#. SydneyLife
irregolarmente · 1 year
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By Nature _ _ _ #sydney #sydneylife #sydneylifestyle #nature #naturephotography #rainbow #sky #skyporn #rain #sun #sunset #colours #colourful #life #moments #stories #natural #nature #lookup #seethebeauty #arcobaleno https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVC--iPZOf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smutnyphotographer · 2 years
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My team heading to Perth in few weeks! Maybe month! Hit me up with your photo shoot ideas! 🔴 📷 🔴 #modelphotography #perth #perthmodelwanted #modeling #modelling #sydneyharbourbridge #sydney #sydneylife #sydneyblogger #sydneyharbour #sydneycbd #bikinimodel #modelswanted #girls #sydneylocal #girl #sydneymodel #sydneyoperahouse #girly #sydneyphotographer #sydneymakeupartist #model #sydneycity #sydneyaustralia #sydneyevents #modelsearch #modelshoot #confident #fitnessmodel (at Tom Price, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CixO8o6vWv0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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photosbydez · 2 years
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seriesmagicx · 5 days
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NCIS: Sydney – Ein neues Kapitel in der NCIS-Franchise
Die erfolgreiche NCIS-Franchise hat einen spannenden neuen Ableger: "NCIS: Sydney". In der atemberaubenden Kulisse der australischen Metropole Sydney ermittelt ein frisches Team von NCIS-Agenten, das sich nicht nur den Herausforderungen des Verbrechens, sondern auch den kulturellen und landschaftlichen Besonderheiten Australiens stellt.
Überblick über die Serie und die wichtigsten Charaktere
"NCIS: Sydney" folgt einem Team von Ermittlern, die an vorderster Front arbeiten, um Verbrechen aufzudecken und die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Angeführt wird das Team von Special Agent Jack Thompson, einem erfahrenen Ermittler mit einem scharfen Verstand und einem Gespür für Gerechtigkeit. Unterstützt wird er von Special Agent Mia Rodriguez, einer ehemaligen Militärpolizistin mit einer unerschütterlichen Entschlossenheit. Weitere Teammitglieder sind der technische Experte Ethan Chen und die forensische Analytikerin Dr. Samantha "Sam" Brooks.
Vergleich mit anderen NCIS-Serien
Ein zentraler Aspekt, der "NCIS: Sydney" von seinen Vorgängern unterscheidet, ist der einzigartige Schauplatz. Während NCIS in Washington D.C., Los Angeles und New Orleans jeweils ihren eigenen Charme und Stil haben, bringt Sydney eine ganz neue Dynamik in das Franchise. Die australische Kultur, Landschaft und die spezifischen Herausforderungen der Region machen die Serie einzigartig.
Die Bedeutung der Schauplätze
Die Schauplätze in "NCIS: Sydney" spielen eine zentrale Rolle und tragen erheblich zur Atmosphäre der Serie bei. Sydney ist bekannt für seine atemberaubenden Strände, ikonischen Wahrzeichen wie das Opernhaus und die Harbour Bridge sowie seine multikulturelle Bevölkerung. Diese Vielfalt wird in der Serie wunderbar eingefangen und verleiht den Geschichten eine authentische und lebendige Kulisse.
Ein tiefgehender Blick auf die Hauptcharaktere zeigt, wie vielfältig und interessant das Team von "NCIS: Sydney" ist. Special Agent Jack Thompson, der Teamleiter, ist ein erfahrener Ermittler mit einer bewegten Vergangenheit. Seine Führungsqualitäten und seine Fähigkeit, auch in den schwierigsten Situationen einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren, machen ihn zu einem natürlichen Anführer. Special Agent Mia Rodriguez bringt ihre militärische Disziplin und Entschlossenheit ins Team. Ethan Chen, der technische Experte, beeindruckt durch sein umfangreiches Wissen und seine kreative Herangehensweise an Problemlösungen. Dr. Samantha Brooks, die forensische Analytikerin, ist das wissenschaftliche Herz des Teams, ihre analytischen Fähigkeiten und ihr scharfer Verstand sind unverzichtbar für die Aufklärung der Fälle.
Technologische Aspekte und kriminalistische Methoden
Die Serie legt großen Wert auf die Darstellung moderner Ermittlungstechniken und forensischer Methoden. Von High-Tech-Überwachungssystemen bis hin zu fortschrittlichen Labortechniken – "NCIS: Sydney" zeigt, wie die Kombination aus traditioneller Ermittlungsarbeit und modernster Technologie zur Lösung komplexer Fälle beiträgt.
Die Rolle der australischen Marine
Ein einzigartiger Aspekt von "NCIS: Sydney" ist die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Royal Australian Navy. Diese Partnerschaft spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Serie und bringt eine zusätzliche Ebene von Realismus und Authentizität. Die Serie zeigt, wie die Ermittler des NCIS mit den Marinesoldaten zusammenarbeiten, um maritime Verbrechen zu bekämpfen und die Sicherheit auf See zu gewährleisten.
