#-I doubt he and Silver would be able to achieve such a thing
true-blue-sonic · 4 days
You mentioned mephilver in the metilver ask, what's your opinion on it?
I can't say I have any, really. I don't think about Mephiles basically ever, and thus also not in relation to shipping Silver. But I've seen it in fanfics and fanfic tags before, so that's how I know it exists!
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
(a tiny thing for @eilinelsghost! i hope you enjoy :3)
Olwë looked down at the baby in his lap. Findaráto looked back at him with big brown eyes.
"Ba," he said, returning his attention to the wooden toy in his hands. Olwë hummed. The toy was made delicately and craftily, Arafinwë's loving hand recognisable in every detail; Findaráto's little fingers groped at the intricately carved textures, before eventually trying to swallow the whole thing.
"Hello," Olwë smiled. He fell asleep in the midst of telling Findaráto a tale, but the boy still remained in his lap without protesting, the only sign of his disapproval being a fleeting judgemental look in his baby eyes. In that, Olwë supposed, Findaráto took after his father; Eärwen would have long since alerted everyone with her cries. He pressed a kiss to his grandson's forehead, and smiled. "My sincere apologies, indyo. I kept thee waiting."
"Ba," Findaráto repeated, eyes blown wide, seemingly glad to have achieved a listener. He brought his toy before Olwë's face. "Bu-ba!"
"It is a very nice toy," Olwë agreed, carefully moving Findaráto's hand where it no longer posed a threat. Wooden toys were known for causing great harm if not wielded carefully, after all. "No doubt it is thy favorite. "
Findaráto looked at him with wide brown eyes, then abruptly threw the toy down. "Wah!"
Olwë sighed. "Little one. Thou dost understand thou achieved nothing with this action, right? I will not leave my seat to get thy toy back. Thou art stuck in my lap, unless thou decidest to abandon me in favor of regaining thy possession."
Findaráto looked to the ground. "Wa. Bu, ba-ba."
"Ba," Olwë agreed, and lowered his grandson to the ground. "Of course, I understand. Go, get thy toy. Otherwise thou wilt lose it and thy father will be upset - and we do not want to make Arafinwë upset, do we?"
Findaráto wavered on his feet, still unsure in his steps; then he plumped down, getting on his hands and knees, looking much more confident. Olwë watched as he crawled to his toy with soft amusement.
Findaráto grabbed the toy in his hands and raised it above his head in triumph. "Ba-ba!"
"Valar!" Olwë exclaimed, clasping his hands. "Thou'rt so good at this! Even Tulkas' greatest champion is no match to thee. Come here now. I still have a story to finish."
Findaráto looked up, and then threw his toy down again. "Wah!"
"Is it even able to endure such treatment?" Aironissë asked, walking into the room. "Poor thing, getting thrown around like that! I see thou hast woken up at last - ai, Findaráto, indyo! Do not eat the carpet, please!"
Olwë chuckled, and stretched his arms as Aironissë lifted confused Findaráto off the carpet. "I was telling him about the Sea. I hoped to lull him to sleep with my excessive descriptions of sea foam, but had achieved the opposite."
"At least one of you got their rest," Aironissë said, and pinched Findaráto's cheek playfully, receiving an offended string of bas and mas. "I have to say, though, that thy descriptions of sea foam have not yet lulled to sleep a single person." She knelt, picking Findaráto's toy from the carpet and giving it to the boy.
"They work on thee," Olwë said somewhat shyly, and fluttered his lashes at his wife. Aironissë scoffed, shaking her head.
"Wa," Findaráto said, grabbing a strand of Aironissë's silver curls carefully. Aironissë smiled.
"Hair," she said. "Hair." And then, just as Olwë went to warn her: "Ouch! Child, let go of me! Stop tugging-!"
"Ba," Findaráto answered, almost apologetically, and let go of her hair. He put his head on Aironissë's shoulder and looked at Olwë, chewing on his toy. 
Olwë crooned. "He has Arafinwë's eyes."
"And Eärwen's nose," Aironissë answered proudly, sitting at Olwë's side. Findaráto stretched his hands in Olwë's direction, and Olwë took him back into his lap. "But he does have Arafinwë's character! Eärwen was not half as soft when she was his age."
"Do not remind me," Olwë groaned as Findaráto nestled in his lap, looking down at his toy before putting it in his mouth to suck. Olwë craddled him in his hands and leaned on Aironissë. "Look at him! Is he not the single best child imaginable?"
"Thou said that about each of our children," Aironissë answered. Her hand wrapped around Olwë's shoulders. She ruffled Findaráto's hair softly, and the boy turned his head to look back at her. She crooned. "And thou wert right every time. Was he not, little one?"
"Ba," Findaráto said, and chewed on his toy. Olwë laughed softly; he dropped his head to kiss his grandson's brow.
"Indyo," he said softly. "Indyo."
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they did it
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LOL they did the thing anime kuuderes do in Silver’s Dorm Uniform vignettes… where the character practices smiling (with Scarabia) but fails at it when they consciously put forth effort to improve 🥲 only for them to smile naturally and unconsciously when they’re spending time with the people they care for (exercising with Sebek in the courtyard and smiling at how much his underclassman has improved). Aaaaaah, and Malleus and Lilia are watching them like proud parents 🥹
I normally don’t really comment when new vignettes drop, but I really liked how Silver’s highlights his friendship with Sebek and demonstrates that Sebek does indeed have a place in the Diasomnia found family and can be a supportive friend to Silver (albeit in his own extremely loud and insistent manner).
I often see people claim Sebek has no personality outside of being loud/arrogant/demanding and basically obsessing over Malleus but 🥲 it’s moments like these where his heart comes out and you can see he cares about others (but just fails to express it in what many would consider a “normal” way). When Sebek sees Silver being upset with his inability to smile, he tries to encourage Silver by telling him that he shouldn’t care what other humans think of him (yes, there is Sebek’s usual Sebek-ness seeping through his words, but the sentiment is still there). He values Silver’s worth as an individual and doesn’t believe that what others say about him should have an impact on his own confidence or how he behaves. But when that talking doesn’t work, Sebek goes out of his way to suggest they do their usual training in a very public location (the school courtyard), which attracts the attention of passing students who stop and watch them. It is through observing Silver in a state in which he is comfortable that his classmates are able to approach him and exchange amicable words.
Sebek doesn’t explicitly say it, but this just goes to show how well he understands Silver and how he wants to show off Silver’s good qualities to their peers. (Sebek also outright brags about Silver’s grace and poise in the vignettes of Fairy Gala: If.) Of course, he coats his intentions with the usual, “blah blah blah, if you act like this then it will make the young master look bad and we can’t have that,” but really that’s just a cover-up for his genuine concern for Silver. It’s a moment of emotional weakness that Sebek just doesn’t want to let out in full, so he uses arrogance to mask it. This shows that Sebek has both a capacity to connect with humans and a willingness to help his friends.
At the same, this greatly helps to further characterize Silver as someone who is diligent (as he tries hard to improve himself in areas where he is lacking; previously, this improvement was tied to his concerns about staying alert, which put perhaps too strong of an emphasis on Silver’s sleepiness). He also lacks confidence in these areas because he is aware of his weaknesses, and he strives to take great pains in order to cover for them. Additionally, Silver is shown to confide in his friends (Kalim, Sebek) about these weaknesses. He is very emotionally open with his thoughts (in spite of his stoic face) and, in contrast to Sebek, is not opposed to receiving help or guidance on the way to achieving his goals.
Something else that’s interesting is that the vignettes show us that Silver does care to some extent what his classmates think of him. I definitely don’t think it’s to the same obsessive degree as someone like Vil, but Silver genuinely wants to get alone with everyone and make friends with them. He has truly good intentions and also wants to see the good intentions in others, even if they are inaccurate (like when Silver assumes that Jamil is worried for Kalim in Endless Halloween Night). Additionally, Silver’s kind-hearted nature allows him to better understand Sebek, a person who comes off as so abrasive to others. Silver gives everyone the benefit of his doubt. As Lilia and Malleus comment in his Dorm vignettes, it’s a mark that Silver is able to be the type of individual that connects other people (something we witness Silver do firsthand in Fairy Gala: If when he negotiates between the fairies and NRC).
bdjssbksjw That’s what makes their bond so strong 😌 Silver is willing to see what many others don’t in Sebek, and Sebek is willing to put aside some of his pride and personal prejudice towards humans to support Silver.
GAHHHH 🥺 I just. Really enjoy Silver and Sebek’s friendship—how well their conflicting personalities play off of one another, and how well they are able to understand the other despite their strong differences.
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The batfam meet Danny Fenton and after weeks of research and one lucky blood test later there’s no doubt I’m anyone’s mind that he’s Damian’s long-lost twin brother.
But the day they go to his apartment to break the news someone else answers the door. Someone who looks identical to both Damian and Danny but is very obviously not them.
The new boy was albino and obviously a meta of some kind, his eyes a cherry red and his hair literally flaming white and styled a crowd braid. But his face shape was the same as Bruce’s, his eyes had the same curve as Talias, and his height the same as Danny’s.
“Oh, hi! You must be the Wayne’s. Danny’s told me about you. Sorry we haven’t been able to meet, I’ve been busy with classes.” He invites them in and the batfam take notes of his personality.
Danny was nearly entirely composed of snark and wit, able to run endless circles around not only rouges but their vigilante personas. He was wickedly intelligent, morally grey, and not afraid to resort to violence. He had a heart of silver; good intentions and beliefs but not afraid to get his hands dirty to achieve his goals.
