#...if its not hard and/or hyperspecific thats good too
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everythingwasnormalhere · 10 months ago
Give me drawing reqs but only of hard hyperspecific stuff
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kindlyre · 5 months ago
Can you talk more about your personal headcanons for Rantaro?
uhhh shore!!! :3
he has thirteen siblings overall, twelve sisters and a brother
out of those, his brother and oldest sister are blood relatives. his brother is a few years older and they have a... complicated relationship. his sister is his (younger) twin
he has a pretty bad case of conduct disorder and has been compared to enoshima on many occasions because of it
his sisters have no idea, his twin kinda realized as she got older, his brother is 100% aware
rantaro's dad divorced his mom when he was about nineish, took his sister in the custody battle, but the dad fought for the two boys in the hopes that one of them would amount to SOMEthing
this is hyperspecific but. the "-taro" suffix is usualy reserved for the oldest son, so the reason rantaro is named that was because his brother ALREADY didnt live up to expectations, so his father saw rantaro as a replacement and named him accordingly
rantaro's talent came about because he has conduct disorder- the chronic boredom is why he travels so much in the first place, and the risk taking behavior commonly associated w cd is why he gets into so many Situations that make for good headlines
he's banned from morocco because he got caught graverobbing. everything he took had to be given back, except for ONE thing he got away with. he keeps it in his capsule necklace
yes he does drugs but he managed his habits well until shortly before his appearence in danganronpa 52, where he started getting worse cravings
rantaro used to have a mix of clear headed travels that are more backpacking or in rural areas or mountain climbing, AND stints in big cities where hed do some drugs and gamble
a thing he likes to do is get real messed up on drugs, black out, then play some irl geoguesser when he wakes up in some random ass location
this is why he didnt seem too concerned when he woke up in v3; he's used to just waking up in odd places and not remembering how he got there
mmmmost people with conduct disorder dont actually go on to develop aspd, which you can only be diagnosed with once you turn 18. rantaro is in the minority yaay #lostcause (that is, if he'd lived to 18)
he near-exclusively calls himself "a sociopath" because he got tired of explaining that thats not a diagnosis anymore and you cant even get the renamed diagnosis till youre eighteen and he'll Totally Be Fine By Then He Promises and that he has something else entirely, because people kinda didnt care much so he just stopped explaining
he still very much wants to find his sisters but even when he DOES find them, he's always too nervous to approach them because he feels like they would maybe not like a baby sociopath as a brother
(he's had symptoms all his life and was never all that good at hiding them. his sisters like him just fine, lmao)
HE KNOWS WHERE HIS TWIN LIVES he could literally go see her at any time. he doesn't. he's simply too ashamed of how he is on account of being compared to the girl who Ended The World all his life
rantaro's got a nasty violent streak and one of the reasons he wears those rings like that are as a brass knuckle subsitute
he's attacked and even tried to kill his father on MULTIPLE occasions due to his treatment of both rantaro himself and his sisters
he's a gambling addict though if you asked him he'd say it's "just fun sometimes" and its not that big a deal because he's rich, he can tank whatever he loses
he likes big open spaces like the ocean or the great plains; he finds it a nice reminder of how HUGE the world truly is and how, despite all he's done, he's only experienced a fraction of it. it makes him excited for his next adventure
he loves his sisters, but it's in a kind of... detached way? its hard to explain.
his relationship with his brother is even harder to explain- they fight a LOT but they're kind of the only family each of them has, but they're still pretty distant with each other (a lot of it is gonna be in fics im doing so i lowk dont wanna spoil it aaaaaaall~)
rantaro has always wanted to fall in love, but it hasn't happened yet
he hasn't fooled around with anyone, he's saving himself as it were for the person he falls in love with. he used to tell people this, but stopped after like 95% of the responses were variations on how that was such a surprising sentimentality for Someone Like Him
he's well aware that people see him as a sickopath first and a person second, growing up in a post-tragedy world with the bad luck of having the same mental illness as the person who caused the whole thing. this is a contributing factor in why he's so distrustful of other people
other factors include seeing atrocities, corruption, et cetera traveling around, AND the abuse he faced growing up and how his father is continuing to get away with it due to his wealth
even so, rantaro absolutely has used his wealth to stay out of prison. it sounds hypocritical but rantaro is a mentally ill 14 year old whom nobody really knows how to (or wants) to help in a way that actually is respectful of him instead of treating him like a nuke that needs to be disarmed, and his father is an adult man who uses his wealth to take advantage of poor women to fuck their daughters. so its a bit of a different situation i think
i think you deserve a few fun ones after all that
he's sicilian on his mom's side
he tans a LOT in the summer and has a lot of freckles, you can barely see them if he's not tanned lmao
he's a natural brunet and his hair is really thick so it gets tangled easily; he got an undercut largely so he didnt have to deal with so much of it
he has a stick n poke tattoo on his leg, though it's so blown out and faded that you kinda can't tell what it is. not even rantaro knows what it is (a sailboat? maybe?)
