codingcorgi · 6 months
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Day 3 of coding for a year. I'm a bit late posting this, because I passed out 😅
Last night I worked on the backend of getting the tasks implemented and my husband was getting notifications to work correctly. We had some snags with notifications since we've never done that before (I'm thankful for friends and videos online)
Today I'll be hooking up the tasks with front end work using xaml and testing.
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msicc · 8 months
Dealing with application windows on Windows with .NET MAUI
I just published a follow-up blog post on how to handle application windows on Windows with .NET MAUI. #dotNET #dotNETMAUI #csharp #programming #MAUI #WinUI #Windows
As we have done the work for macOS, we can turn our attention now to the Windows operating system. Spoiler: this post will be far shorter than the last one. Recap Dealing with application windows on macOS with .NET MAUI In my last post, I showed you how to support multiple windows and handle their size. I introduced you the IWindowService to handle windows in an MVVM friendly way and told you…
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step2gen · 1 month
Solr, an open-source enterprise search platform, is renowned for its rapid and robust full-text and faceted search capabilities. Underpinned by the Apache Lucene library, known for its cutting-edge full-text search algorithms, Solr is widely favored for applications demanding swift and precise search results, including e-commerce websites, content management systems, and various enterprise applications.
This blog post delves into the integration of Solr search into .NET Core, a widely embraced cross-platform framework for constructing modern web applications. Our exploration begins with the setup of a Solr instance, followed by an illustration of executing a search operation in .NET Core using the SolrNet library. Read more...
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nityarawal · 5 months
Note to Maui Mamma:
We don't hate Jews. We love bomb them. They put $buck before life. They kill parents & trans kids. This mommy cancel culture is gross. Who is Trolling us for Jewish Santas?): I'm suspicious of involvements with Maui homes Franscesco Valponi & Alex on Danya's ALS/death & Mikael's wrongful incarceration and framing. Aren't you? They are circling us. Vultures_. It's a bitter sweet relationship for me with Jewish cloying pedophiles you understand. They're the spiritual lamp in my life- but their style of ambition strangles divine Goddess. If you saw how rabbis literally blow their infants after circumcision you'd understand what we're up against politically. Ugh. Music heals the snipped dicks & punctured hearts- 4000 nerve endings. Oil massage etc. Men are restoring their Foreskin & heartstrings through nutrition which are connected neurologically. Miracle. Prosthetics exist too but I'd rather make love to a real man. Ali & Darin were still perfect but hearts were callous with me in break ups. Hate won. Europeans/ Uncut are naturally sweeter because of whole junk. It's not their fault but they look at us like a commodity or brand. It's gross. Please don't gossip with attys or Men's Stirling Group about me. I don't trust them at all. I'd never date an old Jewish man. I have millions like that Trolling me. Kind of gross Mammas'. They molested me and fucked my dad/bro. Haydn gets raped by an Israeli God like man Lior and Army cousin likely. They're obsessed with my kids. Ew. But they're biggest fans so you have to have boundaries from sacred. Look what they did at Danya's? He got her BFF & still milks you about me? Gross. Not your best fanboy. Unfaithful in spirit. Is he friends with Errol Musk & David Kaplan? They'll cage your band. Be weary. I'm seeing weird shit in royalties. Tanny & Darin were erased from bands after global tours. Millions are begging for management now. Xo @elonmuskparody @elonmuskfans @elonenthusiast @elonmuskfanslounge @elonmuskdaily @aclu
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amelia84 · 6 months
Empowering Businesses with Cross-Platform Apps: A Look at .NET MAUI's Impact
In the dynamic field of mobile app development, companies must overcome the formidable obstacle of serving a heterogeneous clientele dispersed over multiple channels. Conventional app development approaches frequently call for different codebases for iOS and Android, which adds to the costs and development time and makes it more difficult to maintain consistency between the platforms. But the advent of.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) is turning the tide by enabling companies to improve their market reach and expedite the app development process.
The Landscape of Mobile App Development
Creating and updating separate apps for iOS and Android can be a resource-intensive task for organizations. Further levels of complexity and expense are added by the requirement for separate codebases, platform-specific development teams, and continuous platform changes. This fragmentation sometimes leads to issues in guaranteeing a uniform user experience and timely delivery of updates, hampering a business's ability to adapt promptly to market needs.
