#....There is no way I'm making it in time for this road trip. damn girl
lemon-3ds · 2 years
Losing my shit trying to download videos on YouTube but the mobile app is absolute shit and refuses to work for my playlists for no reason. Anyways good morning guys
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
ITS A START part one
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summary : when joel is settling into life in jackson there's one thing that has his attention , a woman of the name Y/N . The loner who barely spoke to anyone other than his brother til joel and y/n are sent to find supplies he soon finds out the reason why the girls quiet as he tries to break down the walls she built so long .
warnings: mentions of death of family and children ( readers brother and joel's daughter) , animals being eating since its the apocalypse , pain and sadness but some happy tones in there too . Mention of domestic violence too so
Coming to jackson was never meant to be anything but temporary of course everything changes nothing is set in stone in a world that fell to pieces one day . it wasn't suppose to be long and yet it dawning on two years since ellie and he arrived in jackson . it had what he needed the rest be dammed , his brother was here , ellie had stability something that the girl never had before , it was like everything in the damned town amazed her but then again most of the kids or young folk were amazed at things from the past if it seemed new. It seemed like jackson had it all , community , security and god damn it was he too old to be kept on the damn road yeah jackson was the end stop to plant roots and live it out til the day he took his last breath .
what joel didn't expect jackson to have was Y/N . She arrived a little before joel and ellie , she kept to herself most times hell knows what the woman had seen or had to do but he knew it wasn't pretty , he knew that look one of a person forced to do the unthinkable just to keep going. She kept quiet maybe she was still not trusting of it all he couldn't blame her hell he had his reservations. He watched her eyes observing everything around her waiting for it to go bad at some stage and little by little she relaxed yet still kept herself to herself and it wasn't for lack of trying hell every single man in town had tried to chance their arm with the woman which he couldn't blame them she was a pretty one he couldn't deny it. But she was too closed off only ones that could get her to talk was tommy and maria and even at that it was short and to the point.
He was surprise one morning to find her and tommy standing on his doorstep , confusion didn't last long when tommy explain she would be joining joel as he went on a scavenge hunt looking for things the towns folk were low of .
" you know how use a gun and knife" he asked expecting the usual nod or shake of her head when people talked to her.
" yes sir" he was surprise to hear how soft her voice was , how sweet the tone it help in those two words.
" well i'll meet you in the stables in twenty minutes don't keep me waiting" he said wondering would she speak but it went back to the gestures of answers . " go get ready i'll see you then" he said before heading into his house nearly running into ellie on his way .
" i guess i'm staying with tommy and maria huh" she asked.
" Yeah, so keep the language to a minimum. we don't need that baby coming out swearing like a sailor," he teased, shooting her a little smile . " work a miracle and get the pretty one to crack her shell because that will be day i stop fucking swearing old man" she snorted heading into the kitchen ready to tease the old man make sure get some extra shots for the road too . he never took it to heart it was just here being a teenager, which was all he wanted for her now . Packing the small bag of things he would need he dropped ellie off at his brothers before heading to the stable not seeing her outside , he headed in thinking he'd get the horses ready so they could just go but what he didn't expect was the quiet woman had same idea both horses ready and the ones he would of choose at first.
" Ready," he asked .
" yes sir" she said again bit louder.
" call me joel," he simple said as they took off heading to a town not so far away maybe a day trip so it wasn't too much for the woman's first outing .
" we'll ride for couple of hours there's a cabin couple hours away stop for the night check around for some deer or something then hit the town first thing in morning" he explained.
" why not get the deer on way back meat would be fresher" she asked .
" or we could do that" he chuckled shaking his head.
" is it a list sort of thing or grab whatever available sort of thing" she asked again that damn voice calling him like a siren to a sea , how the hell could something as simple as a voice effect him so much maybe he been out of the game to long yeah that was it .
" grab whatever is well not broken beyond compare but the likes of medical supplies shit like that is always needed" he said taking the lead as the two looked for the nearest town or maybe the next one to that .
It was still daylight thankfully when they arrived in the town , it was completely void of anything that would be considered life . seemed a complete ghost town not even an infected about although it was never completely ruled out. They tied up the horse before setting off he notice her movement got more quiet but yet still efficient like this part she was born for and maybe she was granted she was probably twenty years younger then him . she probably was only a baby when this whole world went to shit which was sad kids now and young adult such as the one at his side never knowing what it was like before all the infected business like what it was like to go out with friends to the mall or movies or nightlife of dancing at clubs and bars it was simple things but they were missed by alot of the older folk . each house had barely anything few clothes that could be fixed up for the younger folk. One house they came to she took the upper level while he checked out the lower floor. He'd have to give it to her she move silently but when he was searching through a kitchen he noticed it was too quiet something that about that sent him into gear almost taking the steps two at a time.
Only to stop seeing her standing holding a blanket in her hands looking completely broken til she noticed him instantly that wall came up and she was almost emotionless again shoving the blanket into her bag and continuing the search pretend he didn't catch her in a moment of weakness , maybe it reminded her of life at some point but he wasn't going to push not now anyway instead silently he came to her side and looked with her , no words exchanged as the two set about there business.
The haul was surprisingly good they found shit ton of things that the town folk would appreciate even a couple of good sewing kits although she kept one and he was keeping the other not that he knew how to sew but couldn't be that hard . last house was all the needed to check and then it was it he took the top floor as she took the lower both taking turns even though it wasn't planned it worked well . what he didn't expect was as he searched the bathroom , a small smile on his face as he found a first aid kit fully stocked it was like finding gold as he added it to the bag . then he heard it that noise everyone dreaded when he looked up seeing the infecteds reflection in the small broken mirror . he went to turned as it dove at him , he felt like it was the end knowing this was it , this was going to be the last breath he drew but even in that sentiment he was going to go down fighting kicking and scratching if needed. He was ready to give it all he got only for a knife to be drove into the sweet spot instantly killing the fungus riddled bastard as it fell she stood calm as a peach pulling the knife out of the skull and wiping it clean on ratted up shower curtain .
" you good" she asked slight pant to her voice.
" yeah i'm good lets go before more come" he said only to earn a nod of agreement pulling the bags they walked quietly but fast towards the unharmed animals and setting off to the cabin needing some form of rest. He almost died nearly let an infected take him, and yet he was still standing all because the silent beauty was there . they barely spoke, scoping the place out wasn't only the infected you needed to be wary of, but the coast was clear , the area was empty bar some deer prints they could check out in the morning. Like it was second nature, she checked around the cabin before setting her things do, n grabbing some wood for the fire and grabbing some food they found . he barely registered his own voice as the words came from his mouth .
" thanks back there woulda been goner if it ain't been for you" he said almost gruff whisper.
" you woulda done same fer me" she shrugged.
" still a girl in jackson would be grateful" he couldn't help smile as he said it.
" well i'm glad i could save her daddy nothing worse losing family" she said so sadly .
" she not my daughter i'm just looking out for her , she alone needs some guidance is all" he explained.
" ellie right , nah that's your daughter you look at her like she is doesn't take blood to be family as much as people might think" she shook her head and he could of sworn he'd seen her mouth twitch up maybe for a second but he saw it.
" good she has you , worlds shit enough without trying to navigate it alone that's for sure" she added.
" you know i think this most i've heard you speak hell i think today is first time i've heard your voice" he chuckled .
" i guess being alone for so long you forget how to talk sometimes" she nodded.
" well you should get to know the folk of jackson, there good people and won't be so lonely" .
" lonely don't get you hurt" she said easily.
" the blanket earlier remind you of someone" he asked seeing it peak out of her bag.
" my little brother , he was four when he died , happiest little boy just full of life could make you forget the shit going on in the word , raiders came to my families camp wanted everything we had , my daddy gave it to them then they wanted me well my daddy shot the man that grabbed me quicker that you could draw a breath it all happened so fast bullets fly , lucas got scared went to run to my mama and she ran to him telling him get down then they were both down not moving , the only thing that made the world seem like it was ok was gone my daddy lost it seeing them like that he began shooting hitting them all only as he went to check on my mama, one wasn't as dead as he thought shot him i didn't even think i just picked that gun up and shot then i was alone all my world was gone in an instant maybe if i went with them he'd be alive now" said softly her voice cracking ever so slightly as her hand felt the material . " i've been alone ever since twenty plus years of living on this planet and i ain't never wanna feel that kind of pain again" she not daring to look up at the man .
" you must of been young yourself men like that are animals could of done all sorts" joel tried to reason yet he was more shocked she opened up. " i was fourteen i could of handled , then I thought I was safe , he made me feel safe but like most it was a trap , called his wife , you believe that way he treated me wasn't how man should treat his wife , my daddy showed me how from way he loved my mama been alone ever since " she said finally looking up . " well now you ain't got to , look i know what ever you had to do wasn't pretty i know that more than anyone i lost family but i also got family and wise person told me it don't take blood to make one" he winked .
" well they weren't my blood my real folks died and they took me in ,they were my family" she sniffled hating she was letting herself be so vulnerable how the hell was this man able to crack the what she though was indestructible walls so easily .
" come ere" he said softly watching her fighting on whether or not to take that step let herself to let someone in or not and yet she did she was tired of being the one that picked herself up even if it was just that night well she was going to let someone in. she slowly crawled into his arms letting it all out ten years of emotions spilled out of her the moment his arms wrapped around her. She must of cried herself to sleep because she woke during the night seeing herself still in joel's arms the man as rubbing her head and telling her
" i got ya " , " let it out". Letting the man sleep she pulled out of his arms letting the man rest as she sat in the stool near the door watching out for any sign of a threat that could be lurking in the darkness .
That was exactly how he found her eyes watching at the sun began to rise . " why didn't ya wake me" he said voice lace with sleep as he stretched his aching muscle out.
" ain't nothing i can sleep when i get back , you looked deep in sleep plus that snoring had to make sure you didn't lure the infected here" she said heading off to the back where the back room was could of sworn there was a playful lilt to her voice .
shaking his head he grabbed his water bottle and small pot to began making much needed breakfast a little proud of getting her to open up and from how hard she was crying it was like she needed it . When she walked out she seemed less tense , less tightly wound up like before .
" breakfast then we hunt that deer" he said nodding for her to take a seat.
" i brought coffee" she said pulling the small bag of it out of her bag.
" the most important thing in the morning" he joked and she actually laughed it was low but he heard it.
" you think that deer is still around" she asked seemly wanting to try the whole talking thing more .
" he's a round some where close if not sure rabbits and stuff are around" he said pulling two cups from his bag .
" whats the worse animal you've eaten" she asked getting set on her task.
" hmm id say cat" he winced remember it wasn't a great moment .
" i'd say rat"she chuckled again bit loud be if it wasn't the sounds of an angel he wasn't sure what was.
" rat ain't bad not much to em" he said.
" my daddy said he ate a hamster before said it worst thing he's ever eat although bless the man couldn't cook for shit" she shook her head smiling .
" how long where you with them" .
" oh since a baby , my birth mama was dying and she asked them take me , they could of said yes and just left me but they didn't , raised me as i was there own same with lucas was like the same thing all that history repeating itself sort of thing they didn't even think twice and took him" she said voice cracking .
" i know what it's like to lose family , i lost my daughter sarah , died in my arms just as the world was falling , it never leaves you and i did what you done i never let myself get close but that ain't living either hell she'd give me hell for doing it" he said his own voice wavering but if she could bare that part of herself well he could do the same.
" i'm guessing ellie didn't give you much choice did she" she asked smiling more that was his new favourite thing about it all was her smile .
" no she didn't , got mouth of her too i mean she would put a sailor to shame" . " come on lets eat and get that deer i doubt there's hamster about" he joked as he began plating up the food as the two made small talk learning little things about each other , joel would tell her about life before infected and she would tell him places she'd been seemly all over the continent the sad part was she was alone through it all dealing with things no one should at such a young age with the hands of a monster .
They followed the tracks , again quiet as she walked both hiding behind a tree , the deer indeed had not strayed too far . he held up his rifle ready to shot until the deer headed off running and they heard them coming . least three voices getting louder and louder as the hide out of view .
she was pale , he could see fear in her eyes she though it was history repeating itself , god she was idiot for letting him get close and now it was going to be all over. They spotted them coming closer she went to move towards joel only for a hand to pull her away.
" well look what we have here" the man snickered looked down her frame hungrily .
" let her go and be on your way" he almost growled the other two held out their knife .
" or we take her and not kill you" the man pulled her harder to his chest smelling her hair making her body cringe.
