#..hello! hope this is an ok starter
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criimsoncloud · 2 years ago
@hellstung​ liked this for a starter !
V turned his head, the tip of his cane sliding neatly into the skull of a demon - a mere Hell Pride who had slipped the barriers between the realms. It was a single demon, a stray far from its pack, and V had parted from the foreign crowd with intent to deal with it before anyone else noticed. After all, though it may be one of the less powerful demons, it was surely enough to sow chaos in the streets. And where there was one, there was bound to be more.
That, and he could feel that he needed a little pick me up.
The demon turned to ash in a split second, glowing a soft lavender before disappearing. Observant eyes would see the glow slowly draw into the cane - and those with greater observation would see the faint tendrils of power trail up the cane and into the seemingly human’s hands.
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“Pardon me,” V began, casual and seemingly unconcerned, addressing the new comer. “Unless you have much business here, I would suggest leaving.”
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brokenmagxc · 2 months ago
@erodedlight / starter call.
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AT FIRST HE THINKS the indoor lighting is playing tricks on him, twinkling in odd areas, flickering in and out as if it were a flame under threat of being extinguished by the gust of air that was his existence. he is bewildered by it, the illusion of something there and not, something translucent like a ghost that vanishes only to SHINE moments later. the sun dipping between clouds in rapid succession. dark brows draw closer, pinching where his mind nearly breaks under pressure to solve this mystery. what is happening between them ?? in his confusion, the man approaches quickly and arthur has no time to react. a hand outstretches before him - he is unsure why he is being pursued but he needs to CREATE DISTANCE or else he will quickly get overwhelmed by his own senses.
“ hey, hey !! slow down. you're too BRIGHT - it's giving me a headache. ”
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cursedvessels · 20 days ago
@uroborosymphony liked for a starter from James
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"Can I help you with something or have you just come to stare at me like I've three heads..."
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vesselmade-a · 1 year ago
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“    you   can   drop   the   act.   ”   words  spoken  so  simple  yet  slicing  through  the  tension  in  the  room.  itadori  wasn’t  much  for  pleasantries  these  days.  especially  not  from  someone  he  thought  to  have  questionable  intentions.  trusting  people  was  harder  for  him  after  everything  that’s  happened  ,  anyone  could  be  out  to  get  you  it  seemed.  though  he  certainly  couldn’t  deal  with  someone  who  held  a  fake  smile  and  false  emotions. perhaps  he’d  rather  @divinezenin  be  upfront  with  him  instead. “   you’re  not  fooling  anyone. ” 
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prodigiousvisions · 1 year ago
Fontaine had its fair share of events of splendor and extravagance from within the walls of the Opera Epiclese. But when it came to something a bit more intimate in its inherent romance, Navia couldn't help but find that there was a limitation to what Fontaine could provide without attempting to dazzle and dress up the occasion in glamor. It goes without saying that due to this, the Soaring Yellow Rose had an inclination to visit the land draped in the wind, eventually finding herself leisurely strolling and taking in the festivities provided by the Windblume Festival with a held umbrella in tow.
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"From my understanding of my own research, the Windblume Festival has many different means of celebration." Navia relays her curiosity to another festival goer, this time with someone who was certainly more familiar with the ways of Mondstadt than a foreigner like her would be. "But as the festival draws toward an end the star offers their own Windblume to this statue of this land's archon. Is that correct?"
After confirming the information she had studied before arriving at the windward land, she smiles before asking her next question. "It's a very beautiful custom. As a local, I must ask: in your opinion, what do you personally think is most representative of a Windblume?"
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starter call ━━ ˟ ⊰ ♡ | navia - kaeya | @mercyburned
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ofdualism · 2 years ago
@rottingpath - starter
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"Ugh." The groan left him as he walked into the hideout. His hand lifted to pull his hood off of his head as he shut the door behind him. The look of annoyance on his face, his hand moving to his neck to scratch at it.
Red hues looked around, it was abnormally quiet. He walked further in, still digging his nails into his flesh as he looked around. Coming to a stop once his eyes landed on Spinner. His scratching halting for a moment as he just stared at the other for a good solid minute.
"Where the hell is everyone?" He finally asked. "And secondly, what are you doing?"
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howlrs · 6 days ago
@moralxs ( L / guitarist verse ) liked x.
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IS SHE TECHNICALLY ON parole? yes. should she be here, in a club known for its underground activities, drinking and surrounded by idiots doing hard drugs? no.
does she care?
... maybe she would, a little, if she were sober. thankfully, persephone knows how to get around her handlers well enough and she's half a bottle in by the time her stupid fucking paranoid body finally loosens up. it's been so long since they had the freedom to dance like this. pulse of the music in their ears — it was this club because of the music they play, not because of the other shit, anyway — and the throng of warm bodies losing themselves to sensation, escaping whatever each of them needs to escape, feels more like home than a house ever could.
every once in a while, there's this girl. she catches seph's eye from somewhere in the crowd, maybe on accident, and it's the shock of red that always manages to find them. red like fresh blood from an artery. maybe that's why, despite being — as described by their brother — an antisocial freak, when they stumble out of the club for some fresh air and spot her lounging next to her car in the parking lot, they find themself ghosting over to meet her. ❝ hey. got a light? ❞ seph has a light. they're just dogshit at introductions that don't sound threatening. so. cigarette case out, one pulled between her teeth, the rest held out for the red-eyed stranger to pluck from should she want to.
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3katanas · 7 months ago
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@bahr-geist liked for a starter!
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The old guy hadn't been kidding when he said that a shit tone of pirates were currently in Sabaody, though he guessed it made sense if this was the last place everyone would gather before finding a way below the sea to Fishman Island. The redline was a real pain in the ass....as was finding a bar apparently.
Honestly there should be one around here.
Rounding a corner he paused, gaze flicking over the street before it unintentionally locked with someone else's. Someone who happened to be standing pretty much beside him. It was their eyes that had him pausing for a moment, started slightly by the pure whiteness of them for a moment before asking simply. "Know where the bar is?"
