#......i got a little carried away x'D
Seven forms of love asks: the first one of each category for either Ari, Liam or June?
[ask game]
Ooh so many!! >:] Imma do all of them hehe
Eros 1: Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Ari: Hmm honestly? I'd say so, yeah. He's romantic in a chivalrous kind of way, and even if it's less on purpose and more "how else am i supposed to do this?" i'll still say it counts lol. Once past the courting he's romantic in how much attention he pays to his partner's interests and likes and in how he will support those. That ties into gifts etc. as well, because he is more likely to go by his partner's preferences/culture/etc rather than his own. It's for them, after all, so it should be meaningful to them.
Liam: Yes 100%, he is probably The corniest romantic out of all my ocs lmao. He's the 'will slowdance in the livingroom', 'will hold hands at the theatre', 'will reenact the Titanic scene at the bow' kind of romantic. He is not a fan of expensive or elaborate gifts, but anything small and thoughtful will do the trick. I've long integrated that one hc about courting in Ferelden into my worldview so giving and receiving flowers from a lover is something he values a lot.
June: Not at all. She's a romance repulsed aro, so. Not much of a romantic hfldksjf. It wasn't something she'd given any thought until it became relevant, after she and Cullen started getting closer and she had to figure out what she wanted out of the relationship. There is certainly some overlap with what would typically be considered romantic, but she is still not at all romantic in a traditional sense. Also re: gift giving, she's not a fan lol. June is horrible at both receiving and giving gifts that are not practical in nature, so she'd rather avoid it entirely.
Philia 1: Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Ari: I'd say that Joseohine, Leliana and Vivienne all equally count as best friends to him, out of which he vibed with Viv the quickest. Josephine he he didn't call a friend until later even though they got along really well, out of worry that it would be inappropriate. He also definitely had some close friends in the Valo-Kas, but admittedly i haven't thought about them as much as i should lol so i don't have any specifics there.
Liam: Varric and Fenris; Fenris because the grow close, Varric because they did the anime mind flash connection thing and simply forged a silent pact early on (they vibe because they are (partially) fucked up in the same way <3). During the time in Kirkwall until the Deep Roads he also definitely considered Bethany his best friend.
June: Dorian and Sera are her ride or die besties, but Dorian came first and is still just barely holds best friend status over Sera. They got along sooner, they share interests, and they simply Work.
Storge 1: Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
Ari: Considering that both his parents felt a little out of their league because usually he would've been taken care of by Tamas, they did really well! Growing up as the only Vashoth kid around could get a bit tough even if the environment was friendly, so they made extra sure to make him feel loved.
Liam: I am sure that they did, but it did not always come across that way. Subconsciously the love, over time, started feeling tied to how well he fulfilled his duties (or what he perceived a such) as eldest son, even if it was subconscious.
June: The love was most definitely perceived as conditional, always dependent on performance. They were a noble family with decent standing and strong ties to the Chantry, which left the sisters with high expectations and a constant competition for approval.
Agape 1: Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Ari: Yes, and it's something he has become especially persistent about since becoming Inquisitor. He is now in a position where changing things on a greater scale is Actually Possible, and he maaaybe gets a little too hung up on the ideals he has in his mind.
Liam: Not really? He believes in common human decency and in simply being nice to people, but he does not generally see it as his responsibility to "make the world a better place". However, he does feel responsible as soon as he gets involved in something, so he ends up helping a lot anyway lol.
June: It is not a priority, no, and she does not feel responsible for the greater good. She does start caring more about the impact she has and the good that she can do, but never to the point where she'd get worked up about it.
Ludus 1: Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Ari: Any chat up lines he know he knows from books or from Leliana, and he decided that it would probably be best not to try those himself lolol. He is very good at complimenting people though! Which can come across as flirty sometimes, for better or for worse.
Liam: If he is being smooth on main you can be sure that it was on accident, because he is horrible at flirting. But he wouldn't try it for showing genuine interest anyway. However with an established partner he thoroughly enjoys throwing all the bad corny pickup lines at them, and we're talking "did it hurt when you fell [...]" type bad
June: Casual flirting is basically her modus operandi when it comes to friendly conversation, but when she's trying for a hookup or something she'll be way more bold and direct. June is way more witty than i am lol so i can't give you any proper examples, but she's very good at coming up with lines on the spot (and they tend to work pretty well!)
