#.......yea i should fix det
neosimi · 2 years
hiiii ♡ i love all your content and you’ve made me want to get into converting like you!! i found a tutorial but got stumped on which item to clone in simpe - the list is sooooo long uwu can you share which items you usually use for converting? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
hi there anon, thank you i'm flattered! ♡
well it depends on what you're converting but assuming it's deco, here's a quick list of what i tend to clone in simpe:
sculpture: freezer bunny
plant: orchid/mystic life flower vase
wall hanging: open wall fan or butterfly crawler for stickers/wall writing.
a good resource too is the CEP objects list by ignorantbliss. you can see which objects aren't recolorable, which you'd likely want to steer away from. it's a pdf in the documentation folder. :]
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arctic-the-archaic · 4 years
I, after searching for an inexplicably long time, have not been able to learn how to insert a ‘keep reading’ link. I apologize profusely, as I am on mobile. @loving-fox-hours
Day 4: Undercover Mission/ Scars
Commander Fox was in his element.
He was in a social setting. He was armed. He had a mission. He had objectives.
Fox wasn’t a super social man, but when men who had been assigned to the Guard were brought to Coruscant, they were given classes in social etiquette and the like to help them better deal with the Coruscanti Elite.
His eyes casually swung around the interior of the cantina he was in, looking for something specific. Come on, come on. You’re late.
His eyes swept over a Twi’Lek sitting alone in a booth, Gotcha.
He stood up casually, holding his glass in one hand and walking over to the booth. “This seat taken?”
That was the code-phrase agreed upon. It wasn’t exactly original, or foolproof, but with the aura of danger the lone Twi’Lek radiated, not even an inebriated Trandoshan would be dumb enough to sit with her.
The blue skinned Twi’Lek looked over her shoulder, smirking predatorily at Fox. “Yeah. By you.”
With that, Fox sat down opposite her and kicked his feet up on the table in his best imitation of a cocky Bounty Hunter. Glancing over to his left as he sipped his drink, which just so happened to be Andoan White (He blamed Thire for his sudden like of the drink), he saw an inactive holo-projector above the bar and looked at his reflection. His raven black hair that was originally styled in a crew-cut was now down to a bit under his ears, it was extremely similar if not outright identical to Boba Fett’s, if Fox remembered from the one time he’d met the little menace. His carefully trimmed beard was now a scruffy goatee, and his mustache was slightly less uniform. He had a scar going across his face from about an inch above his right eye, going diagonally downwards through his right eyebrow, over the bridge of his nose, and stopping a bit above his jawbone. He had another scar going from the bottom of the right side of his jawbone, up to about an inch under his eye. These weren’t fake, these he just had.
He was wearing a worn brown leather jacket with random patches and scrapes. Under the jacket was a blank grey long sleeve shirt that hid several more scars. On his left hand was another scar, going from the left side of his wrist up to his index finger. His lower half was covered by black cargo trousers, with a holster carrying a ‘stolen’ DC-17 attached to his utility belt. His brown combat boots were well worn and scuffed as they rested on the table. He set his drink down and looked at the Twi’Lek. “Jax Detson?”
Fox nodded. “Ryla Letook.” He spoke her name in a statement, not a question. The hell kinda name is Jax Detson anyway? Whichever sheb-head at Republic Intelligence came up with this, I’m gonna have a word with them.
The Twi’Lek smiled. “My my, you are a handsome one. I might give you a discount…”
Ugh, I don’t understand how Thire can deal with this osik. But I have to fekking play along.
Fox smirked. “You aren’t so bad yourself, now, do move a favor and show me the merchandise, yea?” Maker, I feel like I need to vomit after saying even just that. How can people be so crude?
The Twi’Lek grinned and stood up. “Right this way,” And then walked away and out the back door of the cantina, Fox following a few steps behind.
Outside in the dark alley, the woman stopped in front of a pair of speeders that had several crates on them. Fox stopped next to her, and then raised his hands to fix his coat collar….
That’s a lot of spice. How the hell did they get it past Customs?
…..and gently brushed the activation button on a recording device attached to the underside of his collar. “Kark that’s a lotta spice. How the hell did you get it past Customs?”