As they talked with this boy, Daphne he said his name was, they learned he was just as sarcastic and witty but was also trying to stay on the positive side of things. He was intelligent like Danny, but had a chaotic lawful attitude similar to Danny’s chaotic neutral.
finally, Tim asked the question they’d all been wondering. “So, Danny’s never mentioned you before. Are you a new roommates or friend?” Daphne laughed, “Yeah, he’s really protective. He once got in a fist fight with someone for insulting me.”
Daphne smiled, and he was a carbon copy of both Danny and Damian. “I’m his twin brother.” There was a problem with that though. They knew for a fact that Daphne Fenton didn’t exist.
Everything was going great, Danny had though two weeks ago. He’d though that word for word and he knew it would come back to bite him in the ass. He just didn’t know when.
Dan–or Daphne, as he likes to be called now, said that the reason bad things happened after he said something hopeful was because he was ‘putting that energy out in the universe’. Daphne was always so positive, or trying to be, and it made it hard to remember that he used to be his future self hellbent on destroying the world.
Therapy had been a big help. They had Clockwork to thank for that, and for Daphnes new form. They couldn’t change his hair, no matter how hard he tried at first. It had made him incredibly upset and insecure, but nowadays he’d grown to accept his hair, saying ‘it’s a reminder of who I was and where I came from, and that everything’s ok now. I’m allowed to exist as the person I’d always wanted to be.’
Honestly, Danny couldn’t even begin to describe how proud he was. He’d come such a long way from the tyrannical King of the Infinite Realms to a scared, traumatized kid to the kind and gentle teen he was now. It’d been amazing watching Daphne grow not only out but in, growing as a person and a spirit.
And Daphne had helped him grow as well. It was nice, having someone so close to him and so aware of what he was thinking and how he acted because they were the same. So different but so similar. The first time they’d introduced each other as brothers, as twins, it’s felt right. Like that was exactly what they were supposed to be.
He got in a lot of fights after though. Not that any of them were Daphnes fault, who was holding him back most of the time, but there were just some assholes who, assuming Daphne was a meta, decided to insult him and even call him a few slurs. Of course, he knocked out one and broke the others nose.
There were a lot of people like this, people who felt it was ok to insult his baby brother–because no matter what Daphne said, he practically screamed ‘little brother’ vibes–felt it was ok to say hurtful things to his face because they didn’t consider him fully human.
So he got into fights a lot more often now, no matter how much Daphne begs him not to. But despite all those assholes things had been going great, despite it being, y’know, Gotham. He’d even made friend with a revenant and his family, who were weirdly nice and open about the whole ghost thing.
What a great surprise it was too when he got home and found that not only was Daphne back from school–he’d joined a lot of clubs and band–but that the Wayne’s were there and they seemed to be good friends already! Maybe Daphne was right; it was time he started projecting good vibes only.
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unhingedlesbear · 10 months
Ok I did it
TDIM creature au
Tweaked my creature au and now EVERYONE has changed except for Charlie lmao. Anyway some of these headcanons/lore were created during a conversation with Kagoa, so credit to them for a few of these.
Also yeah in this au Du’met is like a creature hunter of some sort and likes to collect “specimens”
Charlie - Phoenix
-Only one that remains the same really.
-It’s obviously bc of his achievement
-He doesn’t look like your typical Phoenix, but this is because he’s got lucky and been able to grow older without dying and having to be reborn.
-Because his feathers are grey, people often doubt that he’s really a Phoenix until he sets himself aflame or something.
-he’s about the size of a large buzzard.
Mark - Giant
-Bros a gentle giant but literally
-Really big. Like REALLY fucking big. Shadow of the colossus looking ah. The others are like mice compared to him and don’t even get started on Erin
-His fear of heights is made worse by the fact that to him, everything seems higher up because of his size.
-The others will often use him as transport, sitting on his shoulders or head, or hiding in his pockets or sleeves.
-When it comes to food, he simply eats large portions of regular human food, as small as it is.
-His fight with Du’met would be some straight up SOTC shit in this au omg.
Kate - Vampire
-Don’t have much of a reason for this one except that I liked the concept of a vampire x giant
-Kate is compatible with Mark because she can safely drink his blood without issue since he’s so big
-Can only drink blood, it’s the only thing in her diet.
-Fuck it, she probably has a bat form.
-Her weaknesses are the usual for vampires. Silver, sunlight, garlic and pure water. So you can imagine what’s used against her in the ultimatum trap.
-Her weakness to sunlight is another reason she’s so compatible with Mark. She can often use him as shelter.
-She carries around blood on her at all times, but it doesn’t stop people around her from being slightly afraid of her. 
-She has DEFINITELY tried to do a bit of trolling and bite Jamie. That’s how she found out Jamie doesn’t like to stay corporeal.
Jamie - Ghost
-She can switch between corporeal and incorporeal forms
-She is able to go completely invisible at times but only for short amounts of time or she risks literally disappearing from existence
-She’s not actually dead. She’s just a ghost. Always was one.
-Brings cold air around her. When she enters a room, it gets immediately colder.
-She has a glow around her, and on occasion the hue can change based on emotion.
-Because she’s a ghost, she doesn’t need to eat or drink. She simply borrows energy from others and it fuels her. 
-She’s very compatible with Erin because she’s usually incorporeal, so there’s less of a risk of her accidentally hurting Erin. 
Erin - Fairy
-she’s about half the size of a rat idk.
-She has her own tiny desk she works at in the studio
-The reason she works in audio is because she’s so small and everything is loud to her, but this can also lead to her becoming easily overwhelmed.
-She cant fly in storms. If the weather is bad, one of the others will offer to escort her to a safe place whenever they can.
-When it comes to food, she does have access to tiny versions of food, but she usually just consumes small pieces of regular food and that’s enough for her. A crumb she found on the floor would be like a 5 star meal to her.
-Iron is painful for her to touch, and one of her weaknesses.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Seen: Greg ‘Mouse’Gerwitz x Reader
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Tagging: @shay-o-fiction​   @kimm4710​   @k-k0129​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @daniacat​   @enchantedblackrose​   @ikbenplant​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @neapolitantoebeans​    @cixrosie​   @halsteadloversworld​   @i-spaced-sorry​   
Greg had posed for several of your paintings since you had started your art course. In the beginning you had doubted that he would have the ability to sit still. The man you loved was always a flurry of movement, his hands always in motion, his knee jangling. However, over the past few months Greg had exhibited a patience you hadn’t expected. He usually needed a prop, his phone, a book, his airpods, something to keep his attention rapt. Working with oil paints was something you had always wanted to try but you had never seemed to be able to find the time for. These days you had all the time in the world.
The injury you had received in the line of duty had changed your perspective, the way you thought about everything. All you had ever wanted was to be a cop, and you had achieved that, worked your ass off all the way up to Intelligence and then you got shot.
The bullet had caused nerve damage that rendered you unable to perform the more physical aspects of your job at the current moment. You still walked with a cane, an antique dark wood piece with a polished silver top that Greg had purchased for you. The two of you had delved into an antiques shop one afternoon after physical therapy. A badass cane for a badass bitch, he had told you when he handed it over.
You were still in recovery, both physically and mentally. You had honestly thought you were going to die that night and in the aftermath, you had to confront the things that terrified you. You still flinched at loud noises, woke up in the night with your heart pounding and breath caught in your throat. You feared that wouldn’t be able to return to your job, being a cop was as fundamental to you as breathing, it was all you had ever known. Greg had lightly suggested perhaps it was time to explore somethings for yourself, do the things you wanted to do. The truth was you had been at a loss on medical leave, especially with your restricted mobility.
Painting had been something you had wanted to explore in from the very beginning, the problem was when you were working full time your shifts never seemed to line up with the course dates. Even now it seemed like an indulgence, but you enjoyed working with your hands, it had been along time since you had allowed yourself to be creative and you could feel the essence of it flowing through you like a current. You had an eye for colour your tutor told you, your paintings were bright and saturated, attuned to the mood of your subject.
“Is that how you see me?” he asked you when he caught a glimpse of one. You rarely showed him your work, your cheeks colouring with embarrassment whenever he drew near but this one, you were proud of.
When you painted Greg, it was with hues of blue, a shimmer of silver lining the eyes of his pupils as he lay spread out amongst the sheets as they pooled around his waist, his gaze locked on you. It became a series before you realised it, your man captured upon the canvas, going about his life.
“Yes.” You told him, shifting to sit on the stool because you hip was starting to ache from being on your feet too long.
“It makes me feel proud.” He told you, leaning forward so that the scent of wet paint was in his nose. It was an aroma that he was now coming to associate with you. Looking at the artwork, he could see that you were changing, flourishing he thought, becoming something more than what you had been. He was glad because you had dedicated so much of yourself to other people, he thought it was time for you to take a breath and re-evaluate things. “I feel like you actually see me.”
“I do.” You told him, your arms looping through his so that you were holding him from behind. He inclined his head so that he could capture your gaze. “I see you the real you and Greg, it’s stunning.”