" joel" she said softly telling him what she wanted to tell her father all those years ago he could see it in her eyes . " can take care of yourself" he said almost telling her to look past that fear and thankfully she did pulling the blade from her belt and holding it to the man's crown jewel.
" i wouldn't move if i was you i got ammo and she got him by the balls" he said holding the rifle up at the men.
" how about you turn your asses around and go back where you came" she said pushed the tip hard as if pierced through his jeans yet didn't touch anything.
" KEEP YOUR CRAZY BITCH" The man gulped pushing her forward out of his grasp only for her to pull the pistol from joel's belt.
"Says the scum that sniffling my hair drop your weapons and fuck off" she yelled.
" aint gonna use that princess" which was perfect timing for her to spot something fussy as she took the shot sending the men running .
" i got dinner" was all she said walking and picking up the now dead rabbit.
" you were going to let them take you" he growled.
" i would of gotten away" she said .
" well you ain't alone anymore so i ain't leaving if trouble come you got me .. im your friend " he said heading back in the direction of the cabin .
" they would of attacked you" she said getting annoyed.
" i got a gun" he said. But she stayed silent holding out his gun for him to take it back slight guilty seeing he was hurt she was gonna let them take her but she didn't want the first friend she's had to get hurt because of her.
" truce i don't have the social awareness to deal with an argument" she asked being honest but it did make him laugh.
" enough to crack joke next time no being alone no more , you got me now" he said taking the gun.
" do i have a choice" she asked trying to not smile .
"no come on that gun shot might attract infected" he nodded as two headed back to the cabin packing up their things and heading back.
Tommy opened the gate as they headed in following the two to the stables ready to help with the suppile .
" what you get" he asked as they tied up the horses she handed over the bag of thing as well as the rabbit that was still dripping of blood.
" wait here" joel took the blanket out and handed it to her clean hand .
" really" she asked .
" really take it , she good out there saved my ass a couple of times" he said turning to tommy . " doesn't shut up talking though" he added .
" says the one what is it with you millers and talking so much i swear y'all could talk for texas" she called over her shoulder as tommy's jaw dropped in shock .
" i'll be damn she's cracking joke i think that loudest i've heard her voice what hell you do out there" he turned to his brother.
" didn't give her choice i mean she aint gonna be social butterfly with but it's a start" he chuckled heading out to his own house leaving his brother stunned completely at the even thought little but major interaction from the towns two most social awkward people .
" it a start" the younger miller chuckled to himself wondering where this was heading but boy was he excited to see it unfold because it a start of something .
Part two
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monseulamourrr · 9 months
→ “a long road ahead.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— you set off on an approximate six-or-more-hour drive with your girlfriend and you come across your greatest enemy: boredom…
word count: 1.4k
tags: fluff, literally just yujin and yn being cute while on the road like stopppp, me when.
requested? : nope.
a/n: is anybody surprised that i'm already on my third yujin fic? no? yeah, me either... anyway this one's going to be kinda short since it's a pretty simple idea to begin with :] hope ya'll like it 🥺💕
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yujin knew that as soon as you dropped your nintendo switch on your lap, you were bored as hell.
she was only able to take a few short glances in your direction from time to time since it was her turn on the wheel, but she could see it all in the little habits that you showed whenever you were weary. your eyes wandered, you couldn’t sit still, you weren’t sitting up straight like you usually did, and the most notable habit, you started talking with impatience evident in your voice.
your constant sighs along with your tiny mumbles and occasional grumbles were nothing short of adorable for yujin. especially with the way you got frustrated from playing animal crossing of all things. but having been your lover for years now, yujin knew all the things that would ease you and hopefully even cure your boredom.
she reaches for her phone and opens it, earning a ‘tsk’ from you.
“eyes on the road, miss.” you said, nudging your girlfriend’s arm.
“i got it, love. one sec.” yujin seamlessly switches to your favourite playlist and triumphantly smiles as she did so. you shook your head, not at all a fan of her recklessness. although you were happy that she thought of playing your favourite songs instead of the usual playlists for a trip like this.
a smile graces yujin’s face when she saw how you’ve relaxed on your seat, softly humming to the songs you love as you stared at the long road ahead.
“you don’t want to take a nap? it’ll be a while before we make a stop.” yujin said, eyes briefly switching from the gps and back onto the road. there were still three and a half hours of driving before the two of you reach your destination. even yujin thinks it might’ve been better if neither of you drove but instead, just flown to that other city.
“and who’s gonna keep you in check? surely not azzo.” you looked at yujin’s beloved puppy sitting on the backseat of the car. azzo was diligently decimating her chew toy. good girl!
“i promise i’ll only stay ten over the speed limit.” yujin says with a cheeky smile, earning a soft punch in the shoulder from you. you don’t fall asleep; it was impossible! yujin found every way to keep you up and alert either by randomly touching your face, taking your hand and kissing it, or simply just letting it rest on your lap. she probably knew, but you were so giddy. you couldn’t hide your smile, even when you turned your face away.
damn yujin. she will always make your heart jump.
if she wasn’t constantly touching you, yujin was singing. and when she was singing, she was a mess. head-banging, slamming her hands on the steering wheel, even honking out of nowhere. yujin didn’t care that she looked stupidly insane, she cared that it made you smile and laugh. although you did scold her when she swerved a bit after singing too passionately.
when you noticed that yujin had a pout on her face a few moments later, you knew only one thing could cheer her up. well, two things. food and kisses, mostly the food part. after giving azzo some treats, you proceeded on feeding yujin and yourself. she had insisted on bring some donuts for the ride, saying that she needed the sugar to keep herself awake. but you knew the silly thing just wanted some donuts.
“you picked all my favourites?” yujin asks. you hum in reply since your mouth was full. you don’t notice the loving look yujin gives you before she turns her head back towards the road. a small action from you, but one she appreciated beyond understanding.
“one could never go wrong with the excellence that is the strawberry flavour.” yujin says, licking her lips. you shook your head and wiped her mouth as best as you could before continuing one eating. yujin was much, much happier after getting fed and a much happier yujin was a much happier you of course!
eventually, and thankfully, you had to stop at a near-empty gas station for a bit of a break and to refill the tank. while yujin busied herself taking azzo out of the car to run around, you decided to stick with the car and fill it up. there were still a few hours of driving left, thinking about it made you groan out loud and roll your eyes. at least it was going to be your turn to drive though, it wouldn’t be too boring.
“babe, we should have lunch.” yujin says after you finished what you needed to do.
“wouldn’t that just keep us on the road for longer?” you asked, scratching your head.
“well, you need to relax! and we both know those donuts didn’t do too much for our stomach. come on, the restaurant’s open.” yujin nods her head to the eatery right next to the gas station—it was empty.
well, you couldn’t exactly say no to food, much less your girlfriend, so you ended up parking the car nearby and entering the eatery with yujin and azzo following close behind. you and yujin (and azzo) chose to sit in the booth on the farthest corner of the eatery, and you stared out of the window and into the empty road.
even if you miraculously teach your destination quicker than expected, there were still things needed to be done that would chip the day away fast. checking in at the hotel, dropping off all your things in your room, organizing the plans for your getaway, dinner, shopping, outfits—
“why’s mama so grumpy today, mommy?” yujin spoke with a ridiculous high-pitched voice. you turned your head and scoffed at the sight of her ‘talking’ with azzo.
“because mama’s got a lot on her mind! see that look in her eyes?” you were glaring at the snickering yujin. “she could summon a storm!” a hearty laugh leaves yujin’s mouth when you rolled your eyes. of course, you would never be upset at yujin and you knew that she was doing these seemingly annoying antics to cheer you up. you loved her a lot for that.
yujin lets azzo sit on her side of the booth before sitting beside you. she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. automatically, you lay your head on her shoulder, sighing blissfully at the feeling of her warmth next to you. “let’s look in the bright side, okay? we finally have all the time in the world just for the two of us, and azzo. as soon as we reach the hotel, we can just have fun and do everything we’ve been wanting to do but couldn’t because of work. think about that, and suddenly, a few more hours of driving doesn’t sound so horrible, huh?”
as always, you could rely on yujin’s positivity to kickstart your own. you nodded, putting your hand on her thigh and squeezing it gently. “you’re right, yujin-ah,” you raised your head slightly, frowning. “sorry i’ve been real stingy this entire time.”
“nah, don’t worry about it,” yujin ruffles your hair and kisses your head, making you giggle and snuggle even closer to her. “i love you even if you’re feisty. and you know i love it when you are.” yujin winks at you, making you grimace and pinch her cheek.
“i love you too, idiot.”
you had a good time at that restaurant. you and yujin took turns feeding each other, discussed the details of your plans only to end up adding even more plans just to maximize your time and fun for as long as you can, and she even teased you about a gift she prepared beforehand which of course got you so curious that you asked her endless questions about it. surprisingly enough, yujin could control herself and managed to not spill a single clue about her gift. she said you simply had to wait and be patient like you always are.
(it was a promise ring. one she would give to you five days from now during a romantic candlelit dinner in a beachside restaurant.)
after eating, you, yujin, and azzo set off in your homey car once again. this time, however, you had a smile on your face! brought only by the cutest girlfriend that made the long drive a lot less boring and more fun, loud, and exciting.
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ohisms · 13 days
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 ! ( a collection of sentence starters from season  1 of nbc's “ good girls ”. adjust phrasing as necessary . will be updated in the future . mature themes are present . )
specificity is good , but that's over the top .
chill , i'm like two minutes late .
alright , everybody be cool and nobody gets hurt .
do you think i could make it in L.A. ?
i don't need all that . i just want to be super famous .
you know , i'm just not really much of a church person .
maybe next time you'll take security more seriously .
oh my god , can you please just listen to me for one damn minute ?!
shame on you . shame on all of you .
move it before i shoot your face off , let's go !
you should probably get yourself a lawyer .
why is it so crazy ? i mean , it's a victimless crime .
can't you have my back on one thing , ever ?
this is me helping you not ruin your life .
damn . that was a good sell .
i should have been more careful , i panicked .
no ! i mean ... i don't know . maybe .
we're gonna rob that store .
have you lost your mind ?
we can't sit back and let everything be taken away from us .
no one's gonna fix this . we have to do it ourselves .
[ name ] ... hello ? are you okay in there ?
how did you have the money for all of this ?
i'm here to clean up a mess , [ name ] .
it's not a knock , we all have our strengths and weaknesses . you're a beautiful dummy . it doesn't make you a bad person .
this is five grand . enough for a plane ticket , and to get you started .
i guess you won't mind if i go to the cops , then . right ?
i handled it because you couldn't .
you've got a little ... on your face , kind of looks like blood .
what am i looking at right now ? WHAT am i even looking at right now ?
[ name ] , this is life or death .
i choose death . GIVE ME DEATH .
i have ... sort of a favor to ask .
it's not like you can't afford it .
what do you need that much money for ?
thank you for making me completely humiliate myself for no reason .
this is what winning feels like .
i'm gonna need you to say it with me . we are winning .
it's not like you're gonna kill me .
you don't have the guts . you're not killers .
thought you'd pull a fast one , huh ? make a quick buck ?
girls like you , you never think things through .
you've done this your whole life . you make these big messes and expect everyone else to clean it up . then you just ignore it .
you can't leave me here forever .
you are an incredible liar .
when bad things happen to good people , everyone goes crazy .
if it could happen to us , it could happen to anyone .
roll the dice . tell them to pull the trigger . see what happens .
hey , looks like we've got a survivor .
i am going the speed limit . i don't wanna get a ticket .
where does he think he's going ? boy , this is hard to watch .
if you go to the cops , so will i .
i thought we were done with this .
oh ! you'd rather just declare a kilo at customs ?
– or we could just steal it .
are you hearing yourself right now ?
do not call me crazy .
what if we get caught ?
there's always a choice .
dude , it's never gonna end . unless we end it .
i'm not gonna shoot him , i'm just gonna scare him a little !
forgive me lord jesus , i did not mean to shoot that man .
are we supposed to knock or something ?
i wanted my music for the road trip .
how long has it been bleeding like this ?
i need to take you to the hospital , i think you need stitches .
i wish everything could go back to the way it was .
i had no damn idea how good i had it until it was gone .
i know you hate me right now .
i'm sorry . i suck .
i had to do something really , really important .
what's more important than me ?
is there something you want to ask me ?
just making conversation .
you know the tradition is jordans over a phone line , right ?
be outside in two minutes or you're dead , i mean it .
it's so crazy , even saying it .
you asked for this ? you ASKED for this ?
you can't sign people up for criminal activity like it's a bake sale !
that is NOT what i meant when i said i'd do another job .
so you think you get to pick and choose what you do and when you wanna do it ?
no , i'm sorry . that is not gonna work .
what's your gut say ?
i can prove it ! i mean i can't ... but i want to .
why should i apologize ?
chill out with the cayenne .
maybe we need like , smelling salts or something .
well , i want him to not die in my house .
i am so tired of almost dying .
hey ! ... don't be mad .
you're a dead man .
shut up , just don't say anything . i will handle it .
just say you're sorry .
i wanted to do something nice , so that maybe we could start fresh .
i'm not proud of my part in everything .
oh , yeah ? what does that mean ?
