#... and lea has the emotional maturity to know when isa is being self-destructive and pull him out of it
zxal · 2 years
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Isa’s TRUE Personality: Pisces
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Pisces Personality Traits
“Cool, collected, and mature beyond his age. He’s good friends with Lea.”
Saïx has a weapon called Twilight, which is shaped like a trident, the symbol of Neptune. Neptune is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign of Pisces. Pisces is the 12th, and last astrological sign in the zodiac. This means, it is one of the oldest and most wise signs. Pisces tend to be considered “old souls” and act much older than their age. The typical Pisces is an an extraordinary creature whose ideas and philosophies are wise beyond their years. Yet on the surface, like water in a lake, you'd never suspect how deep those waters run.
Driven by its strong connection to the spiritual world, this sign knows how to balance cold, hard reality with the warmth of love and understanding. Pisces feel a great deal, and they also feel misunderstood much of the time. They’re not quite pushovers, but they’re certainly sensitive. They are compassionate, easily feeling another’s pain.  
Joshua: “Imagine my surprise when I realized dreams take bodily form in this world. It struck me--by linking their dream pieces back together, maybe I could make them exist again. Maybe I could give them another chance.”
Riku: “It can't be that simple.”
Joshua: “Well, why can't it? By ourselves, we're no one. It's when other people look at us and see someone--that's the moment we each start to exist. All they needed was for someone to see them, connect with them.”
At times, however, Pisceans can have difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy; they tend to get caught up in their ideals of how things should be. Pisces see the world through rose-tinted glasses. This perspective casts a dreamy gauziness on their words and actions that can be quite attractive to others. They place great weight on what they are feeling. Emotions define the Pisces zodiac sign, and it’s not uncommon for them to feel their own burdens (and joys) as well as those of others. The intuition of the Pisces-born is highly evolved. Many people associate Pisces with dreams and secrets, and it’s a fair association, since those born under this sign feel comfortable in an illusory world. 
Pisces: Twilight
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“As the seasons converge and change, the last dregs of winter mix with the first blush of spring. Breath still curdles in the air, but pale green shoots start to unfold from the soil. This sense of “in-betweenness” is the essence of the Pisces star sign.
It’s the time of day when both the sun and moon are visible, the magic of twilight, and an unwavering trust in the Universe. As the last sign of the zodiac, you’re born with an innate sense of wisdom that takes the rest of us a lifetime—or lifetimes—to accumulate.”
Twilight is the time of day that Pisces is associated with symbolically. It's the last sign of the zodiac. It implies the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Hence it has been said that it signifies ‘rebirth of matter after death’. It carries the same meaning as the waning crescent moon on Isa’s jacket, and the sunset of Twilight Town. Pisces denotes the final moment which contains within itself the beginning of the new cycle. It’s the time of being in-between.
Isa---“A quiet and cool-headed youth. Though he does come out of his shell when talking to his best friend Lea, toward others he is distant and untalkative.”
Pisces are generally gentle, easy-going folk, who are on the shy and reticent side. They are filled with so much compassion and empathy, they often put others’ needs before their own. The willingness of personal sacrifice is one of their major characteristics. They are remarkably wise and self-sacrificing when it comes to helping the vulnerable or those down on their luck. Hands down, they are the most selfless sign in the Zodiac. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is intuitive and incredibly creative by nature. With a soul as deep and vast as the oceans, Pisces thrives in a world of fantasy, where its imagination can flow freely.  
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Axel: “Go on, you just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back!”
On the down side, they get hurt and demoralized very easily. While it's very true that Pisces' can count kindness as one of their greatest assets, their desire to escape becomes prevalent when the going gets rough. Water, like any other element, is filled with power. Further, water can be calm and placid, or stormy and destructive. Pisces often embodies both these characteristics. Neptune also rules all forms of escapism. If Pisces can steer clear of the pull of escapism while embracing their inner truths, they'll be quite successful in life.
Even with all the talent and resources they possess, their low self-esteem becomes a hindrance in their path. Pisces tend to be oversensitive. They take everything to heart and become emotional in the extremes. They tend to look at the negative side more than the positive side of things. Cancer and Pisces are considered the top two most emotional zodiac signs. I think this capacity for such emotional extremes is why Isa was considered such a good potential vessel for one of the 13 Seekers of Darkness.
