#. also most of these are alistair theirin ff ideas okay shhh
Writer’s First Line
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
thanks for the tag @whirrlinginrags :))
( i haven't written anything in ages and the only fic i have is one from da inquisition BUT this inspires me to write at least first lines of ff's i've thought about writing ) :)
''I never promised to stay...not after that.'' (DA, Warden & Alistair)
''Whatever title you give me, I do not want it because I am not your herald, your savior or your Inquisitor anymore'' (DA Trespasser, Inquisitor Lavellan)
''What is it like? To come back to a place that was once your home and yet you don't recognize any of it?'' (LIS: True Colours)
Mary thought she knew the end, what was to come and yet she never in all her life thought the love of her life, her partner would choose to push her away and she was alone, again. (DA, Warden Amell & Alistair)
Ellie stepped out of the broken house, leaving her guitar behind, letting go of the last memory of Joel. (TLOU 2)
There was something here, long ago, and he could see the memories of her, how warm and light this place once was, when now it felt like every breath in her absence felt heavy. (DA:I, King Alistair Theirin)
He wanted to tell her, let her know that there was a part of him who would give it all up just to be with her but he was too far in it now and when he tried to step closer to her, she flinched and he knew then and there that the person he loved most was out of his reach now, leaving him to his isolation. (DA: Trespasser, Inquisitior & Solas)
That's the beauty of this world: Everything begins and everything ends, nothing ever stays the same and even your hardships won't last forever, you can always begin something new. (this one his basically Doctor Who, what the 12th Doctor says in his last moments I think, and it's one of my favs so yeah)
People have always said that I am too much in my head, and whenever my mind seems to wander and I get asked where I am, I seem to forget where I was and my surroundings become blurry, as if I was able to go somewhere else without moving at all.
''I miss her. Maker knows I miss her. Every day I go to that ridiculous statue made for her, place fresh red roses there and I--'', Alistair told Leliana, and continued with ''...I pray that she miraculously steps out of her grave, and that she-that she comes back to me.'' (DA, Alistair Theirin)
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