Love Greg? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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nvrcissasm · 5 months
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in front of my  m o t h e r  and my sisters, i pretend  L O V E  is cheap and  VULGAR. i act like it’s a  s i n  - i pretend that  l o v e  is for women on a dark path. but at night i  D R E A M  of a love so heavy it makes my spine throb - i dream up a LOVER who makes love like he is separating  s a l t  from water…
Full Name: Narcissa Elladora Malfoy Name Origin: Unlike her sisters and most of her relatives, Narcissa was not named after a star or constellation, instead after the Greeks. Narcissa is a name of Greek origin meaning daffodil. It is feminine of Narcisse, which comes from the legend of the beautiful Greek youth Narcissus, who became enamoured of his own reflection - hence “narcissism”. Nicknames: Cissa or Cissy, but only to those closest to her. She does prefer Cissa over Cissy though, as it sounds less childish. Age: Twenty Six Birthday: 23rd December, Capricorn Gender & Pronouns: Cis Woman, She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Married to Lucius Malfoy Patronus: Narcissa’s Patronus would take the form of a Tiger Boggart: Narcissa’s Boggart is Death Wand Type: 13″, Elm Wood with a Dragon Heartstring Core Occupation: Socialite and Philanthropist, Dark Artefacts Curator Affiliation: Death Eater Ally Face Claim: Florence Pugh Key Information: Please see below the cut
𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙀𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ;;   can be found by clicking here
𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙏 𝘽𝙊𝘼𝙍𝘿 ;;   can be found by clicking here
𝘼𝙎𝙎𝙊𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 / 𝘼𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙎 ;;   ears that are always listening, rooms with high ceilings, the stony features of a face unwilling to give away any information, ‘clever as the devil and twice as pretty’, summer evenings and winter mornings, perfect paper creases, stargazing, ‘you’re like snow, beautiful but cold’, white linen, black roses protected by their thorns, the underestimated sister, the sweetest of smiles and eyes that are always watching.
𝙁𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙇𝙔 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙐𝙋𝘽𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙂 ;;   The youngest of three daughters, Narcissa was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and an appearance that would instantly set her apart from the rest of her immediate family. With her golden locks and piercing blue eyes, she was destined to stand out in photographs, contrasting the raven hair and dark features that were commonly associated with the Black family. At no point did this ever put her at a disadvantage however. Only a moment spent in her company is enough to see that the Black blood runs deep in her veins.
As a child, she was the princess of the family, in her fathers eyes especially, and it was from a very young age that she started being taught all that there was to know about how to be the perfect young woman. Narcissa picked everything up easily, whilst continuing to enjoy the finer things in life, and that was exactly what Cygnus and Druella wanted for their daughter - to become a respected Pureblood woman with the world at her disposal.
Growing up as part of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black was, of course, not all sunshine and rainbows. Like many of the other families in their society, the Black home is full of secrets, scandal and betrayal. You name it, and chances are at least one of them have been accused of it. Of course they have their own way of dealing with it - Narcissa has already lived to witness one of her cousins and her own sister be disowned completely and she knows it is not the first time that it has happened. The fear of this happening to her for not being good enough, or for doing something wrong was instilled early in her life and it continues to hang over her to this very day.
𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝙊𝙂𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 ;;   When it came to attending Hogwarts, there was no doubt that Narcissa would be sorted in to Slytherin House. The Sorting Hat barely touched her head before making its decision, and it was with her fellow snakes that she thrived. She worked hard to achieve good grades, and being away from the watchful eyes of her parents, she was able to find her own independence and sense of identity. Of course it never strayed far from what her parents wanted for her, but she was determined to ensure things were done on her terms as well.
𝘾𝘼𝙍𝙀𝙀𝙍 ;;   Although Narcissa is unemployed and has no need to find herself a job, she has always had a passion for dark artefacts and cursed objects, and has found herself to be somewhat of a collector of both. Only a small handful of people know about her collection, but it is something she takes pride in expanding. She has also been known to source and sell on a few objects here or there. When she is not expanding her collection, Narcissa considers herself as a proud socialite and philanthropist, publicly supporting a number of causes.
𝘼𝙁𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙄𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙒𝘼𝙍 ;;   When it comes to the war, Narcissa has always followed suit with the majority of her family and naturally agreed with the ideals of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Most of the company she kept was often from the inner circle, but she knew very early on that she would never agree to take the dark mark, despite being encouraged on numerous occasions to do so.
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revyved · 1 year
@enrhysmion said: No matter where their journeys lead them, the moon's devoted followers are all united in their hearts. Rhys hasn't met many clerics of Selune despite spending so many years traveling with his instructor, and he must confess that Isobel intrigues and inspires him. She embodies hope in a way that he could never imagine being able to; her brightness cuts through the deepest darkness. She keeps everyone alive and protects the integrity of their souls. It's a blessing—no, a miracle—that her personal adventure brought her here in the midst of all this madness.
He determines that it's the ideal time to approach her now that the others are unwinding from the attack on the Last Light Inn. Rhys has often pondered the reason for the moon goddess' unwavering confidence in him. He is a deceiver; he is a shadow that hides the radiant light, yet Selune favors him and bestows upon him powers that are not rightfully his. He considers whether the goddess might be planning something special for him. Perhaps she believes he will assist Isobel. Even though he has a lot of questions racing through his mind, he decides to ignore them. He can't put extra strain on Isobel's shoulders when he doesn't even know her. It is up to him to maintain and resolve his dilemma.
"I wish I could be of assistance. Sadly, I lack such powers, and I worry that my light is too weak to drive away the shadows. I apologize sincerely, Lady Isobel. I demonstrate that I am a poor ally and a terrible devotee of our Lady." He leans on the balcony rail, his mouth curled into a sorrowful smile. His healing skills are almost useless in this scenario, despite his usual confidence in them. Since practically everyone has already passed away, who can he pretend to save? Shadows long for souls, not bodies. He doubts his ability to deal with them.
she’s earned a moment to rest, she thinks. a quiet few minutes to settle her nerves after marcus’ abrupt appearance. even now her heart dances in an uncomfortably chaotic rhythm, not quite steady, not quite right. she still feels the earth once caked in her chest obstructing the motion. isobel should have known this would happen. such an attack was inevitable, yet she let her guard down nonetheless. foolish. if not for the new arrivals, she’d likely find herself tossed at ketheric’s muddied boots.
pale, moonlit-stricken eyes look up the moment rhys shares the balcony with her. the cold yet stale air keeps her senses sharp, still on edge after hearing the reason for marcus’ approach. ketheric wants her back — partially to doom the innocent lives here, and the other reason too distressing to think on in present time. it’s surprising to hear rhys apologize for such a thing. his words bring her from her thoughts, quietly coughing into her fist before smiling.
“ a poor ally ? while i understand your fears - such a place oft draws them out - i must also assure you of your importance in all of this. the shadows here are no ordinary magic … as you’ve readily learned. the darkness is permeated into the very land, yet i wouldn’t have offered my guidance if i figured you a lost cause. there is far more for you to achieve here than you think. “
her smile warms akin to a starry night. “ our lady of silver has a path for you, one she knows you have the means to walk. she shares our dreams and our hopes, our sadness and fear. you may discover more about yourself when tested so… “ she speaks from her own experience. dying and descending into empty darkness, nothingness, until violently woken. “ i don’t think it’s a mere coincidence to meet a fellow devotee. it would bring me joy hearing more about you. i do insist though — you have nothing to apologize for. “
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ikram1909 · 28 days
Yeah I think Luka’s fans can be a little too defensive. Some of it I think comes from the fact that most people acknowledge he is an incredibly gifted player but too much of a crybaby, that he complains too much to the refs and sometimes his teammates. So fans can get pretty defensive with any type of criticism of him. I can tell you as a long time Luka fan even I am starting to get more and more irritated with this attitude of his but I’d still defend him most times cause I really want him to succeed and I think he has everything to be historic. I personally haven’t seen them be specially hateful towards Steph (my fav player as well 🫶🏼) but I guess some of it might have to do with the fact that a lot of people still say he is the best point guard in the league and Luka fans think he has already surpassed him
And yeah some older players seem pretty resentful of Steph, although I think it has calmed down a lot through the years and they’ve come around. I think many just don’t like the way the game is played now, all about the three as opposed to when they played where it was more physical and playing at the rim, and they (rightly tbh) blame him for this. Another thing is that he comes from a well off family (his dad used to play in the nba) and many of the most successful players come from a more harsh background, with poverty and violence, and survived and where able to get their family out of this situation through basketball. So there is resentment there for “being born with a silver spoon” and “having the easy way” into the league, even though if you know his story that is obv bullshit. But yeah he’s been doubted and underrated pretty much his whole life for being “too little” or “not athletic enough” and he’s broken all this beliefs and stereotypes of what a basketball player has to look like and be from to be not only successful but historic
(Ps Kendrick Perkins is clueless and a hater, he needs attention like breathing and will say almost any bullshit to get it)
Yeah he does complain a lot and it's a turn off 😭😭 the teammates part is definitely worse tho. I think he just needs to mature in that regard and he'd be set. He has everything that could make him become historic like you said. Perhaps changing teams would help too since he needs help. about the fans, I've definitely seen many fans of his try Steph for some reason like at least so far. Some of them genuinely talk like Steph is a bum it's crazy to me 😭😭
Yeah, it's insane how every reason they came up with to hate on him is completely out of his control 😭😭 he didn't choose his family and he had his own struggles and they aren't less relevant just because they can't relate to them. His story is very inspiring in its own way. I get the whole thing about him changing the game when it comes to the 3 points shots but is it really a bad thing? 😭😭 It's actually impressive how he revolutionised the game, very few people can say they were able to do that. But every other criticism is very much a reach. He didn't have it easy at all. He's been an underdog his entire career and they constantly came up with reason to undermine his achievements. Oh no he doesn't have a fmvp. Oh no he's not clutch. Oh no he was carried by KD (which is funny to me because he literally won before KD and again after him 😭😭) I'm just glad he got to prove all of them wrong time and again.
Yeah Perkins is absolutely an attention WHORE and he knows bringing up Steph's name will get him the clout he's desperate for so he takes advantage of it as much as possible. Gil Arenas too for that matter 😒😒
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 1 year
Going on a mission with both Shisui and Itachi wasn't exactly a bad thing, provided one could keep up with both Sharingan users. Which Ami could do easily. But ever since losing her Genin team, the silver haired kunoichi had been doubting her own abilities and didn't think sending her was a good idea. She said so as much in the meeting between them and the Third Hokage.
