#. invoking
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Januarius Zick - Elijah, on his Knees, Invoking the Lord to Resurrect the Son of the Shunamite Widow.
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Call / invoking a spirt | Divination
Look into a mirror. Think of the name of the spirit you wish to call. Then chant, calling the spirit by name: Heaken to these words, hear me cry. I call to you spirit from the other side. I wish to speak to you here, come to me, come to this mirror. I call you now; bloody mary! I mean spirits name
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Invoke: meaning to call or to summon.
"In witchcraft, invoking means calling upon spirits or deities for assistance. Invoking is a ritualistic practice that involves asking for something specific. For example, if you want to get rid of a bad habit, you might ask for help from a deity who represents good luck. If you want to attract love, you might ask for a blessing from a god or goddess of love." [Source]
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I was reading your post about Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer Morningstar and you said that angels are genderless beings. I’m just wondering if you could maybe talk about how relationships and sexuality work (or rather don’t work) in that context.
Hello! That's an interesting question! Some opinions are such that all spirits, be they of angelic, demonic, fae or whichever origin do not possess a gender. There is no definitive answer as to why that is so, but some things in favor of this theory are: 1. they are from different realms/dimensions/modes of existence and we cannot know that gender (or sex) actually exist there, and if they do exist we don't know how they manifest there 2. it is speculated that all of these beings from other dimensions don't possess a body at all, but are actually forms of energy (therefore most humans cannot physically see them, but they can eventually feel them!). However, being forms of energy, it is thought that they can manifest or inhabit a body they prefer. That would mean spirits could choose a sex or gender for themselves, if they wish to become visible to human beings or interact with them.
When it comes to possibly forming a relationship with one of these beings such as angels, there are plenty of standpoints we could talk about this from! The first would be the standpoint of mysticism. More specifically, Christian mysticism, which is very interesting and probably not what you think! Teresa of Ávila, a Spanish nun and mystic who lived in the 16th century recounts her experience of physically confronting an angel, a Seraph or Cherub, with an ecstatic, sexual twist. After explaining how uncommon it is too se an angel in its physical form and describing its appearance, she recounts: "I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron’s point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it." There's actually a stunning piece of artwork depicting this exact scene, by the great Baroque sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini! So delicately ethereal and otherworldly, but at the same time rather corporeal and tactile.
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I think Teresa's experience doesn't require any input from my side, and it surely points to the fact that it IS possible for angels to manifest in a corporeal form so humans can see them and communicate with them. In this particular case, she speaks of the angel as being male, but she also writes about how most times she is able to perceive angels "intellectually" and in that case she doesn't mention them being of any particular sex/gender. So again, it could be implied that angels assume a sex/gender only when manifesting in the physical dimension. Now the other standpoint would be the one of occultism. Generally, in occult circles it is thought that compelling any type of spirit to appear in physical form before the one conjuring it is extremely difficult, almost impossible to do. Most occultists try to commune with spirits in their non-corporeal forms, but when doing so prefer to use some sort of physical object to represent the spirit, such as a picture of them that is preferred by the one who wishes to get in contact with them in order to contact the spirit more easily. Humans need anthropomorphism, it is a way for us to understand phenomena that would otherwise be hard to grasp. Therefore it is thought that by having a physical representation of a spirit, one can ease into the energy that is behind it. This is also the way religious statues are supposed to function, especially ones from the Medieval Gothic era, where literally thousands of statues used to be made for one cathedral only (!), EACH one representing a certain idea, concept, religious figure or mythical being people could connect to through these physical forms. Ways of communicating with angels and other spirits are numerous. Some are tied to certain magical traditions and some aren't. There is absolutely no way to talk about spirit communication in one post, but it absolutely is possible to develop relationships with angels and other spirits from the standpoint of occultism. Speaking of sexual relationships with angels and spirits, there are a lot of possibilities. The first one would be that such a thing is impossible since they are essentially forms of energy - unless the spirit chooses to inhabit (possess) a body or incarnate in the physical form. Yet, there are accounts and stories of sexual encounters with spirits in their non-corporeal, energy forms. The most common stories of this kind are those of spirits that are able to have sexual relations with humans while they are asleep, which likely happens in the same phase of sleep as the one where sleep paralysis or astral projection can happen. In some mystical and magical traditions, each contact with divinity is considered to be an ecstatic, almost orgasmic experience. This contact with the divine could surely be angelic as well, such as in the case of saint Teresa of Avila I mentioned earlier. She explains how the encounter with the angel left her with a "great love of God".
