#...oh and one of my 2023 resolutions was to *do more crime*
mmmthornton · 2 years
Thank god I have weed to keep me from going over the edge for all of covid, because with my set of skills and natural charisma i could very easily be a super villain and/or cult leader.
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aethon-recs · 2 years
January 2023 Tomarrymort One-Shots
I wasn't planning to do a month-by-month rec list, but my god did January deliver on one-shots — so many showstopping works were published this month that these 10 fics deserve their own post. And what a variety too(!), with fics ranging from A/B/O to love potion mishaps to fem!Harry, and even canon-compliant(-ish) Harrymort.
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in January 2023 (yes, in the last month alone!)
Why one-shots?, you may ask. The majority of what I read is chaptered works and longfics, but I think one-shots can be a bit overlooked and underrated — they don't have ongoing updates on AO3, and the first rec lists in this ship that I encountered were dominated by longfics. So I wanted to celebrate and highlight the amazing work that the writers in this fandom are doing in short-form writing. Also, one-shots tell a full story arc in one go — and isn't that wonderful to get plot resolution and closure in a single sitting?
(Thank you also for dropping recs into my ask box! Please keep them coming!!)
Tomarrymort Recs (January 2023)
a dream is a wish by @funkyatheart (E, 5k)
This was such a delight to read from beginning to end. Cleverly weaved in between the canon events of book 5 are SUPER HOT dream-sharing sequences that show the escalation of Harry's increasing fascination with Voldemort. And we're gifted with hemipenes and consciousness-sharing through their mental link — what more can I can ask for from a Harrymort smut scene??
A Special Day by @vdoshu (E, 3.5k)
My jaw was ON. THE. FLOOR. for this whole fic. Grumpy old man Voldemort with all his old man habits was such a delight to read about — I don't think I've ever seen this concept done before. And when Harry shows up, the narrative tension is so good and kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't say much more without giving things away, but I definitely recommend this as one of the most unique and twisted concepts I've ever read in Harrymort.
Banish Me to the Garden of Eden by @contrarywiseizybel (M, 7k)
Rich, sumptuous descriptions run through this entire fic and bring to life — very vividly — the entire story arc of Harry locked up in a tower as Voldemort's captive and how he gradually comes to make the best of his fate. The author's writing is so poetic and lyrical and makes really good use of repetition, which gives the whole fic a very fairy-tale-like quality (including the happily-ever-after ending!)
Bruises Like Violets by @noumena-writes (E, 3k)
A forbidden romance between Tom and Harry who are on opposite sides of the war makes their last tryst VERY high-tension and fraught with danger. As always, noumena's writing is full of so many gorgeous and richly detailed phrases, like "The raging fire that burnt through every angry spell was slowly eating away at Harry, leaving a battle-weary shadow in his place." Absolute 🔥 writing.
Cherish by @amors-mordre (G, 1k)
This fic gave me the absolute chills in just 800 words. Voldemort is at his manipulative best here, as well as absolute peak possessiveness. The dynamic between Voldemort and captive Harry is delightfully creepy and leaves you craving more.
his lady in crimson (who reaches through time) by @ellorypurebloodculture (M, 5k)
This was such a cool non-traditional time-travel story! All the descriptions of fem!Harry and her outfits are absolutely gorgeous — I don't think I've come across this level of detail to costuming in very many other fics before; it was one of those really nice details that you can tell the author put a lot of work into and that really made the fic very memorable for me. And oh god, I felt every moment of Harry's heartful yearning and desperation and urgency in reaching out across time to Tom, and how much she loved him already — an absolutely beautiful love story.
never a victimless crime by @duplicitywrites (E, 7.5k)
Someone doses Tom with a lust potion keyed to Harry — and an absolutely wild, chaotic, wet, filthy hot mess of a shower-scene PWP ensues, featuring Tom who's been drugged out of his mind and Harry who's trying to do the right thing but is similarly incapacitated by a mild concussion. This had so much sexy chaotic energy, and is definitely one of the best things I've read on AO3.
