third time, her body poised to spring. Except Aelin didn’t try it a third time. She aimed for the back corner instead, tattooing the ball into the space Remy had just abandoned.
“Goddamnit!” Remy snarled, storming towards Rowan. “Switch me.”
24 - 22.
Repositioning again, Rowan was blessedly able to receive her fourth serve, Remy’s set putting him tight on the net. He’d expected Aedion to cover him but in a flash Aelin was there instead, exploding upwards just as he made contact.He heard the snap of the ball against skin, and only had time to cast a hand out blindly as the ball came back onto his side. Unfortunately, it wasn’t high enough for Remy to get to.
Aelin beamed as Rowan turned to gawk at her. It was rare at his height and speed that he got stuffed on the block. Even Aedion, who was close to his height, hadn’t managed it.
24 - 23.
“I told you it was going to get ugly,” Aelin purred. “I don’t make idle promises.”
“You’re still behind,” Rowan said, but Aelin only smiled.
“But we have the momentum,” she said. “And chiquita looks like she’s running scared.”
A glance at Remy told Rowan Aelin was right; she looked flustered, and when she caught Rowan looking at her she scowled.
“Let’s just finish this,” she said. “Sideout. No quarter.”
If they scored now, they’d win the match. But if Aelin and Aedion got more up on them, it would force at least two more points as they had to win by two.
Aelin only chuckled at this, heading back to the serving line for a fifth time. She served a floater this time, the lack of spin on the ball sending it sailing over the net at an unpredictable angle. Remy received, and after Rowan put her slightly too close to the net, Aedion stuffed the ball back in her face.
24 - 24.
The next point Aelin won on a deep roll shot to the right corner, and suddenly it was match point in the opposite direction.
24 - 25, match point to the Ashryvvers.
 Thankfully this time, Rowan and Remy were ready. Rowan went head to head with Aedion on the block and won, earning only his third kill of the entire match.
25 - 25.
The next point was a service error from Remy after she attempted to tickle the tape the same way Aelin had, resulting in another scream of frustration.
25 - 26, match point for the Ashryvvers again.
Rowan gave Remy a set off the net and she managed to catch Aelin off-balance for a rare shank from the blonde.
 26 - 26.
Aedion shot Aelin a quick set to the middle and she had the ball in the sand before Rowan could even react.
26 - 27, match point for the Ashryvvers.Service error from Aedion after a bad toss for his jump serve.
27- 27.
Rowan wiped sweat from his eyes as he tried not to dwell on the score. With a cap at 30, there were only a possibility of four more points either way. He let out a steadying breath as he stepped up to serve. Aiming deep, he caught Aedion in an awkward position that resulted in an unredeemable pass.
28 - 27, match point for Rowan and Remy.
One more, Ro told himself. One more just like that and they would have won.He aimed for the same spot only to realize that Aedion and Aelin had switched positions, and where Aedion was powerful but cumbersome in the sand, Aelin was lightning fast. She managed the receive Aedion couldn’t, and when Aedion set her tight, she crushed the ball cross-court, right into the corner.
Remy threw up her hands, beaming.
“Out!” she said. “It’s out. That’s the match! Ro, we won!”
However, Rowan could tell in her bearing something was off, and he let his eyes flit to the line judge to investigate. The man came over just as Remy made a move to casually swipe at the sand with her toe, and he gestured to the imprint of a ball still visible in the sand.
“In,” he said, giving Remy a warning look as the Ashryvvers murmured to one another. “Point to the Ashryvvers.”
28 - 28.
Rowan tried not to tense at the realization Remy had been willing to cheat. It set his teeth on edge, and served as a reminder why he normally kept his distance from her. It was a rule he’d have to remember after today.
Aelin stepped up to serve with an unkind smile twisting at her full mouth, and tattooed the same deep corner she’d just hit. The line judge--not waiting for Remy’s assessment this time, ruled it in.
28 - 29, match point to the Ashryvvers.
Unfortunately, Aelin miscalculated as she attempted to hit the same spot with her next serve, and this time it was ruled out.
 29 - 29, the final match point.
Whoever won the next point would win the set and the match. One point to decide who would be the tournaments champs and who would be the losers.
Rowan’s could see the same thought in Aelin’s eyes as the both approached the net, Rowan’s hand stretched behind his back to signal his block to Remy. 
“So,” Aelin said as Remy went through her pre-serve ritual. “Where are you taking me to celebrate after?”
Rowan flashed her a feral grin.
“Didn’t take you for a girl who celebrates her losses.”
“I’m not,” she said. “But buy me a few congratulatory drinks when I win and maybe I’ll show you what type of girl I really am.
”Rowan heard the short whistle to signal Remy was asking for a re-toss on her serve, and he focused his attention back on Aelin momentarily.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” he challenged.
She bit her lip, eyes falling unmistakably to his cock. Her gaze was like a fist around his dick, and he had to fight back a groan.