Pisces’ Color: Light Green
Naminé: “Some people think pain is something you can just wipe away--and sometimes, maybe, you can. But not all pain can be erased. The only way to deal with it is to accept it head-on. And if the hurt is too great for you to bear it alone--well, then you turn to a friend close to your heart.”
Sora: “Because the hurt will bring us closer together, and make us stronger.”
Unlike Saïx, Isa’s natural eye color is light green. The mystical and magical nature of Pisces is enhanced by the lightest tints of green. As the color of life, light green represents renewal and inspiration, encouraging the healing and rejuvenating energies that Pisces is known for. The softer the green, the more Piscean it becomes.
♆ is the symbol of the trident of Neptune, or Poseidon. Ψ is the Greek letter psi, which is used as a symbol for psychology, psychiatry and pharmacology. It’s also where the name Poseidon comes from. Our word “psyche” is derived from the Greek word “psuche”, a word beginning with the letter psi. Translated, it means “a person’s heart and/or soul”. And this weapon has a prominent Recusant’s Sigil on it. Isa definitely needed healing.
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Pisces’ Symbol: The Fish
Axel: “Well, I think you can be inseparable, even if you’re apart. It’s like, if you feel really close to each other. Like best friends.”
The zodiac sign Pisces is embodied by two Fish, and its glyph represents an image of these Fish, linked together for eternity. It’s important to know that it is not just one Fish, but two. They are a representation of Pisces’ ability to exist simultaneously in both a conscious and subconscious world. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is also connected to the idea of cycles – that every ending is a new beginning – which is represented by the two Fish swimming in opposite directions. 
There's a persistent rumor among astrologers that you can always spot Pisces' by their crossed legs, even if they're standing. Like many clichés this one has a grain of truth in it. Perhaps this is because Pisces' symbol, two fish tied by an invisible cord as they swim in opposite directions, is being expressed. 
Isa---“Often scolds Lea, who has an opposite (though complementary) personality.” 
The fact that two fish (as opposed to one) represent the members of this sign also speaks to the duality of Pisces, and their yin and yang sensibility. The last sign of the zodiac embodies the idea that the world is created by opposite energies that complement and balance one another. Pisces is the living embodiment of yin and yang.
The story behind the fish is that one day, Typhon happened to see Venus, the goddess of beauty and her son Cupid, the god of love on the banks of a river. To escape from his clutches, Venus and Cupid turned into fish and swam into the depths of the river. They had tied their tails together so they would not be separated. In the river, they were saved by other fish, who were later hung in the sky as a token of gratitude. This was done to commemorate the day when the goddess of beauty and god of love were saved from being destroyed.
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Pisces’ Ruling Planet: Neptune
Yen Sid: “In the Sleeping Worlds, real time does not flow. Unless one restores the world by waking it from its slumber, it will stay locked in a dream forever.”
The Third Eye chakra, located on the forehead, is ruled by Neptune. Fantastical and dreamy Neptune rules over the zodiac sign Pisces. It is the planet of our subconscious minds, influencing our dreams and fantasies, our imaginations, hopes, beliefs and our connection to spirituality. Those of the Pisces horoscope sign alternate between reality and non-reality in keeping with their introspective natures; their voyage between consciousness and an unconscious dream state says much about their intuitive, almost psychic natures.
In Roman mythology Neptune is the God of the Sea, and the planet Neptune’s influence is just like the vast, flowing, nebulousness of the ocean. The currents of Neptune allow Pisces to swim through a neverending world of dreams, imagination and spirituality where anything is possible. Neptune represents the invisible web that supports us when we let go of control and trust that we cannot fall out of the universe. It’s like falling asleep or floating in water. 
Among the 12 Zodiac signs, there is one specific sign in which a planet functions at its optimum. This is called its sign of “Exaltation.” Venus exalted in Pisces. Venus signifies our aspiration to beauty and truth through which we can realize the power of infinite love beyond our senses and pleasure that is the love of God, or realization of the God within ourselves.
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The Rabbit’s Personality
Mystery Gear: "A weapon that draws forth its wielder's personality." 