Through delivering a uniform framework for creating cross-platform applications,.NET MAUI solves these issues. It enables developers to write code once and deploy it on numerous platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. Businesses are able to manage resources more effectively thanks to this streamlined method, which also drastically cuts costs and development time.
Key Benefits for Businesses
Cost Efficiency:
Businesses can reduce costs by combining development efforts with.NET MAUI. A single development team can work on a shared codebase in place of keeping separate teams for each platform, saving a significant amount of money without sacrificing the application's quality.
The accelerated development process facilitated by .NET MAUI allows businesses to bring their apps to market faster. The reduced time-to-market is crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape, enabling businesses to stay ahead of competitors and capitalize on emerging trends.
Unified User Experience
Consistency in user experience is crucial for developing brand identification and keeping user engagement. .NET MAUI guarantees a consistent and easy-to-use experience on various devices, regardless of the underlying platform. This strengthens brand recognition and trust while also improving user pleasure.
Overcoming Development Challenges
Common development concerns, such as platform fragmentation, version control complexity, and ongoing maintenance issues, are addressed by.NET MAUI. Businesses may guarantee a more seamless development process and easier maintenance by offering a uniform framework, freeing up resources for innovation and feature improvements.
Future Outlook
Cross-platform app development appears to have a bright future as long as.NET MAUI is developed further. The framework is committed to addressing new difficulties and introducing new features that are in line with organizations' increasing demands, as evidenced by its active community, continuous upgrades, and collaborative nature.
To sum up,.NET MAUI is an effective tool for companies trying to strengthen their mobile app development plans. Through cost reduction, faster time-to-market, and unified user experience, hire .NET developer  thatstand out in the competitive cross-platform app development space with sustained expansion. 
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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses striving to deliver innovative Software Development solutions. Microsoft, a pioneer in the software industry, has unveiled its latest project, .NET Aspire, ushering in a new era for cloud-native application development.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key features and benefits of .NET and explore how it can revolutionize your development projects.
Click here to Read more about this Blog !!
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scholarhat01 · 9 months
Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with .NET MAUI
In the rapidly evolving world of software development, creating cross-platform desktop applications has become a necessity. Users expect their favorite apps to run seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Thankfully, .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) is here to simplify the process. This blog post will guide you through the essentials of building cross-platform desktop apps using .NET MAUI and how .NET training can make it a breeze.
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Introduction to .NET MAUI
What is .NET MAUI?
.NET MAUI is an open-source, cross-platform framework that allows developers to create native user interfaces for desktop, mobile, and web applications using a single codebase. MAUI is the evolution of Xamarin, a popular framework for mobile app development. With .NET MAUI, you can build applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux, along with iOS and Android.
Benefits of Using .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI offers numerous advantages for cross-platform app development. It simplifies the development process, reduces code duplication, and ensures a consistent user experience across different platforms. By using .NET MAUI, you can leverage your existing C# skills, making it easier to learn and implement for developers with .NET training.
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Installing .NET MAUI
Before you start developing cross-platform desktop apps with .NET MAUI, you'll need to set up your development environment. The first step is to install .NET MAUI, which you can do using the .NET CLI. Ensure you have the .NET SDK installed on your system, and then run the following command:
bashCopy code
dotnet workload install maui
This command will install the required workloads for .NET MAUI development.
IDE Choice
You can choose from various integrated development environments (IDEs) for .NET MAUI, including Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, and Visual Studio Code. These IDEs offer excellent tooling support for .NET MAUI, making it easier to develop, debug, and test your applications.
Building the User Interface
One of the key aspects of .NET MAUI development is the use of XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) for creating the user interface. XAML is a declarative markup language that allows you to define the layout and behavior of your app's user interface.
XAML is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating user interfaces for .NET MAUI applications. With its rich set of controls and the ability to define UI elements in a platform-agnostic manner, XAML streamlines the development process and ensures that your app looks and feels native on all supported platforms.
Creating Cross-Platform UIs
One of the major advantages of .NET MAUI is the ability to create cross-platform user interfaces. You can define your UI elements in XAML, and .NET MAUI will ensure that they are rendered appropriately on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This means you don't need to create separate UIs for each platform, saving you time and effort.
Writing Code with C#
Code Sharing
With .NET MAUI, you can share a significant portion of your codebase across different platforms. This means you can write most of your app's logic in C# and have it work seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This code sharing approach, coupled with .NET training, makes development faster and more efficient.
