#...i guess rory could come
my greatest fandom flaw: i can never express my dislike of rory/jess to the full extent that i yearn to because i know it’s just way too taboo to ever unleash upon the world. i must remain silent on the matter to stay in the polite circles of society.
so i just have to keep it bottled up inside of me
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sentientcave · 5 months
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Retirement Party
Price has retired from Military life, and he's not handling the change well. But on the one year anniversary of him hanging it up, his boys bring him something special to help keep him busy. You.
Chapter One - The Perfect Gift
Next Chapter >
Contains: No Y/N (Reader is an OC), Kidnapping, Stalking, Drugging, Forcible relocation, Generally creepy behaviour, Threats (open-ended), I guess this might count as human trafficking?, Dubcon everything because Reader is terrified (non-sexual), plus-sized reader, fem/afab reader, There is something fucking wrong with these guys for real.
~3.2k - MDNI - Dark fic! Please mind the content warning above
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"I told ye, she's perfect," Soap said, eyes on the window across the street. They could see you puttering around your living room, wearing a pretty flower print dress as you tidied up. "Good with bairns too, met her when I was pickin' up the niece and nephew from school. She was workin' for some rich family, an' they let her go because the wife found a pair of her knickers in her husband's briefcase." He snickered. He'd been the one to put them there, although, in his opinion, he’d been pushing the bounds for a long while anyway. Sure he’d essentially cast you adrift, jobless and with no one looking out for you, but, well, they were looking after you now, weren’t they? So it wasn’t all that bad.
"Good job, pup," Ghost said fondly, ruffling Johnny's hair. "Captain's gonna love 'er."
"How do you lads want to play it?" Gaz asked. "Could go in tonight. Won’t take much to knock her out, pack up her things, take her to the cabin. Get her nice and situated for when Price gets back."
"No point in waitin', is there?" Ghost asked. "Nice she's on the ground floor. Makes takin' 'er things easier. I'll go round 'n' check the windows in a bit. Should wait till after midnight. Don't want to be spotted by the neighbours."
"No' much risk o' tha'," Soap said. "Knocked over a bunch of bins last I was here and the cunts didna even turn on a light. Just the bonnie thing worryin’ while the rest of ‘em sleep sound."
Gaz lit a cigarette, nodding thoughtfully. "Small apartment too. Is there much to move?"
Soap shook his head. "Nah, no' much. Sweet girl lives simply. I told ye, she's perfect for the captain. He'll be able to spoil the fuck out of her, once she's broken in, aye?"
"Know 'e'll like that. Man needs a wife to dote on. ‘e’s been goin’ a bit crazy, all alone. An' 'e can train'er up nice."
"Think he might share?" Gaz asked wistfully, exhaling a stream of thin smoke as he sighed. "Nice soft girl like that-- Plenty to go around."
Ghost laughed. "Thought we'd 'ave trouble gettin' Johnny to keep 'is 'ands to 'imself, and you're the one droolin'."
"Scuse me for having eyes, mate. Just think she looks sweet."
"We'll get to see first 'and soon.” Ghost clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on lads. Let's get ready."
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You wake up on the hard metal floor of a moving vehicle, your pounding head cradled in someone's hands. That's what you notice first, and the thumbs rubbing circles against your neck soothingly.
It has the opposite effect. Your eyes fly open.
“Hi, bonnie,” a somewhat familiar face grins down at you, blue eyes smiling, but too intense, glittering in the low light that filters in from the windows at the front of the truck. “How’s yer head?”
You grimace, trying to make sense of what’s going on around you. The back of the van seems to be filled with boxes. “Aren’t you Finn and Rory’s uncle?”
“Aw, ye remember me? Knew ye were a sweetheart.”
You try to sit up, but Johnny puts a strong hand on your shoulder and keeps you where you are. Your head feels too heavy to try and fight him, your muscles weak. “What’s going on?” you ask. “What— Is this a kidnapping?”
“Tha’s an ugly word, bonnie. We’re doin’ ye a favour, really. Settin’ ye up with someone respectable. Captain’ll take good care of ye.” He pats your cheek. “Whyna get back to sleep? Still a ways to go, aye?”
Maybe it’s just a bad, weird dream. You do feel foggy, like you’re not fully attached to your body, and keeping your eyes open is a struggle. You’ll wake up back in your own bed, and have a funny story to tell if you ever bump into Johnny again. He’s definitely too nice to be a kidnapper, right? Like, people don’t really do that sort of thing. It has to be a dream.
“Okay,” you mumble, letting your eyes close again.
As you suspected, you wake up again in bed. The headache’s receded some, and there’s warm sunlight streaming in through the windows. You bury your face into the pillows, and then bolt upright. The pillow smells weird, like sweet tobacco and spice, and you don’t get morning sun in your bedroom. The window faces a brick wall across a narrow alley.
The room you’re in now is not your room. It’s sparsely furnished, just a dresser under the window and the bed you’re tucked into, and two doors, one that’s clearly a closet, and one that must lead out into the rest of the… house? Judging by the sound of birdsong outside, you’re out of the city.
You pad to the window and look out. There’s a van in the driveway, and three men carrying things in. One of them looks up and spots you in the window, waving cheerfully.
Not a dream. Fear grips you, ice sliding down your spine, shards settling in your stomach, needling and uncomfortable. Your sinuses prickle like you’re about to cry, but no tears come. You’re too dehydrated to summon them. It’s hard to tell how long you’ve been out— It’s fully daylight outside, but you have no idea what time. A second look around the room finds a digital clock sitting on the nightstand, 3:05 glaring back at you in red.
There’s a knock on the door, and it pushes open. The man who walks in is handsome, smiling at you so beautifully that your automatic response is to try and smile back, although you feel that it’s flimsy, unsure. There’s no chance that this man is here to help you, but you at least hope he’s not here to hurt you either.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks. His voice is as pleasant as his face is, smooth and cheerful, although it makes you wary about him on principle. “You hungry?”
You shake your head. It’s not true, but you can’t trust that there wouldn’t be drugs in anything they give you.
“Well, come on downstairs, hm? Get some water at least. Maybe a tea?”
Your stomach churns. “I might be sick,” you manage to squeak out. He quickly ushers you out into the hall and into a bathroom. You don’t make it to the toilet, but you do manage to make it to the sink. If you had a little more fire in you, you might have tried to vomit bile onto the pretty man’s shoes, but it’s hard to shake the instinct to be good, not to make any trouble, to hope that they’ll just let you go. You’re not even sure what they want. You have no family to ransom, you don’t have any money to speak of, you’re just a fat little ex-nanny still paying off an English Literature degree from a second-rate college.
You turn on the sink to wash away the sick, and rinse your mouth out. Your hands start shaking when you realize your toothbrush is sitting in the holder next to the sink, like it belongs there. Your makeup bag is sitting on the counter too, and when you look down, you realize you’re standing on your own bathmat, taken from your home and arranged here, as if effects from your own house are supposed to make you feel comfortable. You look at your reflection in the mirror, and then at the man still standing in the doorway, his brown eyes all concern, as if he wasn’t party to a fucking nightmare.
You straighten up, gripping the counter to steady yourself. “What the hell is this?” you ask, trying to inject some authority into your quaking voice. “Who are you? What do you want from me?”
“I’m Gaz. Nice to meet you. Johnny had lots of nice things to say about you.”
So that hadn’t been a dream either. You look around the room desperately, looking for anything that could possibly be used as a weapon, but Gaz seems to know exactly what you’re doing, and he steps into your space quickly to grab your hands.
“None of that. Come on. You’ll feel better after a tea, yeah? Then you can get ready to meet the captain.”
He leads you downstairs. Questions spin around your head, but you’re not sure if it’s worth asking. Gaz only bothered to respond to one of the three you’ve asked so far, and it wasn’t the one that you were most interested in an answer to. So you stay quiet instead, taking in the layout of the big room. A front door and a back door, and windows that look out onto a forest on one side of the property, and more forest on the other side, beyond a large cleared space with a neat garden and a few fruit trees. There’s a second building that you can just see the corner of from the kitchen window, more likely a garage than a neighbour.
Gaz backs you up against the counter and leans down slightly, his hands gripping your thighs. You panic, the touch surprising you, and slap him across the face. The sharp sound makes you freeze, like it wasn’t you that had done it. He takes advantage of your surprise to shove you up onto the counter and grab both your hands with one of his, all the friendliness draining our of his eyes in an instant as he points a scolding finger at you. You feel like you’ve done something naughty that you’re not fully aware of the implications of yet, a badly trained dog or a child. “I’m going to let that one slide, because I understand that this is a big change for you. But you’re not going to like what happens if you try that again, understood?”
You nod quickly, your own eyes wide. “I-I’m sorry,” you say, the instinct for appeasement rearing it’s skittish little head.
And then the smile returns, as pretty as before, storm clouds blowing away as though they’d never been there to begin with. “It’s alright, doll. Just don’t do it again. And definitely don’t try that attitude on with the captain.” He taps the pointing finger against your nose playfully, and lets your hands drop back into your lap.
The rules seem simple enough. Be good and sweet, and get friendly faces in return, to a degree. No matter how cooperative you are, you doubt they’re going to let you go home. Fighting back means consequences, and you’re not sure how far those consequences will extend. If you’re too much trouble, it’s not a stretch to imagine that they’ll just kill you outright and try again with a meeker woman. You don’t yet know if death would be the more preferable outcome.
You pull your sweater down over your thighs. The black zip-up hoodie isn’t yours (the word Riley is stitched onto the front of it), but it’s big, and even though it smells faintly of cigarettes, it affords you at least a little modesty and comfort, more than the tank top and the sleep-shorts you’re wearing underneath do. Riley must be the third man. Was he the captain? Or was there a fourth one somewhere?
Johnny comes through the door carrying your suitcases, and he grins widely when he sees you, the charming, boyish one that you’d thought was handsome before. It’s only unnerving now. “Didja have a good sleep, bonnie?”
“You drugged me,” you accuse.
“Weel, of course. You were no’ goan ta come all peaceable, and LT wouldna be patient if ye were cryin’ the whole way here.” He trots upstairs, and you can hear him drop the bags with a thump, before he’s clattering back down the steps and leaning against the counter next to you. “How’d’ye like yer new home, bonnie? S’a nice place, aye? Better than tha’ little shoebox back in the city.”
“I like my apartment,” you protest.
“Psh, ye’d say tha’. Puttin’ on a brave face since yer such a good girl. But it wasna verra safe, was it? No’ a single neighbour paid us any mind while we were loadin’ up yer things. No’ a good place for a single girl, aye?” He reaches out and puts a big hand on your knee, squeezing lightly. “Now ye’ll be taken care of, like ye should be.”
“I don’t want to be taken care of.”
“Nonsense. Ye’ll be glad, once ye get used to things. Already looks real homey in here, don’t ye think?” He gestures at the living room.
You twist to look, and your stomach sinks. Your throw pillows are on the couch, one of the afghans you crocheted hanging over the back of it. You recognize the titles of your books on the shelves. These men were nothing if not thorough, surgically removing your entire life and transplanting it to this house in the woods, with it’s wood panel walls and big, overstuffed leather couches.
He continues blithely, like he’s not delivering some of the most horrifying news you’ve ever heard. “Most of your furniture’s in the garage, ye can sort tha’ out with Price, aye? But we brought all yer clothes and decorations and whatnot in. Figure ye should wear tha’ pretty black sundress, an’ those long stockin’s with the clippy belt, ye ken the one? Cap’ll like those.”
They’d been through all your things. If you had anything left to throw up, you might’ve again. Gaz sets a glass of water on the counter next to you. “How d’you take your tea, doll?”
“Milk, two sugars,” Johnny answers for you. “Our sweet lass has a sweet tooth, aye?”
“How do you know that?” You can hear the quiver in your voice, and it doesn’t slip by either of them.
“Come oan, hen, ye ken I didna jus’ pick ye off the street. Did my research. Wouldna pick just anyone for the captain.”
“When he said he’d found the perfect girl, we didn’t believe him at first,” Gaz says, leaning against the counter on the other side of the kitchen while the tea steeps. “But Ghost and I knew he was right, soon as we saw you.” He nods at the glass. “Drink your water. You haven’t had anything since last night.”
“Is it drugged?” you ask flatly.
“No, want ye awake for when Price gets here. Yer a real cute thing asleep, but we want him ta hear yer pretty voice and see that smile, aye?” Johnny reaches past you and picks up the glass of water, taking a big swig to demonstrate it’s harmlessness.
You take a careful sip when he hands it back to you, and then another, resisting the urge to just gulp the whole thing down. The door opens again, and the biggest man you’ve seen in your life walks in, wearing a black t-shirt and a mask with the jaw of a skull printed on it, pulled up over the lower half of his face. He looks at you dispassionately, and then at Gaz and Johnny. “What the ‘ell have you two muppets been sayin’ to the poor thing?” he asks, his voice rumbling like an avalanche. “She looks like she’s gonna faint.”
“Figure she’s just peaky,” Gaz says defensively. “I’m making her tea.”
