#...i had to think HARD on this cause there are SOOOOOO MAAANY
glowstickia · 4 years
TOP FIVE nostalgic cartoons (90s-2000s)
GOOOOOSH So, I grew up watching a shit ton of cartoons. Mostly thanks to watching stuff at my grandparents cause they had cable and then when we moved out Mom also like...had ‘special channels’ n stuff from a different company which was honestly really nice so I got to watch some absolute gems.
1. Danny Phantom (2004 - 2007)
I was 9 about to turn 10 in a few days when Mom agreed to let me stay up and watch the Kid’s Choice Awards back in 2004. That night man...I watched the premiere of Danny Phantom and oh my god it changed my life. It felt like it was a birthday present to me (wasn’t but I was like 9 lol), and I just immediately fell in love. I heard the OG theme song and will say I got upset that the song changed upon the reruns and I had never heard it again. Granted, I ended up liking the song everyone knows and loves, but will say I was majorly confused after that haha. While the show definitely has some...issues, this cartoon in particular sparked the love of paranormal/supernatural and got me into fanfiction as well as writing haha. It was the first fandom I also sorta got into as well :3
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2. Rugrats (1991 - 2004)
To this day I still remember coming home from half day kindergarten and sitting down at my grandparents to get a snack, nap, and either be picked up by Mom or get to studying (by reading aloud to Grandma with Nancy Drew books). While there Rugrats was on and every time up until I deemed it way too childish, I’d play again with the theme song. Right before Tommy would squirt milk at the screen I’d duck n cover behind a chair, the coffee table, couch, whatever was in the living room and feel all high and mighty cause “Ha, you missed again Tommy Pickles.” Cause I had it in my head that if I was out in the open, I’d get hit by the milk and ‘lose’ the game XD Tiny me had fun.
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3. American Dragon: Jake Long (2005 - 2007)
I did not know I loved modern fantasy or that it was even a genre until later down the line, but my god that’s what this cartoon is. AND BOY HOWDY. I ALSO REALLY ADORE DRAGONS!!! I love the whole aspect of like mythical creatures are underground and in hiding and my god I’ve read some good ass crossover fic with this show and Danny Phantom. I know folks hate the whole style and design change that happened from season 1 to 2, will say season 2 is still fucking good and brings up some fun stuff (like how Dragons can PUNCH GHOSTS haha love that) ALSO I do love that they changed Jake’s dragon design. Don’t get me wrong, I love both designs for different reasons plus...I just love dragons man... And goddamn I’m pretty sure my humor stems from this show and Danny Phantom lolololol God Trixie and Spud were the fuckin best. Love them.
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4. Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005 - 2008)
Holy shit, I still cannot believe that there is like...a resurgence of Avatar as of late and I am LOVING LIFE. I remember when it was coming out and I’d just watch the story unfold and root for Aang and had fuckin no idea what each episode would unfold. I’ve re-watched it over and over however many times, but like was unable to do so in order mostly cause didn’t have option for DVDs (and I’d still love to own it...someday). The story and the heart of this show just sends me and I am so happy I can like watch it again thanks to Netflix like shit I’ve missed it and I ADORE the HELL out of all the analysis stuff that’s coming through now that did not exist while the show was coming out. Feels good.
Also fun fact: Voice actors for Zuko & Katara are same as Jake & Rose from American Dragon. So have fun with that :3
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5. Teen Titans (2003 - 2006)
God, soon as I typed that I just...heard the theme song sakdhfdsfh. It’s kinda weird that its like... I do enjoy super heroes but to an extent. Fully blame Danny Phantom and god their crossover fics are aplenty. What I loved about TT is like they’re just a group of friends who’ve become a family and work super goddamn well together. They still argue with each other and they’re vastly different from each other but the story and the chemistry these characters share in the show is so damn beautiful... Give me found family tropes. They are my life blood. Also my fav was Raven cause she’s spooky and I cannot stress enough how much paranormal shit I love. Also her and Robin’s friendship sends me as does Cyborg’s & Starfire’s sweet sweet friendship. Beast Boy is a major goof and I love how much lil brother energy he radiates. QAQ goddamn it I’m crying now.
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I have many other cartoon shows that I absolutely resonate with and are highly nostalgic for me, cause goddamn I watched soooooo many growing up. But alas 5 limit haha
[top five time]
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