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #16)
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FEB16: Long Walk
Author's Note: Y'all, I'm sorry. I'm struggling today. Hope this is okay.
John’s teammates had all flown off to their respective final destinations, and you were alone once again. Since he would be on leave for a while, you decided it might be a good time to get away. So, he came up with the idea to take a trip up to the Catskills to camp and enjoy the cool spring weather. 
The drive up to the mountains was long, but it was beautiful. You and John talked about everything under the sun, and you shared a playlist together, singing loudly — and maybe a little off-key — in the car together. He held your hand when the roads were easy, and when you took off your hoodie to cool down for a bit, you caught him staring out of the corner of his eye. 
When you arrived at the campsite, he was an expert at putting together the tent. You helped when you could, and you started making some sandwiches for lunch. 
“Did you want to take a walk up to the cliff there? If I remember right, it’s a pretty amazing view,” you suggested. 
“Alright,” he smiled, “That sounds great, love. Lead the way.” 
With lunch finished and cleaned up, you secured the camp and headed for the viewpoint. The hike was extremely easy, and there were some parts of the trail that were wide enough for you to walk side by side, holding each other’s hands. 
The vantage point was deserted. You had expected crowds with the nice weather, but no one seemed to be camping in this area. It was wonderful to have it all to yourselves, and when you reached the top of the trail, the view did not disappoint. 
John sighed as he looked out over the cliffside,
“It really is. Thank you for coming with me, John,” you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned into his side, relaxing into his broad body. 
“Mmm. You’ve been givin’ me bloody good views all day, haven’t you?” He commented.
You raised an eyebrow at him,
“What do you mean?”
“You know that shirt’s proper transparent, right?”
Your blood went cold, and you looked down at yourself. From your angle, it looked like a normal shirt, and even though you didn’t need to wear a bra with it due to its compression fabric, you thought it looked fine. You asked,
“What? Are you serious?”
Instead of responding, John smirked and turned you toward him, squaring your shoulders with his. Then, he took his fingers and began to gently rub your nipples through the shirt, finding them immediately without needing to guess. The slick fabric made his touch feel intense and it tingled across your flesh, making your body respond to him right away. Your nipples hardened into taut peaks, and he began to pluck at them cruelly, making you writhe beneath his hands. 
“Serious. I can see damn near everything, love. Not that I’m complainin’,” he grinned and leaned down to kiss your neck. 
“Oh, God,” you whispered, your mind going blank as your pleasure took over. 
“Don’t worry, darlin’,” he whispered back, “There’s no one around.”
“John,” you were nervous, “What if… mmf… what if someone comes?”
“They won’t,” he chuckled, dragging his hands up underneath your shirt, cupping your bare breasts in his hands, warm and greedy. 
He began to squeeze them softly, massaging your flesh and heating your skin, kissing your neck all the while. You were nearly trembling from his affection. The fact that he was touching you like this in a very public place — even if it was deserted — was making you feel wild and unruly. 
“Such a pretty girl,” he praised you in your ear, nearly growling in the dark gravel of his voice, “Perfect fuckin’ tits. So soft. Sensitive, hm?”
He pinched your hard nipple, increasing the sensations he was already sending to you, and you gasped.
John laughed quietly to himself, enjoying your reactions to his efforts. He smiled and said, 
“You wanna feel what you do to me, love?”
He took your hand and placed it over the crotch of his jeans, and you were shocked to find him fully erect, his cock standing flush and upright, the swollen head of his length threatening to peek out over his beltline.
“John,” you whined, “Take me back to camp, please…”
“Better be quick, pretty girl. Double time.”
You giggled, wriggling out of his hands and heading back down the hill at a quick clip, and he moved to chase you, pinching your ass as he caught up. Luckily, you made it back to the tent without running into any other campers, but you made a mental note not to trust that shirt again.
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carlossainzwho · 11 months
get him back!
carlos sainz x ex!reader
warnings: not proof-read and swearing
part one | part two | part three | part four below!
now, y/n doesn't care about him anymore
i met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring, he argued with me about everything, he had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye, he said he's six-foot-two and I'm like: dude, nice try!
she met him in summer, sun shining
left him in the spring, rain pouring
he wouldn't shut his mouth
about all the other girls he could have
such a big red flag,
lied about his height
and a lot more stuff than y/n liked
but in the end
who gives a shit?
but he was so much fun and he had such weird friends and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end another song, another club, another bar, another dance and when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to france!
but the night outs with him were so damn fun
his stupid friends with their drunk asses
one party after another
and never-ending nights
one party after another
'feeling down, y/n?'
next destination, monaco!
so i miss him some nights when i'm feeling depressed till i remember every time he made a pass on my friend do i love him? Do i hate him? i guess it's up and down if i had to choose, i would say right now,
and so y/n missed those nights
where things would lead to the bed,
but all those times he slept with her friends
could not leave her head
did she really love him?
or hate him?
i wanna get him back i wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad oh, i wanna get him back 'cause then again i really miss him and it makes me real sad oh, i want sweet revenge and i want him again i want to get him back, back, back
she wanted vengeance
she wanted to kiss his friends, make him feel sorry
but also
she wanted him for herself
she missed him so damn much
she wanted revenge, she wanted his love
she wanted to get
so i write him all these letters, then i throw them in the trash 'cause i miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh yeah, i pour my little heart out, but as i'm hitting 'send' i picture all the faces of my disappointed friends
'hi carlos'
'how are you?'
'hi bab- oh wait-
you're not my babe anymore'
but i want you so bad
i need you to kiss me and make me laugh
tell me the jokes you tell to her
i want you
come over
here's my address
but oh
goddamn it, y/n
he's not worth anything
your friends will be so disappointed in you
because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do he said i was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth and when i told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me i was tripping but i am my father's daughter, so maybe i could fix him!
it was no surprise
that he left y/n
everyone knew he was a son of a bitch
he went with other girls and told her she was the only one
y/n tried so hard
to fix it all, tell him how he'd hurt her
but she was her father's daughter
and her father was no coward
y/n vowed to show carlos what he was missing
oh, i wanna key his car i wanna make him lunch i wanna break his heart stitch it right back up i wanna kiss his face, with an uppercut i wanna meet his mum, and tell her her son sucks, yeah!
f1 car or road car, she wanted to destroy it, destroy him
but y/n wanted to make him lunch, tell him how much she loved him
she wanted to make him jealous, break his heart
but she wanted to be the one
to mend it for him
she wanted to kiss his handsome face
with an uppercut
she wanted to meet his mum
and tell her
how her son is
reyesvdec <;/3
monday, 23rd march
hi reyes, can you ask carlos where he is? he won't answer my calls.
Hello love, of course!
He's out with some friends, he'll be back later!
thursday, 25th march
reyes, where is carlos?
reyes, i think he's with someone else
what do i do?
reyes, please
today, 3:54 am
i hate your son, reyes
AHH i love the little text messages in the end, idk why i liked writing that so much?? also i think this might be the last part but i'll defo write some more carlos and oscar fics if you're up for it!!
what can i say, thank you so damn much for reading my fics, it means the world to me <3
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beansmack2021 · 6 months
She's Yours Now (Pt. 2)
Platonic!Teen!Reader x Hazbin Crew
TW: Mentions of abuse, death, murder, Reader is lowkey kind of op lol, mentions of drugs
Charlie wasn't really sure who she'd expected to see when her father sent her straight into the heart of Pride. She just knew that Lucifer himself didn't believe that this new soul deserved to be damned to Hell for eternity. Or until the next extermination, if she was one of the unlucky casualties.
She tried not to think too hard about the fates of many of her people. She'd start seething soon enough, and then she'd be practically useless on their trip to find their newest arrival. Still, she couldn't help the sensation of her blood boiling when she pictured the masked angel exorcists.
"Char, breathe. You're crushing my hand."
She snapped out of it pretty quickly. "Sorry, Vaggie. I'm just... I'm thinking about the extermination. We don't have much time, and I mean, we have plenty of people who don't even deserve to be here, but they're going to die again. This new arrival is apparently the perfect example. My dad doesn't even think she should be here."
Charlie personally didn't believe any sinner deserved the punishment that Heaven had dealt them. The whole point of her hotel was to make the people of Hell see the light and bring them to their utopia. It hurt to know that even if every other soul in Hell left, she'd never be able to, but she also knew that her life's mission was to help others.
She took a deep breath, the sulfuric smell and red haze of Hell reminding her that she couldn't just wallow, and she definitely couldn't rage. She, Angel Dust, and Vaggie had been walking for what felt like hours. They'd passed plenty of bloodied up sinners, a few shaking each other down for some baggies of white powder, but still didn't notice anyone out of the ordinary.
That was until they heard a crashing sound in the alley to their right. Vaggie readied her spear, leading the way quietly down the alley. They heard another rustling sound and Vaggie quickly pointed her spear at the source of the sound.
Charlie put her hand out in front of Vaggie to lower her spear, taking in the girl before them. She was small, definitely younger, and terrified. She had doe-like features, like fluffy ears, a snout, white freckles, and big eyes. Her hair was dark and curly, and she had curtain like bangs. She definitely didn't look like she belonged there. They found their new arrival. She sniffed once, eyes wide as she stared at them.
"Please. Don't hurt me." The young doe was practically whispering.
"Oh! We're not going to hurt you! We're here to help." Charlie crouched down, offering the girl a warm smile. "I'm Charlie Morningstar. I run the Happy Hotel here. Our mission is to redeem as many sinners as possible so that they may make it to Heaven someday."
The girl looked at the ground in front of her, thinking to herself for a moment. "So... this really is Hell, huh?"
Charlie nodded once, trying to maintain her composure. She really just wanted to hug the young doe, but she knew that that was probably the one thing the girl wanted the least.
"I know why I'm here. I know I did a bad thing. I just didn't realize the one bad thing could outway so much good. Especially since I did a bad thing for a good reason. I was trying to make sure nothing happened to anyone else, the way it happened to me." She put her head in her hands, laughing once, but it wasn't a happy laugh. She was in shock.
Charlie reached out a hand, trying to comfort the girl, but it was almost like she sensed the movement in the air. She flinched, grabbing onto the wall behind her and the trashcan beside her. She pulled herself up and took off down the road.
"No! Come back! We're just here to help!"
Vaggie met Charlie at the end of the alley, putting a hand on her shoulder. The same gesture that had the doe-ish girl running for the hills. A gesture that was supposed to be comforting and instead scared her more.
"Uhhhh... toots, you're gonna wanna see this."
Angel Dust stood staring at something on the ground where the girl had once been. Charlie gasped as she took in the sight before her.
"Did she do this?" Vaggie mumbled.
"This" was... definitely a sight.
The trash can was no longer in its original state. There was a gaping hole, with ashy edges. The wall wasn't looking much better. The small girl, who seemed so terrified and helpless, had disintegrated the bricks and metal that had surrounded her.
Charlie looked at Vaggie. "We need to find her. Before someone gets hurt."
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lucygxybaird · 26 days
thank god i'm yours - billinea
but i came to life when i first kissed you. the best me has his arms around you, you make me better than i was before. thank god i'm yours. the worst me is just a long-gone memory, you put a new heartbeat inside of me. thank god i'm yours. Finally, Billy asks Dulcinea a question he's been wanting to ask her for a very long time. (at last at last part four - I think?? - in my billinea series)
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Billy has spent his youth courting danger, dancing with death so often that he follows the steps in his dreams, waking up sweat-soaked and shaking. Often, the dreams are simply memories, playing out the way they always do — the blacksmith falling limp on top of him, heavy as guilt; Jesse Evans, wrapped in moonlit shadows that sink into a snowy forest, nodding at him to go. 
Other times, though, what could have been comes back to haunt him. The makeshift noose, fashioned from a bed sheet and tied to the top bar of his cell, tightens inexorably before he can free himself. The bullet that nicks his leg and brings him to his knees on the dirt road winding through Lincoln pins him down, and he crawls for cover, hearing footsteps coming after him and knowing he’s not fast enough. 