"Hokage-sama? It might be better to let another medic nin go instead of me. I'll just slow Shisui-san and Itachi-san down."
/Ami and Shisui - also hey!
After facing the Third Hokage, Shisui was dismissed with papers, personal info, and a set of skills of his new companion. No matter of his personal achievements or Itachi's having a medic one should never refuse. Reflecting back on his missions having a medic was always a positive experience for him. His late friend Alustriel was a medic and six tails a Jinchuuriki. This girl was so young, and Shisui hoped to have her on his team. Since Shisui unlocked his Sage mode as a last step in the power structure, he and Itachi were taking young nin under their wings for training and missions outside the village.
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Shisui finished reading the provided info, and he got up, folding both hands against his back. This gesture became his habit ever since he mastered sage mode. Shisui would fold his hands on the back. Kakashi would always tease him about it saying-- Shisui you are only thirty that gesture is made by old retired ninjas.--
Sometimes Shisui would feel way too old and tired. While others could think about childhood, about the next step in their education or in training, Shisui just ran through that phase of his life. Ten years went by just like one bloody night. Sometimes he would think that all that happened was just a nightmare, but it was not, a dull ache in the right side of his skull was a reminder. The right eye was a gift from Itachi--after the deed was done.
"So you have arrived, Ami-chan." Shisui greeted her when she arrived at the meeting spot. The younger version of Shisui would crack a joke now...but this Shisui gulped the joke down remaining composed. Expressionless.
His intuition told him, that this was the right choice...A light smile bloomed on his face.
Intuition is a gift, but it can be a curse as well. It's a voice calling to us from places that are better left unexplored. Shisui knew that when he explored the deepest and darkest parts of his soul he found Shiroi looking back at him. She was and still is part of him, she is his beast to call, and Shisui....her human to call. Who wins? That is a thin line, the weak one shall obey.
The Shikkotsu Forest is a legendary place and one of the three unexplored sage regions; there Shisui trained and got wolf sage mode. This mode is all about control if one's emotions aren’t in check Shiroi is able to possess the user's body for her own purposes.
-Go with your guts if nothing else works-
Intuition has your best interests at heart. It is a voice that can tell you who is a friend and who is a foe. Which one is to hold at arm's length and which one is to keep close. Yet too often Shisui got distracted by fear, doubt, by his own stubborn hope thus he refused to listen...
"So you are our new team member? Shall we have a test mission drill? Before I explain to you our mission and before we depart?"
(Hello! I picked Sage verse, I hope that is okay. Let me know if this works for you ^^)
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themanofax · 2 years
On Diavolo’s Rage
One of the most supremely underrated aspects of Diavolo's character is his unrelenting, implacable rage. Moreso than any other JoJo character, I associate Diavolo with "rage" - more than Fugo, more than Ghiaccio, more than Kira. Those characters, while prone to violent, angry outbursts, possess other defining features - but Diavolo is a man who is defined, who is controlled, by his rage.
If you subscribe to the theory that Doppio was the original personality, then a sub-theory of that which I like to believe is that Diavolo, as a split personality, emerged in response to Doppio discovering that he was adopted. Not only that he was adopted, but that his mother was a prisoner housed on a remote island, where he would likely never be able to meet her. Doppio, being an innocent, mild-mannered kid, likely had no idea how to process this information; and out of the wreckage emerged Diavolo, a personality whose existence was wholly dedicated to protecting his beloved Doppio.
(I also believe that Diavolo is the Antichrist and that him emerging out of Doppio's mind was likely fated to be but that's a discussion for another day)
Anyway. I'm sure you can see where the tragedy arises out of this idea. Over time, Diavolo grows more and more controlling and manipulative, and Doppio loses more and more control of his body. Until eventually, the personality that emerged to protect the "original" survives, while the "original" dies alone, unaware that he's lost any agency at all.
But what does this have to do with Diavolo's anger? Well... what happens when an empty shell, a being created to fulfill one singular purpose, forsakes that purpose? What happens when a program is left running, long after it should have been terminated?
Diavolo's anger - at least, the anger he displays during the Silver Chariot Requiem arc - fascinates me. Because it's the anger of a being which really has no reason to be doing the things it's doing; that is carrying out the ghost of its directive.  I like to believe that Diavolo became a mob boss because it was the simplest way of ensuring no harm would ever come to Doppio; how could he be hurt if Diavolo became the most powerful person in all of Italy?  But now that Doppio is dead, Diavolo is fighting desperately to keep his position... for basically no reason at all.  He’d forgotten long ago the reason he’d killed and maimed to achieve this power, and with Doppio dead and gone, any hope of him remembering was gone too.  And so, we get Diavolo fighting tooth and nail, sacrificing his body and dignity to get the arrow and sit atop the apex of the world... all for a boy who has already died.  Ozymandias, the king of kings.
One last element to Diavolo’s rage that I adore; his fervent, unshakeable conviction that fate is on his side.  Moreso than any other villain, I feel, Diavolo truly believes that he is an immortal god who can never fail; who fate has chosen to prop up above all others, who will live forever despite still being biologically human.  This fundamental delusion goes deeper than Kira’s simple belief that “luck is on his side”; and even DIO, who became the closest thing the JoJo universe had to a god, was aware of his mortality, and had a “Plan B” in mind in the case of his death.  
Diavolo truly, fundamentally believes that if he is able to eliminate all the obstacles in his way, he will “live forever”.  And, after all, he has no real reason to doubt this idea; fate smiled upon him in the form of the arrows, and his King Crimson is able to defend him from literally any misfortune (there’s a moment in the final fight that I love, where we see King Crimson for the last time - he all but pops up in front of Diavolo, screaming like a furious and over-protective father at Giorno before being pummeled himself.)   
So when that belief is challenged, Diavolo snaps.  His rage, his disbelief, his patheticness puts any other (main) JoJo villain to shame.  What other villain would beg their enemy to let them win; to resort to fallacious, circular arguments of “look at me!  think who is truly worthy!”  For Diavolo, the arrow continuing to elude his grasp in the final arc is tantamount to the sky being green, or dropping an apple and having it fly upwards.  It simply does not make sense; it is a violation of a fundamental rule of reality.  And as Giorno and his allies continue to outmaneuver him, he grows more and more desperate, his cries more and more venomous, his denials more and more fervent.  An injustice is being carried out, in his eyes, and it is his duty to right it.  
This is part of why I think the decision to cast Katsuyuki Konishi was such an amazing move; casting a seiyuu who is primarily known for voicing heroes (including Jonathan Joestar himself, in the Phantom Blood OVA) imbues Diavolo with a truly unique quality.  We hear all the time that “a good villain is one that believes themselves to be the hero”, but moreso than even Pucci or Valentine, Diavolo believes himself to be the protagonist of the world.  His beliefs about fate cause him to believe that his struggles, his ability to overcome his own past and insecurities, are all that matter; that the world truly revolves around him, and that he can become an immortal god-king if he just overcomes the obstacles that Fate puts in his way.  
That determination to grow, to overcome one’s flaws and grow stronger, is one we commonly associate with heroes in shonen - and Diavolo has deluded himself into believing that his conquest of bloodshed and oppression is as just as the journeys that our favorite shonen heroes go on.  All of this imbues Diavolo with a uniquely pathetic quality; he is a villain that believes himself to be the protagonist, and so when faced with the true protagonist of the Part, he is left utterly confused and helpless.  He believes that Giorno is the intruder, the one who is barging into his life and threatening his status quo, and he believes that if he fights hard enough he will be rewarded and continue his conquest. 
In that light, his frustration, his rage at being unable to beat this newbie makes more sense (as does the decision to cast Katsuyuki).  When we watch Diavolo fight against Bucciarati’s gang at the end of Part 5, we are not just seeing good vs. evil, hero vs. villain; we are seeing the complete implosion of a life-long belief, and the violent de-throning of a “protagonist”.  Diavolo is a king who finds himself de-throned, cast down into the role of a lowly pauper.  And he fights it desperately, all throughout the Part - and in the end, leaves the series with a rage-filled, fear-suffused scream.  
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unu-nunu-art · 4 years
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(in case of compression issues, follow these links for their full sheets on DeviantArt: Faith’s reference, Frenzy’s reference)
Their bio can be found right under the cut, and if you have any further questions, let me know!
Let's start 2021 with a bang by introducing two new characters! Designing these two took much longer than expected but it was really worth it. I’m super happy about the results and am very excited to share these two with you!
As usual I am a bit nervous about sharing my characters... I really, really hope you like them!! >u<
Name: Faith Occupation: Representation of all positive Alternate Universes and pacifist timelines Age: ??? Height: About 140 cm (slightly taller than your regular Sans) Sexual Orientation: Is a concept he accepts and supports Likes: Getting on Frenzy's nerves, getting the respect he deserves, balance, sweets and food (and also drinks) in general, peace, celebrations Dislikes: Frenzy, having to work, battles, rain, loneliness Abilities: He is able to influence the feelings of others around him in a positive way at will. He is also able to create illusions and is able to use magic that is fueled by the positive side of determination. The more positive influence in the multiverse prevails the more powerful he is. He possesses a wooden staff that can be used to channel magic in any form, but is also helpful in combat. He is also able to shapeshift, which will only change his appearance but not his physical or magical abilities and is limited to copy only existing characters within the AU he’s currently in.