The Twi’Lek grinned. “Trade secret. Though, I could be… persuaded to tell you.” The look she shot him was utterly lecherous.
Oh for kriff’s sake. I can not believe I’m about to do this. But, we have to know how they got it in.
Fox put on his best suave smile, even though it utterly pained him to do so. “Well, I’ve been told I can be pretty persuasive.” Maker, this is not fun.
The Twi’Lek laid a hand on his chest, pushing back against the alley wall, smirking up at him. The other hand went up to his face-spanning scar and ran along it. “Mm… what caused this?”
Against the wall. Vulnerable position. Lets fix this.
Fox quickly flipped the Twi’Lek against the wall, making her giggle. “Caught a vibro-blade to the face.” And that was actually true.
(It was supposed to be a simple bust. In, clear out the spice dealers, take in the spice, out. But nope. They had gotten pinned in a firefight, and then a CQB engagement when the gangsters had run out of ammo and charged them. Fox’s helmet had gotten knocked off in the chaos when a crazed Nautolan came at him with a ridiculously large blade, cutting from above his right eyebrow to below his left eye. Fox killed him not a second later, and continued to fight even with his vision obscured by his own blood. That was how he earned the nasty scar. Of course, Thorn and Thire liked to say he got it in a speeder crash. He would’ve reprimanded them, but it was actually endearing.)
Gah, this is not fun in the slightest.
“Oh, sounds painful. Not as much pain as I can cause though.” Ryla replied, grinning.
“Oh yeah? You should see the vibro-blade.” Fox shot back.
Ryla smirked, leaning up to mutter in his ear. “Makes you look quite… rakish.” Her hand drifted to the one on his cheek. “What about this one?”
“Det shrapnel.” Will you shut up and tell me what I want to know?
(It was about midday at a press conference for GAR PR. Fox had his helmet off to try and give off a friendlier appearance. And then a man had run in, shouting about freedom from the Republic, and throwing a detonator at the stage before running. Fox tackled one of the dignitaries away from it, but didn’t protect himself. When it detonated, a piece of shrapnel flew at them, and it sliced Fox across his cheek. No jokes were spawned about this one, but Fox was proud of it.)
“Oh.. you must get into danger pretty often. I like that. And you earned your answer, and it’s because we have an agent who lets us get it through. Now, lets have some fun.” Ryla reached for his jacket, and was suddenly unconscious as a stun bolt from his discreetly drawn DC-17. He let the woman drop and looked at the crates of spice, Finally. That was just…. annoying.
He walked towards them, only for three voices to sound from behind him.
“Who are you?”
“What did you do to Ryla?”
Fox groaned and turned around, coming face to face with a female Theelin, and two male humans.
“He attacked her! Kill him!”
Fox sighed as the gangsters all drew their blasters, rolling into cover and drawing his own blaster as they started peppering the crate he was hiding behind with fire. Well this is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into Fox. After degrading yourself no less. Fan-fekking-tastic day.
There was a lull in the blaster fire and Fox took his chance, rolling out of cover and blasting away at the gangsters. One of the humans took a bolt to the face, collapsing immediately to the ground. The other human got off two blasts, one skimming Fox’s shoulder and burning through his jacket and shirt, and then burning his skin. The second one went straight through his arm, making him grunt in pain. He let loose another three blaster bolts, all hitting the human in his chest, making him collapse to the ground. Sloppy. You fekked up Foxy-boy. You actually got hit.
The Theelin screamed and shot at him, but he rolled again, stopping at a kneel and pulling his vibro-knife from his belt and throwing it, quickly and precisely, making it land square in between the Theelin’s eyes. As the woman fell, Fox stood and grunted, retrieving his knife and holstering his blaster. That took you too long. He berated himself.
He walked over to the one living assailant and slapped a pair of binders on her. Then looked towards the alley entrance as a trio of speeders and a Police gunship came up.
“Thire!” Fox snapped at the trooper as he walked up.
“Yessir?” The blond commander replied.
“Don’t ever suggest me for an undercover assignment again.”
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