Serendipity by @lissiamoonstone (E, 6.5k)
SO MANY LAYERS OF DUBCON. SO MANY LAYERS. And combined with super possessive Alpha Tom and Harry being in heat and somnophilia as the icing on top!? This was such a delicious mind-fuck — I reread it a few times and kept finding new things to notice, and I know I'll come back to reread it many more times.
They, of Riddle Manor by riddlereading (M, 16k)
I think this is one of the most unique Voldemort-wins story arcs I've read in Tomarry. Just one thing goes differently when Tom goes to Riddle Manor for the first time, and he doesn't end up killing his muggle relatives, which then sets off a sequence of events that result in Lily not dying and Harry growing up (with a happy childhood) in Riddle Manor. It's absolutely adorable from start to finish, and I had a huge smile on my face when I finished.
Tom Riddle’s Guide to Repeatedly Failing to Get Laid in the Restricted Section by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (M, 3k)
I jumped to open this fic when I saw some of the tags here — dubcon, amnesia, mind manipulation(!!) This was such a fun and snappy read, featuring one of my favorite things — Tom repeatedly fucking with Harry's head to get what he wants (in this case, getting laid). He is absolutely undeterred and plays dirty, and we would expect nothing less of our favorite babygirl dark lord in training 💕
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sonotthedrama · 2 years
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2023! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer?):
I want to plot with more members this year. I want to develop some ideas I have for both of my girls this year and I know that if I want to see these ideas through then I need to get in touch with people. Sometimes I get anxious and retreat back in myself, then avoid messaging people, then get frustrated at myself for not doing it, which makes me feel like nothing is happening with my character (not true but still). I want to write more self paras. I want to let other people get the chance to delve into Kim's history (everything that came before Swynlake) and let people see other sides to her other than the crime fighter. I want to talk about her relationships with her family (her mom, her dad, Jim, Tim and her grandmother), the friendships she has had over the years and the rivals she has had. I'd love to delve more into the "arch nemesis" relationship between Kim and Drakken. I want to write about every instance Grace's immunity has kept her out of the annual shared town dream and how it has made her feel (oh she has a lot of feelings about it but doesn't always know how to express them in the best way).
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s):
Tammy's Resolution or "Goal" for Kim: I want Kim to branch out and start talking to Board members (maybe give it a few weeks after the January board meeting haha) and other influential people, such as Errol Woolf, William Clayton, Perry Flynn, and so on. The reason I want her to do this is that she'll be graduating in a year so I want her to have these connections in place so she can decide what she is doing once she has her double degree in Criminal Justice and Business. Tammy's Resolution or "Goal" for Grace: I want Grace to start reaching out to people from secondary school. I feel like I haven't utilised the fact she is practically a Swynlake native, despite being from Besydus, and I should use this fact to my advantage more. The reason I want her to have these old-new connections is so I can start to figure out her immunity and how that really does affect her.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Kim's Resolutions: Be a good friend. Make a difference in Swynlake (small goals haha!). Start her Criminal Justice Dissertation. Grace's Resolutions: Figure out a way to tell her parents that she doesn't want to take over Tilly Orchard just now. Start to figure out what she really wants to do with her life beyond Tilly Orchard. Look into night classes at Pride U.
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so:
Clayton: Kim wants to speak to him about being Sheriff and "interview" him for her dissertation. Errol: Kim also wants to speak to him about being Sheriff (get another perspective on the job) and "interview" him for her dissertation. Pacifica: Kim and Pacifica should be friends, I'm just saying haha. They share a mutual friend and I think Kim would get along with Pacifica. Mads: Grace wants to get some advice on applying for night classes but I think Grace and Mads would also make great friends. Shere: Grace wants to get some advice on applying for night classes (another perspective) but I think Grace and Shere could also be great friends. There are others I could have mentioned and I will reach out to people so I can get my characters interacting with their characters.
