#. i am so glad you went with Bones tho
skaiplana · 7 months
Read Harrow the Ninth. Went insaner. Read As Yet Unsent. Shitpost and thoughts:
- God's name is John. He makes dad jokes.
- I am glad this is a universe where God can be: a) killed b) fucked. We have empirical evidence
- on that note, let's do dios apate minor three but make it a foursome with me baby. Let me get that ancient pussy and/or dick
- rip Mercymorn that woman served cunt was a cunt and talked!! In an amazing! Way!! Do you think she would fix my scoliosis?
- rip Augustine he was a cunt too. Trying to send god to hell is iconic. Of course Ianthe would kill him.
- Mercy and Augustine... they hated each other. They worked together to kill god. They had a suicide pact. They wanted to be burried next to each other. They died only a few minutes apart.
- Ianthe that gay little pathetic snake.
- is Gideon (2) biologically Mercy's or Wake's kid? I thought she was Wake's because everything Mercy made died but I've seen some people say otherwise
- so like. Wake is evil virgin Mary. Gideon (2) is space lesbian Jesus.
- Gideon (1) is OUT, Pyrra is IN! What that entails I do not know but she seems cooler than him
- how do you get in affair with a commander of your enemy. How do you not use a condom or like kill your sperm. Why were you afraid it's your kid Gideon (Pyrra?).
- when John asked if Harrow and Ianthe are using protection what did he mean. Is he implying that there is a possibility of pregnancy? Is he concerned about infections and stds? They could just cure those? Is he saying that there are like dental dams somewhere on mithraeum
- Harrow. What can I say? She did a diy lobotomy. She's haunted. Every woman wants her. She's in love with a dead body. She made a soup out of her own bone and tried to murder someone with it. I want to hug her
- yk I'm starting to think that the Emperor Undying is a wretched liar a dick and a colonizer. Just a hunch.
- now I don't believe anything he's ever said and I'm thinking that Harrow probably did open the tomb
- Camilla is alive and well!!! Sex Pal is almost alive an fairly well!! Can we get him out of the bones
- Coronabeth is realizing how fucked up the nine houses are! Deuteros is not!
- Abigail!!! Magnus!!! I'm glad I got to see more of them. Abigail is actually so cool I want them to adopt me
- the actual Dulcinea! She's so cool too
- the alive Protesilaus being a poet udhdhehhehe and Ortus having internal beef with him
- Ortus is an interesting person now! Also the way everyone likes his poetry except for Harrow is peak comedy
- they actually summoned Nonius. Then he killed ghost Wake. Then they made a dnd party and went to to fight the Resurrection Beast and they WON I guess. These series is a comedy
- I actually understood everything most of the time except for some obscure words (please explain gall on gall tho)
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 month
hiii !!!! I've been LOVING your yaelokre headcannons since I joined the fandom :)) if I may, I'd like to share two requests I have for them !!
× the larks first show
× the larks and cooking
They're very few, but it's been lingering in my mind for quite a while !! Absolutely no pressure tho :))
hi! i’m glad you’re enjoying the hcs! 🥰
yeah, i can do those!
The Lark’s First Show
It was a mess beforehand.
Cole was basically pulling out their hair and making a nest, pacing back and forth, stressing over every little detail- “What if my voice cracks? What if I forget every lyric? What if I drop my instrument? WHAT IF I PEE MY PANTS ONSTAGE?!”
“Okay, you need to calm down,” Perrine said.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?! How can I possibly CALM DOWN when we’re about to do the biggest thing any of us have ever done before?!” Cole squawked back. “How are YOU so calm?!”
“Oh, she’s not!” Kingsley piped up. “She’s shaking! I also heard her giving herself a pep talk beforehand we got here!”
“KINGSLEY!” Perrine yawped.
Clémentine had to step in from there. They were almost eerily calm, with a serene smile on their face. It was daunting. Even though Cole’s anxiety was blowing things a bit out of proportion, they were right- this was a huge event for all of them.
And yet, Clémentine was calm.
Cole, bewildered, asked them how that can be possible.
Laughing, Clémentine responded, “Oh, I am nervous! Very much so! Look at my hands, they’re shaking! But freaking out won’t do anything but make it worse.”
They then get the others to do some breathing exercises, and as silly as they were, it helped.
“We’re gonna do amazing. We’ll make the Harkers proud.”
And they did!
It was a bit of a rocky start- Cole’s voice did crack, but no peeing of the pants happened, so that was good! And there were a few slip ups, but as the performance went on, they all found their rhythm, and it proceeded smoothly!
Getting a standing ovation at the end was like a dream come true. (They all cried)
The Lark and Cooking
Perrine does most of the cooking for the group. She has a few cookbooks that she uses! I feel like the kids would have their own garden to grow fruits and vegetables, so she would get most ingredients from there, but for meats, she’ll fish and hunt.
When it comes to hunting, none of the others want to even TRY. Cole will cry if they have to kill an animal, Clémentine feels too bad, and Kingsley simply isn’t trusted with a weapon. Fishing, however, is different, and they all like having fishing days! Even if Kingsley does get bored after a few minutes.
Perrine doesn’t even necessarily like hunting herself, but it needs to be done. I feel like they don’t get paid that much for their performances, if they get paid at all, so it’s easier to live off the land, and that means hunting. Money needs to be saved for things like medicine, clothing, and things they can’t get from foraging. So, it’s Perrine who bites her tongue and goes out to hunt.
This is getting off topic, but I have more hunting-related headcanons, so if anyone is interested, let me know!
Anyway, yeah, Perrine does most of the cooking, and she’s very good at it! It relaxes her.
Clémentine also helps cook, and they’re also good! However, they don’t like handling meat because they always worry that they’re gonna undercook it, and the last thing anyone needs is all four of them getting food poisoning at the same time in their little house.
They’re very good at baking, though! They LOVE to make all kinds of baked goods, such as cookies or cakes or little pastries with berry filling. Everyone loves their treats!
Cole can do the bare bones cooking- soup and sandwiches. Everything beyond that somehow always gets messed up, whether that be because they added too much or too little of something or they forgot to grease the pan and the food is sticking to the bottom of it.
However, they love to bake with Clémentine! They can make a few baked goods on their own, but those are all recipes they’ve learned from watching Clémentine.
They also make really good tea!
Kingsley is not allowed near the stove.
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PIP: Yes and I'll get the uhm
PIP: I'll get the uh
PIP: I’ll get
PIP: …
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PIP: Lemme get ahhhh
PIP: Boneless Pizza 
PIP: And uh
PIP: Two liter of uh
PIP: Coke
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HEIDI: The fuck kinda pizza?
HEDI: And the two liter machine broke, we got one liter tho
PIP: The fuck you mean B?
PIP: Alright look, 
PIP: Let me get that pizza BONELESS
HEIDI: Uh? Pizza don't got bone in it
PIP: Tf did I just say then
HEIDI: U said "Lemme get it BONELESS " like pizza got a damn bone in it
PIP: Y'all got BONES in ya shit then
PIP: So what's the problem?
HEIDI: DICK HEAD name one pizza that got bone on it
PIP: Just don't put them shits in my pizza bruh how many times I gotta say it
HEIDI: Bruh jus explain to me how tf pizza can be boneless?
PIP: If it don't got bone in it iss boneless
HEIDI: Son, what school u go to
PIP: dawg I don't understand the problem just make my shit BONELESS  DEADASS
HEIDI: I'm deadass not making this pizza…
PIP: Fine, then you deadass  better get me exactly what I want
PIP: Why are you so…
PIP: frumpy?
HEIDI: Excuse me?
PIP: You heard me
PIP: You won't even get me a boneless pizza 
PIP: How do you think that makes you look?
HEIDI: erm.
HEIDI: You wanna play that way, huh?
