#. . . ♞ asks .
brightblessed · 2 months
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@nebula-drcams said: “ there are things you want to do & things you have to do . . . but don’t forget to do nothing now & then . ” { Slides this over from Nimue, i hope this works }
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"I don't have time to do nothing." Even if he did have time, he would not use it. He had to be busy. He had to keep moving. Pausing invited thoughts he did not want to entertain. Fears and sorrows he would rather pretend did not exist. Even now, he had to keep himself from slipping back into those thoughts. Even if working made his hands ache, he would hide it. No one could know about the burns. About his failures. The pain was deserved. It was his punishment. Sitting around the Fortemps mansion made him want to claw his way out of his skin. He'd rather be practicing with his sword or drinking at the Forgotten Knight. He'd rather be fighting or even doing random work around the city. ANYTHING but let a single thought stray down into the depths of his mind.
"I need to practice. I've barely had time to get used to the sword." His sudden change from magic to a sword despite his potential as a mage was something he refused to explain. How could he? He needed to be strong for them. There were not many scions left. He could not fall apart. Not where anyone could see him.
"I've heard that wolves have been attacking soldiers outside of Falcon's Nest. I was thinking of seeing if I could help there." He hadn't slept in days. The dark circles beneath his eyes showed that. He'd barely eaten. His body was begging him to stop but he wouldn't listen. He would stop once he died... Which with the way he was living, would likely be soon. Or so he could hope.
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incandescentia · 8 days
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“…You. Stop looking at that picture. Give it back to me.”
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astarab1aze · 2 months
[loux]: how mad do you think Kai would be if I put bleach in his shampoo?
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"Well... I'ma be mad fer 'im. Don' mess wit his hair. I like it, ma chiquita." For one so devious, he really didn't get up to that much mischief... Fuck, who was he and what did he do with Loux fucking Garo? "Bleach makes ya shit brittle, an' sure, 'e might look like a lil leopard wit spots, buh his hair's like, his bebe. Ya really wanna deal wit tha', or was yer plan t' blame me? Rude. Let m' man live, free m' man Kai--"
An idea came to him, and he grinned down at her, some sort of mischief brewing in him. He leaned back only slightly, focusing and tying together threads of magic in his throat with a lick of his lips. Oh yes, his plan was to howl at the top of his lungs, enhance his voice and alert Kai to this silly so-called prank. Party pooper, and gladly so. Why was he protecting Kai's hair, of all things?
"HEY, KAI--!"
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bloodxhound · 6 months
What is your writing process? Do you go in one fell swoop? Do you leave and come back? Do you use a thesaurus? Do you re-read and swap out words? Do you try to match/beat your partner's length? Do you care about length at all? Do you look for fancier words? Do you get straight to the point? As artists, we only ever see your finished product. How do you craft your work?
My writing process tends to be messy. I finish smaller and banter-like replies in one go, but longer, plot-driven replies more often than not aren’t immediately completed. Usually, when I’m struggling with one reply in particular, I will write down whatever comes to my mind in a very messy and uncoordinated fashion ( dialogue first without actions, incomplete sentences, German words / phrases as placeholders for their English equivalents I couldn’t think of / remember at the time, etc. ), then come back to it later to re-write the mess into a cohesive whole. Blank page anxiety definitely used to be a thing for me. Sometimes it still is. This kind of process has helped me to overcome it for the most part though, since I don’t need to fret about meeting my self-standards anymore from the get-go. I just write junk and fix it later. RP is a hobby of course, but I do want my replies to read nicely. 
As for reply length, I do try to match comparatively ( i.e. I won’t throw a whole novella at someone who’s written me one paragraph and vice versa ), but I don’t “fluff up” replies for the sake of length, nor do I cut them shorter. I write however much I’m inspired to, and if that’s a little more or a little less than my partner’s response, that’s okay for me. It’s the content that matters anyway. When I cared more about matching length, it definitely fed into my blank page anxiety. It’s kind of daunting to sit down and attempt to respond to a long plot reply if you’ve set out to match even though you don’t feel like you have as much to say, you know? So, I’m not doing that anymore.
I don’t ever look for fancier words; fancier doesn’t automatically mean better. In many cases, a fancier word will lead to a worse result overall ( side-eyeing people who write “orbs” in lieu of eyes, for example ). Instead, I care about using words which evoke the right feeling, which aid with characterization, or which sustain one of my character’s motifs. There's a lot of power behind simple, short words, too. I will use a thesaurus if I cannot come up with a word that quite carries the meaning / connotation I want it to. This is especially the case in the rare moments when I have to translate a word from German into English. You cannot trust online dictionaries; a lot of times they offer you translations that only work on a surface level, so it's always best to look up a few alternatives as well.
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demon-prosecuted · 1 day
"You are my favourite dying Victorian child, Herr roter Anzug. Never change how you dress."