“You know exactly what it means,” she said.
At that moment Remy served the ball, saving Rowan from his pitiful lack of retort. He forced himself to refocus as Aedion received, trying to forget the offer of casual sex Aelin had just thrown onto the table. Or perhaps she was just teasing him, trying to get under his skin so he’d forget what he was doing.Unfortunately for her, he wasn’t so easily rattled. Tracking Aedion as he received the ball and swung, Rowan forced him cross on the block. Remy returned with no issue, and Rowan’s muscles coiled in anticipation as Aelin dug the ball. Aedion set was right where Rowan now knew Aelin preferred it.
She swung hard but met his block, and just when Rowan started to think he’d won the point, she threw out a hand on blind instinct, sending the ball back up into the air on her side of the court. Instantly Aedion was there to feed her a quick set, and Aelin swung again just as hard.
Again Rowan jumped and managed to block her, and again she recovered.
Breathing hard, she approached a third time, exploding upwards at the same time Rowan did. This time, however, she pivoted mid-air, managing to avoid his outstretched hands and send the ball careening down.
Everything seemed to slow as Rowan turned to watch Remy dive for the ball, but it was too late; it had already hit the sand.
That was it; game, set, match.
The crowd erupted in cheers as the line judge made the official designation, and Aelin beamed.
“Nice game,” Rowan told her, stretching his hand out to her. “I thought I had you.”
Her smile only widened, eyes glittering as she tugged off her glasses and slid her palm into his to shake.
“Play your cards right and you still might.”
Rowan opened his mouth--though to say what, he wasn’t sure. Before he could formulate a response, he felt the brush of a hand down his back as Remy appeared at his side.
“Congratulations,” she said coolly, her arm slithering around Rowan’s waist now even as he subtly tried to peel her off. Undeterred, Remy tightened her grip as her eyes flitted to Aelin’s tattoo.
 “Not bad for a pair of--”
“I would think very carefully before you finish that sentence,” Aelin warned in a soft, dangerous tone. “And take your hands off him; he’s clearly not interested.”
Remy scowled.
“That is none of your business.”
“You made it my business when you started manhandling him in front of me. He’s too polite to embarrass you, but I’m not. Keep your hands to yourself.”
At this Remy loosened her grip a bit, even as she turned to glare up at Rowan.
“Are you serious going to let her speak to me like that?” she demanded.
“She’s not wrong,” Rowan said, wishing they could do this without an audience. “We’ve talked about this before.”
Remy only gave a cold laugh.
“Oh I see. Some slut offers to suck your dick and suddenly you have no loyalty. You’re a pig, Rowan.”
“Don’t call her a slut,” Rowan said, losing patience. “And stop acting like this is anything new between us.”
At this Aelin huffed a laugh, and Remy snarled.
“You are a miserable bitch, and you fucking deserve each other.”
At this she stormed off, and Aelin turned her bronzed grin on Rowan.
“She’s lovely,” she said. “You make a charming couple.”
“We’re not together,” he said uselessly.Their exchange just now had already made that clear.
“I know,” Aelin said, waggling her eyebrows as she gave him another suggestive up-down. “Lucky me.”
Rowan debated for half a second if he actually wanted to take this girl up on her tantalizing offer, even knowing it could never be anything more. After this weekend he would go back to Los Angeles to continue studying for the detective’s exam and she, presumably, would return to school in Texas. It wasn’t just the distance, either. Something about the idea of a one-night stand with her left him feeling a bit hollow. He’d gone through a ‘casual sex’ phase in the dreary months and years after losing Lyria, and now mindless hook-ups--even with a girl as hot as Aelin--had lost their luster. Besides, Aelin seemed like a girl who deserved better.
On the other hand, Rowan was only human, and goddamn him, there was a part of him which very much wanted to accept. Before he could stop himself, Rowan  imagined stripping off Aelin’s bikini and teasing her until she begged for his cock. As dominant as she was on the court, something wicked told him she would be submissive in bed.
However, before he could make a decision either way Aedion appeared, flashing Rowan a cocky grin as they shook hands before throwing Aelin over his shoulder and jogging towards a throng which had gathered at the center of the court. They were young--mostly likely still college students like Aelin--all of them dressed in various articles of burnt orange clothing, chanting “Ashryvver” at the top of their lungs.
Rowan could help himself as he tracked Aelin through the adoring crowd, beaming as the tournament administrator fought his way through the mass to place a beautiful fresh lei of white orchids around her neck. As when the man handed both Aelin and Aedion a crystal vase—serving in the place of a trophy, their throng of admirers burst into even louder cheers as the opening bars of All I Do is Win by DJ Khaled blared over the speakers. Rowan fended off a sensation dangerously similar to disappointment as Aelin scrambled up to sit on the shoulders of a sickeningly-handsome man with dark hair and striking blue eyes. Rowan watched as she strung a hand under the stranger’s chin to grin down at him, his smile similarly enraptured as they traded a laughed. 