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thefixer · 1 year ago
  ...    starter call , @mafiaheiress // no longer accepting .  mia wasn't one to judge a book by its cover .  sure the person might weird her out a bit but ,  she's never judgemental  (  in all honesty ...  how could she be ?  with the life she's lived and the things she has done .  )  while despite she's got the nagging feeling ,  she doesn't feel any sort of negative way towards isabella .  didn't really know the woman enough to have some opnion of her in the first place .  isabella simply ...  was .  a figure of her father's empire and one of his many worker bees .  the fixer never met anyone in a place that was familiar .  never somewhere close at home ,  far enough away that it's easy to fade into the crowd of people .  mia has been around and met some of the worlds most wanted men and women .  she's sat across from or sitting in close proximity to someone who was dangerous .  safety wasn't an issue when it came to building trust .
in the darkness that makes up this criminal underworld ,  it is mia who has lit a torch to navigate the pathways .  like the luciano family ,  one of the many mafia families in new york city .  mia was among the few individuals who were well known .  her name :  the fixer ,  either a curse or a blessing upon people's lips .  she's not just good at what she does ...  she's god damn great at it  (  and this is what makes her well known and feared .  not just among the petty criminal ,  but by the men who are feared too .
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" your old man wants to make a deal with me ? "  is this whole thing a job proposal ?  mia agreed to this little meeting between the daughter of a don ,  was partly due to respect .  yes ,  yes ━━━━  the fixer was a wild card and an attempt at fate .  she doesn't show blind loyalty and no fealty to one group or person or another .  after all the whole pre - screening with petra who meets with all potential clients beforehand ,  even before there's an agreement and a set date.   but respect is a basic right ...  everyone deserves it at first until they fuck up .  which sometimes ,  they inevitably do .  mia's eyes squint as she brushes her thumbnail against her bottom lip .  as if she's contemplating for a few seconds ,  before taking her drink in hand and bringing it up to her lips .  " if that's so then why isn't he here ? "
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lowkeyerror · 2 months ago
Basically My Boyfriend
Jennifer Check x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Notes: Reuqested, friends to lovers, smut, fingering, cunnulingus, virgin!reader
Summary: It’s a Friday night and Y/n and Needy are spending it bored in Jennifer’s room. When Needy mentions she passed on date night for it, Jennifer and Y/n push her to go. This leaves Jennifer and Y/n alone for the night, and something that started as a joke between the two quickly transforms into something more.
An: First request in forever hope its alright 🫣
Etc. Masterlist | More Jennifer Check
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For being a girl as popular as she was, it was assumed that Jennifer Check would have more friends than she would know what to do with. Even despite her bitchy attitude, the attention she garnered from her looks alone was good enough reason to want to be around her. The thing is that Jennifer wasn’t stupid she knew that people would use her to gain social standing. It’s part of the reason that Jennifer didn’t really “do” friends.
The people that were close to her had been close to her for as long as anyone could remember. Needy and Y/n were the only real friends that Jennifer had. She liked it that way.
Jennifer didn’t need to explain herself to the pair, she didn’t need to dumb herself down, and she didn’t have to pretend to be nice. She could just be herself, which was seeming like more of a luxury these days.
“Jen, hello? Earth to Jennifer Check, where’d you go? I think we lost her Annie,” Y/n was waving her hand in front of the brunette’s face, while talking to the blonde at her side.
The three of them were piled into Jennifer’s room, on a Friday night.
Jennifer’s back hit the bed, “I’m so bored, we should’ve went to the bar tonight, I heard Low Shoulder was going to be there.”
“Not a chance. Annie and I would’ve been miserable while we watched you go play groupie to those losers,” Y/n follows suit lying flat on the bed.
“Needy knows how to party, besides she could’ve brought her boy toy.”
Needy rolls her eyes, but lays on the bed too, “You know I don’t like it when you call him that.”
“Precisely why I do it Anita,” Jennifer comments.
Needy lets out a sigh, “You know I canceled a date for this and he was really cool about it.”
Jen and Y/n sit up at the same time and say, “You what?”
“It’s no big deal.”
“It’s only 8, you have time. Tell him to come pick you up,” Y/n says looking at the blonde.
“But I already told my mom I was sleeping over,” Needy whines.
Jennifer gives the girl some words of encouragement, “You are going to sleep over… just at Chip’s. Now call your boy toy, first tell him to thank us, and then tell him that you should see a movie tonight.”
Just as the pair instructed Needy calls her boyfriend and he says that he's on his way.
“Are you guys sure you’re ok with me bailing?”
Y/n nods, “Go get laid, Annie. One of us deserves to tonight.”
She shoves your shoulder, “ Shut up you’re starting to sound too much like Jen.”
The dark-haired girl laughed, “Well you didn’t say she was wrong.”
Whatever snarky remark Needy was going to say dies as her phone rings. Chip is outside waiting for her.
“Remember, if he doesn’t give head, he’s better off dead,” Jennifer says as she pushes Needy out of the house.
“Meet us for breakfast tomorrow, the usual spot?” Y/n suggests and Needy nods.
“I’ll see you guys later.”
Jennifer and Y/n wave to her as Chip drives off in the direction of the movie theater.
“And then there were two,” Y/n says.
“You’re such a predictable nerd, I knew you would say that,” now it’s Jennifer rolling her eyes at you.
“Hey, need I remind you that you picked this predictable nerd to be one of your two friends. The other which is almost the same predictable nerd,” Y/n says as they walk back up the stairs.
Jen scoffs, “You’re nothing like Needy. For starters she’s with her boyfriend tonight, while you’re here with me.”
Y/n is quick to counter, “You’re basically my boyfriend anyway.”
“Oh am I?”
Y/n nods as they re-enter Jennifer’s room, “Yup.”
“And what could have possibly led you to this conclusion?”
Y/n jumps into Jen’s bed, “Well it’s Friday night and you have me in your bed.”
“You haven't heard of a hookup?”
Y/n closes her eyes briefly, “You like me too much for it just to be a hookup.”
Jen doesn't respond, instead she lets her eyes roam Y/n's figure. She’d be lying if she said the thought hadn’t crossed her mind once or twice. Y/n was in a way, exactly her type. Maybe a little more dorky than She'd usually go for, but Jen thought Y/n’s loser tendencies were endearing.
So, as she found herself alone with girl on a Friday night, no Needy, and no parents; she thought she'd try something.
Jennifer climbs onto the bed and straddles Y/n’s waist. The weight on her, made the girl open her eyes. She was slightly startled as she looked up at Jennifer.
“Maybe you’re right, definitely wouldn't call you a random hookup,” Jennifer’s face took on a look that Y/n had only seen her give other people.
Particularly boys that Jennifer would spend random nights with.