HEIDI: Number 1, F = (m)(a) = (1000 kg)( 3 m/s²) =
3000 N.
PIP: What.
HEIDI: HMMMM a = F/a = 200 N / 2.5 m/s² = 80kg
PIP: Is there a manager I can speak to?
HEIDI: One is centripetal, two is negative acceleration, three is plate tectonics, four is relative motion, five is slope—
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HEIDI: What do you want you low budget Super Sonic?
TWEEK: Uh yeah uh
TWEEK: What's this thing?
HEIDI: Do you have are stupid?
TWEEK: What?
HEIDI: Do you.
HEIDI: Have are.
HEIDI: Stupid?
HEIDI: Bitch?
TWEEK: What nonsense are you speaking?
HEIDI: That is a MENU
HEIDI: Say it with me
TWEEK: Oh! A Meenew!
TWEEK: Cool!
PIP: Ignore him, he’s an imbecile
TWEEK: Hey! I'm not…
PIP: Anyways, he’ll have a pudding
HEIDI: We don't serve pudding here
TWEEK: No… no pudding???
HEIDI: No sir, we don’t have pudding
TWEEK: ( starts to cry like a lil bitch )
HEIDI: We have jello?
PIP: He’ll just take a coffee
PIP: Shut
PIP: The
TWEEK: ( Ugly Crying )
HEIDI: Kkkkkkayyyyy…
HEIDI: What does the walking fetus want?
PIP: The what?
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HEIDI: The child
HEIDI: What can we get for your child?
TWEEK: Right! My
TWEEK: My child
TWEEK: Her names Silly String
HEIDI: Cool cool cool
HEIDI: What does… HEIDI: Silly String
HEIDI: Want to eat
TWEEK: What do kids eat?
TWEEK: Do  kids even eat?
HEIDI: Yes, kids eat, captain obvious
PIP: Tweek she’s eating a crayon
TWEEK: Do kids eat crayons?
PIP: No they do not
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HEIDI: Does Silly String
HEIDI: Want the jello instead?
TWEEK: I'm not feeding her that garbage
PIP: Can we just get a round of tater tots?
PIP: Please
HEIDI: Whatever gets me to stop talking to you 
HEIDI: And whatever gets me paid 
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PIP: Well! That went over nicely!
TWEEK: You slapped me
PIP: It's a start
TWEEK: It's really not 
PIP: I'm recovering
PIP: I'm changing
PIP: I'm metamorphosing
PIP: I'm evolving
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TWEEK: Whatever
TWEEK: You seeing this shit, Silly String? 
SILLY STRING: ( Grunt of disapproval  )
PIP: What, so you’re getting your child to hate me too?
TWEEK: You  hate us
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PIP: I mean
PIP: True
PIP: But I'm changing
PIP: Okay I'm lying
PIP: But Estella put me in a fucking time out
PIP: So I have to act  nice
PIP: Even though I really
PIP: Don’t want to be
SILLY STRING: ( confused grunt )
TWEEK: Estella's your grandma, Silly String 
SILLY STRING: ( surprised grunt )
PIP: Ugh
PIP: I hate Mum…
TWEEK: You see her as a mom too?
PIP: She's just so overprotective of us all the damn time
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TWEEK: Don't shout!
TWEEK: There's people behind us…
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TWEEK: Why the fuck are they looking at us like that?
PIP: It's the queer stare
PIP: They're harshly judging you
TWEEK: Oh god…
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TWEEK: Heyyyyy
TWEEK: Silly String, say hi
SILLY STRING: ( excited grunting  )
TWEEK: You all look
TWEEK: SO  cool
TWEEK: Did you come from the Pride Parade?
TWEEK: Er- I mean…
TWEEK: This is my son
TWEEK: …Daughter?
TWEEK: Child?
TWEEK: I don't know what Silly String is…
PIP: Didn’t you call her, “her ” earlier?
TWEEK: I mean,
TWEEK: That doesn't mean I know
TWEEK: What are  you, Silly String?
SILLY STRING: ( I don't know grunt )
PIP: It's a mystery!
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PIP: How are you all this lovely evening?
PIP: Just SWELL I presume?
TWEEK: Pip your eye is twitching
TWEEK: No… no pretty sure it's twitching
TWEEK: …Sure…
(Edits made by @pissblanket and @zemoleinyourtrashcan)
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Oh thank goodness Frederick has a cat-like flexibility. No but fr tho. The fact that he can fit in small places and just, fold his body??? He's a cat.
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OH I AM SO DOWN TO GWEN, AURELIA, THE POSSUM, AND THE RAT PROTECTING FREDERICK LET'S GOOOOO. Also The possum and Gwen's sharp teeth and Aurelia's spit? Heck yeah. AND THEN AURELIA PROTECTING GWEN!! I'm so glad she had a redemption arc :')
OH. OH. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Do you understand the amount of time I've been thinking about Frederick throwing a book at his bullies and Leland to the point I want to draw it but give up midway due to unable to draw anatomy of a person throwing a book? Yeah. And Frederick calling Leland a doofus LOLLLL.
Curtis not being able to see shit but still defending the aid kit station pretty well? That's what I call true skill. I mean he's really fighting multiple soldiers with armor and spear, and he's winning. But man his hand tho. I'm guessing those are from splinter and maybe some sorta swelling from holding the broom too long (idk how to describe it) or smth? Those has got to hurt...
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HAHAHAHHAHAH I can't believe I didn't expect she would say that LMAO. Also she looks so goofy in the second image HAHA.
Nah the commander really went for Laverne too... Did Leland even agree on that?
Omg....Lorena catching Suzie....Lorzanna....
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Leland's strength continues to terrify me. He just broke stair railing that seems to be made from marble, WITH HIS BARE HAND. I swear the Pastel palace is gonna need LOTS of renovation after all of these end.
"You don't decide what you want" oh bull I say, bull. Boooo Leland rotten tomatoes rotten tomatoes boooo nobody likes you go home boooo rotten tomatoes.
Eugh I'm surprised Frederick hasn't broken AT LEAST a bone with how much he got slammed and thrown hardly. The door broke bro the door broke. His spine...
Now that I think about it never have i ever with syrah would probably be wild XD
Okay at this point I am the most glad that frederick told cpc because otherwise many bad things would happen...
Wait a minute. What happened to spider Prez? I can't seem to remember...Did she pass out after breaking the door?
Wait so the Plaidypus isn't the royal plaid army?? Wait cause I'm kinda confused now :') if someone can explain it to me that would be great.
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Shit, Frederick fr need a doctor asap. All those tossing around, the dusts, nah...
Okay this is sad and all but Syrah with the long nose made me giggle.
THANK YOU PRINCEL-WHOSE-NAME-HASN'T-BEEN-REVEALD!! Blaine really missed like ¾ of the war lmao.
I swear cpc is responsible for me learning new vocabularies daily.
OH??? BLAINE?? BLAINE??? I don't, I really don't know how to start.
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First of all, there's a new meaning to this. So what I'm getting here, Blaine wants to be at the top because if he gets all the attention, Lance and Frederick won't be in trouble because he thought Leland wouldn't notice him much then. I suppose what's in Blaine's mind is, it's better to be neglected by your shitty parents rather than being noticed and verbally/physically abused by them?
Okay, I'm starting to get it. I'm the youngest sibling so I don't know if I'm getting it correctly, but this is what I get: "I will take all the abuse from our father so you, my younger brothers, can live a happy life without being notices by him."
Older siblings, amirite?
So, Blaine has been trying to protect his brothers but because Frederick keeps upsetting Leland and then making him proud, Blaine's plan keeps on being in shambles?
One thing I'm confused about though. Hear me out, Blaine most likely has golden child syndrome right? So how do we draw a line between which act is because wanting to succeed due to believing that's all his worth, and which act is from protecting his brothers?