Pisces is a sign of self-sacrifice, giving oneself over to the larger whole. The Rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac is the equivalent to Pisces in the Western Zodiac. The Rabbit is associated with new beginnings, and symbolizes character traits such as creativity, compassion, and sensitivity. Their sensitive nature makes them shy away from aggressive or competitive situations. They keep a modest attitude and maintain a pleasant relationship to people around. Rabbits are introverts and emotional.  
While they enjoy the quiet life and artistic pursuits, they are also very cunning. You'd never guess that they were strong willed. They tend to get their way through kindness. They are friendly and easy to get along with. They rarely get into serious trouble. They are discreet and usually land on their feet. Rabbits may appear detached, but it is their way of protecting themselves from harm. They can be rather moody at times. They can be rather opportunistic, but are easy to take advantage of.
The Chinese Rabbit is popular and shy. Rabbits are compassionate and protective of their inner circle of family and friends. They are rather delicate, and in order to thrive they need a supportive base behind them. Without sufficient support, they tend to fall apart during times of conflict. Emotional disruptions can actually cause them to become physically ill. They don't like arguments and conflict. They may become pessimistic and depressed. The desire for remaining in safe, comfortable environments keeps Rabbits from taking risks which sometimes causes them to miss out on good opportunities. 
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Isa---“A serene and self-possessed boy who always has time for a quick quip at his best friend Lea's expense.”
Rabbits usually have soft and tender personality traits, and their serene nature keeps them from becoming visibly upset. They will not be irritated easily, and they also avoid quarrels and conflict as much as possible. The Rabbit is intelligent and compassionate, but also can be timid and afraid of change. Everywhere they go they create peace for others, but compromise their own inner harmony with sudden mood changes and fear. Rabbits are full of heart and love to take care of the wounded body, heart and soul -- they are gentle and kind. Rabbits can speak eloquently and knowledgably about many things. Their interests are wide-ranging and global. They can be generous to a fault -- a Rabbit would give away his or her last penny to someone in need. Rabbits can be very successful as long as they keep their fears in check. 
They love everything and everyone, but self-love is a challenge for them. You may think you know a Rabbit, but it’s very hard to find out how they really feel, as they are so discreet about their true thoughts and feelings. They feel vulnerable when others know too much about their private life. If you have a Rabbit friend, make sure you honor his or her heart. Chinese Rabbits tend to move through life at their own pace, no matter what anyone else thinks. They are lucky and have long lives. They are very gracious and are natural diplomats. 
Those born in the year of the Chinese Rabbit tend to stifle their feelings inside. They are very loving and giving in relationships. Rabbits may have unrealistic views of how a relationship should be, and when one ends they can be devastated. It takes them a long time to recover. The need a partner who won't take advantage of them. When they find the right partner, the relationship is very strong. They love company and love having someone special even more. They are romantic, and prefer to act in more indirect methods.
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Pisces’ Tarot Card: The Moon
Luna Diviner---“Second in command who longs for the heart he does not have. Only the moon breaks his icy calm.”
The Moon, in all its mystical and idealistic wonder, is the Tarot card of Pisces. The Moon card represents our ability to rely on our instincts and intuitions, while Pisces is known as the most intuitive sign of the zodiac. Just as we live by the cycles of the Moon, The Moon Tarot card encourages Pisces to go with the flow of nature, instead of swimming against its currents.
A sensitive Water sign, Pisces is represented by two Fish, earning the nickname, “the Fishes with wishes” because of their powerful imagination and creative spirit. If you’re looking for kindness and empathy, Pisces is THE most compassionate sign of the zodiac. Pisces rules the 12th House of Privacy, Escape, and Secrets. In addition to being a Water sign, Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, also known as the God of the Sea. The dreamy little fish are spiritual and intuitive, with Pisces being the most psychic sign of all.
The Moon is a symbol of dreams, intuition, higher consciousness, and spiritual wisdom. The dews represent human thoughts and also stand for peace and calmness. While the crayfish reflects emotional needs and desires, the pond symbolizes unconscious mind. The towers refer to the two sides of the brain, and the path in the middle with its twists and turns shows that the mind prefers being controlled by instincts rather than intellect. The wolf and the dog represent fear of the mind when facing an unknown situation.