Pragma 1: Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
Ari: A committed relationship hadn't been something on his radar, but he an Josie simply Worked. They mesh really well, they have similar interests, they enjoy talking with one another a lot, they're intellectually on the same wavelength... it gets strained after Trespasser, but they're holding tight so far.
Liam: Depends on the worldstate, but in the one where he lives he is with Fenris! I think part of why it works is that they're both very affectionate and very devoted people at heart, but they also simply get on well and work well as a team. A long-term relationship is definitely something Liam sought out.
June: It wouldn't have been something she'd have considered or missed, but here we are, and she is content with how it worked out. June and Cullen are good at both pushing and grounding each other, and they end up finding a good deal of support in their relationship.
Philautia 1: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Ari: I wouldn't say he has a lacking or inflated sense of self-worth, he simply exists as himself and is okay with that. There are things he is self-conscious about, there are things he is proud of, all within reason. Where it gets more complicated is the sense of value he gives his actions ; that is where the feeling of Not Enough sets in
Liam: I think it's decent. Overall he is fine with who is is and how he is, and does give his own needs their due, but he will quickly feel like he is not worthy of someone's love when he, in his eyes, fails to take care of them. It doesn't impact is sense of self-worth per se but it does make him feel like he failed as a friend/son/sibling/etc
June: There are things about herself that she is very proud of, but overall her sense of self-worth is. Not the best. Being self-centered is a defence mechanism against feeling like she is constantly failing expectations everywhere, a feeling that she got a little too used to growing up (yay for performance based families! <3)
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ourlittleuluru · 3 months
I HAVE SO MANY, BUT ALSO 0 THOUGHTS ON THE NEW MEMORY WITH XAVIER???? (Because I feel like my brain is entirely assaulted by so much... no brain cells survived)
Okay... but the vibe that I got previously where I mentioned that Xavier felt like he could finally bring his walls down... MAN JUST BROUGHT DOWN THE ENTIRE DAM I TELLS YOU!
All in all, LOVE the story line and the development that happened within! Big character development too!
Full ramblings under the cut (ヘ ° w °;)ヘ (beware... it's a hecking long post...)
Off the start and there's already reference to their past lives being in the same school 😭
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Of course, he made the first move, he was the one that even wanted to elope, but MC was dense (and also too responsible) 😤
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Xavier... you and your technicalities. This man, seriously... And the fact that his profile has like... 0 information... huh. What a surprise, not. The way MC retorts thoooo
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HE IS A PLANET THAT'S STRAYED FROM ORBIT இ௰இ And Xavier's been on his guard this whole time...
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(and as usual, there's gotta be the gossiping asian aunties xd;;; )
Okay I need to stop it with the caps.... But I really can't help feeling like yelling into the void because all my brain cells are just being thrown all around by this memory. Okay, breathe...
Classic Xavier just... easily winning over the elderlies =w=;;; and then the corny (cringe to me) petnames tho 😭 stud muffin???? cutie patootie??? I can't evennnn
Okay the CN version, they just call each other baby/宝宝... the stark difference 🤣
it's still cute how they try to act so hard X'D but Xavier's totally just living out his fantasies at this point, I'm sure. Xavier's acting was very natural in a way. How easily he just leans on MC before, and calling her using a pet name, even just holding onto her after and naturally flowing into a "Come back soon" 🥺🥺🥺
Just a few days and they're already naturally living their domestic life, as if it's always been that way o(TヘTo)
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Later on, Jenna commented on how MC has gotten thinner and MC was like thinking how most of the food was cooked by Xavier ToT Man is trying his hardest!
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MC totally is just letting Xavier use the kitchen???! No snappy remarks about kitchens on fire???
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(and also MC just casually remembering what her at-home husband's favourite fruit is and just picking one up back for him 😭)
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His food is MC approved 😭😭😭😭 BABY BOY HAS GROWN!
And he just... casually indulged in her touch....