“What’re you doing ?”
Jennifer flips her head to the side, “We’ve known each other a long time, right Y/n?”
“Right,” the girl beneath her speaks breathlessly
“Have I ever told you how hot I think you are?”
Her hands reach for Y/n’s, guiding then to sit first on her thighs before sliding them up to her hips.
“Jen,” Y/n audibly gulps.
The dark-haired girl, giggles before rolling her hips down on Y/n. The dorky girl’s hands tighten their grip on Jennifer’s waist.
“Fuck Y/n, don't you want me?”
“Jennifer,” Y/n says more firmly this time.
Jennifer rolls her hips again, “You’re really going to make spell it out for you, aren’t you? You know, I like you right dingus, I've wanted you for a while now. You’re a dork, but I want you to be my dork.”
“This can't be real?” Y/n’s confusion peaks through.
“Let me show you how real it is, Y/n,” Jennifer’s look becomes less predatory and more desperate.
Y/n’s face began to heat up, “Jen I haven’t-”
“I can teach you,” she speaks gently, her hand caressing Y/n’s face.
“Promise me this isn’t just a hookup or some fucked up game you’re playing with me,” Y/n’s insecurities poke at her.
Jennifer leans down, so she is mere inches away from the other girl. Her hair falls, tickling Y/n’s face. Her eyes are softer than Y/n had ever seen as their breath mingles together.
“I like you, genuinely; no bullshit. We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want-”
Y/n kisses her in the middle of speaking. It’s delicate and airy. A type of kiss that Jennifer isn’t used too. It takes the wind out of her.
“Be gentle with me Jen,” Y/n whispers against her lips.
She nods, “I’m going to worship you.”
Y/n feels her face heat even more. Jennifer connects their lips again. She holds back on the ferocity, but let’s the passion shining through the kiss. The sound of their lips colliding with each other and their shallow breaths made the room feel ten times hotter.
Y/n’s hand subconsciously left Jennifer’s waist to slink up and under her shirt. The skin there was cooler than she expected. Her touch was light but became even lighter as her hands skimmed over Jennifer’s bra.
Jennifer sits up breaking the kiss causing the girl beneath her to whine. Jen laughs at the sound before pulling her shirt over her head. Y/n’s eyes dilate at the sight of her abdomen. A small smirk tugs at Jennifer’s lips upon seeing Y/n’s reaction.
Her bra comes off next. Y/n’s eyes scale up Jennifer’s figure , lingering at her now exposed chest. As if she’s testing the waters the Y/n sits up. She keeps eye contact with Jennifer as she takes one of the more experienced girl’s nipples in her mouth.
She sucks lightly, closing her eyes as she runs her tongue across the stiff peak. Jen moans at the sensation nearly cradling the girl’s head further into her chest.
“Can I see you baby?” Jennifer says through her teeth, her free hand gripping the waistband of Y/n’s pants.
Y/n doesn’t answer her immediately, needing to give the other nipple the same attention as the first. She then trails hot open mouth kisses from Jennifer’s breast up to her neck stopping to whisper in the girl’s ear.
“Take it off.”
Jennifer doesn’t need to be told twice as she carefully removes Y/n’s shirt and pants as well. She pushes the girl to lay flat against the bed again. This time instead of straddling her waist, Jen stays near the foot of the bed, spreading Y/n’s legs open.
“You’re so wet for me already,” Jennifer sees the dampness through the other girl’s underwear.
She kisses up Y/n’s thighs, tentatively. She keeps eye contact as she gets closer and close to the Y/n’s cunt. Jennifer places some teasing kisses on Y/n’s clothed pussy, causing the girl to squirm.
“Can I-"
“Please,” Y/n begs before Jennifer even finished the sentence.
Her hip lift, encouraging Jennifer to take them off. Jennifer obliges sliding the soaked panties down Y/n’s legs.
The sight alone was enough to cause Jennifer to lose her composure. She couldn't take it anymore. She didn't hesitate to dive her face into Y/n’s pussy.
“Holy shit,” Y/n almost sits up as Jennifer’s tongue swirls around her clit.
Jennifer’s tongues moves fluidly through Y/n’s folds. Playfully going back and forth between teasing the entrance and sucking on the clit.
Jennifer vibrates with pleasure as your taste coats her mouth making her dizzy.
“You taste so good baby, can I put a finger in? I promise you’ll like it.”
Sweat covers Y/n’s forehead as she nods, “Fuck me.”
Jennifer slinks up Y/n’s body to connect their lips. Y/n almost cums as she tastes herself on Jennifer’s lips. This kiss is sloppier than the rest they shared but neither girl cared. The feeling was intoxicating.
While they kiss Jennifer slips her middle finger inside of Y/n. The girl mewls into Jennifer’s mouth. The dark-haired girl groans at how tight Y/n is around her finger. She could already feel the walls pulsating trying to pull her finger deeper inside.
“You’re so tight Y/n, have you even fingered yourself? Feels like I’m the first thing in here, fuck. I can’t wait to stretch you out, fill you up with a fat plastic cock. Have you moaning my name.”
“I haven’t Jen, I haven’t had anything but your finger inside of me. Fuck, add another, stretch me. I want to be good for you, Jennifer,” Y/n whines trying to gain for friction.
Jennifer listens to the girl and slowly pushes in another finger, she can feel Y/n twitching around her.
“Be a good girl and cum on my fingers,” Jennifer ‘s thumb begins to rub circles on Y/n’s clit.
Y/n falls over the edge, nails digging into Jennifer’s back as the only thing she could say was Jennifer’s name, over and over again.
Jennifer is carefully to bring Y/n down from her climax, not wishing to overstimulate her now. When she feels enough time has last, she removes her fingers from inside the girl.
She holds Y/n’s tired stare as she sucks the juices off of her fingers.
“Kiss me,” Y/n reaches for Jennifer, pulling her bavk down into a kiss.
“Addicting, isn’t it?” Jennifer pecks your lips again.
“Let me return the favor,” Y/n mumbles.
Jennifer can tell the girl is exhausted from her own orgasm. Though she would love nothing more than to have Y/n please her, she feels like it would be taken advantage of the girl.
Jennifer shakes her head, “Maybe later, let’s get you cleaned up first.”
Y/n goes to protest, but Jennifer’s soft gaze on her, stopped any rebuttal.