The big guy swats Johnny’s hand away from your knee impatiently, and cages you in against the counter, one huge arm on either side of you. “How’re you feelin’ bird? Be honest.”
“Terrified,” you admit.
He chuckles. “Sensible, considerin’. But you don’t need to worry, olright? No one’s gonna hurt you, so long as you’re good. And you want to be good, don’t you, bird?”
You nod. You’d thought Gaz and Johnny were big, but this one’s huge, broad and tall and even scarier. It’s clear why they started off introducing themselves to you in the order they did. If this man had been the first thing you’d seen after waking up you probably would have gone into hysterics.
“Use your words, pet.”
“I want to be good,” you say obediently, because you don’t see any other options, at least for the moment.
“Good girl,” he says, and there’s the slightest hint of a smile in his dark eyes.
Somehow, this is the most comforting thing that you’ve experienced all day. You won’t be hurt if you’re good, and you are being good.
He pushes back from the counter slightly, giving you more space, takes the mug of tea from Gaz, and hands it off to you. “Small sips,” he instructs. “And maybe a biscuit, if you think you can keep it down.”
“Are you the captain?” you ask nervously, gripping the mug with two hands.
“Hm? No. ‘e’s still about an hour out. I’m Simon. Ghost to these two.” He fishes an open package of biscuits out of the cupboard and sets them next to you. “Once you finish your tea, we’ll get you ready. Want to make a good first impression, right bird?”
“Not really,” you admit. “I’d like to go home.”
He laughs, at least finding your honesty amusing. “That won’t be ‘appenin’. If Price dun’t want you, I’ll keep you myself. But I’ll tell you right now, you’ll like Price better. If you’re good for him, he’ll be real good to you, understood?”
You bite your tongue. It won’t do you any good to point out that a man that would accept a person as a gift is probably not capable of being good to anyone. Good is subjective, and the three men in front of you are lunatics. Their captain probably has the slightest bit stronger a grasp on his sanity, or a consistent moral code, if not a particularly righteous one. So you just keep your mouth shut, and drink your tea, and eat two chocolate digestives while Gaz and Johnny start collecting things to make dinner.
As soon as you set your empty mug to the side Ghost pops you down from the counter and ushers you upstairs with a big hand placed a little too low on your back. He tells you what to wear (down to the lingerie), but blessedly doesn’t insist on watching you get dressed. He does sit on the edge of the tub and watch you put on makeup, however, requesting red lipstick and winged eyeliner. Your hands are still a little shaky, but you manage to do as he asks. His eyes smile at you just a little when you’re obedient. You feel pathetic for not making a fuss, but you’re not sure what you can possibly do, except something stupid that will make them angry enough to hurt you.
He helps you into a pair of strappy red heels that had been languishing in the back of your closet before they dug everything out, and straightens the seam of your stockings, running his big hands up your calves. It’s like you’re a doll, dressed just how he wants, something to look pretty and say less than nothing, a gift for some other man you’ve never met to keep on a shelf.
Or worse, to play with.
You hear Johnny and Gaz greet someone downstairs, their voices loud and excited, and your heart skips nervously.
Ghost rises to his feet, smiling so big you can see it even with the mask. “Wait right here, pet,” he says firmly, leaving you sitting on the edge of the bed while he goes off to greet his captain. “Want to introduce you proper.”
So you sit, and you wait, shaking and nervous, for what feels like eternity, until you hear Simon’s surprisingly light footfalls on the stairs again. He offers you a hand, and hoists you over his shoulder as soon as you’re on your feet, carrying you down into the living room.
“We all pitched in,” Gaz says, as casually as if he meant throwing in five dollars for a card. “But she was Soap’s idea.”
“Picked ‘er out special, Cap,” Johnny says. “She’s perfect for ye.”
“She?” an unfamiliar voice asks. “Don’t tell me you got me a dog.”
“Better than that, skipper.” Ghost laughs as he circles around the couch, and drops you carefully into the man’s lap, stepping into line with the other two. “We got you a wife.”
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I've been low-key thinking about this concept since I read ohbo-ohno's Don't Leave Me Locked in Your Heart a while back (If you haven't read and you like a good dark fic, you should click that link, you may enjoy it). I think getting someone a person as a gift, or being given as a gift, rather, is a fun fucked up fantasy to explore. I'm not entirely sure where I'll take this but I promise to put in content warnings. Let me know if I miss something, I don't want anyone to be surprised by what they find!
Image Credits: Banner
Dividers: 1 - 2 - 3 by @/Cafekitsune
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eyecan02 · 20 days
I had fun watching this film. It was great seeing the OGs again, it was funny and it had a good script BUT I have to give this movie 7/10 because the pacing was off for the first half of the film and because of the two unnecessary Babyjuice scenes (We'll get to more of that in a bit.)
It just felt rushed and Beetlejuice and Lydia's scenes were limited. Yes, we knew from the get go that Keaton's scenes would be confined because that's how he wanted it but I just like complaining. lol
Before Lydia and Beetlejuice officially reunite, he starts spamming her phone with the Day O song playing with Beetlejuice's name in bold pops ups coming up nonstop. This happens when Rory is trying to talk about their wedding and Lydia just isn't in the mood to talk about it.
The first Beetlebabes scene is the "therapy scene" and its also the first Babyjuice scene. Lydia's belly grows quickly, her water breaks and out pops out Babyjuice. It starts crawling around and soon starts biting on Lydia's ankle. You do actually see bloody teethmarks on Lydia's ankle to which Beetlejuice says, "Takes after his dad." and he starts drooling exaggeratingly.
I don't remember the exact wording but Lydia called Beetlejuice "Demented." To which Beetlejuice replies with something like "Well, if me wanting to be with the love of my life is demented then fine I'm demented. Come here, honey." Yes, he actually calls her the love of his life!
He tries to do the gliding thing he did with Lydia during the first movie when he says this. Before Lydia is pulled to his side, she yells, "Home! Home! Home!"
That's when Lydia tries to hurry to get everyone out of the house and out of Winter River but Astrid tells her she has a date and somehow convinces Lydia to drive her to the boy's house. So Delia and Lydia board up the attic door and decide no one goes in and that they'll leave that same night right after Lydia gets married at midnight.
Now as most of us have heard- Astrid's crush has a secret. That secret is...that he's a ghost. Which, I feel so dumb about not guessing it. I should've figured it out when they showed "The Recently Deceased" book thar he claimed he bought at a "yard sale". The boy (can't remember his name) says Lydia can help him come back to life (not through marriage) and says if she travels with him to the Neitherworld, she'll help her see her dad again.
Lydia soon finds out that the boy (I think his name was Jeremy) was not only someone who killed his parents but is also a ghost (through info from Jane the realtor) so she rushes to rescue Astrid but gets there seconds too late. With no other choice she goes back to the Maitlands home and summons Beetlejuice.
The minute Beetlejuice gets Lydia into the afterlife...they're immediately separated right after the "Bonnie and Clyde line. The excuse? Beetlejuice had to "visit the little boy's room" as a plot device so that Lydia and Astrid could reunite with Astrid's deceased father. He's the one that saves them from the sandworm and helps them make up.
It turns out that Jeremy was gonna swap places with Astrid. She would've gone on the Soul Train that takes you to the "Great Beyond" and he would've resurrected as a living person. This takes place at an immigration office. Beetlejuice has kind of a heroic moment where he switched places with the person behind the glass that gives the "stamp of living approval."
When Jeremy looks at the paper that Beetlejuice gives him, it reads "Shit Out of Luck Fucker". XD This part had everyone howling with laughter. Beetlejuice stamps on the paper and that instantly opens the floor beneath Jeremy and sends him to hell.
Astrid's father helped Lydia and Astrid leave the Neitherworld through a portal in a mausoleum that is conveniantlly across from the church that Lydia is supposed to getting married at. Even though she doesn't really want to marry Rory, she decides to do it anyway. Tells Rory she won't change into her wedding dress- that they should just proceed as they are.
That's when Beetlejuice arrives with Delia, pushes her aside and tells her to "Scram!" lol (Earlier in the film, Delia tried to perform a strange love ritual with a pair of snakes that she was told were defanged. Spoiler: they weren't defanged so she died and got sent to the Waiting Room so since she doesn't want to wait there for ages, she summons Beetlejuice who agrees to help her if he can help her find his "runaway bride".)
Beetlejuice proceeds to drug Rory by stabbing his neck with a syringe and this somehow makes Rory confess whata scumbag he is and how he was just using Lydia for money. Another interesting moment where Beetlejuice is being "helpful" in his own way."
So the next five minutes are just as chaotic as Jenna Ortega described. And remember how we all had speculated that Beetlejuice wouldn't waste time with a song and dance and would try to get through the vows as fast as he could? We were wrong. Beetlejuice apparently thought he had all the time in the world as he starts to lip sync "MacArthur Park" and even had Lydia lip syncing the song to him. His make up got all runny as he wept at his own wedding.
They dance and then Wolf and his SWAT team crash the wedding followed by Delores storming in and Beetlejuice tells her, "It's not you. It's me. I'm just looking for a more soul mate type. You should be with a guy that is more into you."
He magically rips off Rory's shirt to reveal a shirt underneath that says "I Love Delores". Delores is not impressed. And I honestly forgot what happens to Delores but then the Sandworm scene happens and then everything calms down. Lydia, Astrid and Delia try to leave the church but Beetlejuice stops them, reminding Lydia that they have a contract. He pulls out the contract.
But then Astrid remembers something Wolf had mentioned earlier about Beetlejuice violating "Code 669" by bringing a living person to the Neitherword so she states that that means his contract with Lydia is null and void. Beetlejuice's contract proceeds to burst into flame.
Lydia steps forward and says "I'm sorry it didn't work out between us." She says something else that I forgot and proceeds to say his name three times and with each call of his name, Beetlejuice's body inflates more and more until he pops.
Delia promises she'll haunt Lydia and Astrid until they're sick of her. Wolf takes her back to the Neitherworld where Delia reunites with Charles's mangled corpse. It then skips to Lydia announcing the last episode of her show so that she can "start living".
Then it shows Lydia and Astrid traveling together. It looks like they're in Romania/Transylvania where Astrid locks eyes with a cute guy. Then a time skip where Astrid is marrying the guy. Another time skip where Astrid is giving birth. This is where it gets weird. She gives birth to Babyjuice that proceeds to start crawling on the walls. That's when Lydia wakes up, relieved that that was a nightmare when suddenly Beetlejuice leans over her in bed and says, "I just had the strangest dream." Lydia gasps and she wakes up again and slowly looks over to her left to see an empty space and no Beetlejuice.
So I'm guessing that's what that one interviewer guy meant when he told Winona "You sorta got your wish at the end." I guess it means Beetlejuice will always be haunting her and playing the long game of waiting for her. I need to discuss this with someone! What do you think of the spoilers? The ending in particular?
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unemployedhockeyfan · 3 months
Not All Breakups Are Equal
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Summary: Lando and Eloise, two best friends. They'd been there for one another for as long as they could remember. But, just a few short weeks change everything.
Warnings: angst I guess
Notes: Hi! This is a first for me, so please share your feedback!! Let me know if you want a part 2!!
This was not how it was supposed to end. 
We were supposed to be friends until our dying breaths. If I let my true imagination wander, it wouldn’t have ended just like that either. If I was honest with myself early on, he would have been the man I saw as I walked down the aisle. 
But here we are in his way-too expensive Monaco apartment. 
“Eloise, I don’t understand why you are so pressed about this,” Lando shouted in my direction. 
The issue was nearly nonexistent three weeks ago. Lando, my best friend, had been seeing a new girl. I had tried my best to try and get to know her — it is what I always did when a new woman entered his life. 
The key is that I tried. She didn’t want any part in being my friend. Only a few days after I had met the new fling, I found out what she had to say about me. 
None of it was good. Honestly, most of it was vile. She’s so fake. She’s just jealous because he will never look at her like that. He just pities her. I’ll make him forget her name. 
As my mind continues to be clouded by what my best friend’s new girlfriend thinks of me, I’m thrust back into reality. Lando and I are shouting at each other — something we never used to do. Really, this may be the first time it’s ever happened. 
Max, a mutual friend to both of us, is sitting awkwardly on the couch. He clearly wishes he was anywhere but this apartment. I can only imagine what Lando’s neighbors are thinking at this moment. 
“How could I not care, Lando?” I yelled back.
“She was joking,” Lando responded. 
This wasn’t a joke. A joke is between friends. A joke isn't supposed to leave you crying on the bathroom floor. 
A joke isn’t supposed to end a friendship. 
“She was not joking, Lando. She was serious. If you cannot support me, if you cannot tell her that it’s not OK to talk about me like that, I’m not sure we can be friends anymore.” 
I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth, and by the look on Lando’s face, I don’t think he can either. 
“Eloise,” Lando said before he paused to take in my emotions. 
I felt the tears rolling down my face. I hadn’t even realized the tears had started to come. But how could they not? A 15-year friendship was only a few words away from ending. As I had made the proclamation, I glanced to my side and saw Max’s mouth agape. 