Rowan forced his shoulders to drop from their rigid position. Perhaps she had just been teasing all that time. After all, she didn’t seem to remember Rowan even existed as she swayed to the music, fingers casually strung through the strangers hair to keep herself steady.
Forcing himself to look away, Rowan retreated back to where his friends waited. It was fine, he told himself. He came here to play, not get his dick wet, and he’d done that, and done it well. Now was the time for celebrating being back with his favorite people, not sulking over some girl he barely knew.
“Great game, man,” Fen said as Ro approached,accepting the Gatorade in his friend’s outstretched hand. “That was a tough break at the end.”
“No shame in that match, Ro. That girl is just unstoppable,” Cash added.
“And one good thing about you losing: I think you shook Remy for good,” Lor said. “She stormed over her to spew a bunch of bullshit about how much she hated all of us before she stormed off. Don’t think we will be seeing her again any time soon.”
“Oh amen to that, brother,” Fen said. “That’s worth losing a match any day.”
“I can’t say I was sorry to see her go,” Rowan admitted. “You were right; she had ulterior motives.”
Lorcan pretended to examine his nails in feigned indifference.
“I, for one, am shocked.”
“Speaking of ulterior motives...” Cash said, eyes trailing to where the Ashryvvers were still celebrating, Aelin perched on the mystery man’s shoulders. “Talk to me about Galathynius.”
Rowan clenched his jaw, debating the merits of making up a lie before relenting and saying simply, “she’s Cuban.”
“Oh fuck,” Fen said. “You’re in trouble now, Kahukore.”
“I knew it,” Cash said, grin wolfish. “She’s perfect.”
“Cousin’s pretty hot, too,” Fen observed, eyes tracking Aedion as he posed for photos for the tournament website. “What have you got on him?”
“He’s a douchebag,” Rowan said. “The first thing out of his mouth before the match started was a joke about getting lei-ed.”
Fen only laughed, teeth bright against his brown skin.
“Lighten up, man. If I dismiss every haole guy who makes that joke, there won’t be any dick left!”
“There’s an obvious solution here,” Lor said, cuffing Fenrys affectionately by the back of his neck. “Stop chasing after white boys.”
“No promises,” Fen said, grinning. “Let’s go get drunk.”
“Can I shower first?” Ro asked, pushing his silver hair out of his eyes. “I feel like a vagrant.”
“And you smell like one, too,” Cash said. “You’re a jackass,” Rowan said, though he couldn’t help laughing as he strung an arm over his friend’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”
“You owe me fifty bucks, by the way,” Cash called to Lor. 
Lorcan rolled his eyes. 
“You said she was Puerto Rican,” Lor said. “She’s Cuban, so I don’t owe you shit.”
“At least a drink, then. Fen thought she was Swedish!
“We don’t know!” Fen said, laughing. “One of her parents could still be Swedish. We’ll have Ro ask her later. Double or nothing, Kahukore?”
Rowan’s jaw clenched, and he fought not to scowl outright. A quick glance back at the court told him that though Aelin had finally alighted from the brunette’s shoulders, they were now kicking sand at each other like children. He wondered how long it would take him to get her bright, infectious laughter out of his head.
“If you want to know, you better ask her now.”
“Wait, seriously?” Cash said. “You didn’t get her number? What is wrong with you?”
“She’s not my type.”
“What does that even mean, ‘type’?” Fen said. “I don’t like even women and she’s still my type. Don’t turn into Lor unless you’re cool with dying alone.”
Having no reasonable response to this, Rowan  just rolled his eyes.
“Rude,” Lor said, not actually sounding bothered by the comment.
“Let’s just go already,” Rowan said.The sooner he got drunk, the sooner he could forget about Aelin Ashryvver-Galathynius and all the promises he’d seen in her dazzling eyes.
“Last chance,” Cash warned. “Are you sure you don’t want to ask for her number? If nothing else, she looks like she’d be willing to give you the ride of your life.”
Rowan had to admit he was tempted, especially as he remembered Aelin promising him the same thing. Still, when he watch the same dark-haired guy string an arm around her shoulders and kiss her temple, his mind was made up.
Jerking his head towards the parking lot, he permitted himself one final glance in Aelin’s direction before he turning his back to her for good.
Several hours hours later, Rowan found himself sitting on the beach with a beer in hand, watching the sun set over the glittering azure water. Oahu wasn’t quite home— not in the same way that Maui was—but Rowan hadn’t realized how much he’d missed the islands until that moment. It was the familiar sound of the surf and the balmy air, much cleaner here than in LA. 
More than that, though, it was being here with his friends. He couldn’t remember the last time all four of them had been together, and he didn’t want to think about how long it might be before it happened again. He just wanted to enjoy the evening and...forget for a while
.“What are you thinking about?” Cash asked from beside him. “You look a million miles away.”