After a quick shower both girls were back in the bed this time clean. They laid facing each other, their hands interlocked. It was Y/n who ended up pulling Jennifer into her grasp.
“I didn’t know you could be so… sweet,” you tell her truthfully.
Jennifer rolls her eyes, trying to distract Y/n from the blush that was building on her face, “You’re such a dork.”
“I think we already established that already. What we haven’t established is when you’re taking me out?”
Jennifer scoffs, “Why do I have to take you out? You could ask me out you know.”
Y/n shakes her head, “Nope, you’re the boyfriend. So you’ve got to ask me out.”
Jennifer huffs in faux-annoyance, “Fine, I’ll ask you out, but you’re explaining it to Needy.”
Y/n pecks her lips again, “Deal.”
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brokenmagxc · 2 months ago
@agloryofuniicorns / starter call.
DARK EYES PIERCE through a veil of smoke, cutting through the gray as a hot knife would against chilled butter: smooth until it melts upon a heated blade ( sticky and tenacious ). he squints in the dimness of the shop lights. a black jacket hides the other's features well, but the way this new body meanders through the aisles does not go unnoticed. like a foreign germ, pushed and pulled between the immune system, blaring sirens in the back of the mind. a sickness, a plague. or was it just a small cold festering, trivial and short-lived.
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“ you lost ?? ” his voice is quiet but stern, a healthy amount of suspicion dripping like venom on extended fangs. he raises his head from behind the counter, tucking the weapon in his hands under the granite, hiding it from view. he can't escape the way the smell of gunpowder clings to deep brunette hair, smudging slightly against the pale skin of his cheek, but he gives the impression that the other is NOT WELCOME to be privy to any knowledge outside of his telling features ( annoyance is a mask of stone upon his face, locking away danger like some FORBIDDEN SECRET ). the shop has not seen a quiet day as of late and the rowdiness begs for tough skin, depraved of rest and agitated. he really doesn't want to show up to class with bruises ( he knows iwai will kill him if he the school calls, again, and he will be exiled from the shop to babysit instead ).
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“ isn't it a little late to be snooping around like some blind mole ?? ”
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taylormarieee · 5 months ago
~Entranced~ sam winchester
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Summary: You were a belly dancer and a singer, when Sam and Dean had to investigate you because your sister had gone missing, he couldn’t help but be entranced by you. In other words, he couldn’t help but want to get into your pants…
Word Count: 3.4k (wowzers)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x WOC!bellydancer
Warnings: porn with plot, long ass story line, obsessed sam, wingman dean, enticing reader, mentions of death and demons, typical supernatural tingz, smut, sexual tension, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, pretty lady, etc.) pussy whipped sam, sam drunk off readers love, reader is in love with sam, creampie, oral (male and fem receiving), cowgirl, use of 18+ language, MDNI!!!! enjoy cuz he's been on my mind for a long time.
A/N: ok hey guyyssss! I’ve been fantasizing about Sam ALOT lately like specifically season 2 Sammy so enjoy this smutty whoretastic slutty ass fic because I was indeed ovulating🙏🏽😭😁
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*thump thump thump*
you smile as your body and hips move to the rhythm of the song. you were dancing and singing your heart out. mostly getting hollered at and whistled at along with a string of cheers. you laugh and smile as you move to the beat.
all of a sudden you feel yourself being watched. yes, that sounded stupid as there were hundreds of people watching you but these certain pair of eyes were burning. you could feel it.
you look around and walk all over the stage and that's when you see him. a man in a black suit along with another hot guy staring the same lust full daggers your way as everyone else.
but the other one, his hair was long and such a luscious brown. his eyes held one of admiration, as if you were admiring the mona lisa at an art gallery.
you liked him. he was cute, sexy even and that you certainly couldn't deny. when you got done with your performance you asked one of the security guards if they could kindly bring the two boys over to you backstage.
"hello boys, anything I can help you with?" you ask as you wipe off some sweat from your face.
"how'd you know we needed help?" the shorter one asked with a smirk on his face as he steps closer to you.
"well for starters, your both dressed in suits, sat in the back of the club all mysteriously, staring daggers right at me and shall I go on?" you list with a smile on your face.
you shift your weight from one foot to the other as you glance between the two of them.
the both of them look at each other and then chuckle. "guess you got us there" the taller one states with his charming smile.
"what are your names again? and who do you work for?" you asked as you sat down gesturing them to sit as well.
"oh I'm detective roadkill and this is detective showers." dean speaks out with a smirk.
"were FBI." he says as your face scrunches up into one of concern and confusion.
"why would FBI agents show up at our little club, no ones done anything wrong I hope, one of the main reasons we have security." you say with a dry chuckle.
"no no, not at all, uhm were looking in to the disappearance of your sister melisa?" sam asks.
"I-I don't feel like talking about it. she's not gone, she's dead." you say with tears prickling in your eyes.
"how would you possibly know that? police never found a body." dean says.
"exactly, main reason why I don't believe she disappeared or it was some freak kidnapping. even if she was kidnapped, she's been gone for 3 weeks, what are the possible chances she is alive? hm?" you say pacing and throwing your hands about.
"I know she's dead. I can feel it. It's a sibling thing, you two wouldn't understand." you explain.
"oh trust me, I get it. see I have this brother. means the world to me and yea he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." he says with a chuckle which causes you to giggle too.
"I love him regardless because no matter how much we argue, I know he means well and just wants to protect me." sam finishes.
dean looks at him and you hum. they really thought you were stupid. you knew who they were, you just hated how these hotties could lie to you.
"sam, dean. this was a really fun talk but I don't know where my sister is." you say smirking at them with their confused faces facing you in return.
"H-How did you-"
"how did I know? oh it's pretty obvious, see word gets around that some fbi agents are asking around for my sister and then I find out you two are hunters? yea I am one of the ones that knows what's going on around here. what really goes bump in the night. what really lurks in the shadows when your not paying attention. my dad was a hunter, just like you guys. just like your dad." you say circling them as you go to pour them a drink.
"wow, that was-" sam starts.
"smart? impressive? amazingly cool?" you ask handing them the drinks.
"I was going to say hot. That was really hot but you know, those words work too." he says chuckling.
"aww thanks sam, I really appreciate it." you respond as you take a sip of your whiskey.
"ok seriously, we wanna help you. If you really know what's going on then maybe we can still save other people including your sister." sam states.