Now there is no easy way to sum all of this up, as I only went through some of the basic theories on communicating with angels/spirits. A kind of TL;DR would be that it is possible to form relationships with angels and other spirits, as there are accounts of such experiences both very old and new, coming from mystics and other people initiated into various magical orders. How one can develop these relationships depends on how sensitive a person is to subtle energies, on the type of magic they practice or the magical tradition they are initiated into and, as well as on other factors that might be out of one's control - such as the angel's/spirit's willingness to communicate! This communication can include sexual activities as well, which could be possible no matter if the spirit is in corporeal form or not. Sexual energy created in contact with some form of divinity is said to be all-powerful and practitioners of magical arts greatly cherish such experiences.
This is a very broad and interesting topic! I hope I managed to cover all the important bits and answer your question. If there is anything you would like me to write about some more, feel free to drop me an ask! Once again, thank you for the question! :)
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arsanimarum · 1 year
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John Dee and Edward Kelly in the act of invoking a Spirit of a desceased person. Ebenezer Sibley.
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conjuremanj · 2 years
Papa Legba. Other Family Of LEGBAS. With Ritual.
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Papa Legba is the Lwa of the gates, he is not a guardian of the crossroads he opens the way to between the worker and the Spirits (Lwa) He stands at the roads (Gran Chemin) the Great Road and gives or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Lwa or Guineé.
In any Voodoo ceremony Papa Legba is saluted first and he opens the path for communication between the devotees. and is believed to speak all human languages. Within the African Traditional Religion of Voodoo, Vudu, Vodoun, or Vodun, Papa Legba is seen as an old man with a cane or crutch and smokes a pipe. who acts as an intermediary between humans and Lwa. He carries keys and dogs are secret to him
Who He Is: Divination Fortune Telling Oracles. While he's always saluted first, he does not often mount or possesses. Papa Legba is a protector of children and can be called upon for protection, to open ways, and to bring prophecy. His colors are red & white and his offerings are alcohol Rum, tobacco, coffee, sweets.
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In Catholic syncretic Voodoo practices, Papa Legba is associated with Saint Peter, Saint Lazarus, or Saint Anthony. Papa Legba sometimes associated with the orisha Eleggua from the Yoruban and Cuban Santeria or Lukumi tradition, though Eleggua is seen more of a trickster.
There are many corresponding divisions of lwa, and each has their own Legba tasked with opening the door and allowing those spirits to pass but there’s a good deal of misconception the first thing that's is done is the priye ginen. is complete, the first spirit we sing to is Hountor, the lwa of the drums, to translates our modern speech and song into the language of the drums, then the Legba...
But there isn't just one Legba but many... Legba nan Petro, or Legba in the Rada Rite, is the first of the Legba spirits served, and he's task is to open the gate on the Great Road, the doorway that allows the other spirits to come to our celebrations and rites.
For my lineage,( New Orleans) the Rada Legba wears a saint known as Saint Anthony the Abbot.
Legba Nan Petro, the Legba who opens to doorway for the hotter and rougher spirits of the Petro rite. He wears the image of Saint Lazarus (typically an emaciated and sometimes bruised man walking by means of crutches, another symbolic stand-in for the Poto Mitan). Even the nations that make up the components of the larger Rada and Petro rites also have their Legba figures (who may or may not be members of the Legba family of spirits… often times, Ogou Ossange, a wounded healer who is also always shown with crutches, can serve as the Legba nan Nago, or the Legba figure who opens the door for the Nago nation spirits, or the division that holds the spirits of the Nago people, who are now more widely known by the name of their language, Yoruba.) And a misconception is that Kalfou is legbas Twin, he is not. (See post on Kalfou.
The Ghede family, the spirits that are called at the end of every Vodou celebration, also have their own door keepers/Legbas of their group… and are also known for carrying a Baton Ghede, a walking stick that can alternately be a gentlemen’s cane.
In Haitian Vodou, the Legbas are not Crossroads spirits; To us, the Legba figures are the keepers of gates and doors, languages and communication… not the crossroads, which we have as a different being entirely.
As all of us are born with an ability to serve those spirits we inherit or who seek to build relationships with us. ALL of us have access to the Legba spirits, either for opening those doors and forging roads of communication and respect, or for working with the way we would any spirit we serve.
In Haitian Vodou there is a ceremonial protocols, rules, and heirarchies. Not everyone needs to become an initiate to work with their spirits in our religion, just as not all Catholics need to be priests, and certainly one does not need to be a priest to say the Rosary in home prayer… but for transmission of the faith, the services a clergy is required. Vodou is much the same in how it works and functions, and the faithful, while they are capable of small acts of service to their spirits at home,
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This is a Elegula altar.