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen
Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von "NCIS: Sydney" ist die Entwicklung der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen innerhalb des Teams. Die Charaktere durchlaufen im Laufe der Staffel zahlreiche Höhen und Tiefen, die ihre Bindungen stärken und vertiefen. Freundschaften werden geschlossen, Vertrauen wird aufgebaut und gelegentlich auf die Probe gestellt, und auch romantische Spannungen kommen nicht zu kurz.
Ausblick auf Staffel 2
Nach dem packenden Finale der ersten Staffel von "NCIS: Sydney" bleiben viele Fragen offen und zahlreiche Handlungsstränge bieten Potenzial für zukünftige Entwicklungen. Die zweite Staffel verspricht, noch tiefere Einblicke in die persönlichen Geschichten der Charaktere zu bieten und neue, spannende Fälle zu präsentieren.
"NCIS: Sydney" ist ein gelungener neuer Ableger der NCIS-Franchise, der mit spannenden Ermittlungen, tiefgründigen Charakteren und einer faszinierenden australischen Kulisse überzeugt. Ob langjährige Fans oder Neueinsteiger – diese Serie bietet für jeden etwas.
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Schaut euch die erste Staffel von "NCIS: Sydney" an und lasst euch von den spannenden Fällen und der wunderschönen Kulisse Sydneys begeistern! Die Serie ist ein vielversprechender Auftakt für weitere spannende Abenteuer in Australien.
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dirt2tidyau · 5 months
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Are you gearing up for a move in the vibrant city of Sydney? Ever wondered what exactly move out house cleaning entails? Look no further! Our latest blog explores the ins and outs of move out house cleaning in Sydney, offering valuable insights and expert tips to ensure a smooth transition to your new home.
From understanding the importance of thorough cleaning to practical advice on hiring the right professionals, we've got you covered every step of the way. Say goodbye to the stress of moving and hello to a sparkling clean start in your new space!
Ready to learn more? Click the link below to uncover all you need to know about move out house cleaning in Sydney! 👇💼
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lifetimeyogisblog · 6 months
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Interlaced Fingers Variation:
Start in the standard Locust Pose position.
Interlace your fingers behind your back.
Lift your chest and legs while keeping your hands interlaced.
This variation enhances the opening in the chest and shoulders.
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smashedapplesfactory · 10 months
To see the previous post CLICK HERE
Date: September 7, 2023
Day: Thursday Time: 2:30 PM
September has arrived, and it brings with it a sense of renewal and transformation. As I reflect on my journey, I can't help but acknowledge how far I've come from the previous years. Life has presented its challenges, but I've managed to find strength within.
For a couple of years now, I've carried the burden of a diagnosed umbilical hernia. Surgeons have advised that they'll operate once I've shed a significant amount of weight. However, it's been a challenging journey since most weight loss exercises tend to focus on the belly region. On the brighter side, I've been on Ozempic for two years as part of my diabetes management, and it's helped me shed 20 kilograms during that time. Still, I find myself heavier than my desired weight, currently at 170 kilograms, down from 190 kilograms.
The period of grieving for my mom and granddad deeply affected my mental and subsequently, my physical health. However, since my arrival in Sydney in March 2022, I've been actively involved in various activities. I've enjoyed dog walking, selling pizzas at farmers' markets, and even worked with a renowned hospitality company called Merivale, which dominates numerous venues across New South Wales and has recently added Lorne, Victoria, to its list.
One of my most memorable experiences with Merivale was at the SCG/Allianz stadium, where I had the privilege of working at two Elton John concerts with the best views imaginable. My sole responsibility was to sell bottles of water, and during those magical two nights, I felt my mom's presence with me.
However, I decided to take a break from traditional jobs to focus on my well-being. Living through lockdown and the creepy pandemic cityscape of city life in Melbourne took a toll on my mental health. I vividly recall seeing the coroner's van and, sadly, witnessing 12 instances of individuals having end their lives by jumping out of windows or balconies from isolation in studio apartments around Elizabeth Street, where I resided. This was a dark period for me, and it led me to seek assistance in the form of antidepressants, something I never imagined I'd need.
These medications provided the help I needed, but they also led to a year and a half of numbing existence. It wasn't until recently, as I settled in Sydney, that I decided, in consultation with my doctor and pharmacy guidance, to gradually reduce my antidepressant dosage from 20mg to 10mg.
The initial week was tumultuous within my mind, but this second week has been a lot more manageable. This reduction in medication has offered me a renewed perspective on life. I've felt a return to the youthful vigor I had before my mom's battle with cancer. It's been refreshing yet strange, and it has made me realize that the entire time I was on antidepressants, I existed in a state of numbness, devoid of critical thinking.
This newfound clarity has also deepened my compassion for what my mom endured, undergoing various medication changes, which she often shielded from me. I look forward to the day when I can spend quality time with my beautiful nephew Phoenix, sister, Cassie, and brother from another mother, Gene. It will be delightful a time. The weather here in Sydney is splendid, and I've cultivated my own apartment garden in a window planter outside my window, inspired by my mothers former neighbour and their family’s passion for gardening.