"now did you smell any sulfur in her house or maybe saw black smoke or maybe she was acting aggressive and erratically before her disappearance?" dean asks scooting up in his seat more.
"uhm not that I can recall. she was normal. my sister was a kind soul, she would never even hurt a damn fly. I mean the first week of her disappearance I thought it was her douchebag of a boyfriend. ex-boyfriend i should say, that ungrateful son of a bitch." you say with spite.
"oh so was he a suspect?" dean asks.
"ofc he was! He was the main suspect, but it was also stupid for the cops to think I would kill my own sister, like that's insanity." you argue.
"alright so, if it's not ghost or demonic possession..." dean starts.
"then what the hell is it?" sam asks. all of you shrug and sit in silence for a second.
"hey I got a question for you." dean asks you. you look up at him and nod with a hum.
"you think sammy could stay with you tonight?" dean asks. your eyes widen and sam turns to dean with a incredulous look.
"no it's fine." he turns to you and says. "I don't understand why I can't just stay at the motel dean, what the hell are you doing?" he whisper-yells to dean.
"you've been making googly eyes all freakin' night, just stop stressin' and get laid. trust me you need it. your veins popping out." he says as he clears his throat.
"so, can he? It would be really appreciated, see I have stuff to do and I don't want him to be in there alone, so maybe he can keep you company? plus we have no clue if whatever this thing is an M.O. and might come after you too." dean convincingly explains which persuades you to say...
"yea sure dean, sam it's ok. I'm cool with it, you can stay with me, i've got a cozy house." you say with a smile.
"plus I gotta get up outta here anyway, shall we?" you ask swaying your hips as you walk towards the door and walk out leading sam and dean out the back.
they watch your ass and hips sway and that beautiful little outfit you belly dancers always wore. sam couldn't keep it in anymore, he was entranced. obsessed. lured in like a moth drawn to a flame.
"here take m-my jacket. you must be cold." sam offers. you smile and accept it with a thank you, after all you were wearing a bra like top that covered little.
your hand brushed his for a mere second and it felt like electricity surged through you both.
you slide your arms through the sleeves of his jacket as you walk towards your car. your keys jingling in the process as they dangle from your hip.
you unlock the car and prop yourself in the drivers seat as same props himself in the passengers seat.
"oooo it really is cold out, thanks again for the jacket sam, don't know what I would do without you." you seductively say, without the intention of trying to be seductive but thankful instead.
"yea n-no problem. just me being me." he says as you start the engine turning up the A/C and backing out the parking lot.
sam looks out the window and notices dean in the impala with two thumbs up and a smirk on his face to which he rolls his eyes at and begs to god you don't see deans childish acts.
"get cozy, looks like your going to be here for a while." you say with a smile, shrugging off his jacket to place on the coat rack.
he takes off his shoes and makes his way immediately towards your fireplace and your couch.
you watch him trudge over there and sit down his tall lean figure finally shrinking just a bit but when he sits back up his broad shoulders are back on display.
‘god what was wrong with you.’ you thought, you just couldn’t get him out of your head.
but luckily the same goes for him because you racked his brain since the moment his eyes laid a glance at your face.
you were so enticing and enchanting, of course a guy like sam couldn’t resist, he was whipped for you so badly and you didn’t even know it.
“are you hungry sammy? can i even call you sammy or is that a you and dean thing?” you ask bringing over a bowl of grapes and some wine for you and a beer for him.
“you can call me whatever you want- i-i mean yea! you can call me sammy i don’t mind.” he stutters out nervously
you him again and take a sip of the wine straight from the bottle. sam watched as your plump and glossy lips wrap around the top of the bottle wishing it was his dick instead.
he gulps as he watches your throat bob up and down as you swallow the wine.
he quickly takes a swig of his beer and you watch his Adam’s Apple bob up and down. you watched as he wraps his lips around the beer bottles top wishing it was your clit.
the tension in the room was clearly escalating just a tiny bit. 'was it just you or is it hot in here.' you thought.
you take another sip of the wine and tuck your legs under one another as if in a criss-cross motion.
"so, what do you wanna do now? dean said he won't be back for a couple of hours." sam asks.
"honestly I usually shower and go right to bed after long nights like these, but I wasn't exactly expecting company so i'm stumped here." you say with a slight chuckle.
"yea sorry to be such a burden." sam says with a playful roll of his eyes. you scoff not seeing his eye roll and take his statement the wrong way.
"look i never said you were a burden, i'm just confused on how to entertain a fucking hunter sam." you speak with slight aggression in your tone.
"look, i was just joking with you. If you took my statement the wrong way i'm sorry. I'll totally leave." he says getting up to go grab his jacket.
'n-no sammy wait. I-fuck. I didn't mean that, i'm sorry. It's just been a really long day and I'm just stumped ok, please stay?" you apologize.
"ok, if you want to go take a shower and rest that's fine by me, i'll stay.' he says standing quite dangerously close to you.
you inhale his scent for a second, his scent bringing you comfort and warmth. you don't even realized you closed a few inches in the gap between you two.
"w-what are you doing?" sam asks. his hands stuck at his side just itching to touch you. you take note of it.
"do you wanna touch me sammy?" you asks seductively. you glide your hand up and down his chest as you stare up at him with your seductive eyes.
"w-what?" he stutters out nervously. he gulps as your hand goes lower and lower.
"I said, do you want to touch me sam." you repeat your previous question. "I know you want to, your hands are twitching." you say smugly.
"fuck, uhm yea. I do, very badly." he says as he moves his hands to grab your waist. you moan at the warmth of his hands on your body.
"I know you wanna kiss me." you whisper in his ear. your on your tiptoes as sam is much taller than you.
you grab his belt to pull him closer and that was his breaking point. his lips are immediately on yours in a feverish and desperate pent up kiss.
you both fumble with his belt and trip over each others feet. you both eventually fall to the floor letting out a fit of giggles and laughs at your clumsy shenanigans.
"fuck, your so gorgeous you know that?" sam compliments. you smile and kiss him again.
"and your so handsome, thank god your parents got together." you say with a grin as you unclip your bra.
he unbuttoned his nicely pressed shirt and unbuttoned and unzipped his dress pants.
your both crawling towards the couch now, sam ripping off the cushions and you taking off the rest of your outfit leaving you in your underwear only.
pretty black laced panties to match your outfit. his eyes bulged out of his head at the sight of you. your body was gorgeous. everything about you was gorgeous, your personality as well.