When he wakes up, limbs jerking like a marionette cut from its strings, his heart lodged firmly in his throat, it always takes a few moments for the fear coursing through his blood to dissolve away. He’ll lay there, staring up at the ceiling, letting the steady sound of Dulcinea’s breathing and his daughter’s soft snuffles act like a balm on his frazzled mind. 
Still, he thinks he’s calmer in those moments, waking up from nightmares woven with threads from his past, than he is right now. It’s ridiculous, he knows. It’s downright foolish. This isn’t a matter of life or death, no one will arrest him, or shoot him, or even raise their voice to him. 
Oh, no, it’s just that he’s asking the love of his life to marry him. With a ring that once belonged to his dearly departed mother, for that matter. Not really so serious at all! No! Definitely not. It’s fine! Fine, fine, fine, fine— 
“Billy, for God’s sake, are you breathing?” 
Charlie is watching him from beneath the wide brim of his hat, and even in its shadow, Billy can catch the white gleam of his smile. Billy’s face goes warm, and he ducks his head, bringing up one hand to scratch roughly at the back of his head. The two of them are standing beneath the oak tree growing in the front yard, and despite the shade, Billy can feel sweat matting the curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Have you ever heard a word so often that it just doesn’t mean a damn thing anymore?” he asks. “I swear I’ve told myself it’s gonna be fine so many times, that word is just a little buzzin’ sound.” He waved his hand as if shooing away a bothersome bug. “Like a fly.” 
Or more like a mosquito, the way it keeps stinging him. Fine — she’s going to hate the ring — fine — you’ll stumble over your shoes, you’ll trip over your tongue, you’ll do both — fine — and end up elbowing her in the face — fine — 
She could say no —
It’s going to be fine!
“Billy,” Charlie says, taking him by the shoulders. “You’re thinking about this far too hard. Lemme ask you a question — do you love her?”
It’s so preposterously obvious what the answer is that Billy actually chokes on it, spluttering like Charlie has just thrown water in his face. “Well, I — of course I do!” 
“Okay.” Charlie gives him a little shake. “And do you trust me?”
Billy blinks at him. “Sure, Charlie, with my life.” 
Another little shake, and this time, Billy can’t help but smile ever so slightly. 
“Okay,” Charlie says again. “So trust me when I tell you that you don’t have anything to worry about. Dulcinea loves you. You love her. That’s all that matters. That, and your little girl.” 
Charlie squeezes his shoulders before letting go. “She’s gonna say yes,” he adds. “I don’t have any doubt about that.”
Behind them, the front door opens, and Manuela steps out onto the porch, Kathleen in her arms. Dulcinea is right on her heels, a litany of instructions bubbling on her lips. “And she likes to sleep with her blue blanket, not the yellow one — the yellow one is alright for naps, I think, but it is too scratchy for her to lay with all night — ”
“Dulcinea,” Manuela interrupts gently. “I beg of you, do not worry. She and young Billy will play together, we will feed them their dinner, and we will put them safely to bed. I promise.” 
“I—” Dulcinea flushes. “Oh, I know. Forgive me, please…it is just — she has never been away from home before.” 
Billy crosses the lawn, climbing up on the porch, and even before he has his feet planted on the boards, Dulcinea is reaching for him. He slides an arm around her waist, anchoring her against him. His thumb smooths over the fabric of her shirt tucked against her hip. For a moment, he feels a little thorn of guilt work its way under his skin — Manuela and Charlie taking Kathleen for the night is part of his plan, but if it’s making Dulcinea worry so much…
Then she relaxes against him, leaning her head against his shoulder. The thorn dissipates. “But I am sure she will have a wonderful time,” she says, reaching over to gently stroke Kathleen’s round pink cheek. 
Kathleen babbles, waving her hands as if to agree — and agree vociferously, if the string of squeals and giggles she lets out when Manuela tickles her side is anything to go by. Billy moves to give her a kiss goodbye, and Kathleen leans forward out of Manuela’s arms, reaching for Billy. He kisses her forehead with a resounding mwah!, making her giggle again.
“You gonna miss me?” he says.
She grabs his nose and squeezes. He honks like a goose. She shrieks with delight and does it again. Billy obliges with another Honk! She finds it just as hilarious a second time. And a third. 
“I’m gonna choose to take that as a yes,” he tells her, once Dulcinea has succeeded in prying her little fingers from his nose. “I’ll miss you, too.”
Charlie brings their horse from the barn, and he helps Manuela up, with Kathleen carefully cradled in her arms. Mounting up behind her, Charlie wraps his arms around them both as he takes up the reins, clucking softly to the horse. They go at a slow, easy pace, but it’s still not long before they have become so small as to fit in the palm of Billy’s hand. He and Dulcinea watch until they can’t see the three of them anymore.
He wraps both arms around Dulcinea’s waist, nudging his nose along her hairline. “You want me to go after ’em?” he murmurs. “If I ride fast enough, I can probably catch up before they get too close to home.” 
He’s relieved when she chuckles. “No,” she says. “It will do little Billy good to have a playmate near to his own age, and I know they will take care of her.” Dulcinea turns in his embrace, winding her arms around his neck. “And, besides, it has been a very long time since the two of us had some time to ourselves. I have missed you.”
She smiles at him, and when she leans up for a kiss, Billy’s hands find her hips and draw her even closer. It has been a long time — nearly eight months — and despite spending nearly all day, every day in each other’s company, he knows what she means. He didn’t really picture how becoming a father could change everything; although he would not trade the life he has now for all the riches of the world, he has missed this. Being able to hold her, kiss her, just be with her, without having to pull away to attend to the baby.
“I missed you, too,” he says, kissing her again. He reaches up to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face. She offers him another smile, her eyes never leaving his, and he thinks he could stay suspended here all night, a raindrop poised precariously on the tip of a branch. All he needs is just to know that she loves him, and it’s written in her gaze clear as day. 
“Come on.” Dulcinea takes his hand and leads him back inside, lacing her fingers through his. “I was thinking, after breakfast, perhaps we could go out for a ride? It is a beautiful day.” 
“Sure,” Billy says, offering her a smile. He can only put his plans into action later tonight, and frankly, he’d never even considered what he would do with the whole day. A meal and a horseback ride can at least eat into the afternoon. He wonders where they should go, if they should ride far enough to necessitate packing food, or if that would mean they’d be away too long— 
“What are you thinking about?” She laughs as she pulls eggs from the icebox. “You look like you are trying to figure out a riddle.” 
Billy flushes. He’d also never considered the fact that his face is an open book, but maybe that’s only true when it comes to her. God, he hopes it is. It would be retroactively very embarrassing to imagine Jesse or Pat being able to read every thought on his face. 
“I was just woolgatherin’, I guess,” he says, smiling again. “I was thinkin’ about where we should go on our ride.” 
“Oh, were you?” Raising an eyebrow, Dulcinea looks at him as she cracks eggs into a skillet. “You are telling me the truth?”
He puts a hand over his heart, as if deeply wounded. “Do you think I would lie to you?”
She smiles. “No,” she concedes. “But I think you are keeping something from me, anyway. What are you up to?”
He considers what to tell her. He doesn’t want to mislead her and say nothing, but he also doesn’t want to give anything away. “Well…remember when I told Kathleen a little secret a few days ago?”
Another smile, this one more indulgent. She’s playing along, which he’s immensely grateful for. “I do, yes.”
“It’s to do with that. So I can’t tell you yet. But Kitty knows, and she approves.”
“Well, as long as she approves.” 
She cooks them eggs and fries up bread, and they eat on the porch, in a pair of rocking chairs Charlie made for them after the baby was born. Their food sits on a small table set between their chairs, along with two mugs of coffee. He inhales the rich, pleasant aroma, mixing with the scents of the meal she’s made for them, with the scents of nature around them — the grass, the rustling boughs of the trees, the lavender that grows in a patch under their bedroom window. 
Billy rocks the chair with his foot as he eats, content to vacillate between studying their little patch of land and looking at her. 
“You got a crumb here,” he says, unable to keep from grinning as he reaches over to brush it away with the pad of his thumb. 
She turns her head, and he thinks she’s going to kiss his palm—
“Ow!” It doesn’t really hurt that much — or at all —  but he jumps as her teeth nip at the pad of his thumb. “What was that for?”
Dulcinea gives him an entirely unrepentant smile. “For keeping your secret,” she says. “Even if our daughter thinks it is alright. She also thinks her feet are edible.” 
Billy laughs, and she starts laughing, too, a gale of giggles that spikes into a squeal when he reaches over and pulls her from her chair and into his lap. He leans down and nips at a spot on her neck where he knows she’s especially sensitive, making her squeal and dissolve into laughter all over again. “Bil-ly,” she manages, his name breaking up under a fresh round of giggles. “That — that tickles—!”
He does it again. “Oh, I know.” 
After he’s done it twice more, she turns in his lap, pressing her lips against his before he can commit the offense a fifth time. Billy smiles into the kiss, and though his eyes have drifted shut, he can feel her smiling, too. “You know you’re my best girl,” he murmurs, nudging his nose against hers, a smile still on his face. “There isn’t a man in the world luckier than me.” 
Dulcinea rests her forehead against his, nuzzling closer. “We are both lucky,” she says. “We are lucky to have each other, and we are lucky to have our little girl. We are lucky to have this life.”
“We are,” he agrees, closing his eyes for a moment. Sometimes that luck seems like a mirage, something delicate and ephemeral that will disappear out from underneath him if he takes one wrong step. Sometimes, like now.
But then she kisses him again, nestling against his chest as she rests her head against his shoulder, the top of her head brushing his cheek. They are quiet for a little while. He can feel the warmth of her in his arms, her even breathing fluting against his skin, and her fingers are tracing the path of the veins in the back of his hand where it rests in his lap. This is real, he knows. He can’t say if it’s what he deserves, after everything he’s done; but it’s what he has, and he’s never going to be any less amazed or grateful. 
She stirs in his arms, lifting her head to look at him. “What do you think about that ride now?” 
He insists on taking care of the dishes first, telling her to stay on the porch and soak in the sunshine. When he comes back out, his shirtsleeves still rolled up and a few suds clinging to his fingertips, she’s saddled both their horses and led them around. Billy shakes his head. “You couldn’t just sit and let me wait on you, could ya?”
“No,” she says, smiling comfortably. “Now come on.” 
She does, at least, allow him to grab their hats from the bedroom, to lift her up into the saddle. Although he has no idea where they’re going, Billy is perfectly happy to follow her; she sets the pace and the path, cantering toward the small copse of trees spread out at the bottom of the slope that rolls away behind the house. 
They ride close enough to hold hands, Billy keeping a firm free hand on the reins of his own horse and a close eye on hers. Her horse is as gentle and calm a creature as he can be without actually being a stump — a compromise, because he’d begged her not to ride at all while she was pregnant with Kathleen, and she refused to simply be stranded at home — but still, he watches to make sure she’s safe with just one hand on the reins. 
She takes them through the trees, following a path that meanders underneath a shifting roof of green and gold, dappled shadows dancing over their heads. A companionable silence falls between them again, and Billy starts to hum, a soft, aimless tune that echoes the Irish lullabies his mother used to sing for him. 
Just beyond the woods, there’s a small pond, as round and silvery as a hand mirror. A few trees straggling rom the copse lend their shade to the water, and they tie the horses to a low branch, close enough to the lake so they can drink. Billy leans against the trunk and pulls Dulcinea into his lap, nuzzling at her hair. 
“Remember when we sat under a tree like this, right after you told me you were pregnant with Kathleen?” he asks, and she nods, humming softly in affirmation. 
She turns to look up at him, smiling a little. “I was worried about what you would think,” she says. “But you told me the baby was ours, that we made it together.”
“And that I love you,” he reminds her. “And—”
“Her,” she interjects, just as she had done then. “And you made fun of me for being so sure.”
“Aw, well, I wouldn’t call it makin’ fun — ”
Dulcinea shrugs in a complacent sort of way, as if it’s all water under the bridge now. “In any case, next time, you will not doubt me, will you?” 
He kisses the top of her head, thrilling to the idea of next time. They’ve talked about it here and there since Kitty was born, but not so confidently as this, like it’s inevitable. “No, I promise.” 
Billy tips his head back against the trunk, looking at the latticework of branch, leaf, and sky. After a few moments, he closes his eyes; he feels Dulcinea shift in his lap just a little bit, and then a little leathery creak, a soft rustling noise. She must have brought a book in the pocket of her dress. Without opening his eyes, Billy draws his fingertips idly up and down her arm, humming softly to himself again. 