Faith represents any good force in the multiverse and therefore refers to himself as a "god", even though he has no ability to directly influence the multiverse. He is outgoing, kind, a bit simple-minded but also slightly narcissistic and prefers when things are peaceful. He also likes to celebrate, but usually prefers to watch from a distance and doesn't get too involved into the events of each timeline. He can get whiny and childish when things aren't going in his favor, but it can be unclear whether he just wants to get on your nerves or is actually upset. He is more of a background character, but whenever he feels the need to jump into action will do so - after an audible sigh. Whenever he cannot avoid combat, he usually tries to get things over with as quickly as possible. Although he cannot get permanently hurt or die, he still can feel pain and will need time to recover after a fatal blow. He can be a bit cheeky and sometimes forgets others have earthly needs, as he has no need to eat or sleep, but loves doing so out of pleasure.
Name: Frenzy Occupation: Representation of all negative Alternate Universes and genocide timelines Age: ??? Height: About 140 cm (slightly taller than your regular Sans) Sexual Orientation: Is a concept he accepts and utilizes Likes: Getting on Faith's nerves, quiet, ruin, spreading doubt, manipulation, scheming, just really making your life miserable in general, sea food Dislikes: Faith, crowded places, know-it-alls, bright colors Abilities: He is able to influence the feelings of others around him in a negative way at will. He is also able to create illusions and is able to use magic that is fueled by the negative side of determination. The more negative influence in the multiverse prevails the more powerful he is. His weapons are daggers, but he's also able to control vines. He is also able to shapeshift, which will only change his appearance but not his physical or magical abilities and is limited to copy only existing characters within the AU he’s currently in.
Frenzy represents any bad force in the multiverse, even though he has no ability to directly influence the multiverse. He is a trickster that loves to mess with you, is calculating and silver-tongued, which only gains more impact by his abilities to manipulate emotions at will. He is driven by his hunger for power and likes nothing better than ruining timelines and turning them into a negative timeline. Mostly everything he says might sound slightly sarcastic, making it hard to distinguish whether he actually means it or not. He won't hesitate to jump into combat, although he will usually try to pull strings from the background or backstab you first. He cannot be hurt permanently or die, but he can still feel pain and if fatally injured will need time to recover. He has no need to sleep or eat, but enjoys these activities. He has a special fondness for sea food for some reason.
Additional notes:
They are NOT brothers. Being immortal beings, they aren’t related by blood and don’t consider themselves as brothers, but rivals
The general feud between them can be seen as a game. Frenzy is the one who actively tries to disturb the balance of the multiverse as total control would mean he is able to wipe out the entire multiverse. This is why Faith is serious about keeping the balance intact, but ultimately treats it like it's a hobby of his
When Faith and Frenzy tried to influence the same person at the same time, they'd cancel each other out (unless the balance is disturbed)
The halos around their heads display how much power they have - the higher the imbalance, the larger and intricate (or smaller and more simple) they become. However, they can be hidden by both Faith and Frenzy. Frenzy often hides his own, while Faith proudly wears it.
The reference sheets refer to them when the multiverse is in balance
Frenzy usually keeps his hood up, while Faith usually just wears it to emphasize his status
Their weapons can be summoned at will
Their names refer to the good and bad side of determination: Faith refers to the fact to never give up Hope, no matter how dire the situation might be, while Frenzy refers to the obsessive pursuit to achieve a goal no matter what it takes
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belphiesreverie · 3 years
Hi, Can I request platonic headcannons from Yandere Lilia Vanrouge (TW) with an s/o who enters into a relationship with Yandere Malleus
Of course, thank you for the request!! 💕💕
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No matter who chose to bring the topic of the relationship up to begin with, both parties are mutually very happy with the arrangement
For Malleus, it’s getting approval from his father figure to begin courting the person he has an unhealthy obsession towards adores above all else. To him, It’s also in some way Lilia telling him he’s worthy of the human he’s grown a strange attachment to
And for Lilia, if his darling was in a relationship with Malleus then he would have even more of a reason to insert himself as a father figure into their life and that’s an opportunity he’ll gladly take
Lilia would also be able to micromanage every aspect of the relationship, from the way that they interact with Malleus and the dates they would go on together. He’d be able to craft the ‘perfect’ relationship so that both his darling and Malleus would be happy and fulfilled in his eyes at least
He is quite worried about actually getting his darling to even consider the relationship however. He’s convinced them thus far that relationships aren’t a good idea since he hasn’t approved of anyone they’ve taken an interest in, so he’s slightly concerned that bringing up the topic of dating Malleus will cause them to think it’s a bad idea or that he’s against it
If his darling didn’t seem against it when he jokingly suggests it, then he’ll be able to get them to start seriously consider it rather quickly but if they seem hesitant, disinterested or anything other than positive towards the idea then he’ll have to start thinking of some ways to push them in the right direction
Once his darling actually enters the relationship, there’s absolutely no way they’re getting out
If they try to talk to Lilia about any concerns they have in the relationship, he’ll easily convince them that it’s not a bad thing or that it’s normal. He’ll occasionally say he’ll talk to Malleus about it but it’s certainly not going to achieve the results they’re hoping it will
If they try to talk directly to Malleus about issues in the relationship, he’ll listen but it’s doubtful that he’ll change anything. Sometimes he’ll ask Lilia about if he should stop doing certain things that they brought up to him but Lilia will wave it off dismissively with a “they’re just adjusting, they’ll get used to it soon”
And there’s absolutely no way that they can talk to any friends about it, not when Lilia, Malleus or even Silver and Sebek are constantly hovering around them and monitoring what they discuss
Any mention of breaking off the relationship is immediately shot down before it’s started. Most of the time, they’re cut of and steered away from the topic before they can even get the words out of their mouth
The easiest thing to do is just give in and go with the flow. After all, if you ignore the overly controlling behaviour and suffocating presences, it’s the dream relationship… right?
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iturbide · 2 years
Oh I don't doubt edelgard believes her cause is just. The thing with her is it doesnt stop with her reforms and her toppling of the church. Thats how we know her goal is conquest.
In 3 hopes she had her reforms made WHILE rhea was in power. And Even with Rhea dead and the central church dissolved she doesnt stop her war. At this point it is no longer about removing the church to make way for reforms. Because she accomplished both of those things and she's still not done.
Why isn't she done? Because thats not her ultimate goal. She wants all of fodlan under her control. Funnily enough, Claude says it too. His reason for killing rhea was because he foolishly believed that would remove edelgards reason for war. ( it doesn't).
He also said that if she doesn't stop her war, then that means her war is just blatant aggression. In their supports he calls it Conquest and edelgard doesn't deny it, she knows what this is ( shes much more honest about it in 3 hopes) and she actually tells him she wants the kingdom gone, not just the church.
villains don't need to be like "tee hee mass murder , war , conquest! Yay!" realistic villains are those who truly believe in their cause and theyll say this is for the good of all. what makes them a villain is how they will do absolutely anything to achieve their aims no matter how much blood is spilled and how much suffering it causes. No "sacrifice" is too great for Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg.
this is how they justify conquest irl no? Western imperalism 101. We say It's for a just cause. We say Its for their own good. We say our way is the superior way and they will see that (or die) . Truth is we can make up any reason for it , the end is the same and they still hate us for it. And i can't say I blame them for feeling that way lol
I was never trying to refute that Edelgard is an imperialist. She's absolutely an imperialist. There's really no getting around that. But I'm pretty alarmed by this take, because it discounts a lot of things about her and her character in favor of a read that her goals are motivated solely by selfishness.
And this is coming from someone who has an entire tag devoted to Edelgard criticism.
It bears repeating out the gate: I haven't played Three Hopes yet. I don't imagine I will for a while yet, and news on Edelgard's route has been sparse coming to my inbox, so I'm not able to speak on Scarlet Blaze in any real capacity (not that I take it as any sort of canon, myself, though that's neither here nor there). But I can speak on Three Houses, since I have played through three of the four routes in their entirety, including Edelgard's -- Verdant Wind, Silver Snow, and Crimson Flower are complete; I've stalled halfway through Azure Moon. And in the case of Three Houses, while Edelgard is definitely chasing an image of the past now lost in the form of a Fodlan united under the Imperial banner, I don't think it's fair to say that she's only after that.
The fact is, she's not wrong that the Crest System is bad and needs to be reformed. She lays the blame on the wrong target, through a combination of misinformation and only partial understanding of the larger situation (likely for a number of reasons, including the unavoidable evolution of House Hresvelg's "true" history of Fodlan passed to its heirs, potentially influence from the Agarthans in manipulating information for their own purposes), but she's not wrong about the fact that the system is toxic and something needs to be done. And that system doesn't exist only in the Empire: its influence extends throughout all of Fodlan. So she sets her sights on tearing it out wherever it's taken root.
From a character and narrative standpoint, it does actually make sense that she'd target the Church of Seiros: the faith of the land gave rise to the System, even if Seiros herself had no hand in it, and so the only way to change the system is to raze the faith of the land and bring about something new. And because the Church has footholds in the Kingdom and Leicester -- both of which also suffer from a system that overvalues Crests -- she takes her campaign across those borders. Yes, she also believes that the Church was responsible for breaking up the Empire into the Kingdom and later the Alliance, thinking that it was a means of creating artificial divisions between people to keep them in conflict and unable to turn on the Church and its inhuman arbiters -- but ultimately her goal was to free all of Fodlan from the Crest System, rather than only Adrestia.
I don't say any of this to discount that she does horrible things. Because she does. There's a reason I will never play Crimson Flower again. But to flatly vilify her rather than acknowledging her as a complex character with justifiable goals is something I can't accept. Making the situation out to be a black-and-white, good-and-evil dichotomy flattens what makes Edelgard interesting and compelling as a character in favor of presenting her as Lady Walhart but with enough sense to not broadcast her intentions. And that's not fair to her, because there's a lot more to her, her situation, and her character overall than what your message implies.
