lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
.:closed starter, subverse:.
-- @pleruxque
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Porter sat in the center of the city square, strumming away on his guitar. He has the guitar case open at his side, a small sheet of paper on the inside with the words “Tips Appreciated!” written on the inside.
He spent most of his afternoons like this. Strumming away, playing random improvisation music or the occasional requests for the hefty tip. He enjoyed spending time out here, listening to the world, watching the amazement on everyone’s faces.
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dj-catalyst · 5 years
Closed starter: @pleruxque
Liara debated on kicking down the door but, well. No point in pissing off Percy any more than he already will be once he hears the news. So she just opens the door with her elbow, a dragon frappe in one hand and the smallest size of a unicorn frappe in the other for Percy.
"So," she starts off, putting the unicorn frappe on the desk and taking a seat across from him, crossing her legs. "We may have to postpone the upcoming heist just a tad."
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iamfriendarin · 5 years
Andromeda wasn't really watching where he was going. It's too late by the time he notices the smaller alien in front of him, so he stumbles to the side and falls down instead of knocking down the other. "I'm sorry, I should have been watching!"
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starlight-sung · 5 years
♚ - Their first experience with death
When Sung saw a star disappear from the sky for the first time, he asked his mothers what had happened to it. They explained that when a star reaches the end of its life, it dies.
Later that week, his grandmother followed the star.
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commandertupperware · 5 years
💋 from the small
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Meouch chuckled. Ey bent over, gentle paws picking Frisk up, looking at them with a soft expression. “Hey there. Ever had a cat kiss? It’s like this–” Ey gently pressed eir damp nose to theirs, nuzzling gently, making sure eir whiskers tickled their cheeks. “Just like that.”
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madmonarch · 5 years
❛♛  @pleruxque​ : from some old starter call
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        ❝-— Style, like taste, is resistant to lucid definition; however, both, as living things should be, are subject to constant change. ❞ 
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rotsmell · 5 years
>> @pleruxque > LIKED FOR STARTER
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        ❝ -—Oh, you smell like something that should be mine. Don’t know... whether I should be insulted or impressed.... thief.❞
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
@pleruxque from here
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He stops, hesitant. He’s... well, he’s not sure if he can trust this person. However, he’s a grown-ass adult, he can bounce if something goes wrong- and besides, he already told his friends where he was headed, directly, so they know what to do if something goes awry.
He nods. “I... I guess so. I promise I planned, but I still got really lost.” 
He chuckles. “I’m not the brightest, but you seem to know the way around. And a drink sounds nice.”
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
Send an Emoji for a Headcanon!
Phobos used to be easily overtaken by anger. It used to consume him, used to take up all of his energy and his time and his thoughts.
However, after one particular event in his life in which his anger turned out to be a misunderstanding, an accident, he’s gotten better at managing it.
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
Angst Questions
7. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would it be and why?
Boredom, because he’s a bitch.
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
— send 🎨 for an aesthetic board between our muses (if you can’t see the icon, send “paint”)
Mafia Percy and Porter for @pleruxque
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
😭 frisk!
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Phobos couldn’t understand why he was crying. Er, he could, but he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t stop.
He just wanted to keep everyone safe. He didn’t know why that was impossible, so he just… cried, praying that Frisk wouldn’t notice him from across the room.
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
[What are you doing?] from starlight frisk
– Using a spoon as a microphone
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Phobos turns around, looking at Frisk with wide eyes. He was… not expecting to anyone to walk in on him. He never speaks, let alone sings around anyone– and being caught doing makeshift karaoke was… embarrassing.
“Nothing?” he tries, dropping the spoon on the floor.
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
> TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG (starlight and frisk)
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“Nothing’s wrong,” Phobos lies. He doesn’t want to talk about his issues right now, doesn’t want to worry anyone with it- especially not Frisk. He doesn’t want to worry them.
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lo0rdtupperware · 5 years
🔮 in starlight!
The stars were burning behind Phobos as he stared out the window of the ship, where he stood, the abyss of outer space creeping around delicately like small wisps of breeze. He couldn’t pry his eyes away, couldn’t look away, couldn’t seem to find anything to look at otherwise. He was thinking, remembering, feeling all too much, until a hand suddenly pressed against his shoulder.
“You doin’ alright, bud?”
Phobos turned around, trailing his eyes up the arm until he connected with the face of Sung. Sung shot him a toothy, yet worried smile. “You’ve been here for a while,” his friend continues.
“I’m okay,” Phobos answers. “Just…”
They both stare out the window, Phobos at the planet they’ve just passed by, wrecked with dust and darkness and the still-withering smoke of fires that never were put out.
“I’m glad this is home now,” Phobos said finally, catching the alien off guard. “I’m… glad everything is alright, finally.”
Sung smiled, pulling Phobos to his side and hugging him close. “Yeah. This is home.”
(Starlight Verse - the First Bond)
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iamfriendarin · 5 years
The ship almost seems bigger than he remembers.  Echo’s been exploring the mothership, following his reunion with the rest of the Brigade, when he notices a small and unfamiliar figure walking down the hall. He’s curious, of course he is, lightly jogging to catch up to what must be another new member. Or at least a friend. “Uh, hello?”
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