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And why is it that after carrying out their mission, Xavier went from a simple white shirt, shows up in a whole getup? ToT but I'll take it! And MC being dense again and how Xavier just corrects her but she goes to hug him right away???? The whole 21 days to create a habit thing... And the way he asks for more?????? Man is slipping. He's about to just. Let it go.
And to think... the whole Kindled just started with MC's little push when Xavier replies vaguely as usual
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Guess after 21 days of living out your dream life, nothing be holding him back at this point huh. And the way Xavier's tone just completely changed! HE BECAME SO SOFT AND LIKE NEEDY SOUNDING LIKE AHJDSHAFKLSDFL
In the trailer, there were 2 kisses, right? MC just straight up snuck one! And Xavier went in for not one, BUT TWO! MORE TIMES. TWO!!
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LOOK. THE FLOOD GATES HAVE OPENED. HE JUST BE LETTING ALL THE STUFF HE'S HELD BACK, OUT. Nothing is stopping him any more. And he's not about to let anything stop him after this, for sure.
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Xavier finally can be himself. No facades, no alternate identities that he feels like he needs to put a distance with. Just as much as he loves every version of MC, he's dedicating every bit of him to MC 😭😭😭 I just... I can'tttttt. THIS WHOLE PART AFTER THE KINDLED BROKE ME...!
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Okay. I'm done. I'm just... so done. I won't recover from this. I don't think I can... 💗_(:з)∠)_
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mitamicah · 1 year
Looked at more (almost all of them) of your ocs, so cute. They are adorable.
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So cool, love the horns/antlers? And colourful hair, sea horses are cool.
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This lil one is adorable, and very fascinating :3 love the hair, look like bunny ears which is so awwwwwwww.
Now my favourite quill, I love him so much, so freaking sweet and cute, chimeras are so cool and I have to know a few things.
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1. does he like dressing up?
2. if he does what about dog costumes?
3. is it offensive that I want to put him into several dog outfits since he’s a chimera?
4. here are a few suggestions if it is not offensive :3
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(Yes I know the shark one is a cat😺 but the ones with a dog didn’t looked as sweet 😭)
And can we get more quill facts? :3👀👀👀👀👀👀
Like are there more? He’s the adopted son of phoenix, is there a reason? Tragic backstory or just sweet like sugar?
Thanks for listening. And I hope this wasn’t too much :3
Why, thank you Jay ^V^ glad to see my babies getting some love :3
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The rest of the reply will be under the line :3
Ah, that's Skari ^V^ he's pretty cool :3 it is indeed horns like those on a seahorse ... just a lot bigger x'D
Aww, you found little Val :3 I believe he is my newest closed species character (an original species created by another online creator that has given me permission to make a character in this species ^V^) I had a fun time designing him for sure :D bunny ears and all :3
Heck yeah, more love for Quill :D!! He is not usually one who gets a lot of attention so I am glad to see he caught your eye ^V^
Why then ask away :3
Quill haven't done a lot of dress up but like most else in live he is very happy and eager to try :3
Same as before - he is a happy boy who'd be open to try anything else dog costumes
I don't think so?
Oh these are cute :3 although I hope that Phoenix are allowed to make little adjustments for their friend since otherwise I fear Quill's secondary set of arms would feel very cramped in these :'D
Is there anything specific you'd like to know ^V^?
Depending on how much you've read already these might already be something you know :'D
Quill is part fruitbat, part deer, part dog, part praying mantis, part bird (could be a parrot given his ability to learn words) and possibly part snake.
Quill hasn't learned to speak in full sentences so he communicates with single words like "hi", "road" (his way of asking to go for a walk), and "bed" (his way of saying goodnight).
Quill has learned to weave with his secondary pair of arms (I call them his mantis arms).
Quill learns new words through echolalia which in short is that he echoes a word you say to him in the same tonality back at you (it is often seen with autistic people).
While Quill can speak a few words his vocal chords are actually better suited for high pitched bird like sounds so he is often found echoing bird twitter/song.
(if you want more and/or more deep cut facts than this let me know :'D
Oh no his story isn't that tragic :'D Quill was bred in captivity to be a housepet. Phoenix found Quill at a parisian adoption center where the little guy had been given up since nobody had wanted to adopt him from the breeder. Phoenix themselves being a chimera chose to adopt Quill as a sort of son. Quill is often seen helping Phoenix carry around their arrows (Phoenix are an archer amongst other things) - actually this is how Quill got his name. :3
Thank you for the questions ^V^ I hope you can use my answers :3
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allesiathehedge · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to ask how are you?