“What do you think about Antonio?”
“Antonio. For a boy. Someday, I mean.”
He smiles a little. He isn’t quite dozing, but he definitely isn’t fully awake. Her words filter to him slowly, pleasantly, like the sunshine coming down through the leaves. “Mmm,” he agrees. “Antonio, sure. That’d be nice.” 
She chuckles. “It would, yes.”
He does drift off for a while after that, or at least, he gets close to it. It’s just so peaceful out here, with Dulcinea nestled in his lap, the wind whispering through the leaves of the tree above them. Occasionally blades of grass tickle his hand where it rests on the grass beside him, the other continuing to idly stroke Dulcinea’s arm. He can feel the kiss of the sun on his cheek, and somewhere in the woods behind them, birds are singing to each other. 
All through those years that lurk in his nightmares now, like wolves in the inky shadows of the desert, he’d always assumed he would go out fighting. Guns blazing, a scream trapped in his throat, a snarl of defiance frozen on his face even as his blood surged a final swan song through his veins with every frantic beat of his heart. He expected — if he was lucky — an unassuming grave, where Dulcinea and anyone left who loved him could come and visit with him. If he was unlucky, a traitor’s grave, tumbled into a dark maw of earth just waiting to receive him. 
Maybe, if anything, he thought he’d spend the rest of his life on the run, always looking over his shoulder, always hearing threats in the creak of a floorboard, seeing enemies in a flicker of movement from the corner of his eye. He had hated the idea of that life for himself, but more than anything, he’d felt the weight of shame turning his bones to dust — shrinking him down, day by day, moment by moment — as he thought of Dulcinea, of Manuela and Charlie, their little boy. They deserved so much better than that life, and they would’ve only been trapped in that hateful twilight because of him. 
But this? Laying in the sun with the woman he loves in his arms, his baby safe with friends so beloved they might as well be blood — with his only concerns being the ring waiting beneath the floorboards, and an answer that will (probably, hopefully) be the one he wants to hear? No, he never expected this, not for a second. He barely even let himself want it. It was like wandering in the wilderness without any food or water. The more you considered how desperately thirsty you were, how badly your stomach ached for lack of nourishment, the worse that pain would be. 
He stirs, turning his head blindly until his lips find the crown of Dulcinea’s head. “I love you,” he says, and he feels her snuggle closer. 
“I love you,” she says, then she taps his cheek gently with a forefinger. “Wake up, mi amor. We should head back now. It’s past lunchtime.” 
“M’awake,” he mumbles. His eyes flutter open, and he smile to see her leaning toward him, her face the only thing he can see. “Hi there.” 
She laughs and kisses him. “Hello.” 
Dulcinea stands up, and as soon as Billy is on his feet beside her, he scoops her up into his arms. She half-laughs, half-shouts, putting her arms around his neck to steady herself, and he just grins at her. “I’m not done holdin’ you yet,” he says, and puts her on his own horse. 
Tying the reins of her horse to the pommel of his saddle, Billy mounts up behind her, his arms encircling her waist. Dulcinea hums softly and leans back against him, and they ride home through a ripening afternoon, with Dulcinea’s horse following placidly along. 
“What about a picnic in the yard?” he suggests, as they ride up to the house. She opens her mouth to answer, and he says: “I’m makin’ lunch, you’re findin’ a nice spot to set up the blanket and then you’re gonna relax while I throw everything together.” 
She laughs. “Yes, sir.” 
He makes them both frizzled ham sandwiches and cooks up some beans, slathering biscuits with jam and butter while the beans bubble gently in the pot. When everything is finished, he plates it all, pouring two tall glasses of lemonade. Billy makes his way carefully out onto the porch, one plate balanced in the crook of each arm and a glass clutched in each hand. He smiles when he sees her on a blanket spread out on the grass, not far from their little garden. 
“Finally,” Dulcinea teases, reaching up to take the glasses from him, and then the plates, so he can sit down without spilling anything. “I thought I was going to have to come in and help you.”
“I woulda kicked you out,” he says mildly, making her giggle. 
After she finishes eating, Dulcinea stretches out with her head in Billy’s lap, reaching up every now and then to feed him bits of biscuit and jam. Billy leans back on his hands, a little content noise rumbling in his chest at the taste of sweet strawberry preserves on his tongue. He tries to consider everything he has to do tonight, and how he’s going to do it without her noticing. She presses another bit of strawberry jam-slathered biscuit to his lips, and he smiles. 
“Why don’t you go pick some more strawberries this afternoon?” he suggests, idly coming his fingers through her hair. “We’re almost out of this jam.” 
She smiles up at him, raising an eyebrow. “And what are you going to do while I’m gone?” 
Billy grins back at her. “I’ll keep myself occupied somehow,” he teases. “Maybe I’ll teach myself how to do a handstand.” 
She laughs. “As long as you are making yourself useful.” 
They clean up the picnic and Billy stubbornly takes over dish duty again, watching her as she finds the basket and a hat to shade her face. He kisses her goodbye and watches her leave from the backdoor; there are bushes growing in a clearing maybe halfway through the little wood, and he knows she won’t come back until the basket is full. He wonders if she’s walking rather than riding to give him a little more time — she’s already sussed him out to some extent, after all. He knows that from this morning. It makes him smile, although he hopes there will still be an element of magic. 
She deserves that and more. 
First things first — he gets under the table and jimmies up the loose floorboard, where they keep their money and valuables. He finds the ring wrapped in its handkerchief, and tucks the little bundle carefully into his pocket. He crawls back out carefully, like he’s shifting his way through a delicate mineshaft; it would not do to have a gash on his temple or a bruise on his forehead when he proposes. There aren’t many things less romantic than a head injury. 
He’s especially grateful that he’s suggested the strawberry picking expedition as he makes his way across the front yard, accompanied by a clanking sound like he’s wearing a suit of armor. He has to make several trips back into the house, and even working as quickly as he can, he’s only just finished when he hears Dulcinea call out to him. 
Billy races around the side of the house with perhaps less subtlety than is prudent, but considering he usually greets her coming home like he’s a puppy waiting by the door, it’s entirely possible she doesn’t notice. (He’d admit it to anyone who asked, too. He doesn’t mind telling the world that he’s that devoted to her. Who wouldn’t be? is his view.)  “Hi, baby,” he says, and she just smiles at him. “How’d it go?”
“Look,” she says, holding out the basket. As he suspected, it’s completely full. “I think I’ll make use some in jam tonight, maybe a pie.” She looks up at him, a smile still lingering at the corners of her lips, even as she tries to school her expression into one of innocence. “If you still have ways to keep yourself busy.” 
Again, he wonders just how much of a surprise this is actually gonna be. The closer he gets, though, he realizes it’s less about that, and more about making this as beautiful and romantic as he possibly can. And, of course, about her saying yes. 
“I have a couple things,” he admits.
She leans up to kiss him. “Hmm, well, you take care of that, and I’ll get started taking care of these,” she says, hefting the basket more firmly into her arms. 
By the time the beguiling scent of fresh-baked strawberry pie is wafting on the breeze, the sun has begun to set, and he’s ready. He puts the finishing touches on with trembling fingers. His heart is pounding so fast that he thinks he can feel it everywhere, loosening up his joints and driving the breath out of his lungs each time he attempts to draw one in. 
He changes clothes behind the cover of the broad tree trunk, and then steps toward the house, trying to swallow the frog in his throat. “Dul—?” His voice cracks, and he clears his throat again. “Dulcinea? Could you come out here?” 
It seems to take an eternity for her footsteps to make their way across the kitchen floor, but after a moment, he hears them; and then she’s on the porch, wearing a gratifying expression of surprise at the sight of him in his Sunday best. He offers her his hand to walk down the porch steps. “Don’t you look handsome,” she says, and as she places her hand in his, he thinks she might be trembling. 
He leads her around the corner of the house, eyes trained on her face; at the sight of what he’s set up for her, she gasps, her free hand going to her mouth. He can see the lights reflected in her eyes, the flickering glow caressing her face as if trying to bestow kiss after kiss after kiss. 
“Oh, Billy…” 
He’s strung up lanterns in the branches, lighting each one so the tree is crowned in a dancing halo of gold. Some are their own, but he’s had to borrow some from Charlie and Manuela, from Tom O’Folliard, from the rest of the Regulators — honestly, he ended up with more than he needed, but they all wanted to help. 
He dragged the small table from the front porch to the base of the tree, dotting the surface with candles. Their warm glow softens the petals of the flowers he’s set in the vase — marigolds, her favorite, along with some of the lavender from underneath their window. There’s a bottle of wine, too, along with two glasses. She takes a step forward, taking it all in, her hand at her mouth. 
“Billy,” she breathes, her voice tremulous. “Oh, it is beautiful…” 
Getting down on one knee, Billy takes a deep breath, taking the ring out of his pocket and holding it out. She turns around to find him like that, and she lets out a little watery gasp, her eyes sparkling -- overbright — as she takes him in. 
“My love,” she says softly. 
He takes courage from her smile, as he always does, and he takes a deep breath to further fortify his nerves. 
“All I wanted from the moment I saw you was to just…be with you,” he says. “For as long as I could, in whatever way you wanted me. I told myself even just hearin’ your voice for a moment would have been enough, like if an angel had stepped down from heaven and decided to talk to me. Then you said I could see you again, and I knew I was fooling myself.”
She giggles.
“A moment with you never woulda been enough,” he goes on, smiling back at her. “That first night, I knew I wanted a lifetime of moments. I wanted to know every little piece of you, wanted to memorize your heart like a map until I could find my way around blindfolded. I was yours the minute we met, and all I could do was hope that you might somehow…” Billy laughs shakily. He still can’t believe somehow became his life. “…you might somehow realize that you wanted to be mine.” 
She wipes at her eyes, but she’s still smiling, so he takes that as a good thing. 
“I thought it couldn’t get any better than knowin’ that you love me,” he says. “And then I got to see you with our little girl. I got to build a life with you, day in and day out, all those little moments that I wanted from the beginning. It’s everything to me. They knew my name from one side of the country to the other, once, but I only wanted everyone to know that I’m yours.” 
He takes a deep breath. Oh, God. 
“It’s still all I want,” he says. “For everyone to know that I’m yours, that I’m so goddamn lucky to be your man, the father of your children.” He swallows, smiles, and holds the ring up again. “Will you marry me?” 
Dulcinea just holds her hand out, tears running in gold-tinted rivulets down her cheeks, and Billy laughs as she wiggles her finger, his voice breaking under the weight of his joy, which marks his face in golden gleams of his own. “Yes,” she blurts out, just as he’s sliding the ring onto her finger, making him laugh again. “Yes, yes, of course I will.” 
As soon as the ring is safe on her finger, Billy’s on his feet, pulling her into his arms. She gasps and clings to him, curling her fingers into his hair. They hold each other like that for a long time, long enough for more than one of the candles to blow out in the soft breeze. When Billy finally pulls away, he reaches up to catch her face between his hands, wiping the remaining tears away with the pads of his thumbs. 
“I love you,” he says, and she leans up to kiss him.
“I love you.” 
She kisses him again, taking one of his hands between hers. She lays it against her stomach. He feels his heart flip over in his chest, and a giddy smile spreads over his face before she even has the chance to speak. 
“Well,” she says, laughing a little. “It is funny that you mention being the father of my children, because…” 
He whoops like a little boy, snatching her up in his arms again and spinning her around, making her laugh. Billy buries his face against her hair, holding her as tightly as he dares. “Antonio, huh?” he says, and she giggles.
“I was not sure you would remember that. I thought you were asleep.” 
“I told you I was awake…” 
She giggles again. “Mmm, you did not seem awake, marido.” 
“I was.” 
Dulcinea lifts her face and kisses him again, smiling softly. “We have a lot of work to do,” she points out. “A wedding, before this baby comes.” 
He kisses the top of her head. “We do,” he agrees happily. 
There’s no work in the world he’s ever been happier to do. 
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ebonysplendor · 9 months
Where Winter Crows Go Review ❄️🐦‍⬛
TL;DR: Chaga mushrooms ain't the only thing that Crowe be foraging, but this time he doesn't want to share the spoils with the squad for research purposes.