Red or white Candle, Rum, Cigarettes, Sweets, coffee.
Veve of Papa Once you have placed everything on the altar, light everything that needs to be lit, and start to meditate. Once you feel like you are ready, call upon Papa Legba. (Language is no barrier)
You can call him by either singing or reciting his prayer.
Papa Legba open the gate for me. Legba open the gate for me and I will thank the lwa when I return.
Once you feel his presence, ask for his assistance. Talk to him as you would to a friend. He is listening. If you feel that you have opened up as much as possible, you can now ask him to open the door so as to let the spirits or Lwas (Loas) out. Now remember to specifically mention which Loas you want to talk to.
Once you are done talking to him and asking him to open the door, offer him all the items you have laid down on the altar for him. Have some for yourself too. At this point, you should also start the process of invoking the Loa that you with to talk to. This is a whole different ritual all together and each Loa has a different ritual.
Let Candle burn for an hour.
Once you are done with the rituals in regards to the Loas, it is time to say Thank You and Good Bye to Papa Legba.
This is done by actually thanking him and saying GoodBye. You should thank him for coming, hearing you out and letting you speak to the Loa, and ask him to close the gate on his way out.
Now that you have completed this ritual, you can pack up all the offerings you can save some for later if needed.
This isn't the complete voodoo ritual that's only for initiates but if your a devotee and need his help you can do this.
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random-bookquotes · 1 month
“Invoking is when you beg your god to cover that really big check your fool mouth just wrote.”
Ilona Andrews, Sanctuary (Roman’s Chronicles, #1)
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argocitycosplay · 8 months
The Invoking 2
    The Invoking series Invoking part two is just weird. Completely disconnected from the first, with someone picking up a hitchhiker… And then things going weird and wrong in a ghostly sort of way. I suppose this is par for the course, the subtitle is paranormal events, and this one’s obviously gonna focus more on ghosts. After the credits we open with a timestamp and a location… Like a ghost…
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feralplantwife · 4 months
MDZS but it's told as a bunch of extremely divisive reddit posts
r/AITA for hunting the man who ruined my life even though he non-consensually gave me an organ transplant that also ruined HIS life
r/NuclearRevenge I destroyed a man's life in every sense of the word for killing my brother and I'm over the moon about it actually
r/RelationshipAdvice The love of my life came back from the dead and now we're travelling as a married couple even though we're not married and I haven't even told him about the kid yet
r/Occult So if I come back from the dead in someone else's body do I still need to register for the census? Follow up question, do I register my body or my soul or both?
r/Let'sNotMeet my crazy uncle turns out to be my other, crazier uncle wearing his body like a suit help?????
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Invoking The Household Gods
This ritual is best performed during the Waxing Moon. It could be considered a kind of birthday party, so feel free to include food and drink as part of it, if you so wish.YOU WILL NEED:•Pine cones, ivy, holly, or something similar•Symbol appropriate to your guardian (e.g. a crescent moon for the Moon Goddess)•Small statues of deer or other forest animals•An incense that reminds you of herbs,…
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not-terezi-pyrope · 4 months
"Don't use terms that refer to specific mental illnesses as quirky personality trait metaphors or insults" is something I strongly agree with in every case, except probably the word "narcissist", which did not originally refer to a disorder but has been a descriptor meaning self-centered since the early 1800s, taken from the allegorical character from Greek myth.
It was only coined as a term for a psychiatric diagnosis in the late 1960s, in what was I think we can all agree an incredibly short-sighted and judgemental move typical of the field at the time, and the correct response should probably be to rename the personality disorder to something that isn't a long-established negative descriptor, rather than push to re-define the word to exclusively refer to the disorder (largely impossible, unless we want to collectively forget the several-millenia-old character of Narcissus, or pretend that he somehow has nothing to do with the word that clearly derives from him).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 24 days
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I'm not going back to Gusu with you.
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mushroomjuice · 1 month
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happy device theory guys omg
this is a redraw :)
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kirbykonka · 2 months
Smaug and Bilbo girltalk be like:
“And I once caught them trying to make off with my silver spoons!”
H A N G. T H E M.”
“Well that would be just awful, wouldn’t it?”
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bakudekublogblog · 3 months
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I’m gonna go insane
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0vergrowngraveyard · 8 months
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getting grounded speedrun
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hajihiko · 6 months
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"I DID mean it though-"
"I said I got it."
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