Pisces and the Moon
Fairy Godmother: “Strong rays of sun create dark shadows. Light and dark go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.”
Like Pisces, The Moon card is associated with the subconscious and often highlights idealism – suggesting that things are not as they may appear. The Moon card also represents our secretive side or “shadow self”. The dog and the wolf in this card represent how our wild side blends with our tame side. This recurring theme of unity can also be found in the towers. They symbolize the practical life that most of us lead, while the path between them reminds us of the more meaningful life that we desire.
This is very true to the nature of Pisces, who are always dreaming of something more fantastic than what is actually in front of them. The water on The Moon card symbolizes the subconscious. The crustacean emerging from the water represents “coming into consciousness” and the possession of psychic abilities, which is often true of those born under Pisces.
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Neptune’s Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
Ansem: “So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me...and even you.”
Many decks associate The Hanged Man with the zodiac sign Pisces (a mutable Water sign), ruled by Neptune (planet of mystery, illusion, imagination, and mysticism). The card in Tarot symbolizes trial or meditation, selflessness, and sacrifice. When the Hanged Man card is upright in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes suspension, change, reversal, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement, and rebirth. The card means it is time to stop resisting and gain illumination. It is the time for reflection before moving on. No matter what's going on in your life, you can right the ship and keep moving forward.
Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, and is known for being sensitive, compassionate, spiritual, and non-materialistic -- but also prone to confusion, alcohol and drug addiction, mental illness or breakdown, self-delusion, self-escapism through drugs, fantasy, and illusion. In The Hanged Man, unconditional love is needed to balance out intuition and sensitivity with discipline and logic. 
Axel: “Hey, Roxas. Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.”
Pisces represents��"loss to the outer world, solution, and handing over the results of one cycle to the following one.” Here we face "the things which we have not yet mastered and those whom we have failed to understand or who have failed to understand us.” The card is seen to represent "sacrifice, release, acceptance, temporary abeyance or pause, emotional losses, and ending attachments to worldly, material goods." When ill-dignified, The Hanged Man can suggest "meaningless sacrifice, rejection of spiritual values, and confusion caused by mental illness, especially severe depression." 
Through the process of suspension the Hanged Man turns his focus towards the unconscious and experiences Neptune rising out of his watery kingdom. Neptune reminds us that remaining attached to old patterns, habits, or addictions perpetuates the endless cycle of martyrdom and victimization. 
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Pisces’ Ruling House: 12th House of Subconscious
Sora: “The light in the darkness. It was you. You’re the one who kept me from fading away.”
Kairi: “All I did was believe that you wouldn’t.”
The 12th House of Subconscious is ruled by Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac. The 12th house represents your connection to spirituality, the deep and personal emotions you feel, and the openness of your heart. It is the reposit of humanity's deepest fears and governs the primordial waters it swims in before the first breath of life. It is also the house of secrets. Pisces’ understanding of quiet contemplation and emotional speculation is heavily reflected in the 12th House of Subconscious. This house is all about taking time for healing and rejuvenation before beginning anew. 
Pisces’ Element: Water
Yen Sid: “He needs you to believe. You see, Ventus's heart hangs in the balance. It sleeps in the place between light and darkness. From all I can perceive, that means he will be looking for a friend--one who believes in him, to show him the way home. Just as long as you love him...then Ventus will be able to find you when he wakes. He can follow that love back to where he belongs-- the realm of light.”
The element of Water flows through Pisces as a wave of devoted empathy and intuition. The Water element is all about our emotions, and Pisces is known for its deeply sensitive and spiritual connection to its own feelings, and the feelings of others. As large as the ocean, Pisces' heart is capable of expressing infinite compassion and love toward all beings. Without a doubt, the Water element is the most sensitive and intuitive. 
This element is capable of nourishing our soul through a deep, psychic understanding of what makes us operate. The element of Water is in touch with the source of creation and can sense that we, too, are a part of this divine birthplace. Water signs are incredibly empathic and can feel the emotions of others. Water can also drown in another person’s emotional abyss if not careful because water has no boundaries. It soaks into us. The element of Water can conform to the elements around it. When mixed with fire it creates steam, with earth it creates mud and with air it creates rain.
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