Not wanting the dampen the evening’s light mood, Rowan took a swig of beer and said, “
Just wondering if I should take out a bigger insurance policy on my motorcycle. Remy knows where I live, and part of me is afraid she’s already en-route to the mainland to destroy all my shit.”
At this, Lor laughed.
“Listen, you’re not wrong.”
“Just please tell me we are done with her,” Cash said. “I don’t think I have any more fake nice left in me after this weekend.”
“We’re done with her,” Rowan confirmed. “Also, she is never going to make the tour.”
“I don’t think AVP was very even on the table,” Fen said. “She just made that shit up to get your attention.”
“It might have worked, too, if Galathynius hadn’t stepped in,” Cash said, holding up his beer.
“At the very least, we’d be stuck entertaining her all weekend while she tried to slither in your pants,” Lor told Rowan. “For that, at least, I’m grateful to Galaythius.”
“Now, she will make the tour,” Cash said.
“Future Olympian, no doubt,” Fen agreed. “And Ro missed his chance to be right there with her. Instead he’ll be watching her win gold on tv and jacking off into a pool of his tears.”
“Are you done?” Rowan said, lobbing his empty can at Fen.
 “No,” Fen said. “I have enough material to last us the night, at least.”
Rowan rolled his eyes as they all labored to their feet and headed towards a rowdy pub farther down the beach. No one had to ask where they were headed; drinks at the Hideaway had always been their tradition when they came to Waikiki.
Despite the early hour, the bar was already bumping by the time they arrived, and as soon as they walked in and surveyed the scene, Cash burst out laughing. Lor, who’d followed his friend’s gaze, gave a good-natured groan.
“Oh you’ve got to be shitting me.”
There, sitting on top the bar, was Aelin Ashryvver-Galathynius, her usual coterie fawning around her as she tipped her head back to drain a shot of tequila. She’d traded her bikini for a pair of cut-off over-alls worn over a distractingly lacy bralette, her long blonde hair falling to her waist in two French braids.  
She still wore her lei from earlier, the white standing out brilliantly against her burnished skin.
Everyone she was with cheered as she held the glass aloft, and before Ro could think to make a quick exit and save himself the awkwardness of having to face her. Aelin’s mouth stretched into a sensuous grin as she surveyed his blue button-down and slim-fitting chinos.
“So we all agree now, right?” Cash said, giving Rowan a gentle shove. “Ro has to go over there and talk to her.”
Rowan’s stomach twisted unpleasantly as he watched Aelin lean over to whisper to the same dark-haired guy she’d been with earlier.
“Definitely,” Fen said. “It’s fate.”
“No,” Rowan said, turning towards the bar in an attempt to block Aelin out. “And I think she has a boyfriend, anyway.”
“Only one way to find out,” Cash said, grinning as he slid past Rowan. “Wish me luck, boys.”
Rowan had to actively fight a scowl.
“You’re seriously going over there?”
“Listen, brother: if you’re really not going to take your shot, then I am.”
He gave Rowan a challenging look as if daring him to call his bluff, but Rowan only shrugged.
“Go for it, man.”
Rowan told himself not to look, but curiosity got the best of him as Cash approached. Aelin watched him do so with keen interest, eyes glittering as she slid from the bar to her feet. Rowan was too far away to hear Cash’s opening line, but whatever it was, Aelin tipped her head back and laughed, her hand inadvertently falling to his arm as she did so.
“I need a fucking drink,” Rowan muttered, flagging to the bartender and gesturing for three shots of whiskey. 
Draining his, he glanced over again. Cash’s head was bent slightly as he spoke in Aelin’s ear, her smile dazzling as she listened.
Lorcan reached for his own shot, but Ro grabbed it before he could, throwing in back in a single movement before taking Fen’s as well.
“Damn boy, you’ve got it bad,” Fen observed.
“Cash better take her somewhere else to fuck,” Lor added, frowning. “She strikes me as a screamer, and I forgot my earplugs.”
“You both suck,” Rowan said, resisting the urge to look at Cash and Aelin for a third time. He already felt pathetic; he didn’t need to look it, too.
However, after a beat he couldn’t help himself, and he glanced up just in time to see Cash brush a kiss on Aelin’s cheek before retreating back towards them. 
When Aelin caught Rowan looking she crooked a finger towards him in an obvious “come hither” gesture, and Rowan felt his stomach flop pleasantly. Cash grinned as he reached their group again, jerking his head in Aelin’s direction as she crossed her legs in an expectant gesture.
“What did you do?” Rowan demanded.
“Greased the wheels for you,” Cash said, smiling. “Go get her, champ.”
At this he turned to Fen, smile widening.“And the cousin’s bi, by the way. You’re welcome.”
“Good work,” Fen said, clapping Cash on the back before turning to frown at Rowan. “What are you even still doing here? Go already, before she comes to her senses and chooses someone else!”