Game Link: https://prikarin.itch.io/where-winter-crows-go
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Optional Reader-Insert with choice of pronouns, Yandere LI, 17+ Spiciness: 1/5 -- It gets a little flirty, but it's sweet and innocent LI Red Flags: 3/5 -- Manipulative, little hands on, has a temper
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Okay, so, the full release finally came, and ya girl was SO excited! The demo was very promising, but I needed a little more convincing. That being said, this wasn't by any means one of the one's that I was the most ecstatic about, but I was still excited enough about it to check back occasionally for the full release. I just so happened to get lucky recently and saw that it had actually dropped back in November. So, I was late, but not embarrassingly so. Now, this review on the other hand... But listen! I just recently decided to take the plunge and start making reviews, so mind ya business lol.
Anyways, this isn't about me and my tardiness, this is about this pleasant little game that really went for it in the full version, and boi, did they go for it!
I'd classify this as one of those "slow burn" visual novels, simply because it's not obvious that our LI is a lil' psycho off the rip, and there's nothing too unsettling from the jump aside from getting caught in a blizzard. Actually, since we're on the topic, the LI -- his name is Crowe Lynn, by the way -- is actually pretty damn hospitable, and he's a full blown scientist. The most shocking part is, he isn't even doing anything sketchy! for the most part. He is deadass living in the middle of nowhere for research purposes and is writing books to know why nature is...well, naturing, for lack of better wording.
That being said, I think the intro is long enough, and I'm really excited to tell you more about this game, because you guys have got to play this whenever you get the chance! As always, I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
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So, boom. We're -- or Aspen, should you decide to play through their eyes, but I prefer self-insert -- going on a trip in our favorite run down car to get to some town where there is supposed to be this really nice place to let off some steam via skiing. Trust me, we did research on this; we know what we're talking about. Anyways, while driving, we start noticing how we've been on this same road for a long time, and yet, we haven't seen anybody for an equally long time.
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Run down car? Long road? No one for miles? You already know what's about to happen.
Yep, you guessed it, we get a flat, and as you've also probably guessed, we have no spare tire, but bear with me! The game isn't this predictable, I swear! You've gotta understand that it can just be a little hard to get away from certain tropes, and let's be real, they kind've have to happen for plot purposes. I mean, think about if we actually had a tire in the trunk. We would've been outtie, we would've had a great trip, and there would've been no game lol. Sometimes, you just gotta cut the devs some slack.
Anywho, so yeah, flat tire and no spare. Naturally, we hike it to try to find some help, but the weather kind've picks up, and the clothes that we have, while appropriate for the cold, aren't adequate enough for a full blown blizzard. No worries though, because guess who comes to the rescue? This guy!
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Everybody, this is Crowe. Crowe, this is everybody.
As you'd expect (I know I keep saying that, but lmao it's not a overly predictable game, I swear!), Crowe is this really chill dude. Actually, more than a chill dude, he's a massive nature nerd. That's actually why he's out in the middle of the woods anyways! Like I mentioned before, he's researching why nature be naturing, specifically -- at least, his current topic from the way it was worded is -- partial migration. If you've never heard of that, don't even worry about it, in the game he explains it to us. Like, I'm telling you. This man is super into this stuff, and we love a smart man.
Getting away from that though, he basically ends up telling us that the town that we're in is pretty much deserted with the exception of like 13 other people, and because of the blizzard, the time it'd take to clean the roads, the likelihood of there being another blizzard right behind the one that just happened, and cleaning up after that blizzard, getting to our planned destination just wasn't going to happen. ...Well, shit.
What are we going to do then? Our car has a flat, we can't travel, and there's not any resorts nearby. No worries though, because the bae came through! He said "Oh, you can just stay with me!" Oh wooooooord???
So guess what we do? Make ourselves cozy in this bomb ass cabin. I'm not even exaggerating about that. Like, this cabin is REALLY nice! Take a peek!
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That's just our room and the hallway. You can only imagine how bomb the rest of the place looks. Like, I'm telling y'all, it's super cozy up in here. But we must stay focused! And by we, I mean me, because I could go on and on about how nice this cabin looks.
Back to the topic at hand though, we've agreed to stay with Crowe, even though, we honestly don't have much of a choice, but it was just dope that Crowe was cool with everything. That being said, during our stay, we do all kinds of pretty cool stuff! We go foraging with him for chaga mushrooms and winterberries, we create some powders to add to other stuff, and we make some medicines. Everything was going super smoothly ... until it wasn't.
Crowe kind've has...a weird temper. Like, we had accidentally gotten hurt, and he had gotten super pissed about it. We love a man that cares about his guest, but he was a bit overdramatic about it. You'd think we would've lost a limb or something. The main thing that got him really pissed, though, was when we had mentioned our car and implied leaving. He did not like that, and when I say we got into it bad? Oh, the insults were flying. Like, look at this!
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So, yeah, we fought, and what about it? It's whatever. Forget him...
...Actually, we felt really bad about the whole thing, and so did he. We talked it out, and everything was all good again; however, now he's acting really weird, we're getting really suspicious, and we still have to get home. That being said, we call it an early night, borrow one of his books, and pretty much make a gameplan so we can figure out how to get home as well as what the hell is going on that is not only making Crowe act weird, but what is going on in general.
And we do! We sneak out the next morning and ... we actually make things worse because now, we're REALLY confused. I'm not going to get into the details, but just know that there are more questions than answers at this point. So, yeah, while the investigating helped, it only helped a little, and I genuinely mean only a little.
One thing that we know for sure though...
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This man is definitely crazy in love with us.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Lol I'm sorry! But if I tell you the rest, it'll literally be the ending, and it'll ruin it! You know how much I want you guys to play it, so no way am I going to spill the details, but like most visual novels, how it ends is completely up to the choices that you make.
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Guys...the full game delivered.
I prefer choice heavy visual novels like Darling Duality and Forcefully Yours, but this still wasn't bad by any means. I actually thought it was quite good! Like I said, the most shocking thing to me about all of this is that this man is deadass a scientist! Like, he really isn't doing anything entirely sketchy out there! That was the biggest plot twist of the century to me! But, anyways, letting go of that. Let me tell you more of my thoughts on the game, and why I feel like you should play it whenever you get the chance.
The visuals are absolutely stunning, first and foremost. So far, my favorite VN visual wise has been Mushroom Oasis, but this is definitely a solid number 2 spot. I absolutely adore the art style. I also appreciate the revamp that they did with Crowe. There is nothing wrong with femboys by any means, but to me, Crowe was a little girly looking, and he very much so looked like a small child lol. Like look at the difference in this.
This is the old Crowe Lynn
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And this is the new Crowe Lynn
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Lol you see what I mean? He looked like a child that wanted to be a scientist when he grew up versus the actual adult him that chose science as a profession. The redesign was definitely a good choice, and I love how he looks now, especially with the longer hair and worn out lab coat. What do you think, though? Which did you prefer?
Aside from that though, you know what one of my favorite things about the game was? The fact that -- and listen close, because this is about to be a tip! -- the endings that you get are based more on how the character feels about Crowe versus how Crowe feels about us. How curious is that?
In a majority of visual novels, the endings are literally dependent on how far we push the LI or their affinity for us, but it's not like that in this one. We get a different ending based on if we trust him or not, if we flirt back with him or ignore his remarks, and some other factors that I don't want to include and possible spoil the story. I just thought that was a really interesting take, and that was super creative of the developer. It was definitely refreshing to play as more of myself and base the gameplay on my -- or rather my character's -- feelings versus playing for the LI and his feelings.
With all that in mind, I definitely say give this game a go! It has a nice mystery/suspense to it, and not to mention, there is a really bomb song during the credits. I was so sad to see that it was not on Spotify! Well, let me clarify, it IS, but it's not available to me which sucks ass. It's not even on YouTube, and it hurts me so bad! Ugh!
Anyways, in case my feelings and opinions weren't clear -- play this game, play this game, play this game, play this game! As always, be sure to leave your comments on the dev's page if you feel like they've done a good job, and you want to give them that extra reassurance to keep making games. Of course, donations are always helpful to them as well! Like mentioned at the very top, here is a link to the game so that you can play it for yourself, and I really want you to play it for yourself!
That's all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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Where Winter Crows Go
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ninigummysmile · 2 years
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐲 - 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨
Summary: Your girlfriend needs to stop the car to relieve some of the desire she’s feeling for you
Jisoo x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 1.257
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Early in the morning the sun shines brightly, giving you the certainty that your family's country house will be great for hiking and entering the lake, which normally has very cold water.
You've taken this road trip many times before, but it's your first time with your girlfriend. Since you were a little girl, you memorized some parts of the landscape and every time you do the route, you check to see if everything is still the same despite the several years that have passed.
When you and Jisoo go on car trips to nearby cities, you already have a road map that you like to follow. You go from the drive-thru to breakfast in the car as you watch the sun get higher and higher as the hours pass, put on your travel playlist (something that when you first went traveling, Jisoo insisted that you make a special playlist to cheer yourself up in the car until you reach your destination), you make small talk and many times you take a nap, even though you say you're going to keep your girlfriend company.
At the moment you just enjoy the traffic-free road, you hum along with the background music as you wait for the next question she's going to ask you.
“Okay, what about that dice game?” you have the intimacy to talk about anything and even if in the beginning you were shy of some subjects, nowadays it is something very natural.
“What dice game?” you have an idea what she's talking about, but you need to make sure it's what you’re thinking.
“The one where you have two dice. One for a body part and one for an action”
“Like, kiss on the boobs?”
“Yeah, like that” she laughs at your example.
“You want to buy? I’ve heard of it, I think it would be cool if we tried it”
“Do you think you would be able to come just from that?”
“I don't know” you shrug. “But I'm sure it must be pretty exciting. Better than the last card game we bought”
“Hey, don't talk like it's my fault” she defends herself. “You were the one who insisted we buy and didn’t have the patience to follow the rules”
“It's because it was too complex! An erotic card game shouldn't have so many rules, the only objective is to feel pleasure and the only thing I wanted to do was lie down and sleep” you laugh.
“Alright” the subject seems closed all of a sudden, until her words escape her mouth without a second thought. “Now I need to buy these damn dice because the image of us playing while you're in that red lingerie won't get out of my head”
“The red one, your favorite… I even think it's the one I'm wearing right now” you smirk.
“Don't do that, baby” she swallows a moan. “I need to focus on the road”
“I didn't do anything, you're the one who gets wet with your own dirty thoughts”
“Because you are the one who induces these thoughts” she replies, taking one of her hands off the steering wheel and placing it on your thigh.
“No way, both hands on the wheel, Jisoo”
“I'm multitasking, I can drive and touch you at the same time” her eyes don't leave the road.
“What kind of touch do you mean?”
“And I'm the one with dirty thoughts, huh?”
“Always with the answer on the tip of the tongue” you mutter and roll your eyes.
“Unbutton your shorts for me, love”
“Are you serious?”
“I will stop at the next exit, but until then I need to prepare you”
“Fuck” your curse is camouflaged by the buttons and the material sliding down your legs.
“Don't take your panties off,” she warns. “Like I said, the red one is my favorite”
She moves her hands up as she massages your thigh and tucks the lacy fabric to the side.
“Hmm” the sound comes from the back of her throat as she feels your wetness.
She collects your discharge to lubricate your clit and makes small circles on it. You sigh and spread your legs to give her more space.
Her finger teases your entrance and enters you at once, she groans low in surprise at the ease with which you swallowed her.
She likes to take her time appreciating every detail of you, whereas you're impatient and like to feel overwhelmed with pleasure and this leads you to move your hips in search of more friction. The second finger is added and your loud moans begin to mix with the music that plays low on the radio.
One of your hands grips the seat belt as if your life depended on it and an avalanche of intense pleasure rushes through you. When you open your eyes, the car pulls to a stop on a small dirt road and is parked near a thicket.
“Back seat, my love” she instructs as she wipes her fingers with her mouth.
With wobbly legs, you take off your seat belt and sit in the back seat, while she sits next to you, you remove your blouse and panties, wanting to give her the satisfaction of your breasts covered by the red material.
She takes off all her clothes and pulls out a double dildo from a backpack that's on the floor in the backseat.
She lays down with her back on one of the doors and you do the same on the other. Lubricating one end in her wetness, she inserts it and is momentarily gasped for breath.
“Come here, angel. Let me help you” she calls you with her voice full of desire and slowly inserts the other end inside you.
You stand still to enjoy the feeling of the dildo tearing you apart from the inside. She moves her hips and moans escape your mouths.
With her head thrown back, she grabs her breasts and says “Baby, I need you to move too. Your pussy is so tight that the fucking fake dick barely moves inside you”
You whimper aloud as much from the pleasure as from Jisoo's uttered words, you know it won't last long and you'll come again quickly.