The three of us — the three musketeers — had been side-by-side-by-side for as long as I could remember. My twin brother had grown up karting with them, and while Lando and Max were friends with Rory, there was something about the three of us that clicked more. 
I watched from the sides as they grew up and chased their dreams and I watched as Lando made his Formula 1 debut. 
Along the way, I had apparently caught feelings for the British driver, too, but I’d never openly admit that. 
Max suspected it, though. 
“You can’t seriously be thinking about ending our friendship over this?”
“I don’t know, Lando. I think we’ll always be friends, but I can’t be an active participant in your life if she is too. I need to protect my own mental health.” 
Lando’s eyes were beginning to be rimmed with tears. 
I cannot believe I’m the person who’s making him cry. When he and Louisa went through their breakup and I saw how sad he was, I vowed that I would never be the reason for his tears. 
But, here we are and I’m making him cry. 
The longer I stand here in his kitchen, though, the more I start to think about it not actually being my fault. He’s the one who invited his new girlfriend into his life. She’s the one who said negative things about me. I’m just protecting myself. 
“No, Eloise, you can’t just walk out the door.”
My mind was so cluttered that I didn’t even realize I had taken steps toward his front door — that I had one hand on the doorknob. Here I was, though, a simple hand movement and step away from walking out of Lando Norris’ life. 
“I’m sorry.”
I twisted the handle, opened the door and walked out. 
I was three steps down the hallway when I heard the door slam closed. I paused, part of me hoping I’d hear his voice call out. All I wanted was for him to follow me out into the hallway and fight for me to stay. 
As I stood three feet away from his front door, it was silent. He hadn’t followed me, Lando was still in his apartment — likely gazing down at his kitchen counter with Max equally shocked sitting on the couch. 
It was silent. 
I glanced back at his apartment, willing the front door to open. It never did, so I turned back around and walked toward the elevator. 
This was it. Our friendship was over. No, our friendship was paused. I wouldn’t let it be over, at least not in my head. 
No matter how much it hurt, no matter how much sleep I lost over it, I was going to always tell myself that Lando was going to come back. I didn’t care if it was him coming back to me as a single man or if he entered my life again with the same girlfriend as long as she agreed to be kind to me. 
As I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of Lando’s apartment building, I braced myself for the evening chill. Before tucking my arms into my body, I wiped away the tears that seemed neverending at this point. 
Only seconds after stepping outside, I heard my name being called. 
“Eloise! Eloise! Stop, please, Eloise!” 
It wasn’t Lando, though. It was Max being the friend he always is. 
“Where are you going?”
It was a valid question, I don’t live in Monaco. Well, not officially. 
My job allows me to work remotely, so I truthfully live wherever Lando happens to be that week. That’s over now. 
“Um, I’m not really sure. I may just show up at the airport and see where I can get a flight. I just can’t be here.” 
The look on Max’s face is one I hope to never see again. I knew at that moment that Max had always known. He knew about the crush I started harboring when we were only 13 years old. 
“Eloise, I’m not going to stop you from leaving. I cannot imagine how much you’re hurting right now, but please know he does love you.”
“No, Max, don’t say that! Please, my heart can’t entertain that idea — not anymore.” 
“But he does, Eloise. He just doesn’t reali…”
“Max, stop,” I shouted to interrupt him. “Please. I need you to not say what you’re thinking. If he loved me, even if he didn’t realize it, he would never let me feel like this. Even if he wanted to still see her, he’d tell her to be kinder to me.” 
Max just stood there. He didn’t know what to say. To be honest, I didn’t really know either, but he knew enough to at least pull me into a hug. 
That’s when I lost it. The tears started flowing and it seemed like nothing would stop them. Max laid a kiss on the top of my head, he’s always been another brother to me. He gave me an extra squeeze before placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me away slightly. 
“Just let me know where that plane ticket gets you, OK?”
With that, I turned away from one of my two best friends, with the other several floors away, and began to walk. I didn’t even have my suitcase. I guess I’d have to text Max about that one because I couldn’t turn back now. 
It was just after midnight by the time I arrived at the airport — I had thankfully found an empty taxi despite the late hour. 
As I approached the counter in the airport, the employee gave me a quick glance before her eyes returned to the screen in front of her.
“May I help you?”
“I’d like to buy a ticket.”
“To where?” 
I froze, I still hadn’t thought this far. I could go home, but that would be the first place Lando looked. For as much as I wanted him to chase after me, I still didn’t want to be easy to find. 
On a whim, one place came to mind. 
“New York. New York City.” 
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fanficsformyfaves · 1 month
The Town Grouch
Luke Danes x Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, Enemies To Lovers Trope, Unprotected Sex (Wrap it up, this is fiction, you are not!), Oral Sex (R Receiving)
PREFACE: Reader's the usually cheery neighbor that gets into a screaming match with Luke over him being exceptionally rude to her one morning
A/N: Possibly the daddiest of all my fictional crushes
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I was out grabbing my mail, when I cross paths with none other than 'The Town Grouch', Luke Danes, who was throwing his trash, whilst kicking the receptacle.
"What'd the can ever do to you?", I chuckled.
Locking up my mailbox.
"Don't start with me, (Y/L/N)"
"I don't have time for your hounding today"
"I was not 'hounding'. I simply asked what grudge you had against the innocent trashcan"
"How do you know it's innocent?"
"It's an inanimate object with no limbs to commit any sinister crimes with"
"Yeah yeah yeah, defend the trash against me"
"What is with you today?!"
"What the hell are those?!", he yelled,
Gesturing at the new daisy pots that decorated the outside of his diner.
"Daisies, what about 'em?"
"I know what they are, genius!", he yelled,
"I'm asking; Why are they there?! They're turning the outside of my diner into an eyesore!"
"The daises are an eyesore element now?"
"Then why are you yelling at me for?!"
"Oh, come on, you're the only person I know who would do this besides Lorelai and she's out of town with Rory"
"Well, yeah I did do this, but I don't get why you're so wound up about it!"
"I like my diner the way it is! Inside and Out! How my dad left it!"
"It was literally a hardware store!"
"That's besides the point! It was my dad and I decide what goes!"
"Alright, I'm sorry! I just thought it would be a nice gesture-"
"Save it", he cuts off.
Storming back towards the diner's door.
"Luke!", I yelled after him.
Once I realized he wasn't stopping, I ran after him.
"Jess, you're in charge for the rest of the day"
"No buts!", he screamed.
I sped walked past all the shocked tables, calling out for him.
"Luke, I'm not through with you!", I shout.
Running up the stairs behind him.
"I am", he grumbled.
Just as he was about to unlock his door, I yelled after him for a final time.
"Listen, you stubborn asshole!"
His head snaps back at my direction.
"What did you just call me?", he questioned.
Making his way back to me.
"You heard me! A stubborn asshole for acting like one!"
"Now, you listen to me-"
"NO! YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!", I poke his shoulder.
Catching him off guard.
He'd never seen me so heated before as I had a certain reputation for being level-headed and easy going.
"I wanted to do something nice for you since I thought we were friends, but I guess we aren't!"
"Yeah, we aren't"
"Obviously not cause if we were, I'd get a simple thank you or a smile or nod or whatever people like you, who think they're above socializing, do! Sorry for thinking anything more of 'The Town Grouch'!"
"Town Grouch, huh?", he challenged,
"Yes, 'The Town Grouch'! The one everyone warned me about when I first moved here, but of course, I decided to give you a chance cause I liked you, but God, turns out they were right! You're just this mean old bitter-"
I was suddenly cut off by Luke grabbing me by the waist and crashing his lips against mine.
In what felt like a blink of an eye, all my anger melted away and I found my arms wrapping themselves around his neck. I went from a raging whirlwind to a melting puddle in his grasp.
The kiss was...good, which was the craziest part of all of this.
Eventually I pulled away and all I could see where his once baby blue eyes turn dark. He then throws me around his waist, carrying me into his apartment, before using my body to slam the door shut. I threw my head back at the impact giving him access to my neck, which he proceeded to mark with several hickeys.
"You are insufferable", he mumbled against my skin.
Grinding into my clothed core.
"Right back at you", I sighed.
Pushing off the stupid cap he always sports.
He pulls my shirt over my head and quickly unhooks my bra, leaving my buds to harden against the cold winter draft.
"But you're worth the hassle", he sighs.
Diving between my breasts, before giving each one equal amounts of attention with his tongue. I was growing wetter with each passing second.
We eventually make it to his bed, where he threw me down. I go to take my skirt off, when he grabs my wrists to stop me.
"Skirt stays on", he demanded.
Taking my underwear off instead.
He takes a good look at my drenched slit and gets up, as I undo his belt, pulling his jeans down along with his boxers. His aching member now standing at full attention.
He strips off his shirt and climbs back on top of me, kissing his way up as he did till our mouths met once more. He reaches down for his cock, spreading my slick, before thrusting into me one go, ripping a scream out of me.
His hand then quickly goes over my mouth.
"There's a room full of people downstairs. Wouldn't want them to know what we're up to, do we?", he chuckled over his groans.
Beginning to pick up a rhythm with his hips. As if the bed scraping against the floor from the sheer force wasn't much of a giveaway already.
Maybe it was the size difference, but I didn't expect him to be this big. It felt like I was being split apart, but in the most delicious way.
"Fuck, don't stop!", I whined,
Earning a chuckle from Luke.
"Wasn't planning on it, sweetheart"
His pace picks up and with each ram, his tip hit my g-spot repeatedly, bringing me closer and closer to my climax. I watch as his free arm snakes under my body to help him pound into me even harder and faster.
If you had told me three years ago that I'd be in this position right now, no pun intended, I would've called you crazy, psychotic even, but in this moment, anyone else's opinion couldn't have been further from my mind, as it was currently being overrun with the blinding pleasure that was setting my skin on fire.
I knew I didn't have long and his hand reaching down to rub my sensitive bundle nerves didn't help.
"You're close, I can feel it. Do it,", he moaned against my tear stained cheeks.
And with that final sentence, I came completely undone, screaming out into the air and surely disturbing any paying customers downstairs.
Not too long after, his rhythm falters and he comes, painting my insides with a roaring groan against my neck. He then drops atop me, grounding me from the overwhelming high.
"That was-"
"Yeah", I answered,
"We just-"
He then pulls out, descending lower to lick up the mess we made. I whine, grasping at his hair.
After thoroughly eating me out, he scoops me into his arms, laying me on his chest. The silence, though wildly contrasting from our previous performance, was actually quite...nice. Almost sweet and familiar.
"I'm sorry about getting so worked up"
"Don't be. I should've asked"
"Still, it was unfair. You were just trying to help and I was being a stubborn asshole"
"Gasp! He admits defeat!", I quipped,
"Don't push it"
"Okay", I laughed,
"Well, if getting you worked up lands us right back here, maybe I should piss you off more often"
He shrugs.
"Not a bad place to be, I guess", he smiled.
Till this point, I'd never seen him smile.
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loser364 · 5 months
Rory Keaner Imagines
-the one where he feels alone.
Rory saw his girlfriend Y/n standing at her locker. He walked up to her with his signature bright smile that rarely left his face
"Hey! Do you wanna hang out?" He asked with a smile. Rory had got blown off by Ethan and Benny again. He didn't really want to admit it but he was lonely. He looked at you as he waited for an answer.
“Sorry Rory, I have to babysit after school.” Y/n says feeling a little bad, but it quickly goes away when she remembers that it’s Rory and he’ll bounce back, by next minute.
Rory's face instantly fell but he nodded "Okay. Just- well- have fun, I guess." He said as his smile faded and he walked away. What had once been his happy mood was now replaced with a deep sinking feeling of worthlessness. He tried to brush it off but it stuck with him all the way to his desk.
Y/n gets to lunch and sits with Ethan, Benny, Erica, and Sarah. Y/n looks over and sees that Rory isn’t here. “Uhm guys have you seen Rory?” Y/n asked.
A wave of silence washes over the entire group as they realize that Rory wasn't there. Benny turns toward the door and stares before speaking "No. But I'm sure he'll be fine."
“But he seems really off today, I don’t thin-“ Y/n tries to finish but they push her concern down.
Ethan sighs and speaks "Look, Y/n/n, I know you care. And I know Rory's a great guy, but he has to learn that there are just some things he can't get involved in." Benny and Sarah nod in agreement. They all look at you with expressions of sympathy but also firm resolve.
She leaves the table and goes to look for Rory. After an agonizingly slow class period, school finally let out. Rory walked toward his locker, a miserable look on his face. He was still thinking about the conversation with the group and his mood had only diminished. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned to see you.
“Rory, uhm are you okay?” Y/n asked concerned for Rory, he was never like this. Rory's expression softened as he looked at you. He managed a small, weary smile "Uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." He replied as best he could. He didn't want to admit he was unhappy. He was very embarrassed by his feelings. The last thing he wanted was to look like a coward Infront of you.
It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out Rory was upset “Baby you don’t have to lie to me..you can come over while I’m babysitting,” She says trying to resolve the situation.
Rory blinked a few times in disbelief. This was an opportunity he had been dreaming of but he had been certain he wouldn't be this lucky.
