#-saiki in his head as he puts his hand on kuboyasus chest and tells him he looks nice
oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
im thinking about kubosai where kuboyasu is considering whether or not he should confess to saiki, and saiki gets tired of listening to his thoughts being like "ugh but i dont think he likes me back!" so he starts trying hard to make his feelings known, but his pathetic loser ass literally doesnt realize that what hes doing is called flirting
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shunsatan · 4 years
Headcanons for if Kaidou’s sister got a crush on Saiki
Fic time here we go babeyy. Starring the lovely Kaidou Sora.
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It was a rough and cold day. One with winds that whipped you back and forth with no mercy. It was the kind of day that would gain your trust by having the sun tickle your skin, and then destroy the fragile warmth with a booming and freezing breeze. Sora wished she had stayed inside instead of going to the store to buy eggs for her mother. She cursed under her breath as another dreaded wind came and tangled her hair.
"Shun...? Shun!" She spotted her older brother loitering outside of another grocery store.
"...Sora?" He jumped, turning to face the smaller female "Oh, hey. Heading home?" She nodded.
"Well, I have Saiki with me. I can drive you home though" he turns to the pink haired boy who was still eyeing a rack of coffee jelly from outside of the store window.
"Drive? You can't drive. This isn't America, dumbass. You're not old enough to get a license and you don't even have any type of vehicle with.... you..." she slowed her words upon seeing him walk up and start a motorcycle with some unappealing (not to mention, chuuni) decorations; only shun would decorate something to look that stupid.
"I forgot you had one.." she awed. Though, the last thing she needed was more wind slapping her face "But no thanks. I'll walk. You don't even have an extra helmet."
Saiki turned to the bike he had been pure pressured into bringing. 'Yare yare' he mumbled as he sat down too fast, causing his head to ache. This place was crowded, so it made sense that his head would hurt naturally- or, that's what he thought until he saw Shun's sister getting kidnapped. Good grief. No way to sit still after seeing that.
'Hey' saiki called out to her, placing a helmet on her head. 'You can ride on the back of mine. It's going to be dark soon and then it'll get even colder.' He said, walking back to his motorcycle.
"Alright, fine" she got onto the seat behind him. Shun smiled at Saiki before starting his bike down the road, and the psychic then followed.
The wind came strong and angry. Sharp and bitter. It threatened to kick her off of the bike and caused her to have to wrap her arms tighter around the boy infront of her. He didn't care much for the wind. Nothing special, no reason for his heart to race because with his powers, his instincts don't sense danger. It wasn't much painfully cold, either. With his pyrotechnics it wasn't a problem at all.
Maybe I should tell him to stop... this is too cold Sora thought to herself
Saiki sighed as he used his fire power very carefully to bring heat to her body as well. He can't have Shun coming to school crying about his sister everyday. Especially when it's so easy to avoid.
This feeling...
Oh no.
it's gotten so warm... next to Saiki.. no, it must be that I... I have a crush..?
Good grief... this is uncomfortable the psychic thought
And in days to come, the Jet Black Wing's sister would come to bother him about his friends. After that, her crush began to develop in a similar way to Chiyo. She would watch him with eyes that saw a round eyed prince. She would admire how smart and well mannered he is, and she would act especially polite when he made his presence infront of her.
Saiki Kusuo, was also thinking about her often. However; not in the way you might be thinking. He was forming strategies on how to avoid her. All of which were miserably failing. With her mother and his mother on her side, she couldn't fail. Discovering his family power structure, she would have Shun call Kurumi (his mother) and invite him over.
And with her own mother bothering Shun to hang out with his two "genius" friends everytime his grades would slip. Of course, Nendou rarely came because he was "always busy" (in reality, Shun didn't want Nendou and his mother interacting anymore in fear of her finding out that he's an idiot)
So, of course, this all worked out best for Sora.
The group of four walked home like usual. Kuboyasu, Nendou, Saiki and Kaidou. They were discussing which character in Shounen Jump is the weakest while Saiki was praying for Nendou to ask them to ramen so that he didn't have to go to Kaidou's house again. Sora had been coming up with gifts for her crush so that he would take notice and start a conversation with her. Of course, she had almost no idea what would peak the boy's interest.
"Hey, Saiki. I thought maybe it would be a good time to ask you" Kuboyasu, the former delinquent spoke up. "Heard there's somethin' weird behind that 100 yen store. Wanna come check it out?" He offered.
Saiki almost shook his head and provided an excuse on instinct before remembering his main goal (to bLow up and act I like dont know nobody aghaghaghaa.) So he simply nodded.
"I wish I could come see!" Kaidou beamed before looking back down to the ground dramatically "yes... I wish I still had time to question those weird things around me... to leisure in activities like such. Though, I have a sacred duty at hand..." he clenched his bandaged fist
"Gotta take a shit? Me too" Nendou chimed in.
"NO, IDIOT! I have cram sch-- I um.. I m..mean I have to meet with the phantom force! Th-that I'm helping train to work as soldiers against dark reunion!!" He stumbled all over his sentence before finally turning his body to strut off over to the direction of his house.
"Shun. I need you to help me with.. homework" his sister quickly requested and dragged him into her room, pushing him on the floor infront of the small table that sat in the middle of the room, just like his.
"What can you tell me about your friends? Start with Saiki kun" she reached for a notepad and a pen.