Your girlfriend pulls you closer and you practically scream when you feel the material seem to touch your stomach. You're lost, dizzy in the oncoming climax, but you can hear her ask between moans “Are you going to come with me?” you nod fervently. “Yeah?” you nod again “So rub that pretty clit of yours for me” she begs doing the same to her own sex.
You are a mess. Sweat pouring from your foreheads, moans being screamed inside the hot car and liquid oozing from both sides of the dildo as you come together, moaning each other's name incessantly.
Your heartbeat finally slows and you hiss as she takes the dildo out of you.
“We better go because we have at least an hour to get there”
“I don't know if I'm able to drive with my legs now, they feel like Jello” she notes with a smile.
“Take your time, love” you kiss her temple. “In the meantime, I'm going to get ready for my nap, enjoy that you made me tired” you laugh in her face and put your clothes back on.
“You're lucky that I love you” she says even though she knew before leaving home that you were going to sleep whether you were tired or not, breaking the promise to keep her company.
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chaoticgeminate · 1 year
It's You
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!Reader
Rating: G
Word Count: 710
Summary: Just a meet cute with super dad
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Traffic was the worst.
Returning from a work trip this late at night was more for your own mental health than necessity, you had to disconnect from work and escaping the hotel early was the best way to do it. But this was just plain awful, you had jumped onto a back road to avoid this exact scenario, it seemed you weren't the only one who wanted to avoid the holiday traffic on the highway.
The night air was filled with cicada and cricket song, the puff and rumble of cars and trucks, and the low cacophony of everyone's music melding into one sound. You huffed lightly behind the silver sedan in front of you, watching as a tiny hand emerged from the window to make a shadow puppet on the back of the 18 wheeler ahead and smiled.
The kid was probably even more bored than you were if they were resorting to shadow puppets.
Casually you reached out and matched her little dog face with a snake, since you wanted to avoid using both hands, and the shrill laugh of delight from ahead cut through the boredom as a larger -masculine- hand formed an even larger canine puppet that was protecting the smaller one.
In the glow of your headlights you smiled as the girl turned around in her seat to wave at you, the gesture returned outside of the window so she wasn't blinded trying to see through the lights, and you almost rejoiced when the traffic began to move. You shifted to the right to make a turn onto a different back road and noticed the silver car slowing just a hair.
As you turned off the road you glanced in time to see a man, a handsome man, wave at you along with his teenage daughter. You returned the gesture and focused back on the road, glad for the night being dark enough to hide the warmth on your face. You weren't one to call yourself desperate but the attention of a handsome man making you fluster this bad, a man with a daughter -and likely a wife- on top of it, should not have gotten you this bad.
“Ugh, I just need to get this out of my system.”
Being set up for a blind date was not what he meant when he told Miracle Guy he wanted to be paid back for covering his patrol, the blond hero had taken Marcus’ advice and finally agreed to go to couple’s counseling to repair his struggling marriage. But this? Being set up with one of Heather's friends?
It was a damn shame but Marcus had hoped to run into someone else meandering around the city. But life wasn't some romance novel, and New York was a big state, he doubted he'd ever see that woman again.
Who was she? He could only believe she was kind, fun loving, if she decided to play -even briefly- with Missy. It had already been a week and his urge to see if his dash cam picked up that woman's license plate number had not disappeared at all.
He fiddled with the bouquet of flowers he brought with him, choosing one was tricky since he didn't want to being roses or carnations, it was a bit traditionalist but Marcus hadn't wanted to appear rude to his surprise date either. He picked mums and hoped she liked them, to avoid flowers with a romantic meaning.
The event was casual, an outdoor art exhibit, so he opted for a pair of black jeans with a gray plaid short sleeve, choosing to brush his hair back instead of slicking it to the sides like he did for work, and Marcus was glad he went for the glasses instead of contacts. A blend of super hero Moreno and causal dad Marcus.
“Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find the flats I keep in my car. Heather didn't tell me I'd be walking around.”
He turned toward his date and froze, her shy smile was tinged with embarrassment, and then her eyes widened slightly. His mouth moved before he could stop it, blurting out the first thing that came to mind, and so did she.
“It's you!”
“You're the one from the silver car!”
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littlesislovesyou · 23 days
Atta girl...I hope you enjoy then baby. And I'm glad we agree. I'm happy to hear you like what you see so far~ And of course not! You're just an innocent little girl on the internet and we're having a normal and honest chat. You would never dare do something so naughty and degrading as touching yourself while reading all the fucked up things I wanted to do to you, privately sent for your eyes only. Surely not! 😮🤯😌
I did get into it I couldn't help myself...nearly lost control and said even worse shit in there 😔😩I'm happy you love it though and I love your reactions and responses.
Fuuuuck don't threaten me with a good time that'd be so damn tempting...I'd be hard and horny all day and you DEFINITELY wouldn't be leaving my mind anytime soon because of it 😳🥵 I'll message you one day but boy does that offer tempt me to do it sooner.
But I won't yet. If I'm gonna it's because I want to talk to you as much as I want to tease you and having the confidence and comfortable space to do so <3 but if you did that I would be just as feral as I make you feel. And I suppose that would be a fair deal...
Hey if you can't make blackmail kinky, hot and in a way that someone would smile and even partly wish to be blackmailed by the right person. Then you're doing something wrong >:3 it doesn't have to be all bad yk~ But I'm glad you found it so hot because I really did think about the potential things I could do to you should you have said no and ran from my car and blackmail came to mind.
The second one was chasing you down.. knowing you were walking home one day in my car and you slipping into a heavy forest area. Forcing me to get out and chase you, knife and gun in hand until reach dead end or I catch up and pounce. Pinning you down and ravaging your pussy against the tree while my hand roughly covers your mouth and you have a knife prickling your throat dangerously 🖤 but all roads lead to blackmail eventually right? That's why enjoying the journey is so important 🤭🔪
Well as much as I'd do unspeakable things to you...just between the two of us. Doesn't mean I can't make it a bit romantic here and there you know? It was part of the goal to mix the love and obessiveness with something as filthy as my ptsd filled mind lol but I'm happy I made you melt in a warm and fuzzy way and made you blush. I bet you looked absolutely dazzling~ Just as much as I want to make you melt in lewd ways, I want to also make you feel warm and wholesome happy fuzziness too.
Yes it would sidfjsod LOL and I adore them~ I can't get enough of them and you. Please keep it up...and post however and whenever you're comfortable with doing so and I promise you'll be rewarded for being such a good, obedient whore for me and all of the followers getting off to you, yeah? Like if you were in a gloryhole both surrounded by multiple cocks on all sides. 😘
I am just an innocent little girl! 🥺💕 I don’t get off to strangers sending me dirty things to read and rub my lil cunny too<3 I would neverrr do that hehe
Ah I’m so glad though! I always feel bad because they’re not as long 💓🥺 I appreciate the work you put into them for me<3 I love them heh <333
And of course, always, take your time<3 I’m definitely not going anywhere I’ll be here when you’re ready☺️💓
Ahhh 🫣💓 I think the blackmail was a great touch to it, it really did make me smile<333 I’m sure if I had reached into my shorts I would’ve been all wet for you 💓💓💓 I just wanna make you so feral and obsessed with me and I don’t know why hehe;’) 💓
And alsooo how did you just hit another one of my kinks 💓🫣 I would love it if you just blindfolded me dropping me off in a random city, and hunting me down in it , or a forest like you said!<333 hunting me through the woods, chasing me, until I finally trip and you catch me, cutting my shorts off and taking me right there in the grass 💓💓💓 I bet I’d be crying and begging you to stop 🥺💕 I’d just be so scared and wet<33
Ahh you honestly have no idea what you do to me<3 I look forward to hearing from you like all day heh💓💓
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nailbatss · 4 months
California, Show Your Teeth
This is one of my entries for @harringrovesummerbingo !! I'm hoping to post on A03 sometime too!
Square & Prompt: C1 - Alpha!Steve visiting California beaches to get an eyeful of California omegas
Rating: SFW but alludes to spice
Word Count: 1.5k
Major Tags: a/b/o dynamics, Alpha!Steve, Omega!Billy, swearing, alludes to sexual content, Billy is slightly ooc
Summary: Alpha!Steve has spent too long with the same omegas from Hawkins. He wants to try something new for a change. He hops in his car and drives to California for a beach trip. Somehow, a new omega catches his eye (and maybe his heart).
Steve was sick of the same old same old. What does one do in a situation like this, you may ask? 
He packs his stuff and heads out west. That’s what he does. 
Pedal to the floor, nothing but open roads ahead and the wind in his hair. Tapping his hands on the steering wheel, Steve hummed along to his tape blaring through his car. He was going to see what California had to offer one way or another.
How did he choose California? Simple.
It was far enough away for a better chance.
Now, Steve wasn’t like other knot-headed alphas. He was respectful, kind-hearted, and he had amazing instincts when it came to pups. He was especially the kind that the kids called “babysitter” since he looked after them like they were his own. Being in a position like that makes a guy really crave something he didn’t have. 
And he wasn’t getting any younger.
Hours on the open road will give you a chance to think, especially when he had enough time to think about what he wanted. He wanted to settle down someday, have a family, but he wouldn’t stay stationary in a town that hated him. He would want to travel around, not stay in the same place too long.
That sounded like the life for Steve Harrington.
The sun was intense as he stepped onto the beach. Steve’s eyes trailed along the shoreline, catching a glimpse of the white sand and the crystal clear water. California was pretty, but he wasn’t just trying to look at the scenery. 
Hearing a fit of giggles, Steve turned his attention to a group of girls as they looked at the magazine in front of them. ‘Alpha’s Digest’ the cover reads. What a tacky magazine. He scoffed.
If only he could forget about his mother’s collection of them in the foyer that nobody used anymore. Every month they got delivered and she’d shove them in a box in the front room so his father didn’t find out.
Steve shuddered at the thought.
“Alright, shitbird, you and your friends need to go on.” A voice barked.
That’s when his heart stopped.
Standing around 5’10”, the blonde, curly-haired man was standing with his arms crossed. A skull smoking was inked on his right bicep, appearing to be the only mark on his arm. That’s when he removed his sunglasses to glare at the girl in question, a smaller red-haired girl who was glaring back at him in a challenge almost.
They argued for a few more minutes until the girl caught him staring.
“Oi, you got a problem?”
The blonde snapped and raised his brow, approaching Steve with a blazing glare. 
“You should be staring elsewhere, pretty boy. She’s too young for you.”
“O-Oh, sorry, I wasn’t trying to stare!” Steve defended and held his hands up in defense.
Judging by the stance, and the scent patch on the blonde’s neck, he was an omega. Makes sense as to why he was so protective over the younger girl. Could be his sister or something, Steve reckons. 
“Then what’s your problem?”
“Shit,” Steve paused, “I’m new here. Just checking out the sights… and the beach.” He reasoned. 
The blonde was giving him an updown, taking him in and tilting his head.
“Makes sense as to why you’re so damn pale. You stick out like a sore thumb.” Oh, he’s sassy too, Steve notes. He likes this fiery omega already.
“So um, you wanna help a guy out? Give me a tour or something?” Steve replied weakly.
The omega in question snorts, “Aren’t you forward? Interesting.” He took out a toothpick from his shorts pocket, making him wonder how long he had been keeping those there. “Well? Gonna tell me your name, pretty boy?”
“Steve, Steve Harrington.”
The blonde smirked, “Billy, Billy Hargrove.” He mimicked him. “Damn, you’re pretty for an alpha.”
“How’d you clock me as an alpha?” 
“You’re not trying to jump in my pants like the other alphas ‘round here. I noticed you noticed my patch too. I’m not blind.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“And respectful? Shit, keep talkin and I’ll keep you around. Not used to that at all.”
Billy held out his hand for Steve, confusing the alpha at first.
“Give me your phone, I’ll give you my number. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Steve scrambled to grab his phone and unlock it, handing it to the blonde as he typed away. Looking closer at the omega, Steve realized that he has freckles under his sunglasses. It was really cute. 
“There. Better call me.” He winked and walked away. “I’ll be free around 6.” He called over his shoulder, giving Steve a full view of his perky and round ass.
God knows that he was going to have to head to his hotel to think.
And get his inner alpha to calm down.
‘Hey, this is Steve!’
‘Yeah, I know. You don’t listen to instructions very well, do you?’
‘I’m sorry?’
‘I said to call me, but this works too.’
‘Shit, sorry.’
‘It’s all good. I like when you apologize. It’s cute.’