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❝ Wh--?? Dying Victorian child?? ❞ How is he supposed to respond to that?? ❝ What on Earth do you even mean with such a statement? ❞
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proofwhisky · 10 months
me: wants memes me: asks for memes me: receives memes me: is immediately overwhelmed my said memes me: sweating profusely
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thesilverfullcr · 5 days
What was your first Final Fantasy? Would you recommend it to others for their first?
Final Fantasy Munday Meme : Accepting!
My very first Final Fantasy game was FFIV! I'm what you call an Old Person, haha. It's still one of my favorites, even if only for the nostalgic factor. I'm actually running a D&D campaign based on the story. c: I don't know if I'd recommend it to an adult? It's a very child-oriented game with a lot of predictable plot twists and the like. But the characters are great, and newer translations of the game really hold up. The tactics of the game are very outdated (you can't change character classes/abilities or party members), but there are version of the game where they added in that stuff, so maybe one of those? It's a good game, if you can deal with the limitations!
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warriorslantern · 2 months
[Muse: Six Ear Macaque] [AU: Reluctant Hero] "Hm? Oh I-" A pause in speech as he needed a moment to register what he was looking at before continuing," Wasn't expecting someone to be up here yet and certainly not another me. Thought you were Mk coming up here, what brings you up here on flower fruit mountain or is this just a passing through type of deal?"
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The warrior paused, taking in the sight of the other. His tail twitched once behind him before stilling. For a moment, there was silence. But then a low note left him, growing as the seconds passed. Laughter. It did not last too long, just enough.
He lifted a claw, wiping underneath his good eye with a finishing chuckle. "Never thought I'd get to meet another me," was the hum as he tilted his head. "Guess I must be real lucky."
He cleared his throat, muscles popping as he straightened up. "Nah, just passing through. Don't worry."
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daemonify · 1 year
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I'm Retiring Early
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abysmal-black · 1 year
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(@pxison - Yonji) [ COVER ]: sender lunges forward to throw their body over the receiver and shield them from harm during a fight.
Neither of them should have been here.
Targets running was nothing new but this old man had a death wish.
Sanji is under strict orders to bring him in alive, a bonus Judge wanted; good gracious, some precious object for his collection; Sanji hadn't been listening. A stray artery shell struck the building he found out later, the resulting destabilization and crumbling brick threw the target and him to the ground but the floor beneath the prince was weaker and gave way in rushing lines and splinters. Sanji was on his feet before the building could settle following the hurried clatter of steps a floor up, the way they had come cut off by a jump old bones surely wouldn't survive intact. Fuck. He growls, a vision of his father's disapproving scowl worse than the spot on his record.
The chase leads outside, old man making a run for the adjoining tower across crumbling battlements, wiry frame dodging downed men and soldiers still firing from cover. Sanji's faster, easily lunging and pivoting past the chunks of heavy stone and cracking floor. Doesn't hear the shell slicing through the gunpowder burned air or the droaning whirr of cables in his six. It's only when gloves close around the flapping collar of his target does he realize the grounds given away under him and his bodies about to catch the business end of something nasty.
Yonji should have been minding his own damn business. He had to be under orders to clear the wall but he still shouldn't have been there. Sanji could have taken it, sure it probably would have ripped clean through his shoulder or blown off his arm at the elbow if he had half a second to pull back. What's a little battlefield amputation? So, why was Yonji there? Why did this idiot swoop in and cover him?
The target is safe, snot and tears making a mess of his face as he clings to the prince's fist clenched around his shirt. Sanji's eyes are blown wide, curly brows pushed together in open concern while mouth fights to string together a choked: "What did you do?" A scorched hole of metal and cables takes up the space that was his brother's shoulder, the reinforced shell of his ribs exposed from the temporary cavity of the bullet's impact. His empty hand is fisting at the yellow double six of Yonji's suit unsure if he should let go, unsure if his touch is the only thing keeping that ugly gash from spreading further.
"Idiot." A broken little curse devoid of malice but bubbling with hurt. Sanji pressed forward on his boots, carefully bridging the crumbled gap to safer ground. "Why did you do that?" Judge could have gone without the bonus, without this stupid old man. It was neither of their faults but Sanji would blame himself. He should have been more careful, been more aware, knew when to say fuck it. "Idiot." Choked out the word again when he lands and set Yonji down.
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wyvern-flames · 10 months
The real question for me is... if the DLC has the option to keep the voices in Latin Spanish.
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incandescentia · 6 months
what would make killian throw a lil tantrum? asking for science...
