#... there are actually way more of prim with gladio
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Haven't played XV in a bit, but I'm cleaning up some of my folders. Here are some shots I liked. Either accidentally awesome Prompto moments (though some are actual just baked-in photo op moments, too), or taken by me.
#ffxv#ffxv screenshots#ffxv oc#oc: primam chorus#... there are actually way more of prim with gladio#but i don't ship them TT__TT#idk why the game seems to like posing the two together in downtime areas#:') prim likes prompto--
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*Prompto's voice* I really love your headcanons, gurl! So, considering the new Regalia type D, what if the chocobros s/o are not so thrilled by Noctis' irresponsable driving or the behaviour of their boyfriends? Maybe if the guys start to make fun of them for their worrying they decide to take revenge and drive like maniacs and shut their men up.
That upgrade is going to be the death of them! OH MAI GAWD! But I personally wanna drive it. Or be in the back between Ignis and Gladiolus.
“Let me drive!” You bark to your boyfriend, after fueling up, sick of his lack of care for anyone safety in the backseat. There were multiple times where you were certain that you were going to be thrown from the car all together.
“You sure you can handle it?” Noctis asked playfully, handing you over the keys.
“You just try to hang on.” You stated, jumping into the driver’s seat as Noctis jumped in the passenger seat, poor Prompto being forced in the back between Gladiolus and Ignis.
No sooner had to jumped behind the wheel, did you suddenly realize why your boyfriend became such a maniac behind the wheel! The power, the thrust, the adrenaline! You needed to destroy everything in your path! The second those wheels left the road, it was goodbye self control, hello destruction!
“I don’t know, which one of them is worse.” Prompto yelled, as you drove through what everyone thought to be a river, but the way you took it, it was a simple little puddle.
“Take that jump!” Noctis called, clearly with the same amount of glee that you both were feeling.
“Fuck yeah!” You yelled, clearly at odd with your typical docile demeanor, as you quickly drove up a nature made ramp, much to the displeasure of everyone in the back seat. Pedal meet floor, as you gave the car everything you had, before launching the car in the air.
Screams from the backseat, and loud cheering laughter from the front as the car stayed airborne for about 10 seconds before plummeting back to the ground. The shocks absorbing the shock, as you skid performing a half circle before pulling to a stop. Gasping as Noctis grabbed the back of your head before pulling you into a heated kiss.
“That was the hottest thing you have ever done!” Noctis muttered into your lips. “I am going to fuck you so hard tonight!”
“Hey, I’m still a better driver than Prompto.”
“Hey!” Prompto gasped, “Nah, I can’t be offended, it’s true.”
“The only thing I could hurt out here is a few trees and rocks and believe me they’ve had it comfortable for too long.”
No one could really argue with that logic, not for a lack of trying, so you sat behind the steering wheel, hands at ten and two. Hardly going more than the speed limit, out of fear of Ignis’s special brand of drivers ed. Yet as you glanced in the back seat, noticing everyone seems rather calm and peaceful in the backseat of the car, did you take a sharp right off the road into the forest below, moving towards the nature that you seemed so hell bent on destroying earlier today much to the screaming and horror of your passengers.
Loud whoops and cheers left your lips as you rolled over every stone, performing still less dangerous leaps that Noctis, but with your driving history, it made it seem much worse. Than any of the damage that you were actually doing, surprisingly you had managed not to leave a single dent or ding on the car itself, despite your personal vendetta against every rock and boulder you came across.
What felt like hours later, you pull the car to a shrieking halt as you stood in your seat pointing forward, “Prompto look a nest of wild Chocobos!” You cheered, only to turn to see your boyfriend leaning over the end of the door. “Prompto?”
“I’m going to hurl.”
Glancing around the car, you noticed the others in a very similar situation. Shrugging you grabbed Prompto’s camera, before pulling the lense to your face, snapping a quick picture of the wild family of Chocobos before they scattered off.