Oh but he still owes Frederick and Lance lots of apologies though. Don't think I can forget what you said to Frederick in the dungeon, Blaine. That chapter broke me. To Lance, well, to be honest I don't exactly know what he should apologize about, but I feel like Blaine still has to? Sorry, I'm not making sense. Maybe apologize due to not talking to Lance and Frederick about his plan?? Oh man someone help me–
Imagine this tho: Blaine apologizing to Lance and Frederick for letting them get hurt by father, but then Isolde came and assured him that what Leland do isn't his fault. Haha I love to analyze this guy's mental health.
I hope he goes to therapy after this is all over. The plaid princes really need a lot of therapy. Actually the whole plaid family need therapy.
Okay say goodbye to my professionalism for awhile.
Frederick looks so amazed and I won't blame him cause I WOULD TO. IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE, And someone suddenly came to save me, then proceed to throw the bad guy and himself out of the window by breaking the window and letting the damn sun rise view come in. I. I would look like that.
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Blaine looking at the sunrise and realizing the true meaning of life and contemplating what he has done. I love him so much you got this bro.
Also Blaine turns out to be strong! I remember headcanons of him being the weakest out of the three. I mean that could still happen, but the fact that he carried Leland in which who knows how much he weights, and threw him out of the window. Damn.
But they're still falling though, that's not good. I doubt Blaine will die for that matter. It would be wasteful. He barely had his redemption arc. I'm thinking either he uses Leland to break his fall, or Nell's premonition about the tent save him. But the forest is a little far though... Oh! Or maybe, because the pastel kingdom is full of hills, they would fall and roll down towards the tent! That's a possibility!
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That's it for now. See ya next chapter!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Please actually tell me your thought on this because I NEED answers and theories. Also psychology analization will actually make me go insanely happy)
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bluiex · 1 year
Lol sorry y’all I won’t be able to write for a while bc I am ✨hospitalized✨
In the meantime tho have this until I’m okay again
Context: Mumbo important business man and Scar incubus/imp/whatever
Mumbo sighed as he looked up from his work and saw Scar sitting on his desk. He knew he couldn't ignore the imp's presence for too long, but he was trying his best to focus on his work. “Scar, can you please move off my desk? I need to finish this project by the deadline.” Mumbo said, trying to sound composed and in control, despite the anxiety he felt inside.
Scar smirked mischievously and shook his head. “Oh, but Mumbo, I'm so comfortable here. Besides, you know you love having me around~” Scar said, his voice low and seductive as he continued to sit there like a particularly annoying cat.
Mumbo frowned, feeling a mix of annoyance and fear. He knew that Scar had a tendency to distract him from his work, and he couldn't afford any delays if he wanted to meet the deadline. “I don't have time for your games right now, Scar. Please, just let me finish my work.” he said, his stutter making his words come out in a jumbled mess.
Scar's expression softened, and he hopped off the desk to stand in front of Mumbo. “Hey, it's okay. I'll let you work in peace. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay?” Scar said, his almost neon green eyes filled with concern.
Mumbo nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as Scar disappeared from view. Despite his annoyance at the imp's antics, he couldn't help but feel grateful for Scar's caring nature. He knew that his taxing job could be both a blessing and a curse, and he was glad to have Scar around to help him navigate it all. He set an alarm before going back to work.
By the time the alarm went off, he had forgotten what it was for and turned it off before working more. As Mumbo continued working, he started to feel more and more anxious. He knew that he had a lot riding on this project, and the pressure was starting to get to him. Suddenly, he remembered the alarm he had set earlier, and he realized that he had been working for hours without taking a break.
Feeling a bit dizzy and disoriented, Mumbo got up from his desk and stumbled towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. As he was pouring the hot water into the mug, he felt a sudden chill run down his spine. He knew that this was a sign that Scar was coming. Just then, Scar appeared beside him, looking concerned. “Mumbo, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost,” he said, his voice laced with worry.
Mumbo shook his head, feeling embarrassed by his sudden panic. “I don't know, Scar. I just feel like something weird is happening. Maybe it's just my anxiety acting up.” He said, taking a sip of his tea.
Scar nodded, looking thoughtful. “Well, I'll keep an eye out for anything unusual. In the meantime, why don't you take a break and rest for a bit? You can't work yourself to the bone, you know!” he have a sharp-toothed grin, giving Mumbo a reassuring pat on the back.
Mumbo smiled weakly, feeling grateful for Scar's support. Despite anxiety, he knew that he could rely on Scar to help him through the tough times. As he sat down to rest, he made a mental note to take better care of himself in the future.
“Take a break, darling.” Scar pressed kisses along his neck.
Mumbo blushed as he felt Scar's lips on his neck, but he knew that he needed to focus on his work. “Scar, as much as I appreciate your affection, I really need to finish this project. Can we maybe save this for later?” he said, trying to sound firm but gentle.
Scar pouted, looking disappointed but understanding. “Of course, my dear. Your work always comes first~!” he said, giving Mumbo a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing from view.
Mumbo took a deep breath and tried to push the distraction out of his mind as he returned to his work. As much as he loved spending time with Scar, he knew that he had to prioritize his responsibilities. He worked tirelessly for the next few hours, only taking short breaks to stretch and rest his eyes.
Finally, as the deadline approached, Mumbo put the finishing touches on his project and hit the submit button. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He knew that he couldn't have done it without Scar's support and encouragement, but he was also proud of himself for pushing through his anxiety and finishing the job.
As he sat back in his chair, he felt Scar's presence beside him. “Congratulations, my love. You did it!” Scar beamed, placing a gentle hand on Mumbo's shoulder.
Mumbo smiled, feeling grateful for Scar's love and support. Despite his workload and anxiety, he knew that he had a friend in Scar who would always be there for him.
Scar returned to kissing along his neck. “You’re so good. I’m so proud of you for getting all your work done.” He purred, sultry eyes staring up at Mumbo’s.
Mumbo blushed as he felt Scar's lips on his neck again, but he couldn't help but feel grateful for Scar's praise and support. “Thanks, Scar. I couldn't have done it without you..” he said, feeling a warm sense of comfort wash over him.
Scar chuckled, his breath hot against Mumbo's skin. “Oh, I know that. But seriously, Mumbo, you did an amazing job. You should be proud of yourself!” he said, his voice full of admiration.
Mumbo smiled, feeling a sense of pride welling up inside him. He knew that he had worked hard on this project, and he was glad that it had paid off. As Scar continued to shower him with kisses and compliments, he felt a sense of contentment and happiness that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he had a long way to go in terms of dealing with his anxiety and work habits, but with Scar by his side, he felt like anything was possible.
See y’all soon oof
- 💚
UWAAHHH this is adorable. I love me some supportive loving Scar, making sure Mumbo knows how good he's done and making sure he's doing alright an not over working too much- so good :D
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thegeminisage · 11 months
i watched THIS movie three days ago and im still not over it. incoherent phone liveblogs translated to normal human language below:
firstly, this movie is extraordinarily quiet. even with my computer and browser volume and 100% i still couldn't hear it. we had such trouble finding a copy that was both loud and subtitled i had to download my own - even actually starting a free paranmount plus trial didn't work because their website is GARBAGE and refused to load the movie for me on any browser. which meant losing one day. and then the second day i was out of town. i had to wait SO LONG to start searching for spock. i basically forgot the first 12 minutes of the film bc of those two lost days
uhura was very hot in this movie. i love how she had stuff to do. idk how she keeps getting hotter every movie but she's the most beautiful woman in the world i think. her telling that little ensign to get into the closet while calling him a good boy was maybe the sexiest thing she's ever done. i wish she had gotten to go with them the whole time!