"Really? You mean it?" He asked as a smile spread across his face. He began to walk toward you but stopped as he thought of something. "Are you sure that's okay with the people you're sitting for?"
She nods and smiles. Rory's heart soared at your response. It took everything he had not to wrap his arms around your waist as he replied"Alright then. Lead the way."
They get to the house she’s babysitting for. The parents explain everything and head off. Y/n sits on the couch and Rory joined her. “I’m really sorry, for making you seem unwanted,” she says.
Rory looks over, “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean to love.” Y/n gets closer, “How about I make it up to you.” She says seductively. Rory chuckles.
She gets on her knees before him, and messes with his belt. He stops her hands, “Baby we can’t,” Rory says. “Yes we can, you just have to be quiet,” Y/n says and takes off his belt and he pulls away his hands and puts them beneath his head. He watched his girlfriend get to work.
She pulls down his jeans so he’s only in his boxers. “Someone’s eager, huh?” Y/n teases. He smirks down at her.
She pulls down his boxers and his member comes out hitting his lower abdomen. Y/n kitten licks his tip, which earns a throaty moan from him. He immediately covers his mouth. Y/n smiles. Such a contradiction, she smiles so sinisterly but still has those innocent eyes.
She takes him fully in her mouth and goes at a slow pace. This earns his hips to buck up and he started fuckign her throat.
She gagged but let him do it. She just sat there as he fucked his cock deeper in her throat. She gags a little. The vibration earning a moan from him.
He started thrusting at a relentless pace, trying to reach his peak. He abuses her throat.
His thrusts get sloppier, and he gets faster. His cock twitching in her mouth. She looks up to see him throwing his head back and he hangs his head low showing that face. The face he made before he came. She loved that face. A little crinkle of his nose and a twitch off his lips. He moans breathily. Y/n pulls away and swallows his load.
He threw his head back. Y/n pulls up his underwear and his pants. He buttoned them and put on his belt. Y/n kissed him passionately. Which he easily returned.
“I’m really sorry,” Y/n says sincerely. “You’re okay, stop saying sorry…let just watch a movie, love.” Rory smiles and turns on a movie.
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peachywritesstuff · 1 year
Charlie Walker relationship Headcannons
An: I'm obsessed with Rory. That is where my loyalties lie.
This has she/her pronouns in it btw(only once tho)
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He is your Gomez Addams
"Look at her. I would die for her,I would kill for her."
That is him talking about you.
Dude will literally murder someone for you.
He is the type of person to just have the biggest crush on someone and not say anything for a VERY long time.
Won't catch him confessing his feelings for you. You would be the one to have to make the move.
I don't think this would he his first relationship but his first serious one.
Dude will only have eyes for you.
Would by shy at the beginning of your relationship and be cutely awkward with you.
Movie dates 100%
Loves just staring you
Likes to rant on about horror movies and will blush when he catches himself ranting.
Not to much pda for him. Holding hands, pecks,and kissing cheeks is all I see him doing in public.
In private however...
Man's is very affectionate.
Would be the first to say I love you.
Will have a nice lil makeout but he would be redder than a cherry afterwards.
I think we all know that he is inexperienced
But here me out... he would be natural at EVERYTHING.
Will go into cardiac arrest if he sees you naked.
Brain overload. He will not know what to do.
A part of him wants to look away like a gentleman but another part of him wants to just stare.
Likes when you play with his hair.
You would definitely NOT be killed and will make it known to Jill that if she puts one single scratch on you that he will kill her.
And Jill knows damn well to not hurt you unless she wants to face Charlie's wrath.
I mean Jill saw what he did to Olivia,that could easily be her if she didn't keep her word of keeping her hands off you.
I don't even think he would want Jill to give you any calls.
Like he wanted you completely out of it.
(Lets pretend Jill didn't kill him okay?)
He is definitely two faced and takes on a whole persona when he is under the Ghostface mask.
If he does so happen to come across you during his killings then he would let you get away without making it look like he is doing that if that makes sense.
He a lil crazy,but I think we all knew that by now. He is our little psychotic bby.
soft yandere vibes
He is a lil bit toxic (just a wee bit)
When it is revealed he is the killer you just broke down crying cuz you were angry and sad that the boy you loved so dearly was a murderer.
If you caught him in the middle of an act you would not want him to touch you. At all.
He could start crying when you backed away from him
He can't just kill you when you figure out his identity he fucking loves you
He'd let you go and not go after you.
(Sorry Jill lover's but let's pretend he got away with it and Jill got caught and died for fanfiction purposes)
Since he got away with it he woke up in the hospital with a stab wound close to his heart. Jill was revealed as the murderer.
You were still in shock and did not say anything. Partially out of fear.
You didn't talk to him for weeks. Hell probably even months after.
You knew you should turn him in but you didn't.
When you do talk to him again it's the same awkward Charlie you know who was still in love with you(are we surprised??)
It took a looooong time to trust him again.
You felt like you had been lied too.
After getting away with the murders Charlie was never going to kill again.
Keyword: Was.
When you began to get calls from the new Ghostface/s he just had to get out of retirement and handle the shit.
If there is 2,he could play it smart and might kill both of them. Or kill one and Injure the other.
You didn't have to know this. No one did.
Charlie learned that some things were better left unsaid.
And he be damned if he lost you again
I guess old habits die hard huh?
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exquisitepluviophile · 2 months
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pairing: jess mariano x fem!reader
summary: jess does not want to, and would never dance. except this one time
chapter warnings: none to my knowledge!!
A/N: Guess what dumbass pressed ctrl z and deleted all her work so she had to type it out again. OKAY IT'S BEEN A WHOLE YEAR SINCE I POSTED OR SOMETHING BUT I GOT TIRED OF STUDYING AND DECIDED TO FINISH THIS UP TO TIE UP SOME LOOSE ENDS
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You had your legs on a table of Luke's diner, and you could not fathom how anyone could ever be more bored than this. You had to sit through Liz Danes' bachelorette party. You could imagine anything that would have been better than this. Being out with Rory and Paris, talking to Lorelai, or even letting Michel show you pictures of his chow chows. Letting out a sigh, you went back to reading Anna Karenina while the middle-aged women were talking about women not being monogamous creatures. "Is this how turkey legs are supposed to look?" Luke asked with a pained expression on his face. Carrie, one of the louder ones, said something about him taking his pants off so they could see for themselves. As much as you hated it, their conversations were kind of interesting. "Get your legs off my table I've got customers eating on 'em," Luke scolded as he looked at the turkey leg in his hand, as if he hoped that it would tell him whether it was cooked or not. You put your legs down and continued reading.
"I need to get some batteries, I'll be back," Jess said as he walked down the stairs. He noticed you were at the diner and stopped in his tracks. "Didn't know that you liked spending your afternoons with middle aged women." That comment made Carrie and the other women gasp. "The old ladies I wanted to knit with were busy, so I had to find company."
"Good book though," He said while you hummed in response. "Jess, Jess! Come over here and meet my oldest friends!" Liz said as she beckoned him over. Jess looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. "Girls, this is Jess," Liz said proudly. A chorus of 'hellos' sounded. "Hello, handsome," Carrie said as she winked. You had to stifle a laugh for the sake of Jess. "He's going to walk me down the aisle! Is that cool or what?" Liz said to her group.
"It's no big deal," Jess said, trying to draw away attention from him. You found this funny. "It's a very big deal," you said with a dramatic look on your face. Jess gave an unimpressed look. At that time, a deliveryman walked through the door.
"Can I help you?" Luke asked with the confusion written across his face. "Got a package here." "From who? I'm not expecting anything?"
"It's a very important package," the deliveryman said with a serious look on his face. Luke stepped closer. "But there's no address on it?"
Jess smirked as he looked over to you. "I was going to go to the bookstore after getting batteries. Care to join?" he said, extending his hand to you. Looking for any way to escape this situation, you obliged. "Bye Luke, see you later."
"Have fun," Jess said with a laugh as you left the diner and heard a muffled "Have fun with what?!" as music started blaring from the inside.
"I was already having a bad day and then some guy had to spill his coffee all over my new blouse and my copy of crime and punishment," you lamented to Jess while you walked towards the bookstore which you frequented. "I didn't have enough money to get myself a new copy and a new blouse, so I decided to get the blouse because of my internship." Jess smiled at that. You were hardworking and diligent, while he was... less of that. You just got the coveted internship at one of the most competitive law firms in Connecticut, and you needed to make a good impression; a shiny copy of crime and punishment accompanied by a coffee stained lavender blouse wouldn't exactly do that.
The jingle of the door chime woke you from your thoughts about your precious copy of crime and punishment. Jess bent his head and didn't say anything to Kirk, the acting cashier, while you smiled and greeted him. You knew he wasn't one for politeness, so you tried to compensate.
"There's something I think you'll like." Jess meandered towards a shelf hidden at the back. You cluelessly trailed, wondering what book it could be. Knowing Jess, it could be a 2000 page book about a whale or a 20 page romance novel; the man read anything and everything with words on it. When he pulled a book off a shelf, your jaw dropped.
The blood-red lettering reading "crime and punishment" contrasted starkly to the obsidian binding that you ran your fingertips across.
"wow, this must cost a fortune, maybe i'll get it once my paycheck can get me more than one cup of instant ramen."
"let's go, i need to see what the guy at the diner did to luke,"
"does this dress look like too much?" you ask while twirling around in front of Lorelai. "no, this one is perfect. It makes you look like you'd be sitting in a tower waiting for your prince to save you from a dragon." You looked at her while she lounged on the couch in the house you had graciously invited yourself into. Well, she wasn't wrong. The dress was a light blue, silky fabric billowing around your ankles. The sleeves added to the whimsicalness of the dress. "only if the prince was Jesse Bradford,"
"you know what would make Prince Bradford fall in love with you even more? this flower crown," Lorelai said as she got up and pulled out a pretty-looking headband from a shelf. She put it on you and turned you towards a mirror.
"rory never let me dress her up like a princess; i should adopt you."
"hear ye, hear ye! announcing the arrival of her Royal Highness, the Princess, finally gracing us with her presence!"
"shut up, i was five minutes late; being a princess is hard work, you should know," you joked to Jess. You two met up near the gazebo, his reasoning being that he needed to make fun of you all dressed up as long as he could before he had to walk his mom down the aisle. "do you want to go get a seat? you're gonna be here for a long time. or maybe not, i've only been to three of my mom's weddings. "aren't you gonna sit down too?" you asked. "my mom wants me there to give her "emotional support" whatever that means," he joked as he led you to a seat next to lorelai and luke. Carrie from the diner yesterday was talking to them. lorelai looked concerned and luke just looked uncomfortable.
"hey, is everything alright?"
"no, there's gonna be a delay since liz ripped her dress and it's gonna take some time to fix it," carrie explained. "she told me to spread the message,"
"well, spread it car." luke got a suggestive look from carrie. "the message, the message." When carrie walked away, luke looked like he hadn't gotten oxygen in a good five minutes. "that woman makes me uncomfortable."
"poor liz, does she know how to fix something like that?" you asked jess and luke. "she was never one for household skills-" "i used to stitch up her renaissance fair costumes. trust me, she can't" jess interrupted luke. "i'll go see if she needs some help. where did you say she was?"
"she's at miss patty's,
You could hear Liz's laments from outside miss patty's. "my dress is ruined! how am i going to get married in a torn dress?" you pushed open the doors to Miss Patty's and gave Liz a concerned look. "I heard you needed some help? can i do anything for you Liz?" you asked, moving over to take a look at her dress. "I'm such a klutz, i tripped standing up and now its torn," she held up the side of her dress where there was an obvious tear. You grimaced and picked up the Doose's brand sewing kit from the table next to her, attempting to fix her dress.
"There you go! as good as new," you finished up the last stitch on her dress. "Oh, you're such a darling," Liz fixed up her hair. "you'd make a great daughter in law to a lucky lady someday. Could you tell jess to get ready for my grand entrance?"
The implied message didn't go past you. With cheeks redder than what your dollar store blush could get you, you thanked her and went down to the gazebo.
The ceremony passed by quickly, with you and Jess trying to think of sad and miserable things to make you stop laughing at the proceedings. "Oh man, i swear to you my wedding's gonna be better than whatever that was," you said, wiping the tears of laughter from your eyes as everyone went to the buffet line to get some food. "We'll see that," jess said as he inspected a turkey leg before putting it on his plate. You gave him an offended look. "Do you not think my wedding would be so much better than this 1500s medieval thing going on out here? I'd totally pick out a better theme," you said as you piled some mysterious looking food onto your plate. "I highly doubt that, and I hope you know that what you're putting on your plate is minced liver."
Your hand froze right right before you almost dumped another spoonful food onto your plate. You promptly pushed off the whole serving of minced liver back into the serving bowl. "That was so uncouth of you, private school girl. Did they not teach you manners at your finishing school?" You elbowed jess in the side as you chose a much more appetising looking burger prepared specially, from luke's. "one, i'm in college now; two let's sit down. I don't think they taught you table manners either city boy,"
After finishing up your dinner, you two decided to walk around to socialise. If socialise meant to make fun of every person in renaissance attire.