“You sure about this, Babe?” Gladiolus inquired, granted you had driven his truck around back home when you both went camping, but that you still needed a running start to get in. Yet with the upgrades with that Regalia, the man had to often lift you into the backseat, and stand underneath you so you could climb out.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You stated, holding the keys, standing underneath the door, before turning over your shoulder to your large boyfriend. “Help me get in the car, Gladio.”
After spending 5 minutes adjusting the seats and mirror, you finally managed to pull away from the campsite. A rather smooth ride, despite your co-pilot constantly nagging you, and asking if you could see over the steer wheel. You loved Gladiolus to death but you really just wanted him to shut up. You had finally went off roading, when you saw it, the thing that would finally get your boyfriend to stop nagging you.
Slamming on the horn and revving the engine loudly, you managed to startle the Catoblepas herd that immediately started stampeding towards you. The rest of the car began to scream loudly, as they animals bellowed angrily at being disturbed, while you revved your engine before quickly going in reverse. Never once paying attention to the creatures currently trying to flip the car, as you looked over your shoulder in the front seat, before suddenly turning forward switching the car into drive, before shooting forward.
Narrowly avoid, huge hooves and long neck coming down to crush the car. The entire time you backseat screaming, while you laughed loudly, and your boyfriend staring in horror, as he held onto the front seat for dear life.
Nearly 20 minutes later the chase from the creatures finally stopped, as you managed to jump a gorge, crawling the car back on the highway, as you would need to pull over for gas soon, since you started the journey with less than half a tank.
Glancing into the rearview mirror, your backseat looked as if they had seen a ghost, while your passenger seat was still clinging tightly to the door and seat. You were certain that you saw indents in the leather that would never come out.
“So…think there’s any good food at the next rest stop?”
The entire car groaned loudly.
“I would not mind.”
Everyone stared at you, Noctis had simply asked if anyone else would like to take the new upgraded car for a ride. Yet now all of them were staring at you as if you had grown feathers and tail.
“Is something wrong?” You inquired.
Everyone turned to Ignis, figuring that your boyfriend would be the best one to break the news to you without sounding too harsh. Ignis cleared his throat, as he turned to you sitting beside him in the restaurant booth.
“It just seemed that, this is not something that you would regularly enjoy doing, My Dear.” Ignis stated handing the waitress her tip and money.
“Well of course not, we don’t have these types of things back home.” You stated as you all shuffled from the booth.
Gladiolus chuckled softly, “No offense, but you’re really kind of the prim and proper type. You’re more the type to make sure that none of us die.”
“Well that would be my job description, yes, yet I do not see any harm as to driving. I do it all the time, I don’t see as to why this should be any different.” You reasoned. “Life is about learning new experiences.”
“Well, if you’re game for it.” Noctis stated handing you the keys, as everyone climbed back into the newly lifted car. Yet Prompto and Ignis had exchanged seats, so that the man could sit your shotgun. “It handles a little differently.”
“No problem.” You smiled, replacing your normal glasses with your prescription sunglasses. “We are heading towards Centry, about 4 hours from here. Should be no problem, we’ll make it just before sundown.” You replied backing out of the parking spot.
The first hour was of course nothing special, just the way you wanted it, luring the others in a false sense of security. When you suddenly got stuck behind a car deciding to go well under the speed limit, time to see how well the boys enjoyed your off roading style.
Finding a break in the steel work that avoided cars skidding off the road, you quickly launched off the road with a surprised gasp from your passenger seat and yells of joy from the backseat, going through the forest at break neck speed. Your kitten pumps applying more and more pressure against the pedal, until you felt it hit floor. Narrowly avoiding trees and boulders, swerving at the last second, taking care to avoid any animals you might come across.
Ignis peeked over to the dash, only to notice that you were going well over the typical speed limit and steadily raising, “My love, perhaps we should slow down.”
“Sorry, Iggy Dear, I can’t hear you over the music.”
“What music?”