‘So, are you free to show me around?’
‘What’s in it for me?’
‘I could get you dinner, your choice of place.’
‘Anywhere? Shit, you sure about that?’
‘You would know best, wouldn’t you?’
‘Suppose I would. Alright, meet me here at 7. Don’t be late, pretty boy ;)’
[location received]
Looks like he had a date to get ready for.
Dinner that night went swimmingly. He was able to spend some time getting to know the spitfire that was Billy Hargrove.
“My dad’s a piece of shit, my mom’s dead, and I have a new stepmom and stepsister. That’s who you saw me talking to earlier.” Billy said after taking another bite of pasta.
Steve nodded, taking a sip of the wine he ordered for them to enjoy.
“You’re different for an alpha, I don’t understand you.” Billy pointed out.
That certainly caught Steve off guard. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, we’ve been enjoying dinner and you haven’t tried to flirt with me, try to say some nasty shit, and then wine and dine me? I don’t understand.”
“Because I understand that you’re not an object.” Steve started to answer, making Billy’s eyes widen. “You’re a person and you deserve to be thought of as such.” He met his gaze so he knew he was serious when saying this.
“I’m not going to treat you like other alphas will. When I say shit, I mean it.”
They were both quiet again after that had been said. It felt like electricity crackling through the air; the pair could feel it. Whatever was brewing between them, it could only be contained for a little while longer.
Needless to say, dinner came to a close and the bill was paid in a hurry.
When they got in the car, the emotions were running high. And the hormones even higher.
Slamming against the door, Steve laughed as he pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside. “Alright, alright, easy.” He laughed before lips were on his again.
“You kept me waiting too long, pretty boy. Wanna see what’s under here.” The omega muttered as hands were wandering, feeling his body and setting his inner alpha off. 
‘Omega likes us. Keep going, make him feel amazing.’
Steve pulled him closer and smirked, shutting the door behind him with the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign swinging sideways. Oh yeah, he was going to enjoy this.
After the tangling of limbs and such, Billy was laying on his chest and he looked at Steve.
“Look, I don’t do this, okay?”
“This as in…?”
“Casual dates, then sex. It’s not something I normally do.”
“Well, I don’t either. Not usually anyway.”
They were both quiet for a moment. 
“Do you want it to mean something?” Steve asked him quietly.
“Then it’ll mean something if you’ll have me?”
“Do you want to go on another date?”
“Are you skipping town anytime soon?” Billy fired back and looked up at him.
“I thought about it.” Steve answered honestly.
“Oh.” The omega’s usually beachy scent turned stormy. “I see.”
Sensing his mistake, the brunette tipped his chin back up to face him, “But I’m not. I’ve got nothing waiting back there for me. Here, I have you.” He pressed a kiss between his eyebrows. “I’m here for you.”
Those stormy blues once again turned a brighter crystal color, “Good. Don’t want you to go. Not when I just got you.”
“Then I’m yours, baby.” Steve smiled and their lips met once more.
“You’re mine.” Billy answered. “And I’m yours.”
Steve couldn’t agree more. California had really been amazing to him; he was never going to turn back.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
more cress thoughts and reactions (if i wasn't lazy i would start numbering these)
WHAT is with this lunar guard and WHY would he randomly choose to help these guys. since he's a Named Character (but i already forgot) i'm demanding a pov chapter immediately. probably won't get one until we trust him tho rip
NO WAY SCARLET CAN'T DIE OMG - oh thank goodness she's been taken hostage. that's better because it means she has a chance
what is it with cinder and her tendency to pick up strays?? first thorne now the blondie
cinder got that medical rizz (got blondie to take his shirt to staunch blood)
wait how does blondie know that cinder is the lost princess?? did i miss something??? maybe it was something cress mentioned
"Thorne thought maybe it was best for her to practice (cutting bonds) on herself anyway" DAMN BRO COLD
i wonder if the programming making the sat invisible still applies now that it's crashed. if not we're about to have a big problem on our hands
"somehow she’d never worked the sensation of prickly facial hair into her fantasies. She would amend that after this." MISS GIRL WHAT???? that said i find the diction of 'amend that' there's just something so detached about it lmao
no i agree cress WHY would you give a newly blind man a knife
her hair is getting cut off <3 "It felt as though twenty pounds had been cut from her head" probably because it HAS girly. haircuts are literally magical. feel sad?? get a haircut
"It's not your fault" damn thorne i really appreciate how conscious he is of cinder's and now cress' self blaming problem even though he doesn't act like he's all compassionate. softie
grossed out by thorne kissing a 16 year old even if it was just her hand (someone play sixteen by ayesha erotica)
omg i thought the kids were talking about PRIZE MONEY for a BOUNTY and that we were about to see someone properly threatening appear, not just gummy worms fkshfsdkh. LOVE erland for indulging the children. he seems like a fun uncle type figure to have. i wonder how much those kids make him grieve for his daughter. OMG CINDER MENTION IT I NEED ERLAND'S REACTION
omg cress' descriptions of earth make me feel like i've been taking it for granted <3 i love her to death and i wish her all the happiness in the world
i LOVE thorne's no nonsense attitude, especially when it conflicts with cress' fantasies. yeah!! shake her!! wilderness survival king
tf??? i've never heard of a green sunset????? i'm assuming that this is a rural thing or i'm just gonna pin it down to random radioactive scifi reasons
thorne you know what OTHER than constellations would rule out australia?? THE SAND WOULD BE FUCKING RED. i would know because i did a 6 week cross country road trip across the desert from east to west and back again. i get that he's blind but surely cress would have noticed and thought to mention it (catch me looking for the southern cross constellation whenever i go to the northern hemisphere since it's the only one i can consistently recognise)
whenever cinder gets glamoured she always snaps out of it immediately. even kai, the few times it's happened to him. it's honestly VERY disturbing to read it from scarlet's perspective where she's completely unable to (also now i'm finding kai sus. does he have the implant against his knowledge?? he got out of it with pain but wolf literally got SHOT and stayed glamoured)
cress' backstory is intriguing, ESPECIALLY because idk how she's alive. does experimenting really make her THAT worth keeping before her hacking skills came to light?? why does sybil want to keep shells alive in the first place?? she seems very down with eugenics
holding onto neurodivergent coded cress and defending her with my life. of course some traits overlap with her trauma and being isolated for so long
only just remembered this but i guess now my theory of cress not being fully lunar doesn't hold up now that i know her parents. but with what she's saying about her backstory, makes sense why she doesn't identify with lunars that much
maybe it was thorne that i decided was bi??? just by seeing this line about blackmailing a hot pilot if he were in her position??? now that i think about it he had a similar line about kai or something. anyway with thorne saying he would have blackmailed someone i reckon he's just putting on a facade so no one sees him as a softie. but it's still funny to just make characters queer. it's a coping mechanism
OMG NOW THAT THE SATELLITE HAS CRASHED THE LUNARS ARE EXPOSED. I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT. but the spyware should ALSO be down unless specific feeds went directly to the palace
this read has been such a treat for me!! i mentioned this on a reblog of one of my first cress post, but for those of you who haven't seen it when i was like. 5. my library had this picture book of the biblically accurate grimms brothers rapunzel. BEAUTIFUL illustrations. i was a silly goofy little kid obsessed with morbidity and i LOVED the gory illustrations of the prince's eyes getting stabbed out by thorns and him wandering around the forest all bloody and blind. i tried to find it online but couldn't!! the closest thing to it was rapunzel by sarah gibb which isn't gloriously violent anyway. i want to see if i can hunt it down irl and let you guys know which one it is but i used to frequent three different local libraries + the school library of my primary school was basically my own playground so i can't remember where i used to read it ;-; but yeah all this is to say i'm obsessed with cress as a retelling of rapunzel by far as someone who has a long history and grew up with it <3
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Idk if Capcom were deliberately trying to make RE4R have at least some romantic undertone when it came to Leon/Ashley bc to me it's pretty obvious, there's a bunch of romantic imagery. Like a lot of the side characters reference it; Luis with his Prince Charming comment at that moment and calling Ash a princess (Dulcinea), Ada seeing that Leon actually cares for Ashley (calls her his "friend" at one point in a weird tone of voice), Ramon referring to them as knight in shining armor and princess and keeps taunting him when he loses her, the queen and king puzzle, the way Krauser taunts him and uses Leon's concern for her against him knowing the way to get to him is to mention Ashley, the merchant commenting if he's having a rough day after Ashley stabs him and runs away, Saddler using Ashley specifically to kill Leon knowing it would be torture for them both (he can read people's minds, right? So he knows), Ashley being so strong willed for resisting Saddler for trying to make her commit something she would never even think of and saving his life again when she jams the gun (yeah she prob didn't know that would happen but her unwillingness to shoot regardless of the mind control making her hand shake so much), Leon himself changing when getting to know Ashley and caring for her personally not for the mission he was forced into. He literally was ready to die for her even if it meant that she most likely wouldn't make it out w/o him. The way he carried her at the end!!! Like that's not just his professionalism and determination, there's devotion there and she shares the same sentiment. The way they ride off into the sunrise after "rain" starts pouring and they both smile at each other??? How is that not romantic imagery? If you saw that scene w/o context you would think they were the surviving couple of an action movie. There's more I'm missing bc I've been playing other games but there's a lot of evidence and context clues.
I mean, I absolutely believe that it was intentional on Capcom's part and the Leon and Ashley romance is actually, in fact, what the developers were going for. It would be absolutely batshit for this gigantic mountain of evidence to be an unintended coincidence. But I don't think that they went into it going, "Okay, this time around, we're going to have Leon and Ashley be The Canon Ship in RE."
What Capcom actually did was take Resident Evil 4 and turn it into a fairy tale. It was a really creative take on the game and was likely meant as appreciation for the fact that OG RE4 was such a major part of so many people's childhoods. (Ashley's line at the shooting gallery of "It reminds me of being a kid" plays into this, too, as a little tongue-in-cheek thing.)
So, as a self-contained story, yes, RE4make is a romance between Leon and Ashley. And that's where I think a huge portion of the fandom is getting tripped up on not being able to see it for what it is. They look at Leon and Ashley and go "okay, but this can't actually be the intention because we know xyz happens later in the series." That doesn't matter. That's not the point of what they did.
The point of it was to pay tribute to the way that so many people -- after coming into the series with RE4 OG in their adolescence -- thought of Leon as being a big, dreamy, hero-type character. So, they did that by actually turning him into one this time around who saves the day and gets the girl.
It doesn't mean that Capcom is committing to the actual ship, though. Just because this romantic storyline happened in RE4make doesn't mean that the next installment in the Remake series is going to confirm that Ashley is Leon's girlfriend or someshit. It is still entirely possible that we will never see Ashley Graham ever again.
As part of a greater whole, RE4make is just another stop along the horrible, winding road that is Leon Kennedy's shitty, shitty life. But, at least this time, he actually got to be the big damn hero for once.
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 8 months
WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT HONDO?!??!? DO SHIP WITH HIM SOMEONE?!?! (oc's and selfincerts count!!) TELL ME RGAHHHHHH (Also hi! 🙂)
For real though he's literally so sweet and respectful like it makes my heart melt.😭 Deadass I got that intermission in contender mode one time where he brings food into the ring AND I ACTUALLY FREAKED THE FUCK OUT IT WAS SO CUTE.😭 I hope one day I can get that one where he says to raise your hand when you cross the road I SHIT YOU NOT I WOULD ACTUALLY CRY.🛐 Anyways underrated character for sure, he's so cutie patootie in my eyes.
As for ships I'M SO SORRY TO DISAPPOINT BUT I LITERALLY HAVE NO SHIPS AT ALL BESTIE I APOLOGIZE.😭 I think him and Bear Hugger would be besties though and go out for dinner together and try a ton of different places just for the experience and Bear Hugger would post it to his Facebook account and still insists on tagging Hondo every single time even though he's already in all of the posts. 💀 I think Hondo would also be pretty cool with Sandman because they both have similar ways of thinking but they just express it differently. Like, they seem like they would hang out after their matches and just talk about the good and bad parts of life together and chill. Also completely random but I think Hondo and Kaiser would get along well for no reason other than I just want to believe so, like I can see them planning a trip to the library together and then Kaiser shows up 20 minutes earlier than they planned and then he thinks Hondo is late when in reality he showed up right on time, and then Kaiser gets mad confused when he sees Hondo checking out a cute silly manga instead of the fucking 4000 page copy of the dictionary he reads for funsies but it's okay because they still had fun anyways.😍
Also, HI!💃🕺
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