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Very interesting question... I did write 'irritable' as one of his negative personality traits, so basically, this pony stallion has quite of a temper and emotion beneath all of those stoic front he displays! (He was a much more emotional person during his teens, much like his inspiration, K.uchiki B.yakuya) Feet stomping is a much more obvious physical gesture than moving around his ears, so he learned to control that at least. Though, if you ask about what kind of stuff that would trigger his little tantrum, it would be something like: - Abruptly cancelling a plan (on purpose or not) when he already has his whole day planned meticulously -> this is an absolutely serious pet peeve of his and can ruin his whole day lmao - People teasing him too much about... whatever they can tease him for..? (depending on the topic, you'll either get the Cute tantrum or the Scary tantrum) - A bad hair day that causes his hair to go wild or sticking out everywhere. - Being called names that he doesn't like (e.g: pony boy) - etc... (more will come as I cook up more about his character)
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astarab1aze · 5 months
“ Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ” (Regulus)
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In Askarra, where murders and assassinations were a common occurrence, the nobility had, perhaps, a penchant for wearing their public faces even when none of lesser birth were to be found among them. It was no matter of propriety, either, but a means to cover each of their own arses. Lordlings all vying for close position to the Azzar, whether to kill him or to cement governmental power - it made no difference - arguing amongst themselves over the matter-of-fact mutterings of the unchained interloper from extant lands. How they handled him for defending a murderer, be it himself or a common streetrat, could make or break public opinion of them all. the good people of Askarra were not unlike the people of Mange Figi, J'verdien, or Kirat, all the same in their enjoyment of the great game, and their participation in it. Social currency in manipulation, lies, and death, in pretending.
Yet Crovita, the Deathbird of the Askarri Shade and court sorceress to Azzar Malik al-Askarra XXVII, unfurled her great raven wings and pushed herself to her taloned feet, incense smoke billowing around her. She thought it an interesting notion, that this man be brought before them all and a pointless squabble break out, that each and all would deny themselves what they truly thought: Perhaps they could use him, or direct him toward the Wildling skirmishers at the border. Arrogant to assume he could be cowed, she recognized the glint in his eye. She aimed to approach, black chiffon trailing behind her where tail feathers rustle and shake, hips asway with grace and unspoken sensuality - a presence of rapture.
The man, stood in half-rays of sunlight pouring through the archways, was short in stature and bored of eye, wholly disinterested in noble judiciary preceedings. All the bickering over him, he'd already made up his mind, hadn't he? Whatever they should ask of him, however they should punish him for percieved sleights, he wasn't going to suffer it, was he?
An inviting smile eased across her face, ash-black hands oh so carefully settling upon his shoulders then to the crux, where talons would graze white fringes and pulse beats.
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"Quite as if they've never gotten their hands dirty, isn't it?" she purred, as one by one their voices fell silent, glued with interest to her and the stranger now. "It's dangerous to publicly sympathize with killers here, however common it is to use them... I'd warn you to keep your proclivities to yourself when brought before council, but it seems you are unafraid of the consequences of filthy hands."
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bloodxhound · 1 year
@sinsolucion​ offered a very valid reaction: the way soren sighed so hard that he outed himself AND corrected them
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he’s jussa silly little detective who made 1 (one) oopsie forgive him
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demon-prosecuted · 5 days
"Guys, why does everyone think that I wrote Justin Bieber's new song?"
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It's common to hear the strangest things in the office, and today was doing just fine without them. But, no, Miles has to hear one while passing through. It seems the strange comments quota has to be met somehow.
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❝ ..He's still producing music? ❞ Is the first thing that escapes his mouth, followed with, ❝ I don't suppose that your styles are similar? ❞ Because, in reality, he has no clue. The only time he's listened to either of their music has been unwilling and nothing was committed to memory.
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brightblessed-aa · 1 year
// I am going on hiatus still but I want to make this very very clear:
In regards to the miles/reapcrbunny situation, I did interact with them. We were never friends or close. I do regret interacting and putting any victims through additional stress. I was misled on the severity of the situation but I do admit full fault in terms of not doing my due diligence. I will not interact with a predator like that. It seems like, over the last week, multiple blogs have been exposed as predators. As a victim of manipulation/grooming/csa, it is something I have no tolerance for. In that situation, I was led to believe that Miles was far younger when these situations went down. It is not an excuse. I just want to apologize so much for any harm I helped cause. I try to give second chances, but the blatant attempt to downplay and "teehee here are the callouts I have changed and understand people being uncomfortable with me" thing alongside it has been seriously doubting that is the case.
There is no excuse for those actions. I was not a good friend, partner, or person in regard to this situation. I was afraid of causing interpersonal issues and in doing so did not do what was best for not only me but also my followers and friends. I have blocked Miles on everything. I am so sorry. I wish I could actually heal any damage I contributed to. I wish I could undo unblocking him when I initially did so after the first callout someone shared in this community. I hope that I can someday earn back trust and make it up to anyone I hurt by platforming him in any regard.
Yesterday, I felt so struck by all of it. The fact that I had been basically tricked in a sense into thinking it wasn't that bad. The fact that I put people that have been there for me for years into a bad situation. The guilt of it and how I had failed not only my friends and mutuals, but myself.
I know I can't take back the harm I contributed to. I am so so sorry. I am going to take a small break solely because I am exhausted. We have had TWO predators in this fandom in the last 7 days. I am tired of it.
I know it is scary. I am terrified of confrontation myself, but please let me know if I am ever being this stupid again. I know how it feels to have everyone interact with an abuser, and my situation was far less dire.
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