I'm doing great, thank you! x'D
Man, I did brainstorm a lot of ideas for young Salphys and try to find more examples for future commishes since the new project-based work system was settled, but then I got carried a little bit away with gaming- w h e e z e
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Smaugust Week 1 Smaugust Week 2 Smaugust Week 3 Smaugust Week 4 - you are here!
Day 22: Enchanted — I went more abstract with this one... you can't see the dragon for the shroud around it... nor can it escape. I'll update if I come up with something more concrete, but for now, this is it. Sorry this is a pretty slow start for week 4.
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Day 23: Labyrinth — Combined with an overlay of yesterday's excuse of an entry. ;w; That there is a hexed chicken turned into a dragon and it haunts this hedge maze. >v<;; My brain's mush at this point, not a good sign. Let's see how tomorrow goes.
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The plot thickens... turns out this cursed hedge-maze chicken is... the Final Boss (Day 24). I did a different color palette for this one, partially because I felt bad for defaulting to a foghorn-leghorn color scheme on the above. The background suffered a bit this round, but I really tried for a more dynamic dragon to make up for the past couple days. I like the sense of motion the radial blur gives, but it robs of some work I honestly put into things. ;w;
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Afterthought... I should have opened this whole smaugust project with a disclaimer that I'm obscenely loose with my rules of what can be a dragon and have much, much too much fun hybridizing... this should be the end of the chicken-dragon, though. =v=; b
Day 25: Bioluminescence — Ah, the difference the weekend makes - I've felt significantly better about these last couple entries. >v<;; Have a dragon that's used to being considered drab and not conventionally pretty being comforted with the company of the shiniest. Per most of my dragons, there's some chimerification here, since I can't help myself. ^^;
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Day 26: Fanart — Oof, and just like that, the work week strikes. It's just a sketch today - I bit off more than I could chew, exploring an alternative design for characters from an old children's show called Dragon Tales. Zak and Wheezie are the main focus, drawing inspiration from hognoses, while Ord, also featured is built around a beaded lizard in a screenshot redraw of this:
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I took some liberties of course, since I was picking animals to inspire more detailed drawings of these guys, and also just went and gave Wheezie a look more so saying: "tf just happened?"
Day 27: Eclipse — Started overworking this and decided to stop - I wanted to do a lindwurm like creature coiled up in the night sky, and bathed in the light of a lunar Eclipse, almost becoming the lunar body itself? The concept was not very thoroughly planned. ^^'
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Day 28: Chained — Another workday defeat (if the muse strikes, I may give this an honest retry without being confined to the tail end of my day), but I decided to try a small animation at the expense of any detail or drawing I'd be proud to share. ^^' A depressed cooped up little apartment dragon, looking out the room window before dropping its head, defeated and in tears... it's stuck somewhere, not chained physically, but definitely confined.
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Day 29: Aurora — Phew - alrighty, overdid it on blurs and add glow effects, and not sure it's on point with the directions, but I wanted to have fun with this. >v<; Have a cosmic serpentine dragon that flies through the night sky with a body-length mane of shimmering lights. Another concept I wouldn't mind coming back to and putting more work into. ^v^
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Day 30: Wood —I got carried away again, but liked the idea of another 'tree mimic', if we may? Or just a fantastical tree that looks vaguely draconic. >v<; Had trouble deciding between Cherry and Wisteria, I guess, and the colors/continuity for the backdrop got completely out of control. @v@; On the upside, I found different uses for that custom brush I made. X'D
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Day 31: Mirrored — Okay - done with Smaugust, and some days were better than others, for sure, but I had fun! I went for a cutesy entry for the finish line. Played with bronze/patina tones for these two buddies, and kept it simple, aside from overdoing different brushes for texture. XD
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espercr---archived · 6 years
✯ @justastarkgenius || starter call !