Flipping him a casual middle finger, Rowan smoothed back his silver hair and headed towards her, trying to seem more suave than he honestly felt. Jesus, he hadn’t been this tied in knots by a girl since he’d met Lyria as a first-year cadet. Normally the idea would pain him, but in that moment he had the oddest sensation of her standing beside him, smiling as if to say, “make me proud.”
Aelin smirked and uncoiled to her feet as he approached, grin widening as he said, “You stalking me?”
She gave a lover’s laugh, low and sensuous.
“Oh, you know how the songs goes: The Eyes of Texas are upon you, do not think you can escape them.”
He couldn’t fight his smile at this.
“I should have known,” he said.
“I’ll forgive you this once,” she said. “But you owe me. Why don’t we start with...your name? I’m Aelin, as I’m sure you already know.”
Not wanting to give her the pleasure of agreeing, he simply said, 
“Nice to finally meet you,” she said. “Took you long enough. I thought I was going to have to kiss your friend just to get your attention.”
“He would have loved that.”
Aelin laughed.
“He’s charming, but too pretty for me; I have a rule of not dating guys who have better hair than I do.”
“Don’t tell him that,” Rowan said. “It will go to his head.”
“Quite literally,” she said. “Let me introduce you around,” she said as Aedion approached.“My cousin, I think you know.”
Aedion only grinned, holding up the lei of purple orchids around his neck. “Told you I would.”
Aelin rolled her eyes as she ran a hand down the back of the dark-haired man she’s been with earlier, seeking his attention. When he turned, she gestured to Rowan.
“Galen, this is Rowan. Rowan, this is my other cousin, Galen.”
“Nice to meet you,” Galen said, his accent thicker than either Aelin or Aedion’s. 
Her cousin.
It seemed so obvious now. Though his hair and skin were darker than hers, he had her same brilliant eyes, as did Aedion. Rowan was never going to hear the end of it from his friends.
Galen gave Rowan a quick up-down before firing off in rapid, staccato Spanish, the words so fast Rowan couldn’t even pick out a single one.
Aelin only gave her cousin a good-natured eyeroll before pushing on his chest.
“Vete,” she said. “no me molestes.”
“Let me guess,” Rowan said. “He threatened to string me up if I even so much as blink wrong?
”Aelin gave a look of theatrical mock surprise.
“No way, you speak Spanish?”
“Tell him I come in peace,” Rowan said.
“He knows I can fight my own battles,” Aelin replied with a strug. “He and Aedion just like to prove their usefulness. Where were we?”
“I think you were introducing me to your court,” Rowan said, gesturing as the legion of people surrounding Aelin.
“Everyone else can wait,” Aelin said, gesturing to the bartender for drinks. “I don’t feel like sharing you quite yet.”
When two tequila shots and two beers appeared on the bar, Rowan threw down a fifty before Aelin could put it on her tab.
“Trying to butter me up?” She asked, batting her eyelashes coquettishly.
“Do I need to?” He replied, accepting the shot from her.
She only smirked, grabbing his fist and running her tongue down the back of his hand before covering it with salt. He had to fend off a pleasant shudder. The gesture had shot straight to his cock.
“We’ll see,” she said, offering him a lime now, too. “Ready?”
He lifted his glass to her, but before he could lick the salt, she grabbed his wrist.
“You can’t drink without a toast, are you insane?”
“I don’t have one.”
She rolled her eyes before coaching his arm up above his head.
“Arriba,” she said before gently guiding his hand down. “Abajo. Al centro,” she prompted him to clink his glass to hers in the center. “Por dentro.”
With that she licked the salt off her hand before throwing the shot back easily and sucking on the lime. Rowan decided not to read into the suggestive look she gave him as she did so.
When they’d finished, Aelin grabbed his hand, gesturing for him to pick up his beer before she pulled him away from the bar.
“Where are we going?” He asked, hazarding a glance back at his friends to see them all watching him with knowing smirks.
“Somewhere quieter,” Aelin said, leading him up a set of rickety stairs that lead to an upper lounge.
The low couches were open to the air and overlooked the beach, and considering how things with Aelin had begun this afternoon, it felt…dangerously romantic.
You can’t fall for this girl, he reminded himself.
She didn’t live here, and neither did he. He was busy studying for the detective exam, and she was still in college, for Christ’s sake. Whatever he did, he couldn’t catch feelings for her.
However, it was an idea that felt easier said than done as Aelin yanked him down beside her on a couch, her head propped on a fist as she studied him with those mesmerizing blue eyes. She was so beautiful it was almost hard to breathe.
“So,” she said. “Start at the beginning.”
He laughed.
“The beginning of what?”
She grinned, her lips the most kissable shade of pink.
“Everything. I want to know it all.”