"the guy in the pantaloons probably thinks energy drinks count as water," jess pressed his lips to your ear, narrowly missing your cheek because of how much you were laughing. Everyone must have thought you two were drunk or high, from how hard you two were laughing. That was when you heard medieval sounding music playing where everyone had gathered.
"jess. you have to dance to this. i physically need to see it," you clung onto his arm, bringing him to the area near the gazebo, where Liz and TJ were dancing. They were doing some complicated looking dance straight out of the middle ages. "no way am i doing that. i'd rather slam my tongue in a car door." "please...?" "no." "...pretty please?" "fine, but you're coming out there with me." and before you could say no, he'd already dragged you to the dancefloor.
you'd be lying if you said you didn't have fun embarrassing yourselves. you'd only been dragged out of the dancefloor because TJ wanted to seranade Liz with a special dance just for her, and boy, were you glad you didn't have to see that.
Jess was walking you over to the gilmore house, where you'd been crashing with lorelai since your exams had been over. You, being a rich international student who's parents knew Richard and Emily Gilmore, had been asked to stay with them when you went to Chilton, and to Yale subsequently. Of course you could always tell them that your exams hadn't ended yet, and you were still staying at Yale, but where's the fun in that? You, lorelai, and rory, were planning on having a weekend of binging old movies and junking on the most unhealthy food you could find, so being a few days early wasn't a problem.
"after this is back to new york?" you asked him while approaching the door of lorelai's house. "maybe not, this time. might stay here for a bit; it's not that bad," he responded, leaning on the door. "any plans for summer?" you looked up at him. "you know, i've always wanted a summer romance. you know the type you read in the books, the notebook and stuff like that," you played with the straps of your purse. "maybe that'll be one of my plans," he said as he grabbed your waist and held you right up to him. "want it to be longer than just summer though." he pressed his lips to yours as he ran his fingers through your hair. you took a second to react, but you were kissing him back too. when you pulled apart for air, breathing heavy, you smiled.
"can't wait"
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wc: 2.1k
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xrag-dollx · 2 months
-What the AHS Evans- -------wear in bed-------
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• shirt of his favourite band and a messy pair of sleeping pants, you can expect them to be all gross and worn out
• he never ever cared abt cleaning the clothes at least once a week so he basically wears the same sleeping clothes like 365 days a year
• thinks bc he's a ghost nobody would ever care
• when he isn't around you, you exchange the clothes and make sure he's having new sleeping clothes bc the smell really annoys you when you're in bed with him
• is actually thankful that you're exchanging his clothes ❤
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• sleeps in pyjamas during wintertime but prefers to sleep in speedos and a top in summer
• exchanges his clothes at least every week but during summer like every 2nd day (bc u both are a hot mess during the night 😏)
• he mostly keeps track on having new clothes but when his week was too stressful he might forget about it
• so you carefully put his new clothes on his bedside and he always comes around you and thanks you with a kiss on your cheek ❤
Kyle (frankenkyle):
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• is wearing the cutest pj's on earth
• like the ones which make u look like a dinosaur or a tiger
• could wear pj's 24/7
• you always need to remind him that he can't go out in his dinosaur pyjamas
• is crying for 15 mins
• you convince him to get a new pyjama if he gets out of his current one just to go out in his normal clothes
• when you see Kyle yawning or sneezing in his dinosaur pyjamas it literally makes your heart melt in cuteness
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• likes shorts and a top in summer and a pyjama in winter
• when he's getting drunk he falls asleep in his actual clothes bc yea why not
• normal clothes = most comfortable clothes
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• darn expensive silk pyjamas
• but in summer he'd prefer something like boxers and a top
• exchanges his sleeping clothes like every 2nd day bc he's a hoe for tidiness
• doesn't need to care abt changing the old clothes himself at all, Ms. Evers takes care of it (as for everything else)
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• loves to sleep naked (and loves to walk around naked at home bc why not)
• in wintertime he's pretty okay by wearing a shirt and some long sleeping pants
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• he's basic af so just a shirt and shorts (in summer probably shirtless)
• never really exchanges the sleeping clothes unless winter is doing it (bc she's a good lil sissy)
• has to care abt more important shit than sleeping clothes
• does he even sleep at all???
• I guess not, too busy on taking world domination
Mr. Gallant:
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• is never underdressed, not even while sleeping
• prefers to sleep in fancy pyjamas bc he thinks when he sleeps without anything on he feels gross
• wears nothing else than Gucci and Versace pyjamas
• goes shopping like every weekend to get some new ones (bc his nana has the cash 💸)
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• could never go without his silk robes and pyjamas
• has a favourite store in paris so when he's on vacation he gets TONS of new ones
•basically lives off this shit
•they are like his 2nd skin
• likes to brag and shows it to EVERYONE
• when he's got a new writing idea he runs downstairs so his long robe is hovering dramatically over the stairs (thinks it looks freakin cool while doing this)
Tags: @fear-is-truth @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @trueangel420 @lacucarachapisser @evanpeterspeter
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perseephoneee · 6 months
I have a request if you are interested? :)
A teen!dad jess. He has a best friend from New York (she can have a name or it can be Y/N, you can choose) (they are endgame, jess never had feelings for Rory but she has feelings for Jess, it won't go anywhere) Jess and his best friend have a kid, they co-parent (whether they are dating already or in the future is up to you) Jess gets sent to Stars Hallow, she ends up moving to stars Hallow to, to be close to Jess and so their kid can be with him too (she is emancipated, plus Jess knows she's coming because they keep in contact) if anyone reading this would like to turn this into an actual story, I'm totally down for reading it :) if you choose this request, I look forward to reading it. Thank you!!
alright i kind of changed the story idea around a little bit butttt i tried my best *cries*
don't be a stranger (jess mariano x afab!reader)
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cw: angsty, unexpected pregnancy, but otherwise fluff??
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
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When you got pregnant, it was…unexpected—not planned whatsoever. You were only sixteen, not ready to raise a kid, of all things. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to give it up. And when your daughter was born, it made all the pain worth it. She was ethereal.
She was three years old now, full of personality, a lover of all things squishy. She preferred to hide behind you in the grocery store than talk to people, but she smiled at every book she saw and pet every dog you passed. Even with all of that, she didn’t have her Dad.
It wasn’t surprising that Jess got freaked out and ran when she was firstborn. You guys were just friends who hooked up, and suddenly you were pregnant. With the way his life went, it didn’t surprise you. But it hurt; it made you so angry you wanted to scream. You endured, though; you had to.
That’s why it was unexpected when an unknown number called you in the middle of the day.
“Hello?” You answered, shoving the phone between your shoulder and head as you finished cutting some carrot sticks for a snack. There was breathing at the other end of the line, and for a second, you worried something nefarious was at play. “I will call the cops—“
“Don’t,” the voice said, the familiar baritone New York accent you had spent years learning. The intonations, the snark—you knew it like the back of your hand.
“Jess?” You guessed, setting down the kitchen knife and holding the phone tightly.
“I, uh….fuck,” you heard him swear on the other line. You didn’t say anything; just let him work out whatever he wanted as you tried your best to control your breath. “Hi.”
“How are you?”
“Really,” you deadpanned. “Three years, and that’s all you got?”
“I don’t know what to say to you,” Jess sighed. “I thought I did, but, fuck, hearing your voice…” He didn’t elaborate, but he didn’t have to. You knew all too well. You were experiencing that same feeling right now. “I’m sorry.”
“I…appreciate that,” you coughed.
“I want to see you and…”
“Her, Maria,” you responded. It occurred to you that Jess never learned your kid's name. He wasn’t around long enough for that.
“Maria,” he said, feeling the name around his tongue. I want to try.”
You laughed at that, some of that bubbling anger surfacing in a way you hadn’t felt.
“Why now?” You inquired, your fingers tapping on your cutting board.
“I’m ready now,” Jess said, and you could hear that familiar snark you used to love so much.
“I wasn’t ready; I just had to deal with it,” you seethed, and it took a deep breath to help you not start yelling. “I didn’t get that choice.”
“I know, god, I’m…sorry.”
You don’t remember the last time Jess ever really apologized for anything.
“You can’t choose to show back up because it’s convenient.”
“Y/N…” his sigh was evident on the other line. “Please, let me be better.”
You were silent for a few moments, contemplating everything—whether it was worth it, whether you wanted to try. You rubbed your eyes as if it would clear your head.
“Lunch,” you sighed. “You get a lunch with us. And only if Maria wants to. It’s her choice whether she wants you in her life or not. Alright?”
“Alright,” the relief was evident in his voice, and you tampered down any softness that might undermine your frustration.
Lunch happened at Lou’s, a deli you frequented with your daughter. It was public, safe, but neutral territory that helped you see Jess again after so many years. You almost didn’t recognize him when he came in, even though he looked exactly the same. He just seemed…older. You guess you were, too.
Maria was quiet during lunch, picking at her sandwich and sending shy glances towards her father. You didn’t realize that they had the same eyes, the same suspicious furrow of their brow that showed how intelligent they were. You convinced yourself she had none of him at all.
One lunch became two, then three. Then it was routine to get lunch. At some point, it became dinners. Eventually, you let Jess take Maria out, just the two of them. She’d come home with a smile and some book he bought her. He introduced her to the Ramones (you thought she was a little young, but it wasn’t terrible, so you let it pass). She sometimes would mumble the words “Judy is a Punk” to herself while she read.
Jess became such a staple of your life that you allowed yourself to open up to him again. He was writing, getting his GED, and working on opening a publishing press with some friends. He was excited to hear you were still in college and hadn’t given up. He said the saddest thing that could’ve become of you was never realizing your potential. You had to hide your flush when he said it.
One night, when Maria was asleep, and the two of you were picking up toys in the living room, he asked you to move in with him.
“Can you even support that many people?” You scoffed, piling her books on one of the side counters.
“Why?” you inquired, standing with your hands on your hips. Why was the question that haunted you throughout this entire experience. Why did he call? Why does he care? Why did he leave? Your life was dominated by the second-to-last letter of the alphabet—why?
“You guys are my family,” Jess breathed, fingers twiddling from nerves. You raised a brow, wanting more of an answer. “I had a revelation, after spending time with my Uncle…that I was terrible. I want to be better.”
You took a breath before answering. “Where do you live?”
“Stars Hollow.”
“Where’s that?”
Your eyes bulged from your head, and if you had a drink, you would’ve spit it out.
“Jess!” You exclaimed. “That’s three hours away!”
“I’m aware since I’m the one who travels it,” Jess said, his hands in his pockets, indicating obvious discomfort. You were wrapping your brain around the fact that Jess traveled three hours every week just to get lunch with you—with your daughter—and he had never brought it up. Something shifted in your mind about that. “Look…”
“I want to try again.”
“Another baby?” you exclaimed, and Jess put a hand up to his face and groaned. 
“No, Jesus Christ,” he swore. He cut you off before you could say anything else. “I was a complete idiot for leaving you, for leaving Maria. I don’t deserve half the kindness you’ve given me, but, fuck, I want to try this…family thing. I want to try with you.” Jess shoved his hands in his pockets, reminding you so much of his teenage self that it was almost painful. “I want to try with us.”
It took you a second to decipher what he was saying, and you felt your eyes widen. You were never actually in a relationship with Jess, just two friends who had drank too much one night. But you always cared. You loved everything in his nature up until he left. With him back, you remembered why you felt so much in the first place. 
“Okay,” you stammer, watching Jess’ eyes widen with disbelief. “Let’s try. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“We hate each other?”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you chuckle, and that coaxes a similar laugh out of Jess. You both end up dissolving into laughter, something raw and so unlike the layer of the past that has haunted you guys for the past months. It felt like a dam opening up, everything crashing down but resolving into something tangible. 
A few weeks later, you move to Stars Hollow, your meager items in matching luggage. The college agreed to let you finish your degree online, and you find work at the Dragonfly Inn. The town is much more colorful and friendly than the New York you are used to. Still, you find yourself loving it—just as you find yourself loving Jess, how he responds to your daughter, and the apparent way he’s grown up. 
Yes, it was unexpected. But not unwanted.
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shadowsndaisies · 7 days
hangman meets 'thena
wc: 1.7k
synopsis: word is, there's a new pilot on board carrier air wing nine, and she flies for the VFA-14, the Tophatters.
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athena-verse master post
a/n: the highly requested hangman and athena meet blurb, let me know what else you'd like to see from this universe, especially things that exist outside the storyline. or even if you just want more of certain characters. This serves as a precursory understanding to Jake and Athena, it probably doesn't answer every question about them, but it might help you see their foundation a bit better. but special shoutout to @djs8891 @tgmreader @rory-cakes and @fanreader75 for asking specifically about hangman and athenas dynamic (mentions at the end as well)
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You’d heard of him, everyone active had. The only active aviator with a confirmed kill, never mind that your dad had two.
Hangman was exactly what you expected if you were honest.