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Hope couldn’t help the amused snicker that snuck past her lips, the slightest hint of embarrassment staining her cheeks a rosy shade. ❝ You can’t blame me for capitalizing-- everyone’s doin’ it...❞ In her hand was a cupcake frosted red and yellow, her intricate and skillful piping left no room for error-- she was undoubtedly holding an Iron Man cupcake. ❝ If it makes you feel any better, your flavor is our BEST seller-- and I’m not jus’ saying that...❞ How could her patrons ever resist the classic combination of dark chocolate sponge cake and sweet strawberry filling? He ought to be thanking her for the good publicity, honestly. ❝ Look-- you can have one on the house, just please don’t sue us.❞
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grelleswife · 4 years
lmfao i just want you to know you've reblogged so many gifsets lately i cant scroll through your blog xDDD the images wont load!! not saying its bad just really funny x'D
Aaaa I’m so sorry!!! 🙈 I’m simping really hard for Wonder Egg Priority and Otherside Picnic at the moment and got a little carried away, but I think the reblog frenzy is out of my system now. 😅
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daxwormzz · 5 years
15 Patton ???? Idk what going on I just chose a number and a charter X'D
Prompt 15: Dawn
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Got a little carried away with this tbh
Still really like it tho
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lladyariall · 5 years
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*Ms. Honeybunny winking at Sam* ;) ;) ;)
*jealous lagomorph boyfriend steps in* you should really get that eye checked out! ^-^*
Look at that ANGRY little face Max makes, right before putting on a fake smile! Holy shit- he's so pissed off about Sam and Ms. Homeybunny flirting that it I'm crying from laughing too hard to even write this blog x'D
Nah, I'm good, though. Once again, this is just my silly opinion blog about this particular interaction between these three and comment if you have any opinions to share too! :) please enjoy the characters and comics regardless of my ideas. Love y'all😘
To say the least, we all know Max is obviously in love with Sam throughout thee entire t.v. and video game series; possibly the comics, but we'll get inside of that little history later. The main focus of how Max protrays his feelings towards his best friend and police partner, which is quite open in a rare way, Steve Purcell places out their relationship to be after all they've been together and will be when they die. It's a heart wrenching, violent story of pure friendship, and/or.. maybe more?
We're going to dig into that right now, beginning with Sam's jelly rabbit Max behavior.
When we take a look at this scene, Max only has a smile on his face to carry up an "innocent act" for the sake of his companion and this lady's (bleh) reassurance. He doesn't want to actually scare off both his colleagues to create a giant dilemma of drama and end up on being Sam's quiet side. So, the lagomorph decides not to give into his natural instinct to rip her wig off. Instead, he wiggles out his little bunny charm to do what he can to come between on Ms. Honeybunny's intentions on his best friend.
Meaning, his goal is to remain on Sam's good light so he doesn't have his canine friend to look down on him when he would have scared someone off who clearly didn't do anything wrong; in society's eye, anyhow.
The lagomorph just wanted to claim his terrority because that's HIS 6ft talking dog! He has to tear down the competition then and there, baby. Or else they're gone for life and that's never going to happen in Max's life!
Oh no, and that's why this scene is so interesting even more. Because we also get a small sequel to their, ahem, lady competition for Sam.
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It's super clear how gayly in love Max is with Sam in the t.v. series and the doggo scoundrel is super aware of what his best friend is feeling. Sam is a dog with super intelligent detective skills to sense if there's something going on, especially if its coming from Max, he is on the case to solve his mysterious canine instinct itch! with the bond of them they've always shared since they were merely babies.
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But this scene just proves how much of a sassy girlfriend this little lagomorph can truly be, and I love it!
He just downright called her a whore in a kid friendly manor so the censors don't kick their asses off the program too soon (even though, they did last one season) and being told, "don't worry, miss. A boat will be by to pick you up, and that means sailors! Yup, you'll get picked up, alright." ... is clearly not friendly!
That rabbit knew what he was doing. His jealously became a perfect revenge to tell her to stop her shit on them, and try it on someone else. It's classically performed here and I applaud for Max, once i was done watching this episode. Ms. Honeybunny may or may not have received the hint that they're not available, but Max has tried making it clear as day, twice now. He knows Sam doesn't get a clue; so, all that matters is that SHE understands the message:
"Sam is mine, don't flirt with me or him, go make out with a sailor, blah blah blah."