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What’s New with .NET 6 – Best Features of .NET 6 Core
The all-new .NET 6 platform with enhanced features is unified for all types of applications – IoT, desktop, mobile, web, and cloud – meaning it makes sure that the codes executed on these apps behave exactly the same. This is possible because the underlying platform supports different types of applications making re-using codes across all apps easy. 
One of the best introductions we really enjoyed using is the .NET MAUI (.NET Multi-platform APP UI). .NET MAUI allows writing for an application that provides advanced experience for clients across web, desktop, and mobile simultaneously. 
Profile-Guided Optimization 
Profile-Guided Optimizing (PGO) enables the improved JIT (Just in Time) compiler to create optimized codes based on the most frequently used codes and types. The garbage collector, as well as Guid and String system types, also have received a good upgrade. 
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As we remarked earlier, .NET 6 reduces execution time, latency, and memory use, thanks to async file 1/O performance, which is a result of rewriting the FileStream class.  
Unified Platform Support
.NET 6 makes the life of developers much simpler by providing a uniform platform for developing apps that can operate on any device or OS. This means all .NET 6 apps use the same .NET libraries.
Coding enhancements like source generators and analyzers will allow developers to write better codes faster and safely. 
New Capabilities for C# 010 and F#10 
Introduction of Lambda, record structs and implicit usage capabilities improve C# 10 performance. Similarly, pipeline debugging and task-based async are exclusive improvements to F# 6 
Better Security 
The ChaCha20Poly1305 encryption scheme, OpenSSL, and defense-in-depth run time mitigations improve the security of applications considerably. In addition, the cloud diagnostics have also been upgraded, which is exclusively available with Azure App Service. 
Microsoft plans to support .NET 6 until November 2024. The premium benefits of .NET core 6 will improve development time and offer unified runtime, making this one of the most significant releases of the .NET ecosystem. As it allows us to create a cross-platform framework with ease and efficiency, Dot. Net development companies need not have to maintain multiple codebases to create native applications for three different operating systems. 
.NET 6 is soon going to be the default Microsoft application development platform, and if you are looking for an IT company in Delhi that has .NET experts working with .NET 6 to outsource your business requirements, connect with DI InfoTech – the best asp.net development company in India with certifications in Microsoft Asp.Net platforms.
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rodolfodavis · 2 years
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junker-town · 4 years
What if NBA teams got to add one Disney character to their roster?
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We drafted a Disney character for each NBA team in the bubble.
The NBA is officially in the bubble on Disney World propery, getting ready for the return of the league on July 30th. In honor of this rare situation and the option of teams adding replacement players, we decided to take time to have some fun and see what it would be like if NBA teams could draft a Disney character for their team to use on the court. This is serious stuff!
The draft order was randomly selected and the only rule was that teams must choose an original Disney character, not franchise characters from Star Wars or Marvel. So we gathered our NBA writers that have respective teams in the bubble together and held a Disney character draft.
Here are the very important results:
1. Milwaukee Bucks - Robin Hood
Not only can he serve as a primary floor general, controlling his on-court compatriots with leadership skills sharpened on commanding a forest of misfits to upend the ruling class. He’ll run point, and there won’t be any questions about his ability to nail shots from deep, whether he’s slinking around picks like he’s climbing trees in a forest or just pulling up from the halfcourt logo before defenses know what hit him. Should Eric Bledsoe falter at all in the postseason, Bud has a tried and true replacement for him. I’d even venture to guess Hood may get the call sooner rather than later in the starting lineup.
- Adam Paris, BrewHoop (Read the full breakdown here)
2. Houston Rockets - Jiminy Cricket
If you thought the Rockets were small before, wait till you get a look at their newest addition. Doubling down on #PocketRockets, Houston not only added the smallest player in the draft but also one of the most dynamic. Crickets can jump over 50 times their body length, making them one of the animals kingdom’s most prolific leapers. The lob game that left James Harden when Clint Capela was traded just might return with this draft pick.
In addition, Jiminy has one of the highest basketball IQs in this draft class. Being that he’s actually just the embodiment of a conscience, he always knows the right decision to make on the court.
- Darren Yuvan, The Dream Shake (Read the full breakdown here)
3. New Orleans Pelicans - Simba
While Jrue Holiday, Derrick Favors and JJ Redick are a nice collection of veterans, none have an NBA championship ring sitting at home. In addition, the upcoming slate of contests will present an unprecedented challenge. There will be no crowds to create much needed momentum for players. The basketball courts at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex will be unfamiliar terrain. And as we’ve learned in recent days, the Pelicans will be without at least two key figures (Jeff Bzdelik and Jamelle McMillan) on Alvin Gentry’s coaching staff.
- Oleh Kosel, The Bird Writes (Read the full breakdown here)
4. Utah Jazz - Maui
Maui? Are you kidding me? A shapeshifter fell this far? The Utah Jazz select Maui, Demi-God of the Wind and Sea, Hero of Men, and stretch four of Quin Snyder’s dreams.