Talk a bit about your plotting style – what plots are you most drawn to? Do you prefer to come with a fully-formed idea and plot off that, or throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks?:
Okay, so I do feel I suck at plotting a little bit. Sometimes I have these "grand" ideas but never go about executing them in time then another event or plot drop happens then I get mad at myself for not reaching out to people. It's a vicious cycle. Anyway, I do feel I have more of a "throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks" way of plotting but I do want to start having fully formed ideas for both Kim and Grace. That said, I do like brainstorming with a partner and seeing what we can both come up with and also so that it makes us both feel comfortable with what is happening. Communication is key! The plots that I feel more drawn to at the moment are different for Kim and Grace. I am loving the angst and drama-driven plots for Kim but for Grace, I'd love to explore more of the friendship and love-type plots.
Talk a bit about character relationships – what relationship are you most drawn to? How do you prefer to approach shipping (if at all!)? What, specifically, are you looking for right now for your character relationships?:
I really like friendship and family relationships. I like the sweet side of friendships but I also like the complicated hard stuff that comes with seeing the world differently (I'm looking at you, Anna haha). I like enemies and all the stuff that comes with writing that (looking at you, Drakken haha). I really want Kim to have more friends who understand her history and don't think she's crazy for the stunt she pulled on Halloween. I've said this before but I want Grace to reach out to people from secondary but also branch out to meet new people at Swynlake events. I don't really think about shipping a lot because I never know how to approach someone and say, "Hey. I think CHARACTER A and CHARACTER B would make a cute ship?" or something like that haha. I'd love for Kim to have a romantic relationship that didn't go up in "flames" like Phimberly (sorry haha). Just hear me out but I think that Kim would be so oblivious to someone having a crush on her and it would be so funny. Also, I think for the moment Grace does want to find love but she also is quite shy in that department and wants to focus on figuring out her immunity and trying to get into night classes at Pride U (yes, I have talked on and on about it haha).
Talk about your dash reply style and your Discord reply style! (And if applicable, also your doc reply style). What do you like about each type of interaction? What is something you feel is difficult?:
Dash: I feel like I'm quite inconsistent with my dash replies. I have always used the RPTHREADTRACKER website because otherwise I'd lose my replies and that's not a good thing for me especially when I don't always post every day. I don't always have them up to date and sometimes that makes me feel anxious and want to rush a reply then I end up feeling more anxious that it's not a good enough reply. I am trying not to let my anxiety rule over me like that but it's hard. Anyway, my little resolution for myself is to be better at posting at least one reply a day and take it from there. Discord: I like discord threads and feel less pressure from doing these so would like to do more of these, please. I think sometimes when I take a while to reply then I kind of don't and I need to stop that attitude and reach out to my writing partners (because rude) to see if they want to continue or do something new. I do love that here at Swynlake that all events are done on discord because it's much easier to keep track of and I can still do my dash replies without an event getting in the way (not that it's really in the way). Doc: Not done any doc threads yet. Maybe I'll start this year, we'll see.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #3 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it:
GRACE reaches out to VIXEY or TIANA or BOTH for advice about wanting to take night classes at Pride U. They have a conversation about it and maybe suggest she talk to a professor that works at Pride U. (GIF chat or Para or Discord thread)
Then GRACE gets in touch with MADS or SHERE to get advice about starting night classes at Pride U. (Email or Text thread)
GRACE meets MADS or SHERE for a drink so they can give her advice and she can start to come up with a plan for applying for night classes at Pride U. (Event or Para or GIF chat thread)
GRACE starts to come up with a plan. (Self-Para)
GRACE reaches out to VIXEY or TIANA or BOTH again for advice on what to say to her parents. They have a conversation about it and maybe suggest telling her parents the truth. (GIF chat or Para or Discord thread)
Finally, GRACE speaks to her parents about taking night classes at Pride U. (Self-Para)
GRACE feels better after talking to her parents and starts the process in applying for night classes at Pride U. (Self-Para)
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