Platform-Specific Code
While code sharing is a big advantage, there may be instances where you need platform-specific code. .NET MAUI allows you to write platform-specific code when necessary. This provides flexibility while maintaining a single codebase for your app. It's a great feature for handling unique platform features or requirements.
Debugging and Testing
Debugging Tools
Debugging is an essential part of software development, and .NET MAUI offers robust debugging tools to make the process easier. You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through your code with the IDE of your choice. This helps you identify and fix issues specific to each platform quickly.
Emulators and Simulators
To test your cross-platform desktop app, .NET MAUI provides emulators and simulators for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as iOS and Android. These tools allow you to run your app on various platforms without the need for physical devices, speeding up the testing and debugging process.
Packaging Your App
Once your cross-platform desktop app is ready, it's time to package and deploy it to the target platforms. .NET MAUI simplifies this process, offering platform-specific packaging options. You can create installers, MSI packages, or .deb/.rpm packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux, respectively.
App Stores
If you plan to distribute your app through app stores, .NET MAUI supports both the Microsoft Store and the Apple App Store. You can follow platform-specific guidelines for app submission and take advantage of .NET MAUI's built-in features for app publishing.
UI Customization
Theming and Styling
To provide a consistent user experience, it's essential to customize your app's UI to match each platform's design guidelines. .NET MAUI makes this easier with theming and styling options. You can adapt your app's appearance to look and feel native on Windows, macOS, and Linux while maintaining a single codebase.
Platform-Specific Customizations
In some cases, you may want to go beyond theming and implement platform-specific customizations. .NET MAUI allows you to do this by providing access to platform-specific APIs and resources. This flexibility ensures that you can create a truly native experience on each platform while still sharing most of your code.
Optimizing Performance
Performance Considerations
Ensuring that your cross-platform desktop app runs smoothly on all supported platforms is crucial. .NET MAUI offers performance optimization features and guidelines to help you achieve this goal. By following best practices and optimizing your code, you can deliver a responsive and efficient application.
Profiling and Benchmarking
To identify and address performance bottlenecks, .NET MAUI provides profiling and benchmarking tools. These tools allow you to analyze your app's performance on different platforms, enabling you to make necessary optimizations and improvements.
Building cross-platform desktop apps with .NET MAUI is a game-changer for developers seeking to reach a broad audience. By leveraging your .NET training and the power of .NET MAUI, you can create versatile applications that run flawlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux. With a single codebase, you can streamline development, reduce duplication, and ensure a consistent user experience across platforms. So, get started with .NET MAUI and unlock the potential of cross-platform desktop app development. Your users on various platforms will thank you for it.
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spindlecrank · 10 months
C# String Manipulation: How to Break a String Into Individual Parts and Put It Back Together Again
String manipulation is a fundamental concept in programming, and it plays a crucial role in C# development. Whether you are working on a simple application or a complex project, understanding how to break a string into individual parts and put it back tog
String manipulation is a fundamental concept in programming, and it plays a crucial role in C# development. Whether you are working on a simple application or a complex project, understanding how to break a string into individual parts and put it back together again can greatly enhance your coding skills. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and methods to achieve string…
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baileyanthony638 · 1 year
ASP.NET core 6 provides a lot of features, runtime capabilities, new APIs, entity framework, WPF, .NET libraries, and a lot more that enables mobile, desktop, cloud, browser, IoT, and .NET web application development. .NET MAUI- the multi-platform app UI is the prominent feature that facilitates mobile app and native desktop app development hassle-free. The improved performance, better security, high stability, and APIs for JSON processing and direct memory manipulation make the framework an ideal solution for enterprise-grade app development.  Connected with one of the reliable Microsoft .NET Consulting Partners that will provide the Microsoft consulting services to resolve your queries and recommend the best solution. Connect with our Microsoft Expert. 
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codingcorgi · 6 months
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Decided to start my year with a personal challenge of coding something everyday for the whole year, and at the end of the year I'll have a reflection on my journey and what I've learned.
Today on day 1 I am working on a task management application in .Net Maui. This project will be for my personal use since I'm making it the exact way I want to make a task app vs what I've gotten before through Google Play.
So far I will say I'm enjoying working with C# 12 and .Net 8. Maui has been enjoyable so far despite me not being 100% comfortable with front end work. I'm working on the settings page currently and I'll be adding theme settings for the application.