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ofnarcissas · 2 years
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in front of my  m o t h e r  and my sisters, i pretend  L O V E  is cheap and  VULGAR. i act like it’s a  s i n  - i pretend that  l o v e  is for women on a dark path. but at night i  D R E A M  of a love so heavy it makes my spine throb - i dream up a LOVER who makes love like he is separating  s a l t  from water...
Full Name: Narcissa Elladora Malfoy née Black Name Origin: Unlike her sisters and most of her relatives, Narcissa was not named after a star or constellation, instead after the Greeks. Narcissa is a name of Greek origin meaning daffodil. It is feminine of Narcisse, which comes from the legend of the beautiful Greek youth Narcissus, who became enamoured of his own reflection - hence “narcissism”. Nicknames: Cissa or Cissy, but only to those closest to her. She does prefer Cissa over Cissy though, as it sounds less childish. Age: Thirty Birthday: 23rd December, Capricorn Gender & Pronouns: Cis Woman, She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Married Patronus: Narcissa’s Patronus would take the form of a Tiger Boggart: Narcissa’s Boggart is Death Wand Type: 13″, Elm Wood with a Dragon Heartstring Core Occupation: Socialite and Philanthropist, Dark Artefacts Curator Affiliation: Former Death Eater Ally Face Claim: Sarah Gadon Key Information: Please see below the cut
𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙀𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ;;   coming soon
𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙏 𝘽𝙊𝘼𝙍𝘿 ;;   can be found by clicking here
𝘼𝙎𝙎𝙊𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 / 𝘼𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙎 ;;   ears that are always listening, rooms with high ceilings, the stony features of a face unwilling to give away any information, ‘clever as the devil and twice as pretty’, summer evenings and winter mornings, perfect paper creases, stargazing, ‘you’re like snow, beautiful but cold’, white linen, black roses protected by their thorns, the underestimated sister, the sweetest of smiles and eyes that are always watching.
𝙁𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙇𝙔 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙐𝙋𝘽𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙂 ;;   The youngest of three daughters, Narcissa Elladora Black was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and an appearance that would instantly set her apart from the rest of her immediate family. With her golden locks and piercing blue eyes, she was destined to stand out in photographs, contrasting the raven hair and dark features that were commonly associated with the Black family. At no point did this ever put her at a disadvantage however. Only a moment spent in her company is enough to see that the Black blood runs deep in her veins.
As a child, she was the princess of the family, in her fathers eyes especially, and it was from a very young age that she started being taught all that there was to know about how to be the perfect young woman. Narcissa picked everything up easily, whilst continuing to enjoy the finer things in life, and that was exactly what Cygnus and Druella wanted for their daughter - to become a respected Pureblood woman with the world at her disposal.
Growing up as part of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black was, of course, not all sunshine and rainbows. Like many of the other families in their society, the Black home is full of secrets, scandal and betrayal. You name it, and chances are at least one of them have been accused of it. Of course they have their own way of dealing with it - Narcissa has already lived to witness one of her cousins and her own sister be disowned completely and she knows it is not the first time that it has happened. The fear of this happening to her for not being good enough, or for doing something wrong was instilled early in her life and it continues to hang over her to this very day.
𝘼𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙃𝙊𝙂𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 ;;   When it came to attending Hogwarts, there was no doubt that Narcissa would be sorted in to Slytherin House. The Sorting Hat barely touched her head before making its decision, and it was with her fellow snakes that she thrived. She worked hard to achieve good grades, and being away from the watchful eyes of her parents, she was able to find her own independence and sense of identity. Of course it never strayed far from what her parents wanted for her, but she was determined to ensure things were done on her terms as well.
𝘾𝘼𝙍𝙀𝙀𝙍 ;;   Although Narcissa is unemployed and has no need to find herself a job, she has always had a passion for dark artefacts and cursed objects, and has found herself to be somewhat of a collector of both. Only a small handful of people know about her collection, but it is something she takes pride in expanding. She has also been known to source and sell on a few objects here or there. When she is not expanding her collection, Narcissa considers herself as a proud socialite and philanthropist, publicly supporting a number of causes.
𝘼𝙁𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙄𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙒𝘼𝙍 ;;   When it came to the war, Narcissa had always followed suit with the majority of her family and naturally agreed with the ideals of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Most of the company she kept was often from the inner circle, but she knew very early on that she would never agree to take the dark mark, despite being approached on numerous occasions to do so.
She had openly declared herself to be an ally at first, but it wasn’t long before she started to see the effects that this cause was having on those closest to her, and that was when the doubt began to set in. More and more was her husband gone until the early hours of the morning, called to the right hand side of Voldemort himself, and then there was her sisters ever growing obsession with the man who promised them all great things but only seemed to deliver chaos and destruction in return for their unwavering loyalty. Unwavering in the sense that no one dared to step out of line in fear of the punishment that would follow.
The true test of Narcissa’s loyalty to the Dark Lord came when she found out she was pregnant with Draco. After trying and failing for several years to give her husband an heir, Narcissa’s world view completely shifted the day she found out that she was pregnant. If her loyalty wasn’t already solely to her family, it was now. Nothing else mattered but protecting her child. Not having the most loving of mothers herself growing up, she never expected the protection and care of her own child to consume her every emotion the way it did, but wasn’t that what mothers were for? To show us all of the things that we never want to be ourselves?
𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙎𝙃𝙀 𝙉𝙊𝙒 ;;   The day that Voldemort was defeated was the last day that Narcissa had to feign any support of his so called cause. While others around her were in shock, devastated by the news and in disbelief that it was true, it was the first time in years that Narcissa felt that she could truly breath again. In her eyes it meant that her family was finally free, though she still has those days where she gets a niggling doubt in her mind that Voldemort isn’t truly gone for good.
In the years that have passed since Voldemort’s downfall, Narcissa has focussed almost all of her energy on her family. She counts her blessings every day that her husband has managed to avoid incarceration, though that isn’t to say that they Auror’s don’t still regularly knock on their door looking for anything that could potentially incriminate them. Whispers of other significant names have helped the Malfoy’s stay out of the direct firing line so far, and who’s to say what else they have up their sleeves to protect themselves at the cost of others.
When she isn’t doting on her son and husband, Narcissa invests her time in her collection of dark artefacts and cursed objects. Having always had a passion and curiosity for such things, she takes a lot of pride in her collection, even if only a small handful of people know about its existence. When she is not expanding her ever growing collection, Narcissa also considers herself to still be a proud socialite and philanthropist. Officially unemployed, but has more money than one person could ever need, she publicly supports a number of causes, with the cure for Dragon Pox fund being at the top of the list.
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the-crows-typist · 3 years
Hi Lemilia-senpai! Can i ask for a romantic and fluffy ficlet with Silver and a fem crush with the word “cooking” please? Thank you!
Good day, I’m back. Work has been kicking my ass but hopefully I get to the full swing of things as the year progresses. Please enjoy this fic with some hints of familial and romantic love.
Word count: 4,735 
The Possibilites are Endless
“I want to make you proud.”
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Silver’s family was among the fae, it had always been, and despite being the only human many did not hesitate to show affection towards him.  Try as he may, Silver had no memory of his youth before Lilia took him in though the old man did say he smelled of charred wood when he found him but that was all he could surmise. Malleus, another boy Llia raised into adulthood, looked after him and another boy, Sebek. Their lives were relatively easy but it came with the promise and training to become Malleus’ royal guards
Silver had a knack of roaming the halls alone when he wasn’t studying or practicing swordsmanship. He liked to trail the smell of the kitchen; the staff were nice to him and since he didn’t pose much trouble, they allowed him to look through their work station granted he doesn’t touch anything hot. The soft creaking of the door and pattering of feet would always be acknowledged by the chefs before they went back to work.
Ever the curious boy he was, he walked up to the one of the stations with his nose smelling salt, pepper, and thyme. His eyes would sparkle at the cooking materials before him, palms almost itching to grab it.
His small hands reached for a hammer, one made of wood and had spiked endings. He looked up at the sound of laughter, the chef smile down at him after cutting crosses into the meat he was preparing. “Interested in that?” Silver was inclined to put it back before it was lifted out of his hold with magic. “This is a meat tenderizer, it helps you make the meat softer before cooking.”
“What happens if you don’t hammer it?” Silver tipped his toes, looking at the raw meat seasoned with spices that tickled his nose.
“It’ll be tough to chew,” The chef let the hammer float out his hands, hovering over the peace of meat to beat it with hard slaps. “Why don’t you sit down over there and I’ll make you a snack and then you’ll see the difference.”
He sat obediently on a stool, watching the chef get to work with the many spices and herbs that he smelled that sizzled with the meat. Yes, he had enjoyed the luxury of his new life under the fae but it wasn’t always this comforting or relaxing. Malleus and Lilia were often busy and Sebek…While Sebek was fun to play with, his loud personality often made Silver exhausted.
“Can I help?”
There was a beat of hesitation and the drop of the shoulders that he had seen almost familiarity “When you’re able to handle the hammer with magic.” The chef smiled at him again but Silver already knew what that meant. What he could handle was different from people like Lilia could handle.
His look was dejected but it was something he was used to hearing. The limits of those of the fae and humans were vastly different and their treatment of him was a testament to that; always protected and never seeing the front, always staying behind and never someone’s side. The silence was deafening and his eyelids grew heavy, slipping into a sleep he didn’t want to go into. A dream begets one’s deepest desires, a long yearning for something so awaited for so long. He dreamed of standing next to someone, their cloak fluttering in the wind.
Ah, yes…This is what he wanted the most.
Perhaps one day, he’ll stand side by side with someone. Someday…
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His eyes opened, the apple tree lending light to him from the small crevices and holes formed by leaves and branches. Riddle sat next to him, sweaty from their previous ordeal. They had cooked so much meals that day that the ghosts had asked them to take a break.