In Max's terms to this scene, he nailed it perfectly! So I believe the whole reason Sam didn't even try to say a word to her is because he clearly knew better than to try and to help Ms. Honeybunny when Max OBVIOUSLY showed no interest; he decided to take the smart choice and go to Team Max's side for silent support. And probably so he wouldn't die, either.
Later on, Sam finally decides to say something:
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Sam: "you crack me up little buddy."
Max: "whatever."
Uh.. that doesn't help, Sam!
Max probably dissed off Sam like that is because he knew he won, but he hadn't truly received the main prize: having Sam understand he belongs to only Max. His big hound still doesn't get the picture between two love rivals. Sam just doesn't realize Max still remembers when he and Ms. Honeybunny batted-eyes with each other til his REAL bunny came into the picture. His feelings must have been a little upset when he saw the lady appear again, after finding her on the boat and dressed as Geek. She was unmasked by Sam and Max's joke about calling for help on the walkie talkie was.. a little TOO panicked to me.
Like he was in a nightmare.
Like if Max saw them flirt or even remotely get near each other again, Sam would definitely have to call help from a rescue team away from Max's rage. Max knows some shark sword fighting skills to teach them both a lesson about Max being possessive as Hell, and Sam needs to wear a collar with the lagomorph's name on it. (Also, they're in the middle of the ocean. I'm pretty sure Max would use a shark as a sword somehow.)
In conclusion, this was still a fun filling jealous rival we got to see come out towards Sam and Max reacting to it. It was perfect, but I do personally wish we could have seen a jealous Sam in the series. She's just a slut and Max knew it from the start. Even if he didn't, that wouldn't change anything on how Max handled it. He stayed calm for Sam, tried to forget about Ms. Honeybunny during the rest of their mission, and she just came back out of nowhere! She keeps ruining everything by my getting the hint that Max does not care HOW she goes away- she needs to leave for good.
Max will never let anyone try to split their Freelance work and it certainly would not be their last encounter with other flirts, or crazy infatuations (*coughs* momma bosco). Max cooperated well and acted more maturely in an adult manner than he normally would be in. Like, he'd probably crush her skull on the desk or go to Geek about a sexual harassment groping from Ms. Honeybunny, so it'll get her fired.
And that's what's crazy bout all these things is Max is always up for any challenge out there. Violence, poker, best shooter, best at taking shots, the list goes on. But the emotionally ones are always backing him up in a corner to run away from and hide. Max doesnt like the emotional encounters that other people bring and it's not Sam&Max world quality.
In truth, Max may might as well be possessive, but Sam is pretty crazy about him too. It only shows their love for each other more, and I'd say that it'd be awesome if they could only be a little more open with each other. It's just super rare for Max to want to be able to share what he desires from Sam, or what's going on when someone tries to steal Sam away like Ms. Honeybunny would have done.
Sam and Max are going to have to admit more open feelings and fluff if they ever reboot the show. Seriously. It'd be a perfect opportunity to see their love grow and see more of Steve Purcell's humor again.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hey there girl! How ya doing? I hope things are going alright for ya~ So, here's the scenario: Sonic has to work as a spy for GUN to save the world and this gets Amy pretty swoony and giggly lol. Sonic notices and teases her, making it a bit fun with some British mannerism here and there (here we go down that AU route! Vroom vroom! XD) I can't wait to see what make of this x'D sorry if it's confusing! (Ily hehehe)
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(x)I hope you don’t mind, I’m going SO AU with this XD
British mannerisms, omg, I got this on standby, let me just pull it out real quick and-
“Sonic, you’re the only one that billionaire will trust inside his deluxe super suite. Since you’re famous, and an animal, he’ll be more likely to trust you than a normal human. We’ve equipped you with-”
“A dapper lookin’ suit.”
“….Ehem, with specialized gadgets and a microphone in your ear. This way, we’ll have constant communications-”
“You can have constant communication with your eyes alone~”
“…W-who is that?” The woman turned to a man behind her, who briefed her on who Amy Rose was, and why she was in the crowd.