You quickly flipped on the stereo, as violins and piano moved from the speakers. Seems Cindy gave that a tune up as well, as you continued your reckless chase through the forest, now soundtracked by the beautiful waltz music you were so fond of.
“There’s a gap up ahead!” Noctis yelled.
“It’s a river, Noct.” Prompto stated.
“Y/N you’re not planning to try and drive across it.” Gladiolus called.
“What, of course not Gladiolus, that would be absolutely foolish.” You stated, releasing your foot from the gas, before quickly slamming it back down, leaning back. “We’re going to jump it!”
“What!” The car screamed, as you quickly moved right, toward the cliff overlooking the river.
“My love, please think about what you’re doing.” Ignis called.
“Oh I am, we’re saving ourselves an hour on the trip, now do hold on everyone.” You called, only to be answered by terrifying screams as you launched over the river, landing on the other side, not even bothering to slow down as you continued your merry little jaunt through the woods at your breakneck speed.
“You have 10 minutes until you reach your destination.” The GPS called.
You glanced around, before noticing the highway to your left up a deep slope.
“Y/N, I don’t think we’re going to make that.” Noctis whimpered in the backseat, where he and Prompto had clung to each other since you made the jump.
“Nonsense Noctis, we just need a little speed.” You cooed, before slamming your heel into the pedal rocketing up the side of the slope. Allowing the shock to take effect as you placed your arm out before Ignis, to avoid him from slamming into the dash board. “My goodness, next we take this to Cindy, remind me to have her put seatbelts in this thing.”
Pulling into town, you found the nearest Motel, jumping out as you stretched your arms and legs, switching your sunglasses out for your normal glasses, “We’ve got here with more than enough time to spare, are you boys hungry or should…”
You watched as your companions all fell from the car, looking as if they had survived a cyclone.
“Oh…oh goodness, you all look as if you should lay down. Let me get us a room.” You called moving to the front desk.
“Yes, Noct.”
“Your girlfriend is horrifying.”
“I would have to agree.”
#Noctis Lucis Caelum#noctis x reader#prompto argentum#prompto x reader#gladiolus amicitia#gladiolus x reader#ignis scientia#ignis x reader#that upgrade is gonna be the death of them#regalia upgrade#ffxv drabbles#final fantasy drabbles#ff15 drabbles#ff15 fanfiction#ffxv fanfiction#final fantasy xv fanfiction#final fantasy 15 headcanons#ffxv headcanons#FF15 Headcanons#final fantasy xv head#kinda long
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If the Chocobros had blogs, what would they blog about? Who spends the most time on it? Who has the most followers?
Noctis’s blog probably has the least followers. He loves obscure memes and one word text posts. Everything he writes is unintentionally hilarious, even though he’s usually being serious. Despite the fact that he regularly posts selfies, nobody believes he’s actually the prince. They think he’s just the most godawful catfish out there. They’d rather believe that than believe the Prince of Lucis is really weird.
Gladio’s blog started out as an aesthetic blog, but between reblogging a bunch of dogs and responding to Noctis’s weird ass text posts there’s no real defined theme anymore. He has the most people thirst following him. Probably uses tumblr the least.
Ignis has a personal blog and a more aestheticy blog. He posts pictures of food, updates about the royal family, stuff like that. This blog has the most followers in general because people love the royal family.On his personal blog, though, he’s the biggest shitposter out there. It confuses people because he posts selfies and they see that he’s so handsome. Why is this handsome man taking a selfie with an egg? He uses tumblr as much as Noctis, because it’s his outlet. Nobody wants to be prim and proper all the time!
Our boy Prompto is the only one who isn’t weird on his blog. He just uses tumblr as a place to store all of his pictures. Nobody knows what he looks like because all of the pictures with him are pictures of him with the other boys. People argue about who the person who runs the blog could be (”It’s the one with glasses, I’m telling you!” “Are you kidding? It’s the Prince!”). Way cooler online than he is in real life, but not on purpose.
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