the absolute screaming that ensued when kirk found bones sitting in a pitch black room with spock's voice coming out of his mouth. like i said i knew vaguely about this but i did not expect him to be FUCKING POSSESSED??? i need to find time to read 4000 spones fics about this specifically if anyone has recs i am soliciting them
everything was so good. the comment about poison in a bar not being logical. the failed nerve pinch. him being able to suddenly act as first officer. mwah
i like the snowy cacti on genesis even though most of those sections lagged for me personally. not like computer lag but like. psychologically. and baby spock was so cute!! teenage spock did not need to be fucking his former student who is now way older than him tho. that was wack. sorry saavik
the entire section of busting bones out of prison and stealing the enterprise is one of my favorite trek scenes from everything i've seen so far, actually. it's exciting, it's funny, it's heartwarming, the chemistry is off the charts, and they all truly feel like a family.......cathy said it best but this is what aos was missing tbh
ALSO I TOTALLY RECOGNIZED LEONARD NIMOY'S VOICE IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT. am i faceblind maybe a little bit but my ear never fails me
very shocked to see christopher lloyd in this movie. his makeup was um questionable. but he did a great job
we went back and forth for awhile on whether or not bones realized he was possessed. i guess "you're suffering from a mind meld" wasn't specific enough. like did he know spock was IN THERE. but we didnt know for sure until jim was like "how are we doing" and bones was like "WE are doing just fine thank you but i'd rather he have just taken a kidney" which was fucking hilarious. third best best line after "i've got all his marbles" and "THAT GREEN BLOODED SON OF A BITCH THIS IS REVENGE FOR ALL THE ARGUMENTS HE LOST" he's so iconic. like it wasn't actually just revenge for the stunt he pulled in the empath.
deeply mourning the enterprise. i knew there were different enterprises and that they had to blow her up eventually bc spoilers but this is the one and only first ever enterprise TO ME. watching her go down in flames was almost as painful as watching spock die. rest in peace queen :(
absolutely FLOORED they fridged david. i didn't expect them to do that ever but i'm SO glad they did bc 1. cry bitch and 2. i didn't actually care about him. despite them finding spock on genesis those parts of the movie felt slowest to me because spock wasn't able to like, Be Spock and i just did not care about david. i like saavik but i liked her better when she wasn't fucking spock. so. perfect choice
final fight was good. i was like I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS SHOW ME SPOCK but then i gasped every time one of them almost bit it. rip christopher lloyd's character he did a great job
did i burst into tears when kirk held spock and pointed a gun at people? yeah
however what we missed was the bit where bones goes to hold him instead when kirk has to put him down. truly the mcspirk movie of all time.
bones going "i choose the danger" HE IS SO IMPORTANT i love him so much
having absolute kittens in the section where i had to wait to find out if they put spock's katra back. like obviously they were gonna. did i start crying again when spock started talking? YEAH. i knew he was gonna have amnesia but i forgot so i got to be surprised anyway. and then also cried through the credits too bc ofc i did. spock is so important. bones tapping his temple at the end was everything though
idk why everyone says the odd ones are all bad! 1 was bad and i know everybody hated 5 but 3 was REALLY GOOD. i liked it even better than wrath of khan - aside from, again, the pon farr thing. there was more interpersonal stuff than in 2 but it didn't lack action and momentum the way that 1 did. it was perfect. there's no way 4 can be better than this. no way. sincerely hoping i eat my words <3
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hauntingmiser · 4 months
( holy hell I am late I am so sorry I slept and also I forgot about it I'm sorry )
tw : impaling and ( gore? Idk really 👀 )
After our heroes defeated izanami it was time for the killing strike until teddie just swam with a spear in his hand and impaled the fellow goddess of death
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*cough* *cough* "well played......" izanami said as she bleds out "you did succeed in finishing your goal..." she fades in and out of obscurity "and now....my time is up....." as izanami fades out and the fog evaporating with her she says her last faithful words
"well played teddie....well played...hehe...."
and she disappears for one last time and after the investigation team finds out about the whole temple going to fall they got out of there quickly
when they got out of the TV world the whole team went outside and it was beautiful the sea was glittering with fresh water, the crystals have evaporated and the bones of many are gone except for the ones buried in the beige-like sand
All of the crystals and fog were gone
"yaaay we did it!" said chie joyfully while hugging yukiko
"high-five naoto" kanji breathing heavily after he carried naoto to the entrance of the dungeon when they were escaping and naoto proceeds to high-five him then she got off him and started dancing
rise however is still mad she didn't even beat izanami up but she still happy regardless then proceeds to dance with naoto
"I'm glad to be a navigator for all of you but y'all are still dumb to me"
"yeah tell me about it!" yukiko said after getting hugged by chie
"says the one that wants to talk trash and chew bubble gum" chie replied after she hugged yukiko and is now pointing at rise
"now listen here you-....know what you kinda right tho...." rise said aggressively then realizing it's kind of true
"hey one of you try and catch me!" Naoto said as she bolted while rise following her "YOU GET BACK HERE!!!!" rise yelled "eat my shorts dolphin idiot" naoto replied
"NAOTO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SHORTS YOU ONLY HAVE PONCHOS!" Kanji yelled out after followed both naoto and rise after they went far away from the team
Yu after looking at this, he looks at his hands and then looks at yosuke "hey partner..." yosuke politely said "yeah what is it yosuke?" yu replied "I can't believe we've done it, the whole sea is saved thanks to us and the whole gang" yosuke replied with tears in his eyes and him trying to wipe them *sniff* "now saki can rest now knowing this nightmare is over"
"mhmm...she can finally rest now knowing her brother be alright without her" yu said until rise throws a soft can at him and then he stares at her and proceeds to throw an apple at her therefore almost proceeding to run until yosuke stopped him and said "instead of chasing her...why don't we get some popsicles from the surface the money's on me"
"yosuke....I thought you would never ask....of course I would like some!" Yu said
"haha yeah!" yosuke replied and yu and yosuke proceeds to swim to get popsicles from the surface
And as the sky reflects the two sides of the ocean the saltwater and freshwater sea the waves were calm and steady, the sand was hot and the clouds were peaceful
It was now just another day at freshwater inaba.
★{[ T H E ♥︎ E N D ]}★
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Fun fact : thank you for making it this far!
I am so glad I did this challenge even though I kind of burnt out of motivation to do so but I finally did it
Thank you all for supporting me in this challenge alone I couldn't thank you enough for y'all to get you all but I have ever got motivation by making this complicated lore and making it really amazing for all of you to see
I appreciate all of you and happy pride y'all
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brawlite · 6 months
Another cassian/luthen enjoyer here and I'm so glad you've joined the (albeit very small) party! If you're looking for similar dynamics I would suggest the draven/cassian tag on ao3, especially the works by DachOsmin and days4daisy. Draven has minimal screentime in Rogue One but it's got the similar handler x spy vibes. (also if you write cassian/luthen i will explode w joy)
ok phew i am feeling vaguely reassured by people (including you) coming out of the woodwork to say they like cassian/luthen bc man was a feeling a little woozy about it. i can only annoy @destronomics so much before i become like a thorn in a side or something.
destro actually recced me some of DachOsmin's work and hrrrrrrgh when i say i went a little feral, that is really understating it. not to just post screenshots from twitter, where i typically reside, but:
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like. sometimes you find a particular flavor of whump that resonates right down to the bone and makes you vibrate for days like a tuning fork but wretched and warped, and that's....... that. anyway.
thank you for the recs tho—i will also now go check out days4daisy, too. to keep myself well-fed.
would it be surprising if i already started a cassian/luthen wip? probably not. let's see if i can ride this wave of feral energy to its completion.