“She’s his escort into the party, where were hoping only Sonic gets the invitation to go to the targets floor…”
“R-right…” she turned back to Sonic, seeing him standing and looking pretty sharp, a confident, egoistical look on his face, as one eye was drooped and the other looked ready to hear more briefing, but getting bored of just standing around with his hands behind his back.
“Well, Sonic. You’ll be entilted to all the rights of a spy, meaning all the dangers too.”
“Ehem, s’cuse me? I heard a rumor of espionage and I’m pretty sure my badge is fake. Could you have your new recruit search me for concealed weapons?”
The woman twitched an eyebrow up, having it quiver for a moment before anger marks flared on her forehead, and the man behind her sweat dropped.
“We need you to feed us direct link while alone with him, get as much data as you can-”
“You can be a fly on my wall~”
“You can track my every move, so long as you promise to take me out quietly~”
“OKAY, THAT’S IT!” she pulled out a gun as the men swarmed her, trying to keep her calm as Amy giggled.
Sonic rolled his eyes, “I got this.” he puffed up his suit jacket’s collar a bit and walked over to Amy in the crowd, leaning on the rail.
“Miss Rose, you’re making my mission rather difficult. I would highly advise you to keep your facts to yourself.” he winked to her, giving her the best british voice he could as she swooned, before jumping over it and taking her arm, waving to the people with another wink.
“Got it! Dangerous, super stealthy, and keep Amy under control. I’ve got this.” he shrugged, and then took off for the mission.
Walking into the party, Sonic kept up the act of ‘super spy’ as he talked in his headset.
“Amy, do you copy?”
“That melodious british accent is starting to take it’s toil on my delicate nature~” Amy placed a hand to her heart, before sipping a bit of her drink and looking around, distant from him.
“Heh. You’re far more bold than I would suppose a proper lady to be~” Sonic dropped his voice a bit, melting her even more with his deep, suave tone.
“Emm… Has anyone ever told you you’re quite the charmer.” Amy did her impression of a british woman, as he had to cover his chuckle and place his hands together and lean on the bar, closing his eyes as his smile was perfectly hidden behind his hands.
He opened his eyes, “Have you spotted him yet?”
“Not yet, love. But patience always kept the bird’s up before morning break.”
“What? Do they queue all day for that nasty little worm?” His british was spot on then, and Amy had to hold in a squee, even hearing the british word for ‘waiting in a line’ made her think Sonic knew more accents than she did.
“How did you do that so well?” she chimed, walking around now and pretending to socialize, as she suddenly spotted the man.
She flipped her beautifully dress to the side, walking away from him but acting like she was high aristocratic, dragging her trail around.
“You look positively radiant.” Sonic saw her at the corner of his eye as he was also searching, but hadn’t spotted her yet.
“You saw that little flare, did ya?” she went back to her american accent, before smirking and tilting her head to the side, “He’s that way.”
“Bbbzzz, Sonic? Do you read us? The party’s almost over!”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”
Sonic maneuvered himself through the crowd, getting to the man.
“Excuse me.”
“Oh, pardon me.”
“Ah! Are you..?”
Sonic smiled, waiting for it.
“Sonic The Hedgehog!”
“The one and only.” he bowed, politely as Amy listened in on their conversation, turning her back to them and ordering another drink of water.
“Wow! I would have never thought my invitation would reach you! Well, considering you don’t truly own an address.” he gestured out, before turning to his friends. “I had to send it to each of his friends, for good measure.”
They chuckled like gentlemen, before he pulled Sonic in under his arm a moment, “I have an exciting proposition for you! But before I get to that, you must show me your moves with women!”
“W…Women?” Sonic sweat dropped under his arm-lock a bit, speaking through a gritted smile that looked completely faked and forced.
“Why yes! Someone as dashing and charming as the one known as the ‘hero’ of the whole planet must have some good pick-up lines!” The man patted his back, as the G.U.N soldier spoke again in his ear.
“Bbbzz-Sonic? This is clearly a trap. He’s trying to determine whether to use you or get rid of you. You have to prove some form of loyalty, go ahead and impress him! bttzzz…”
“Ehem.” Sonic cleared his throat, before looking nervous, that’s when Amy’s voice also cleared on the microphone.
He looked over her way, as she stuck out her leg with her high heels, and positioned herself to look very appealing.