Need someone to guard the perimeter? Boom. Shapeshift. Need switch onto a wing? Boom. Shapeshift. Need someone to take over in the paint? Boom. Shapeshift. AGAIN. This guy is the total package and sure to be a hit knowing Utah’s connection with the Polynesian islands.
- Mychal Lowman, SLC Dunk (Read the full breakdown here)
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5. Miami Heat - The Beast
His enormous ultra-athletic frame alone would be an intimidating presence in the paint, freeing up the Heat’s shooters on one end of the floor while also racking up blocks and rebounds on the other side. Whether he’s paired alongside Bam Adebayo to form a truly fearsome duo or in relief off the bench to boost the second unit, it’s a good problem to have for Erik Spoelstra and his coaching staff to see where he best fits before the games start up.
- Surya Fernandez, Hot Hot Hoops (Read the full breakdown here)
6. Washington Wizards - Mickey Mouse
This team is in desperate need of a sorcerer heading into Florida as the “cupcake” team of the field — Who else can be better than the OG of OG’s? Mickey by himself is a jack of all trades, like Bradley Beal is as a guard for Washington. Mickey can do everything on the court pretty well against smaller players. But I get it. He’s a mouse. That’s when his sorcerer hat (from Fantasia) comes in. Here, he can magically help his teammates in the post in the form of giving them a skill boost, or maybe he can magically grow himself!
- Albert Lee, Bullets Forever (Read the full breakdown here)
7. Los Angeles Lakers - The Genie
Genie is the perfect pick for the Lakers at No. 4, because he is one of the most versatile players in this draft. With the ability to change size at will and stretch and teleport himself all over the court, Genie is exactly the type of versatile contributor that will allow the Lakers to make up for any loss with his ability to play any position. Honestly, given the scope of his powers and abilities, the Lakers may have just created an unstoppable big three.
- Harrison Faigen, Silver Screen & Roll (Read the full breakdown here)
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8. Sacramento Kings - Hercules
Upon arrival, Hercules is expected to start alongside De’Aaron Fox, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Harrison Barnes and Richaun Holmes. Standing at 6’5”, Hercules, or “Herc,” is probably better suited to play the 1 or 2, but he has the strength to play the 3, 4 or 5, similar to Zion Williamson.
In addition to Hercules, the Kings are working to bring Hercules’ personal trainer Philocetes, or “Phil,” onto their training staff, according to a league source. Hercules credits Phil for all of his success to date, and the Kings could always use a player development coach.
- Christian Rivas, Sactown Royalty (Read the full breakdown here)
9. Phoenix Suns - Tarzan
The strategy was simple: we needed to replace the services of Kelly Oubre, Jr.
He’s quick. He’s agile. He has a killer wingspan. He adds toughness and a mean streak to the Suns roster. He’s high-flying and strong as hell. He hangs out with apes, so you know he and the Suns Gorilla would get along splendidly. Tarzan is made for the NBA. He is a steal at #9.
- John Voita, Bright Side of the Sun (Read the full breakdown here)
10. Brooklyn Nets - Moana
Yeah, the Nets need help. Lots of help. Especially when it comes to bigs. Soooo, I went and drafted the Nets the biggest Disney character I could: Moana. The biggest, you say? Yeah, the biggest. According to Google, Moana measures at 7-feet, 6-inches tall. Say it again. 7-feet, 6-inches tall. And, with speed.
- Tom Lorezno, Nets Daily (Read the full breakdown here)
11. OKC Thunder - James P. Sullivan (Sully)
James P. Sullivan would be the perfect addition to an already-stacked Oklahoma City Thunder team because the man is scary with a sweet soul that could light up any defense. Also, watching him throw alley-oops would be fun to watch.
Sullivan is also 7’6, which in NBA terms is huge to have on a team. He could block a lot of baskets and throw the basketball down the court with ease and could easily score on everyone without much effort.
Sullivan would fit perfectly in with the Thunder because he has a laid-back attitude and I could definitely see Steven Adams and him being best of friends and scaring other teammates with each other.
- Sarah Dewberry, Welcome To Loud City (Read the full breakdown here)
12. Orlando Magic - Peter Pan
As the proven leader of the Lost Boys, Peter Pan also gives the Magic’s young core some valuable leadership they’ll need while transforming into a contending team. And just think of what some of Peter’s Pixie Dust could do for the Magic’s crucial but plodding players like Nikola Vucevic and Evan Fournier.
- Mike Cali, Orlando Pinstriped Post (Read the full breakdown here)
13. San Antonio Spurs - EVE (a.k.a. Eva)
What Disney character better to represent Pop’s crew than EVE, the Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator that wins the heart of the titular WAL-E?
EVE goes about her business with a calm, seemingly detached efficiency that belied the passion inside, but when the moment was big enough, was able to cut loose. EVE wreaked havoc on an abandoned shipyard in her frustration. EVE rebuilt WAL-E and sparked him back to life.