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d4iryqueen · 11 months
update: my mom did in fact intervene in a way. she pointed out how skinny i got over 2 weeks (they were v stressful for my whole family, especially me n my mom and she knows abt my ed so she figured it out quickly). what happened is that i have noticed my bones sticking out more and abs showing (for the 1st time in my life!), but my weight stayed the same thoughout, so i thought im just unsure of what i actually look like and/or am imagining it because i wish i looked like that. but because she keeps on talking about how i look really thin and …unattractive (she fr still thinks eds develop bc people want to be skinny bc skinny=pretty????)…. i actually accepted that i really am that thin. that my ribs are actually showing. that my hip bones do in fact protrude from my pants. and i love it. however, as much as i adore this, it made me feel “safe” in my eating? idk… i had shitty ass sleep bc i felt quite sick after yesterdays dinner, i slept only for 4 hrs max which is v little for me. so i was extremely tired today, took a caffeine pill and drank an energy drink on an empty stomach in the morning and went to school. i kinda overdosed on the caffeine, yeah :/. but i ended up having a v successful day, i did more than i thought i’d be able to with how tired i was/am. soooo… i allowed myself to eat basically anything i want until im not hungry anymore. i didnt have a plan today bc i simply focused on not being extra tweaked out or passing out in school and was nauseous so i literally didnt think about food at all in that way.
to make this long story short : i ate 2085 calories worth of food that i didnt plan and im glad that i didnt binge, but also im shocked by how easily my behavior got influenced by someone i truly love and care about.
its not a bad thing and in the end, i cant be *always* in a deficit realistically, plus if im in a plateau maybe it’ll help? even if i would gain (which i truly dont think i will) then id still be skinny af. and … it feels quite good tbh. im proud of myself for getting here and actually recognising it (nothing hurts more than seeing pics of you at lw and remembering you used to believe you were too large), but im also not proud of myself for letting go today. extremely proud of myself for not even thinking about binging tho. like i just ate like a normal person for 1 meal (dinner, as lunch was high cal safe food combos, which still contained much more things and cals than what id allow myself on a normal day). im having mixed feelings. but im also content. tomorrow? who knows what approach ill take towards my diet. and idk how ill feel about today when tomorrow comes, either. but for now, i just want to sleep. im gonna maybe reblog a bit, but ultimately im gonna take a sleeping pill to finally slee through the whole night and r e s t my body cos i need it.
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cassyapper · 1 year
pausing my misery and agony to drop. Tunez in your inbox! Once Again! First week of classes went well btw! The beginning of the end! ANYWAYS! more music you have probably heard!
This is so. Augh. It's on so many playlists for me it is SUCH a song:
https://open.spotify.com/track/3mBzmGcvEytNUsPHmpqtXZ?si=e32d68d2b6d54ec8 This is Jotaro coded I am not even going to beat around the bush about it this time here u go:
https://open.spotify.com/track/4W9WBmSfBjMIMrm26YV8bt?si=2cef6b93475b4c41 As is this :3c: https://open.spotify.com/track/62reWZkKlxUmLphHJy8kRN?si=cca4a96b34d54857
My sad gay ass is holding this so gently: https://open.spotify.com/track/6H2LbNF8RDehF74VZMxhuZ?si=00912f2e4a674732
And that is all for Now!! -Music Anon
hello music anon im sorry it took be ten billion years to get to this my schedule has been crazy as hell the past. uh. well i suppose it's always crazy but still i apologize for repsonding to this so late
i hope ur doing well btw im glad the first week of classes went well <3
as for today's gifts
weight of the world
i've never heard this song before! it's a lot of fun tho i love me a good jazz-esque tune
this reminds me so much of dio like im gonna add this to my dio playlist in fact. this is jsut so blatantly him esp in part 1 like god damn!!!!!! i honestly dont have much to say about it cause honestly i think the song speaks for itself. so much fun thank u for sharing this with me
oh that ominous ass piano of lord above. you're aboslutely right this is ABSOLUTELY a jotaro song holy fucking shit. im actually sick. this kinda reminds me of that antagonist jotaro au i made like. two years ago. this is legitimately so atmospheric i'd be so scared if i heard this at night with the lights off 😭😭😭😭 great song. oh jotaro.... "i will never deserve peace"/"the air tasted of ashes"/"there's trouble in my bones, a frigid tide" oh jotaro........... i wanna cry. ugh the cut at the end as well. sooo jotaro getting slashed core
have a seat misery
oh this is absolutely jotaro and enrica (what i call mrs kujo) core....oh my lord. at the same time it also reminds me of jotaro and star platinum....god just. like you said. very jotaro core jesus christ
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ugh this line in particular fucked me up. JOTAROOOO you fucking. UGH
OUGHHH...GOD...his voice in this one fuck. it's so good
this fits a lot of jojo couples but i am terminally sdc brained so im thinking a lot about noritaro and avpol.....and honestly even just all of the crusaders in general cause this song isnt even explicitly romantic. ough god i wanna cry. i think im gonna add this to my sdc playlist. esp cause the warrior imagery....fallen warrior ....ough...it aches...and we my friend will meet again sometime....
this is so good im seriously fucking shaken thank you SO much for sharing
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sungbeam · 1 year
HONEY BUNCHES OF POLLINATED PETALS HELPPP 💀💀💀💀 Nearly choked when you ended with that RDJYDJ WHAT A LINE 😭
BUT IDK IF I SHOULD SPOIL [REDACTED] 🫣 but just for you I’ll give you a line from the book, “You know, when you’re as sad as I was, you love sunsets.”
I KNOW IT MIGHT SOUND KINDA CORNY BUT CONTEXT MATTERS 🤓☝️ and you’re right I just never brought it up JEFNEJFN sorry to the people for making it seem like I read as much as I used to back in ye old days 😔💔 BUT! I’m trying to get back into reading so lmk any book recs hehe cause I’m so sorry anytime I walk into a book store all I see are those corny ass Canva lookin book covers and it’s turns me off immediately 😭 not to be like “argh what happened to literature 👺” but like ARGH WHAT HAPPENED TO LITERATURE 👹👹 now all we got hyped up is Cassandra Clare like… is this who we are now… is this what we represent as a society 😔
N E WAYS MOVING ONTO A STUDY IN MONSTERS- Medusa!yn??? 🫣 also omg the preview is giving like… the intro to Mirror Mirror yk? Like the animated backstory 😳 which is a coincidence because that was onE oF My FaV MoViES???? Omg now I’m more hype PLELRJEKRNE
1. Something like Fantastical Beasts and Where to Find Them and Chanhee and yn were lil vets for the beasts/monsters OR explorers that went around looking for them to document them
2. Something like Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (cause the children are seen as monsters yk-) where Chanhee or yn encounter Hollows and wants to know more abt them which leads them to the home for peculiar children or smth like that LOLOL
3. Could’ve also gone the route of Chanhee or yn making it out of a traumatizing event or smth and other ppl in the story are the real monsters
4. Could’ve also gone existential and could’ve been Chanhee and/or yn contemplating as to if they’re actually good people and what makes a good person etc etc
Like if one of the MLs were interested in both the FL and the other ML then THAT would be a love triangle but in this case all the MLs are just attracted to the FL which makes the love triangle a ✨love corner✨
And abt your banners, I think they’re perfect honestly 😭 it doesn’t matter if they’re more simpler or minimal, they perfectly convey the vibes of the story and honestly your banners are what attracted me to your works in the first place 😭 I thought the banners for In all your endeavours and Party people were so well done that I clicked on them AND BOY AM I GLAD I DID LOLOL
AND ABT BONES- the og ver def sounds interesting but I can also see how it would’ve been hard to write since idk why but imo it feel so hard to write dark academia like I only get the aesthetic pics but I don’t get how to translate it into words properly yk 😭 THAT’S JUST ME THO-
YES MY LOVE FOR WOO IS UNDENIABLE JUST AS MUCH AS MY LOVE FOR ERIC 😩🙏 I fell in love with Woo during Deja Vu era LOLOL right when I watched his AOTM like damnnnn I knew he was the one for me on SIGHTTTTTTT😔🙏
- Love you always my beammie weammie sugar plum honey bunches of oats paczki boo boo ba ba pookie bear 🤭, 🌷 anon
(Ps. Yes, I tried my upmost hardest to make a unique cutie name 😔🫶)
AHAHHAHAHA I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW I GOT TO HONEY BUNCHES OF POLLINATED PETALS 💀💀💀 this is what happens when i let my intrusive thoughts win 🤡🤣
"you know, when you're as sad as i was, you love sunsets" NOW THATS A LINE 😔 i didn't find it corny at all tbh maybe cuz i have a special place for sunsets and sunrises in (as my mother once said 💀) my black heart skfnekdmkr i def have not read the book tho so no worries abt spoilers LOL OMG PLS 😭 im literally an english major and i haven't read for fun in YEARS 😭 it's so sad, i think the only way to get me to read again is to get me to drop out of fanfic,,, like the dry spell is that bad skfnkemfk U R SO REAL FOR THAT WHY IS EVERY BOOK COVER LIKE THE SAME JUST IN DIFFERENT COLORS???? LIKE GUYS . PLEASE. GUYS /PLEASE/ wait wait hyped up cassandra clare??? that's still going on 😭😭😭😭 i thought we were over this guys skxnekdn but i honestly wouldn't know cuz im not on tiktok 💀 anyways. Booktok sucks!