Phoenix, who had taken an instant liking to you as soon as you’d been reassigned to the Tophatters, had filled you in on all the Lemoore gossip. Phoenix flew with the VFA-41, the Black Aces, also based out of Lemoore, and in fact, on the same carrier as you, Commander, Carrier Air Wing Nine. Her first order of business was getting you caught up on the carrier, that included learning the players, and while she was happy to introduce you to different Naval officers, the only one she warned against was Hangman.
Someone really should have told her that at your core, you were your father’s daughter.
Let it be known, you did not go looking for him. He appeared in all his Ken Doll Aviator glory as you were doing a morning check on your F/A 18E. Apparently he also flew an F/A 18E, ‘Nix on the other hand had an F/A 18F, as she normally flew with a WSO.
He approached, full of cocky attitude, and maybe it was all the years being raised by both Ice and Mav, but when he spoke it was like you could understand him just as fluently as you did with them. You could see where Nat was coming from with “honestly, Athena, Hangman in two words? Texan Douchewad.”
“Well, Howdy, darlin’, scuttlebutt was that there was a new girl on board, glad to meet you, name’s Hangman,” was his introduction.
You couldn’t help the smirk when he said girl, “Isn’t the hallmark of a proper southern boy, that he’s, well, proper?” you shoot back, eye brow quirked. “I’m a woman, not a girl.”
It was fun, watching the way his smirk melted, how his brow furrowed, as he tried to catch up.
“Phoenix gave me a run down, but to be honest, I’ve always preferred forming my own perceptions,” you shrug, as you continue your check.
As you brush past him, you aren’t surprised to hear him following after you. “Ah, so my reputation precedes me then?” he muses, and you can see the way he uses his charm and humor to cover, a shield of bravado, too bad he didn’t realize you were raised by bravado.
“Not exactly, though I did see your plaque at Top Gun, to be fair, I saw Phoenix’s too,” you shrug again.
“So you’re the fresh blood, huh?” he prompts, and finally you turn and smile at him.
“I guess fresh blood is better than being called new girl. Name’s Athena, you’d do well to use it,” you tell him, smile in place.
“Athena? As in th4e Greek goddess of war and wisdom?” he asks, brows furrowed down.
“That’s the one,” you nod, moving to check the landing gear.
“Athena as in, the Naval Aviator who climbed through the ranks and had two separate stations before she went to Top Gun?” he follows up and you turn.
You turn to face Hangman, and now your brows are pulled, “How’d you know that?”
“I keep tabs on things that pique my interest,” he shrugs, and your lip curls on the end. “Rumor was you had Admirals arguing over who got you under their command…”
“Nice to meet you Hangman,” you decide finally, climbing back from under the plane, and offering him your hand.
“Pleasure’s mine, Miss Athena,” he smirks back. “It true your old man flew too?” he tacks the question on as he shakes your hand.
You can see it in his eyes, nepotism, you know it’s where is brain’s gone. It’s like you couldn’t escape it, everyone assumed that’s how you got as far as you have, as quick as you have. They were wrong.
“Yeah, mostly f-14s though, nothing with the juice of my baby,” you straight up lie, so what if your dad was still flying? So what if he was probably flying f/a-18s or something experimental? No one but you needed the specifics, and you’re pretty sure it wouldn’t help you fight against the nepo-baby claims. Too bad no one realized how much of a detriment being attached to Maverick actually was. It made most of the higher ups uneasy about taking you on, unsure if you’d inherited your father’s need for speed and reckless streak, you had, but you were just better than him at keeping it in check, if Ice taught you anything, it was that — “ice cold, kiddo, no mistakes.”
“Must’ve been nice, having a leg up like that,” he’s still smiling as he talks down at you.
You match his smile and catch the flicker of confusion in his eyes as you walk up closer to him. “It was, see, it prepared me for a lifetime of dealing with cocky naval aviators and their inflated sense of bubble wrap bravado.”
“That all?” he presses, staring down at you, the two of you now face to face, staring hard at each other, but you caught the little twitch of his eye at your term.
“No,” you smirk before turning and walking away, “but I’ve got a hop to prep for, see you around Hangman.”
He finds you in the Mess later that day. You’d just returned from morning drills with your squad, and was eating with Phoenix.
“Ladies,” he greets, setting his own tray down in the seat opposite you.
“And I’ve officially lost my appetite,” Phoenix decided, standing up. “Athena, I’ll catch you later, I’d say it’s nice to see you, Bagman, but we know better,” she states, grabbing her tray, patting your shoulder and walking away.
“You sure know how to clear a room, Hangman,” you note, eyes flicking to Phoenix over Hangman’s shoulder, Nat was clearing her tray and pauses to look back and roll her eyes dramatically as she looks at Hangman’s back.
Your lip twitches and you lift your glass of water to cover up the smile threatening to split your lips.
“Bubble wrap bravado,” Hangman repeats back to you, echoing your statement from yesterday.
“What about it?” you challenge.
“Explain it to me,” it’s not a question, not in how it’s phrased, but you understand that he is asking.
“Protective to an extent, easier to pop than you think, so long as you apply the pressure properly. Problem is, everyone knows when it does, it’s usually a bit loud,” you explain, and he seems so incredibly focused on you.
You didn’t mind the hyper-focus though, you’d coined the term a long time ago. It had originally been for a different boy, one with a temper, but who you’d watched grow up. Ice had thought it an apt descriptor, he’d even taken it to describe a few officer’s he’d interacted with over the years.
“Hmm,” he hums, eyes glued to yours.
“You disagree?” you ask.
“No. I think you hit it on the head,” he admits and your lips curl up just the slightest bit, at least he seemed honest… cock sure and stubborn too, but honest.
“A naval aviator for a father was a lot of things, Hangman,” you admit, hesitating for a moment, deciding how much you wanted to say. “It was limited time, and firm goodbyes. It was getting behind a yoke for the first time when I was 12. It was learning ranks at the same time I was learning how to do multiplication,” you say, and you study how his expression changed which each revelation. “Having a Naval Aviator for a father might have given me a home field advantage, but that’s all it did. The rest, the wings, the assignments, I earned those,” you tell him seriously.
“Sure you did,” he nods along condescendingly, but his eyes betray his curiosity, and for now, that was enough for you.
You smile again at him, though this time it is a bit sour. “You don’t believe me, that’s fine, fair even, to be skeptical. But you should know, you’re gonna eat crow when you realize how wrong you were,” you tell him seriously, before standing up with your plate and glass, and walking away.
You get your chance to prove him wrong just a few days later when the Tophatters get assigned to a drill with both of the other squadrons on board the carrier, the Black Aces, and the Vigilantes. Meaning both Nat and Jake are in the air with you.
After is the first time Jake looks at you with something other than cocky contempt. As if seeing you fly up close resolved some of his concerns, but there’s still something there. He was waiting for the other shoe, too bad no one told him that you’d had both feet firmly on the ground since you signed your life to the Unites States Naval Services.
You get paired with him about a month and a half later for a cover assignment for an emergency evac of a SEAL team.
Normally assignments were set within squads, but it was an emergency evac and the carrier was docked. You and Jake had been the closest to the carrier at the time who were qualified, and so you were the two who were sent off. You flew south into South America, and while a lot of the details were later labeled as redacted, Jake never questioned your ability after. Nor should he. You saved his life.
He did however decide that meant you were friends, much to the immense annoyance of one Natasha Trace.
Considering the entire mission had been classified and redacted, you weren’t able to explain a lot of it to her, but when Jake started choosing his words a little more carefully she did her best not to start anything either. When he started sitting with you in the mess, she eyed him carefully. And when he started following you around in any downtime that lined up, she kept her mouth shut.
She found a new case study in the two of you, the outward and obvious differences between Hangman with Athena, and Hangman without. Her eyes jumping from how easily you let your guard down with him, and how utterly soft Hangman could be when he thought no one was paying attention.
Natasha, to her credit, had tried, desperately tried, to get more information out of you regarding your budding friendship, but all you would ever offer was a simple, “people tend to be more complex than what meets the eye, ‘Nix, I’m proof of that. So is he, and so are you.”
She decided then and there, you had way too much tact and patience, and maybe, just maybe, that was what Hangman needed.
everything: @butterfly-skinnylegend
athena’s tags: @omgbrianab @smoothdogsgirl @bazellawriz @sbrewer21 @inky-sun @djs8891 @rory-cakes @geeksareunique @je6291 @whoismurphyslaw @kee-0-kee @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @thespillingvoid @youdontknowe @burningcoffeecupp @mrsevans90
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elliebarker · 1 year
one of the many. ( e williams )
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category: modern!college/university!ellie x female!reader : angst, fluff
summary: after her devastating heartbreak with her first girlfriend in highschool, ellie swore off dating, everything she did was casual, non-committal. that was until you showed up. (basically logan and rory troupe but make it happy)
warnings: alcohol consumption, implied smut, “friends with benefits”, cheating(?), use of the word “baby”, a somewhat copy of rory and logan’s fight, fuck boy!ellie (LMAO I’M SORRY).
word count: 2.1k
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it had been almost three years since ellie’s first, and only, breakup with her ex-girlfriend, cat. she was older now, more mature, i mean for god’s sake she was a junior in college she couldn’t still be hung up on some stupid girl from highschool. that is why she had resorted to this. one girl in today, another one tomorrow. no attachments. casual. she was hanging out in a cramped party at her friend's house, sipping something alcoholic, with one, two, girls on her arm, laughing and giggling and tracing their fingers up and down her fore-arm tattoo. she was, enjoying herself, she guessed. the party life wasn’t exactly dull, it was the crowd she was surrounded with, a bunch of drunken girls over-exaggerating their laugh so that she’ll go home with them. she wasn’t opposed to it, if fact she probably needed to let loose and celebrate the compilation of one of her tests, she just hadn’t found the right girl yet. that's when she spotted you. an absolutely gorgeous girl, trying to find your way through the crowd. and she immediately took the opportunity to…introduce… herself.
“hey girl,” ellie said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, her action causing your spaghetti strap to fall slightly lower on your shoulder. “i’m ellie, what’s your name?” she asked and you introduced yourself, pulling your strap back to a more comfortable position, and smiled up at her. fuck it ellie thought i’m just gonna go for it. “wanna get out of here?” she asked, earning a smirk and a cheeky ‘sure’ from you as she led you out of the party’s front door.
ellie woke up and stretched her fingers, sore from last night, to see your body draped in and out of the sheets of her bed, still resting. her heart fluttered a little but she chose to ignore it. she sighed, clearly, you didn’t know how this worked. but it was early, and she had never slept with you before, so she gave you cut slack, she’d find a way to get you up and out of her apartment later. a few minutes passed and your body started to feel the lack of ellie’s presence. you woke up in a dingy bedroom full of music posters and scattered clothes. one pile, of which, being yours. your legs were sore as you stood up and grabbed your clothes off the floor, with a little shame in realizing the reality of your situation. you eventually got up all of your belongings and went to find ellie.
“hey,” you greeted, voice hearse and sleepy, as you walked up behind ellie’s sitting figure in the living room. she was wearing new clothes, jeans and a shirt, layered with a flannel with her hair half up pulled into a lazy barely-ponytail. her eyes racked up your body, hair messy and outfit sagged from it being thrown off the night before. “so, um, do you want my number or? i’m sorry i haven’t really done any of this before…” you stuttered on your words.
“look,” she said getting up from the couch, “i like you,” she began, “i really do. it’s just i’m not really into all that relationship crap, you know? i don’t feel like i should be tied down to someone.” she explained, moving her hand to rub the back of her neck. 
“oh no i get that,” you lied, “i just, was hoping we can still…hang out.” you said, trying to come as casual as you could.
“oh no, definitely,” ellie said, smirking, as she looked you up and down. you kissed her on the check before you said goodbye. and that’s how it was. at least once a week you’d be over at her place, ‘hanging out’. it was nice. nice, until, “hey,” ellie said whilst scrolling through her phone, looking over at you gathering up your clothes, “down to go to a party?” she asked.
“sure!” you said, a smile rising to your face at the anticipation of spending time with ellie, outside the arrangement the two of you had. you went inside ellie’s bathroom, it was small and a little dingy, in order to fix up your hair and get ready to face the outside world. once you were both ready to leave, ellie locked the front door behind her and walked you to her car. it wasn’t until you were both buckled into her car and driving down to some girl’s house with her hand on your thigh that you realized you and ellie would be out together in public for the first time. i mean, sure, you’d see the other girls ellie was hooking up with but she decided to come to the party with you. you. ellie eventually pulled up to a house and slipped out of her car, with you not far behind. it was obvious with the loud music and yelling coming from the white brick house which one would be entering. you slipped through the front door with ellie by your side and went around to make conversation with the few people you knew here. you knew ellie wouldn’t want you clinging to her side the whole night. more than a few moments passed and pop music remixes blared through low-quality speakers all around the house. you did your best to socialize, and decided to look around and find ellie. luckily, she was in sight. on the other side of a heep of sweaty, dancing bodies. you were going to make your way over until an arm stopped you. the arm tan and delicate resting atop ellie’s knee whilst she sat atop the kitchen’s barstool. you felt a green-monster flash of despair, both anger and sadness. of course ellie wasn’t yours, but fuck, did your delusional-ass-self really think you meant something to her? something more than just a girl she fucks? acid rain fell from your eyes as you stormed your way out of the crowded jungle of drunken bodies. time had passed and you’d gone numb. you’d rationalized it. you and ellie weren’t exclusive, you knew that. so why did that girl fucking bother you so much? it wasn’t her fault, of course, she didn’t know. and that's the thing, know what? exactly, nothing. that’s what you were to ellie, nothing, disposable, replaceable. but your whole pissed-off attitude disappeared into a mear thought when she approached you, body lanky and oh so attractive.