"god damn your beautiful." he whispers as he sinks into the couch and you climb on top of him.
"thank you sammy. can you please fuck me now." you ask.
with a primal like growl, sam rolls you over so he's now on top of you. "oh sweetheart, gotta prep you first. don't think you can take big ole me by yourself now can you?" he teases as he kissed down your body.
after an agonizingly long trip downwards, his lips finally coming in contact with the place you've been wanting him most all night.
his warm breath hits your soaking entrance and his skilfully long tongue teases your clit.
"f-fuck sammy, pleasee-ngh- please just fuck me I'll be a good girl for you p-please." you beg as you feel one finger slot itself inside of you.
you moan out at the feeling. the feeling of pain and pleasure combined as he stretches you out. 'fuck you haven't felt this good since your last boyfriend.' you thought.
your brain was soonly erased by the feeling of sam's second finger entering your dripping hole. his lips whispering dirty things into your cunt as he licks and slurps your cunt.
you tug on his hair and cry out his name, how can someone fingers and tongue work so skillfully together at the same time.
"yes sam! right fucking there, fuck fuck fuck-ngh-ugh! yea yea, holy shit daddy!" you scream out.
he moans into your cunt at hearing you call him daddy. you were a lot younger than him, he was 5 years older than you. he loved this dominance he had over you, but he became feral whenever you tugged his hair.
desperate to get off as he ruts himself against the couch. a feeling of ecstacy washing over you and determination washing over sam. he was going to make you cum and then he was gonna rearrange your guts like never before.
your walla clench and tighten around him and he groans at how rough your tugging on his lucious brown locks. your crying his name out like a prayer over and over again.
you moan one last time before silently letting out a scream as you convulse and shake as your orgasm floods your entire body.
"oohhhh fuckkk!" you moan out as your orgasmic feeling washes away intensely.
"was I good baby?'" sam asks curiously. his lips stained with your arousal and essence. you grab his face pulling him closer to you as you kiss him sloppily getting a taste of yourself off of his tongue.
"you did amazing baby, now lemme help you. looks painful." you suggest staring at his rock hard boner through his boxers.
a wet patch on the front from his precum and getting himself all worked up.
you let him sit on the couch normally and tug his boxers down slowly. he whines when the refreshing air hits his tip.
his tip is a pretty color, a nice hue of pink. ready... waiting to be sucked and fucked on.
you lick the precum around his tip and on his shaft. you engulf his tip in your mouth wanting to get more of a taste and he moans. he watches your pretty lips engulf him and swallow him whole.
he holds the back of your head pushing you down further and getting lost in the haze of lust. he moans out your name a little louder each time you gag around him.
your throat was so wet and so warm. your saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth. you mascara surrounding the under parts of your eyes as tears stream down your face in slow motion.
your head bobs faster and faster, you gagging each time but you didn't care you wanted to taste his cum inside your mouth, you wanted it so deep down your throat that you wouldn't stop until he was crying.
you wanted sam winchester and sam winchester wanted you.
he pushes you off him quickly when he feels his release approaching.
"no no wait i'm gonna cum! I don't wanna cum like this, I want it inside you. wanna creampie you and give y-you babies." he whines out.
you smirk and kiss him softly, "ok sam. gimme all your babies, come inside me like a good little boy hmm?" you asks seductively as you push sweaty strands of hair out of his pretty face.
you climb back on top of him and sink slowly down on to him. you cry out a bit at the pain of the stretch, he really was a big boy.
"he whines and the grip on your waist tightens. you moan and feel his cock slowly piercing you more and more and the feeling of pain easily subsides once he's in you all the way.
"I'm going to start moving now ok sam?" you confirm and he nods with a hazy smile.
he's drunk of you. eyes and mind entranced by you. filled with you. he's literally inside you. he's encompassed by you, your smell, your words. everything.
sam winchester is a simp for you and there's nothing that could change his mind.
your bounces start off slow and then they rapidly speed up in pace. your both moaning and groaning, incapable of holding them in any longer.
you needed to hear him as he needed to hear you. he honeslt ydidn't think hearing you moan could get him any more harder but it did.
you were both close now, on to your second orgasm of the night while trying to get him off on his first.
"sammy I-fuck-ngh. I love you so much sam, please give me your babies please!" you scream out as you gush all over his cock. "come on cum in me please!" you scream out.
sam groans as his climax hits him like a wave, he explodes. loads and loads of semen just squirting inside you. you sigh a sigh of happiness and content.
he was filled to the brim with cum and it was just never ending. he stays inside you for a bit, slowly but weakly thrusting up into you to keep his cum inside you.
your both panting and out of breath. he smiles and you do to giving him a long and passionate kiss.
"hey." you say with a giggle
"hey beautiful." he says chuckling.
"wanna go upstairs with me to you know, rinse the night off?" you asks with a smile as you slowly slip off his cock, hissing as you do so.
before sam can even respond your losing your balance causing you to fall over. you grab onto the fireplace mantle for stability as sam gets up to help you.
he grabs on to your waist and holds you there before smirking and picking you up bridal style.
"let's go get that shower huh? and then you are going to bed pretty lady." he says with a smirk.
your face is flushed even more than before and your flustered before wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling into his embrace.
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Taglist: @dollyfl1rt @itzdarling @sammyluvr @liliesdiary @ribbonprincess @bellahadidnt16 @iilovefictionalpeople @aerangi @keiva1000 @madafton @niktwazny303 @prettyluhdavis @kqmbr1a + anyone else who wants to join
©TaylorMarieee| All rights reserved. Do not repost, re-upload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own without permission.
A/N: Sorry to all the people who were in my taglist box and i never tagged you in my latest works, i'm so sorry i forgot to check it, I hope you all and others enjoy this one!
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starryskyzx · 9 months ago
ೃ⁀➷ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 * ੈ✩‧₊˚
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✦ 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰!𝘀𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝘂 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
✦ 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝘅, 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗼, 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗳 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘂𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂. 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗽𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘀𝗳, 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗮𝘀𝗳, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗸𝗲𝘆 𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗻𝘆 𝗮𝘀𝗳 ☠️.
✦ 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄, 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹, 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘀𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗲𝘁𝗰 (𝗹𝗺𝗸)
✦ 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 𝟭.𝟲𝗸
✦ 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱! 𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗲𝘀 <𝟯. 𝗹𝗺𝗸 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗹𝗶����𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 🌚.