omg wait 😭😭 i've actually never watched mirror mirror before don't come for me 😭😭 but im glad the similarity hypes u up even more !!! OKAY WAIT I NEED TO COMMENT ON ALL UR BRILLIANT IDEAS 🤸‍♀️🔎
AHHH A FANTASTIC BEASTS AU WHERE THEY'RE VETS OR SUMN TO THAT EFFECT WAIIIIIIT TULIP. TULIP U R ONTO SOMETHING BESTIE. THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN AND SO CUTE !! it's like that one disney movie called the rescuers 😭😭 i haven't watched the full thing, but when u said little i immediately thought of that TT
ohhhh miss peregrine's au would be SUCH an interesting idea too, and i def see where the title comes into inspire that 🤔🤔 it's been awhile since i've seen that movie actually, i can't remember what my orig thoughts abt it were
humans = monsters tbh 🙁🙁 BUT ACTUALLY the fic im like writing has a lot of those elements in it of itself cuz yk they're "different" so they're treated and seen differently yk ,, and i literally start off w both yn and chanhee's separate traumas TT
wodjoejdkejdkrj im crying if u couldn't tell 😭😭😭 PLS DONT MAKE ME BLUSH 😔 WAIT WHERE IS MY MEME—
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i lurv you (´Д⊂ヽ im so happy to hear that like lemme go yell on a cliff rq 😃😃😃 LIKE WOW WHAT A COMPLIMENT CUZ SKDNKENF as long as it does what it needs to and it looks pretty then my job here is done 😎 like who needs a whole fic 😎 OOP both those fics' banners were made bc i fell in love w those pics of joong and cobie (´Д⊂ヽ i literally saw joongs lemon tree mv screenshots on pinterest and they were PERFECT and then cobie dropped those pics from the i like u stage and they were PERFECT. omg when my banners brought us together 🤩🤩🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
ahh yeah i think i kind of have dark academia down, i just wasn't feeling the fic after all the planning i did for it 😭😭😭 so it never made it past 1k words LMAO 💀
OKAY BUT wooyoung and eric kind of give off similar vibes, don't u think ???? cheeky, flirty mfkers 😔😔 BUT OH MY GOD. WOOYOUNGS AOTM LIVES RENT FREE IVE WATCHED IT LIKE A BILLION TIMES ITS SO ICONIC. i literally almost wrote a fic because of it 😭 i also LOVE christopher's songs, and bad just hits SO HARD TT
AHAHAHHAHAHA THE BEAMIE WEAMIE POOKIE BEAR OSFNKENDJ PLSS 💖💖 roses r red / violets r blue / im sending a heaping spoonful / of sugar (and love) to you ✨💖
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badluvkii · 1 year
words honestly can’t describe how much i love the saw x movie , i never thought a movie could top saw iii bc it was very personal to me because i’ve experienced a lot of grief and a lot i lost to ,, cancer, . i liked saw iii bc it showed how grief can affect people and how it’s not so easy to forgive . saw x hit personally to me , even harder than saw iii and i was holding back tears most of the scenes revolves around cancer . i didn’t cry bc i didn’t want the cinema to thibk i was a pussy and was crying bc the traps were scary tho . it really hit home and i think [saw spoilers now] the “doctors” were horrible humans and deserved everything that came to them . all my life the cure for cancer is the main thing i’ve always wanted to happen and the fact they faked it for money was absolutely appalling , cancer is the worst thing ever and it really highlighted how important it is to cure it . the motives were extremely important messages and i love that it was sharing them
now time to talk ab cinematography , the traps were really creative and were , in my opinion , the goryest traps we’ve seen so far in saw , saw 3d was just stupid so it doesn’t count . i’ve never visibly cringed so much in a saw movie than now but also a lot of the traps involve things that i am afraid of , eyes , brain , throat , eyes agian , i HATE eyes and if i feel my eyes too long in my skull i get uncomfortable so i literally had to look away when the eyes were getting sucked out of the man’s skull , i’ve never looked away in a saw movie before other than the venus flytrap from saw ii which also involved eyes , basically other than hospitals and cancer , eyes are my worst fear they creep me out . i was so afraid of brains as a kid i couldn’t even hear the word brain without feeling sick and begging them to stop saying it so tje brain trap made me uncomfortable but not enough to look away still ahah . bone marrow trap was hard but i was more worried ab the throat cutting/beheading bc i hare the idea of anything on the throat . arm bombs was surprisingly bad as well but that’s probably bc of trauma i don’t like wrist cutting now . i hate the eye vacuum trap . blood water boarding was not the worst im glad both john and the little boy survived , gas house was ok but i loved the plot that came with it . i hate the eye vacuum trap
i was trying to figure out if i loved gabriella or hated her . sure she was involved in the scam but she was in a bad living condition and would do anything for money i feel like she was tied up in guilt and sorrow during the job because she was depressed when meeting john , she was genuinely kind i feel like she had to do what she had to , she never scammed him , just gave him a place to live , i think this is reflected in her trap and the way kramer and amanda treat her , her trap was the easiest of the main cast’s traps meaning kramer probably did it to let her live , amanda adored her and saw herself in her she was rooting for gabriella to live , she was bad fot being involved but i feel like she did it bc it was her only choice to live . radiation trap was brutal but i knew she could do it it’s a shame the woman snapped her neck bc she deserved to live after she went through the test , you could see how destraught amanda was , amanda is my favorite saw character and seeing her hurt hurt me. i hate the eye vacuum trap .
this really redeemed the series after shit shows like saw 3d and jigsaw everyone got what they deserved bar gabriella , end credit scene was fucking great and i loved hoffmans line bc it was funny to me . all of tje characters were really fleshed out and there were multiple plot twists but not enough to make wverone confused , as well as this it would be understandable for people who aren’t fans of the whole franchise like me . the movie fit so well between saw ii and saw iii and seeing amanda again was so great for me because i LOVE amanda i got so excited when i saw her again , it really let amanda shine and i love that for her . it made me really upset bc the hospital scenes i can’t watch because of flashbacks so i had to look away when i could see oxygen masks and other material and the cancer scenes were extremely hard , for example it took me way longer to watch breaking bad than i wanted bc of those themes so it’s really hard for me to watch , i was reluctant to watch saw x bc i found out how much of the themes are in the movie but i’m so glad i watched it because it really was the best one it beat the personalness and story of saw iii . by the way angel of death trap is still my fav i think it’s so beautiful
i hate the eye vacuum trap
i hate the eye vacuum trap
venus flytrap and eye vacuum remain the hardest traps for me to watch bc i hare eyes , venus flytrap was hard bc the key was behind the eye but the actual venus flytrap wasn’t hard to watch . the eye vacuum trap was horrendous i had to look away words can’t describe how much i hate that trap , this movie had the most gorey traps by far
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i hate eye vacuum trap
speaking of eye vacuum trap , i knew that doctor would be the one in it from tje clues i got from the trailer , fingers and eyes , it kept zooming onto his eyes and the fingers of the man he was looking after , his fingers and the stealing when i saw it keep panning to his eyes and fingers i was thinking fuck this get me out of here i hate this but i persisted HOW DO YOU PUT THE WOSRT ONE TO WATCH AT YHE STARY
i hate the eye vacuum trap
saw x is my favorite saw movie by miles
in my opinión
saw x
//*** MASSIVE WALL***\\
saw iii
saw vi
saw v
every one else
saw ii
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nogenderbee · 4 months
Girl istg your baizhi post was so real..