“Heat doesn’t affect us,” Said the head chef. “The students are not yet accustomed to the kitchen so it’s best to let them rest.” His head craned to Riddle and Silver. “A good thirty minutes will do.”
“Hm,” Riddle leaned his head against the bark. “The next judges are Jamil, Vil and Malleus…They’re the hardest trio to please.” Silver grimaced, first a dream that bore into his heart then having to face Malleus? Talk about bad timing. “What are we cooking this time?” Silver asks.
“Beef stew.”
There was a grimacing from both of them and Silver pushed himself off the ground. “The sooner we finish this, the better.” Offering his hand to Riddle, he pulled his classmate from the grass. “Please don’t hesitate to tell me when I’m dozing off this time.” The redhead let out a small laugh, remembering the moment Silver fell asleep while stirring some ingredients. “I will.”
The two walked back to the kitchen sharing a brief silence together, “Do you…” Silver began. “Do you often doubt your abilities?” Riddle tilted his head before Silver explained once more. “What I mean is that you question if you’re really as strong as people say you are…Or something like that.”
“I do. Many times.” Their walk slowed and Riddle looks at his pen, its pristine gem clear and pure of the ink that once dwelled within it. “Even after I became the dorm leader, I always do. My magic cancels out others, yes, people often think that my magic is the strongest they’ve seen but in reality, it’s rigid and stiff and above all, conditional.”
There was a look of remembrance in his face and Riddle sighed, pocketing his pen neatly onto his uniform. “People like Leona, Azul and all others after me hold magic far greater than what I can ever hope to achieve. I have moments when I think of myself as not being strong enough, being bitter about what I can’t do.”
Silver sighs, perhaps he shouldn’t have asked but seeing Riddle suddenly smile made him pause. “But that also means that even I have a long way to go in perfecting my magic.”
“And what better way to improve than by improving one’s talent in cooking?” Riddle’s smile was sweet and Silver couldn’t help but return it. “That’s right.”
“Ah, but…I should really get used to cutting onions.”
“You’ll get them right, eventually.”
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The three judges took their seats. Silver closed his eyes, holding the meat tenderizer tightly in his hand. The presence of someone he wanted to impress wasn’t doing wonders for his insides.
Vil pulled him seat closer, eyeing Riddle with a smirk. He had been a judge in the past along with Jamil. “We’ll be in your care.” Vil says. “As far as charred remains go, I expect a lovely dish. Perhaps control the fire you use this time.” There was a noise of embarrassment and Riddle pouted. “I…I have improved my craft with Silver,” His goes back to his dignified pose, of that of a king, “I will not serve food that isn’t up to your standards.”
A huffing laughter and Vil leaned back on his seat. “Make my taste buds sing, Queen of Hearts.” Malleus regarded the two with a calculated gaze. “How is Silver in all this?” He asked his junior, Riddle had just taken out some garlic, onion and potatoes while Silver went to the back to prepare the meat, clearly not wanting to look but listening to Riddle’s criticisms.
“He has done well with a few close calls.” Riddle explained. “I cannot say for certain which of us is doing the best since I have resigned myself from that thinking. This event isn’t to see who cooks better but to teach those who want to know the craft.”
Malleus chuckles and Riddle lets him go on his way. “Then he is in good hands. I shall look forward to your creations, Rosehearts, Silver.”
Jamil looked to his side, eyes wide suddenly. “I didn’t you were coming along, prefect.” You came in with a camera and some notepads in your hands, it was clear that you rushed your way to the building. “I have to record this moment for the school newspaper.”
You waved at Silver and gave you a smile in return. While your appearance in Night Raven was sudden, you and Silver had grown close quickly and often joining each other for lunch or spending time together after school. Your presence was calming him but also an indicator that he should do well.
“Just act like I’m not here.” You ready your camera and took a shot.
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Jamil’s eyes looked at how they worked through the kitchen, so far so good in terms of food prep. Riddle was meticulous with handling the knife…Though he needed some time to perfect cutting onions without crying. He can’t blame him, he had the same problem when he was starting out. The meat tenderizer hit the raw meat a few times before being cut into small pieces.
Silver seemed to have prior knowledge to cooking and he was faring out better than Riddle. The smell of garlic, onion, carrots and potato mixed together perfectly. So far, so good. It wasn’t long for you to kneel beside him to take a picture of the cooking area from a different angle. “I think they’re doing well. No bad fires or anything!” You whispered to Jamil and he only shrugged his shoulders.
“Indeed.” Jamil leaned back on his seat. “Silver and you hang out together often, correct?”
“Yup, during lunch times mostly.”
Jamil nodded his head. “Then you’ll be able to see what I’m seeing in a clearer light.” A wave of confusion washes over you and you look onto Silver without the eyes of a photographer. His eyes determined yet his shoulders tight and rigid, those shaking hands handling equipment flimsily.
“It’s only proper that you put good posture into everything you do,” Jamil lectured. “In cooking it is a necessity, no less. And while I understand he wants to do his best given the leader of his dorm will be a judge …” He placed a hand on his chin in thought.
“You think this behavior runs deeper, is that it?”
Jamil smiled at you, shrugging his shoulders. You set your camera on the table, letting your knees rest. “Silver doesn’t talk much about his dorm.” You explain. “He feels that he doesn’t need to…But out of the group he’s always with, he tries the hardest.”
Silver sets the meat and cut vegetables into a pressure cooker. “The hardest?” You look down at your feet, your memories filing to the days he chose to be vulnerable around you. It was under one of the apple trees.
“When you’re different, you do what it takes to belong. While I have been reminded time and time again that it isn’t needed…” His eyes are downcast, staring into nothing; a big sigh lets his shoulders grow and recede. “It’s harder to keep trying when the difference is so obvious.”
Jamil is silent and so were you. The pressure cooker had been set and the waiting game began, Riddle was quick to shake Silver out of what might have been a sleeping spell. “Silver’s strength is immense and his skills make him almost a danger to those who try threaten the people he loves,”
“I just wish he wouldn’t be so hard on himself.” The camera was pulled to your chest, you expression worrisome.
Jamil looks down, almost feeling guilty for prying. “I’m sorry I asked.”
“You didn’t know.” You reassured him.
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The judging round was tense for both Silver and Riddle, the three students in front of them had the most refined palates in the entire school. The plates were shaking in their hands, Riddle handing one plate to Jamil then to Vil and leaving Silver to Malleus.
The flash of the camera made everything hazy, suddenly the sound of silence was too deafening. The plate rattled in his grip.
He needed to do well. He must do everything well.
He closed his eyes and breathing deeply. There was anticipation and then concern as he tittered over.
The light headedness was gripping him and he was swaying, he couldn’t breathe properly.
The plate shatters when it slipped out of his hands and Silver goes down to the ground with a loud thud, a collective gasp runs silences the entire room. You and Riddle bolt, taking Silver up in your arms and pulled him up from the hot mess of ceramic and spilled food. He was blinking wildly, only coming into consciousness seconds later.
He sees the mess, he sees his own legs sprawled on the floor with his head reeling in confusion and fear. Then he looks up at Malleus whose green eyes bore an expression he couldn’t understand in all the panic that rose within him.
All the words said to him were things he couldn’t hear in the strong beat that rattled in his ears. Malleus blinked, a hand reaching out to him with lips speaking but couldn’t be head. “Silver, are you—?” Silver gets up and immediately runs out of the building, pushing you and Riddle aside.  
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“He’s not answering his phone.” You say, pulling the receiver off your ear. The mess had already been cleaned and destroyed plate disposed of. Malleus stood beside you, holding the last shard of broke plate carefully in his hands.
“Please give me the shard. I’ll take care of it—.” Riddle offered his hand but was met with only a question in return. “Tell me, Silver has been practicing with you this whole time.” The redhead faltered and his hand went limp on his side. “Has he said anything to you, anything at all?”
Riddle was silent, his head hung in thought. “All he ever told me was all about cooking but…He did ask me one question about doubting yourself..” Malleus blinks then sets the shard down on the table behind him.
You set your phone back and Malleus closed his eyes. “I see.”
Pocketing your phone, you give your camera to Riddle. “I’ll go look for him.”
“I’m coming too.”
Jamil walked to your side but before you could deny his request, he gave a sympathetic smile. “Consider it my apology for prying.”
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“Silver, what is this?”
Lilia had come in at such a bad time, the stew he was trying to cook had burned in his sleep. With a flick of his wrist and snap of his fingers, the fire has disappeared into a pillar of smoke. The stew was a murky black and it smelled of charred remains.
“Papa, I—!”
Dread filled his soul, Lilia had approached the cauldron to lean down and scoop a spoonful of ruined stew and ate it in one bite.
“It’s good.”
Silver didn’t flinch when Lilia’s hand set itself on his head. “Needs a bit more salt but it’s good. You’d make a good chef one day.”
“You didn’t have to lie to me.”
Silver’s hat had been discarded and so was the meat tenderizer, the tall boy huddled between the large roots of an old tree with hands around his shoulders and legs to his chest. He closed his eyes, remembering Lilia’s smiling face as he pat his head and assuring him whatever he makes tasted good.
And yet…
His body calmed, limbs relaxed and eyes hollow. The winds blew the trees, the wood irked and the leaves hissed like rain. He blew it. He totally blew it. Everything he had been doing up until that point was perfect and thanks to Riddle he didn’t fall asleep even once.
That was until he had to present his work to the judges. Malleus was a prince, after all, it was expected that he would be served nothing less than perfection. What he did was an absolute embarrassment to him and as the appointed knight to the royal family.
“Raise your head a little higher, strengthen your grip on the sword. Yes, very good.” The young boy’s hand was adjusted, the heir apparent holding it gently with his long fingers against his wrist. “This part, your wrist, is the most valuable part in handling a blade.” Malleus’ smile betrayed his concern for him. “So take care of it for me, alright?”