See y'all tomorrow same time 😎
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msicc · 16 days
How to modify the border of a .NET MAUI Entry on iOS and MacCatalyst
I just blogged: How to modify the border of a #dotNET #MAUI Entry on #iOS and #MacCatalyst In this post, I will show you how to modify the #Handler to take control over the #Entry’s border by changing the underlying native control. #iOSDev
In my recent side project, TwistReader, I needed to modify the Border of an Entry to match my application’s primary color. The .NET MAUI Entry does not provide a direct way to change the color of the border, however. Luckily, it isn’t that difficult to change the color of the border, nonetheless. Modifying the mapping of the native control The .NET MAUI Entry renders to a native UITextField.…
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step2gen · 1 month
In the fast-paced world of software development, staying at the forefront of the latest technologies and frameworks is paramount. The .NET framework has long been a trusted companion for developers worldwide. With the imminent release of .NET 8, developers are in for a treat. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the advanced capabilities of .NET 8, shedding light on the must-know features and enhancements that are poised to revolutionize the way we create applications.
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inwizardsblog · 2 years
Top Benefits of .NET Maui over Xamarin
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Microsoft has just released.NET MAUI, which relies on and is based on Xamarin Forms. MAUI is more than just Xamarin repackaged. Forms and it means Multi-platform App User Interface.
Moreover, .NET MAUI makes cross-platform development easier for developers. So there are multiple benefits that .NET MAUI offers and which makes it the next-gen framework.
Benefits of .NET MAUI over Xamarin
.NET MAUI allows building applications on various platforms including Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows, and many more with just using a single codebase.
.NET MAUI provides a great layout engine that helps in providing ease in designing pages for your application.
.NET MAUI takes care of the packaging for the target platforms to be able to run it easily.
Microsoft is examining MAUI as a possible Xamarin alternative. The primary.NET 6 and Xamarin.Forms will combine the cross-platform technologies for Apple and Android provided by Xamarin. After the launch of.NET MAUI, forms will gradually be phased out and receive support for one year.
Because of this, we advise all developers interested in Xamarin to adopt MAUI and.NET 6 instead.
Inwizards Software Technology is a leading Software Development Company based in the USA with more than 15 years of experience. Providing the finest IT consulting is our forte and we do it best!
Learn More - https://www.inwizards.com/.net-maui.php
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joy-is-what-it-means · 2 months
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Today’s achievement: successfully centred a text!!
Watching: Avatar The Last Airbender.
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nityarawal · 5 months
Note to Maui Mamma:
We don't hate Jews. We love bomb them. They put $buck before life. They kill parents & trans kids. This mommy cancel culture is gross. Who is Trolling us for Jewish Santas?): I'm suspicious of involvements with Maui homes Franscesco Valponi & Alex on Danya's ALS/death & Mikael's wrongful incarceration and framing. Aren't you? They are circling us. Vultures_. It's a bitter sweet relationship for me with Jewish cloying pedophiles you understand. They're the spiritual lamp in my life- but their style of ambition strangles divine Goddess. If you saw how rabbis literally blow their infants after circumcision you'd understand what we're up against politically. Ugh. Music heals the snipped dicks & punctured hearts- 4000 nerve endings. Oil massage etc. Men are restoring their Foreskin & heartstrings through nutrition which are connected neurologically. Miracle. Prosthetics exist too but I'd rather make love to a real man. Ali & Darin were still perfect but hearts were callous with me in break ups. Hate won. Europeans/ Uncut are naturally sweeter because of whole junk. It's not their fault but they look at us like a commodity or brand. It's gross. Please don't gossip with attys or Men's Stirling Group about me. I don't trust them at all. I'd never date an old Jewish man. I have millions like that Trolling me. Kind of gross Mammas'. They molested me and fucked my dad/bro. Haydn gets raped by an Israeli God like man Lior and Army cousin likely. They're obsessed with my kids. Ew. But they're biggest fans so you have to have boundaries from sacred. Look what they did at Danya's? He got her BFF & still milks you about me? Gross. Not your best fanboy. Unfaithful in spirit. Is he friends with Errol Musk & David Kaplan? They'll cage your band. Be weary. I'm seeing weird shit in royalties. Tanny & Darin were erased from bands after global tours. Millions are begging for management now. Xo @elonmuskparody @elonmuskfans @elonenthusiast @elonmuskfanslounge @elonmuskdaily @aclu
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concettolabs · 22 days
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