he did all his own piercings; they're all staggered on his right ear because he's left-handed (except his left lobe, but tbf its easier to do that than your cartilege)
people are generally aware that there's Something Just A Little Off about rantaro, including some of the killing game participants, but some of them wouldnt have minded, honestly
these ones are oumami ones for Me but rantaro likes kokichi's view on morality and that decoding kokichi's lies means they effectively have a secret language
and because of just how odd kokichi is and how outlandish his lies are, rantaro'll never get bored of him
kokichi asks "am i boring?" and the guy with Chronic Being Bored Disorder always says "no, never"
they invented romance
haha cool a guy with muted emotions concerning other people fell in love in a killing game and is now feeling a bunch of new, strong, overwhelming emotions! i wonder if this can be exploited in some way!!!!!!!!!!!
woof this got LONG!!!! anyway we love exploiting the mentally ill for shock value and television. team danganronpa sucks, good thing we don't do that!!
anyway if u want some elaboration on any of these hmu!!! i love to yap!!!!
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mysterypuppy · 20 days ago
hi mysterypuppybong 💚 i hope this isnt too weird to send and totally feel free to ignore or delete if its not the vibe but. re; several recent posts. i just wanted to say to u and anyone else who may see this. as a csa & trafficking & incst survivor, i promise there is hope. there is light and there is good in this world and i know its hard to see when youve been hurt so much but i promise its there. not too long ago i couldnt even brush up against someone without feeling sick and now i have two incredible partners who've helped me refind safety and comfort in physical touch in a way i never thought would be possible. ive got crazy hyperspecific triggers and my partners and all my friends are mindful of them and help to avoid them and support me when i do get triggered. after so long feeling like nothing but an object i really truly get to feel like a person most days and its incredible.
there are people that don't want to hurt you, there are people that want to support you and help you heal. if you never want romance or sex or anything close to it thats ok and there are people that want you, to see you happy and thriving as their friend or family. you may not have found them yet but i promise you will. we are all holding hands metaphysically and i love you . keep going ok? it lingers but it will lessen and you have to live to see that.
ive read this over and over again thank you so much for sending this it gives me so so so much hope. U are so beautiful and im so sorry you went thru that. Im so glad you have people who love you the way you need & Im glad you’re still here
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mizuta · 1 year ago
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far from it to be my style to post about hashtag mental health issues on main but like. look. ive& been psychotic as far back as i can tangibly remember (hallucinating at 10-11, cognitive symptoms and episodes by 13-14). its been a part of my life so long that like... in a lot of ways im used to it and coping with symptoms and my life grew around a lot of the symptoms. like a tree trunk growing around a foreign object as a sapling. something that pierces directly through the middle but doesnt really impact the trees ability to stay alive in any meaningful way.
so like in a lot of ways im used to being in my own head. my partner is good at recognizing that things that are distressing to me in episodes dont process whatsoever as distressing to me a good chunk of the time. when im acting visibly distressed it actually means my level of distress is at like, 200%. its fucking unmanageable. if im visibly distressed its worse than anyone could conceptualize because typically otherwise im just numb to a lot of it or its just default my reality that its not distressing in any meaningful way until after the fact.
but like im ngl just because ive spent all of my teenage years upwards trying to take up literally the least space possible to exist and never show 80% of my "unacceptable" symptoms to 99% of people does not mean it makes it any less uncomfortable or awkward to like. be the token psychotic in some groups. to have to be the buzzkill and shit thats like hey sorry heres my hyperspecific request of the year because im fucking insane.
its miserable in a fresh new way of like sorry to have to remind everyone that its not actually a funny character quirk or joke my brain literally does not exist in your 'reality' in any meaningful way and the further outside of it i am on a given day the more unpleasant youre going to find me to be around. ignoring the insane person talking aimlessly in public doesnt actually help me it usually just reinforces that youre not real and never will be if its a bad enough day.
its never intentional. like nobody is ever doing this on purpose. especially again because i spent so much of my life being very good at hiding it. but like... it sucks so much to be masking half the time and be a little too good at it so when you stop being able to people are always levels of uncomfortable or upset. it sucks when you cant articulate anything properly and nobody really knows how to understand what youre asking for. it sucks when you have multiple severe memory conditions and cant trust your own memory and everyone immediately questions your memory when you ask for anything or point anything out. like of course im just going to fucking fold.
i dont know where im going with this or if this itself is even that coherent i know it sounds super vague but it really isnt about anyone specific im just babbling about like years worth of garbage. i got so fucked over by fakeclaiming culture because unfortunately when i started really displaying symptoms i was a teenager trying not to kill himself and being fucking insane loudly in virtual public when that was apparently an "obvious sign of exaggerating" so i had to learn to shut the fuck up and now everybody loves to forget how much im fucking unwell because god forbid you think too hard about what youre saying around others.
thank god for my partner who is literally the first person in my entire life whos ever tried to understand and genuinely knows how to talk to me when im in a particularly bad delusion or hallucinating or whatever.
man. im tired. i found out this last month i probably need to get a cane when i move out and i still feel like im going to be appropriating shit because severe knee and upper leg paint and severe balance problems cant be that bad. i hate having memory problems so bad that i so easily can be told that i dont know shit and Y is actually what happened and i usually cant actually argue against it even if im so sure thats not true.