“what’s with this whole ignoring me thing?” ellie laughed, leaning against the wall next to you, looking over your pouting frame. you didn’t want to start anything, god knows you didn’t, but the edging creepy feeling of jealousy washed over you.
“what was that?” you asked simply, not-answering her question with another.
“what was what?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused. you sighed, then began again, uttering the first answer to a question since the conversation first started.
“her…” you said, looking around the room for the girl ellie was with earlier, “that…girl…you were all flirty with.”
“oh,” ellie sounded surprised, “that’s dina,” ellie laughed, “another, friend, of mine.”
“friend?” you asked, as if you doubted her use of the word, “that’s what i am?” you asked, jestering to yourself, “a fucking friend?” you saw the gears turning in ellie’s head, the fight or flight kicking in. she composed herself without the slightest reaction that she was ever the least bit scared, to the untrained eye that is.
“yeah.” ellie’s voice grew impatient and angry, as if to say, ‘i don’t have time for your crap’, “that’s what we agreed upon.” ellie moved her hand from her hip to in front of her, “friends.” her stern voice and your overwhelming guilt and regret was building up and you felt tears starting to form in your eyes. you let out a, 
“y’know what? i- i can’t fucking do this,” before your voice could break and left the party, letting you walk yourself home. it wasn’t until you reached the welcoming doors of your bedroom that the tears that were welling in your eyes finally fell. and they fell fast. you sobbed into your pillow all night, so much so, when you woke up your pillow was still damp. you knew you couldn’t do it anymore. you slumped off your bed, and made sure to take care of yourself. you showered, did your skin care, put on something more comfortable. you opened your phone, scrolled to ellie’s contact and pressed ‘call’. there was only one ring until, 
“hello?” she called out your name.
“we need to talk, ellie.”
you walked through the mountains of fall leaves and cold air to reach her apartment. you planted a solid two knocks on her door and she immediately opened the door, you could tell she was nervous. her nails were picked at and her eyes darted everywhere around the room but you. the tension was thick, and you knew you had to settle, or rather end, it.
“ellie, i don’t think we should see each other anymore.” you bluntly stated.
“ugh, c'mon is this about that stupid shit last night? you're still hung up on that?” ellie questioned.
“look it's like you said, you can’t be couple-y with me and i get that it’s just i’m a ‘girlfriend’, ellie, i have ‘girlfriends’ not…friends.” you explained, used your hands to display a pair of air quotes when you pronounced the word friends. “i’m sick of…i’m sick of being one of the many, i can’t do it anymore, that’s it okay? i can’t be your friend anymore, i thought i could be different, but i can’t, i’m sorry.” you huffed out the big speech you’d crafted on your way to her apartment. after an erie second of silence, ellie spoke.
“don’t do that.”
“do what?”
“i get it,” ellie said, rubbing her hands together trying to settle her nerves and her voice at a calm level, “i get what your doing.” ellie accused you.
“i’m not doing anything,” you stated, plainly, confusion written all over your face, wondering where she was going with this.
“if that’s what you want, a…a girlfriend, then just come out and say it okay? don’t make me sit here and worry and feel like i fucked up, don’t make me pace around my apartment, don’t come here saying ‘i can’t see you anymore’ don’t fucking do that! i’ll be your girlfriend? alright? that’s what you're really saying huh?” ellie lectured you.
“that’s not what i’m saying, ellie.” you tried to explain, but she kept going on,
“no, no, but that’s what you mean, don’t you?” she sighed, putting her hands on your waist, “c’mon, i’ll do it”
“what?” you gasped.
“i said i’ll do it, okay?” ellie forcefully stated, “i’ll be your girlfriend, it’s either all or nothing baby.”
“you can’t be my girlfriend,” you pushed her back.
“who says i can’t? huh?” ellie’s hands slithered their way back onto your waist.
“um, you, last night!” you declared, recalling her aggravated tone from the night before.
“oh come on! last night was last night, forget about it, right now is right now and i want, scrap that i need you, don’t– don’t leave me sweet girl.” ellie pleaded, begged you. you placed a hand on your hip in an attempt to display fake confidence.
“you have a hundred girls on speed dial.” you scoffed, disbelieving of this ‘new’ ellie.
“who cares about them? they don’t matter to me.” 
“look,” you began, “i know you, i know your type, commitment is not your thing and that’s fine! non-commitment isn’t mine so it's better if we just go our separate ways.” you turned to leave. ellie’s hands, previously placed on your waist, went up to arm and turned you back around to look at her.
“just let me try,” ellie said, looking deeply genuine, “if i say i can do this, then i can do this.”
“ellie–” she interrupted you calling out her name, with your own.
“do you really want to stop seeing me?”
“no,” you stuttered, “but i can’t–”
“‘cause i don’t wanna stop seeing you.” ellie smiled at you.
“are you sure–?” she cut you off a third time, this time with her lips. waves crashed and goals scored in that moment. her lips, never so delicate until this point, landed on yours and connected each other. it was utterly and absolutely euphoric. her lips were soft, softer than other times you had kissed. and it was then you knew. it was then you both knew. you were the one. she didn’t want anyone else. only you. her girlfriend. and she was finally proud to call you that.
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inej-ruination-ghafa · 3 months
high infidelity - d.f
paris | glitch | masterlist
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Warnings: none
Summary: the one where you do something stupid after your partners break your hearts
Wordcount: 1.5k
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Your head was spinning as you ran out of the village hall, your heart pounding in your chest. This was not how tonight was supposed to go.
There was no method to your madness as you just started running as far as your feet would take you. You didn't make it far before the throbbing in your feet caught up with you.
Stopping on the pavement, you pulled your shoes off and looked at them for a minute. He had bought them for you when you had gone shopping last week. That nauseating feeling in your stomach returned as you thought about him. Him and your supposed best friend having feelings for each other this entire time.
You didn't hesitate as you threw the shoes as far as you could, watching as they landed in the grass. You sat down on the pavement, not caring about the dirt staining your dress as you leaned your head into your hands and finally allowed yourself to break down.
The wound in your heart split open at his indiscretions. The rain started to pour at tat point, soaking your skin and the dress you were in.
Jess should have been it for you.
He had promised you that he was going to be there for you no matter what. So many people had let you before without any care for your feelings and you had thought that he was different but he was just like everyone else. He didn't care about you and you wondered if he ever did.
A sob racked through your chest as you realised that you had wasted your summer with someone who never truly loved you. Everything you two had done together had been ruined by this moment.
You thought back to the danceathon and the way that Dean had walked over to you and Jess on the stands, demanding that he admitted that he had always had feelings for Rory. The night had been perfect, records playing, the two of you smiling as you danced around the room.
In his defence, he never admitted to having feelings for her but at the same time, he never denied it which might have been even worse.
As you thought about it all, you felt that bile rising up in your throat. God. He had told you he loved you, you’d even slept with him and for what, for nothing. To be treated like this.
You were so caught up in your mind that you didn’t even hear Dean walking over, your shoes in his hands. He dropped them next to you and you looked up at the sound, noticing it was him.
You felt selfish.
Him and Rory had been together for nearly two years and she did this to him. You and Jess had been together for a quarter of that time. You should be more worried about how Dean was feeling than you.
You wiped your tears away with the sleeve of your jacket and he sat down next to you. The sun was coming up over the square and you wondered how long you had both been wallowing in your own problems before you came together.
The rain started to cease and he didnt care, even if the storm was coming. He just sat there with you in silence and did not care about the problems racing around you.
“You dropped these,” he gestured to the shoes and you hiccuped a laugh out.
Shaking your head, you picked them up, “I meant to,”
He had a look on his face like he had done something wrong, brows furrowed and raised as he looked at you. You instantly reached over, hand taking his in yours, “I’m sorry,”
”For what?” He questioned.
You shrugged, “For everything I guess,”
There was silence. The two of you thought that you had both played some part in breaking up one another’s relationships and even if that was not the truth, it might as well have been the truth for you.
Neither of you knew what to say, or how to console one another for the whole problem. It was a position you had never been in before. Did you apologise? Yell? Should you be grieving or angry?
Dean could see the thoughts swirling around in your mind and he stood up. You watched in confusion, brows furrowed as he stood up and held his hand out to you.
“Come on,”
Hesitantly, you took his hand and allowed him to pull you up. You left the shoes down there, neither of you even touching them. They were a reminder of everything that he had put you through in the last couple of hours. You weren't going to go back for them, no matter how much sentimental value they might have held.
“What are we doing?” You seemed suspicious of him and he tried to wave it off.
He didn't let go of your hand and at the time, you didn't even question it, “Walking you home. It's late at night,”
You made a sound that was half of a laugh and half a sigh and it made a smile pull at his lips, “Its 5am,”
he shrugged, “Its early in the morning,”
He let go of your hand and linked his arm with yours as the two of you walked in silence towards your house. You had done a science project with him a few weeks ago and he remembered where you lived after you had worked together.
The two of you walked in complete silence and that’s what you both needed. Even though you didn't want to get lost in the damning thoughts that made you blame yourself for it all, they seemed to vanish when he was around.
You both stopped outside of your house after a quick walk. He looked at you for a second and noticed the puffiness of your eyes from crying and the tears that had dripped down your face onto your 1950’s dress. This wasn't fair to either of you and anger bubbled up inside of Dean as he looked at you.
Neither of you deserved to be treated this way by Jess and Rory.
He caught his eyes flickering down to your lips and you noticed, brows pulling together slightly as you tried to figure out what he was thinking.
“Thank you,” the words were breathy and he felt his breath hitching in his throat as he looked back into your eyes.
He gave you a half hearted smile, “After tonight, it's the least I could do,”
The two of you stood there for a few moments, just looking at one another. Neither knew what to say but just stare at one another, knowing exactly how the other felt.
He moved slightly closer to her and she could feel his breath on her face. She muttered his name, not sure what to do.
He hummed in response, “We shouldn’t do this,” you whispered, voice soft and quiet like you didn't want anyone else to know what was going on there.
Your heart was racing in your chest as you looked at him, eyes tracing the curve of his face, the brown in his eyes, the light freckles on his skin that you had never noticed before. You had never really noticed how beautiful he was.
Every bone in your body told you that this was wrong after what had happened. You had only just broken up with your boyfriend and here you were, heart pounding as you looked into Dean’s eyes.
Your brain might be saying no, but the shattered part of your heart tried to reason with you that this was fine.
“Tell me to leave and I will,” he muttered, voice seemingly deeper than it was before.
Your breath hitched in your throat. You couldn't say a single word. You couldn't tell him that you didn't want this because some sick and twisted part of you did.
Dean leaned in, his nose lightly bumping against yours and your eyes fluttered closed. Against your better judgement, you moved in and closed the gap between you, pressing your lips up against his.
He was gentle and soft and the way that his hand cradled your face was different to any other kiss. He was nothing like Jess Mariano. He held you delicately, like there were already cracks in the porcelain of your skin and he was afraid that a few more mistakes would shatter you.
As you stood there, kissing him gently under the flickering porch light of your house, you let everything else melt away as he held you.
You forgot about all your misery and let yourself enjoy this, even for a moment. you didn't need Jess Mariano. he had never loved you the way that you needed him to, he had never loved you enough, destroying whatever the two of you had together.
As you stood outside of your lonely house, Stars Hollow might as well have burnt around you because all you could focus on was his lips against yours.
Dean was going to be the one. Right?
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sukisheadlights · 9 months
tmrminho x wckd!oc
summary: she took care of him all these years in the maze. But will she be there for him when he needs her outside it?
story: maze runner masterlist
rory’s voice mail 🎧: Sooo I'm not that well versed in the lore (that is a sign for re-watch + re-read I know) either way I haven't made any mistakes as far as I'm aware of but incase I missed anything, let me know <3 love you, say it back!
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Sadira spins around in her chair as the dark blue light reflects off her glasses; before coming to an abrupt and screechy halt when she hears him yell through the computer screen. She quickly turns and looks over the multiple cctv screens around her in search of minho, until she finds him. Eventually. She messes around with some buttons around her until the 'griever' as the gladers called it, slows down. She sighs and leans against the chair having succesfully saved him the third time this week.
Sadira could confidentaly say that she was the youngest at w.c.k.d. She was 16. She could tell you alot of things, except for what she does in the abnormally technologically advanced building all day. There isn't exactly a job description for saving the asses of the friends you've made through a screen who don't know you even exist. Infact, that probably hinders the consistent experiements being thrown at these children who are her age, heck— some of them are even younger.
Sadira knows that the only reason she isn't in that maze is because she's the daughter of Dr. Ava Paige. I guess even being an adopted daughter has it's own advantages.