"Shouldn't you be referring to him as senpai or something because he's a second year?" He mentioned before being cut with her glare. "R..Right! Okay, sorry... he likes sweets an-"
"Sweets and what!? Why'd you stop??" Sora pressed
"Why do you need to know about my friends? Is this a homework assignment..?" He questioned her
"Yeah sure." She rushed "he likes sweets and what?"
"Ohh! I think I remember having this assignment in middle school, too! You're supposed to write about your closest friends and their interests right~?" He thought back to his middle school year and looked at her with warm eyes. Empathy began filling his soft face, adjusting his features on her. "Sora, I couldn't make any friends in middle school either, so...!" He began "I've noticed you've been really nice to Saiki.. so if you want to be friends with my friends-!"
"I can make friends. I'm not some lonely loser like you who needs a hero complex to interact with people his age." She interrupted, sending an imaginary arrow through the highschooler's chest.
"Guh-- well if you don't want my help then in leaving!!" He stood up and caught notice of a small hand stopping him
"Wait! I'm sorry.." She got onto her feet and bowed "I'm just... embarrassed about not having friends." She lied, not wanting her brother to know she had the hots for his bestfriend.
Her phone chimed, once, and then again. It was three of her friends trying to reach her to hang out at the movies. Then she got a phone call, interrupted by another phone call.
"You should answer those" shun said
She hesitantly picked up the phone and answered the call.
"Put it on speaker" her brother ordered.
<"heyyyy! Sora where have you been? Me and everyone else wanted to go to the movies with you. You're always knee-deep in studying so we wanted to help you relax a bit for once. You've been out of school for like, three days just shadowing and checking out Pk academy. It's still a while before we get into high school, grandma~! Anyway, the 7 of us wanted to show we love you by taking you to see that movie you mentioned wanting to see. So get ready, we want to be there by 7:30"> the girl on the phone ranted on before Sora could speak up against it, and hung up.
"SEVEN!?" he exclaimed as Sora rushed into another apology. This must be the first time he's ever made HER scared of HIM.
"Don't apologize Sora!! That's amazing, I'm so happy you have great friends... ahyuuu...." he teared up
"Oh... thanks, I guess"
"But one thing" he said and stopped her from leaving the room
"Why did you need to know about my friends for that project?" He tilted his head
She looked over to the door knob as if she was begging it for help as her face was overpowered by a dark red hue. "W....we-well-- Sh...shut up! Get out! I need to get dressed!!" She pushed him out.
"Ow!! Ouch~! I'll leave!!" He practically screeched as he was rushed out. "But I'll stand outside of the door until you admit!"
A few minutes later, she yanked open the door and sprinted down the hallway. She knew her small brother wouldn't be able to catch her with how weak and slow he is.
But her little brother could.
She tripped and landed on her face after having her legs caught and wrapped in bandages by Toki Kaidou.
"Now tell me why!" Shun stood proudly over her despite not having done anything.
Toki went back to his room as Sora nearly freed her feat from the poorly tied bandages, that is before Shun, someone who actually knew how to tie a knot, fixed them.
"Fine!! Just let me go!" She yelled at him "I... is there any reason for it? I think he's cool. You can always have new friends. You're just stupid and think that 7 is the max" her face was once again drenched in a dark pink color.
"Oh my god." He said
"You like him!!!" His eyes widened as he stood up frantically. "You have a crush on Saiki!!"
"Yeah, so what about it!?" Sora snapped at him
Shun gasped "Sora!! You're only in middle school-"
"Yet I'm more put together than you are" she said defensively
"But that's still kind of wrong.. we're about to be third years and you're not even in highschool yet..."
"I will be by the time you're third years though!!" She shouted, then slumped down.
"Yes- bu-" he began, getting cut off
"I know. I just... I really like him and I've never liked a guy before. I know it's stupid." She sighed, defeated
"No no, Sora I'm sorry... You can't control who you like, right? I was being mean-" he began
"It's fine, you're right about it being weird. Just untie me so I can go to my room"
"What about the movies with your friends?"
'Yare yare,' Saiki sighed, taking another bite from one of the homemade cookies Sora had anonymously sent him before placing it down and uncrossing his eyes. (he had checked with his powers and knows the cookies were from her)
'I guess it can't be helped' he sighed once more before sending out a telepathic signal
"Sora!" She sang as she knocked on the large door infront of her.
"Hello?" Shun answered and opened the door wider for the girl to come in "you're one od her friends!" He chirped "She said she isn't feeling well enough for the movies; I think you should try cheering her up."
"Oh, okay... um, where would her room be?" Upon entering the house, the girl suddenly grew nervous. For some reason.
"Here, I'll show you" Shun lead her to Sora's door and sprinted away to hide before the girl could knock on it.
"What do you want." Sora snapped after hearing the door knock
"Eek! Sorry, I just.. uhm...wa it's Yui! your b..brother let me in" she stuttered unlike how she spoke on the phone
The door opened and inside was a girl with messy hair and red eyes. An embrace came soon after.
I thought you might've needed a hug... Yui intended to say, but instead voiced out:
"You... h.,,hug. Yeah. Needed yes...mn"
Sora laughed, at first came a weak chuckle, then as the hug parted it became a strong belly laugh (upon seeing Yui's flustered face)
"Shun!" Sora called, making the timid boy jump and start shaking from fear
"Y-yes?" He was sweating bullets
"I'm going to the movies with my girlfriend." She took Yui's clammy hand and headed towards the door.
Shun blinked. "Wh--"
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