- Pounding The Rock
14. Toronto Raptors - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
The on court stuff is obvious. Girl has magic mushrooms, given to her by her chain smoking caterpillar bud, that help her grow quite tall, which seems useful for basketball to me. With Marc Gasol deep in the throws of his mid-thirties and Chris Boucher being more of an erratic four than a steady back-up five, post-shrooms Alice fits as a rim protecting reserve who can give you 10 minutes, even while rocking dress flats. A 2019 Sixers team with such a reliable back-up may have beaten the Raptors in round two.
- Sean Woodley, Raptors HQ (Read the full breakdown here)
15. Los Angeles Clippers - Elastigirl
Elastigirl truly has no ego and is exactly the kind of hero who can easily slot in with an established team. She comes from a family of superheroes, so she is used to working together instead of going rogue. Elastigirl is willing to let others shine, which she does with Mr. Incredible, but she also has the capacity to take a leading role, like when she battles the Screenslaver. She has an acute understanding of how best to optimize the talents of others and bring our their peak performances, which Violet would surely attest to. A player who is comfortable sitting on the bench but always stays ready — after literally years of inaction, in one instance — is a crucial piece of a championship team.
- Sabreena Merchant, Clips Nation (Read the full breakdown here)
16. Denver Nuggets- Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible may have some selfish tendencies at times, but he’s at his best when he’s working within a team concept. Nikola Jokic is the brains behind the operation while Jamal Murray is often the tip of the spear. Sometimes you need a hammer though, and that’s what Mr. Incredible provides the rotation: brute force power and athleticism.
- Ryan Blackburn, Denver Stiffs (Read the full breakdown here)
17. Portland Trailblazers - Mufasa
Mufasa is clearly the most NBA-ready character in this draft class. We anticipate he’ll be able to lift teammates to new heights with his fantastic physique and off-the-charts leadership skills. Once he gets his footing, he’ll be a fantastic voice in the locker room. We suspect he dropped so low because he’s a bit shaky running the break and makes questionable decisions in traffic, but with help from the coaching staff, he should develop those skills as his career progresses. At the end of the day, we feel quite confident that we got the steal of the draft.
- Dave Deckard, Blazer’s Edge (Read the full breakdown here)
18. Memphis Grizzlies - Elsa
On the floor, Elsa ices out everything around her. She can be a lockdown defender, freezing ball handlers (literally) while creating opportunities in transition for a Grizzlies team that wants to run. As a help defender, she can assist players like Jonas Valanciunas who may struggle with stretch fives by not allowing those bigs to get to their spots on the pick and pop. She has ice in her veins and will not allow for any proverbial storm raging around the Grizzlies to impact them.
- Joe Mullinax, Grizzly Bear Blues (Read the full breakdown here)
19. Philadelphia 76ers - Air Bud
he Philadelphia 76ers go a bit unconventional here selecting a dog who can not talk, does not have superpowers, and is not an animation, like the other players selected in this draft. However, Air Bud has one thing that I’ve yet to see from any other prospect: game film.
A golden retriever with two-way ability, Air Bud gives Philly a wing who can hound opposing ball-handlers on defense and provide some much needed energy on the offensive end. He also figures to serve as quite a fine complement to Ben Simmons in the transition game.
- Kevin F. Love, Liberty Ballers (Read the full breakdown here)
20. Boston Celtics - Yen Sid
Remember in the movie Fantasia? Mickey is a sorcerer’s apprentice and gets into all kinds of hijinks when he borrows the wizard’s magic hat? Yen Sid is the wizard. So why him and not some more popular figure? Well, like any good drafter I did my research.
There are few Disney characters out there with the magical powers of this wizard. In fact, based on a thorough internet search of about 5 minutes, I concluded that Yen Sid is right up there with the Genie and Maleficent as the most powerful characters in the Disney cannon.
- Jeff Clark, Celtics Blog (Read the full breakdown here)
21. Dallas Mavericks - Kronk
That’s right, Kronk, from the criminally underrated film, the Emperor’s New Groove.
Why Kronk you ask? Well, for one, the Mavericks could use some size. With Willie Cauley-Stein opting out of Orlando for personal reasons, Dallas has a thin front court. Though he should be considered an emergency option in Orlando, Dallas needs a banger, a guy who will play hard and do the dirty work and not need recognition and the spotlight.
- Kirk Henderson, Mavs Moneyball (Read the full breakdown here)
22. Indiana Pacers - Trusty (Lady and the Tramp)
Though he may be getting up there in years and doesn’t boast superhuman strength like Hercules, the dead-eye shooting of Robin Hood, or Maui’s thicc frame, Trusty arguably best reflects the three —admittedly, somewhat corny — tenets of Indiana’s culture: toughness, togetherness, and...wait for it..trust. I mean, c’mon, it’s right there in his name.
- Cailtin Cooper, Indy Cornrows (Read the full breakdown here)
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