Sonic smiled, and turned confidentially to the men.
“Do you see that pink delight? Sitting up near that table over there?”
Sonic flicked his head her way as the men stared, before their eyes caught her leg and stared a moment.
“I’ll have her madly in love with me by the end of this dance.” he took a waiter’s drink, drank it, turned around and spat it out quietly as he hated the taste and put it back on the tray, before walking through the crowd to her.
“I hate to intrude~” Sonic sat by her, letting her leg stay up on the chair next to her.
She grinned to him, motioning her drink in a swirling motion.
“Are you going to have me in love by one dance alone, Sonic?” She dipped the cup over her face to make her look alluring, before drinking it and letting the mystery carry over for the onwatchers, knowing they were looking.
She moved her upright leg down and moved to the seat it was once on, closer to Sonic, and put an arm around him.
“Is this too fast?” she seemed to worry a moment, but Sonic just wrapped an arm around her waist, making her lose her feminine touch of british grandeur and blush.
“I am fast.” 
Getting up, the two walked to the dance floor.
After almost forgetting the mission from how much fun they were having dancing, Amy having to same him from some bad footwork that she then made look fancy, Sonic brought her over to the man.
“Gentlemen, meet my new friend.” he looked down to her, as she shook out her quills and laughed, hanging off of Sonic like her usual love-sick doting.
The men were amazed, she was fawning like normal, but they didn’t know that.
“He’s quite the man, Mister.” she lowered her voice to be more mature, suddenly putting Sonic’s mind in a bit of bafflement.
He stared down at her as she performed her little illusion.
“He’s quite the treat for a party. Tell me, are you planning to keep him around?” she looked back up at his eyes, enchanting the men at how dearly in love she looked.
Sonic smiled, genuinely this time, because he knew that look was pure Amy, and not some act.
“You are a sight.” he shook his head, speaking in a lower whisper, but seeming slightly touched at her honesty in how she was swooning for him.
“Hee.” she giggled, before leaning closer and being just loud enough for the men to hear her. “That’s not the only sight I can offer…~” she then moved closer, letting him know the implied meaning before whisking herself away, hearing the G.U.N soldier applaud her before telling her to get out of there.
Sonic was frozen a moment, before the Soldier shouted out for him to speak and get a grip.
“Ehem, quite the woman.” Sonic tried to continue, but his mind was racing on how Amy had never acted that way before. He put his hands in his pockets after scratching his head a moment, looking off after her as the men actually opened their mouths in amazement.
She was dolled up alright, but the fact that her usual ‘innocent’ nature could so easily be twisted by her made his brain almost stutter at the new.
If she wanted to be… she could be quite…
“Splendid, Mr. Hedgehog.” the man, almost looking slightly jealous at how well that went, drank his drink to avoid the slight frustration in his voice. “I won’t lie, I was hoping for some form of struggle from her.”
“Most do try, but as always, they fail at truly hiding their… excited… feelings.” Sonic nodded, before stepping closer to the men. “Forgive me for intruding on the topic with another of my own, but… Wasn’t there something you’d like to discuss with me?” he was trying to be smooth with the transition, even going for an overall appeal, but his abruptness made the men stare a moment, as the man he was targeting put his glass down on the bar.
“My, they weren’t kidding when they said you were restless. Zipping from one thing to another and unable to remain quaint and still.” The man was leaning on the bar before getting up, motioning his finger in a zig-zag to show how Sonic lept around so much.
“Manners, Hedgehog! bbtttz…”
“You’ll have to forgive my quick nature, I’m not one to queue around for an answer.” he kid, as his charm got the men back on his side.
The target laughed, “Alright, Mr. Hedgehog. Then we’ll move straight to business! I wouldn’t want to keep you from your … charming new conquest, now do I?”
The men put an arm around him and led him up to the target’s floor… just what G.U.N wanted.
“Be safe… Sonic.”
Amy’s voice was in his microphone, going back to her usual self, as Sonic thought about her a moment but couldn’t talk back to her right now, not in the mist of danger…
“I’ll be waiting for you… like I always do.”
He closed his eyes as he walked into the elevator.
Thank you… Amy.
Another prompt based upon this one (x)
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