Reflecting on my mom's medication journey, I realize I could have been more compassionate back then, but I was just a kid yearning to be carefree. The responsibilities of adulthood loomed over me at times, and I was reluctant to embrace them. This shared experience with Cassie has brought us closer, and we both concur that being off medication is a preferable state for us. I fondly recall a period when my mom was off her medication, before she went full Palliative and it allowed her to regain her old self before her mental health declined.
It was a bittersweet experience, but it opened my eyes to what she must have endured but never fully communicated.
As my mom's birthday approaches on September 9th, I find myself house-sitting for a delightful pug named Snuggle Bug in the Sydney district of the Shire/Barden Ridge. It promises to be a peaceful and reflective time, a fitting tribute to my mom.
With each passing day, I'm embracing the journey of self-discovery and healing, and I'm grateful for the people and experiences that have shaped my path.
In solitude and peace
Tobi J x
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fatpunkstudio · 1 year
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FPS Sydney Tag Life. Fat Punk Studio Ambassador Amie showcases a custom FPS owl T-shirt against the graffiti draped backdrop of this grungy NSW location. Discover more via link below.
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mattidoingart · 1 year
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Urbexing in Sydney This garage has been under development for many years and soon became abase for drug users, graffiti artists, and wandering photographers. It is currently sealed up and being used as a car park. … #MattiDoingArt #street_focus_on #urbanandstreet #streetphotography #streetfeat #allstreetshots #ilovesydney #sydneyfolk #sydney #sydneylocal #sydneylife #rustlord_unity #urbanromantix_2500 #urbanromantix #igerssydney #igersaustralia #aussiestreetphotography #sydneystreets #urbex #urbexsydney 20 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqADqbCrjUQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darcyfoot · 1 year
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irregolarmente · 1 year
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Theatrical _ _ _ #sydney #sydneylife #sydneylifestyle #arlecchino #harlequin #art #mask #character #drama #teather #italian #story #commediadellarte #dress #statue #pose https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZ0KIYvux0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dryingzangel · 1 year
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Basking in the sun— overlooking St Mary’s cathedral #sydney #australia #melbourne #brisbane #love #nsw #sydneyaustralia #perth #adelaide #photography #travel #instagood #sydneylocal #sydneylife #london #sydneyeats #newyork #sydneyfood #photooftheday #fashion #ilovesydney (at St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpObW1gSZ2m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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photosbydez · 2 years
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dirt2tidyau · 5 months
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Embarking on a move in the beautiful city of Sydney? Wondering who the trusted movers and shakers are in the cleaning industry to help ease your transition? Look no further! Our latest blog dives deep into the world of moving house cleaners in Sydney, offering invaluable insights, tips, and recommendations to ensure a seamless relocation experience.
From expert advice on selecting the right cleaning service to essential considerations for a spotless move, we've got you covered every step of the way. Whether you're relocating across town or across the country, our comprehensive guide will help you navigate the bustling Sydney cleaning market with confidence.
Ready to bid farewell to stress and dirt? Click the link below to unlock all the secrets to finding the perfect moving house cleaners in Sydney! 👇💼
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bellemossi · 2 years
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Modeling vibe 💜💜😊💜💜 With amazing eyelash extensions 👱‍♀️💖💖 @belle.mossi with eyelash extensions 🧚‍♀️👱‍♀️💜 I love pink backdrop 🌸🌸🌸 👛💝💖👛 Good news 🙋‍♀️ I posting another else from pink sequence 🤗💃💃 #sydneylashexpert #sydneybeautysalon #sydneycreatives #sydneyhairsalon #sydneyskinclinic #sydneylashextensions #sydneycontentcreator #sydneybrows #sydneybeautyphotographer #sydneylife #sydneybeautyclinic #sydneyskin #sydneydays #sydneycosmetic #sydneytattoo #sydneyaustralia #sydneywomen #sydneybrowspecialist #sydneywomeninbusiness #sydneybeautyblogger #sydneycreative #sydneyeyelash #sydneylashes #sydneyoperahouse #sydneylocal #sydneyskincare #sydneylifestyle #sydneyfashionblogger #sydneyeyelashextensions #sydneycreators (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-bDpkJKcB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holidaysworldwide4u · 2 years
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Sydney opera house, Australia 🇦🇺 Discover Australia, with the best prices! 💲 🚙✈️🌴 LINK IN BIO 🌴✈️🚙 Tag a friend, who needs to see this 👀 Follow @holidaysworldwide4u for more! Don’t Forget to Like and Comment 📳📲 Amazing Offers ⭐️
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Best Tour Guide 🌏 🌐 holidaysworldwide4u.com —————————— #holidaysworldwide4u #sydney #australia #sydneyopera #sydneyoperahouse #love #travel #sydneyaustralia #perth #adelaide #photography #travelling #instagood #sydneylocal #sydneylife #sydneyeats #newyork #sydneyfood #photooftheday #fashion #ilovesydney #nature #food #foodie #art #sydneyfoodie #newsouthwales #instagram #sydneyharbour (w: Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck5iEDpNHAc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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