are you planning to write for wuwa?? Cause girl if you do, istg you'll be the death of me🙏🏻 I WILL SPAM YOUR INBOX LEFT TO RIGHT🔥🔥🔥‼️
So for the question, what 5★ character do you wish to have? You could probably guess mine hehe<33
-daily! Anon
Like the mc is cute and pretty and all BUT BAIZHI?!! Inmidietly went to gay panic mode- Not like I'm complaining tho hehe
Also wth NPC's swear?! I may've skipped story a bit but I didn't notice ToT Butt this is so good, I'm glad they're not afraid to do that!!
And Lingyang did WHAT?! Omg is this boy okey?!!!
Okey it'll be quite a ramble now I guess but... Yes, I am thinking about writing for WW ^^ Still probably gonna take time because I don't want it to be like Blue Lock situation when I suddenly abandon it so I'll sit in the fandom a bit more, get comfortable with characters and maybe then I'll do it!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x15 pandora
oh I feel like this is a little bit plot heavy but not really
THIS one is the who killed markiplier episode with a billion causes of death! Ye! tho tbh I remember this one & it is kind of intellectually stimulating & I am not on my meds yet this morning, I just took my meds I forgot last night & I want to give it some time in between to prevent nausea
MR: Oh, you’re making me your fabulous pasta Carbonara. Ohh, you shouldn’t have.
RC: I didn't
Castle is so allowed to be concerned for his baby's internship
(I've seen gifs tho ik what it is)
Your better half lol martha
MR: Ah, ah, ah, ah. My lips are sealed.
RC: Then you won’t be using them to eat my…pasta Carbonara.
MR: (sigh)All right. Well, let me say this. This internship has my personal Seal of Approval.
RC: That doesn’t make me feel any better.
hellacious? that a word? Is it the 80s?
LP: No I.D., but lots of causes of death.
RC: You mean, other than gravity?
LP: Oh, yeah. See that bullet wound?
[Lanie shines a light on the corpse.]
KB: So, he was shot before he fell?
LP: And stabbed.
KB: Shot and stabbed?
LP: And choked, and has a pencil jammed in the side of his neck.
RC: ouwa!? Gives new meaning to the term “overkill.”
JE+AC: *don't make eye contact don't make eye contact don't make eye contact*
RC, leaving, absent-mindedly: Hey alexis
AC, approaching Dr Parish: Hey *don't look suspicious don't look suspicious*
jdshafkjshdfjk great interaction
RC: It’s—I just—I don’t know if you should be exposed to crime scenes and dead bodies.
AC: Oh, I’m already used to it. It’s equal parts gross and cool.
LP: I heard that and I couldn’t agree with you more.
You really don't bleed that fast. & if you're wearing clothes it wouldn't happen like that. I've even done autosurgery & it would be hard to get a trail of blood that bloody.
He did not stand there for "a minute" he stood there for like two seconds while he opened the door, judging by how close the other droplets of blood are
KR: *talking abt the case* *watching the video* ,, Hey. Pretty cool about Alexis’ internship. *looks at castle* Or Not.
tbh I would totally keep the sandwich in my hand when it is in the air & I'd bring it with me
Ooh holy crap ryan's jacket is navy blue with black plaid-type stripes patterning it & it's pretty af, & then he's wearing a nice light blue shirt with no tie. I wish we got to see more of Luke Reichle's pants & shoes. That man is the bomb.
She's so calm talking abt her kidnapping & murder threat
Tina Massey: All he told me was that the man doesn’t exist.
Cut to LP: The man doesn’t exist as far as I can tell.
more broken bones than Evel Knievel. You’re not gonna believe his x-rays. I WANT TO SEE THE X-RAYS LETME SEE
Espt is looking nice today. Deep red maybe burdungy dress shirt & tie, grey jacket.
& Gage is gone!
Look up! Look up! People never look up!
Nice music
RC: Okay, hang on. Listen to me. I’m glad you weren’t there, because the kind of person who took John Doe’s body is the kind of person who wouldn’t think twice about hurting whoever got in the way.
That is the truth
VG: I assume he snuck out of the back exit.
KR: Actually, he went out through the front door
They call them blues, huh. Like how us chefs call them our whites.
btw I can't help but think that his name is phineas gage, the guy with the railroad pipe in his head or smth.
Whose desk is that??? Why is espt not doing this on his own computer? Why was he standing hunched over instead of sitting? Esp since he sits down now?
caskett outfits are also pretty btw.
Hold on the bullet is still in her head. She was shot in the back of the head & since there is no huge horrible exit wound or any exit wound at all, the bullet must still be in there. But where did all the blood come from? She is still bleeding out her nose but that would not have been enough blood
What is with ryan's shirt today? It seems pink but the collar (nice wide collar btw) is white.
Stay put to keep an eye on the body lol
Steaming cup of tea, sus.
& she lost her gun many times but always gets it back & it's ryan who is traumatized by 3xk having his gun
LP: Crazy. [...] The fact that Richard Castle, a man unburdened by regret and guilt, has a child that carried the weight of the world.
Well there was the time drug sellers stole their body
LP: Bodies just don't disappear
*enters a house with no body*
omg a NUMBER PAD for floors?? You have THAT MANY?
wait older bro said that the hospital he works at has number pads too nvm it can't be that much
*sexy lady walks up to castle*
Are we going to get to see Agent Gray?
So it's the detective beckett of the cia.
lmao treason is punishable by death? Screw that. U shouldn't be allowed to kill people & treason is a weird concept in the first place.
Thomas gage speaks 11 languages? I want that. He speaks english, german, french, spanish, portugese, greek, russian, arabic, cantonese, mandarin, urdu,
the cia: *does all the crap they did, a lot of which is a matter of public record*
The cia: *surprised pikachu when someone goes rogue*
Y'all sent ONE person to go pick up gage?
Becks has cell service down here?
Beckett you probably SHOULD have asked if u could answer seeing as you're in the cia & all
JE: She has a notation in her day planner, but all it says is....... *finds it & clicks on it even tho it is literally one word & I'm sure he could have remembered* “Pandora.”
Wow spies how sus.
What work have they done? Y'all are insane & stupid & lmao these spy stories are so weird & stupid.
Girl no you are not the cop here
RC: Ooh, wait. I’ve gotta see those direct-dial icons they put on our phones.
*beckett's has a CIA logo; castle's is a panic button*
ngl I feel bad for gates
Walks right thru espt lol
KR: So, seriously, what’s going on?
KB: Guys, I’m sorry. We really can’t talk about it.
JE: Come on. This is us.
*Beckett gives them a look*
*They turn to Castle bc they know they won't get it out of beckett & a musical bass plays*
RC: No. Hey, sorry, boys. Classified. Top secret. Our eyes only. Defcon 1. & if I did tell you, well, *looks them up & down* then I’d have to kill you.
JE, stepping forward a bit: Yeah? Good luck with that.