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spireofshadow · 4 years ago
I haven't seen All These Aus so I cant really talk about how respectful they may or may not be but - fandoms using the same ideas/tropes isn't an uncommon thing. Like yes credit if you're pulling the majority of the story/set up (like in this instance where its not something v basic like 'hlvrai but college') but I don't think its necessarily a bad thing. Like will some stuff be unoriginal, yeah, but thats.. kind of the thing that there's always going to be unoriginal fancontent (1/2)
“Like a fandoms content is really self interactive and derivative off of each other. Like I get what you're saying w 'make your own ideas' but this is something that is also happening with other universes/ideas I've seen in the hlvrai fandom. And w every big fandom, especially ones with a young fanbase. Like ik you're saying 'you don't have to stop' but this is also a result of fan community working off of fellow fan ideas. Not everyone is gonna be skilled enough to build much onto the idea (2/2) Which isn't saying that people shouldn't try or whatever. Point is really just this echoe chamber deal happens w every fandom really and especially with hlvrai's young fans its gonna be more often and with less instances that add much. Its hard to avoid that sort of thing though without discouraging a fandom's collaboration and spreading/sharing of ideas which is what results in some amazing building contributions, but also the echo chambers. (3/2) [sorry theres gonna be 1 more, I know] I actually 100% get the frustration and I've tuned out of the tags bc it has turned into that echoe chamber of like ask blogs and some other stuff. But I don't think this is something malicious, its really just... people doing usual fandom stuff of seeing an idea they like and making their own thing with it, and in this instance has led to this, but I don't think it's really deserving of a finger wagging or shaming just bc its not producing great content. (4/2)” ---------- yup, dont disagree with you there; ive seen this kind of thing plenty in other fandom spaces and my intention in sharing my thoughts on the matter was not to shame young artists from deriving inspiration from the work of others, but in this specific instance there's almost an over-saturation of this one idea of which is very articulately crafted by the original writer, quote “protag gets trapped in an old fashioned computer program and interacts with the cast in a 90s webcore environment, cast tries to help protag escape the computer with the eventual help of an outside source partially at fault for the main antagonist - and by extension the protagonist’s plight, in initially helping work on the program, among other things”. this is a very hand wave-y synopsis but u get the idea almost every re-imagining of this au follows that exact formula, tells almost the exact same story with little deviation, and that under normal circumstances would not be a bad thing for most of these swap aus if there werent, like, literally a dozen of them now. i know for absolute certain no one copy of this idea has ever had malicious intention, and it’s definitely not any one particular person’s fault for contributing to any degree, but it does tend to encourage a bit of piggybacking off of the ideas of other people by copying, rather than taking inspiration from a given piece of media and applying it to their own work, which isn’t necessarily a problem with an immediate (or necessary) solution, if there even is a solution to begin with as i’ve said i’m not asking people here to drop everything they’re doing and start working on something different, at this rate the hlvrai fandom is so saturated with hundreds of au ideas that if i were to ask you to name one completely random idea offhand i could probably find at least one art piece or a blog for it by now - and that on it’s own is entirely fine! multiple renditions of a similar concept is fine, so long as it isn’t a premise as hyperspecific as y2k’s, imo i think a good example of “same concept, personal rendition” that’s been relatively harmonious (from what i’ve seen at least) has been the merfolk aus. ive seen at least 3 different fics for that on ao3 all of which i follow and they take the same general ideas (and mer species, oftentimes) and run with it in completely different directions. there are probably tons of other writers and artists for that medium too and i think its fucking great! its really awesome to see peoples individual takes on a concept like that, au wise, and while the core concept is the exact same there’s not too much overlap in environmental premises the issue i take with people doing similar for the likes of y2kvr is that y2kvr in and of itself is a very unique take on the general, webcore “trapped in a computer/game/etc” theme, it has it’s own unqiue premise, nd i feel like people have overall honed in more on said premise and setting rather than the core concept itself, which has churned out a lot of spinoffs of something much more hyperspecific per result. in general i think people have taken sub-aus a bit too far for this specific concept and i wanted to try and maybe discourage anyone else from jumping on the train at this rate without permission, since mothra has pretty clearly expressed a sense of discomfort towards it now regardless of my thoughts and opinions on the matter comparative to others, at the end of the day it’s more important to listen to and respect the wishes of the creator, whether it be asking permission first or holding off entirely from here on out . thank you for the ask(s)!
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