That's why she's so careful when she saves the lives of the gladers, if ava finds out both her and the reckless gladers she watched over are doomed. Boy this would be tough to explain if she met them in person, how would she even act around them? Thankfully she doesn't have to worry about that yet. Right?
When Ava turned her away and banished her from coming to w.c.k.d for 'safety reasons', Sadira was MORE than curious on what her 'mother' was hiding. So naturally, when she called her back urgently she ran through the multiple maze like hallways of the building in search of Ava like a mad woman. Maybe in her own way, w.c.k.d was her maze and cage too. just in a non-life threatening sense. for now.
She walks towards the prison cell looking holding room as she stands next to the woman she calls her mother not looking through the window just yet; she should have, maybe she could have ran instead of walking straight to her demise.
Instead she stared gaping mouth at the other girl who happened to step into her peripheral vision. "You remember teresa, yes?" Ava announced loudly, her words ringing colder than the white lights above their head. Sadira could only nod in response; who the hell was inside that room?
"Unfortunately my love, it would be unwise to get into details here. But teresa recently found her way back to w.c.k.d, back to us. And she has been working with us in your absence. It is with a full heart that I can tell you that you will be learning hands on how to talk to a test subject today. Do not worry child, rest assured, you will be safe." She spoke again as teresa walked away, her tone laced with something unfamiliar which, looking back— could have only been something poisonous. "Go on." she nudged again as Sadira walked into the plain white chamber which, looked even sadder from the inside.
She turned around as the door closed behind her and this, mystery inmate. Her heart dropped to her feet. It was him. He was here. Nonetheless, she approached slowly and sat down infront of him. He looked...Terrible.
"Hello," She said blandly, but internally she was nervous as ever. But if she showed it, Ava wouldn't let her talk to him again. How would she help him out then? She should probably slow down but the difference in his character was unsettling.
He didn't say anything in response and only watched her intently, or dazed. She remembered how his eyes looked in the maze, even if they were facing near death every second of the day. And then she noticed how dead they looked this very moment, when this was the one time in life he was truly protected. She looked towards the one-way mirror hoping she was looking directly at Ava. That's when he scoffed. "They can't save you in here."
She looked back at him, eyebrows raised and all. "What would I need saving from, Minho? You won't hurt me." She said confidentally, but not in the sense that she knew he wouldn't. Well, still in that sense but she only showed Ava what was on the surface. Confidence in the sense that she was hiding her fear.
Minho ofcourse, knows that even if he wanted to kill her this very second he would be unable to, considering the shitload of drugs he was put on. She's pretty, it's a shame she's on the wrong side of all of this, he thought.
"Don't wanna talk? that's alright. We'll get you to one of these days Minho. Time is on our side." the words spilled out of sadira's mouth leaving a bitter after-taste. she didn't like talking to him like this, but if she even let Ava catch on to the idea that sadira had...once grown fond of the boy infront of her? she would have lost her chance. for what exactly? she's not entirely sure herself.
silence engulfed the small white room as she watched the nervous bob of his adam's apple before promptly getting up and leaving.
That night, without much shock. She was kidnapped. "Oh, it's just you lot." she said calmly, looking at the faces of thomas, frypan, newt, and gally. All the idiots she saved multiple times. Well, except for frypan— he was always a sweetheart.
The point is, she wasn't intimidated. Instead she laughed when they tried to threaten her. Then, she asked them to untie her and much to everyone's surprise, they obliged.
Not wanting to leave them high and dry Sadira explained everything to them. How she saved their lives, How she knew them, How she saw teresa, And about how she spoke to Minho. She then warned them that as a 16 year old saving them to those small extents was all she could have done and that it would be unwise to redirect their anger from w.c.k.d to her simply because she knew.
She also agreed to get minho out, but that was a given. The only condition she set down was freedom from Dr. Ava Paige. Who she had the displeasure of calling her mother. They sat on the floor that night and all the gladers and Sadira in unison decided the best plan to get minho out of that hellhole. And they settled.
On Gameday, Sadira offered to walk with Janson and pointed out how something looked suspicious with teresa and her guards. Inevitablly, Janson approached the disguised gladers and it was there that they grabbed her as she sneakily snatched janson's all building access card. She was with them under the ruse of a hostage, just so that Ava doesn't get suspicious and look too closely.
When they found out Minho was moved, it was only because of Sadira and another test subject that they could pinpoint Minho's exact location.
However, she should have probably thought to warn him in some way that she was on their side. Maybe then Minho wouldn't have mistakened her for the enemy and slammed her into the wall once they did find him. ouch.
The escape after that was mostly smooth sailing, there were no losses and only minor setbacks. But those don't matter enough to be mentioned here. [Authors Note: I didn't have it in me to kill off newt so don't blame me] Ofcourse, Sadira almost dying while protecting minho doesn't fall under minor setbacks but she would have done that for any glader.
When she woke up in the 'refugee' a few days later, minho was the first person she spoke to. The conversation flowed much more smoothly when her formerly alive mother (that was fun to find out) wasn't watching over them, she joked. And he laughed. And she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. So she made him do it again, and again, and again. Until she finally realised she couldn't get enough of it.
They moved fast. From touches, to kisses, to something more. But it was never in the sense that it was too much to handle, Instead it was in the sense that they had waited too long for each other and that they were desperate for this. Needy, even. Which was insane considering he barely knew her. Oh well.
First Kisses and First loves are obviously difficult post-apocalypse but hey, atleast it makes one hell of a story.
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theognatster · 3 months
champagne problems
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem! reader
summary: you go searching for your airpods in your shared room, and you find a small box, leading to you having a conversation with matt.
warnings: mentions of marriage, angst, no happy ending
w.c: 997
a.n: a little bit of Rory and Logan reference from Gilmore Girls
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your mom’s ring in your pocket. her picture in your wallet. you won’t remember my champagne problems.
you groan as you realize you don’t have your AirPods in your pocket.
where could they have gone, you thought, moving the hair out of your face. you got up from the bed, slightly annoyed. you search around the floor, under the bed, in the hamper.
you smack your head as you realize the one place you didn’t look, the nightstand drawer. you accidentally open the second one, the drawer that you both had assigned to matt. you quickly hit to close it, not wanting to intrude on his things, that was until you saw a small, black, velvet box. it looked like a box that one would put a ring in.
you close it shut, panicking. maybe you were just overreacting, maybe it was a shadow. that’s not a ring, it couldn’t be. you and matt had only been dating..for 2 years. you open the drawer, again.
it’s real. that’s a real ring box.
“Matt!”, you called, holding it in your hand. The door opened and a smiling Matt entered the room. ‘What's up doll?’, he asked, closing the door. ‘What's this?’, you ask, nervous of his answer, holding up the velvet box. you see how his face drops in nerves. ‘I..uhm..how’d you even find that?’, he asked, stammering.
“I accidentally opened your drawer and I saw it. Matt..tell me. Tell me this isn’t what I think it is.” You sigh, hoping it belonged to him for his own rings. “I guess..I should tell you the truth.” Matt ran a nervous hand through his hair. You look at him, hoping what you knew was coming to be false. “I..uhm..it’s my mom’s ring.” Matt admitted, opening the box, revealing a beautiful ring.
It was silver, with an oval shaped diamond in the middle. “Oh..Matt..It’s so beautiful.” You gasp softly at the reveal of it. “You like it, doll?” He asked, smiling softly at your reaction. “Matthew..it’s better than words could describe.” He motions it towards you, motioning for you to grab it. You grab it, scared to touch it in case you damage it. “You can touch it, doll.” He chuckled softly at your reaction.
You graze your fingers around the ring. “Well..the question is. Would you like to wear it..as Mrs. Sturniolo?” Matt asked, hoping you said yes. He hoped for a reaction like the ones in the movies, the girl amazed, jumping in excitement, and hugging the guy tightly as he slid the ring on her finger. But he didn’t get that.
“Matt..are you proposing?” You look up, caught off guard. “Yes, doll. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, forever.” Matt smiled softly. You freeze at his words. “Doll..are you okay?” His face filled with worry at your pause, and he sees the tears that fill up your eyes. “matt..” you look up at him. “Yes..?” He asks, hoping for a good answer. “No.” You say, handing him back the ring. His face dropped, he wasn’t expecting that answer.
“no? why?” Matt asked, wanting answers. “I can’t marry you, Matthew.” You wipe the tear that fell down your face. “Why? Why can’t you marry me? Don’t you..don’t you love me?” Matt asked, tears threatening to spill over his own eyes. “Matt..I do. I do love you!” You assure. “Then why can’t you marry me?” He asked, just wanting an explanation. “I’m not ready..I can’t.” You answer, hoping to not have to explain further. “You’re not ready..? But, we’ve talked about this before. You sounded ready.” Matt asked, confused by your statement. “I thought we were speaking hypothetically! You know..in a couple of years. Not a few months after!” You answered, hoping he’d understand.
“Why wait? Why wait, when where we are now is perfect?” He asked, wiping the tears that spilled over. “You’re at the prime of your career, and it wouldn’t work. I just..I can’t marry you.” You defended yourself, not even noticing how tears were spilling out of your eyes, like a faucet. You hand him the ring, and he placed it back in the box. “Is it really all or nothing..?” You look up, wiping his tears away. “Yeah..yeah, it is.” Matt looked at you, hoping that you'd change your mind.
“Please..can’t we just work this out. I love you, you love me.” You beg, not wanting to let this relationship go. “I can’t..I want the girl I date to want to be with me..forever.” Matt gulped, tears threatening to spill over. “But..give it time. Please.” Your voice cracked at the last word, pleading. “I can’t wait forever.” Matt reasoned. “So..it’s now or never?” You comprehend what he had just said. “…yeah.” Matt sighed.
“Don’t you think that’s a little unfair, Matthew? At all?” You tried to have him understand. He didn’t answer, looking down. “You don’t think it’s unfair to me to think the girl I love would want to marry me.” He said, attitude spilling out. “Matt..please understand.” You beg. “Help me understand, please.” Matt looked up at you, tears falling down his face.
“Matt..I’m sorry. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of marrying you, but there are so many things right now in both of our lives that aren’t set up. It would be a mess, we wouldn’t be happy.” You try to reason. Matt looks at you, defeat and sadness in his blue eyes.
The light in the bedroom seemed to dim, almost as if it could read the room. The light seemed to dim as your relationship with Matt came to an end. The one thing that stood out in the upcoming darkness was the shimmer of the jeweled band. It looked as if it was taunting you, the only source of light being the thing that brought you here.
two souls, two different wishes, one resolution.
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elposting · 1 month
little debrief/me chatting/face reveal???
My dad surprised me with first row center tickets last night and I’ve been begging him to see the show for so long I was sooo freaking excited
I was literally grinning ear to ear through the entire thing. Easily makes my top three best things I’ve ever been to (Taylor swift concert, snl barricades are the other two lol).
This was my first time sitting front row at professional theater and it was so worth it. Its literally magical and I hope everyone gets to experience it at some point
Rest of post below the cut! Somewhat long post sorry i have a lot to say lol (pics and vids too! and ill reblog this with the curtain call video i got)
OK now to the show
- colin was so fucking funny as mckinley I was literally dying and turn it off was so good. I tried to squint through the darkness to see the quick change but I couldn’t lol, guess that one video is the only way ill ever see them actually doing it lol
- baptize me was the best and funniest thing I’ve seen in a long long time. the entire audience was dying laughing the entire time. and the detail of naba’s shirt being wet after the gets baptized. wonderful
- idk how long they’ve been doing this for but after price comes into the mission hut with blood all over him the other elders start freaking out until poptarts just screams, silences everyone, and does the turn it off motion and all of them get calm and it was so fucking funny oh my god
- mckinley trying to stop the play in the middle of it. just starts clapping and trying to step in front of naba. colin!mckinley I love you so much
- the guy who played church looked identical to rory o’malley and i kept getting distracted by that so i missed McKinley’s enterance in smhd and the build up to price’s “fuck him” bc I kept looking at him 😭
- conner/cunningham is so fucking good. He is so funny I could not stop laughing. one of my favorite cunninghams ever. he made me love arnold sm more now. and he is SUCH a great singer like genuinely fantastic
- stage door culture for west end is so much different than broadway!! I forgot to bring a pen (on Broadway everyone has their own sharpies) so I shared with this one girl and her mom from Mexico, they were the only other people there
- my dad told conner he was better than josh gad and he was like who??? we don’t talk about him!! It was so funny lol
me and conner this vid is so goofy I love it
here's me and my best friend in the whole wide world colin burnicle (who looked at me weird when I told him all I wanted to do for the rest of my life was watch turn it off over and over again)
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me and blair who was so good and he told me he recognized me from my shirt in the front row lol told me I looked like I was having a blast. love u blair 😘 tall king
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charlie barnard cutie patootie
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and my absolute fave pic of the night me and richard/mafala i love this man
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oh and finally I got sm signatures and if (when) I see it on broadway and tour everyone else will be signing the book and if i meet matt and trey (or anyone in obc) i will beg them to sign it too
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thank you for coming to my ted talk
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