RC: Yeah, realistically, that’s not—
JE: I’m gonna go on record and say that this sucks.
KR: Sucks.
Mum def noticed the chess clock
castle adhd moments
woah that is pricey af! I'm glad I live in canada where we have space
Ew. It's like that tiktok trend where girls that are "not like other girls" show off by talking cars. Who cares? Cars are boring to me but cool to you good job have fun but I don't care. I like rocks & minerals & rocks are a dirty boy thing but do you care? no!
who laps whoM
Castle's right
Car phone?
Oh lol. *69?
Whoa ok that was fast & seemingly risky. I watched that at 1/16 speed & still idk what's going on it's so fast
Why phones on the ground tho... please don't break them ugh ok fine whatever. That's spy stuff for you
KB: (whisper) Castle. *Beckett turns on her flashlight. She finds Castle cringing.*
KB: Castle, what are you doing?
RC: Bracing myself to shield you from a hail of bullets. *goes back to cringing*
KB: Yeah, well, that’s very gallant of you, but you can stop bracing. I think he left.
RC: Oh. Man, my life was passing before my eyes. I think I lost track of time.
Punch out the tail light?
Aren't you supposed to tell people where you are going now?
KB: ... You pressed the panic button, didn’t you?
RC: Well, if there was ever a time to panic, I think this was it.
KB: Yeah, especially since it was Detective Ryan who found it.
Sophia Turner: By using all the coolest toys.
Just like Jesse or Jacquie or whoever the fbi lady was.
Edit:Jordan shaw
What if it was a call NOT to new jersey or OVER 60 seconds?
Math guy? Tracy was a math fellow too
lmao spy shit & USA shit
As a deaf person: no
Tracy played chess
Sus girly
*says their plan right in front of the cia elevator boy*
that would be a sad job you're a highly trained spy & your job is to stand in the elevator
surprised her hair is that nice
RC: I’m not in a--… How did you find out about that? No, wait. Let me guess. Beckett to Lanie to Alexis to you.
RC: Is nothing sacred?
MR: Not much.
What if it is not a chess play maybe it is people & locations
JE: I found one from ten years ago. Tracy and a bunch of her grad student friends went on a white-water rafting trip with a Dr. Blakely, their professor, although it wasn't a good time for him. He drowned during the trip.
*Esposito hands Beckett the accident report.*
KB: So he faked his death and Tracy was in on it.
JE: WHO faked his death-- BLAKELY??
[ugh the way his voice cracks a bit on "blakely" oof]
*Esposito grabs the report back.*
KB: Uheuah… I'm sorry. I can't tell you.
JE, shaking head: You know, a man can only take so much.
RC: She isn't my partner. You are.
That little smile he loves her
I don't want to ask a question.
*asks question*
Vulnerability assessment...?
Big bro didn't realize this was POST 2008
y u asking abt the linchpin? He wouldn't trust u
dun dun dun & then he dies & then the car goes omg bro open a window before u go under
aaaand they're under. If you are in a car, you must open the window BEFORE you get under the water.
Ok that is the end of the disc. I just watched the blue butterfly & I saw the commentary recently too so I won't be transcribing that today. The deleted scene is good tho. Alexis is talking abt all her internships & says she's going to apply to them all & whichever ones she does NOT get into, well, good. It eliminates them for her. Good idea.
Welp that was fun. I might go back & film some clips to post obsessively now.
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Day Four?: I asked him to hang out with me all day today like 3 days ago cause I was feeling emotional at the time. Then this morning when I went to get him, I almost chickened out. I felt nervous and conflicted. I didn’t want me to get all emotional all day. But I did pretty good. Didn’t cry once.
(Did tear up when he was telling me about his depression and I was saying that I’ll be there for him cause he was always there for me and it got me thinkin about how grateful I am that he was cause otherwise, who knows if I’d still be here and I’m glad I’m here cause despite all of this I’m really happy I’m alive and I’m in love with life)
I took him to the park cause I wanted to show him that we could still do fun stuff together and I thought it might help cause he’s kinda been in his head a lot lately. I thought we’d eat a little breakfast and walk around. But it was kinda cold so we ended up sitting on a bench, sharing a blanket, talking, and looking out at the water. The lake (?) was beautiful. So still and yet, you see the ripples of the water proving that it was full of life. I was really glad I decided to go.
Things did take kind of a weird turn when he told me that all the nature and stuff made him horny. We ended up doing hand stuff [god that makes me sound like a teenager lol] while I drove us back to the apartment. I bought a toy on the way there. We had sex. It was mostly good. But then during it there was a point where I could tell that he might be physically having sex with me but he was mentally thinking about all the stuff he does with her. And I don’t even need to say it but I clearly am not her.
We hung out. Things were chill. We got in a small fight. I said some things. I’m pretty sure most of it was true but then again I was angry so I don’t remember everything I said. We calmed down, took a nap, picked up our kid, went to the store, and all had dinner together. It was nice. I feel like we cleared the air on somethings. Not everything tho. So there’s still some confusion. But he still loves me. I know he’s not coming home anytime soon tho. (Unless he tells her about our recent activities lol) But at least I don’t feel the need to cry about it anymore. I mean, I might at some point cause this is a lot of emotional stuff but for rn I’m okay.
Then we boned again to make up from the time before and it was really good. He was actually like, with me this time lol overall, it was a pretty nice day. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I still love him. But I’m going to be okay. I hope he will be too. And maybe one day will figure this whole thing out. Either platonically or romantically. But I know at the very least, I’ll always have someone to save me from myself when I need it. And he has someone who would do the same. And I think that’s all we can really hope for right now. And that’s okay.
I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. Everyday is worth living. Even the hard ones.
I hope one day you feel the same and can find peace and joy and light and a beautiful love of life. You will always be worth it to me.
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slotheyes · 2 years
sorry if this comes off as a little direct, but I was wondering if you have any nrt fic recommendations? Im also a bit sensitive when it comes to vocabulary/epithets/etc which makes finding fics kinda difficult. that being said the days are getting shorter and i can feel my self slipping back into old habits… if u have any recs you r comfortable w sharing (ofc none at all is fine too lol) I would appreciate it🙏 I value ur characterization of the nrt cast as well so I have confidence in what u choose to read, should probably also say this is the first time ive ever asked someone for recs so i apologize if it came off awkward 😭😭 lots of love! ❤️
Anon you have nothing to apologize for, I am always glad to share things I enjoy :') I'm not sure what kinds of things you prefer to read, but so far here are some fics I've enjoyed:
Something to Remember Me By by heimai: Modern au set SNS fic. Very cute but also sad as hell. I cried. No spoilers tho please experience the highs and lows for yourself and I hope you enjoy it.
Moonshine by Victopteryx: Probably one of my favorite fics of all time tbh. Hashimada au set in early 1900s America, the Uchiha clan runs a moonshining business and the Senjuu clan moves in on it for a potential partnership. Absolutely out there concept and it is such a delight to read, so fun.
When Love Fades by Kizukatana: This one might not be everyone's cup of tea, and I fully understand if it's not, but I loved it. Modern au setting, Sasuke and Naruto breaking up after 6 years together. The bulk of the fic is them apart, learning about themselves and their relationship and where things went wrong. The heartache is real, the emotions are raw, and ill be honest it was a little more relatable than I was ready for, but that just made it hurt all the better. Theres some parts towards the end that focus in on Naruto's childhood a little more than I think was necessary but aside from that I thought it was a very good read.
Flesh and Bone by dawnstruck: i just finished this one and it was cute! The first half is stronger than the second and admittedly I haven't read much genin fic but I liked the genin part so much 🥺 nice take on the arranged marriage trope.
The Things We Sacrifice by CanineKitten: Another one i can understand not being everyone's thing cause it's a Boruto-set cheating fic. I like the drama, and hate their marriages, so I eat this kinda shit up but that's me.
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