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Your boyfriend had just dumped you after getting into a fight with your ex, Geto, at a party, claiming that you two obviously still had something going on despite you guys having been broken up for months.
You attempted to explain the numerous reasons as to why this wasn’t true, one excuse being Geto was already in a new relationship, the other being that you two don’t even get along anymore. However, your now ex boyfriend wasn’t buying it considering that there was no other explanation as to why Geto drunkenly snuck him of all people.
You watched your boyfriend toss himself into the car, plotting in the back of your head, coming up with how the hell you were gonna get back at Geto for putting his hands on your boyfriend. The tires screeched as he sped off, leaving you standing there alone at this party with nothing but your frenzied thoughts.
Judging by the sounds coming from inside the house, it sounded as if the party had started back up. You took a deep breath and thought to yourself for a moment, bouncing between the idea of just getting in your car and going home or going back inside to find Geto. Before your brain could attest against it, your body began to walk back towards the party, however your plan wasn’t to dance and get drunk, but to give Geto a piece of your mind.
Stumbling into the house, you pushed through the crowd and followed the direction you saw Geto headed in before you began chasing after your boyfriend. There he stood in an empty hallway, looking into the mirror and the blood dripping from his nose. “Fuck” he muttered, taking his thumb, leaving a red smear on his top lip.
“Why the fuck would you do that?!” you yelled, immediately pressing him with hostility. “There’s my girl. No hey? Hello?”
You pushed his shoulder causing him to stumble into the wall, before stepping closer to him and persisting in shouting at him.
“I’m not your fucking ‘girl’. And what are you putting your hands on my man for? You that fuckin’ jealous?”
You pushed him again, attempting to aggravate him and intensify the seriousness of your issue. “Well for starters, aint shit to be jealous of. I know I can get you back, even if you don’t think I can.” he replied, smirking through his statement.
As much as you didn’t want to admit to it, especially since you were very much in love with your boyfriend, there did seem to be some truth in his statement.
Eventually, you backed up, leaving a little room between you two. “You’re crazy. You’re literally fucking crazy.” you said scoffing in disbelief, almost defeated at the realization that his plan to attack your boyfriend with the hopes of him breaking up with you were successful. “Maybe you just bring out the crazy in me-“
Before the sentence could finish rolling off his tongue, you took your hands and slammed them up against Geto’s neck, pushing him back against the wall again. “You think you’re crazy? Stop fucking up my relationships. Ok? We’re over.”
A forced smile appeared on his face and a strained “We’re never over. You know that.” crept its way out of his mouth.
As the party continued in the front of the house, in that hallway where only you two stood, your anger fueled your actions and your grip on Geto’s neck only tightened. In frustration with his stubbornness, you cried out a frustrated scream.
“I wanna fucking kill you”
A breathless laugh escaped his lips and he placed his hand against your wrist.
“I’m yours”
Intoxicated and frustrated, you stared at him as his facial features blurred together. You were angry at him per usual, but no matter how mad you tried to be, it was if he had a power over yout that no one else had.
It didn’t take long for you to fold as you forcefully pulled his face close, evoking a passionate, hungry kiss between you and him in the dimly lit hallway amid the ongoing party.
A swirl of emotions were captured within the kiss, as you two were obviously upset with each other but you’d also been longing for each other the entire time you guys were apart. “I broke up with my girlfriend-” he mumbled, breaking the kiss only for a second.
“Just shut up”
Your hands, still around Geto’s throat, slowly pushed him down against the wall before finally letting go. He kneeled down and compliantly looked up at you, one hand resting on your ass, the other clinging to the outside of your thigh.
He began kissing your inner leg, leaving you needy and causing you to instinctively run your fingers throughout his hair. Little purple splotches against your thighs began to appear as you impatiently started to slide your panties off from under the skintight dress you were wearing.
“I love you, baby” Geto whispered into your pussy, helping you pull your panties down to your knees. His hand moved to your clit, as he slowly started circling his thumb around it, using his other hand to spread open your lips.
His head disappeared under your dress and your body heated up once you felt his mouth come into contact with your wetness.
Euphoria filled your body in this moment. Not only were you intoxicated by the alcohol in your system, but you were also drunk off the idea of your “ex” being so needy and obsessed with you that he’d go down on you in such an open place.
Only you two were existing in the moment and to you, it didn’t matter if anyone saw you, because as Geto’s tongue swirled around your throbbing clit, it allowed you to to forget about everything.
His hand gripped your thigh, digging his fingernails into your skin, and your hand fell atop his shoulder as you didn’t know what to do with your hands.
“Fuck, Suguru-“ you whined, as anything more than two words was too much for you to mutter.
You heard small whispers coming from under your dress mumbling things like “So pretty”, and “I missed you”, but sometimes he could only pur the word “fuck” the same way you did.
Geto’s other hand moved closer towards your pussy, his lengthy fingers grazing your folds before eventually slipping them inside you.
He popped out his head from under you, only to stare at you using his dark, slender eyes through his lashes. You felt your body weakening as he inched his fingers in and out of you slow enough to tease you.
“Missed me too, huh?” he mocked, pulling out his fingers to slide them against your swollen clit, only to insert them again a few seconds later.
As if you couldn’t bring yourself to lie, your mouth instantly formed the words “Mhm- Missed you so much”, while holding his face with one of your hands. Pleased with your answer, the pace at with he thrusted his fingers into your wet cunt quickened, making your knees lock and stiffen.
His voice became so soft and sweet, almost as tender as when he’d reassure you that your relationship would be ok.
“Pretty girl~ gonna cum for me?”
“Fuck- Yes, baby” you moaned into your other hand, attempting to muffle yourself from being too loud despite music still blasting through the walls.
The slick sound of Geto’s fingers running between your folds and pounding your sweet spot with the curvature of his fingers filled your ears as you closed your eyes, reaching your climax and letting your cunt close down on his fingers.
“Just like that, pretty-“
Your essence coated his fingers, making them slip in and out of you with ease. The sounds of your moans, Geto’s praise, and your wetness splashing against his lubricious hands blurred together as your knees weakened and you came to your end.
Geto stuck out his tongue attempting to catch some of your essence that had splattered onto his palms into his mouth. He took his two fingers and slid them into his mouth, sucking all of your cum from off his middle and ring fingers.