Even in his youth, Malleus was so careful with him as if he were an extremely delicate porcelain doll.
“Lilia told me you had come down with a bad case of the stomach bug. Honestly, what were they thinking feeding you such a meal?” Malleus’ hand would come to feel his forehead. “I’ll have the palace healer bring you some brews to ease your stomach pain.” The prince brushed some hair off his sweating face. “Rest, Silver.”
What was the point of being a knight if all he ever did was stay behind at his orders?
“You have to stay here and protect Sebek.” Beyond the castle walls, Silver could hear the roars of invading beast of the night and corrupted village people. Malleus held the boy’s shoulders while Silver pulled at his robes. “I can’t let any one of you get hurt. No one should.”
All he ever wanted…
“Silver,” Malleus would call for him.
Was to be next to him.
His hand would come up as it always did, his fingers ready to run through his hair. “Silver,” He’d call out to him.
That’s all he ever wanted.
“Found you.”
His eyes opened, your hand resting on his shoulder. The wind blew and making your hair fly, framing your face as you smiled at him. “You…” He turned his head when Jamil made his presence known
. “I didn’t expect you to choose the forest as a hiding place. It took us a while to pinpoint where you were.” Your hand left his shoulder and you sat in front of him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
The wind blew again, the warming breeze provided him time to think things through. “All my life it’s been that way.” He buries his nose onto his knees. “I don’t want to stand behind someone forever.”
“Then don’t.”
Jamil kneels down next to you Silver’s stunned silence made him look away from a moment, flushed embarrassment on his cheeks. “W-what I mean is…If you don’t like the position you’re in then you have to move. It’s a hard process but the first step matters the most.”
“I don’t know—.”
“Uncertainty comes with it, if that what you’re asking.” The boy shrugged his shoulders. “There’s no going around it.”
“Malleus was upset when you left suddenly. I think its best you talk to him, let him know you’re alright.” Your smile had become a calming factor for Silver and soon the cold grip on his insides loosened. “Can I make the beef stew again? I think I got it right this time.”
“Ah but I’ll need some help.”
You giggle, waving your hands and waggling your fingers. “You’ve got four hands readily available.”
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Malleus had walked the campus to every corner he could and not once did he see the familiar mop of messy white hair in the sea of people. The prince sighed, looking down at the shard of ceramic plate tucked in his hand.
“Sebek.” He called for the guard who straightened up too much. “You’re dismissed, I can handle this on my own.”
“But Master—.”
He folded his hands over his chest, the arching brows giving the younger guard the entire message in one go. He reluctantly bowed his head, “Understood.” And left for another route but not without turning his head to Malleus one last time.
Now that he was alone, Malleus let out another sigh. As years go by, his heart becomes no stranger to loss but time did not ease the pain no matter how long or how distant the memories were. Raising Silver brought on emotions he did not expect to feel in a very long time, this human boy once so fragile and small grew to be one of the greatest guards he could ever hope to raise.
And it all happened too fast.
It made him protective, even hesitant to let Silver into any harm even if he was raised to be his guard.
“Silver, come here.”
A young boy held his robes over his knees, the sore wound red after tripping over sharp rocks. Malleus’ hand hovered over his wound, healing it shut but the pain still remained. It wouldn’t be long until Silver was taken into his arms and resting against his shoulder that his heart felt a sudden warmth, contentedness.
Lilia smiled at him where he stood and turned to leave, giving them privacy. The young boy’s small hands held Malleus’ robes into his palms with a sigh and the prince stroked his back. The warmth in his heart never stopped no matter how many years hand passed.
Yet the bitterness of lost time always found its way back.
“Silver.” The piece of plate in his glove suddenly felt more sentimental than once perceived.
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“Please let us cook again.” All of you had bowed your heads in front of the ghost who was getting ready to leave for the afterlife. “Ah but—.”
“Please, I won’t fall asleep this time…Or break a plate…Or burn myself…Or—.” Silver was promptly stopped at the ghost’s laughter. “I understand, I’m in no hurry to leave but since this request is so sudden, I’ll have to relegate all the cleaning to you. It’s only fair.”
You, Jamil and Silver smiled together and the ghost only felt warmth at the spry young people in front of him. “Riddle.” He turned to the redhead. “Please show them where the meat is being stored.”
“Of course. This way, all of you.”
“We’re gonna cook, we’re gonna cook!!!” You say, pushing Silver’s shoulders as you walked to the freezer.
“They’re a bit too excited, aren’t they?” Riddle asked Jamil who only shrugged his shoulders.
“That’s just who they are.”
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The comfortable silence was long and the students were cutting up their greens just as the meat seared in the pan. “Back home, my grandma taught me all the recipes I needed to know to keep the family going.” You’d explain, peeling the potato perfectly and handing it to Riddle to be cut. “Once a month, we’d have a big get-together and cook our favorite foods and eat it.”
Silver set aside the chopped onion, washing his hands knowing what happened to Riddle when he didn’t. The meat was taken and in came the vegetables into the pot. “Okay, we should stir fry the vegetables for a moment and let it cook.” Riddle says, tipping his toes to look into the pot.
“I’ve mostly cooked for necessity.” Jamil explained, leaning against the sink with a smirk. “But I can see the charm of being able to cook with or without help. It’s calming.”
Riddle sighs and begins to add water into the pot along with the meat and seasoning. “It was only recently that I started cooking, can’t say that it’s fun but the end result is rewarding. I want to perfect my skill as much as possible. I can’t always rely on others or on magic all my life.”
“What about you, Silver?” You ask, moving to cover the pot to let everything simmer.
“…My father’s cooking is not very good.”
There was collective sigh of understanding, you pat his back knowing he went seventeen years of this. “But he tries very hard,” He explains further. “More than anyone else in the Valley of Thorns. He’d cook for everyone he took care of despite the packed schedule he has.”
He remembers Lilia slaving away over a cauldron one night all those years ago, plates of mushrooms and prepared rice around him and a cookbook floating overhead. His fingers were bandaged and eyes trained to the book. Mushroom Risotto. Silver’s favorite dish.
“While I do want to cook for myself, I also want my father to enjoy tasty meals whenever he can. It’s only right that he does.” You smile, leaning your head against his shoulder while your hand rub the other one. “You’re a sweet person, Silver.”
“I’m just doing the right thing.” He reasoned.
“And that’s the sweetest thing anyone can do.”
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Silver wasn’t telling the entire truth, he shamefully admitted to himself. While his father, his family, meant so much to him; you had a special place in his heart. The way you spoke to him, the way your presence soothed him, everything about you was something he cherished.
Just seeing you smile was enough to last him the day.
While he wanted his father to enjoy yummy meals by his son, he also wanted you to smile with each bite.
But he can’t say that, no, he shouldn’t. It would ruin the surprise and bitter the meal.
“It should be ready.” Riddle says, placing a protective cloth over the lid and pulling it open. Silver could not hide his smile when you let out a sound of amazement, the smell of cooked beef and the spices made your mouth water.
“I wanna try a bite.” You say but Jamil had to pull you away. “Let it cool,” He says like a tired older brother. “You’re going to burn your tongue.”
“But I wanna taste!”
Riddle sighs, shaking his head. “Let us at least plate it and have it judged.”
Your whining voice was met with a pat on the head and the food was whisked away to be plated and presented to the Jamil and then you. Silver’s huffed when you let out a sigh of delight when they delicious looking food was set in front of you.
“Dig in, both of you.” Riddle said. “Tell me what you think.”
Utensils brushed against each other and the anticipation built up when you and Jamil took a bite. You squealed at the taste, tiny jumps on your feet when the flavor exploded in your mouth. “It’s good!” You exclaim. “The balance is just right and the meat is so tender.”
Jamil nods his head, taking in another bite of the stew. “It’s good, you need to be careful with how you handle your seasonings next time. Too much of anything can ruin the dish but your method of tenderizing the meat is good and your vegetables are cooked and stewed perfectly. Good work.”
Riddle and Silver smiled to themselves, their chests beaming with pride at a job well done. You move forward, bringing your spoon to Silver’s lips. “Say ah!” You say and his cheeks go pink, you were too close and by the seven, you looked so cute.
The spoon went into his mouth with a surprised expression, the taste of meat and the knowledge that spoon was used by you before him made his heart flutter. An indirect kiss. He chewed, his hand over his lips. “It’s yummy right? You cook really well.”
Your smile melted his heart, his shoulders hunching over and lips pursed. “Thank you. If you’d like, I can try other recipes for you.” He offered and you gleefully nodded your head and holding your hands to his. “Yes, yes! I’d absolutely love that.”
Jamil leaned over to Riddle, whispering “Smooth.”
The dorm leader chuckled. “Indeed.”
Silver stood next to you, speaking about the food you ate and sharing in the sweet clarity of a wish he didn’t know came true.
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The ghost floated afar, settling just under the tree with Malleus by his side. The two watched the youth eating their creations in the kitchen, being merry and experimenting, discussing and playful. Silver’s smile was soft compared to yours but the playful personality of a young boy growing was still there.
The ceramic shard sat inside the hold of the heir apparent, the green eyes seeing world after world basking in the new reality of one he had held so dear. “He’s grown, hasn’t he?” he asked the ghost. “He has, indeed.”
You hugged Silver’s arm laughing, Malleus’ heart beating slow in tenderness for the smiling boy who stood beside you.
“To think he had troubles holding up your hammer all those years ago.”
The ghost laughed, bringing his hands behind his back. “It had been that long, hasn’t it, your majesty?”
Silver stood next to you, his wish finally fulfilled.
“Long enough to for time to pass by like in a blink of an eye.”
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