Panting, you threw your head back in attempts to slow your heart rate back down. After a few breaths, you glanced around the hall to see if anyone was around to see the vulnerable position you had just been in. As you scanned the area, you felt a pair of hands grab the sides of your face and turn your head back forward.
Before you could protest, Geto pulled your face closer to him, pressing his soft lips against yours. His movements felt passionate and genuine, unlike your now ex boyfriend whose kisses carried more lust than love within them.
Pulling away slightly, you whispered a small “I’m sorry for yelling at you,” to Geto, still holding him close, a mere 3 inches from your face.
“I know baby,” he said placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Sorry for ever letting you go.”
Once more, he kissed your lips and held you in his arms as if he genuinely was sorry for ever letting you leave him. His embrace was so warm and tight, it was like he was truly serious about never letting you go again. And in this moment, you’d forgotten everything.
Your ex. The party. The fact you and Geto were broken up.
Maybe Geto was toxic after all, and maybe you were too. But as of now, it didn’t matter whether he was manipulating you or not, because even if he was,
you two were definitely, without a doubt, getting back together <3.
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sinsoakedsaints · 10 months ago
"Friends." Daniel echoes, like he had to try the label on for size as a means to describe the man before him. It didn't feel right, not the lump in his throat or the sensation that lodged in his chest at seven letters that managed to vanquish everything they had meant to one another and distill it down to something foreign.
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"Were we ever friends?"
open starter for w/m/nb muses plot: inspiration in source.
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"look, i know what happened between us wasn't ideal... but i don't wanna hurt each other anymore." if peace was the only way for sebastian to be in their life, he would have to try it out. even if he knew his feelings ran too deep to wither away with time. "i'd like to try being friends."
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wolfwashing · 3 months ago
я так давно бегу, что не знаю от чего
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HELLO EVERYONE! my name's Irinei Lukyan Vulkov! But please call me Irinei or Lucky. I love nicknames!
I'm Anya's intern on the Tulapr... I love talking tp people but I am a little shy and learned English only about 7 years ago, so please forgive me :(! I think that's all. I hope I make friends!
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— OORP / OOC 🐾🦴
HI IM MOD / ADMIN ^_^ ill drop some facts about the guy, tagging system and notes !
🐾 : facts
He uses he/they!! The nickname Lucky is a joke about them being unlucky... THEY'RE A PROUD SLAV!!! macedonian & russian [siberian], born & raised in Strumica (Macedonia) til age 12, when he moved to Russia. Specifically Yakutsk. Has a heavy Slavic accent which he hates.
He's 19!! He wanted to be a vet, but his father called it useless so he decided to be med. Would cry if you ask him about vet or animal healthcare stuff (I may be giving you ideas)
Very shy but once they warm they're stuck to you for LIFE.
🐾 : notes
I'm 16! Preferbly no nsfw, jokes are ok! English is my fourth language & where I live it is not spoken at all outside of class, please be understanding if i make mistakes... </3 i used a picrew, I'll drop the link
I have horrid memory issues, I'm not ignoring you. Adding on, I am a busy person. I'm a highschool student for interior design, I take debate, and home issues, i may take more to reply I'm very sorry!! My timezone is CET.
The last time I had a rp account was in 2022 on quotev. So sorry if this is incoherent LMAO 😭 I am an active roleplayer tho, dm me for rp examples?
🐾 : tags
#🐾 irinei says: — irinei's posts
#🐾 digital pawprint [oorp] — my/admin posts
#🐾 playtime! — rp posts/starters and etc
#🐾 dawg? — asks, answered
#🐾 that dog in me — irinei facts or lore yay!
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npdkondraki · 1 month ago
hello ben npdkondraki. it is your mutual muppet. yourscp posting has made me want to get back into scp but also that is such a tall order and i was wondering if you had any sort of "starter kit" of sorts to get back into it.
covered in blood and shaking hey muppet. you put me under psychological torment by asking this of me. enjoy your crumbs
go read about the misc types of reality benders . really the greens are most important and come up the most but learning the others is also recommended tbh.
go read the personnel / character dossier . half of these guys are so incredibly niche they dont even come up in "standard mainsite affairs" but theres some good ones on there. pick and choose whoever you like and go from there
go read the o5 command dossier. im only recommending this because they play a fairly large role in wider scp antics. this is literally just surface level info about them however you gotta take it upon yourself to learn more. surprisingly i know next to nothing about the o5 so i am for once Not the person to ask about them
ok thats all back to the good shit thank u. everything from here on out is tales or scips that i classify as tales for some fucking reason dont even ask its too convoluted. enjoy my hand-crafted selection of insanities
annon - im biased i just really like annon. but its good starter material i think?????????????? maybe. im assuming so. anyway this ones about the o5 council i told you theyd come up i hope you read about them otherwise this will like . probably not make sense
duke 'till dawn - i dont need to say why im including this one. anyway this ones got some good characterization in it. also dracula is there
excerpts from "how to survive when reality doesn't", by alto clef - transcript of a lecture from clef its Really Good and i enjoy the characterization. id say its a pretty good view on how it speaks + how it generally composes itself .:-)
transcript of dr alto clefs seminar, "reality benders and you: how to survive when existence doesn't" - dj khaled voice Anotha One. again i just like the characterization here + good view on how she does its job
incident 239-b- clef-kondraki - this one is MANDATORY if you read nothing else here READ THIS ONE. anyways. good writing + baller characterization + good story + everything here fucks severely no notes. written exclusively in the form of transcripts of audio logs and camera footage. i think this is a good look at how most of them compose themselves under stress .:-) (BONUS: theres an abridged version which sucks badly and i love it. its the normal version but its lolfoundation now. its great. its awful. this one isnt mandatory its just a fun extra) (also read supplemental report 239-b-192 for. additional lore)
routine psychological evaluations by dr glass - this one is stupid but it is a good starting point. this is where a lot of the fanon ideas of them come from BUT! its pretty accurate to their actual characters too so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yesterday - this one is really angsty im sorry. unforchies its also mandatory reading. read about these guys during the last day of their lives NOW
the king is dead - im stretching the term "starter point" pretty thin i think but it is semi-important knowledge ????????? kind of ? it gets brought up several times in misc tales & canons so its a starter point To Me.
epitaph - once again stretching the term "starter point" but this is semi-important knowlege vis a vis gears & iceberg and why theyre Like That. also its really good and id be amiss to not include it honestly
ok thats all the ones i can think of. im sure im missing some but . go forth go read about other tales
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